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Tue, 07/14/2009 - 16:34 Haters Welcome!

i bet the chick that runs this site is a real whale of a fatass. What a hater. Trying to act like her whale ass is doing something good when really she's just depressed because she is a super fatass and needs a reason to hate on this famous girls. Get a life.

go ahead and bash me left and right because i'm leaving and will never ever visit this site again so it's not like i'll read the comments. i win.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 16:29 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site 07/14/2009 - 12:21

by Emily L. Mixed Race individuals.

"To those who dislike eric and Emily:

If you disagree with them, I would suggest not wasting your precious energy trying to change their minds. They have proven that they will not change. It is unfortunate for them, but oh well. Eric is the more temperate of two, and though I disagree with his analyses of beauty in different cultures and ethnicities, I sill take a lot of useful info from his site. Emily is a complete lost cause, and she will continue to spew hatred and belittle peoples of other races. That is just how she operates, so I would suggest that everyone just ignore her for two reasons: 1) because she is obviously a bigot (not because she likes being white but because she is very hateful to others) and 2) because she has nothing useful to say or anything to add to the discussion of beauty. All she is going to do is gripe about all she sees wrong with the world and how she hates mixed babies, so why bother. "

Emilys arguments are not to be misunderstood with Eriks. There is no disagrement or dislike on my part with Eriks arguments or towards Erik. Erik has made his arguments clear and when required has provided data evidence to back his claims. Eriks argument is about feminine beauty -Femininity is a correlate of beauty there is nothing about this statement I disagree with. Femininity is not synonymous with beauty but its a powerfull correlate of beauty. Beauty= femininity plus beauty. Beauty and Femininity need to be understood as being seperate concepts and the relationship between the two needs to be understood and the level at which they work with each other needs to be understood.This is a simple interpretation of the argument though the mystery of beauty is not as clear cut as some make it out to be but is much deeper than that. There is a great misunderstanding present with alot of people quickly jumping to assumptions and confusing Emilys arguments with Eriks instead of taking a step back and thinking twice before lashing out. Erik has NEVER argued and is NOT arguing that white European/Nordic women are the most beautifull women in the world. This is what Emily is or very strongly appears to be arguing. This is NOT Eriks argument and If you read and understand the WHOLE WEBSITE inside out you can never escape this conclusion either. In fact Erik clearly and catergorically states this to one commentator who accuses Erik of arguing that White european/Nordic women are the most beautifull women in the world(Unfortunately due to the sheer number of comments it was difficult for me to find the quote again but feel free to browse for it).In fact Erik appears to lend support and agreement to the opposite. He has clearly and categorically stated he has found many women of non-european background beautifull,he has been attracted to many non european women in fact he says too many to list which is quite a statement given what people are accusing him off and claiming he is all about and attributing to him. Erik has stated european women are overall more feminine "looking" but this is not to be mistaken or confused with or interpreted to mean european women are overall more "feminine" never mind the most feminine, because Erik has clearly not argued that. In other words what one looks and what one is are different. CIAO!

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 12:21 Emily L. Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hello, I have read this forum for a while. I am not the swedish Emily, I am actually another Emily who is African-American. In regards to mixed race individuals, I believe that the solution to their bone-marrow problem is not being addressed: It is not that "race-mixing" is evil and should never be done, the solution should be that their should be more donors of mixed "races."

As a woman of mixed heritage, I think people are missing the big picture: people are people are people. It does not matter your background, your ethnicity or whatever drivel Emily spews.

To Emily, it is good that you are proud of who you are and where you come from. I am proud too of my heritage. I am proud of my African Heritage, My Scottish heritage, My British Heritage, and whatever else heritage there may be in me. I just caution you against the hateful speech you spew, and the hurtful things you say. An indian person, an African American person, a swedish person or whatever ethnicity you can bring up is beautiful in their own way, and is equally important. I believe, as a woman created of God, that every group of people has some kind of beautiful feature about them that is to be admired. I think African women have very beautiful skin, hair, eyes and teeth. I think that Northern Europeans have very beautiful eyes and features. I think Indian women (the majority of them who I have seen) are generally very beautiful. I really like the facial structures of the japanese, and their hair I think is beautiful, along with their eyes. I do honestly like the noses of Eastern Europeans. I like the Red hair of Irish people. I love blue eyes and brown eyes, because their is such a range of shades and tints in those eye colors. My favorite combination in a white person is Brown hair and deep blue eyes. I also like the curls of an African woman with brown eyes too. There is so much variety, and so much beauty to be found in the world, why waste your time with arguements of who is the most beautiful, or why you don't like such and such ethnic group. Why waste your time venting about "race-mixing" and your perceived problems with that. Life is too beautiful to waste your time picking things you might find wrong with people. As mentioned before, I am African-American. I have been told, by members of all races, that I am beautiful girl, but that doesn't mean I puff my chest out and put down others looks. I have features that are beautiful, and things that are not so beautiful. The point is, I know I am not the most beautiful girl in the world (and I don't think there can every be such a thing) but I am happy to be in the club. Now, like I said before, people are people are people are people, and being such, they will continue from now into eternity to do what you hate: race-mix. I suggest emily that you stop hating such a non-issue and move on with your life, you will be a much happier person.

To those who dislike eric and Emily:

If you disagree with them, I would suggest not wasting your precious energy trying to change their minds. They have proven that they will not change. It is unfortunate for them, but oh well. Eric is the more temperate of two, and though I disagree with his analyses of beauty in different cultures and ethnicities, I sill take a lot of useful info from his site. Emily is a complete lost cause, and she will continue to spew hatred and belittle peoples of other races. That is just how she operates, so I would suggest that everyone just ignore her for two reasons: 1) because she is obviously a bigot (not because she likes being white but because she is very hateful to others) and 2) because she has nothing useful to say or anything to add to the discussion of beauty. All she is going to do is gripe about all she sees wrong with the world and how she hates mixed babies, so why bother.

There's my two cents. . .

From Emily L.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 11:19 Allen Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

No, I get that I read Erik’s introduction to that page. That’s the only reason why I asked the question. I was just curious as to why certain girls. I have seen the cute girl posts and some of the other women he has posted. Why are they just cute or honorable mention in the small beast or clothes hanger section, but not in the attractive women section? What made him remove Viv Thomas but keep Sandy from Karupspc but not add Sasha from teen dreams?

I know it’s not the dictionary of attractive women just Erik’s preference mostly.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 01:54 american girl What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

Kimberly could be air-brushed to perfection. She is extremely cute without the usual styling, make-up, airbrushing and photography tricks. Once those were employed, as the always are, she would be an absolute stunner.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 01:13 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Fiance is WHITE, haha, bad typing, can't be perfect at everything. But I have a life, full-time job, love life, friends, etc., so I can't make it my life's work to constantly be posting on this site. Others apparently do have the time, and not much else to do with their lives......very sad.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 01:10 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I find it hard to believe that I have "virulent hatred" towards whites, considering that I am white, my children are white, my fiance is shite, my parents are white......stupidest shit I've ever heard.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 15:34 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site 05/18/2009 - 18:01

by Emily link

"Only an idiot would think that you can open the doors to mass-immigration by other races/ethnicities without any consequences to the white population living there originally."

Is this an admission Ive found here? That you are to blame and you (white europeans)are idiots.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 15:26 american girl Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

They are attractive in a way that is meant to represent the ideal feminine proportions of the "feminine" type of woman. I don't think the point is if they are actually "hot", as much as they represent the most feminine type of facial and body proportions. The pictures are meant to be used as a reference.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 15:19 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations? 07/12/2009 - 12:04

by Violetcorpus link

"Wonderful to see how Emily hasn't responded to.... a single thing leveled at her. Her typical replies are more constrained than ever, though."

In her natural state shes like a wild beast about to devour her prey.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 15:17 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

link | Submitted by Emily on Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:45.

"That photo of the twins remind me of delusional Indians who post photos of Aishwarya Rai all the time, dreaming that Indians usually look like her, and denying the fact that she is a rare exception."

Exactly delusional indians. They obviously are delusional if they believe aishwarya rai is an example of the exceptiona beauty that can be found in south asia but they are obviously not as delusional as this Emily Joker who appears from her comment to lend agreement to this idea. "Rare exception" Shes not even close to an exception never mind rare. If this clueless Emily Joker had any clue or understanding of the south asian mindset which clearly she doesnt as she would not have come out with such a statement. The media might ideolise aishwarya rai and thoose who are swept up in the hype and drama of it all might go along with it too but it does not reflect the factual reality of the south asian mindset. Emily appears to believe that aishwarya rai is the paragan of beauty for indians and as such she cleverly asserts not everyone looks like aishwarya rai hence also at the same lending agreement to that statement when the reality is if she had any clue as to the south asians understanding of beauty she would not be harping on about asiahwarya rai. It is the Northern Kashmiri womens beauty (mainly Muslims) that has captured the hearts, souls and minds the of the south asian man(India/Paksitan) and not aishwarya rai or the Swedish women,LOL . It is the Northen kashmiri womens beauty the south asian man has admireD, had an infatuation,obsession and love affair with since time immemorial. If you possess fairness and beauty in India and Pakistan the fact is you will not be compared to a European/Northern European or any other race but you will be compared to a Northern Kashmiri proper it is these people who are the standard by which the south asians judge beauty. It is the exceptional and dangerous beauty of the Northern kashmiri women the south asians will make reference to when the question of fairness and beauty arises in India and Pakistan. The poet Thomas moore captured the south asians perception of kashmiri beauty and south asia's association of fairness and beauty with reference to the Northen kashmiris in a nutshell-“If woman can make the worst wilderness dear, What a heaven she must make of Cashmere!” - Thomas Moore and the French physician Francis Bernier captured a very accurate perception of kashmiri womens beauty too I dont have the exact quote but from memory it was along the lines of "none can parallel the beauty of its women".

The indians who post photos of Aishwarya Rai all the time, dreaming that Indians usually look like her, and denying the fact that she is a rare exception may well be delusional but then they are no different from Emily in that respect. No competition.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 15:11 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

" "You will never hear this from race mixing promoters, who apparently are either unaware or ignore the fact that mixed race individuals are dying from diseases that require bone marrow transplants because their mixed genes make it impossible to cure them."

I was unaware of this problem. I've done some research and indeed many multiracial individuals have a tough time finding donor matches. This kinda scary, this isn't talked about that enough." "

I don't think this serious problem gets enough coverage. I didn't know about this until a few days ago, when I stumbled upon an article by accident. Why this isn't talked about in the media, I don't know, because it seems that tragedies are happening in silence all over the world all the time.

I would never bring a child into this world with that serious flaw in the immune system. I would rather adopt a child of pure race. To hear your sick child ask you "Who is going to help me now, mom?", must be absolutely heart-crushing.

It seems like the DNA in the bone marrow is foreign when you have a race mixed child. Your own kids have foreign DNA, often impossible to match since there are so many possible racemixed types, and can often not be donors for you, or vice versa. I think this speaks volumes.

Many people of mixed race are dying, and will die because of this, and practically no one writes about it.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 14:46 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site 07/13/2009 - 02:53

by Emily link

"American girl, I think it's obvious by now that you and your alter egos here are the only racists. Your virulent hatred of whites is barely contained, and is threatening to explode any minute now. Just thhought you'd like to know."

Here she goes again throwing accusations of racism that dont exist at everyone left right and centre. Your full of it Joker. If any reference of this comment is to me There is abosolutely categorically no racism in any of my comments and no association to such a concept either besides I have already answered ALL your questions above and you have just proved it true aswell "You cant even look anyone in the eye and answer them directly". You dont have the balls its as CLEAR AS THAT. Whats funnier is that you dont have the balls to face the fact you dont have the balls you continue deluding yourself with your word games to cover up the weakness that lies beneath its like this with you what shall we play today except its the same game everyday I spy with my little eye somethings begining with A and E "Alter Ego",I spy with my little eye somethings begining with R "Racism",I spy with my little eye somethings begining with V and R "Virilant Hatred".Your full of it full of the talk, talk without balls. As for virulant hatred is that the farthest accusation you can throw??? Is that it? Is that as far as you can stretch it? Can you not go beyond the sly racism word game? Your a hilarious Joker. Your so clueless as to the game. Your quick off the mark to BRING OUT the viriulent hatred for whites present inside others you stretch it to the limit you go to the deepest depths to make sure you bring that hatred out so everyone can see it but WHAT ABOUT YOU? Why dont you bring out your virilunt hatred for non whites for the world to see as you are so fond of bringing it out in others so to speak??? Why keep it hidden? Why dont you bring it out like you so fondly want to bring it out of others??? Why dont you put the cards on the table??? Beside no dignity no balls have you?? When its out you dont like what you see do you??? LOL. You dont understand the game, Your a clueless Joker! The point is not the virilunt hatred one possess the point is can you carry your virilunt hatred through with conviction to the end? as far as your concerned its been obvious for a long while now what the answer is. Unless the talk translates to action it merely remains an accusation and not a fact its basically living in lal la land and not the real world. Talk has to translate to action.Inside you want to admit you havnt got it it but you cant. You dont have the face to. Go back to playing I spy....

"You have to accept that many whites who have a high standard often find race mixed people less than attractive, and they have a serious immune system flaw, too, so it's not something worth promoting."

Your telling everyone what to accept so accept that it wont change the fact your a Joker! You'll still be a Joker in other wrods.

"White Nordic women remain the most feminine, attractive and desired ones, generrally speaking, and that is not something you will change by making a fool of yourself here, you see. :)"

Why generally speaking why not absolutely speaking? Why dont you speak with conviciton instead of half heartedness? Why do you speak generally so much??? Why dont you speak in the absolute? Why dont you speak absolutely? Is it because you dont like what you will hear??? Is it because the answer is again as usual obvious. White nordic women might remain the most feminine attractive and desired ones if that will shut you up but its still not something that will change the fact your a Joker!

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 05:51 irony Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Submitted by Emily on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 13:14

You will never hear this from race mixing promoters, who apparently are either unaware or ignore the fact that mixed race individuals are dying from diseases that require bone marrow transplants because their mixed genes make it impossible to cure them.

I was unaware of this problem. I've done some research and indeed many multiracial individuals have a tough time finding donor matches. This kinda scary, this isn't talked about that enough.

I think part of the problem is that we still group mixed people within the same racial group, should Halle Berry be considered black when she herself is mixed, what kind donor would she need? To better the odds we have to redefine multiracial people among other multiracial people, to better identify their genetic make-up.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 03:15 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Well I tried to be the adult, but I guess you're not capable. No more of this Emily. I will no longer read this thread. I will no longer tolerate attacks. Nor will I be an attacker. I will ignore you. I'm not a racist. I've stated that I love my heritage and prefer partners of similar heritage as well. I takes a big person to say that she's not perfect, not always right, and I'm sure that by now, you will infer every comment directed at you as an attack. I'm done here. I will continue to visit this site, and read about the things that are relevent to me, and will comment if I feel compelled to, but not to you, or about these issues. I sincerely wish you well.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 03:08 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Please excuse any and all grammatical and spelling errors, as it is very late here, and I am recovering from a back strain that keeps me awake, but makes me quite useless at typing. And Emily, to your credit, you're right about bone marrow vs. organs. I'll reiterate that it was a rotation in what is a 5 year degree here in the States. You know, I am about 25% Scandinavian, the rest Irish, with one great-great native American grandmother. I'm proud of my people too. I would really just like to visit this site and not be in cyber war with complete stangers from other continents. For the sake of common sense, I concede. I think everyone else who is bashing Emily should just let it go. Agree to disagree. I'm tired. But I still don't appreciate the attack from Emigree. That was just plain f-ed up bullshit. Unrefined language and swearing. American to the death!!

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:53 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

American girl, I think it's obvious by now that you and your alter egos here are the only racists. Your virulent hatred of whites is barely contained, and is threatening to explode any minute now. Just thhought you'd like to know.

You have to accept that many whites who have a high standard often find race mixed people less than attractive, and they have a serious immune system flaw, too, so it's not something worth promoting.

White Nordic women remain the most feminine, attractive and desired ones, generrally speaking, and that is not something you will change by making a fool of yourself here, you see. :)

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:51 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Emily, I was relating to my experience. I can only share that, my specialty is in physical therapy, rehabilitation. You do have valid points, and you seem like an intelligent girl. Your fan, Emigree attacked my intellect and education, and I responded in like. I really only wanted to enjoy this site for what it was. I will no longer engage in attacks on others. I am a grown woman as you are. We disagree on race mixing. But we share a lot of other opinions in other areas. The post to Emigree is to her. I, like you, have a sense of loyalty and patriotism. And I spent to much time in college to tolerate her comments. I'm sure they're very good universities in Stockholm.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:45 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

That photo of the twins remind me of delusional Indians who post photos of Aishwarya Rai all the time, dreaming that Indians usually look like her, and denying the fact that she is a rare exception.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:39 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Is that so, Emigree? I believe that they are quite superior, this was noted by the vast amount of students at the university that I attended that were from Europe and couldn't find the superior education that they were seeking there. Do you have any idea how many Europeans attend American universities? Probably not, or you'd not have left the ignorant comment that you did. There's no universities in Stockholm, I presume, that could compare to the local community colleges that allow high school drop-outs to attend. It is safe to say, that the amount of British, French, Scandinavians, Germans, etc. that attend American universities is quite prevelent. They are so happy to have had the opportunity to attend an American university, and a lot of them intended to stay, and pursue their careers and lives right here in the States. That's not American B.S. Sorry. If it is your wish to engage in any kind of debate with me, you'll need to get a little better command of English yourself. Chico Community College, is it? If one such school exists, I'll request the info on it, since it may be the only American school that would accept you. What did you hope to accomplish by this? I know European B.S. It sounds a lot like the useless prattling I just responded to. I understand though, lots of people are jealous of Americans. Hope things get better for you.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:31 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

American girl wrote:

"FYI: As a nurse in a large hospital in a major American city, I cared for my share of surgical transplant patients and saw that those of mixed race had about the same organ rejection rate, as well as about the same donor availability as those who were of a "pure" race."

Bone marrow transpants and organ transplants are two different things. One is related to race, the other one isn't. Please tell us the name of that hospital so people can avoid going there since the staff apparently lack education.


Angela Mulholland, News Staff

Lucas Blake was over the moon when his parents told him they were expecting a new baby. Not only would the seven-year-old have a younger sibling, there was a chance that baby would save his life.

Just months before, Lucas was told why he was so exhausted and got massive bruises after the simplest of injuries: he had Fanconi anemia, an inherited disorder that leaves his bone marrow unable to make new blood cells.

At first, Lucas' parents were relieved with their son's diagnosis; doctors had been worried he had leukemia. Then they learned that the only cure for Fanconi anemia was a bone marrow or stem cell transplant.

One's best chances for a stem cell donor are often WITHIN A PERSON'S ETHNIC GROUP. But Lucas' father is of JAMAICAN descent and his mother is of PORTUGESE descent.

Finding someone who had blood like Lucas' would be like looking for a NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK.

Lucas' older brother (who is free of the disease) was not a match, but now there was a new baby on the way, bringing Lucas new hope.

"Lucas was so excited and happy when the baby came," recalls his father Keswick, in a phone interview with "He was jumping up and down at the hospital and so happy."

After baby Owen was born, his doctors saved his stem-cell-rich umbilical cord blood and rushed it through genetic testing. Four weeks later, the family had an answer.

Not only was Owen's blood not a match, there was more bad news: Owen had inherited the genes for Fanconi anemia too.

"It was like a double hit," recalls Keswick. "When we got the test result, my wife cried. And Lucas was so sad. He looked at me and said, 'Who's going to help me now, Daddy?'

"As a parent, to hear your son say, 'Who's going to help me now?'... It's very, very hard."

Owen turned one year old last week. His health is good and he's just learned to walk. But Lucas, now eight years old, is not as well.

The blood transfusions he began after his diagnosis now come every two weeks where once they were needed only every three times a year. He gets drained so easily and his immune system is so compromised, he can no longer go to school.

Lucas is now like 70 per cent of patients who need a stem cell or marrow transplant: HE CAN'T FIND a suitable donor in their family.

FINDING AN ORGAN MATCH MIGHT BE EASIER, SINCE THEY RELY ON BLOOD TYPE, WHICH IS NOT RELATED TO RACE. BUT LUCAS NEEDS A DONOR WHOSE BLOOD HAS SIMILAR DNA MARKERS, or HLA antigens, as his own, to ensure his own immune defences and the donor's cells don't try to attack each other.

If Lucas were looking for a donor within the black community alone, it would be hard enough. Add in his mixed heritage and his prospects are not good."

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:04 Emigree Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

american girl said:

"I have a Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN), and a Masters of Physical Education (M.Ed.)."

"I have 2 degrees, one post graduate, dealing with the sciences of human physiology. You have your one sided opinions. Are we really on equal ground here?"

Dear american girl,

Everyone (outside of the US) can tell the American BS. Besides, I was told by many people (some of whom have been to your beautiful country) that the US undergraduate education is at the most equivalent to an average European high school. I didn't quite believe it. But your comments and bragging about your superb education and degrees (was it Princeton or Chico Community College?) made me think that there's quite a lot of truth to it.

Speaking of eaducation and inteligence. English is for Emily her second language but from the random sampling of her posts I conclude that she beats you to the punch with the cohesion of her thought and style. To me, this tells a lot about inteligence. I won't even ask you about your command of foreign languages.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 01:24 american girl Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

And also, Erik, to your previous comment about sex-ed, when it was first introduced in the public school where I went, I was shaken and overwhelmed. Pre-pubescent sex ed is inappropriate. However, at puberty it is necessary if to teach nothing else but biological changes that take place at puberty. It's sad how many 12 year old girls had no idea of what menstruation was. Needless to say I can recall the hysteria of these girs when they did start their period, and were totally unprepared for it.

Mon, 07/13/2009 - 01:15 american girl Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

I think this Barbie looks better. I think Barbies are great and if I had daughters, they'd have tons of them. Barbie's don't give little girl complexes. Skeletal looking "supermodels" do. Long live the great and wonderful Barbie!! And Erik, I think it's perfectly ok to let kids figure things out for themselves.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 19:51 Rob Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

I have noticed and read that taller men tend to have lower LBRs. You may produce your own citation here. There are plenty to go around.

It follows that taller men are generally considered more attractive than shorter men.

I am not a medical student or professional and so I can't claim to know the definitive answer about growth patterns. It appears several people here do yet their conclusions conflict starkly.

I can say however that human's primal ancestors have lower LBRs. That's obvious. Apes are considerably more trunk than leg.

In parallel, men's secondary sexual characteristics are representative of ancestral morphologies. Body / facial hair, receding brows, larger ribcages, more musculature development, overall thicker skeletal frames, etc. So it seems intuitive to me that, for lack of a better phrase, manly men with lower LBRs would be considered more attractive for reproduction.

Just my two cents. As a disclaimer, if any guys here have a high LBR, I suggest you keep any personal biases in check before posting. Thanks.
