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Fri, 10/26/2007 - 15:45 Harry Sexy ana-rexi mystery

@Danielle: I guess that makes all your comments just as useless as Erik'sd site?

Fri, 10/26/2007 - 15:34 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

anon, Doutzen Kroes would probably appeal to more "lifetime exclusive heterosexuals" than that Neville Longbottom look alike Erik compared her with.

I think Erik is afraid of dedicating one of his "transsexual parade" posts to her because even though he is mentally ill he knows that none of his fugbeasts can compare to her.

Fri, 10/26/2007 - 15:22 Danielle Sexy ana-rexi mystery

I think that most people would find her far too thin. Fashion designers don't care what most people think that's why Erik's site is useless.

Thu, 10/25/2007 - 17:44 f Melisande aka Guinevere

bitch has a diseased, sore-laden sexy!

Thu, 10/25/2007 - 17:38 haha Guinevere: attractive slender nude

whipped honey and danielle, you both rock for OWNING erik, he can't come up with any counter arguments because he knows he's beat. you two ROCK.

erik is so definitely a closeted homo, no straight man is this obsessed with the 'dubious and menacing' homosexuals threatening to take away all facets of femininity... give me a break.

come out of the closet, erik, you'll feel so much better!

where are your pics, by the by? i'd bet any amount of money that you're either a scrawny or greatly obese nerd with acne and a tiny prick.

Thu, 10/25/2007 - 17:25 a Discrimination against unattractive women

lol@you thinking your site will have any discernible effect on anything.

you're a total closet homo.

Thu, 10/25/2007 - 16:00 anon The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

this site is bullshit.
first of all, that's the worst pic of doutzen you could have possibly picked. secondly, i think YOU'RE the homo if you'd seriously rather do that fug creature on the right of that comparision. she's a dough-faced, nasty, down syndrome looking bitch. the girls you post as examples of "feminitty" are fat and out of shape, and their faces are not unique or beautiful... they're average bordering on ugly. not everyone wants huge udder like tits or mounds of fat on their women, many of us like toned and shapely girls who actually hit the gym and take care of their appearance.

until bitches like the ones you idolize are paid millions to be "boyish" in ads and runways, you can shut the fuck up.

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 22:55 HughRistik Sexy ana-rexi mystery

Is it really so hard to see that this woman is too skinny for the general public to find acceptable?

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 22:34 Danielle Sexy ana-rexi mystery

Wow Erik, you really are losing it. Your blog entries are getting more retarded every minute. You need to stop with the "funny posts". Its fairly obvious that humor is not your forte. i can tell that photoshop is not your forte either by looking at your "funny" picture of a "fashion designer's closet".

I'm sorry that you didn't like my blood gushing eye gifs on the Anna S. entry.

To make it up to you I will offer a token of peace.

I hope this mental illness problem of yours will get better soon :(

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 18:50 The Donald Melisande aka Guinevere

I would rather have sex with Erik than Melisande.

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 15:34 Whipped Honey Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

"Well, you said you get *aroused* with Zoophilic pr0n, so follow me and meet La Griffe du Lion"

Where did I say I get aroused by zoophilic porn? I never said that.

I said the women in Bailey's and Chivers' study got slightly aroused by primate porn, NOT zoophilic porn; meaning primates only with no humans. How they would have reacted to zoophilic porn IF they had seen it is a different issue; I do not know of any studies on that subject.

As to how I myself would have reacted had I been one of the women in that study, I cannot know for sure, but since all the heterosexual women in the study registered slight arousal, it is not unreasonable to think that my reaction would have been similar to the other women's.

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 15:20 Whipped Honey Guinevere: attractive slender nude

WHR (Waist-Hip Ratio): Erik, you are contradicting yourself

"I have never described women with a WHR of 0.71 as masculinized... Of course, a WHR of 0.71 is well within normal range and on the feminine side of the mean in the study sample."

Erik, you implied clearly that you regard a WHR as not feminine when you stated here:
"Given that a number of feminine women refuse to pose naked and that the selection of glamour models in some major outlets such as Playboy magazine has been influenced by the high status of high-fashion models, some authors(7) have pointed out that with an average waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) of 0.71, fashion models have an hourglass figure given that Playboy models have an average WHR of 0.68!"

You have stated explicitly that you regard most high fashion models as "masculinized" and now you claim that the high fashion model average WHR of 0.71 is "well within normal range and on the feminine side of the mean in the study sample". Come again? If you regard high fashion models' average WHR as "on the feminine side", then why do you call them "masculinized"? If you call high fashion models "masculinized" only because of other characteristics besides their "on the feminine side" WHR, then please be explicit about the fact that you regard the average high fashion model as having a feminine WHR.Y

You have stated explicitly that you regard most Playboy models as "masculinized", yet now you claim their average WHR is "on the feminine side"?

Erik, please make an explicit statement of exactly what range of WHR you consider "feminine". You keep talking out both sides of your mouth.

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 15:02 Whipped Honey Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Erik, how much do you actually know about the sex work industry?

"Heterosexual men pay to see strippers and adult actresses with sub-optimal femininity because there are not many feminine women doing these things."

Do you have any kind of evidence to back up your claim that there are not many "feminine" women working as strippers and adult actresses?

Are you judging purely on the basis of the most successful porn stars? Have you ever even done a random sampling of, say, one thousand porn films?

I have KNOWN porn stars, Erik, and the type you call "masculinized" are actually a minority; they become successful because many porn fans prefer them to the more "feminized" competition. I've lived in Los Angeles and known people who worked in the porn industry. What are your qualifications to make pronouncements on this topic?

I have also spent time quite recently in Houston, Texas, which is the strip club capital of America. The only kind of building Houston has more of than churches is strip clubs. Due to Texans' opposition to zoning ordinances, anyone who owns or rents property can set up a strip club anywere. So the stripper demographics cannot be attributed to any perceived monopoly. The strippers in Houston seem to be evenly split between those you call "masculinized" and those you call "feminine". And the men in the audience don't seem to give a damn either way.

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 02:59 Delia Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Well she sure better not pose for playboy, unless of course she provides a barf bag! LOL!

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 02:57 Bonnie Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I think these chicks on here are lesbo!They like gawking at others girls bodies!

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 02:54 Delia Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

She's ugly, but she sure is PROUD! Hahahahahaa!

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 02:52 bonnie Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

oh, the one at the top of the page? Yeh, 4 real. She is nasty looking, and her ass looks like a fat sows!Sueeeey! Hehehehehehe!

Wed, 10/24/2007 - 02:49 delia Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

WTF! This website is absurd! The naked girl is in bad need of some sun, and some lipo!

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 17:15 Danielle Melisande aka Guinevere

I still don't think Melisande is pretty and I apologized for insinuating that she had a sexually transmitted infection.

I don't think some pictures of her a witch costume or wearing glasses can be considered as examples of her scholarly side.

I don't think she is particularly photogenic.

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 17:11 Danielle Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

LOL! This is the most delusional post you have ever written. You are so pathetically naive! Models are not that important believe me. It would be better if you could come up with a vision that is somewhat grounded in reality but you are a body nazi so you can't see that what you are saying is ridiculous and that no one will entertain your nutty delusions.

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 16:19 Der Wanderer Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

> I’m female, and believe me, the ONLY way those physiological reactions occur is if I am aroused.

Oh STFU Whipped Phoney, ur 100% WRONG

And how did I come up with that percentage ?

Well, you said you get *aroused* with Zoophilic pr0n, so follow me and meet La Griffe du Lion

Nota Penis: Don't take the "standard deviation" stuff personally.
I'm not calling you a lesbian.

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 16:15 Not From Twisty's Anna S. from Hegre Art

Well at least she is better than sonia blake. Sonia is truely U.G.L.Y. I can't believe you ever found her attractive!

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 15:31 Not From Twisty's Gabrielle from MC nudes

^^ Or maybe not masculine, but it's at least a sign of greater robusticity of the facial bones surely, which I thought you said is 'unattractive'. Erik, if you don't think masculinization and greater maturity/robustness are the same thing (and I believe you said that they are not, it's just that women are pedomorphic on more factors), can you list the ways in which adult males tend to be more pedomorphic? I have never read ANYTHING about this, all the literature is more about how women are pedomorphic.

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 15:20 Not From Twisty's Gabrielle from MC nudes

Her bowed out zygomatic process...I thought you said that was a masculine trait, erik?

Tue, 10/23/2007 - 06:06 Erik Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Danielle: Your criticism is off topic. You bring in femininity when it isn’t an issue. Here, I am not trying to show a feminine contrast. Sexiness is more relevant, and you have acknowledged that Inguna Butane doesn’t have Melisande’s sexiness. You also asked how is anyone supposed to bring Melisande home to mama? This is irrelevant. Neither is dating a fashion model as opposed to a porn model relevant. By the way, Melisande told me that the porn she has done has been with a boyfriend, i.e., she isn’t a regular porn model.

In Melisande’s picture as a warrior and also many others, she is thinner than the usual Pania Rose.

A woman does not need to have breasts looking like bolted-on grapefruit halves for one to infer that she has breast implants. Heidi Klum has clearly had breast implants at some point. A slight paraphrase of a previously posted comment:


The comparison here shows an obvious example of breast implants. The body weights are not very different. The bra she is wearing on the right is small and no model/designer would be foolish enough to squeeze breasts so hard by using an ill-fitting bra such that the breasts end up looking squished and odd, especially if a woman has a decent bosom, and breasts naturally as big as shown on the right qualify as decent. The alternative explanation is the use of padded bras, but there is only so much padding you can add to the small top she is wearing. Her breasts look so odd in the right picture that there are two reasonable possibilities: implants or digital editing, but why would an artist do such a lame job at image editing? The picture on the left is a runway picture and the one on the right seems to a backstage picture or equivalent, i.e., neither picture has probably been airbrushed. The picture on the right is not recent. The page cited was posted on Nov. 5, 2004, and Heidi Klum had given birth to her first child on May of this year. In recent years her breasts have looked more natural than on the right picture (could be a more refined implant job), and it is safe to assume that the right picture predates her getting pregnant with her first child.

Another picture of note is this, which features a slender and masculine Heidi, in two poses, with large breasts (that do not look natural). The odds of this combination are low. If we were to assume that the breasts in this picture are natural, then the woman would have the genetics of preferentially depositing a great deal of her fat reserves in her breasts, and if such a woman were to gain weight, her breasts would become much more massive, but you don’t see these massive breasts in her heavier pictures. If we again assume photoshopping, then why didn’t the digital artist render the breasts more naturally?

In short, the assertion that Heidi Klum got breast implants at some point is well supported.

I posted more of Melisande’s pictures in a new entry.

Melisande You have asked why are you such an intriguing topic? There wouldn’t be much discussion on the pictures if you hadn’t left a comment to start with and if Danielle -- at her usual self -- hadn’t started trashing your looks. What I am intrigued by is that in spite of having legions of fans and being labeled attractive by me, your self-esteem is undermined by my describing you as somewhat masculinized! This makes me feel guilty, something that has been creeping up on me for some time. If I can have this effect on you, then what kind of effect am I having on many women who unlike you don’t have lots of fans/admirers? I have apologized to some masculinized women because they were really hurt by this site, and I have been sincere about the apologies. I don’t mean to hurt masculinized women; I have nothing against them, but cannot give up working toward altering the fashion world and beauty pageants as well as aiming toward at least one mainstream outlet for feminine beauty appreciation. This moral dilemma is not easily solvable, but I have to deal with it.

You don’t have a 12-year-old’s physique, boy or girl. In the nude pictures, your physique is of a slender woman anywhere in her late teens to early twenties.

Whipped honey: I have never described women with a WHR of 0.71 as masculinized. It is a misunderstanding on your part, which is explained in my reply to you in the comments on the article on Karl Lagerfeld that you have referenced. You also mistook a Gaussian distribution, described as normally distributed, for something within normal variation. Of course, a WHR of 0.71 is well within normal range and on the feminine side of the mean in the study sample.

Heterosexual men pay to see strippers and adult actresses with sub-optimal femininity because there are not many feminine women doing these things. Similarly, the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue has no competition for reasons already explained in the article that addresses it and hence many heterosexual men are going to purchase it. In controlled laboratory studies, the scenario is different since men are shown pictures of women ranging from feminine to masculine and asked to pick the most appealing ones. These studies show that whereas there isn't 100% agreement, most men (and also most women) prefer above average femininity in women. This is why I can write the article on the SI swimsuit issue that you find absurd.

I don’t experience anxiety related to homosexuality. This very entry belies your claim that I need women to be far more feminine than the mean because of “borderline hysterical homosexual anxiety.” If so, why would I be posting a picture of a woman with Melisande’s looks and calling her attractive? I am not trying to define sex appeal in terms of mathematical formulae. Some academic references are necessary to reduce charges of subjectivity directed toward me.
