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Sat, 05/26/2007 - 13:39 Erik The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

JJ: I would not bet on or invest in these lame pageants. Go to any University campus in the U.S. and you will find plenty of women much better looking than Ms. Conner, which should make any reasonable person wonder how a woman like her ended up participating in the Miss USA pageant in the first place. It is also fair to require beauty pageants to ban contestants with breast implants or other cosmetic surgeries, just as performance enhancing drugs are banned in the Olympics. How are things going to change unless, for starters, one points out, “look who has won!”?

Sat, 05/26/2007 - 13:33 Erik Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Anil: Nothing is wrong with Aishwarya Rai’s nose. Her nose is just an example of a common type of nose found in India, as talked about in the paper by Romo, Kwak and Sclafani.

Sat, 05/26/2007 - 13:23 Erik Abbie Gortsema

Abby Ku, Maddy Boylen/Goosey: Silly girls, no one here is calling Abbie ugly, is jealous of her or is hating her for any reason. Some have said that she is not attractive/pretty, which doesn't mean that she is ugly. I personally wish her the best of success in her modeling career. The point of posting her pictures is to show how a high-fashion model often looks like a boy in his early adolescence in spite of being taller than the typical boy in his early adolescence.

Abbie obviously has boyish looks. This doesn't make her ugly, but without boyish looks, there is no way she would be doing high-fashion modeling. Try to understand this before leaving a rant.

Sat, 05/26/2007 - 02:41 DAGraphix The importance of femininity to beauty in women

Would it be possible to post the entire series of female line-up photos? I have been searching for a photo study like this for an animation database. I found this on an image hunt.

Interesting site.

Fri, 05/25/2007 - 16:56 Goosey Abbie Gortsema

Yeah,I agree w/ Margaux.maddy and Abby Ku..... Abbie is sweet, she is like one of my good don't hate! ur just jealous cause u want a modeling contract like her.

Fri, 05/25/2007 - 15:34 maddy boylen Abbie Gortsema

YEAH ABBY Ku.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love both Abbie/y's with an insane passion and you're gorgeous Abbie! i know you'll make it big and in ten years ill be able to tell people that you are my best all of you buttfaces should just SHUT UP! cause you're all jealous!!!!!!!!

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 19:10 Abby Ku. Abbie Gortsema

okay you know what im sick of people giving abbie crap because you know you wanna be her because you know your ugly and shes gorgeous so you know what just stop being a loser and just tell her she beau-tiful cause well yea she is and yea you wanna be her once again and all of the people who say she is ugly well you know what you are....................................................A UNIBOOB!![: I LOVE YA ABBERZ!

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 12:15 Jump Welcome! Found it. "There are individual and cultural differences with respect to what one finds physically attractive, but these differences do not undermine broad agreement about what constitutes beauty. Some cultural/sub-cultural differences are almost certainly a result of genetic differences or mental illnesses, whereas some individual differences in aesthetic preferences are part of normal variation."

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 10:18 Jump Welcome!

Hi again, Erik. Found this spot after reading a little more and now have more questions...

You've stated that both heterosexual women and men find feminine beauty more appealing than otherwise -- that's not a direct quote because I can't find the page anymore. You've also stated that masculine women are so common in the fashion industry because homosexual fashion designers are attracted to teenage boys and thus recruit female models who look like boys. But if heterosexual women are attracted to men and masculine features, why do they not find highly masculine women more attractive as gay men do?

Also, I'd like to know if I've got some of your points straight. Your information on the beauty pageants pages says features that are further derived from those of our ancestors are perceived as more attractive, in women at least. And it also states that these highly derived features overlap with those of Europeans. So one Aboriginal Australian woman may look more attractive than another because she looks more... evolved? And because her features are more derived than the other's, they will look more European. Is my interpretation correct?

I'd be much obliged if you could help me to better understand your site. Thanks.

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 10:04 Jump Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Hey Erik,

"You ask me “how is that if an Asian woman gets double eyelid surgery, it’s because she want to look white”? Where have I implied the latter? I have implied that this surgery is often used to make one look less ethnic, but this does not mean that the woman is somehow trying to look white."

This quote confuses me a little and I was wondering if you could clear it up for me. According to Wikipedia, "An ethnic group or ethnicity is a population of human beings whose members identify with each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry." So how can someone aim to look less ethnic when everyone has an ethnicity?

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 05:43 anil Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

whats wrong with aishwarya rais nose?

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 02:43 jj The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

did you have money riding on this pageant or something? you have the most bitter, spiteful attitude i have ever seen. Tara is gorgeous, so man up and quit bitching like a 3 year old

Thu, 05/24/2007 - 00:57 alicia The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

for one thing lingerie models are not suppose to look like porn stars! and they aren't picked for what men find to be the most attractive or most sexual. WOMEN buy lingerie. models should be able to wear very little clothing and not look vulgar. i personally think that the models victoria's secret use are appropriate. with these girls everything is tight and in place and so it's not uncomfortable for women to look at. it's sexy without being graphic. if a woman is too soft, too "womanly" with very full breasts and bottom there is a limit to what they can wear without looking too revealing. when a woman is shaped like a victoia secret model she can wear pretty much nothing and it doesn't make anyone blush. i think that very voluptous woman are beautiful, but they are more problematic to photograph and they are going to look more sexually graphic which is not the point of a lingerie's to sell the lingerie to women! which victoria secret is very good at btw. beauty has to do with symmetry and all beautiful faces have that in common. the most attractive men have some feminine features and vice versa....woman come in all shapes and sizes, and most body types are attractive if they are healthy. so get over how women "should be". sexuality is not as black and white and you want it to be. zuzana is someone who i would not notice the lingerie on, and i wouldn't want to buy it because i see her wearing it, i see her and it makes me think of sex or porn(i'm not saying she doesn't have a nice body)..not "oh that would be cute on me" or "i could wear that for my boyfriend"...victoria's secret models sexuality is not overwhelming, intrusive or threatening...but they are still pleasant to look at. that's why they make sense.

Wed, 05/23/2007 - 20:40 Melisande Guinevere: attractive slender nude

dammit...the skinny topic again. BTW, although no one has brought it up, contrary to popular belief, I do not have an eating disorder, nor do I do drugs. I'm am one of the unfortunate girls who will probably always have a body like a 12 year old. If anyone has any tips on gaining weight/muscle for girls, feel free to share...I seem to find it impossible...and I'm sick of being called anorexic, or a druggie, it's annoying, and depressing to say the least. And a huge thnks to the pple on this page for not going there btw :-)

Wed, 05/23/2007 - 13:09 pisham Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

BTW. the above post by Sandi is exactly what should happen. I hope you realize that what you are doing is not helping the world one bit.

Wed, 05/23/2007 - 13:01 pisham Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

not all men are like you, who think that "ordinary" women would not be popular or attractive to men. you are such an asshole. you act like women should be here for the pleasure of men. women are humans, they are not here to be pleasing to your eye, they are not here to cater to what you want. seriously do something better with your time than telling other people what you think should be attractive in women. what people find attractive is different everywhere and a very broad spectrum. you have no proof backing your "what most life-time exclusive heterosexual men find attractive" statement. i guarantee that most men don't agree on all the aspects of beauty. not only that you have no proof AT ALL backing the idea that most men find your type of women attractive. you simply state it, but it is purely made up.
your extent of criticism is sickening. it's bad enough women are portrayed as sex objects everywhere but here you are just reinforcing that. all these women are beautiful so stop insulting them. THEY ARE WOMEN and that makes them FEMININE.

Wed, 05/23/2007 - 02:35 to erik The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

sorry that site doesn't work. here you go:

image link

Wed, 05/23/2007 - 02:32 to erik The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Normal woman proportions

this is a really helpful website on women and how they should look.

Wed, 05/23/2007 - 00:03 pisham The importance of femininity to beauty in women

Erik, you are doing nothing but taking women backwards. Did you ever think that maybe a man LOVES his woman and doesn't care if her fucking ribs are small enough? or does it make him gay to be attracted to her based on her large ribs?
this is the most arbitrary conclusion ever.
Kyle Morgan is right. Beauty is opinion and personal preference. Just because a man likes athletic women does not make him gay or anything near it.
On top of that, 'feminine and attractive" is not definable. And just because women don't fit your specific type doesn't make them unnattractive. It sure as hell doesn't make them un-feminine either, cuz they're WOMEN. That's what women look like.

Tue, 05/22/2007 - 23:25 pisham The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I think you meant low "testosterone" levels in the post above. Androgen is what turns into Estrogen.
Anyway, it would be useful to know that its now always about what men want. Women models aren't here solely for man's pleasure. These models are advertising women's bathing suits. The only thing they are advertising to men unfortunately are their bodies- and you still beat them down. Here are these beautiful women and you go and say they look like men. Instead of advocating for something useful like self-esteem or portraying beauty for what it is- a broad and untamed spectrum- you insult women that are already "the best of the best". Women shouldn't have to feel bad about themselves because men say they should fit a certain image. They've been doing that for centuries too long. Beauty is ever changing.
Your website is only taking women backwards as you consistently reitterate how they should fit a certain image and be a certain opinion of aesthetically pleasing. Women are not here to please men. They are humans not commodities. They should not be the women you keep at home while you fantasize about your playboy/glamour shot girl or whatever you want to call them.
It'd be appreciated if you weren't so critical. All these women are gorgeous and many more in this world. If you critisize models this way, what do you say about other women on a daily basis? Do you critisize yourself this intensely?
Once again, women are not here for men's pleasure. They are human beings and should not be subservient to what men want.
You are just replacing a negative with a negative. (models shouldn't look this way- they should look this way). If you're going to put so much time into a website, why don't you make one that tries to change the world for the better? Instead of bitching about how the popular models in magazines are "masculinized" and aren't pretty enough for you.

Mon, 05/21/2007 - 15:55 kate The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

It's hard to believe a 300 pound woman isn't writing this bullshit.

Mon, 05/21/2007 - 15:41 andy Estradiol and face shape in women

Im sorry Erik i know they are trivial points/questions however i did not realise that that there was a rule against it so thank you for pointing it out and i will try and email you with any further comments/questions if i have any. Obviously erik everything has its limits thats basic common sense so ofcourse if you take an average nose and make it larger then beyond a point it will look worse but thats not the point i was making, i was just generally stating that larger noses on faces look more attractive as they had character to the face ofcourse coupled with the rest of the right features otherwise a large nose can look worse. Anyway i do apologise erik for all the trivial comments ive posted on here and next time i'll try and come up with something more fanciful and to your taste. Hope the apology is accepted. Ciao!

Mon, 05/21/2007 - 12:34 brenda Welcome!

Actually, Erik, I agree with Riann on this. There is a better way to state facts. There is a way in which you can say those statements such that the blow is not as hard. I can imagine that statements such as these will surely hurt those women referred to as masculine:

"Sexy physique, isn't it?"

"Backside, where hast thou gone?"

"Behold the 'sexy' buttocks of Karolina Kurkova..."

"Sexiness personified!"

"Woman or man with breast implants?"

"This entry addresses Alessandra Ambrosio, yet again, but then I am a great fan of Alessandra and hope that she acknowledges my existence. She has twice deleted --at her fan forum -- links to pages within this site that pay a tribute to her beauty. How sad! Here is another tribute. Please Alessandra, don’t delete a link to this entry."

Maybe you can instead state things the way they are and without hints of sarcasm. You know, like instead of "Sexy physique, isn't it?" maybe you can say, "As you all can see, her physique is nowhere near the hourglass figure that lifetime exclusive heterosexual men prefer."

Mon, 05/21/2007 - 03:33 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Dr. Azzarolo: Gigi was more along the lines of a joke. I was picking on "Madeline." I am not fond of her face, either. The issue is lingerie modeling, i.e., face is not that important. Many of the glamour models that I have shown in this series are not in the attractive women section because their faces/bodies are not that great.

Marketa certainly looks more girly than a teenage Adriana. Veronika Zemanova doesn't have a great face, but her body is made for lingerie modeling!!! Zemanova did not even need breast implants, and here you have Adriana not able to look feminine in spite of breast implants. Anyway, there are a bunch of other Victoria's Secret models that I need to address, and I will try to come up with better comparisons.

Mon, 05/21/2007 - 03:21 Erik Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Sarah: Yes, I did write that...


...the ‘nice’ words you have been using are obviously not coming from a feminine woman who is pleased with this site

...which obviously means that I implied that you have not been pleased by this site...

...whereupon you responded by stating...


I’ve never stated that I was “pleased” with this site of yours...

...which is to say that you agree with my statement that you have not been pleased with this site...

...whereupon I said...


I never implied that you have been pleased by this site...

...and now you state that...


Yes, that is exactly what you said, and you’re just contradicting yourself by claiming you didn’t say it.

So do you see who is the lunatic with piss-poor language comprehension? I am guessing that English is your native language, and kudos to your language skills!

When you say that you didn’t “look through it,” the following act is completely compatible with your description, namely that you looked at site layout, who set it up and the url but did not read any of the arguments, which would be describable as not looking “at” the arguments.

The one egregiously foolish ignoramus here is you. You ask me “how is that if an Asian woman gets double eyelid surgery, it’s because she want to look white”? Where have I implied the latter? I have implied that this surgery is often used to make one look less ethnic, but this does not mean that the woman is somehow trying to look white.

Your stupidity is well-illustrated in the following chart

Aesthetic surgery among whites and Asians

So who needs to stop wallowing in feces and see the light of reason? It is the Asian women, not white women, who are gravitating toward looking less ethnic, which is not to say they are trying to look white or whiter. As I have explained elsewhere, there is a preference among humans to prefer somewhat more derived than average faces. This means that, especially pertaining to the mid-facial region, some Asian women will try to shift their features toward the more derived end of the scale, which is going to considerably overlap with Europeanization because Europeans facial norms are the overall most derived among humans. This should not be described as an attempt to look white or whiter, but just more derived than average.

Now, the upper eyelid is a different matter. It is presently difficult to address it in terms of being an ancestral or derived feature, and I don’t think it is an ancestral feature, but many double eyelid surgeries retain ethnic features. For instance, in the following example, the ethnic element has been largely removed.

double eyelid surgery in Asian woman

However, in the following two examples, some ethnic element is retained.

double eyelid surgery in Asian woman

double eyelid surgery in Asian woman

Therefore, only some double eyelid surgeries could be described as an attempt to look white or whiter, but in light of the above, the situation is best described in terms of looking less Asian. By the way, Ms. Johansson’s eyes do not look Asian in the pictures you posted.

Do you seriously believe that by posting the cut out of an apparently feminine woman you will convince me that it is you? Why in the world would a feminine woman be pissed at this site? What mainstream opportunities do feminine women have to come to the limelight? I am trying to create mainstream opportunities for feminine and attractive women, and they would be the last to be pissed at me. All appreciative emails that I have received from women come from women that are feminine-looking, as their pictures have shown, or they are inferred to be feminine because of their self-described looks or the content of their emails.

A young woman with your 30-23-31 and 90 pounds stats at 5-foot-1 would not necessarily need to be on drugs to achieve it; some people are just naturally slightly built. And no, a WHR of 0.75 does not necessarily suggest femininity. High-fashion models often have reported WHRs in the neighborhood of 0.70, yet you can see how feminine they usually look.

Spare me the trouble of banning you; just get lost.
