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Mon, 06/01/2009 - 19:26 Godis Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Well guys I get you all want to see how Emily looks because anyone reading this would assume she is either a great beauty or a jealous ugly bum. However, I disagree that she should post any photos of herself. First of all the internet is a dangerous place and no one should just be posting photos of themselves all over it, especially on a website like this really. That is why I disagree with some people taking photos of people from myspace and leaving them on for prolonged periods without their permission. Secondly, even if it turns out Emily is hideous it doesn't necessarily prove any of her arguments wrong because ugly people can understand what is beautiful despite their ugliness. It is the argument that should stand alone really. Her arguments do stand alone, however they are mostly bullshit and obviously biased.

I'll be posting some photos comparing blue eyes and brown eyes. However what about inbetween guys? LOL I have hazel eyes, we could talk about those too:). But I do believe blue eyes can look hard easier than brown or black eyes, although in general I don't believe brown or blue eyes look hard or contribute much to the femininity and masculinity of a woman. I do not believe eye color is a strong correlate of beauty. I think the whole "blue" eye thing is just a whole weird barbie fad. I know many people that believe blue eyes look unhealthy, cold, sick, because many times blind people have light blue eyes and blue eyes often look aged because as one gets older their eyes get lighter. In fact in my family our eye color changes many shades lighter as we age. Most people in my family that have hazel eyes for example end up with light washed out green eyes as they age. I hope it doesn't happen to me. Similarly, the argument for brown eyes is that they are more common than blue eyes and resemble our ancestors"monkeys" more often. However, I find the comparisons to primates ridiculous. Anyways, I could compare light eyes to reptiles, and reptiles are far less intelligent or attractive than primates. Humans relate less to reptiles and most people are even more afraid of them than say a chimp.

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 17:24 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


I asked Emily for a video as photos can be faked and taken from anywhere whereas videos are much harder to alter.

Bigots are cowards, they talk a lot of bullshit but don't have the courage to do anything in reality

I know it is going to be impossible to show themselves and that's why I set the challenge.

Now let's see whether Emily accepts it and proves she is a proud racist.

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 16:53 mogs Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Emily, I noticed you haven't responded to quite a few of the points I have brought up so far.

Unfortunately, you are also posting baby eyed photographs: high oestrogen women with a flat brow and large eyes.
Not really suprising you chose these extra-femme types to try and demonstrate that blue is a "sweet and soft" colour. LOL.

Please compare like with like.
Compare baby-eyed, high oestrogen women of blue and brown eye colour to prove that black is a hard and unpleasant colour. OR compare 2 masculine women to achieve these ends. Do not mix and match.

If you cannot tell the difference between hormone levels of women by now, you have not gotten much out of this site.

Again, blue irises cannot in and of themselves make a woman look soft and feminine, here is an example where the colour does nothing for her:

You can't photoshop bone structure, and the colours of the eyes in the photographs are indeed in the black and brown range of the colour spectrum.

Expressions such as "liquid eyes" "babushka eyes" "bush baby eyes" suggest that dark eyes can look soft, feminine and melting, and are not necessarily "hard".

This is cognitive dissonance, in that when presented with new information that contradicts established beliefs, the brain will often simply discard the new information to reduce any discomfort and continue on as before. If you believe this racist stuff, you are pretty much going to ignore everything that anyone says to you that suggests otherwise. It's a shame.

I made these posts because white supremacists often use similarly skewed arguments in their discussion of black people, and this time with things more important than eye colour, like intelligence.

But meh, who cares. Because at the end of the day, most white people do not hold beliefs like this.

This is the best quote in this thread:

"It's like saying only roses are beautiful but no other flowers can compare. That's similar to what this website and you in particular are saying, you are missing out on other aspects of beauty as it is limited, narrowed down and one dimensional."

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 16:25 Peter Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Voice of Reason,
LOL you make me laugh hehe
Emily and Erik will never post their pics here for "obvious reasons".
Please don't feel "compelled" to post your pictures here. Be very sure of it!
I actually wanted to ask you something. Since i am not welcome here...i was wondering if there is any other "public arena" we could possibly talk?

I disagree with what your saying about eye color. Feminine eyes are usually large, clear, expressive...regardless of color. As well throughout time people have admired Doe eyes in women. Does are female deer in case you don't know.
Does have Large dark eyes with long eye lashes.
This is what some people had to say about Doe eyes that i found over the internet.

"'Doe eyes' means they look like a doe, or female deer. Specifically, it means eyes that are large, soft, and usually a medium brown color. They're considered very attractive; but also vulnerable, so you may have trouble getting people to take you seriously."

"doe eyes are usually almost always brown, it means the eyes look very innocent and compassionate.
i have blue eyes and i dig girls with doe eyes. they look so cute... "

"big innocent brown eyes..kinda like a deer, or mouse

its sexy and innocent and cute :)"

I don't know if you hear this expression...but in America people often say puppy dog brown eyes to refer to attractive brown eyes.
Maybe you have an aversion to anything childlike/innocent in women? But I love the look of gentleness and innocence in women. Makes them look very feminine...vulnerable. Big brown eyes do this :)

Personally I don't care what the eye color is ... all depends on the person BUT i know some people that have preferences. You seem to be one of them.
Answer this Question
In nature...Do predators/adults have piercing/light eyes?
In nature do infants and gentle creatures have dark eyes...why?
Do people equate what they see in nature to humans?

In many cultures people equate light eyes with snakes...cats...something of a "sinister" nature while brown eyes are seen as trusting, kind....etc.

Did you understand what i am trying to say? I think all the pictures you posted including the Italian actress are beautiful women.

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 10:39 Voice of Reason Part of a revamp of the attractive women section


Scandinavian women tend to have very masculine figures, as in larger upper body, larger rib cages, flatter butts and shorter legs. They are big boned and happen to be one of the biggest women nationwise. This is the statistics according to clothes sizes that sell in Scandinavian countries!
Blacks, Hispanic and East Indian women tend to have more curvier figures.

I live in Northern Europe and have a problem finding clothes that fit me well because I stand 5 feet 6 inches. And thanks to my mixed ethinicity (asian and spanish I have a small bone structure despite my height ( size 8 in UK, size 2 in US not sure about that) and measurements of 36 34 36 (I am slim but very curvy).

Why don't you post a video of your own fat, flat arse and then I will post mine as well if we have to end this arguement.

I bet you can't since you are nothing but full of bullshit.

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 10:22 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Honey, let's see your ugly mug instead of anonymous fake photos that have either been touched up or changed by photoshop.

Or maybe a video.

If you accept this challenge then at least we would consider your deluded rants as being genuine.

Otherwise you are just another hideous girl/woman with some psychological complex, grievance, jealousy towards other races.

For someone who is so proud of her superior beauty, you are not very confident about your own pictures.

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 04:50 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hm.. It would help if you had actually picked photos of genuine eyes instead of obviously photoshopped ones. lol
What on earth did you intend to prove by that?

It's ironic, the one photo that was real, the second from the end showing a close-up of a girl, shows how unnattracive and hard the colour dark brown/black can be.

The glaring stare of almost black eyes on a girl is not often attractive. There is nothing feminine about that eye colour, and the immature baby-like face they belong to can't change that. I couldn't have picked a better photo myself.

Why is everyone so mad at Cucinotta? She's a stunningly beautiful woman in her own way, and in her case her black colors serve a purpose and are appropriate for her general look. Accusing me of bias when I picked one of the most famous actresses in Italy? lol Then you will have an issue with Italians.


Brownish-black can never touch the feminine, romantic beauty of soft sea-green and sapphire blue eyes. It is simply too hard.




Latin men adore romantic, lighter and softer colours in women. I noticed that when I lived there.


Mon, 06/01/2009 - 03:58 lokol Rene from only tease

I’m always on the lookout for authors who not only embrace ebooks but use them to compliment their print book sales. The most interesting way of doing this, I think, is by giving ebooks away for free. Science fiction writer Cory Doctorow does it and I’m sure a lot of other writers do to.

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 16:29 mogs Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

The brown colour you chose doesn't match her colouring or hair and clashes. A beautiful colour palette has to be harmonious and is not necessarily blue, or light or dark. Before, she had babushka eyes.
Hey, bashbushka eyes is a well known saying. It suggests dark eyes that are also soft, and doe-eyed.

The reason I posted is because the photos you chose are biased. To demonstrate that blue eyes are soft and feminine, you chose pictures of extremely feminine women (also unusually beautiful women that will be about 1 in 50 of the female population) and contrasted them with women with more pronounced brow ridges. If I do the same thing, I can also "prove" that blue eyes are hard/icy, and that brown eyes are soft:

In these cases I don't think that having blue eyes is doing anything to make these women look soft and sweet and feminine.

Btw blue genes won't die out unless for some reason it becomes a evolutionary disadvantage to have blue eyes (eg. random disease kills of everyone with blue eye proteins).
Otherwise, many people will continue to carry either 1 or 2 copies of the gene and blue eyes will still occur, because the genes have not gone anywhere.

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 13:57 Emily Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Of course they can. However, saying mediterraneans have better behinds and that Northern Europeans have flat behinds is a blatant lie I have seen over and over, and someone apparently has to set the record straight.

Latin women on average don't have better or worse behinds than Northern Europeans. It can be bigger and wider since they are shorter and chubbier, but better looking or less flat - no. They do have much shorter legs, though. lol

Some of the biggest latin sex symbols have less than impressive behinds. Strange. In my experience this is also true for many mediterraneans. Black genes tend to add to the protruding looks of a behind so naturally those "primate" behinds are not seen as often in Nordics. I bet you'll find them rather frequently in Puerto Rico, though.

I don't mind at all the appreciation of latin beauty as they can be strikingly beautiful in their own way, even though they don't look really good as often per capita that other women in other parts of Europe do. What I do mind is when blatantly incorrect things are being said about Nordics/Northern Europeans.

The biggest sex icon in Italy, Monica Bellucci;


Elisabetta Canalis;

As for jealousy I think that one is the pot calling the kettle black. All these lies spread about Nordics all the time..oh..why could that be? Is it really just ignorance, I wonder. A country that regualrly and often produces these kinds of women don't envy - it is the cause of envy, let's face it. :)

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 08:36 Voice of Reason Part of a revamp of the attractive women section


Men can decide for themself who they find attractive and if they find hispanic or blacks as having a better behind, you can't change their preference by insisting the opposite just because you are jealous and insecure.

Someone's preference is none of your business and unfortunately isn't going to change, no matter how much you insist and cry.

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 08:20 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Why are you so desperate to prove whites are superior?

Is it jealousy? Is it because you are sat at home on a weekend typing random garbage about other races while other people are out clubbing, dating and having a good time?

Did your boyfriend/husband leave you for an asian, hispanic or black girl?

Something smells of desperation from a mile off and unfortunately it's going to get worse for you, you are going to age and get even lonelier.

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 05:16 Emily Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Northern Europeans don't have flat behinds. We have less big behinds than some - but far from all - latin/hispanic women, since we generally have less black genes than they do, but flat, no.

Asians often seem to have flat behinds, though, and generally underdeveloped, childlike bodies with small hips. North Europeans generally have good hips and normal, softly rounded behinds.

If a man has a fetish for swollen, very protruding "primate" behinds he will obviously find anything other than the half-black looking behinds Jennifer Lopez style to be inadequate, but his taste is not in line with that of mainstream men's.

Penelope Cruz;

It is a myth that latin women have better behinds than N. Europeans. I've been at plenty of beaches in Italy during the time I lived there and there wasn't any noticeable difference. The black influence in Southern Italy would probably mean there are more Lopez style behinds in the far South, though. I lived in the North.

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 04:53 sam Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

this site is patheitic and disgusting. you can't pick whose feminine and whose masculine of females. no one gets to decide what defines femininity in women. i'm a woman, i'm naturally tall and thin and i'm not a fashion model. are you saying i'm masculine? because i don't have big boobs or a big arse? as far as i'm concerned anyone with a vagina is a female and thus feminine. this site is very bitter. those fashion models are clearly beautiful thats why they are models!! and most of the "glamour" models shown look like cheap wannabe pornstars. women are women, beautiful or ugly. this website is embarrassing for all of them.

Sat, 05/30/2009 - 15:10 Emily Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

There is nothing natural about this woman's anorexic body. She is not thin or gracile - she is a living skeleton. There is a difference. I have a female friend who is part Macedonian and she has an hourglass figure and a healthy body with natural body fat on it.

This woman is probably suffering from some kind of hormonal disturbance or illness if she is not anorexic, and mercury poisoning (tooth fillings) is also known to make people abnormally thin. There are many possibilities, but normally thin is the only one I don't buy.

She is NOT normal, and she does not belong in the fashion industry since she could be used to promote the sick, anorexic ideal homosexuals love. Sometimes you wonder if homosexual woman-haters would prefer their models to be dead.

"Stephanie Naumoska appears to be a reasonably healthy, naturally thin woman who eats in accordance with desire."

Eh....Erik, please. A skeleton has more body fat than she does. If she eats in accordance with desire she either has strange desires or some kind of malfunction due to illness. Either way, she is on the far edge of extreme and as such isn't suitable for modeling. Dangerous rolemodels is not something I want to see.

Sat, 05/30/2009 - 14:01 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Regarding people of mixed race I never said they cannot be beautiful and attractive. However, there is a misconception that people of mixed race are often very attractive, and that it is a sure thing to get an attractive child if you race mix.

Movie stars are put forward as examples, and are being used to portray a false picture of their beauty being the standard everyday thing you can expect from a mixed race child, when these (plastic surgery operated) people in fact are more exceptions to the rule.

The reality is that more often than not the first generation people of mixed race look odd, as if you had taken a caucasian face and put mongolian eyes and nose on it. It is not attractive and it takes one or two generations to overcome this unbalanced and disharmonious "Frankenstein" look.

You will have a better chance of having a good-looking child if you stick to your race. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution counts for something. Evolution has molded and formed the white race into perfection. Let's respect that and not ethnically cleanse it. It deserves better.

Sat, 05/30/2009 - 13:36 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Black eyes are hard simply because the colour black is a hard colour. It can never be anything other than hard. If the eyes look less hard it is IN SPITE of its colour - never because of its colour. Very simple. Black is static. It absorbs light and never changes. It doesn't live.

It doesn't matter if you pick a woman with a softer face or a harder face, and I happen to think Maria Grazia Cucinotta is striking and dramatic, and she has truly black eyes, and that's why I chose her. There doesn't have to be some evil motive behind everything.

The blackness of the eyes will always add hardness to someone's face, regardless of their other features. That's the reality of it.

As I said before, very dark brown/black eyes can make a woman look dramatic, sexy and temperamental, but the colour in itself can never add a sweet, soft or romantic look. She will look softer and more feminine with lighter eyes.

Fri, 05/29/2009 - 09:39 mogs Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Beautiful black eyes:


Harsh looking blue eyes:


See what I did there? Nudge nudge!
Emily has posted a masculine spanish woman and compared them to feminine example of Swedish women. She is comparing apples and oranges.

She made a similar argument that mixed raced people tend to be unnattractive and weird looking. This simply isn't true. Like english people, about 50% of mixed race people will be average looking, and a small percentage will be terrible looking, and a percentage will be beautiful. Hint: this percentage of beautiful mixed race people will be hired by hollywood. Megan Good, Kristin Kreuk, Jessica Alba, etc etc. Yes most mixed people are not beautiful, but this is the same for caucasians.

Also, about white genes contributing to beauty of mixed race individuals, if my mother is Roseanne Barr, I am going to get her body and her features, and it will not help my attractiveness one bit I'm afraid. But if my mother is Angelina Jolie, then yes, please donate your extraodinary genes to me!
Just foolishness.

Fri, 05/29/2009 - 08:00 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Brown and even dark-brown eyes are warm toned as opposed to blue eyes which are cool toned. Blue eyes actually often look hard, because they have such a cool tone to them. Especially if they are light. Brown eyes have warm tones in them such as reds, oranges, specks of yellow. Even the really dark ones that appear black are warm toned. I find black eyes attractive actually, and especially on caucasians"

I disagree. Blue eyes very seldom look hard. The colour adds softness to a face, whereas very dark brown/black add hardness. It is a less romantic colour more suitable for men, I think.

Black eyes on an Italian actress. Sultry and sexy butr hardly romantic, and yes, the colour is hard:


As for colours in general I think the Nordic colours are much more feminine, soft and sweet. The girl on the right is not ethnically Swedish, and although her brown tones are warm, they don't make her look romantic and sweet - especially not in comparison to the Swedish girl on the left.
Her dark brown eyes make her look harder, and a softer blue or olive tone would probably add romanticism and softness to her face.

Swedish girl with blue eyes. Cold and hard? Hardly.


The same girl with very dark brown eyes like the Italian woman;

It's not the colour so much per se that is hard. There are medium and light brown eyes that don't look hard. It is the strenght and darkness of the colour black that makes it hard. A very light blue can sometimes look cold, but Paul Newman comes to mind. He has very chiseled and sharp features so it adds to the cool impression.

A girl with very light blue eyes. They look icy cool but not hard. On the other hand she would have looked harder with very dark brown/black eyes and it would have killed her soft, light colours.

Fri, 05/29/2009 - 00:57 brownielocks Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Hi Erik. Just popped back in. I'll take a few days, cobble together some of your quotes, and put them out on your site.

Thu, 05/28/2009 - 21:44 Anneliese Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

Carrie Prejean is pretty far from "not feminine": she's up there with drag queens when it comes to masculinity-femininity.

I found the Carrie Prejean "controversy" appalling. Disagreeing with the liberals, apparently, results in being vilified in the media (not surprising, considering the political affiliations that the heads of CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. have). How dare she have her own opinions! It's funny how people like Perez Hilton paint themselves as victims of "discrimination", yet he finds it perfectly appropriate to publicly defame and harass Carrie Prejean because he disagrees with her. I'm surprised Miss Prejean wasn't charged with a hate crime.

I'm just glad that the incident is finally out of the news. No more fat, earth-shatteringly stupid overgrown little boys tainting the newspaper headlines.

As for the breast implants/nudes issue... I find her breast implants far more disgusting than her smaller older breasts. Her breasts now, instead of looking dainty and natural, have the look of orange halves placed under her chest. The worst part is that men actually find this attractive. Sometimes I wonder if I'd do better to have my (32D, not particularly large) breasts reduced and replaced with implants of equal size, since plastic cleavage and the gravity-defying look seems to attract men.

Her raunchy photos weren't bad up until the nip-slip ones... Indeed, she should have been fired.

Thu, 05/28/2009 - 20:53 Anneliese Gabrielle from MC nudes

Poor taste, much? This "woman" looks exactly like my father, who suffers from Klinefelter's syndrome (meaning, he's half man, half woman). You can't be serious. I thought this was "feminine" beauty?

Thu, 05/28/2009 - 20:16 Mogs Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


I would argue that racially mixed, good-looking people more often than not own their looks to their white genes. In other words, they look good since they approach the looks of whites. The more they alienate themselves from the looks of whites the less good they look, generally speaking.

The fact is we are not benefitting equally. Whites often give much MORE than they receive in terms of looks, while pure blacks and asians might benefit quite a lot from race mixing. This is often at the expense of whites, who most of the time will have much more beautiful children with another white person, not to mention that the gene pool will be corrupted and fewer truly white children will be born in the future if we increase the race mixing. An inconvenient truth for the politically correct.

Erik, look at the people you are attracting to your site.
I don't think you come across as racist, but that you tend to be attracted to mainly english people which is what a lot of people are. May I suggest that you include a worldwide gallery of examples of femininity from Africa, Japan, and the Middle East!! Thankyou ^_^

To the white power girl, are you going to try and prevent other caucasians with brown/hazel/green eyes from mating with these prized blue eyed individuals? Also, aren't black people a miniscule proportion of a mostly caucasian america?

Thu, 05/28/2009 - 15:36 t groan Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

I've been looking at your site for a little while now and I had suspected that this was an anti gay site. I'm now sure and will remove it from my bookmarks.


Thu, 05/28/2009 - 08:29 booty man Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

As a white guy from America who absolutely loves round rear ends I can only conclude that your country must be very homogenous if you are an ass man and think that Nordic women have the best. Having extensively studied the female form in all shapes and sizes for years my conclusions are that Northeast Asian women tend to have narrow hips and flat booties. Black women tend to have incredible ass curves, but rather narrow hips. Women from the Mediterrenean region, parts of southeastern Europe, and the Indian subcontinent have some of the best, with both hip and rear end curves. Northern European women have wider hips, on average, than Asian women but are almost as flat. These are just tendencies, of course, and there are bootylicious women in every ethnic group. Your attractive women have rounder asses than most Nordic women but there's not one who compares with this Argentine woman.


Dude I agree with you fashion models are too masculine but Fenny's tiny waist and incredibly round hips and ass are much more feminine than all of the chicks in your attractive women section.
