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Sat, 06/20/2009 - 07:20 Anon125 Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

* Northern Kashmir region of India

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 07:19 Anon125 Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Here are a few more politically incorrect facts.
(1) The Europeans/ Northern Europeans (Sweden)who date non european women/men (asians in particular) are termed labelled as rejects/loosers/lower class etc... by this Emily character and her ethnic group/Europeans But these people are percieved as loosers/rejects etc...from a western perspective through western perception and a closer examination of western culture can easily give you the answer why. It is the western culture who reject them and not the non western culture it is the western culture/values/thoughts/principles/way of life/expectations etc.... which are so harsh in its conduct and treatment of its subjects that it is inevitable there are going to be europeans who are not able to match/fulfill the cultures/peoples expections. It is an inevitable consequence/result of the western culture/system and way of life that it will lead to this result i.e some europeans who cannot fulfull its expectations. You could not have it any other way even in you wanted it. Because western life places such high value and emphasis on appearance as compared to the majority of other cultures that there is soo much pressure on its subjects to conform to its expectations and the fact of the matter is not many can and it is these people that end up with non europeans because alot of non european cultures are more accepting/willing/tolerant and place lesser external emphasis (maybe internally its different) on appearance than the intolerant west that certain europeans who cannot fulfill the western expectations find comfort in other cultures who are less critical of them/expect less and are more willing to tolerate there appearance. This does not equate to mean that the non europeans/asians who accept these Europeans/Northern europeans do so on the basis of there looks or any admiration of there looks or becausee of any desire to take on white genes to improve there own looks but simple because they are more tolerant and although the subject of appearance is important to them they are more subtle and tolerant in there approach to it.
(2) As far as the south asian muslim girls go the very rare few there are with european men the fact is the south asian girls are simply taking the european men for a ride.
(3) As far as the south asian muslim men go the fact is thoose with the european women are with them because (a)they are after a green card or (b) to simply use the european women the way you use tissue paper and thrown it away/flush it down the toilet.
In both instances it is has very little to do with an admiration/desire for european looks.
(4) In south asia as far as the south asian mindset goes with respect to where fairness and beauty is concerned the fact is if in south asian you are fair skinned or are fair skinned and beautifull you will rarely ever hear "you look european" or "you look nordic" because as much as european/nordic beauty is admired the europeans are not the standard and never have been the standard against which the south asian mindset has compared fairness and beauty to and you only have to look so far as the Himalayan region of Northern kashmir to find your answer.
(5)As far as loosers and rejects go you could pretty much say that even in the south asian culture the south asians that date european men are considered as rejects/loosers etc for the simple reason that as far as Muslims/Muslim south asians go a Non-Muslim European and Muslim South Asian the issue would not even arise/it would not even be an issue.

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 05:42 anonanonanon Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

This discussion is the most reasonable I have seen on matters sexual in a long long time. but anonanon in previous post is right on the money, Carrie Prejean is attractive but ordinary. I would like to see more hoesty around beauty pageants but tend to think that they are a very manipulative type of affair. (Anything at national level or higher at any rate. Unfortunately, I also think many pornstars are prettier than most beauty contestants. Maybe beauty contests will also fall victim to the democracy of the internet along with newspapers.

Thu, 06/18/2009 - 21:06 the anon guy Julija Ribkina


Thu, 06/18/2009 - 15:32 american girl Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Since I am an avid fan and collector of pin-up art, I was directed here. I have to say that the articles that Erik wrote are well researched, but biased to a point. I actually got more caught up in the discussions here than with the actual reason I came to this sight to begin with. I see it's been many days since anyone has posted on the previous controversy involving Miss Emily. But I love to stir things up, and with jaw to ground, felt compelled to respond.

First of all, I am an Irish American with typical Celtic features, and to be honest, have always been praised for my looks. Does that matter in real life? Maybe, maybe not, but it's all that matters here, as this site is called and is dedicated to "Feminine Beauty". I've been called "petite" (aka "short", as I am 5'3"), but do have an hourglass figure, despite having small bone structure. I think the one thing, though, that lends to my looks are the high cheekbones and full lips that I inherited from a Navajo great-grandmother, and wonders if Emily realizes that here in America, most people with any Native American blood, even if it is as little as 1/8, as in my case, are extremely proud to admit it? I've also (now brace yourself, Emily), procreated, not once, but TWICE, with a brown-eyed caucasian. I have two beautiful blue eyed boys, so there blows some of Emily's theory.

I also felt compelled to google "Icelandic Heritage", and found the pictures intriguing, as a good 50 per cent of the Icelandics depicted have brown eyes, pale, yet yellow undertoned skin and dark hair. Blows another one of her theories, as she has said that brown eyes are hard, blue eyes are not, and Icelandics are the most beautiful people in the world.

Emily, I too am very proud of my overwhelminly Irish heritage, as I believe everyone should feel ethinic pride, but there's this little thing called acceptance. If you choose only to mate and procreate with other "Nordics" to preserve the ethnicity you are so fiercly afraid is becoming extinct, make sure it is not with an Icelandic, as you may have that dreaded, hard looking brown-eyed child that you so desperately fear is taking over the world.

Also keep in mind Emily, as there are far fewer people in the northern part of the world and many more at the equator, the world will have proportionately fewer Nordic types. I guess that's something to think about as you sit there at your computer, in your Jack boots, looking at your ABBA poster on one wall, and your Nazi propoganda poster on the other. Sorry if this sounds like a cheap shot, but you've taken enough of them at everyone else here who's disagreed with you.

By the way Erik, where's the Luis Royo gallery? I'll admit, he's slightly more fantasy oriented than the typical pin-up image, but he does amazing work depicting the proportionate, female form that is characteristic of the pin-up genre. I can honestly understand excluding Boris Vallejo, but Royo is amazing.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 18:37 Alexa The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

She's brazilian, you moron!

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 18:34 Alex The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

YOu must be kidding!you're not actually comparing Ana Beatriz Barros, a MODEL, to that kelly chick. I've never heard of her but she looks like a pornstar...i mean seriously...she's a model...she's supposed to be skinny...i'm not a skinny girl, but i can be smart enough to realise that clothes look better on skinny, curveless's the freakin basic rule in modelling! Why did you even bother so much...there's not even something to compare..She's freakin gorgeous, come on! I never get people like're obviously a girl, I didn't bother to check, but a guy would never go to this much trouble to prove to the world that this gorgeous renouned supermodel has actually transsexual features...How many model with plain beautiful faces are there? Take Gisele Bundchen, Karolina Kurkova, Heidi Klum for instance...they all have something about their faces that's not really beautiful...but that imperfection is what may have made them successful...i'll watch fashion tv someday and give you a whole lotta names for other "masculine" models..

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 18:32 Diana The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

oh the girl you gave as an example of beauty or whatever..."does not have a transsexual look to her face"?? haha..she's just incredibly ugly then:)))))) really dude, or whatever, you crack me up...she looks like a country girl that her daddy found in the hay and you know the rest...just give it up...and get a life

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 13:41 Gerry Italy bans ultra-skinny fashion models; homosexual fashion designers pissed, no doubt

I was waiting for a long time this kind of chance and I am specially referring the the issue of anorexia on models. I hope Italy is just the beginning. I work in an inpatient eating disorders treatment facility and regardless my work experience it affects me every day to see so many young girls suffering for the paranoia of anorexia. Is this the image we want for femininity?

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 22:19 Cringer Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

I am a man. I agree with the admin on this one. I would take Camille over Alessandra. Alessandra is beautiful no doubt but Camille has more of an innocent feminine charm. Perhaps also, something else that I can't quite explain. Agreed that Society has heavily skewed the male interpretation of what femininity is. Eastern and Northern European woman are far more diverse in appearance. I find them the most beautiful. I have met a great number of South American women who were beautiful but the Eastern Euros are something else. I am North Ameriacan by the way. Another bizarre thing is how my male friends find me strange for not fantasizing over lesbians going at it. I tell them that they dont really want it but its been imposed on them via mass media indoctrination methods. There is a good book on this called " Media Sexploitation - The Hidden Implants in America's Media." The celebrity thing is as overated as the lesbian fantasy thing. It's stale and generic. Nice website by the way. Very interesting material here.

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 21:25 Bob Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

You sound like a wonderful shape! If you eat right and get enough exercise, you are perfect! Have fun and wear a bikini.

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 13:57 X8 Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

You are wrong. Finns are not SLAVIC. They are Finno-Ugric peoples and have nothing to do with Slavs. Interestingly, Hungarians share ethnicity with Finns as also do Estonians. None of the are Slavic though.

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 03:27 Emigree Part of a revamp of the attractive women section


I do not live in Europe now but I still remember from college that Hungarians and Romanians ARE NOT Slavs. In one of your earlier posts you criticized coarse features (and fake blonde hair) of some girls from those ethnic groups and labeled them as Slavic. Hungarians belong to Finno-Ugric ethnic group, same as Finns and Estonians. Romanians are Southerners/Mediterraneans and share ethnicity with Moldovans, Macedonians and Greeks.

Slavic people, on the other hand, are generally divided into Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Lithuanians) and Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Polabians). The last group, the Polabian Slavs, used to live in Northeastern Germany in the area of the Elbe river (nowadays, being a rather small minority in a generally non-Slavic country, they diffused allover the Germany) and are the most westward living group of Slavic people.

No doubt, over the hundreds (actually probably more correctly thousands) of years of cultural and ethnic interactions in the North-Eastern Europe the genotypes have beenn shared and exchanged between the peoples of the region (the Baltic sea isn't that big anyway) and when you travel in the region you can see some remarkably similar girl types, including the archetypal slender fair-skinned light-eyed blonde girls. There are some differences, as you have noted, too.

Btw, many beautiful women were talked about here but no one mentioned one of the biggest icons - Greta Garbo. Quite suprising.

Sun, 06/14/2009 - 02:42 Emigree Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Emily - You rock girl !!

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 17:44 Lincoln Pain Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Right on, Ladies!!

Miranda Kerr's nose is wonderful and much more interesting than it would be if made to look like every body else's nose. Beauty is not conformity.

Uniqueness and deformity are not synonyms.

Thank you for speaking up. And thank you so much, beautiful ladies, for not allowing yourselves to be "deformed" into boring conformity. We all have benefited from your courage.

Lincoln Pain

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 14:21 HughRistik Attractiveness related to head and face length relative to height

This is an interesting result, but one look at the images shows that the study is flawed. The only manipulation they made was to head height, not to head size. The heads of 1/6 - 1/7 proportions look stretched, and the heads of the 1/9+ figures look squished, so both look like freaks. Consequently, the varying aspect ratio of the head introduces a confound into this study. It should be re-run with heads of constant aspect ratio. I'm surprised that the researchers made such a big error and that it nobody at the journal thoughtfully inspected the images they used.

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 03:54 mojardon Please do not post direct links to this site at, plus other news

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Fri, 06/12/2009 - 15:31 just noting The plight of fashion models: example, Alexandra Michael

Your wife has nothing to do with fashion models.

Fri, 06/12/2009 - 02:51 eurny The plight of fashion models: example, Alexandra Michael

Just goes to show most people are fat because they are greedy and eat too much - not 'metabolism' blah blah blah.
Now if they could just get the willpower without having to by hypnotised they would be a normal healthy size book search.

Thu, 06/11/2009 - 19:38 Emily Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I think these women are far better examples of feminine women. To me, there must be something soft and sweet in a face for it to be feminine, and there has to be gracility. Sofia is the kind of latin woman who is beautiful only when very young. Her hard and chiseled features take over as she matures.

Women with unfeminine faces can be dramatic and striking, and I suppose sexy too, so they have their niche, especially if their body compensates for their masculine face. There are many latin women who fall into that category, I think.

There are many brunettes who are feminine but Loren and Kardashian are not good examples, in my opinion. (Not that I would put Loren in the same department as Kardashian. I don't mean to insult Loren).

I like Natalie Wood and Ava Gardner, and I also think Elizabeth Taylor is feminine. Elizabeth even managed to appear feminine in the film Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf, where she played a loud drunk and neurotic with deep personal problems. I love Rita Hayworth, too.

Ava Gardner;


Natalie Wood;



Thu, 06/11/2009 - 18:51 Emily Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

"I can tell you that in my travels in Spain and Italy if I ever saw a girl dead drunk and dancing topless on a bar she was inevitably American, British or German."

I don't know what kind of places you normally go to but I have never seen what you describe in my entire life - anywhere.

Tourists behaving badly you could probably find anywhere. There is a big difference between how certain people behave when they are on holiday and how they behave when they are at home. Abnormal, neurotic behaviour is something people who have mental problems will feel they can more freely express when they are far from their normal environment, and more anonymous.

Sofia Loren does not have a feminine face, in my opinion. She has large breasts, an ordinary behind and a masculine face.

Of course it is not just about looks. If a woman has grace and style she will appear more feminine, and her masculine features will be accepted more easily. Add vulgarity to masculinity and you have Kardashian, who is the opposite of femininity. Sofia loren, a woman of style and grace, will appear more feminine than she is because the way she behaves is feminine.

A very feminine woman can sometimes afford to behave more vulgarily, and I think many men will readily forgive her since they sense her femininity. The less feminine a woman is the more attention she will have to pay to her behaviour, as it in some ways will compensate for her lack of femininity.

Thu, 06/11/2009 - 18:13 Emily Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

"In short Emily you need to put your obsession with beauty into context. Beauty may give you a wider pool of men to choose from but it doesn't make picking a good man any easier."


Thu, 06/11/2009 - 08:59 just noting Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

"Now, pornography is full of fake blondes since blondes are and will remain "What gentlemen prefer" but the real deal is often unavailable."

In the 70s porn was full of brunettes with natural breasts and pubic hair, like Maria McBane, and men got off just as much. Men will get off with nearly any naked woman. My judgement is that among many cultural changes men became less able to deal with the carnal reality of women and the dyed hair, plastic surgery and waxed muffs of these pornbots made them more acceptable woman-fearing losers.

Most men do seem to prefer blondes, all else being equal, but A. all things rarely are equal and B. I don't care what other men like. Grown men are secure enough to deal with the reality of other men's tastes.

I also don't think you understand what a fetish is. A true fetishist needs a certain object or quality for sexual gratification. I wouldn't kick any of the women you post out of my bed but they are simply not my preference.

"For you, sexual stimulation means there should be no class, no sweetness and no femininity. You want to "do" someone who is primitive, vulgar, and basically a grotesque caricature of a feminine woman. You want a sexual object you don't have to feel any respect for. If they have some kind of respect for themselves they would probably be called uptight by you"

I wouldn't date Kim Kardashian because she is a slut but that has nothing to do with her looks. Almost all women in Hollywood, indeed almost all actresses are promiscuous. I'm sure you're a big fan of Ingrid Bergman, but she became pregnant by an Italian film director when she was married to a Swedish doctor in an almost career-killing scandal. I'm sure Sophia Loren had affairs but at least she was discreet. Still the feminine sexuality of women is poorly compared among actresses.

I can tell you that in my travels in Spain and Italy if I ever saw a girl dead drunk and dancing topless on a bar she was inevitably American, British or German. I never once saw that among Italian and Spanish women and according to my Italian relatives only the absolute lowest of the low class Italian women do that, while college educated women from America, Britain and Germany eagerly get drunk and go home with strange men. I've never interacted with Scandinavian people, but the Nordic women from those countries that I've known engage in that sort of behavior no matter what they look like. Italian and Spanish women only drink a little bit and are more feminine and modest. Most demand courtship before they sleep with a man. There are of course sluts in every ethnic group but Latin women are gifted in subtly expressing a sultry, refined feminine sexuality where are as the trend among American, British and German women is too only "be sexy" by acting out in coarse vulgar ways that are really more masculine sexuality than feminine sexuality.

As for Sophia Loren's face she is a bit lantern jawed but like Audrey Tatou's short hair it merely shows off how feminine she is. The eyes the lips, that body! The oozing of sultry glamor! Surely you've seen how a cute girl in a flannel shirt can highlight her femininity by dressing like a boy. In any case you and Erik are extremely mistaken if you think femininity is solely dependent on looks. Women express their femininity in a variety of ways and if you click on the link below and you think she expresses coarse masculinity you're completely hopeless.

Thu, 06/11/2009 - 01:24 Natasha Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

What I want to know is why having a round, voluptuous and perky ass is somehow primitive? It is indeed not primitive, but one of the core features that stands out in a woman to show her fertility status and health. Indeed, it is said that over time as our ancestors started walking on two legs, prominent breasts started evolving to show the woman's fertility from the front. Therefore, if big butts aren't feminine then neither are big breasts.
Those pictures posted of Kim are probably some of the worst ones yet. I recall seeing a few of those as advertised "no makeup Kim Kardashian" types of pictures, and we all know that those are the most unflattering of all pictures taken of celebrities. Kim does NOT look half bad without makeup!
Anyone who says she has a "coarse" face has clearly not seen her on television. She has big beautiful eyes and very long eyelashes, and although she puts on way too much makeup, she generally has a very nice bone structure and complexion. She does not have THE most feminine of faces (like Mila Kunis, for example), but she is still a very feminine woman and absolutely gorgeous. She literally lives off of her looks and she's making a lot of money doing so! That Grace Kelly looks like nothing special to me.

Thu, 06/11/2009 - 01:11 Natasha Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I can DEFINITELY see Kim being someone's ideal. She has a great body. I do however want to point out that I don't believe she's had plastic surgery. If you do, can you provide proof of it? I know that her mom has, and both her sister Kourtney and her mom have had breast implants. So it wouldn't be that far fetched.
