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Mon, 08/18/2008 - 08:01 Baldie Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

The link was to an article in Scientific American called High Aptitude Minds google cache has it if anyone is interested. I dont want to risk failing a third time with a link.

Mon, 08/18/2008 - 07:46 Baldie Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Bit of a fiasco there, sorry. http://www.sciam/article.cfm?id=high-aptitude-minds&print=true
If one uses energy one feels hungry therefore something is needed to resist hunger and this something also makes the best use of the IQ one happens to possess, the two things do tend to go together I admit.

IQ could be affected by insulin resistance ect., yes absolutely true but there are good Darwinian reasons to expect this not to be as important a factor as the IQ of the father. Babies tend to be protected from the fetal stress involved. (Pregnant women not eating enough is said to set the fetus' energy metabolism to expect low energy intake and be very damaging to the future adult's future health also.)

More mental illnessess are associated with overeating than anorexia; quite so and I take it that you don't associate these same mental illnessess with conscientiousness. In fact bulimia is associated with disinhibition of various kinds. Anorexic girls tend to come from achieving families, so if above average IQ correlates with low WTH an extreme amount could be partly responsible for their being vulnerable to the illness. However it should be remembered that the thing most characteristic of anorexics is they are perfectionists, I think this is a very telling piece of evidence in support of high conscientiousness' role in the etiology of anorexia.

Empathising with overweight women (or men) may gain their approval, I doubt it helps to understand the difficulties,or why it is that that some obese people do overcome them and lose their excess bodyfat. How they are helped to be able to succeed in losing weight has to do with coming to feel bad about overeating. I think weight loss groups (Weight Watchers) are successful at helping people by making them feel guilty about overeating. The leaders of these groups do not tell their clients who fail to stick to the progam "you really tried ".

Mon, 08/18/2008 - 05:59 Baldie Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence? aptitude-minds&print=true
Energy used by the brain is about 20% , but using lots would cteate a deficit and make one hungrier still. I think concientiousness is needed to resist this.

Mon, 08/18/2008 - 03:30 muckbeast Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

I actually found this topic very interesting. I'd love to hear more stories about specific body parts and what configurations people find most attractive.

Blogging about Online Gaming and Virtual Worlds:

Mon, 08/18/2008 - 02:10 ryan Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Does Pason aka Red Heaven have fake boobs

Mon, 08/18/2008 - 00:40 Erik Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Baldie: When it comes to citing materials, how controversial they are is less of an issue for me than how factual/correct they are. I had come across allegations of Einstein’s plagiarism a few years ago, but let the matter slip into the back of my mind because I just wasn’t interested enough to pursue it. Then I found out what Einstein had won a Nobel Prize in. It wasn’t relativity, and this struck me as very curious. The way Einstein is portrayed, his name is almost synonymous with relativity, but his Nobel was in something else and not for original work. Something didn’t sound right and I looked into the matter. Now I am convinced about his plagiarism and his relative worthlessness. The physics community people have invested too many resources into this demigod of theirs and would be extremely reluctant to acknowledge that the person they have been lionizing for so long is the most successful plagiarist in history. Then we also have the malicious physicists and their brethren in the mainstream media who pretend as if Einstein’s claims to his so-called achievements have never been challenged.

I could cite extensive materials, including physicists using foul debating techniques and refusing point blank to discuss Einstein’s plagiarism and his underserved laurels, but again, this issue is seriously off-topic for this site. I most suredly did not say that Einstein’s success was a result of high intelligence. He had higher intelligence than most humans but I would not place him among the great intellects of science or great intellects of any kind.

Regarding your link to the claim that women are more likely to put in sustained periods of hard work in intellectual endeavors, most female science Nobel Prize winners are in physiology and medicine, a field that doesn’t require very high IQs for success, and the ones in the physical sciences won their prize for simpler work than today’s more complex work. So how do you know what was the contribution of hard work, luck and higher intelligence behind the prizes?

I agree that “Women who have won a Nobel for medicine will tend to have intellectual strengths that are untypical of women,” but their intellectual strengths will also be atypical of men.

Ad libitum eating doesn’t mean that one can eat all one wants but that one actually eats all that one wants. Whereas the typical woman in the modern West can eat all that she wants, she does not necessarily eat all that she wants. All human studies are not ad libitum; I don’t suppose you have fraternized with [mostly white] sorority girls in the U.S. or their counterparts elsewhere.

I have clearly cited Scandinavian research showing that the socioeconomic gradient in obesity is not explained by education and lifestyle factors such as dietary practices, smoking and exercise. So what is the point of bringing in the conscientiousness issue or in the other words supposedly more restrictive eating on the part of higher IQ women?

You can’t understand how high IQ would affect obesity unless it reduced food intake or burned more calories? Why suppose that IQ is affecting obesity? How about obesity affecting IQ? How about a third factor affecting both body fat levels and IQ simultaneously, which is what the path analysis mentioned in the article has shown?

Use your imagination or brush up on your physiology and you will see plenty of potential contributory mechanisms, none necessarily of great importance, but together explaining the association between excess body fat and low IQ.

The brain is a metabolically expensive organ, i.e., it consumes a substantial minority of the body’s energy requirements. Higher IQ individuals will seek environments that will engage more brain work and hence utilize more of their food to fuel the brain’s energy requirements (this is consistent with higher IQ increasing caloric expenditure without involving the conscientiousness factor). Some base physiology configurations will have a metabolically more active brain and body where the more active brain drives the person to seek environments that engage more of the brain to maintain what will be a normal level of sensory stimulation for the person, and this person will tend to develop a superior intellect (this is an example of a third factor both increasing IQ and decreasing the likelihood of obesity).

The article cites papers on obese women offering a more deprived or hostile fetal environment and hence you are looking at mechanisms where maternal obesity adversely affects fetal IQ while also transmitting the genetics of obesity susceptibility.

Speaking of hostile fetal environments or prenatal disturbances, they will tend to decrease IQ more than increase IQ, and if you are going to disrupt the food intake mechanism, then the two possibilities are gluttony and anorexia, gluttony being more prevalent because the anorexics will die quicker. So you are looking at third party disturbances responsible for an association between lower IQ and obesity.

Lower IQ individuals will tend to have less relaxation/leisure time and will lead more stressful lives. The body mediates chronic stress with increased production of corticosteriods, such as cortisol, which preferentially deposit body fat in the abdominal region.

You have more mental illnesses associated with gluttony than anorexia, and the mentally ill will disproportionately accumulate among the lower socioeconomic classes because their ability to hold many normal jobs is compromised.

And you never know what other mechanisms there are.

Many obese individuals will be insulted by your claim that their unsuccessful attempts at losing excess body fat were instances of them not trying. Millions of them have tried everything from diets to exercise, and sincerely, but it didn’t work.

Sun, 08/17/2008 - 16:30 Baldie Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

rejoinder to first paragraph

With a lab rat "ad libitum" has special meaning; they can eat all they want or desire.
This is almost always the case for women in the modern west so I fail to see the relevance, you can't lock someone up and restrict their food intake like a rat; all human studies are ab libitum.
I don't understand how a high IQ (or anything else) would affect obesity unless it reduced calorie intake or increased calorie burning. If there is some other mechanism I would like to hear about it.

High IQ and conscientiousness women carry out their decision avoid accumulating excess bodyfat by eating less than they could; if thats what is meant then yes I agree, high IQ/conscientiousness women don't over eat and get fat. I think the high IQ correlates positively with non obesity and low Waist To Hip ratio because IQ correlates with conscientiousness. I think that conscientiousness would correlate to low WTH ratio a bit better than IQ but I don't deny high IQ women are less likely to be obese.

Of obese women the response says "they are overweight in spite of trying to lose the excess bodyfat". Depends whats meant by "trying", unsuccessfully trying to carry out ones intention is more accurately called "not really trying". Not really trying to lose (or never gain) excess bodyfat leaves then with reduced marrage prospects which tends to result in having lower IQ children. The main reason women successfully resist the desire for eating more food than their body needs to maintain a healthy level of bodyfat is their conscientiousness in my opinion.

Sun, 08/17/2008 - 15:05 Baldie Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

In the current edition of the satirical magazine Private Eye is a spoof article; "Germaine Greer's A--Z Of Handy Opinions" these are all wrong eg "Chairs: Who said chairs are somehow 'good' for sitting on...". Another entry is "Einstein, Albert: Lets not kid ourselves the guy didn't know the first thing about science..."
What is the point of citing such a controversial opinion as Moody's (interesting as his article is) in support of a less controvesial point of veiw, right or wrong you aren't going to win any converts with such arguments. It is not just ignorance, people whose qualifications in science are not inferior to Moody's own and who are no freinds of the Einstein cult disagree with him about the original work Einstein put in. Even William Peirce who was a physics professor said that although Einstein combined others work he had provided new explainations and for that deserves credit.

You say Einstein made up for conscientiousness/hard work with IQ how does this address my point that the Physiology and Medicine Nobels -- who you have said need luck and hard work to win if they lack high IQ while suggesting they do have low IQ compared to physical sciences Nobel winners -- had high conscientiousness which aided their acheivement
The clear meaning of the paragraph above the Nobel photos is that these Nobel winners do not have sky high IQs. It actualy says "given some luck and hardwork". Maybe Einstein did make up for low conscientiousness with a very high IQ but he wasn't a non obese woman who won a Nobel for Physiology and Medicine.
Women who have won a Nobel for medicine will tend to have intellectual strengths that are untypical of women; some kind of non verbal intelligence.

Sat, 08/16/2008 - 23:41 Erik Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

Baldie: You have referred to the situation when some human tribes were more dependent on hunting large game for food; picking up small animals and gathering plant food sources were not viable sources for long-term sustenance. Then you consider the extra-pair copulation issue within this scenario. Firstly, hunting large game was not necessarily an individual affair but usually a group affair, and within any group of successful males, each of whom is capable of taking care of a wife and children, women will still find some men more desirable than others. Hence, women cheating on their partner with a higher quality man do not necessarily have a partner that is a failure with respect to resource provisioning. If a woman had a male partner who could not provide her with enough resources, and she managed to get pregnant by a higher quality man who couldn’t be bothered taking care of his illegitimate children, she still has options to attempt to take care of her children: function as a servant to more successful people, serve as a prostitute, etc.

You are trying to say that the women in this food-obtaining scenario had to develop more neotenic looks to decrease the chances that “the provider not to take his food resources away.” This doesn’t make any sense. Neoteny refers to retaining in adulthood the juvenile form of the ancestral species. The problem is that developing a new face shape is the chief characteristic of the ape-to-human face shape transformation. Neoteny requires growth retardation, and whereas the growth of the human face is retarded compared to the apes’, since the human face shape is unique, you can’t say that the human face (of any ethnic group) is neotenized.

Sat, 08/16/2008 - 23:21 Erik Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Dingleberry the Third: I have had a complaint that a number of the women I have been showing within the context of feminine beauty had too strong chins. I had to explain that the women are mostly Northern Europeans and they have longer chins than many other populations as an ethnic trait. And you find many of them to have very weak chins. Maybe it’s just your preferences. You haven’t cited any examples either.

Baldie: When you bring conscientiousness into the picture, you appear to be suggesting that higher IQ women would not be slimmer were it not for their being more restrictive with their eating, but this is not correct. It appears that higher IQ women are less prone to developing obesity under ad libitum eating (eating in accordance with desire). Unmarried overweight white women realize very well that their chances of attracting a desirable man diminish sharply with increasing levels of excessive body fat, and you can be sure that except for a minority that has accepted the obesity, most are obese in spite of trying to lose excess body fat.

Among Northern Europeans at least, the association between low socioeconomic status and obesity is not just a contribution of the father but also of the mother.

A high degree of conscientiousness is not necessary for winning a Nobel Prize. Higher intelligence and luck can easily compensate for lack of hard work. Browse the link about Albert Einstein above; neither intelligence nor hardwork or any original discoveries were behind his Nobel Prize or other accolades.

Spatial ability, including mental rotation ability, is not a particularly masculine trait. Spatial ability refers to dealing with objects in space. The spatial ability comprising of memory for object location in space is better in women, on average, whereas mental rotation ability is better in men, on average. This is a feminist-proof way of stating the matter whereas your writing is fodder for feministing.

Sat, 08/16/2008 - 22:45 Erik Miriam from watch4beauty (W4B)

The censorship has been explained. This site aims to awaken people to some lines of thinking, and it helps to not wake up a normally sleeping member that will only cloud thinking. The censorship also makes the site more palatable to a wider audience.

Sat, 08/16/2008 - 16:48 Hugh Ristik Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

Also, I thought you would find this interesting:

Having a plus-sized woman is an improvement to skinny masculinized women. She is somewhat attractive, but not at the level of a beauty pageant.

Feminists should love this. They would love to see beauty pageants full of average women, with "realistic" body types. However, we already have a place to find women of average beauty: it's called "going outside." The point of beauty pageants should be to find women who are above average, with bodies that are unrealistic for most women to obtain. Hopefully, at some point, they will be above average in femininity, rather than above average in masculinization and skinniness.

Btw, if there is a better place to leave comments relevant to your work, but off-topic for any current threads, then let me know (I would use email, but I know you get a lot of that).

Sat, 08/16/2008 - 16:12 Hugh Ristik Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

Hi Erik,

Here is someone else who has figured out that female beauty needs to have something to do femininity:

Sat, 08/16/2008 - 07:47 Baldie Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Women with lower waist to hip ratios may tend to be those with higher intelligence (and SES) because conscientiousness is positively correlated with IQ (and SES). Conscientious women are more likely to feel guilty or bad about overeating and so not overeat. Women with higher waist to hip ratios may tend to have less intelligent children largely because the fathers of their children are of below average IQ. Women themselves seem to believe that being overweight is very detrimental to their prospects in the marrage market.
It is hardly surprising that Nobel prize winners in Physiology and Medicine are somewhat masculine and non-overweight, a high degree of conscientiousness is needed for such success and the type of intelligence required i.e. spatial (mental rotation) is a particularly masculine trait. One might expect physique to reflect mental aptitudes.

Fri, 08/15/2008 - 22:10 ANonnyMus Miriam from watch4beauty (W4B)

What's with the fuckin' dots??

Fri, 08/15/2008 - 17:07 Erik Feminine beauty site makeover

Some people have been posting their comment twice, because their first comment didn’t appear right after they posted it. This is a caching issue with some web browsers; what happens is that the browser displays the originally accessed/previous/cached version of the page after the comment is posted. If this happens, the user should reload/refresh the page, and the new comment will display right away. I have left an explanatory note below the “save” or comment posting button.

A similar issue applies to frequently updated pages such as the “recent activity” and “recent comments” pages. Their content is set to be cached in the user’s browser for 2 hours after first access. In other words, let us say that a user accesses one of these pages, the page is updated a few minutes later, and the user goes to the same page less than 2 hours later; the user will not see the updates, but will see them if the page is reloaded or refreshed.

Fri, 08/15/2008 - 16:47 Erik Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

I know this article isn’t about a hot topic, but I have been pressed for time and among my list of things to do, the navel issue would have taken the least amount of time. So Ella is right that I put this together at the last moment. I will try to do a better job given enough spare time.

Thu, 08/14/2008 - 12:53 Ella tse Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

I totally agree, belly buttons? come on eric you can do better than that! You must of just thrown this together at the last minute. No offense, but give us something more please!

Thu, 08/14/2008 - 06:57 Baldie Sample artwork

All three are very impressive.
The face skin is excellent, it looks natural.
According to a hair expert I heard, at the begining of the hair cycle the tip of the new hair grows in fine then getting thicker. Apparently it's the reason why after shaving hair grows in feeling thicker; its blunt ended. Thats my rationale for asking; could the tips of the upper eyelashes stand being a bit more tapered?
Those digital art types probably sound artists out for commercial awareness, they were hoping you didn't have any.

Thu, 08/14/2008 - 00:03 movsepian Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

We've waited a month...for this? yawn bellybuttons!

Wed, 08/13/2008 - 11:55 Erik Sample artwork

Baldie: Showing part of the upper teeth is not difficult to render. Anyway, the items shown above are too amateurish. My digital art has improved. For instance, I submitted this render to a digital art contest a few months ago, and although I didn’t have the time to add clothes or fix the hair before the deadline, I still managed to be runner up. They were even interested in purchasing it, but when I told them about part of what I did, i.e., this site, they freaked out and that was the last I heard from them. I also sent them these renders then. I know I can come up with sale-worthy art; I just need to find some time to practice more and then get down to generating the art.

Wed, 08/13/2008 - 05:47 Baldie The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Correction: in the off duty photo Elize looks vulnerable rather than feminine

Tue, 08/12/2008 - 19:34 Erik Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

The judges were rating women’s navels and hence it is unlikely that any of the women were assessing what they would like in a man. I doubt that women don’t like being judgmental about other women’s body fat levels; perhaps the obese ones are less judgmental.

Tue, 08/12/2008 - 19:17 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

There is no confusion between femininity and attractiveness within this site. You haven’t read enough; see the information on aesthetics.

Regarding rockers or actors, their appeal is not necessarily related to their looks, and it may be in spite of their looks as in talent or the role in which they are cast compensating for their looks.

I’d be interested in a survey that asks men in general to judge the physical attractiveness of Rebecca and a more feminine-looking woman such as Layla, and finds Rebecca being ranked higher.

This site is not about being judgmental. Of what use is mere judging a woman’s looks? Read the FAQ to better understand this site’s purpose.

Tue, 08/12/2008 - 15:57 Baldie Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

"There was a time" when resource acquisition ability was unique to men who were in short supply. So women had to have a man to raise a child otherwise the child would just die of starvation. A few hunters could support two women with children . A corollary of this would be that some men could not even support one woman with a child. A woman had to not have a bad provider for a mate or her child would die. Those women who decided to risk cheating would be likely to do so because they were dissatisfied with their mans resource acquisition skills; he was a bad provider. Therefore those men getting some, or a lot, on the side were not able to achieve commensurate reproductive success; the children they fathered cheating with the wife of a hunting failure husband would often die. The sexual attractiveness of women needed to be backed up by something else that would encourage the provider not to take his food resources away -- neotenic looks. Caring and sharing inducing looks if you like, and romantic love which is more central to north european marrage practices.
If this is correct north European women would have an evolutionary adaptive reason for being more choosy and concerned about female competition for their preferred mate, the babies wouldn't survive with a sub-standard man providing for them , even if they had actually been fathered by a top quality man. I suppose this is a long winded way of saying I agree with you (except about cheating women).
