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Thu, 07/16/2009 - 12:11 Mr. Krishan Is the average torso among women the most attractive?

I find this interesting, but odd. With the prevalence of less-feminine models on Playboy's pages, I would have expected their models (item A) to have had WHRs higher than .75, not lower.

Thu, 07/16/2009 - 05:13 Wake The FucK Up Tyra Banks on honesty

Whites are the prettiest race?
I completely disagree...And I'm a white woman.
White Woman.....age faster and have more plastic surgery than any other race on earth.
Without breast implants, lip enhancements, and botox............WE'D PRACTICALLY DIE.
Get ahold of your damn selves...its the damn truth. AND THE TRUTH HURTS!

Go look at Before and After pics of Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox! BOTH HAD NOSE JOBS, AND FACELIFTS.

Thu, 07/16/2009 - 00:03 mousecat Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

i do have the suspicion that emigree can possibly erik as well or his identical brother seperated at birth only to find this site and realize his logic is extremely similar... to mix bad science with good and to defend the one called emily

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 23:59 mousecat Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

after reading this post I have come to the conclusino that emigree and the "emily" are the same person. and no, i havenot reached my conclusion due to the fact that emigree sounds like emily in retard language, no offense to anyone that is mentally ill im just making a bad and offensive joke. but, i have come to this conclusion because of the similar writing style. particularly in the last post by emigree, where he/she/ mentions that one has the ability to change. anyways, all of you with your grammar problems have something stuck up your arses. honestly, who the hell cares. english grammar rules change every year. the committe is always adding a rule or taking one out. who cares? just make sure your post is readable, if you can't read my post than your iq is not very high. it is usually not very hard to discern posts that have at least minimal and basic grammar rules applied. see, all i use is periods and my commas are misused, yet i bet you can still read my post if you have an iq of 65 and above. did yuo konw taht if teh frsit adn lsat lteter in a wrod aer in teh rhgit palce yuo can fgurie it out? I bet you didn't know! so if anyone can figure that out, then certainly you can figure my post out. who cares how educated anyone is, it is your logic and your points that count, not your background. anyone can say they have a phd in anything, but if they have no valid points their ideas will not be taken seriously, at least not by me, and anyone else that has any reasoning skills.

now american girl, i do admire you if what you say is true. that you put yourself through school and all that.

emigree, i mean emily is very articulate and intelligent and all that jazz and jibber jabber but her points are ridiculous and have no validity. if she had a phd, it would have no relevence because her thoughts are just a big SIN. i mean i'm an atheist, but hell, after reading her posts i do believe in sin. i believe the biggest sin is letting your ego take over you...

as for erik, well mate you make some great points, and some weaker points, yet still, they intrigue me. the other thing that intrigues me is why you are so passionate about this topic?

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 18:01 Mr. Krishan Nicotine enhances perceived attractiveness of faces in non-dependent smokers

I suspect this occurs because smoking relaxes you. When you're more relaxed, you're more likely to see the world (and the faces of the people in it) as brighter, happier, more attractive. When you're down, everything is/looks like crap.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 16:15 Emigree Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

american girl,

I was only trying to show you your double standards. You seem to apply different standards to yourself and different to others. And you then are trying to conveniently get away with it. Usually by changing the topic.

You were the first on this forum to accuse others of insufficient command of English and swearing. I showed you before that there was plenty of bad grammar in your very own posts. You also include expletives in your posts very liberally. Besides, as an American you should aspire to hold yourself to higher standards of command of your native language than most of the other authors here for whom English is not their native language. Have you thought about it?

You bragged about your degrees and superb education in the health related areas. You were arrogant and went even as far as saying to Emily "Are we really on equal ground here?". Then Emily exposed your embarrasing lack of basic medical understanding of differences between organ transplants and bone marrow transplants. How does this relate to your superb education and the degrees from a "VERY good, and large East coast university"? I am sorry, but your mistake was so basic that I cannot imagine a well trained medical professional who would not be aware of it even when suddenly awaken at 3am at night.

You see, you bragged and boasted about a lot of things. You also liberally accused and belittled others as if to boost your self-esteem. But then, as in life, it all came back to you. The good news, however, is that it is never too late to change.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 15:23 Iron Man Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Alessandra and Camille are both attractive and but equally average or as I like to say bleh.

Camille looks like a child, it's pretty creepy. I prefer an actress like Mary Elizabeth Winstead over these two, she's quite feminine and has that innocent look but clearly looks like a woman and has a body that Alessandra would kill for.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 13:36 Mr. Krishan Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Erik, I don't understand the vehemence from the idiots you let post here. By idiots, I mean those who can't or won't use a spellchecker, proper grammar, and logic to communicate. But it takes all kinds, I suppose.

In regards to Alessandra, I can completely see what you're talking about. With the exception of the magazine cover (thank you, airbrushing) she looks like a very successful transsexual, particularly in her face. From the neck up, she really does have strong masculine features that aren't attractive to me at all.

On the flip side, while Camile is not anywhere near a 10 in face or body attractiveness, there is one undeniable fact about her; NO ONE can mistake her for a man. Her femininity is very appealing, especially her face.

Bodywise, both women are closer to similar (and neither is fully feminine in my opinion) but Camile is more feminine than Alessandra.

That, I take it, is your entire point, is it not, Erik?

In any case, as a red-blooded heterosexual male, I DO find Camile more attractive. Further, when I think back to women I've dated in the past, and specifically the 'skinny' ones, they still had more feminine features. Just looking at Alessandra and Camile, two things pop into my head: 1) that I wouldn't want to date Alessandra (not my type), and 2) Camile looks like she'd smell (and feel) good. Maybe that's a throwback to personal experience, or an instinctive male inclination, I don't know. But Camile is most definately my choice, given these two ladies.

Oh, and thank you for all your work on this website. Since I recently discovered it, it has helped me to understand why I prefer the women that I do (though it hasn't changed my perceptions, just my awareness of them). Keep up the good work.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 12:47 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

It's okay, anonymous. I just had trouble understanding your posts in general, but I totally understood the last post. Yay! I certainly didn't go back and correct every mistake in my posts. Like I said, I think you have some really good points. I wanted to be sure that those got through.

In regards to Emily, you are so right.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 12:16 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Meredith on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 00:36.

"Anonymous- Your posts have many more errors than that. I find it funny that you keep correcting them and making the same mistakes. (If English is not your native lanuage, I apologize in advance.) If it is, please check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Also please use the correct form for the contraction of "you are" which is "you're." Any good points you make are lost because your posts are hardly readable with all the errors. (I do think you have a number of good points, and I want to be sure the meaning is clear!)"

I am well aware my posts have many more errors than that and it is my fault for this and I am not surprised you have picked up on it. You are right I should not point out the errors in my posts unless I am going to correct them all. Though I was born and educated in England english is not my mother tounge i.e I am not a caucasion by blood white european) so english is in effect my second language. I am not and do not consider myself a master/expert in the English language and neither is my written english great and so for me therefore it is natural that I will make mistakes in my english some consciously some unconsciously. Im not sure if you will have gathered it but the posts were written in a hurry though I am not using that as an excuse to condone the errors but that is part of the explanation for some of the errors. I was well aware/conscious during writing and posting the comment that there were errors in the posts and it is a fault of mine for not going back and correcting them. I did go back and correct one or two errors the ones I immediately saw but made the desicion not to correct them all because my main concern was that readers understood the points I was making and got the jist of my argument as excellent grammer and english is not a guarentee of understanding.

link | Submitted by Meredith on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 12:00.

"I have trouble understanding the posts by anonymous"

Unfortunately in your case Meridith that doesnt seem to have been the case and I apologise for that.

"Just for the record, Emily (the Nordic one, not the latest one) suggested that you may be an alter ego of american girl. I'm not buying that because your writing style is much different"

I am aware what Emily was suggesting and I am not "american girl". I have already answered her questions.

"On an unrelated point, while it is difficult for people of mixed race to find bone marrow donors, it is false to say that this is a fatal immune system "flaw." (Sorry, I couldn't let that one go. That's the main reason I'm posting tonight though I said I'd stop... couldn't resist a good train wreck, I suppose...) The issue with matching donors is merely a difference in types. It is not a flaw. The immune system functions just fine. It is only a problem in the case of needing a transplant which a very small number of people require. There need to be more donors to help solve this problem. The fact that their body has another flaw/disease that causes them to require the transplant in the first place, is the true problem. There isn't a correlation between mixed race and diseases that require bone marrow transplants as far as I am aware"

Well if her (Emilys) behaviour on here is anything to go by it appears she will try any trick. Shes not in my observation and from what Ive gathered of her behaviour an honest woman.

P.S forgive any spelling/gramatical errors in this or any future posts.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 12:14 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Wow, I left off in the middle of a thought in the middle of that post and never came back to it... Yikes!

The fragment that started "The rules vary from," then suddenly skipped to the sentence beginning with "My posts," should have read: "The rules vary from board to board.

Okay, time for me to walk off with my tail between my legs after all of those errors. Eeeek!

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 12:00 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

american girl, Your writing is fine. The occasional error is to be expected, especially when you are tired and writing late. As you mentioned, the writing does tend to be more informal on boards such as this one. The rules vary from My posts have multiple errors in them. The point is, I can understand your posts very easily. I have trouble understanding the posts by anonymous, and I objected to Emily's assertion that you are the same person or that anonymous might be your alter ego. (I just want to be clear that I'm not trying to attack you here.)

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 04:30 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Yes, still awake, I have to pull another 16 hour shift later this evening, 7pm to 7am the following day. I just decided to reread the things I wrote, and wondered if I'd feel any guilt at having totally gone off, but I don't. I've noticed how a lot of others, when writing responses on blogs like this use a lot of abbreviations, i.e.: omg, lol, btw....and the prose is more relaxed and casual. I was not, nor do I believe that anyone else is writing their Masters Thesis, so the manner in which people write will be much more casual. The point is, I found this website by mistake. I had a patient, a ballerina, who was injured, unable to perform or even exercize. She became obsessed with gaining weight (that I feel she needed to gain anyway). She was too thin even by ballerina standards. She bacame depressed and despondent, believing herself to be hideous if her 5'8" frame exceeded the weight of 110. I was looking for some sort of website so that she could see that anorectic looks are indeed hideous, and loved this site because it exalted the true, feminine female form. I'll also brag that I am a freelance fitness trainer and have to constantly convince women that their curvy bodies are beautiful, normal and feminine. I deal with these issues in my work life, so I've used this website as a reference on many occasions since discovering it.

Once again, incohesive, misspellings, punctuation errors.....but I already wrote my Masters Thesis :)

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 02:27 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I'm sure that Emily is a scientist, undoubtedly. All of her information acquired has links attached so that we can we can benefit from her outstanding scientific education. Do you actually suspect that she has a PhD. If she does I'll publicly apologize and send her a dozen roses. She is extremely well-read, intelligent and articulate, but no PhD. And if being a very tragically and suddenly single parent at a very young age, putting yourself through a VERY good, and large East coast university, without EVER asking for a handout from anyone is bragging, then I will brag all day long. I have every reason to be proud of myself. I also happen to have an education and professional experience with several of the topics on this site, and cited that. I'm sure that egotist, Emily, would have done the same. I think you need to quit commenting to me. It's embarassing you.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 02:11 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"this tells a lot about inteligence"(sic)!!! -Emigree


Wed, 07/15/2009 - 02:03 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

And there is absolutely no way that I would post here as anyone else, i.e., "anonymous". She (or he) is an altogether different person. The basic idea and theorum of Erik's site and data is what made it attractive to me. Not the small and insignificant amount of dumbfucks that spew their verbal bile. I can't be bothered with the shit Emily, and her jester, Emigree say that try to pass for comments. How about I edit a few of your comments, Emigree? I noted quite a few errors of yours as well.....several spelling errors, and a few punctuation as well. You also indented for a paragraph without a strong concluding sentence in your previous one...

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 01:50 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Sorry for my "incohesiveness" of thought. And sorry for offending you by discussing my education. If my spelling or grammmatical errors and poor sentence structure is offensive......what are you talking about? I am a nurse who worked a double shift, with a muscular injury, it is usually around one or two a.m. when I have time to read this and post. If this thread has been reduced to you and others' editing it for grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc., then GET A FUCKING LIFE, YOU TWAT!! Was that incohesive enough for you, Sycophant, I mean Emigree?

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 00:48 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Well, I just proved my point. There were more errors in that last post. It's almost 1:00 AM here. Time for me to go to bed!

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 00:43 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

*Not that I don't make plenty of errors in my posts... I just noticed once grammatical error, and I'm sure there are more... Ugh.

Also, I'll acknowledge that american girl's posts also have grammatical errors that Emigree pointed out, but in fairness she did say she was tired, and everyone makes the occasional mistake.

Wed, 07/15/2009 - 00:36 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Anonymous- Your posts have many more errors than that. I find it funny that you keep correcting them and making the same mistakes. (If English is not your native lanuage, I apologize in advance.) If it is, please check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Also please use the correct form for the contraction of "you are" which is "you're." Any good points you make are lost because your posts are hardly readable with all the errors. (I do think you have a number of good points, and I want to be sure the meaning is clear!)

Just for the record, Emily (the Nordic one, not the latest one) suggested that you may be an alter ego of american girl. I'm not buying that because your writing style is much different.

On an unrelated point, while it is difficult for people of mixed race to find bone marrow donors, it is false to say that this is a fatal immune system "flaw." (Sorry, I couldn't let that one go. That's the main reason I'm posting tonight though I said I'd stop... couldn't resist a good train wreck, I suppose...) The issue with matching donors is merely a difference in types. It is not a flaw. The immune system functions just fine. It is only a problem in the case of needing a transplant which a very small number of people require. There need to be more donors to help solve this problem. The fact that their body has another flaw/disease that causes them to require the transplant in the first place, is the true problem. There isn't a correlation between mixed race and diseases that require bone marrow transplants as far as I am aware.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 21:57 Paul The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

it seems you base your choices on who will you be with on peer pressure and what other people will say and think.

I feel sorry for you.

I personally wouldn't give a damn if people like who I am with or not.

Dana is far more attractive in every single sense than any Victoria Secret model past an present.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 21:47 Emigree Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

american girl wrote:
"Your fan, Emigree attacked my intellect and education, and I responded in like."

american girl,

If you read my post carefully, you will see that I did not attack your education. I merely expressed my sincere amusement at your bragging publicly about your degrees at this forum. And not only bragging but also trying to use your nursing degree to belittle Emily (you said [to Emily]: "Are we really on equal ground here?"). After reading it I thought that it was really low class. Especially since you know nothing, I presume, about Emily's educational background. What if she is a Ph.D. in one of the health sciences? I used somewhat direct language to make my point. Hope you got it. And I have nothing against your great country. Sure, there are some good schools there (plus a bunch of lousy ones).

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 21:29 Emigree Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

american girl wrote:
"I'm tired. But I still don't appreciate the attack from Emigree. That was just plain f-ed up bullshit. Unrefined language and swearing. American to the death!!"

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? [Matthew 7:3]

Speaking of american girl's "refined" language (just from the last two days):

"And I spent to (sic!) much time in college to tolerate her comments."

"That was just plain f-ed up bullshit (sic!)."

"I'm sure they're (sic!) very good universities in Stockholm."

"to your credit, you're right about bone marrow vs. organs. I'll reiterate that it was a rotation in what is a 5 year degree here in the States. You know, I am about 25% Scandinavian, the rest Irish, with one great-great native American grandmother." [what's the connecting thought here?]

"I will continue to visit this site, and read about the things that are relevent (sic!) to me, (...)"

"I find it hard to believe that I have "virulent hatred" towards whites, considering that I am white, my children are white, my fiance is shite (sic!), my parents are white......stupidest shit (sic!) I've ever heard."

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 20:36 american girl Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

That's pretty much it, it's Erik's own personal preference. It's his site, so he gets to decide. I'm sure if someone made a suggestion, and they were appropriately feminine in the requisites that he's established, he may take it into consideration. Ask him, or make a suggestion. I personally don't know how Ivy ever got on the list in the first place.

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 16:35 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Sorry to many spelling mistakes previous comment read-

I spy with my little eye somethings begining with V and R "Virilant Hatred"

Should Read-

I spy with my little eye somethings begining with V and H "Virilant Hatred"

