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Tue, 07/07/2009 - 15:55 Doyle Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Can anyone who disagree with Erik and Emily contact me by email? (
I'm thinking of creating a website to debunk this nonsense
As others have said Erik is a mental illness sufferer with cognitive disfunctions and obsessive compulsive manias.
But he has a talent for cherry picking, missing the forest for trees and calling it science.
So many studies based on faulty methodology, faulty assumptions, ignored counfounding factors have been published.
For example IQ age and piagetan beliefs. It have been proven that there's no direct link between age and IQ but an indirect link between age assumption and social limitations and cognitive development. For example Piaget has been questioned by studies proving him wrong with the very same methodology he employed. His problem was applying his flawed tests to children from the same narrow social class, grown in specific context and with specific class limitatons.
There are so many examples of bad science out there, and cherry picking every bad study you can create a convincing theory based on nothing but faulty science. Of course you also must ignore all counterevidences and opposite findings and results. This site is an obsessive wasted effort. Pseudoscience and scientific tidbits scattered around in a pattern of preconception and mental illness. It might look very detailed and scientific but is just the detailed record of a pathological disturbed mind. Fortunately there are many professionals out there who would never take such stuff seriously, but understand anyway how dangerous such collection of pseudoscience can be and would love to help to debunk scientifically and rationally the pseudo facts and lies written here.

Tue, 07/07/2009 - 15:14 Doyle Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Erik loves to talk about other people mental illnesses.
I wonder what would could be found out about him if he agreed to be psychologically analyzed.
He seems like a pathological feticist, with an unstable personality and an obsession for useless
concepts no one cares about expect him. I guess a psychiatrist check up would demonstrate he suffers from an array of mental conditions, obsessions, manias and cognitive impairment and delusions.

Mon, 07/06/2009 - 04:01 j The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Man your rediculously long post proves how f-ed up in the head you are. I met elise in ny on the street in ny when she was 20 and she was banging. She is old for a model now. They are all freaks.

Mon, 07/06/2009 - 04:00 Visitor The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Man your rediculously long post proves how f-ed up in the head you are. I met elise in ny on the street in ny when she was 20 and she was banging. She is old for a model now. They are all freaks.

Mon, 07/06/2009 - 00:33 hmmm.... The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

yea, erik.
just because you are a chubby chaser doesn't mean the rest of the world are non-life exclusive heterosexuals.
is there any chance you made this website just to justify to yourself your abnormal fetishes?

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 22:48 Anonologousbogus The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Sophie has a flat gluteus maximus. What is it with you and flat asses?

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 15:23 hmmm.... The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Sophie Howard is a popular [among heterosexual men] British pin up, which shows your preferences to be very anomalous given that you call her hideous. Besides, your comment, “don’t tell me you wouldn’t be ecstatic if a girl like that [Alessandra] even said a word to you in real life!” pretty much confirms that you are not a lifetime-exclusive heterosexual man. A top-ranked lingerie model is expected to cater to the central tendency of [discerning] preferences among heterosexual men, and Alessandra is nowhere close.

im quite sure alessandra is more well known in the world compared to sophie howard. so if its anomalous you are talking about i think its you that's the anomaly, buddy.

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 15:17 hmmm.... Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Alessandra is beautiful no doubt but Camille has more of an innocent feminine charm. Perhaps also, something else that I can't quite explain.


Sun, 07/05/2009 - 15:08 hmmm.... Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

why do you insist on saying that all these models have naturally small breasts when you have no concrete evidence. are you implying that all women with big breasts have breast implants?
just how narrow minded can you be?

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 14:45 ROTFL Tyra Banks on honesty

Emily, your racist outbursts are hilarious which makes me wonder if your a real person or a parody of racist, either way you're hilarious.

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 05:43 anonymous Tyra Banks on honesty

"Your above statement along with alot of others alone are invalid and could be mercilessly picked apart but Im not the only whoose going to do that"


Your above statement along with alot of others alone are invalid and could be mercilessly picked apart but Im NOT the one whoose going to do that

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 05:39 anonymous Tyra Banks on honesty

07/01/2009 - 20:03

by Emily

"Another one promoting race mixing. Gemma Ward is not attractive because of her Asian features. They don't strengthen her appearance, they weaken it. She looks odd"

Emily- What a joke of a statement. As you accuse alot of people on here who happen to appreciate that fact that racially mixed people can be beautifull and you automatically accuse them of promoting race mixing because of this belief which accorind to your comments one would think you believe they have no right to have so the question is What exactly are you promoting??? How not to promote race mixing? How beauty can only be attributed to non race mixed white skinned northern europeans? You are yourself "promoting" something in your understanding of beauty and that alone makes your perception of beauty subjective and not objective. Are you trying to be smart? Do you actually believe no one knows what your game is? What would you like everyone go around looking like Michael jackson? Cut and disfigure there faces all for the sake of looking like a northern european/european? Is this what you are promoting??? Take for example Michael jackson surrounded by a intensly white dominated western industry he became a victim of it and he lost, but it would be incorrect to say Michael Jackson wanted to be white more closer to the home truth is that Michal Jackson became a victim of the white mans game. You talk non stop about northern europeans this and that and one only needs to point to the never ending comments by you repeating more or less the same old points but beauty is not something you can talk,you cant point to something and say that is beauty, beauty is something that speaks for itself and something which an individual will instantly automatically recognise and no beautifull woman would need someone to put up her picture and point to her and say she is beautifull because if she is beautifull then her looks will speak for themselves. Your emotions for your race sometimes so strongly shine through your comments that one cannot escape the conclusion that you are subjectively motivated and affected in your understanding of beauty and hence naturally this raises doubts to the objective seeker of beauty it is a conclusion you can never escape or change. Beauty is not admired in association to race. When one comes across a stranger one does not first think I will only find her beautifull if she happens to be such and such a race or if she is not racially mixed one is automatically spontaneously either moved or not moved by what they see. In simple Beauty is something that IS. One is not beautifull because they are pure this or that Race or because they are racially mixed. One is beautifull because they ARE beautifull. Beauty is. It is not something you can give or take away from someone it is something that IS. Either your born with it or your not. As for europeans/Northern europeans including swedish yeah they are a reasonable race of good looking people but I have nowhere near felt literally moved or felt my soul stirred by european/northern european beauty it is not in my opinion beauty that moves a soul. It is beauty but it is not inner pleasure beauty is what I mean.

"White people usually look better when they are racially pure. If you want a strange-looking child you should race mix"

What another Joke of a statement. Your so strange your beyond a joke! Agreed some such race mixing can produce undesirable results but then that is no different to racially pure mixed people producing undesirable results and no one is debating or arguing otherwise.If one is unattractive they are unattractive no one will expect they produce a desirable offspring there is no debate about it but this is not a political forum that one is discussing numbers here if you want that your best off logging onto where you will fit in perfectly with the likes of Joker Richards (J Richards) and company. Your above statement along with alot of others alone are invalid and could be mercilessly picked apart but Im not the only whoose going to do that. So even if you wanted to you will never be able to prove the opposite. You cannot disprove that which has not been proven because it will always be open to be proven there is no argument about this. If ive never seen the moon it doesnt mean the moon doesnt exist because its already been proven to exist so just because ive not seen something doesnt mean it doesnt exist, whats not been proven is that Ive never seen the moon but how do you prove that?

Aside from the objective points backed up by data which erik has made and which you have repeated which I dont argue with I cant help escape the conclusion that your subjective understadning of beauty as no woman can be more beautifull than a white northern european woman and all women fall short which is so strongly evident in your comments and which can never be proved as you cant prove as not existing what you have never seen on the basis you have never seen it it is invalid it will never stand,Emily you dont just sound like a Joker you literally sound like a Joker!!!

Sat, 07/04/2009 - 11:33 Allen Tyra Banks on honesty

That depends on your doll collection. Anyway, the girl looked better without the surgery. She was cute.

Weird looking or not, Gemma Ward has made a career out of looking that way. Yes unique does not equal attractive, but high fashion doesn’t want the everyday. Only the porn industrial will take absolutely anybody.

Thu, 07/02/2009 - 22:32 TJ A woman with small breasts

Callista is perfect in every way. And I mean EVERY way!!!! Her eyes are so captivating : )

Thu, 07/02/2009 - 22:26 TJ A woman with small breasts

Callista is one of the most beautiful young women that I have ever seen. Oh my God but she is so beautiful!!!!! I wish her a long and successful life :-)

Wed, 07/01/2009 - 20:03 Emily Tyra Banks on honesty

"Take for example the model Gemma Ward. Despite her blonde hair and green/blue eyes, she does not have the typical Caucasian look. She has the face of an Asian."

Another one promoting race mixing. Gemma Ward is not attractive because of her Asian features. They don't strengthen her appearance, they weaken it. She looks odd.

Gemma Ward;



White people usually look better when they are racially pure. If you want a strange-looking child you should race mix.

White girl;


Eurasian girl;


"whether you agree or disagree, Asians do look like dolls"

Do they? Since when do dolls have mongoloid eyes and yellowish/greenish white skin? Such a doll would hardly find any buyers. Dolls generally look like pretty caucasian girls.




This is what dolls look like;





Wed, 07/01/2009 - 13:32 darry Cure worse than the disease? The No-l-ita ad: how not to tackle anorexia

I wonder what's in the minds of these girls. Anorexia is a traumatizing health condition and I think we still don't know everything about it. My sister had anorexia and I remember it was so difficult to communicate with her, she simply refused any form of help and it was tough for the whole family. I heard that steroids might help for this kind of health conditions. Do any of you know more details about it? I have already found steroids for sale but I don't know which one will fit...

Tue, 06/30/2009 - 18:28 Hyosung Tyra Banks on honesty

There really is no need for me to repeat the comments that I agree with and attempt to explain to the people that I disagree with. All I'm saying is "whites" aren't the only ones with big eyes. Quite often some of the most succesful white models have achieved so much by looking anything other than their Caucasian background. Take for example the model Gemma Ward. Despite her blonde hair and green/blue eyes, she does not have the typical Caucasian look. She has the face of an Asian. Her look is described as "alien-like" due to the abnormality of it or "doll-like" because whether you agree or disagree, Asians do look like dolls and sometimes her appearance is even referred to as "baby-like", again it's rare to find a white female consisting of features that are similar to babies, it's mostly common within Asians. Thus, she has succeeded in the fashion industry because of this.

Tue, 06/30/2009 - 12:27 Marie Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

peter - you are beautiful and dont let some homophobic guy tell you otherwise.
erik - i think peter looks more feminine than that woman.
i think you took a wrong turn there - why are you talking about his features as ancestral? when the discussion is about whose features look more feminine?
you failed to convince me that the womans features are more feminine. how is a weaker chin and protuding mouth not feminine?
if that woman had a weaker chin and more protuding mouth then she would look more feminine.
why dont you admit that peter was right and that scared you and you kicked him out?
i think of all the posters here he is the most entertaining and truthful. none of his pictures look photoshopped or professional and he has no make up on but yet he looks feminine many of your models can?
plus like you said you need to look at the whole picture and not isolate a few features.
i can understand that as a straight man with insecurities about sexuality you would feel uncomfortable about a feminine guy interacting with you but dont take it out on poor peter
moreover there is lots of junk going around here especially with this deranged emily girl who you keep under your belt. so why single out one person?
just admit he had an quote on quote affect on you.
i like your site by the way to some degree.
also i think you can find many many nordics with peters features but not pigmentation so your wrong
north europeans are not a special or seperate race. get over it man

Tue, 06/30/2009 - 09:31 Allen Sonia Blake

Wasn't sold on her face, but what a difference a hot body makes.

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 18:18 Cecile The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

I think you purposely picked a bad picture of the first one of her. though I googled and saw a lot of other pictures of her that were quite close up and to me she looks to have about the most beautiful, and feminine face a woman can have. I don't know what you're idea of feminine features are, the soft babyface fiona apple/kirsten dunst look. which is also quite beautiful, but there are a lot of faces in the world and a lot of variations of beauty, which is as it should be. the only reason I can think that you may have gotten the idea that she has mannish features is because she looks a little like that german singer Bill Kaulitz, except even prettier, but Bill Kaulitz positively looks like a girl anyway, like more than about any man I've ever seen! she also looks kind of like a cross between Giselle and Claire Forlani, two women who are considered by many to be some of the most beautiful women in the world. if she has any even slightly masculine features, which I am not an expert on, they only serve to make her face look more exotic with her the rest of her very feminine face and make her look somehow all the more feminine.

you're a jerk whatever she looks like anyway.

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 16:30 Tad Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Sorry if this general comment is off point of this thread...

I can appreciate the scientific information referenced, (I haven't read it all) but I don't find many women in the "Attractive Women" section attractive (I assume that you have used the scientific criteria to choose the women in that section as examples.) To me many of them appear weak featured and pubescent.

Regarding supermodels I am conflicted. Many times I have seen pictures or footage of A.Ambrosio and A.Lima and co. and found them very attractive, how much of that is due to the lingerie and near nudity of the Victoria Secret catwalk? The pictures linked from superficial do show A.Ambrosio's ordinary day failings quite horribly. I agree with much of the following discussion that in those cases the "super" model looked very boyish, too skinny and not attractive to me as a heterosexual man. So much of what we see is edited and airbrushed it is difficult to tell what is real.

I agree completely that the video of Dasha used for comparison of shapes against A.Ambrosio was just too pathetic. She looked like she was dancing for her next fix.

I do not think that the Gigi character type should be dismissed, even though it was used as a joke. One comment sticks in my mind - "She is more like a mother".

When we get to the core of heterosexual attraction, what is it's purpose? It is certainly nothing so dainty as the aesthetic appreciation of structure and ratio etc. There are many mind-hacks in the area of human attraction which are not borne out by real people's eventual choice of mate.

Of all the women shown in this site I have to say that Gigi is the most attractive to me. Her large breasts and wide hips are a large part of it but also I don't see any of the photoshopping so obviously evident in every advertisement of women's fashion and cosmetics. From what I see every day the only difference between Gigi and the media image of A.Ambrosio is the wide hips. When I see A.Ambrosio on the catwalk her breasts are magically much bigger and her ass is accentuated by killer heels and an exaggerated swing of her hips.

I know I am not staying to the separation of beauty from attraction but the point of describing someone as simultaneously beautiful and unattractive seems abstract to say the least.

To finish - I see many comments that high fashion models are not meant to be beautiful to men as they are not selling to men. I am sure that is the case. But what about male models? Shouldn't they be selling to men? They don't. They match the ideals of man illustrated in magazines I would never read and they are wearing clothes I would never feel comfortable wearing. If by all accounts I am an average man, they have missed a shitload of their target market.

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 15:46 Mandy Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

I disagree that this woman has a healthy body. She doesn't look like she's been eating very healthily at all and she would have *some* degree of fat on her body. Even when you look at the pictures of Kate Moss and Twiggy, both are very VERY thin women yet you can tell that their figures look healthy. In fact, I thin Twiggy was thinner than Stephanie but she never looked like that.

I completely agree that the modeling world is prejudiced against women with hips and behinds, but in the case to defend that belief, it's not a good idea to perpetuate unhealthy ideals, such as unnatural thinness.

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 01:05 Upgrayedd Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

this site is just... wow

Sun, 06/28/2009 - 19:27 Upgrayedd Makeup as cosmetic camouflage

yes, most women actually look worse after applying makeup. alex, you have concisely summed up the reasons why. for stage, film, photography etc. makeup makes sense because the demands of those media are different than those of in-person socialization. for day-to-day appearance makeup creates a bizarre and artificial look that is distasteful.
