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Tue, 11/13/2007 - 02:55 Ahem Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

In reference to the post by Erik Holland on August 18, 2006 at 06:35 PM, you contradicted yourself.

First you said, "Both Jessica Alba and Adriana Lima have breast implants, Jessica’s being less obvious."

Then later on you commented below Adriana’s picture and said, "With a broad rib cage and naturally small breasts, Adriana’s physique does not approach a feminine, hourglass figure."

It seems that you can’t differentiate what’s real and fake. Don't base your opinion on speculation and say their breasts are fake.

Mon, 11/12/2007 - 20:22 Paul J. Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

" I think someone is coocoo for Cocoa Puffs. I assume you are probably in your mid-twenties to early forties. You are fat, pasty, unsahven, unkempt, unwashed and sit at your computer all day arrogantly judging perfectly healthy, normal, attractive human beings who actually have a life. Or you are a pidgeon chested, pasty, asthmatic geek. I stand by the pasty. I don’t think you get out much. You really need to get your dick wet. You give yourself away as being threatened by grown women who don’t look like Tinkerbell or Betty Boop, a childlike face on the body of a Russ Meyer girl. Your prefernces are really perfectly normal but you really shouldn’t expose your inadequacies by focusing on the physical traits of females that make your fragile manhood shrink up. It makes you sound like a nut job. Now please go out and get your sac stroked. You really need it."

Exactly. I'm sure he frequents hookers quite often. Who else would sleep with such a sad bastard. Could you imagine being in a relationship with this clown? He'd spend all hours of the night doing his "research" on Twisty's. Putting up a site judging women who would NEVER look in his direction unless he drugged them. You do enjoy drugging women, don't you Erik?

Mon, 11/12/2007 - 20:05 Jennifer Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

wow. what a nut job? Don't you honestly have anything better to do? What a pathetic moron you are.

Mon, 11/12/2007 - 12:25 Whipped Honey Guinevere: attractive slender nude

You are NOT "masculinized". Feminine means *characteristic of women* and Erik defines "feminine" as characteristics most women do not have; therefore Erik's definition of "feminine" is automatically invalid and contradictory. When Erik says "femininity", what he really means is exaggerated hormonal hyperfemininity that is ABNORMAL.

Disadvantages of Hormonal Hyperfemininity

1. Shortness
Early puberty/menstruation which causes stunted growth and short height. My hormones shut down my growth at slightly below average female height for an American woman, despite the genes from my masculine and taller than average male height father.
2. Weakness
Difficulty gaining and retaining muscle mass. Despite perfect health all my life my athletic ability is unimpressive.
3. Flabbiness/Lack of muscle tone
Difficulty maintaining even minimal bodily firmness. I would have to have a truly Spartan exercise regimen to be toned.
3. Fat
Very high estrogen causes very high adipose tissue production; the more estrogen, the easier it is to get fat and the harder it is to stay thin. Melisande, I guarantee I have to eat half as much and exercise twice as much as you do just to stay not even as thin as you are.
4. Low career success
Testosterone is a major stimulant of competitiveness and aggressiveness (it's the reason teenaged boys are so obsessed with winning at sports) so women with very low testosterone rarely succeed in high paying professional careers, unless they force themselves, as I have forced myself, to behave every day in a way that is truly unnatural for them.

Erik is out of touch with most heterosexual men

1. Studies of subjective reactions like aesthetic taste are notoriously easy to manipulate to produce whatever results the studier wants.
2. Preference is relative, not absolute; even men who do prefer hormonally hyperfeminine women often still find non-hyperfeminine women attractive.

Ask every straight guy you know what they think of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue models and you will see how PROFOUNDLY out of touch with most heterosexual men Erik is.

Sun, 11/11/2007 - 12:14 simon Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female


what do you think of marilyn monroes looks? is she overall feminine or masculine?

Sun, 11/11/2007 - 12:04 jon Height in women and its relation to femininity and attractiveness


If height has no relation to femeninity or masculinity and though femininity is a correlate of beauty, does height have any relationship to beauty i.e would you say it is a correlate of beauty?

Sat, 11/10/2007 - 10:36 DoesItMatter? Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Wow your site has some really scathing comments (and I'm not talking about the comments section).
Some opinions about the women in the pictures are catty at best.

As I guy all I can say is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But judging from your comments I'd say you really hate women, or at least really hate beautiful women.
I'd go so far as to point out that perhaps you should be on the FBI watch list for your obvious anger toward women.

And because I think you may just have a thing for skinny little girls...
you should check out this site:

Sat, 11/10/2007 - 06:33 Soy Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I have concluded the author of this site is pedo philish
often showing very young looking models(porn) AND DESCRIBING THEM AS 'CUTE"

Sat, 11/10/2007 - 04:19 Whipped Honey The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Erik's obsession with "femininity" blinds him to everything else

Erik is like a man who is so obsessed with blondes that he thinks almost any blonde is automatically more attractive than almost any brunette and he can't even tell when a blonde is unattractive.

Erik is so obsessed with "femininity" that he either cannot tell or does not care when a "feminine" woman has a face that is boring, plain or even homely. I see better faces than Zuzana Drabinova every time I go to the supermarket.

Karolina Kurkova's face, regardless of whether it is to your taste, is undeniably striking, memorable and almost perfectly symmetrical, while Zuzana Drabinova's face is ordinary, dull and forgettable.

I put the words "femininity" and "feminine" in quotation marks because the real meaning of these words is *characteristic of women*, and Erik defines "femininity" as characteristics most women do not have; therefore Erik's definition of "femininity" is automatically invalid.

Fri, 11/09/2007 - 15:42 Jon The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Whoever wrote this article is absolutely retarded. Stop trying to make your fat ass (and other fatties who visit this site) feel better about your fat, gross bodies. VS models are hot. They have beautiful faces and hot bodies. They are NEVER fat. Because that's gross. They're hot.

Eat a cupcake.

Fri, 11/09/2007 - 09:50 brenda Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Hey Melisande, I can see why Erik considers you masculinized but I think you really shouldn't mind that because he also considers you sexy and attractive, and I think most people would agree. Masculinized women are usually offended not by the remarks that they are masculinized, but by the implication that masculinized means unattractive. There is a correlation between feminine appearance and beauty in females, but that is not the case all the time and you are a very good example. Besides, your masculinization is just slight. Moreover, I know a lot of feminine looking women who look plain. What matters is that you are good looking. Heck, I know feminine looking women who'd kill to look like you!

Fri, 11/09/2007 - 08:46 Lena Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

and also what about my favourite Italian actress monica bellucci?do u think her face is feminine?

Fri, 11/09/2007 - 07:36 Der Wanderer 2-year roundup

My Beloved Daniellovichsteinganovichskayamanburgerberger :

You still don't get it, do you ?

I didn't come here to suck Erik's rooster.
I came here to be dialectically "pwned" by you -- yes, YOU.

Give me The Finger just one more time, please.


Thu, 11/08/2007 - 19:50 Danielle 2-year roundup

Der Arschloch, I see you are back to linking to sites instead of coming up your own insults again. Your last attempts to insult me were a pathetic failure but you keep coming back. Erik says he is not gay so your efforts to defend him probably aren't getting you anywhere. Please stop trying to insult people and go back to doing what you are really good at (sucking cock).

Thu, 11/08/2007 - 19:30 Melisande Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Non illagitamus carborundum. :-) I like that Thanks Steve! and yes, I was practically conned into doing the adult modeling, and very rarely did I truly enjoy a shoot. I feel most alive when I am with friends, when I am dancing, singing, or out in the natural world and not faking sexual excitement for the purpose of paying my bills because some old bastard is going to jack off to it. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and indeed, it seems the case.

Thu, 11/08/2007 - 08:54 Der Wanderer 2-year roundup


You’re insane.

Oh STFU, Hunnie Bunnie

It's called insanitiy chic

You're so passé ... it's pathetic.

Wed, 11/07/2007 - 05:14 Lena Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Hi Erik what do you think about the face and body of an Italian actress named melita toniolo. she has natural breast and round hips. do you think she's feminine or not all?

Wed, 11/07/2007 - 02:36 Whipped Honey Tyra Banks on honesty

Why Tyra Banks' breasts look different in different positions

Steve, the difference in Tyra Banks' breasts in your two photographs is caused not by breast implants but by the angle at which she is reclining.
In this photograph, Tyra's breasts are "flattened by gravity" because she is lying not on her back but on her left side, so gravity is pulling her breasts away from her rib cage.
In this photograph, Tyra's breasts are "hemispherical, similar to the shape it should be when she’s upright" because she is lying on her back propped up on her elbows, so gravity is pulling her breasts toward her rib cage. Natural breasts fluctuate in size with weight changes and fluctuate in position with back position changes, and the bigger they are, the bigger the fluctuations are.

Tyra Banks' body is 100% real.

As a naturally busty woman myself, I know everything there is to know about natural breast development and I ALWAYS spot implants.

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 23:10 Steve Guinevere: attractive slender nude


You are indeed very attractive. The most important reason I say that is for a part of your body not discussed here: your eyes. They convey a sense of enthusiastic joy of being alive. It is very appealing.

I'm old enough to remember the cold war. Whenever I saw pictures of eastern europeans, I was struck by the look of their eyes. They looked dead, like the pleasure of life had been beaten out of them. Even hockey players and sex stars, people who should have reason to enjoy life had this look. It was so common, I had assumed it was a slavic racial trait. That look disappeared with communism.

Your eyes look more alive in your non-nude pictures. Perhaps that is some reflection of what was happening in your life when the pictures were taken.

I feel for you, for some of the vicious comments you have suffered here. My advise is Non illigitamus carborundum (don't let the bastards grind you down).

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 20:35 Steve Tyra Banks on honesty

I'm with Erik on this. Here are two pictures of Tyra banks reclining. In the one image her breast is flattened by gravity. In the other, it is hemispherical, similar to the shape it should be when she's upright. These are before and after breast surgery.

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 16:56 emperorjvl Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

I can appreciate the difference - somewhat. It would be better if the "after" pictures also lacked makeup (obvious in 2nd pic series) and better hair (3rd). Also if they were the same size.

As to Kerr, Is she "white"? "Deformity" or not, she's pretty.

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 10:50 Whipped Honey Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?


Plastic surgeons define "deformity" as "anything we say it is to get people to pay to change it".

"the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPRS)... tried to explain to the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration]... "There is a substantial and enlarging body of medical information and opinion to the effect that these deformities ((small breasts)) are really a disease."
"Stamping Out A Dread Scourge" by Barbara Ehrenreich, Time magazine, June 24, 2001

Plastic surgeons call small breasts a "disease" despite the fact that small breasts are perfectly functional as mammaries and cause no health problems whatsoever. So it's no surprise that plastic surgeons call broad noses, broad nasal bases, narrow middle vaults and non-straight profiles "deformities".

Miranda Kerr looks BETTER with her natural, relatively wide nose than she would look with a surgically narrowed nose, and her narrow middle vault and slightly bumpy profile are beautiful.

Erik, I realize you are simply quoting plastic surgeons' terminology of "deformities" without calling these features deformities yourself; I am saying these features are not just not deformities but actually beautiful on the right face with the right matching features.

Natural great beauties who refused to change their "deformed" noses:
Uma Thurman
Vanessa Williams
Sophia Loren

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 09:15 brenda Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Yeah, I too think she has a broad nose, but why does it have to be considered a deformity? She may not have the best nose, but her nose definitely isn't ugly. Those surgeons...tsk, tsk.

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 08:27 Whipped Honey Tyra Banks on honesty


"Most people can see Tyra’s hair dye, but how many know about her major nose jobs/rhinoplasties?"

All Tyra Banks fans know about her nose jobs just as all Michelle Pfeiffer fans know about her nose jobs. Non-fans may not know because they don't bother to find out; the proof is easily available.

"If the Asian woman is mentally messed up, then what would you say about the mental health of Tyra Banks?"

Tyra Banks got nose jobs for a rational, pragmatic reason: career success as a model in a fashion world that would not have allowed her to succeed without her real nose. The Asian woman got eyelid surgery for an irrational, sick reason: obedience to the whims of the people who ridiculed her as a child. I believe both women looked better before their surgeries. I believe Tyra Banks would never have gotten her surgery if the fashion world had allowed her to succeed without it.

"You also missed her breast implants in the picture; here is some clarification."

Tyra Banks' breasts are real.
Erik, if your "clarification" photos which you claim prove Tyra Banks had breast implants had shown her full body rather than only from the chest up, you would see that the fluctuations in her breast size were caused WEIGHT FLUCTUATIONS.

Tyra Banks has stated that 98% of fashion models are or have been smokers; they use metabolism-raising nicotine to maintain their skinniness. Tyra is among the 2% of fashion models who have never been smokers, and she has never been anorexic, bulimic or a user of metabolism-raising narcotics such as speed or cocaine. She has said that early in her modelling career her agent gave her a list of designers with the heading "Will not use Tyra because of hips". Tyra is one of the curviest women ever to become of a supermodel (and I mean curves, not implants), and she has also been pressured to lose weight in order to get work. Tyra has smaller breasts when she is skinnier and bigger breasts when she is heavier. Tyra's breasts at their biggest still look 100% natural.

"My argument should be clear, namely that the physical attractiveness of different ethnic groups cannot be objectively compared."

How stupid do you think we are? How does pointing out that some nonwhite people get plastic surgery prove or even indicate that the attractiveness of different ethnic groups cannot be objectively compared, when plenty of white celebrities get plastic surgery too? Your official explanation of this blog entry is an obvious lie.

Tue, 11/06/2007 - 06:29 HughRistik Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

She does have a broad nose. In the first photo, she is quite attractive otherwise. In the second photo, she is more obviously masculinized. Her eyebrows are also very thick.
