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Mon, 04/30/2007 - 03:52 You are an idiot The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

you guys are so pathetic.. those "feminine" people you picked all look weak.. just like those poor little kittens.. nothing special about their faces, no flavor.

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 23:45 matthewth Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female


The blog post and the comments are all plain text.
If you have trouble highlighting, then it is probably your browser or your operating system that are fucked up. Pardon my french.

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 23:18 matthewth More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

John: This is about non-heterosexual men using their power—like brand recognition or designer status—to impose ridiculous standards of feminine beauty.

If you didn't find at least some of the above Playboy models to be inappropriately butch, then you'll never understand this site.

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 15:33 dee Eva Herzigova

whoever who wrote this insane comparison is utterly CRAZY - and probably has som sick and unhealthy relationship towards women

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 11:01 andy Estradiol and face shape in women

eva mendes looks like a proper man

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 09:23 andy Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female


what do you think of cher the singer do you find her masuline or feminine?

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 05:34 Sarah Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Actually no, I still cannot quote passages. Anytime I click on any of the above buttons, nothing happens except the URL address changes into something else. Maybe I'm missing something.

Multiple Alias. AHAHAH good one, Erik! So you finally figured out that all the people that have commented and questioned you/disagreed with you were actually me! *rolls eyes* Don't you have an IP identifier? I'm not the only one that thinks you're full of shit, and you know it, so quit pretending.

A John is someone who requests services from prostitutes, so yes, you were implying I was one. Nice try, though.

When I was at a bar a few weeks ago, I actually did witness someone call another man a racial slur, and he got his ass kicked in seconds flat. The offender was actually more muscular than the black male, too, which goes to show muscularity doesn't necessarily equal strength.

The link you supplied had many "before" photos of Dawn that still looked almost exactly like she does now. There were only a few that were completely unlike her, and as I said, could've just been really bad angle shots or a totally different girl. I never completely ruled out the possibility that she has undergone surgery, but I highly doubt it since I don't see any differences between clear shots of her before photos and her recent phohtos, other than the awkardness of her smile before. I agree that she does look fake in many shots, but that has mostly to do with her sometimes wearing colored contacts and false eyelashes.

In my posting pictures of those in your attractive women section, I wasn't trying to prove a point other than the fact that these women are so desperately trying to look underage, which would support my previous claim that youthful looking girls are what men find attractive. As for me being envious of Sonia Blake, LOL you almost made me fall out of my chair. I actually didn't even look at her body shots, and was only talking about her hideous mug, but I can assure you that my very own hourglass figure outshines hers anyday, and even if my body wasn't so nice, I would still be more attractive than her considering the fact that my face doesn't resemble a cow's.

Where did you get that BS statistic that 20% of men aren't fully heterosexual? I'd like to see your evidence of that claim, please. As for Alessandra Ambrosio, I have come across plenty of candid pictures of her that were actually quite stunning, and if I find them again I'll be more than happy to post them. Also take note that Victoria's Secret is one of, if not THE most popular lingerie company in the U.S. They couldn't possibly sell as many of their products as they do if the general population believed their models to be unattractive. After all, advertisement is what draws customers in. As for other celebrities you have criticized before, such as Jessica Alba and Halle Berry... why do you think they're so famous? I certainly hope you don't believe it's because of their acting skills (or lack thereof.) Just because they have extremely SLIGHT masculine features, doesn't mean they are unattractive because I really doubt anyone gives a shit if their cheekbones are too high, or why ever the hell you think they're masculinized.

Brenda: Actually, I used to be roommates with a girl who was full Chinese and looked very much like Dawn, so it is possible and that is why I don't question Dawn having had surgery.

I did visit the link Erik posted and it still doesn't convince me that she has had work done. It doesn't even convince me that some of those pictures are actually HER. The date of one of the unflattering pictures is in the same time frame as another picture of her where she looked very much like she does now.

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 05:11 brenda Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Furthermore, you have failed to notice that Dawn Yang's eyes are unnaturally huge. Compare her apperance to those of the other attractive Asian women whose pictures you have posted.

Sun, 04/29/2007 - 04:49 brenda Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Hi Sarah! I'm Asian and I do confirm what Eric said about Dawn Yang: she's an outlier. She's not your typical Asian. Generally, East Asian women, the group where Dawn Yang belongs, do not have features like hers. East Asian women who have features similar to hers are either part Caucasian or are plastic surgery enhanced. I think you ignored Erik's evidence against Dawn Yang's alleged "natural" looks. Why don't you click that link?

I think you ignored the scientific evidences Erik posted about ethnicity and obesity as well.

Last one: don't you think that how soon Erik replies to your comments is irrelevant? It doesn't make your arguments more valid, nor does it ivalidate Erik's arguments and claims in this website.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 22:41 Erik Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Sarah: I have often taken days to respond to various comments because I am usually busy with a lot of things, but for the past two days I have been stuck before the computer trying to learn something, and hence have been able to respond promptly.

You can quote passages. Haven’t you noticed the formatting bar above the comments box? The quoted passage will be indented though not highlighted with a different background. This is a blog, not a forum with fancy formatting, and if it were a forum I don’t think you would be too eager to leave the comments you have left since you would have to register and not be able to use multiple aliases. If I were afraid of people quoting certain passages of mine, I wouldn’t write them in the first place.

I did not say that you are a prostitute. Since you mentioned personal “experience” I asked whether you have serviced thousands of Johns to come to the conclusion about ethnicity and endowment. Nothing in my reply to you can be taken as my disapproval of dating other ethnicities. I have never disputed that good looking and not-so-good-looking women are found in all ethnic groups.

Your one-on-one example still remains absurd and does not prove your assertion regarding masculinity. Do you seriously expect someone to use an ethnic slur against an individual who is bigger and stronger and thereby risk getting beaten up by this individual? The examples you have witnessed are criminal behaviors not provoked by the white men whom you have seen getting beaten up.

I have already cited massive photographic evidence for Dawn Yang being a product of extensive plastic surgery. The woman doesn’t look much like her unmodified former self because of the remarkable extent of her transformation, but go though the evidence carefully and you will recognize her early pictures. As far as others accusing the women in the attractive women section of having undergone plastic surgery goes, there have been rare comments regarding breast implants among some of the well-endowed ones, and if the implants are not obvious, then I have asked for evidence, which nobody has supplied.

You have said that most of the women in the attractive women section do not look of legal age. This is pure nonsense. The four women you cited as illustrative examples all look adult. Just because some of them have their hair in ponytails or one is sitting in front of a school bus doesn’t imply that there is anything about their physique or face that looks underage, unlike your example of Dawn Yang. Besides, I have planned on transferring the woman in front of the school bus to a different section of the site for quite a while. Sonia Blake (the pale-haired one) looks like a 10-year-old boy to you? I’d wager that you are jealous of her hourglass figure.

I don’t “bash” celebrities for their looks. If it is necessary to point out the masculinization among certain models or beauty pageant contestants, then I address it; other celebrities are addressed only in response to reader comments. You could not have failed to come across a straightforward explanation of the “popularity” of masculinized models like Alessandra Ambrosio within this site: the gay domination of the fashion business, airbrushing, posing tricks and the dearth of feminine beauty in the limelight for comparative purposes. Additionally, up to 20% of men are not lifetime-exclusive heterosexual. Wait till there is mainstream feminine beauty appreciation and then we shall see to what extent men obsess over Alessandra and the others you have named.

I appreciate your posting pictures of attractive Asian women. There are certainly plenty of feminine and attractive East Asian women who do not owe their beauty to cosmetic surgery; I have never implied otherwise. However, none of your pictures undermine the average differences that have been documented in the scientific literature cited above.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 21:35 Sarah Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Oh and look! More Asian women who only look this good because of plastic surgery! LOL

Geez they're so masculine! With their big ass faces, noses, and teeth! LOL

Okay I'm done Erik. It was really nice chatting with you. I'll stop posting "nonsense" now and let you get back to your oh so informative, educational website ahahah

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 21:35 Erik Masculinized women among Miss USA 2007 contestants

Sarah: Why you are you pissed by “bulls**it”? Shouldn’t most people see B.S. for what it is? Why don’t you set up a website to refute this site line by line and do a favor to the "dumb girls" who are mislead by this site? I’ll gladly link to it.

On the other hand, it should be clear that this site is not about how women are supposed to look like. It is about promoting feminine beauty in miscellaneous modeling scenarios and beauty pageants catering to the general public. I have already explained that this site is nowhere as bad as the fashion industry.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 21:28 Sarah Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

I just went through your attractive "women" section.

Are you telling me that these young women aren't trying to look like little girls? Look at the way they do their hair, pose, etc. The second one is posing in front of a damn SCHOOL bus. The one named Maria looks like she should be taking an Algebra class, not posing in the nude for sick men like you, and don't even get me started on the last one. If you really find her attractive, then that just speaks the truth on your tastes. She looks like a fat freckled 10 year old boy putting on his mother's wig. Oh right, and you don't find the likes of Dawn Yang attractive at all! LOL Erik you should really organize and be the judge of a beauty contest because you REALLY know what attractive is, don't you?

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 21:15 Sarah Masculinized women among Miss USA 2007 contestants

It SHOULD be obvious to others that your "informational" website is complete bullshit, but unfortunately, there are dumb little girls on here who actually take your ridiculous theories to heart. You attack fashion designers for promoting anorexia and other eating disorders, yet you're also promoting the idea that if a woman doesn't have big boobs, a tiny waist, round ass, and childish face, she is not feminine enough. You're just as bad as these fashion designers you look down on, if not worse.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 21:10 Sarah Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Hahaha. You posted within a little over three hours since my last response? Are you serious? Is your pastey ass glued to your seat at the computer or something? I'll say it again. Get a life.

Why did you make it so that I cannot highlight certain sentences? Are you afraid of people quoting you? As for your comment on me being a prostitute, I can't tell you how hard I laughed at that one. Way to make yourself sound like a 13 year old teenaged girl trying to think of a comeback. "Like OH EM GEE! You're such a total whore!" Ahahahaha.

Since I am only 23 years old, the idea of me having slept with over a thousand men is not only absurd but also disgusting. Where the hell did you get that idea, anyways? Just because you're a 50 year old virgin doesn't mean everyone else applies as total whores. It also seems to me that you have a problem with people dating others of different ethnicities, which only further supports Debra's claim that you're a wannabe Hitler (as much of a delusional asshole as Hitler was, he at least brainwashed millions of people to think like them; you're just an idiot who spews bullshit and everyone can see right through it.) I find people of every ethnicity to be beautiful, and some to be quite unattractive as well. There are good looking and ugly people of every ethnic background. Race doesn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to you, either. I really like your response to my perception of one-on-one fights, by the way. Criminal behavior? I'll tell you what's criminal behavior: a typical dumb white jock calling a black man at a bar a "nigger". Just because that black man then pounds the dumbass's face into the ground doesn't make him a criminal. If you don't want me resorting to stereotypes to point out that Asian women are the most feminine and black men are the most endowed, then YOU don't stereotype all black males who get into fights into the "criminal" profile, ok?

As for Dawn Yang having undergone plastic surgery - where is your proof? You have none. Funny that you accused her of having all this surgery done when before, others have accused some of your "attractive" women of having undergone surgery, you doubted it. Talk about BIAS opinions. You only believe what you want to believe about the women you defend (who are mostly average looking, anyways.) I have never come across photos of Dawn's "before" breasts anyways, so why would you speculate that she had hers enlarged? You're an idiot. Go play in traffic.

Whether or not the women on your site ARE of legal age, most of them don't look the part, and that is the case with Dawn as well. Your point is null and void. The photographs that she has on her own blog of her in the early 2000s still look very much like how she is today, and the ones on that other site you linked that don't look like her at all (2 or 3 of them) were probably just bad pictures taken at unflattering angles, etc. Also notice that those photographs were dated to be in early 2000s as well, which supports my claim that those couple unflattering photos were just bad pictures. Where is proof that those are actually HER, anyways? They look nothing like her now, or other pictures of her around the same time.

Dawn Yang is a celebrity, and so there are many photographs of her everywhere on the internet. Of course some will end up looking bad. As for your amateur pornstars, because they are not pretty enough to be actual stars, there are only a few pictures of them from just one photoshoot. The same applies to other celebrities you have bashed before, such as Alessandra Ambrosio, Adriana Lima, Jessica Alba, etc. It is only in your opinion that they are ugly, but to everyone else, they are beautiful enough to actually be well-known, unlike your homely amateur "models."

If you're so sure that everyone else finds them sooo unattractive, then tell me why men obsess over these beautiful women all the time? You can't actually believe that the men who find them attractive are not all completely heterosexual. That is the biggest joke I've ever heard.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 19:48 Erik Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Debra: Believe me, if Hitler were alive and learned about my background, he would be displeased. If you found something offensive, blame Ms. Manners, “Sarah,” for bringing in irrelevant topics that cannot be addressed in language that one would expect from the Dalai Lama.

Sarah: Please do not waste my time with useless comments. You asked for obesity statistics and I cited a whole bunch, only to see you argue that they prove absolutely nothing! What in the world? Systematic studies do not prove it, but your lame observations do? If you think the South is predominantly white, you likely have not traveled through Southern Florida; only parts of the South are predominantly white. Besides, as of 2005, some Northern states had a higher prevalence of obesity than Florida.

The average age of the women shown in the attractive women section should be in the early twenties. Whereas some are 18 or 19, they still look a lot older than Dawn Yang. The typical complainant has been a malicious individual like you; most people have no problems with them. Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent girls, not teens. A white female with the looks of Dawn (minus her breast implants) would look like a girl in her early to mid teens, and having a preference for such white females would be close to pedophilia. And no, many men do not fantasize about young girls. Pedophilia is rare.

How bright of you to conclude that Dawn Yang has not undergone different types of cosmetic surgery because she has never admitted it! I linked to a damning expose of her, complete with extensive before and after pictures of her; the woman has fake written all over her.

I haven’t said that femininity lies in child-like features. Someone else said it and I refuted it. As far as it being advantageous to look a few years younger than one’s age goes, with respect to attracting normal heterosexual men, this holds for older women, i.e., women in their late twenties and older, not women in their late teens or early twenties.

It is obvious who has struck whose nerve. Please do not post nonsense.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 16:12 Sarah Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Ahahahaha oh Erik you're such a crack up!

Your citation to various studies on body fat prove absolutely nothing. Having more body fat does not equal being the fattest of ethnic groups. And no, white women are not less susceptable to being overweight than other ethnic groups in the U.S., you dumb prick. There have only been few occasions where I have seen overweight Asian women, some occasions where I've seen overweight black and Latina women, but the mass majority of overweight women in America are white, mainly down in the South. Since it's a fact that the most obese people in America are in the South, do you really believe they are all Asians, Latinas, and blacks? The South is predominantly white.

Dawn Yang, I believe, is only 21, so of course she would look more like a girl than a woman, considering the fact Asian women are almost always youthful looking. Also, you've already been accused numerous times, on your own website and on others, of being a pedophile since most of the women you feature in your attractive women section look to be in their teens. Just because you personally prefer white women over Asian women doesn't mean that you're NOT a pedophile, because there is supporting evidence within your own bullshit website that you are.

But don't worry about your child-molesting fantasies, buddy. Many men your age (which I'm guessing to be in the 50's) do fantasize about little girls, considering that a lot of porn always stresses on the fact that the girls are "just 18" (because any younger would be illegal) and have them pose in childish positions with pigtails, and sucking on lollipops. I'm not suggesting that all men who are into that are pedos, but they sure do like them young, don't they? That is why some Asian women are so appealing to some Western males; it's all in the youthful attraction.

As for Dawn Yang having surgery, I just did some research and she has never admitted to it, so it really is just speculation. If you also look at her before pics, she still looks quite similar to what she looks like now, although she wears a bit more make up these days and has seem to grown out of her awkwardness, which is normal for girls who have hit puberty.

You're just contradicting yourself by saying that she looks too childish, when you already pointed out that femininity is in child-like features. If I were to guess her age, I would say she would be around seventeen, which is only a few years younger than she really is. In female standards, looking a few years younger than you really are is a good thing.

I have to go out to lunch now, but I'll address the whole masculinity issue later, unless of course, you're just too pissed to continue. Don't act like I didn't really strike a nerve with you. It's obvious with the way you're so defensive ;)

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 15:47 Debra Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Erik, you're sounding like Hitler

The rest of us see that as a huge problem...

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 11:08 Sandy-one More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine


I agree that Holly is the most feminine, based on her physique at least. Kendra appears to have small hips and a boyish build, minus the large implants.

I would hope that if people could not agree on anything else on this site, that they would at least acknowledge that large breast implants coupled with a small frame, which seems to be "someone's" idea of beauty and sexiness, is completely NOT attractive, as it is unnatural and not proportional. I am not completely against breast implants, but I think that they should fit with someone's body and not be large breasts just for the sake of large breasts. Most men that I know look at the whole person/body and are not necessarily into big for the sake of big...HA...although some undoubtedly are.

By the way, I am trying to have my own pseudonym on here and Sandy seems a popular name to pick, so for now am Sandy-one.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 08:47 Erik Pamela Anderson: an example of fake femininity

It is true that many high-fashion models are teenage girls, but people with the resources of modeling agencies would not have a problem finding teenage girls who look like girls rather those that lean toward boys in looks, but fashion designers are not looking for girly girls.

I have not classified high cheekbones as masculine, but noted that masculinization causes the cheekbones to be placed higher on the face. You appear to be confusing the height of the cheekbones with their sideways prominence given that you mention ethnic groups where the cheekbones are more horizontally prominent.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 08:45 Erik Estradiol and face shape in women

Sandy: My favorite face shape in a woman is oval. I do not know whether there is a face shape that I find least attractive. I don’t judge femininity in terms of whether a face is round, square, diamond-shaped, oval, etc.

Compare the two pictures of Audrey Hepburn that I linked to with the three close-ups of Nikky Case in previous comments and see for yourself what was masculine about Audrey. It was a combination of a squarer jaw and higher cheekbones in Audrey.

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 08:04 Erik More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

Sandy: The reported measurements of Hefner’s girlfriends are not useful since one cannot be sure whether they are accurate and it is also the case that both Holly and Kendra have large breast implants (not sure about Bridget WHERE cid= '; his wife Kimberley also had large breast implants when he married her. None of these women are feminine; some pictures: Bridget Marquardt, Kendra Wilkinson and Holly Madison. Holly may be the most feminine of the bunch, but in an interview she said that she wasn’t exactly Hefner’s physical type when she came across him.

John: Why would someone who dislikes gays express his dislike in a time consuming and very indirect manner?

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 06:49 sandy Estradiol and face shape in women

whats the masuclanization about audrey hepburn?

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 06:44 sandy Estradiol and face shape in women

erik out of curiosty what is your favourite facial shape i.e which do yuo find most feminine and attractive and which the least feminine and attractive?

Sat, 04/28/2007 - 05:17 Erik Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Sarah: So you haven’t noticed smaller and more delicate facial features among white women, on average? This goes on to show how good your observations are. Some citations regarding larger faces, larger cheekbones, wider noses, larger jaws and larger teeth among East Asian Women, on average, compared to white women:


Choe, K. S., Sclafani, A. P., Litner, J. A., Yu, G. P., and Romo, T., 3rd, The Korean American woman's face: anthropometric measurements and quantitative analysis of facial aesthetics, Arch Facial Plast Surg, 6, 244 (2004).

Farkas, L. G. et al. International anthropometric study of facial morphology in various ethnic groups/races, J Craniofac Surg, 16, 615 (2005).

Hanihara, T., Frontal and facial flatness of major human populations, Am J Phys Anthropol, 111, 105 (2000).

Hanihara, T., and Ishida, H., Metric dental variation of major human populations, Am J Phys Anthropol, 128, 287 (2005).

Vioarsdottir, U. S., O'Higgins, P., and Stringer, C., A geometric morphometric study of regional differences in the ontogeny of the modern human facial skeleton, J Anat, 201, 211 (2002).

All of the studies above have already been addressed within this site, yet you are either oblivious to them or just ignore them. This is just one example of an observation that I haven’t based on pictures of some women that I have seen on the internet, but on empirical evidence, something your comments are devoid of.

White women are generally less likely to be obese than women in most other ethnic groups; percentage body fat among women in various studies:


American white (30.8%), Asian-American (31.9%), African-American (38.2%), Puerto Rican (40.2%). Reference: Wang, J., Thornton, J. C., Burastero, S., Shen, J., Tanenbaum, S., Heymsfield, S. B., and Pierson, R. N., Jr., Comparisons for body mass index and body fat percent among Puerto Ricans, blacks, whites and Asians living in the New York City area, Obes Res, 4, 377 (1996).

African-American (35.31%), American white (35.58%), Asian-American (36.80%), Hispanic (37.43%). Reference: Wu, C. H., Heshka, S., Wang, J., Pierson, R. N., Jr., Heymsfield, S. B., Laferrere, B., Wang, Z., Albu, J. B., Pi-Sunyer, X., and Gallagher, D., Truncal fat in relation to total body fat: influences of age, sex, ethnicity and fatness, Int J Obes (Lond) (2007). Epub Apr 24, 2007.

South African white (33.6%), New Zealand white (33.6%), South African black (36.5%), New Zealand Maori (38.8%), New Zealand Pacific (40.4%), New Zealand Asian Indian (42.2%). Reference: Rush, E. C., Goedecke, J. H., Jennings, C., Micklesfield, L., Dugas, L., Lambert, E. V., and Plank, L. D., BMI, fat and muscle differences in urban women of five ethnicities from two countries, Int J Obes (Lond) (2007). Epub Mar 6, 2007.

Body fat percentage in girls in their mid-to-late teens: American white (27.2%), African-American (30.7%), Hispanic (37.2%). Reference: Ellis, K. J., Abrams, S. A., and Wong, W. W., Body composition of a young, multiethnic female population, Am J Clin Nutr, 65, 724 (1997).

American white (34.9%), Hispanic (38.4%). Reference: Casas, Y. G., Schiller, B. C., DeSouza, C. A., and Seals, D. R., Total and regional body composition across age in healthy Hispanic and white women of similar socioeconomic status, Am J Clin Nutr, 73, 13 (2001).

Dutch white (28.9%), Singapore Chinese (29.7%). Reference: Werkman, A., Deurenberg-Yap, M., Schmidt, G., and Deurenberg, P., A Comparison between Composition and Density of the Fat-Free Mass of Young Adult Singaporean Chinese and Dutch Caucasians, Ann Nutr Metab, 44, 235 (2000).

American white (32.5%), Hispanic (39.1%), African-American (39.9%). Reference: Fernandez, J. R., Heo, M., Heymsfield, S. B., Pierson, R. N., Jr., Pi-Sunyer, F. X., Wang, Z. M., Wang, J., Hayes, M., Allison, D. B., and Gallagher, D., Is percentage body fat differentially related to body mass index in Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and European Americans?, Am J Clin Nutr, 77, 71 (2003).

American White < Hispanic < African-American. Reference: Diaz, V. A., Mainous, A. G., 3rd, Koopman, R. J., Carek, P. J., and Geesey, M. E., Race and diet in the overweight: association with cardiovascular risk in a nationally representative sample, Nutrition, 21, 718 (2005).

Note that American white women are probably the fattest white women anywhere, yet they are, on average, less likely to be overweight/obese than other ethnic groups in the U.S.

White women do not have longer legs than Asian women because of greater height alone but also because their leg-length to torso-length ratio is higher. This should be common observation. Speaking of leg length, I don’t hate fashion models; my problem is with the people who choose manly fashion models, and I have nothing against their height.

So Dawn Yang is an illustrative example of the cuter, more feminine Asian women? She looks like a girl, not a woman. Do you expect most men from non-Asian populations to actually find a woman who looks like a girl more feminine and appealing? If I were interested in such women and filled the attractive women section with white females who have her look, what do you think people will infer about my sexual orientation? They will think that I am interested in underage girls! I searched for images of Dawn Yang, and it is clear that if she is fully Asian, she is an outlier rather than typical of her ethnic group. However, I came across damning information on her, namely that she has undergone numerous cosmetic surgery procedures, which doesn’t help your case at all.

I didn’t bring men into the picture; “BS talks...” did. I just responded to her. I have already noted that I believe that African-American men are better endowed than white men, on average, but the difference is small and cited a study where there was no difference; if the difference were large then it would be unlikely that a study would reveal no difference. When you refer to a “known generalization,” the belief does not stem from the literature in question since the actual difference is small, but is more along the lines of a mythical urban legend. If you have formed your impression from “experience,” then are you a prostitute that has served thousands of Johns or just foolishly extrapolating from the few dozen ethnically diverse men you have had sex with?

Regarding the Olympics, countries with the most participants are those that have a large number of decent athletes to send to the games. Since whites win the most Olympics medals, most of these countries are Western. Additionally, the U.S. is not a predominantly white country; only about 60% of it is white. In most sports, skill acquisition does not require expensive equipment. For instance, just look at the tremendous success of poor Kenyans in certain long-distance running events. Additionally, given free K-12 education in the U.S. that includes free access to gymnasiums and sporting equipment, it is noteworthy that African-Americans dominate only a small minority of sports. How is this consistent with their greater athletic ability? Moreover, some of the sports dominated by African-Americans are team sports such as football and basketball. Performance in individual sports is a better gauge of athletic prowess. Whereas African-Americans dominate the 100m sprint, sprinting alone is a poor indicator of athletic prowess. Performance in the decathlon is a much better yardstick for assessing athletic ability, and guess what? Whites dominate the decathlon. Since the issue you are discussing is manliness, fighting ability is very important, and like I said, strength and power displays and martial arts are dominated by whites. For a short while boxing was dominated by African-Americans, but now whites dominate it. After international opportunities opened up to impoverished Eastern Europeans, it didn’t take them long to hold all four heavyweight boxing titles simultaneously. Your lame example comprises of one-on-one fights between African-American and white males. These are criminal behaviors, usually comprising of African-American men picking on white men and you bet they pick on white men who are of a weaker build than them, which is what criminals and bullies do.

This is enough digression from what this site is supposed to be discussing. Don’t waste my time with useless comments.
