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Sun, 07/12/2009 - 15:51 irony Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Submitted by Eric on Sat, 07/11/2009 - 15:23

Wow, that is pretty neat indeed. But I was looking on Snopes, and it says that the odds of two mixed-race people producing an all white child is 100 to 1.

I wasn't talking about the rarity of mixed twins, but of the average of mixed parents producing a white child, it happens more enough. Rae Dawn Chong has a blond white girl, Quincy Jones' daughter Rashida can pass for white, mixing will not destroy the white race since they still passing on their genes and those genes don't go away. If two mixed parents have more dominant white genes their child will have white features or all white features.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 13:22 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Sorry in my hurry ive not corrected some sentences some of they should READ as follows:-

- Why dont you take a step forward cos your far off the mark anyway

- If your not asking for the abuse you get the abuse you so cleverly label as jealousy then your asking for the abuse you get.

-The only phoney on here is you. Your a phoney fraud and you know your a phoney fraud and you know we know your a phoney fraud but if it happens you dont know we know your a phoney fraud then your a bigger Joker than I give you credit for :-)

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 12:18 Violetcorpus Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

One last thing- here's some gold from that blog's entry on nordic space aliens. I think it's safe to say that this is worse than what Emily spews:

"The race of the masters, the White God-like people, had started to colonize other planets similar to Earth 500 million years ago, following the expansion of the Aldebaran sun and the growing heat resulting from it, which made the planets uninhabitable. It was said that they colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk, or Phaeton by the Russians) in our solar system, which existed at that time between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroids are found today. It is also known as Nibiru and some believe Annunaki relatives are left on it, that means our relatives. Sumerians knew, before Christianity made Europeans deluded, that we evolved around the sun and that it wasn't the other way around. Interestingly enough, they also knew about Nibiru, which we didn't find out about until quite recently."

"After that, Mars, of which the great pyramid cities and the well-known Martian face, photographed in 1976 by the Viking probe, bear witness to the high level of development of its inhabitants. From there, in that era, it was assumed that the God-like people of Sumeran Aldebaran came to Earth for the first time. Old traces of a petrified shoe about 500 million years old, with a trilobite petrified together with the sole of that shoe, bear witness to it. That primitive fish lived on Earth then, and disappeared 400 million years ago."

"The Gods wanted slaves to do the work for them. So they created these humans and the blackheaded people are these first humans. The Gods made the distinction by calling them the blackheaded people because the god themselves were not black. The Gods were white Caucasoids."

"Since we are the same as the Annunaki, we are them. The only difference is that they evolved earlier than us and they went through the same process only without, outside interferance, they evolved naturally without anyone breaking a primedirective. The Annunaki went through the same stages of evolution.

The Ape stage, the Hominid Stage, The Homo Erectus state, The Negroid stage all the way up to the highest form of Evolution, the Caucasoid, just like they were when they came to earth."

"We on the other hand (Hyperboerans/Indo-Europeans/White-earthlings), since the Annunaki jumped the gun on our evolution, they took the Hominid and added their DNA to it. In the Bible this would be called, making God in our image."

"The first time they did this, they got the Negroid. Now, if you've read all the books by Sitchin you would know that the EN.KI did not stop there. He further advanced the first bach of humans with and extra dose of Annunaki DNA. A second and a third time. The second time produced the Mongoloid type of people."

"Transferring this to our modern knowledge of evolution, you could say that the different races came about due to the interferance of us Hyperboerans relatives, our ancestors, the Annunaki. This is why we should not misceginate because it is regression a degredation which interfere with the progression of evolution and divergence into becoming closer to our Ancestors, the Annunaki's."

"The Brahmastra and Vimana used in the Mahabharata period are nothing but the earlier versions of today's nuclear weapons and spacecraft. A few years ago teh Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the university of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University said that the documents contain directions for building spaceships."

Eric- I'm not sure if you're the same one who wrote this entry, which is a group blog, but whoever did is.... well, out of their goddamned fucking mind.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 12:10 Violetcorpus Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Oh, here's a few other fun tidbits about melanesians.

These fijians mostly look like mulattos, yet the woman with glasses has brown hair:

In central australian aborigines, blondism and brown hair can reach frequencies of 100%:

Higher than Finland's rate of blondism, the highest among european nations, in spite of their central asian admixture and horrible epicanthic folds.

It might even be possible for dark skinned populations to express unique light eye colors as well. Who knows for sure at this point, though.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 12:04 Violetcorpus Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Wonderful to see how Emily hasn't responded to.... a single thing leveled at her. Her typical replies are more constrained than ever, though.

As that previous lengthy post pointed out, light eyes and hair will show up even among other lighter skinned humans- I'm not sure of the upper-limits of this, but it seems to show up even in humans with light to medium brown skin.

I once knew a "black" boy who had light brown skin, green eyes, and copper colored hair. The dominant black-hair alleles combined with the recessive blonde-hair alleles gave him a very unique hair color. Racial mixing, in that regard, can even create some new phenotypes.

"That's not correct. White genes are recessive, as are blue, green and grey eyes, blonde or red hair, etc. White genes do disappear - and fast."

I myself am unsure of the exact mechanisms as to what causes the cranio-facial and skin color genotypes of different ethnic groups to be more dominant, but whites certainly aren't recessive to all other races. White genes, in fact, are dominant over aboriginal genes. This was one of the many policies against aborigines from the late 1800's to the mid 1900's to integrate them into "white society". Although there's alot of political mud-slining surrounding the topic, the fact of the recessive traits of aborigines to whites is well known. Go look up some aborigine mixes or check out the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence" for prominent examples of how this works.

That's also another funny thing about aborigines- they're a melanesian people. And melanesians exhibit an extraordinarily high frequency of blondism, DESPITE having black skin. These alleles obviously operate on a level far different fron the blonde hair seen among whites, since it's not cancelled out by their much darker skin.

See here:

Do a google search on "blonde melanesians", "blonde aboriginals", "blonde papuans" etc. You'll find a staggering number of results. Why, you could say the durability of the hair of these melanesians might be superior to those of whites, since it might be dominant- alot of these melanesians have blonde hair with strong mixes of black or brown, likely coming from mixing with dark-haired melanesians. Thus, they can even produce brunettes. (there's also a siberian ethnic group with naturally brown hair) Then again, it might be different for melanesians breeding with whites, but who knows for sure?

I've even heard of red hair among papuans. That'd be interesting to look into.

"Wow, that is pretty neat indeed. But I was looking on Snopes, and it says that the odds of two mixed-race people producing an all white child is 100 to 1."

You did a good job twisting the info there. I can't pase the text, but the article says the SAME HOLDS TRUE for the non-white in the pairing.

You'd be much better off hanging out on your fucked up little blog with muses of nordic aryan space aliens and how blacks are an alien bred slave race.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 11:11 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Emily on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 23:23.
"Emily, they're just jealous."

"Yes, it looks that way, and shaken, I think, because someone dares to speak the truth and exposes their phoney, unattractive and unhealthy race mix ideal for what it is."

Do you never stop trying to play smart? There is no room for semantic games here. If there is something you want to do then do it. Go ahead please tell what is stopping you???? What is stopping you? Why dont you take a step forward cos you far off the mark anyway. They might not know your game but I do. Go ahead put your money where your mouth is. Your all talk and you dont even understand when someone tells you "your all talk" what they are saying to you, you carry on with your usual blind routine regurgitating it all out. Instead of sitting here and laughing at yourself go ahead preserve your genetic race what are you still waiting for? You'v still not answered the question. The silence to the question answers the question itself. The answers obvious. If your not asking for the abuse your get the abuse you so cleverly label as jealousy then your asking for the abuse you get. What a Joker you are!

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:52 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 16:49.
link | Submitted by Michael on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 04:14.

Should READ

Racial mixture can produce beauty even WITHOUT racial mixing with the white race.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:50 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

07/10/2009 - 23:23

by Emily link "Emily, they're just jealous."

"Yes, it looks that way, and shaken, I think, because someone dares to speak the truth and exposes their phoney, unattractive and unhealthy race mix ideal for what it is."

The way it looks and the way it IS are two different things. If the race mix ideal that the people you accuse of promoting is "phoney, unattractive and unhealthy" then what is the big urgency on your part to expose it if that is what it is surely in time it will expose itself??? As ultimately only truth can prevail or is it that under that facade there lies a more sinister reason?

You cant even look anyone in the eye and answer them directly. The only phoney on here is you. Your a phoney fraud and you know your a phoney fraud and you know we know your a phoney fraud but if it happens you dont know we know your a phoney fraud then your a bigger Joker that I give you credit for :-)

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:39 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:38 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

link | Submitted by Violetcorpus on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 22:51.
"That's not Erik Holland. Notice the "C" at the end. And the link on the name.

It leads to a blog that has entries on how whites are descended from nordic aryan space aliens."

Thank you I though there was something odd and strange about the wording of the text and the name but I didnt quiete focus on it long enough for it to click. It does appear that this is not"Erik Holland" as in the webmaster of this website and you are correct when you click on the name it does lead to some other website. As far as my comment/response goes it is made in response to points raised up in the commentator eric's (eric) comments.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:28 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

link | Submitted by Eric on Sat, 07/11/2009 - 15:23.

"Anyhow I don't see race-mixing as the biggest threat to the white European genotype since it's not very common anyway."

Thank you Erik for clarifying my point exactly at leasts you seem to have understood what I was saying more that this Emily character. The dissapearance of the white race cannot be attributed to or blamed on race mixing. The only thing it can be blamed upon is european whites/western culture itself. Clearly a fact reading this Emily characters constant non stop comments about racial mixing one they dont want to face and accept but it still doesnt change this fact. The fact whites have almost stopped breeding and breed at a much lesser rate than alot of non white nations is not the fault of some non white marrying a white or to anythign else other than the fact they have stopped breeding. It is this very point I made on my earlier comment genetic preservation can only be done through physical breeding i.e through action its a simple factual observation but if one doesnt have the balls but only the big talk with no conviction one needs to look for a scapegoat instead of having the guts to put there hands up in the air and admit we dont have the balls we make out we have. White europeans dont have the balls to carry through with the conviction they would like there gentic preservations and that is the fact they cant and dont want to face or admit. They only have the desire to carry there covictiction through with talk so talk it is :-)

this is the piint I made earlier
But whites are a global minority of 8% (women of child bearing age: 2%) who are losing 40% of their population every gereration due a low birthrate of about 1.2. Just 100 years ago it was like 5!
I blaim the state.
And whites will be even more marginalized by their own governments than they already are when they become minorities in their own countries in 50 or 60 years at current trends.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:13 anonymous Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

link | Submitted by Emily on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 23:56.

"Thank you, Erik. To some it matters. Others couldn't care less, apparently, since it is not about them. I do hope they reconsider, someday."

Why should they care? Surely you dont care that they dont care?

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:09 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Sun, 07/12/2009 - 10:09 anonymous Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site 07/10/2009 - 23:48

by Emily link

"Beauty hardly matters when you, or your child, are dying of a disease because there are no donors for you. "

Re- read the statment you silly little girl. Dealing with you is like dealing with a child. I said this site is not about bone marrow transplants but its about beauty. I have made no reference to what weather beauty matters or not in relation to peope dying of disease. Beauty may be connected with health and alost of other things but thoose such things dont determine who is beautifull or what is beauty.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 07:20 Michael Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

I agree, Barbie dolls are popular because they exagerate our cultural notions of feminine beauty.
While the example of the doll here does too,due to its age is more crudely made ,Barbie dolls made today are even MORE feminine ,clearly proving that most people consider femininity an ideal.
New ones have narrower rounded shoulders, small rib cage, small waist,and wide hips.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 06:18 Michael The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Maria is by miles more feminine and desirable sexually than Heidy,I agree.
That Dana woman...Id fuck her...but theres no way Im taking that freak out in public LOLZ ,Id rather take out a woman like Heidy...even if Dana would make me wanna squeeze the milk out of her monster boobs...
A woman like Heidy might not be as fun to poke in bed, but at least shes attractive and looks presentable, that Dana woman is a freak that would make me look like a freak.
Im a freak...but I dont need anyone to know in public LOLZ.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 02:05 zoey Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Don't white (esp nordic) women in general look more masculine than mediterranean women? figure-wise especially...facially their faces tend to be more angular and sharp, less child-like (again, that's masculine...just take a look at most of the white celebs and models out there) compared to other races/ethnic groups...white women with softer, non-european-typical features (rounded cheeks, thick lips, non-angular face) are the ones who tend to be very attractive, but they do not represent the majority of white women...In general, white caucasian women are known to have large bone structure and rectangular figures (that's relatively masculine, and this is a fact) compared to mediterranean/south european, middle eastern or east indian those places hourglass figures and rounded hips are the norm, plus they're not large framed nor are they tall like north european women tend to be, making them most feminine looking figure-wise.
The white women in general are also relatively masculine compared to East Asian women. East Asian women are more feminine than white women in the sense that they generally tend to be of willowy build with delicate bone structures, no body hair, and rounded youthful faces.

When it comes to body shape, in general rectangular figures with straight waists are more often found in Caucasian and East Asian women than any other race or ethnic group. I have never come across a white woman with a WHR of less than 0.7 myself, they are quite a rarity, you rarely even get to see them in porn, and when you do come across one you tend to find that they are of mixed ethnicity (greek/italian/latin/persian/indian/jewish), and not 100% north european...ofcourse there's Jennifer Love Hewitt, so far she's the only white celebrity I can think of who actually has a real hourglass figure (beyonce, shakira, j.lo, salma hayek, and sophia loren don't count since they're not of north european ancestry)...and while I find your website fascinating and interesting, I also find it biased and's like you've never seen women of other ethnic groups other than those you see on TV.

the reason why most supermodels have no waists or butt or boobs is because they're too skinny, most of them are white/of northern european ancestry, and since in general white women are built with (relatively)larger ribcages and bone structure, getting too skinny only makes them look stick-straight and boyish. it would be unrealistic to expect hourglass-figured models to stroll down the catwalk, that would be even worse than sending down the boyish, masculine many white women are there with perfect hourglass bodies compared to those with rectangular bodies?? Another point I need to bring across, white women are in general taller than women of other ethnic groups, plus white women are more rectangular shaped, so most supermodels (who are infact white) are a by-product of their own genetics (with the help of starving ofcourse) they're tall and they're rectangular with wide ribcages, that doesn't make them ugly or 'unsexy', it's genetics at work (again, with the help of starvation), you'd rarely ever find super-tall, super-straight women with robust bone structure among other ethnic groups, most of them tend to be if they try to search for masculine-skinny supermodels in India, they'd have a problem, because the women there in general are shorter and 'hippy' with curves, so the Indian models and actresses in India for example, *tend* to be curvier, with a smaller upper body build, and not as tall or 'masculinized' compared to those you see in the West, even if they were to get scrawny.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 01:04 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Erik, I just wanted to say to you that I find this site fascinating. As a nurse as well as a fitness trainer, I see a lot of validity in your findings. I also agree that gay men have far too much influence in determing women's fashion, as well as influencing standards of beauty. One thing that fitness trainers are encouraged to assess is "body type" e.g. endorporphic(most feminine), mesomorphic(most masculine), and ectomorphic(very lean; least masculine nor feminine). Today's "supermodels" are pure ectomorphs, or mesoectomoephs, which is the least feminine. Most "average" women, or feminine women are usually meso-endo(an hourglass with a little more definition on top), or ecto-endo, the slighter ribcages and bone structure, but with the proper feminine WHR, and pelvic structure. I would say that the ladies that you feature in your "Attractive Women" section are ecto-enomorphic. This is actually the feminine ideal. As long as a woman with this type takes care of her body via healthy diet and exercize, particularly cardiovascular training, she can hope to keep that lovely shape. I am a meso-endo, curvy hips and posterior, but a slightly broader ribcage and shoulder width. However, I am very small boned, and have fine facial features because of that, so my shoulders are still reasonably narrow. I'm of Irish, Norwegian, and about maybe 10% Native North American. The point is, I make the most of what I have. No woman should ever come to this site and feel less than after. If that's the case, make the changes. If you're mesomorphic, concentrate on building muscle in the lower body to offset broader shoulders or ribcage, for example. And ladies, to your advantage, higher levels of androgen mean less of a propensity towards cellulite, and firmer, more resilint skin, i.e. skin that ages better and skin and muscle tone that bounces back more quickly after childbirth. Thanks, Erik, for bringing this to light. I got my Victoria's Secret catalogue today and thought I'd be sick. You're right. My boyfriend's never seen this site, nor has he and I ever engaged in any discussion of this topic, but he asked "When did they start using little boys with long hair and make-up to sell underwear?" LOL.

Sun, 07/12/2009 - 00:10 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

FYI: As a nurse in a large hospital in a major American city, I cared for my share of surgical transplant patients and saw that those of mixed race had about the same organ rejection rate, as well as about the same donor availability as those who were of a "pure" race. I do agree that beauty and health are most certainly interlinked. As someone who works as a fitness trainer, as well as a nurse, I know this with absolute certainty. But calling someone who is of mixed race as having a fatal immunity flaw is proposterous. THAT IS NOT A DISCUSSION ABOUT BEAUTY. Once again, there are web-sites for that topic as well. In other threads, when other commemtators got off on a tangent like this, Erik would politely remind them what this site was actually about. I stated before, I am proud of my heritage, looks, and myself prefer masculine men who share similar coloring, etc. But I would never venture to say that if someone did not share my views and personal tastes that they were causing white extinction. I personally don't believe that it is my business if people choose to race mix. I'm proud of my Irish/Norwegian heritage, but if someone who was white,
Asian, black, etc. wanted to have children with the person they love, and that person is not of their race, so what? I have my won life to live, without worrying about what everyone else wants to do with theirs.

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 23:26 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Beauty, and anti-race mixing agendas are not one in the same. To you they are, but clearly a vast majority of people tend to disagree with you. Anonymous gave you the web address where you can discuss your agenda. IT ISN'T APPROPRIATE. And are you a scientist, or just read the internet a lot? Sounds to me like you don't have much of a life, or an education for that matter. I have a Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN), and a Masters of Physical Education (M.Ed.). I'd actually like to have an intelligent converstion with Erik about the topic of Feminine Beauty, but not with you on why you disapprove of race mixing. Once again, it doesn't have relevance to most of the commentators of this site. Only to you. Sling your dirt elsewhere. And it is a joke to think of me as jealous of you. It sounds to me that we look a lot alike, but that's where the similarities end. I have 2 degrees, one post graduate, dealing with the sciences of human physiology. You have your one sided opinions. Are we really on equal ground here? Bye, Emily.

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 15:23 Eric Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

^Wow, that is pretty neat indeed. But I was looking on Snopes, and it says that the odds of two mixed-race people producing an all white child is 100 to 1.

Anyhow I don't see race-mixing as the biggest threat to the white European genotype since it's not very common anyway. But whites are a global minority of 8% (women of child bearing age: 2%) who are losing 40% of their population every gereration due a low birthrate of about 1.2. Just 100 years ago it was like 5!
I blaim the state.
And whites will be even more marginalized by their own governments than they already are when they become minorities in their own countries in 50 or 60 years at current trends.

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 11:31 Irony Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

to Emily

You are cherry picking your facts.

what are thoughts on the Hodgson twins, one born black the other white with blue eyes.

and this isn't rare, it happens more than you would like to believe.

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 00:47 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"White women will not perish from the earth, genes don't go away. "

That's not correct. White genes are recessive, as are blue, green and grey eyes, blonde or red hair, etc. White genes do disappear - and fast. The only way to protect them is to isolate them. Humans are not different from animals in that respect. We are forced to live by nature's rules - or perish - like every other living thing.

Heidi Klum with her children, who have a black father.


To the right is her daughter by a white father, and to the left her son with Seal.


I don't know about you, but to me it looks like Heidi just "disappeared" in the faces of her sons. Only her daughter will carry on her genes in any substantial way.

Fri, 07/10/2009 - 23:56 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I am horrified to think that the beauty of the white European women might soon perish from the earth.

Thank you, Erik. To some it matters. Others couldn't care less, apparently, since it is not about them. I do hope they reconsider, someday.

Fri, 07/10/2009 - 23:48 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"You are correct you may never hear this from the mixed race promoters but the site is not about bone marrow tranplanets its about beauty and the argument has to be made in relation to beauty."

Beauty hardly matters when you, or your child, are dying of a disease because there are no donors for you.

Beauty is connected with health, and the two are inseparable. Physical appearance that has an underlying lethal immune system flaw should not be promoted, which is repeatedly happening here. Would you promote a soft drink that tastes great, if you knew it also contained the venom of the Inland Taipan?

People of mixed race very often look unnatural and anything but the fake Hollywood ideals, and they are generally less attractive than those who are of one race. Unfortunately, non-caucasians do gain from race mixing sometimes, but as we have seen there is a deadly backside.

There are such health risks involved with race mixing that I believe it should be firmly disencouraged until science has found a bone marrow alternative, which is the foundation of our immune system. At least people should be informed and aware of the risks, I think.
