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Tue, 08/12/2008 - 14:14 Alfa Weep Donald Trump, weep!

I love this thread!!!!!!!

zuleika rivera and natalia cruze hmmmmmm......
realy dude!! and Dudette out there!!! it's not a hard choice to make

I pick NATALIA CRUZE over zuleika in any time of the day, any where, anyhow etc etc.

aww.... disagree??? c'mon, get real...
lesse what zuleika have??? bassically nothin.... yup nothin' she's just your everyday not bad chickie you see in the mall... yea yeah yeah she's beautiful, yea yea she's curvy and tanned and all and all, but guess what?? Ain't everybody you see in college or mall or modeling contest even high schooler is just like that? hmm.... lesse how do i put in in a simple word "STANDARDIZED" yup, y'all women out there have been officialy STANDARDIZED like, uhh one hairstyle, one lip colour, every body want the same lips, averybody want the same curve, implant, lippo and all and all. geez y'all women even talk the same. hmm... lesse one of the most common standardized languages is (i bet every woman have had said this one once in their life) "ummm... i just got out from a very serious relation ship bla bla bla bla" (ask zuleika if she have ever said that, hah.. I bet she had).

BOTTOM LINE: Not Zuleika, Why?... , example made by whoever try to poison every women's mind by showing that THAT is the ideal women in WORLD standard .


SHE IS A TOTAL HOTTIE. not cuz i like a "not so appropriate website" but heeeey cmooon

lemme tell you dude and dudette out there. would you like your meal being served all at once OR appetizer first and then the main course and then the pudding and then ice cream (or beer) last

look at zuleika she's just all that.... opps i mean she's just that's all

but imagine you meet natalia in a decent place
1. Eyes: who wouldn't fall for those eyes
2. Lips: imagine she's calling your name.... SEXY!!!!
3. forehead: wide, yes, i know, represent the brain inside okay.....
4. chin: who wouldn't fall for that bruce wayne chin
5. nose: okay okay pig nose but that's what makes her perfect

and when things get serious.....
1. nice curve: don't have to explain
2. not to sporty but firm muscle line
3. guys, girls, it's real, not implanted.

mkaes you feel your chellenging this outer limit of a woman, growl (guys, admit it, we LIKE girls with tattoo)

so Whaddya say??????? me i still chosse NATALIA CRUZE over zuleika anytime dude... dudette....

and for whoever sez that natalia pictures is digitaly altered.... what? you guys... c'mon, get real

Mon, 08/11/2008 - 10:57 Baldie Sample artwork

First one is good, on subject of lips a characteristic of womens lips I like is 1/4 inch of front upper teeth showing, i.e. upper lip not competely shut, dificult to render I should think. Good pose on balls of feet, it looks flirtatious. Standing like this would tend to make thighs look defined which is appealing.
Second one the pose is fine but from that point of veiw or angle it would be it a challenge for a Frank Franzetta.
Third one is very ambitious in my opinion.

Mon, 08/11/2008 - 09:50 Baldie The strange death of Ruslana Korshunova: likely murder by an organized crime group

RE "Wrongdoing tends to be more banal than large criminal organisations making threats" (and carrying them out).
On the other hand she was from a former Soviet state and Russians (mafia included) think the cracking of nuts was what sledgehammers were made for.

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 23:55 just stumbled o... Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

I think the authors of this site have feminization confused with attractiveness. You don't have to be overly feminine as a female to be attractive nor do you have to be majorly masculine as a male to be attractive. Just lookat rockers and actors through out history alot of them have androgynous qualities and I don't think woman are lesbians for liking them. This is especially true cross culturally, asian societies, japan in particular, value a pretty boy sense of beauty above truly masculine males. Tales of genji etc all value a very boyish, and soft men as the ideal. Fashion industry may be dominated by homosexuals, but any survey comparing romjin with layla to heterosexual males will have romjin coming out a huge winner. She's has great curves, a striking somewhat masculine face which lends itself to the camera. Your article makes her sound like some monster or something.

I read through some other parts of your site after this article, basically your view of beauty is centered around feminization while "gay" designers are supporting masculine looking women as you say. you sound almost as judgmental as those so called gay designers.

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 14:12 Michelle Fashion models with and without make-up

Naomi Campbell is truly beautiful bot with and without makeup.

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 10:10 Baldie Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

On the other hand sometimes feminists are not alone in their concerns.
Gorillas are interesting they are polygamous, the biggest and strongest is the Mountain Gorilla - it also has the blackest face...

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 08:14 Baldie Anorexia and bulimia prevention programs: the most effective intervention

Anorexic girls never needed to go on a diet to look good; they tend to be of above average attractiveness (at the begining of their illness) Hence they are more feminine too(at the begining).

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 08:03 Baldie The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Many young girls already are in a Gulag - of the mind. The physical effects are the same as the real thing and as John Gray says(in Black Mass) - there were parts of the camp system where it was practically impossible to emerge alive.

Christian, your photo of Miss Crombez proves that off duty she is indeed more feminine because of her pale skin and facial expression; she could give that look at a show but the designers don't want it - for reasons that we don't have to guess at. You've provided a facinating insight, thanks.

Elize is being persecuted for her looks? Well going about the steets like that and built like she is, Elise must be pestered by men of certain proclivities who mistake her for one of their own.

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 06:31 Navel Attaché The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

RE "Ana looks good smiling"
Why do models rarely smile on the catwalk, are they told not to because it would make them look too feminine? Fashion models seem to be setting their jaw to look serious, tough, or hard. The fashion pose - throwing the pelvis grotesquely forward - is strange.

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 06:08 Navel Attaché Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

In all study two's images the subjects appear to be young and have far less abdominal adiposity than average. (PE students?)
The opposite is true for most of Study one's image subjects who appear to include middle aged women who have had children.
I would have expected men's preferences to show significant differences. Are the hooded vertical liking women assessing what they'd like in a man, it looks like a total lack of abdominal adiposity. Women don't like being judgemental about other womens bodyfat.

Fri, 08/08/2008 - 12:28 Baldie The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

The body comparison with six of Keeleys top quality professional studio photos has only one studio (green outfit) of Ana, OK two including the last beach - but she is walking. I think people in the business of fashion or glamour photography would not think this balance fair. Moreover Keeley is holding specialist glamour poses - for an hour probably with who knows how many shots disguarded - whereas Ana is twice striking a fashion pose on the catwalk at a show, it is hardly surprising Keeley comes out best. Annie B's outdoor shots are comparable for lighting and photography unfortunately she is posing and many unflattering shots may have been disguarded. Ana is also shown in merciless outdoor light but is paparazzied fixing her hair. Although its over against a studio set piece the backstage one is closer to being a comparison, Ana looks good smiling whereas Keeley keeps her mouth slightly open to look sexy which she does. With this one a chance missed to give an idea of their respective statures which I feel would favour Ana.

Keeley has the goods but her photos are too expertly done for a level playing field body comparison, I think this gives an "out" for the targets while using Annie B leaves them no excuses, perhaps your purport is beyond my understanding again. Having said all this the catwalk shots are startlingly masculine, the red lingerie alone justifies your characterization of this show. Ms Barros has huge feet with protruding heel bones - easily mistaken for something on floor on first glance - and oddly spaced toes.(typo on this caption - "usightly"? )

Fri, 08/08/2008 - 06:35 jake The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

look at barros' big lips is that typical of europeans? LOL

and those deep tired looking eyes. that may be european but that's not nordic, that's cro magnoid. her eye ridges are way too pronounced.

nooo that is not pretty shut the fuck up zonneschijn

Fri, 08/08/2008 - 06:30 jake The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

and another thing zonneschijn: barros doesnt look oriental, she looks part black or amerindian you idiot. that's probably what erik meant. why the fuck are you bringing up asians? you are a fucking dumbass.

Fri, 08/08/2008 - 06:23 jake The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

zonneschijn: you're a fucking idiot. keeley is way hotter than ana beatriz.

Thu, 08/07/2008 - 21:56 Ali Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

"Sub-Saharan Africans tend to have narrower hips than whites, but this appears to be an ethnic feature unrelated to testosterone levels"

Yes it is because non-Africans (especially Europeans and East Asians) tend to have bigger brained babies and thus demand broader pelvises from their mothers. Women tend to have wider pelvises compared to men due to childbirth.

Thu, 08/07/2008 - 15:17 Baldie Natural vs. fake tan: which is better for darkening skin?

Anthropologist Peter Frost in his web essay - Fair Women, Dark Men.The Forgotten Roots Of Colour Prejudice - points out for every ethnic origin men are darker than women. In a French colour meaning study of preschoolers were asked to pair adjectives with pictures of light or dark people or animals. "For the the darker figure they chose only one positive quality 'robuste'...(sturdy or rugged). For the lighter figure the children most often choose...pretty or kind". In Ancient Greece remarking on a persons white skin could be a flattering complement - or an insinuation of effeminacy and cowardice, how it was taken depended on the sex of the recipient. Historicaly(depending on context) a white skin was considered a sign of cowardly indifference.

The prevailence of tanning may be explained by the fact that modern women appear to believe that tanned skin makes them more attractive, (a 2007 English study bore this out) a possible explaination
In any event the result is that even those men who think tanning is silly may be unwise to eschew it, unless they want to come across like Caspar Milquetoast
(It has sometimes been remarked upon that male fashion models are very pale.)

Thu, 08/07/2008 - 10:33 Baldie What is sexy?

To me Maria is a little out of place here, although perhaps it's her best feature (long thick hair) making her look more feminine.

Cyn has a good body but is too pale to look sexy, copper coloured hair (shows ignorance of bleaching procedures) does her no favours.

These girls seem as if they are comfortable in a sexual situation, none of the "deer caught in the headlights" impression that more feminine women can sometimes make.

Thu, 08/07/2008 - 07:01 Baldie Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Examples of a typical East European Slavic face and a beautiful feminine woman? - one does both "Silvia Saint" so beautiful it hurts to know she is in porn.
(Now your north european side can get offended about being dissed.)

Example of Slavs with fine features who are also north europeans(Nordics)? - Finns

Wed, 08/06/2008 - 16:50 Ingrid Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Yes, I understand the article completely. I could not agree more with the point it is trying to make. Many Eastern European women are overrepresented in the fashion/porn industry. Yes, many Eastern European women are prostitutes and nude models. Yes, it is clear that they are willing to starve themselves or sell their bodies so that they could earn some money. I also know it is most likely not a lot of money in the first place. I absolutely agree that the fashion industry is taking advantage of these young poor Eastern European women who are most likely sending the little money they are making back to their families in another country. I know that what the fashion industry is doing to these women is morally wrong. I also believe that it is not only wrong to do this to the models, but the young girls all across the globe that see these models on television or in magazines and strive to look like them. I definitely understand what the article is trying to say. I mean, I am probably only of average intelligence and not entirely as educated as I should be, however I can understand the article thank you. I have nothing against the article except that it points out that the models look like little boys. Hey! Its 100% correct. I guess I just sensed an underlying message, which insulted me personally. I am 50% Eastern European and 50% Northern European. I have some distinct Eastern European features like these models. I have high cheekbones, broad forehead, small chin, round face (brachycephalic cranium), eyes are not close set or wide set, small top lip, full bottom lip, wide open almond shaped eyes, high bridged straight nose of medium length, medium height and weight (5’5 1/2, 117lbs), hourglass figure, 34C, 25, 35 are my measurements, long legs, small feet, short-medium waist, long neck but looks shorter because of rounded face. I was born with light (almost white) ashy blonde hair that turned into a dark ashy blonde that gets pretty bright in the summer. I also have hazel eyes that change colors from gold-yellowish brown, light-yellow green, dark brown, and black. My skin is extremely pale and cool toned, and I occasionally get freckles across my nose and shoulders. Overall, I look like an Eastern European with Northern European features, like those models. It just made me angry, because in my mind, the article implied that Eastern European women cannot be beautiful. The only reason they are so successful is because they are cheap. Also, the one thing that makes them somewhat attractive is the fact that they have “refined” Northern European features. Hey maybe this is the truth and I just cannot accept it. I would like to ask you to please post a few examples (photos) of what a feminine beautiful woman should look like. Then I would also please ask you to post few examples of the typical Slavic or Eastern European woman. Then I will judge for myself how far off ugly Eastern European women are off from the ideal. I can live with truth, and I seek truth. So if the truth is that Eastern European women are just plain ugly women who look like boys, I can live with it.

You may wonder hmm.. how I Earth did she get that impression? These statements in the article led me to have the feelings I did.

1)Apparently, Eastern European women are more likely to possess the characteristics that are required of high-fashion models. Fashion designers generally prefer tall, skinny and masculinized teenage girls with a Northern European appearance.

2)A large number of the dominant fashion designers are homosexual men with pederastic interests and they insist that their female models lean toward the looks of boys in their early adolescence, which requires a very thin and lanky appearance, and the tall and masculine girls willing or forced to starve themselves to present such looks are going to disproportionately come from regions comprising of a large number of poor individuals with a Northern European appearance.

Wed, 08/06/2008 - 11:30 Baldie Drugs that attenuate skin aging: proven therapies

Micheal Ristow's work suggests ROS production is countered by the mitohormetic effect. Toxic radicals induce an endogenous response culminating in increased defence capacity. Antoxidants are begining to be seen as deleterious to health. Vitamin D by damping down inflamation is the most powerful anti (unnecessary) ROS agent.
Copper Zinc malonate sounds promising.

Wed, 08/06/2008 - 10:48 Baldie Anorexia and bulimia prevention programs: the most effective intervention

Anorexic girls tend to be obedient and conscientious, they are often popular with teachers. Perhaps these girls are applying an unspoken rule they have perceived - you can't be to thin - rather than trying to look attractive.
The message about gay designers would be more likely to change their behaviour than the one that they've heard a million times before: "it doesn't look good".

In the UK anorexia treatment centres are overwhelmed, only the most serious cases get admitted.
I have heard of the use of insulin to induce a powerful hunger followed by a large meal. This kind of treatment would require expert medical supervision and be much more expensive.

From what I've read / heard bulimia sufferers seem to be a bit different to anorexic girls.

Wed, 08/06/2008 - 08:18 Baldie Natural vs. fake tan: which is better for darkening skin?

Darkening the face by suntanning will of course roughen the skin especialy on the lips (lips don't produce melanin). The contrast between facial and lip pigmentation is important as a gender cue, it should pay to preserve it when applying fake tan (or bronzing make up). Lessening the contrast between facial pigmentation and eye/lip pigmentation may reduce the perceived femininity of a face.

Tue, 08/05/2008 - 14:16 Baldie Estradiol and face shape in women

Superb study, the face shape difference is brought out to a striking degree. A hell of a job on the skin tones, usually the skin is evened out with composite photos. I am sure subtle differences in reflectance were lost but with studies like this skin whiteness will get the attention it merits.

Is it just me or does the less attractive face look slightly paler, could that make a difference?

Make up often gives a slight darkening effect

Tue, 08/05/2008 - 12:55 Baldie Roy How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

If I remember rightly genes for physical size are only properly expressed if they come from the father, eg the father may be small but he can pass on his unexpressed genes to make his son (or daughter) large. If the height of the mother is not fully reflected in the son it might explain lack of interest in a womans height

Tue, 08/05/2008 - 11:41 Baldie Roy Natural vs. fake tan: which is better for darkening skin?

Avoiding the sun on face, ears, neck, maybe arms and hands is good advice especialy if you freckle ,it doesn't look good. Unless you get moles ect., there are health benefits to sun exposure between 10 and 2, mainly Vitamin D3 which may have important immune modulating effects and interactions with bodyfat. When sunbathing for health reasons it is wise to keep the previously areas covered. Restrict exposure to a maximum of 20 minutes a day (not every day), sun is said to have a tranquilizing effect so most people seriously overdo it.

A disadvantage of blonde hair is that it doesn't frame the features by providing a contrast to to skin as well as dark hair, darkening the skin gets around this.

Fake tan is definitely the way to go.

If you have an intermediate shade of hair darkening the skin may result in a loss of contrast. Lightening the hair will provide a framing effect on the face. Dying the hair darker is another solution to this problem.
