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Mon, 03/12/2007 - 17:33 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Hally: Zuzana and Anna are not porn models; just nude models. Fat was “in” in the ancient world? You will generally not see overweight women among Greek sculptures and figures from ancient Egypt. Most female figurines from Neolithic Europe depict normal body fat levels, too.

Zuzana and Anna are not “fat cows” by a long shot unless you are referring to the preferences of gay fashion designers, and where do you see cellulite on them? There are also plenty of feminine and attractive women shown within this site without anything approaching “huge pendulous utters,” but they will not be used for lingerie modeling by Victoria’s Secret, let alone high-fashion modeling.

Your perception is seriously warped if you believe that nine-tenths of the population would prefer manly fashion models to feminine and attractive women. Given the prominence of fashion models and the obliviousness of many men to posing tricks, airbrushing and implants, it should not be surprising if some “sexy fashion models” end up well-ranked among Men’s magazines, but have them go through the Victoria’s Secret entries here as well as the rest of the site, and see how many lifetime-exclusive heterosexual men still have a favorable opinion of “sexy fashion models.”

Speaking of symmetry, there is nothing starkly distorted/asymmetrical about Zuzana or Anna. No rule says that masculinized women are more symmetrical.

Of course, there are plenty of non-gay designers, but it is the gays that dominate the top ranks and thereby set up the status quo, which others have to comply with. If gays dominate, then given the high desirability of designer clothing, they can easily get away with using models that people generally do not prefer; their sales would not suffer anymore than the use of unattractive women to sell soap will make people reduce their use of soap.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 16:56 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Davo: You think Grace has an unhealthy body weight, that she is too fat? If so, then this is craziness. Grace would be too fat from the perspective of gay fashion designers because her curves, in part, prevent her from looking like a boy in his early adolescence, but normal people should not find Grace fat.

This entry is not about expecting Gisele to have feminine curves, but pointing out that she is inappropriate for lingerie modeling. I don’t think that a million women have a breast/nose job in a year, but Gisele’s having undergone cosmetic procedures needs to be pointed out because these procedures have made her more feminine-looking (yet the woman is far from being describable as feminine).

Within this site, there are numerous examples of more feminine and thereby less angular faces photographing well. Masculinization is not synonymous with angularization, i.e., it would be easy to find angular faces that look more feminine than Gisele’s (example). Besides, in lingerie modeling, the focus is not on the face.

Just because Victoria’s Secret uses a feminine model here and there does not mean that it does not look like it is using a lot of male-to-female transsexuals in its lingerie show. And no, Tyra Banks is not feminine; she got breast implants at some point; and there is more to her looks (example) that is best addressed in a separate entry.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 16:21 Erik Masculinized women among Miss USA 2007 contestants

Brenda: You are right that answers to questions count. However, all the participants are state-level champs, i.e., they can provide decent answers. If Ms. Melomud were outcompeted by, say, one of the three women shown immediately above her because of how well she answers questions, it would not be much of a problem, but to see a masculinized woman outcompete a feminine one would be outrageous. On the other hand, the organizers of the pageant know that they need to throw in a few feminine women and occasionally let some win in order to maintain public interest. Since last year’s winner, Tara Conner, happens to be masculine, and the one before her, Chelsey Cooley, not feminine either, there is a chance that this year’s winner may be feminine.

Kristin: Samantha Johnson has an obviously manly face. It looks like she has prominent breasts, and although I have not seen her physique, it is unlikely that it is feminine. I can understand someone like Samantha attracting attention at a party. I would myself be staring at her, but then if one attends a general social gathering and comes across a long-haired man(?) with female breasts, dressed in women’s clothing, then it would be difficult to not stare at least initially.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 15:57 Erik Natalia Vodianova’s disordered eating, and Elle “The Body” MacPherson cannot find a man!

Kristin: What personal attack? Pointing out Elle’s masculinized physique, as evident from her pictures, is not a personal attack. As far as what is going on in her life, the only thing mentioned is what she has admitted herself. Additionally, Elle’s statement is not used to prove anything, but to make an educated guess as to the possible reason for her problem. Once again, if fashion models have hot bodies and “The Body” has a difficult time getting age-appropriate men interested in her, then this issue needs to be discussed as far as this site is concerned.

Why bring Oprah into the picture? She is not a fashion model. In the article, Natalia’s problems are identified around age 19, i.e., not too old by high-fashion model standards, and regardless of the propriety of her attempting to be sufficiently skinny after giving birth, the fact remains, and I have pointed it out previously, that whereas the fashion industry did not force her to do fashion modeling, the industry pressured her to comply with skinny norms in order to model and deserves blame for this.

Kate: You do see plenty of masculinized women with effeminate men, but what is the reason for this? If there is a tendency for normal-to-masculine men to disproportionately pair with normal-to-feminine women, then masculinized women will be found to disproportionately pair with effeminate men because of limited choice. This is not to say that the latter pairings are never primarily preferred on the part of one or both individuals in a masculinized woman-effeminate man pair. There is an optimal level of masculinization that heterosexual women prefer in a man, i.e., men with lower or greater masculinization than the optimum would be less desirable. The optimum range may be less masculine for some women than others. It has been shown that women who rate their attractiveness higher than other women, and are presumably more feminine-looking on average, prefer more masculine-looking men.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 13:19 Kristin The skinny on the general public vs. the fashion industry

maybe ana carolina reston. one point to add is she lost weight over her career. consequently, in the beginning she was bigger. ---but there is no high-fashion in uruguay. brazil hardly has any---- that is like saying there is high-fashion in tulsa. no go. also most successful runway models are 14-17. agencies scout them when they are 12. they discourage older models. why not actually contact and talk to various people in the industry---that would add meat to your posts.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 12:58 brenda The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

I wonder why Hally seems so angry. Is she one of those people whose figure is like that of a high fashion model? I don't think the perception of beauty in the female figure has evolved much, if it has indeed evolved. As presented in some pages in this site, there is overwhelming evidence that heterosexual men prefer more feminine figures - up to now; almost all of the heterosexual men I personally know most certainly do.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 08:23 samantha Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


As you address the bodys physical structure relating to femininity.What is your opinion of the ideas about the relationship of plumpness and fleshyness to feminity.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 08:18 samantha Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


Yes I am slender and would like to gain weight in order to look and also feel internally better. My question was if i gain alot of weight and most goes on the backs of my thighs and around the breast area but the waist area is not dramatically effected would this kind of weight gain change an hourglass apperance in any dramatic respect? would it look better? My waist at its slimest can be around 24 inches but at its normal is around 25 and as i gain weight especially in the abdominal area it can measure 26 inches and over.

Mon, 03/12/2007 - 05:30 Hally The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

You are all a bunch of mindless idiots. The definition of beauty has evolved with time. These porn models look more like paintings and sculptures you see from the ancient world when being fat was in. Well beauty just like everything else evolves to fit the current aesthetic. In modern times people obviously prefer a slender toned body as opposed to a lumpy one with huge pendulous utters. This you see is not the current aesthetic. No one wants to see a fat cow walking down the runway. The focus should be on the clothing not the cellulite. I guarantee you if you were to have a poll over who is more beautiful a Victoria's Secret model or a porn star 90% of the population would say the Victoria Secret model. If this were not true MEN'S magazines would'nt rate these women as the most beautiful in the world, which they are. One thing you all are forgetting to talk about is symmetry, supermodels are symmetrical and these women whom you all seem to think should be the models are asymmetrical and the very defintion of mediocrity. Their bodies are boring and unshapely and their faces are extremely common and lack luster. And by the way, there are MANY designers that are not gay males, I can name tons, yet you still have these so called "masculine" models on their runways. So quit diluting yourselves with ancient perceptions of beauty because things have changed. Also, these designers are all about money, if they thought that people looking at a fat woman would sell their clothing they would have them on their runway in 2 seconds. The point is NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THEM IN A FASHION OR LINGERIE show boincing down the runway like a bean bag. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!

Sun, 03/11/2007 - 17:20 davo The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

gisele is truly one of my favorite models. she just exudes a certain something, exotic-ness is the term i guess. i don't find her attractive because she is famous, but when i first saw her my mouth fell to the floor. i personally just find her striking.
about her body shape, wouldn't one (female) find it difficult to have more curves at such a small weight as gisele's? she's about 5'10 and 130 pounds. this is not to say that she's anorexic. according to a weight chart she can be classified as healthy. and besides, wouldn't we want people to be in a healthy weight range vs grace or fat women. that aside, how can one expect gisele to have a huge butt or boobs at her weight? its very rare, at least i don't know many women like this. woopdee do, she had a boob/nose job...what about the other million women that had the exact same thing done last year.
now about her face, its angular yes, and i agree with -R angular faces are more prefable in teh art world. they photograph better and are more striking. even in literature, angular faces are praised..take ayn rand's the fountainhead for example and the description of the protag, howard roark. that aside, i still find her facial structure very compelling and her face very beautiful and exoctic.
i don't think its a transsexual parade..i mean look at tyra banks, she had front and back and was pretty.
its okay gisele, i still find you very attractive

Sun, 03/11/2007 - 14:13 Erik The skinny on the general public vs. the fashion industry

Kristin: Luisel Ramos was doing D-rate shows in Uruguay? Luisel’s death occurred shortly after she stepped off the runway at a fashion show during Uruguay’s Fashion week in Montevideo, its capital and largest city. In other words, Luisel worked as a high-fashion model at the top level in Uruguay, i.e., was connected to high-fashion. She was prompted to become skinnier in order to make it big internationally. A top-ranked fashion show in Montevideo does not have the same prestige as its counterpart in Milan, but it is high-fashion nevertheless.

Ana Carolina Reston was signed up with Ford modeling agency and later Elite modeling agency in Brazil, modeled in many countries, and even modeled for Armani and Dior (evidence). If Armani turned her away for being too skinny, I have not been able to find this information, but the aforementioned link mentions fashion people calling her too fat, which was what prompted her dieting and subsequent death from malnutrition. If shortly before her death, she was horribly skinny and sickly-looking, even by the fashion industry’s standards, and unable to model, then the industry is still to blame for pressuring her to be skinnier when she weighed 8 stone, and doesn’t deserve any credit for turning away a sick-looking woman. Anyway, Ms. Reston was clearly connected to high-fashion, too.

Therefore, it is ludicrous for you to say that the dead models, i.e., Ramos and Reston, “are about as applicable as those in your ‘attractive women’ section.”

I have already mentioned that the BMI cutoff for underweight for a 16-year-old is about 17.5, and the corresponding weight thresholds would be about 7 pounds less in the table above. Still, since plenty of models are 18-plus, a general cutoff of 18.5 unless there is medical proof of health if the model has a lower BMI is reasonable, and if it sends just about every less-than-18 model to a doctor for a health examination, then this is something that should be done anyway.

Sun, 03/11/2007 - 12:56 Erik Welcome!

Kristin: You have left a similar comment elsewhere. The attractive African women you pointed out typically had substantial European admixture. None of the images shown are supposed to compare the attractiveness of ethnic groups, i.e., I do not have to base my selections on attractiveness. For instance, most of the European women shown in the section are not found in the attractive women section, and unattractive European women are shown, too. The context of the images is explained in the text, and the context may be pointing out striking differences. Also, the arguments are not based on pictures, but on the papers/numerical data cited; the pictures are merely used for illustrative purposes.

Sun, 03/11/2007 - 01:23 brenda Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

I do not know what Ms. S. Chase is fussing about. Miss Barbados is very, very blatantly masculine looking - there is no question about that.

Sun, 03/11/2007 - 00:43 brenda Facial masculinization in beauty pageant contestants: an example from the Miss Germany 2002 pageant

I agree that Kate Moss is sooo NOT attractive.

Sat, 03/10/2007 - 16:34 Kate Natalia Vodianova’s disordered eating, and Elle “The Body” MacPherson cannot find a man!

Is it true that masculine women attract effeminate men and vice versa?

Sat, 03/10/2007 - 11:29 Kristin Masculinized women among Miss USA 2007 contestants

samantha johnson is a friend of mine-- and she is closely assigned to the female sex when seen by other people--- maybe not you. she is of asian heritage so has stronger features(filipino, irish, black). she also has the most killer figure ---like ever. typically, she is the center of a party not because she is a n awesome dancer, etc, but because she is absolutely i think the general public would like her just a side note, her chest is REAL. it grew in over time like all the other girls.

Sat, 03/10/2007 - 08:57 brenda Masculinized women among Miss USA 2007 contestants

I do not necessarily think that Miss Anna Melomud should win. Miss Universe contestants are judged not just on feminine beauty but also on other aspects like how well they answer the questions the judges ask them.

Sat, 03/10/2007 - 03:00 Kristin Natalia Vodianova’s disordered eating, and Elle “The Body” MacPherson cannot find a man!

the comments seem to be a personal, somewhat snide attack. we do not know what is going on in else's life. that was merely a sound byte, which could be an inaccurate quote. to use one teeny clippet as proof is ridiculous.

as far as natalia-- oprah has to keep up a rigourous diet/exercise plan to stay asixe 8. that doesn't mean that size is unhealthy. runway models are usually adolescent women. as a mother--natalia was out of that demographic, so it was silly for her to keep trying.

Sat, 03/10/2007 - 02:56 Kristin The skinny on the general public vs. the fashion industry

ana carolina reston was turned away. the point was that many women are close to a size zero---cuz it isn't even that small. the average woman was a modern size zero, but was much shorter. secondly--- just because in mexico farmers fertilize the ground with human feces, doesn't mean the same thing is done in amsterdam---get the picture?? luisel doing some d-rate show in uruguay does not connect her to high-fashion . that term implies exclusivity and a certain aesthetic/professional standard not seen in the shows she was a part of. simply put not all fashion is high-fashion.

also, since the avg runway model is 16, wy not show bvmi recommendations for that age group vs adult females? there is evidence that is appropriate to your argument, but this isn't it. these models are about as applicable as those in your 'attractive women' section.

Sat, 03/10/2007 - 02:46 Kristin Welcome!

----thanks for pointing that out joe---- there are tons of attractive african models/actresses available by loking on those countries' sites---he has chosen to use unflattering pictures. by now erik---it is a choice, since you could easily fix it. i know sooo many african woman who are more appealing than the ones you pictured, that i am having a hard time figuring out what made them stand out to you.

Fri, 03/09/2007 - 18:27 Joe Welcome!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. And the Neutrogena,gym membership etc. line, I was being facetious.

Fri, 03/09/2007 - 18:05 Erik Welcome!

Joe: The images are not supposed to compare the attractiveness of ethnic groups; the pictures of nude European women are taken from low profile sources, i.e., airbrushing is most likely not a factor; none of the non-European women appear to be malnourished and most are in shape; there is one collage where buttocks protrusion is being addressed and some of the African women shown have excess abdominal fat, but overall shape/abdominal fat is not an issue in this collage; physically active indigenous people would not need a gym membership to be in shape; and there are also numerous recent pictures of non-European women shown from glamorous settings. Therefore, there is no bias with respect to the purpose of the section.

Fri, 03/09/2007 - 17:27 Joe Welcome!

I'm sorry but that page seemed racially biased. You have fit, modern day European women who judging from the pics their goal is to be physical appealing opposed to the indigenous women who besides a poor diet, more than likely don't have access to Neutrogena,a gym membership and a photoshop.

Fri, 03/09/2007 - 17:16 Erik Welcome!

Joe: If you are referring to the first page of the section addressing aesthetics in international beauty pageants, then no pictures on this page are taken from porn sites. There are some other pages within this section where a few images are taken from porn sites. The sourcing of the pictures is irrelevant. The first page features some images depicting extreme contrasts and it does not matter whether the pictures are recent or decades old since the type of people depicted are still around in plentiful numbers.

Fri, 03/09/2007 - 16:58 Joe Welcome!

Would the webmaster explain why the aesthetics page looked like it belong during the time of "Birth of Nation"? Why compare obvious pics from porn sites to old black and white photos of indigenous women. It seemed so...just not right.
