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Sun, 10/19/2008 - 03:44 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

dude you are...: So your inference about the geographic distribution of breast size is based on the women you have dated? You will make an excellent statistician.

A cursory visual inspection of closely related populations is not very likely to suggest geographic variation in breast size since in any population one finds many women with small breasts, many women with large breasts and many women with medium-sized breasts. Systematic studies are needed. The study was conducted by a company that makes bras. It needs the data for efficient allocation of resources and inventory. So don’t tell me that the study is bunk.

You cited an article about potential explanations for an increase in the breast size of British women. Some of the causes mentioned include increasing obesity, increased impact of estrogens due to behaviors such as reduced child bearing, and increased exposure to environmental estrogens. But guess what? These factors also apply to Swedish and other European women. The issue is that the ethnic differences have remained. I have come across old anthropological works describing Irish women (especially in the West) as bigger-breasted and more prone to obesity than Swedish women.

You said that fat women were considered attractive in the past because it implied riches. If this reference is to Europe, then you had better read about the status of obesity in Medieval Europe.

I am not promoting too feminine women or overweight women. There is an upper limit of femininity beyond which attractiveness diminishes.

People indeed like smartness, but this website has nothing to do with smarts. Women have more testosterone than estrogens, not the other way around (in men, the difference is much greater). And your discussion focuses on breast size, which this website isn’t about. It would be very easy to find a woman with an A-cup who looks overall much better than a woman with a C-cup, and it is the overall looks that matter. I haven’t even bothered addressing the breasts of Rebecca Romijn.

Sun, 10/19/2008 - 01:53 Erik From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Roy: The [relevant] illustration is about shape, and the citations clearly refer to shape comparisons, not size comparisons. Men have larger teeth than women (a size difference) but also larger faces than women (another size difference), on average. So having more regressed jaws shape-wise does not mean that the teeth have to be more crowded. Also note that with an increase in size there is an effect on shape also (allometry), i.e., the jaws becoming more protruding shape-wise with increasing skull size. Hence, compared to women, in men, a larger skull size makes the jaws more protruding shape-wise and masculinization makes the jaws more regressed shape-wise.

This site may be comparatively unusual in allowing free and sustained dissent or criticism, but the true oddity is with most other sites. What is the point of allowing comments by the readers when opposing viewpoints and evidence to the contrary are not welcome or poorly received?

I am confident that I can address most if not all counter-arguments and hence have no need to screen comments and remove those that I don’t like. My shortcoming is being unable to timely address counter-arguments, but a non-timely response from me should not be assumed to imply that I am unable to respond or have conceded the point(s). As long-term readers of this site should know, I can almost always take care of the criticism, and rest assured I will take care of all comments by you that I haven’t answered so far, eventually.

In addition, I cannot know everything, cannot be right all the time, and I need feedback to improve my arguments. Hence, I need critical commentary.

Sun, 10/19/2008 - 01:10 Erik Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Miss Holloway: You answered your first question before asking this question. You quote me as stating that I sometimes come across attractive women with breasts too small to put them in the attractive women section. So how are these women unattractive to me when I started out describing them as attractive? Putting too many women with very small breasts in the attractive women section – and there are some such women there – is not consistent with promoting feminine beauty.

Beauty is by its very nature exclusive and exists within a narrow range.

As to who I am, I am from an extraterrestrial species that has 3 sexes and hence the male or female designations do not apply, and I don’t work in the fashion industry. This means that you must evaluate my arguments based on the evidence I offer. And please, one doesn’t have to be a dog to understand a few things about dogs.

This website is not telling women how they should look. It is about promoting some looks.

The goals of this website do not remotely resemble the eugenics movement, which wasn’t started by Hitler or the Nazis. The eugenics movement was started and promoted by then counterparts of people that we today refer to as leftists or liberals or progressives. And if skull diagrams equal eugenics then, keeping in mind that very few people are into skull diagrams, I suggest you concern yourself with the large number of Nazis running around in the form of Socialists (Socialism was a central Nazi platform), animal rights people (Hitler had high regard for vegetarianism and mostly practiced it), environmental rights people (The Nazis expressed strong interest in a healthy environment), Volkswagen Bug owners (the Bug was commissioned by Hitler), etc.

Baker bob is a malicious individual. He has left comments under several aliases. Here he accuses me of believing that Nordic women are ideal, but it is common observation that attractive and unattractive women are found in all populations, and he ignores my extensive argument that attractiveness cannot be objectively compared across ethnic groups.

Sun, 10/19/2008 - 00:18 Erik What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

Doors: Laetitia Casta was never a supermodel. So bringing her into the discussion is not very relevant. Supermodels have not existed for many years now, but in a loose sense the term is still used to describe models that are or have been high-profile high-fashion models and are also high-profile commercial models (lingerie, swimsuit, etc.), thereby having a strong presence in the media. Laetitia Casta is known for lingerie/swimsuit modeling, not high-fashion modeling. She is an exception to the kind of lingerie models Ed Razek or industry homosexuals in general prefer, but exceptions don’t make the rule.

Still, it is of some interest to look into the extent of femininity that industry homosexuals will tolerate, and if Laetitia Casta is among the best examples of femininity promoted by the homosexuals in recent years, then the answer is, again, not much. I have some pictures of Laetitia Casta showing that her backside is not especially feminine, especially in contrast to her breasts, and her skeletal frame (shoulder width – ribcage width – hip width ratio) isn’t that feminine either. Someday I should post these pictures.

Sat, 10/18/2008 - 12:15 Doors What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

What about Laetitia Casta? She is well known for her big breast, she is only 5.6 and she never had a boy-like figure!

Sat, 10/18/2008 - 09:04 Roy From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I was wondering: if masculinisation produces regressed jaws and men (I assume) do not have smaller teeth with increased masculinisation, does that mean that crowded teeth will tend to be rather more common in men and especially the more masculinised ones. (descend?nt, fig.2?). I have begun to realize how unusual this site is in that you allow commenters to sustain dissenting remarks - thanks!. I won't take it for granted in the future though.

Sat, 10/18/2008 - 06:56 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

Two state of the art papers (I hope you will find their methods interesting) and my last word on the subject
Facial Ontologeny in Neanderthals and modern humans.

Neanderthal brain size at birth provides insights into the evolution of human life history.

If you look at the photo with the artists you will see it has blue eyes, they had to change this as research contradicted it so digitally altered to it green brown. This is even more of a problem for the 'eye colour as side effect of pale skin' theory because green unlike blue is not linked to white skin. If Neanderthal females looked anything like the NG model there would have been evidence of widespread hybridisation discovered. There hasn't been so they didn't.

Fri, 10/17/2008 - 22:39 Miss Holloway Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I just have a question and I wasn't sure where else to direct it. You stated "Every now and then I come across some attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts, like the two women below, and am left lamenting that if only these women had normal breasts, I would have put them in the attractive women section." So, women with small breasts are unattractive? You're trying to promote "feminine" beauty, yet you're putting "beauty" in a very small margin. Yeah, its nice that you're trying to teach people that more body types than those of models are attractive. But those models are women too. They might work to get those bodies, but their basic body shapes are theirs and their own.

As a bisexual woman with small breasts, I can tell you that my boyfriend loves my breasts and I find small breasts attractive. I find large breasts attractive, yeah, but I also like small breasts.

Who are you? Are you a man or a woman? Do you work in the fashion industry? What makes you think you have any right to tell women how they should look?

Baker Bob is right, you are racist. What you're doing is no different than the study of eugenics. Look it up. It's not a compliment. The skull thing? Dead on. Good job, Hitler.

Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:39 Roy Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

A picture of an Ainu women with tattooed mustache might be a worthwhile addition to the body modification gallery.
On the matter of shamans (applicable to religion generally) tribes are in conflict with one another and if the shaman derived tribal practices differ then the most disadvantagous practices will tend to be removed by natural selection. So many shaman might have been mad and got their tribe to do something very stupid which could become a tradition, but it couldn't be too stupid if they survived. No doubt many tribes have disappeared because they did believe in the shaman (and tribal deity) and the shaman told them not to take violent bloody actions against their neighbouring tribe or the shaman prophesied that the neighbours were going to become too strong for them that the time pre-empt their attack was now, but the tribe said we don't beleive you or thought war was too risky
The enforcement of public morality has great advantages in this group selection so a shaman might be suggesting something really stupid but if it caught on it might have something going for it, for reasons that never entered his head probably. Lets take circumcision as an example, a form of body modification that has been promoted (since ww2 for some reason) as healthy. Now a new wave of promotion is being launched it is supposed to partially protect against HIV This, along with the the strict Muslim beliefs on sex, is said to account for the low rate of HIV in Senegal. So the body modification of a long standing religion is a positive boon to a peeople who practice it.
Or maybe not, maybe the men of Senegal have something else going for them that affects HIV according to James Mackintosh ( Mackintosh,J,A,.2001 'The Antimicrobal Properties of Melanocytes Melanosomes and Melanin and the Evovlution of Black Skin' Journal Of Theoretical Biology 211:101-113) it's all down to the colour of their skin, foreskin mainly, which needs to be resistant to infection because their high T. levels depress their immunity.

Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:07 Roy How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

I oughtn't to have been so insouciant about Hammer et al, from what others are saying, it does include data from the very population (Senegal) which should be a case in point for the theory however the results are totally negative. Still:-

"Karl Popper pointed out that given the statement 'If p then q' and you do p and q does not follow, then you have disproved the statement; and he argued that the real method of science is not to try to verify statements but to disprove them. A surprising number of scientists, including very successful ones, have expressed agreement with him. But Poppers's argument only holds in the abstract world of pure logic, in which the statement 'If p then q' implies that q will always follow p, whatever all the other circumstances are, so that we are not allowed to bring in some other disturbing factor. ... But the world which science tries to to analyse is not the pure world of logic; it is the rough and untidy world of actual happenings. Suppose we have a hypothesis like 'If a match is put to twigs (p) a fire starts (q)'. Quite often, when one does this (p) the fire actually does start (q). But again , sometimes the twigs are wet, or something; and this does not completely disprove the suggestion that matches have something to do with starting fires. In the real world of science we can never have statements which are 100% true in all circumstances. The mistake made...-- (by) those who asked for verification and those who would settle for falsification-- is that they demand 100% certainty; and that is something we can never have about the real world. All science can do is to show that some things are very likely, others unlikely. Its picture of the world is more like a portrait drawn by a painter than like a precise theorem in logic" (CH Waddington 1977)

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 16:56 Erik Please do not post direct links to this site at, plus other news

After this site was knocked offline from being dugg (linked from, I went overboard with changes: switching to a new server, using memcache, php op code, combining multiple css and js files into a single file each, using nginx as reverse proxy and gzipping all text-based content. Yesterday, Jezebel featured an article on this site. Within a short amount of time, thousands of feminists went through this site and they are still coming from there. But the site had no issues with CPU loads or memory usage, and could easily have handled several times the traffic. So I am pleased that the tweaks work. Hence there is no need to coralize links to this site from high-traffic sites since the Coral mirror is slow and not reliable. I am also pleased that Jezebel feminists dig the feminine beauty site.

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 16:22 I'm too late, b... Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Yay! Monica is a beautiful young lady, her face is so pretty and shes got much more woman curves. I don't care what she is doing or where she is from, it's all about bodies here, right? So she is my choice. Elle wtf. never liked her, shoulders like arnold schwarzenegger + no back.

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 13:57 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

"Climate change 'did not kill Neanderthals'" (Telegraph)
Closer look at the female Neanderthal's face, The European Neanderthals were, if anything, even more odd looking than this which is based on fossils found in Israel. Now you can see how compared to the NG's farrago this model's orbits conform closely to the female Neanderthal skull shown in NG as does the total absence of a forehead and forward placement of the teeth
John Hawks says the explaination for the fate of Neanderthals could be "complicated metapopulation dynamics...In a nutshell a population sink is a region where the average rate of reproduction is below replacement levels. This region can remain populated only if individuals migrate in from other places.The places that reproduce above replacement are called population sources. ...Europe today is a population sink.The population of the contintent does not produce enough children to replace itself... There are several reasons to suggest that Europe may have been a population sink in prehistory as well".
No suggestion that the "migration gains" of prehistory were anything but irrelevant to the Neandethal demise. The NG model looks like a fully modern human European woman if it looks like anything. On another subject (Steve Jones saying evolution is coming to an end partialy because of population mixing) here is Hawks' last paragraph
"There's also an antiquated version of ethnocentrism here; how can we talk about the future of human evolution without considering the intense dynamics in today's developing nations? Relative to Africa and Asia, Europe is now a population sink.

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 09:13 David The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

i have never read such utter crap in all my life. Go get a hobby.

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 07:22 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

The fate of the Neanderthals (Nature article by Paul Mellars)
The second page has a reconstruction of a female.

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 01:08 jake Welcome!

and zonneschijn, you are such an idiot. shut up.

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 01:03 Visitor Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

you do realize that your belly button depends on how they cut the chord when you were a baby, tied it up, etc? right? now I know your going insane. Belly buttons? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 00:51 jake Welcome!

Seriously read how much detail erik goes into when talking about boys and pedophilia, especially the part where he attempts to explain the models' height. This dude is fucking sick.

I've always liked slim chicks with boobs (at least a b cup), long flowing hair, and pretty faces (usually with eye make up). I dont know of any prepubescent boys that match that description. I would never go for a chick with a manly or boyish physique, but I dont like the extreme thick types you see in rap videos either. Now that is just way too excessive for my taste. You dont have to have super fat asses to be considered feminine. Anyone that says otherwise is an idiot. -_-

Thu, 10/16/2008 - 00:39 jake Welcome!

erik sounds like a real freak.

Wed, 10/15/2008 - 08:22 John-Paul A genetic algorithm for selecting more beautiful faces

Erik: I bet you would find that people like Shagheyegh and Uldouz have high 2D:4D ratios. This would indicate high pre-natal estradiol. Although as you stated earlier that estradiol doesn't have that much of an effect by itself, not being exposed to too many androgens may also play a role, as too many androgens would seriously cause a womans face to appear 'plain' by protruding the glabella and elonagting the chin.

Also, from this it is clear that the genes that produce an attractive face phenotype, are the same for both male and female, with the androgens and estrogens determining wether they are male or female.

Wed, 10/15/2008 - 08:08 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman
Neandertal Scapular Glenoid Morphology
Steven E Churchil , Eric Trinkaus (1990)
(American Journal Of Physical Anthropology)

Wed, 10/15/2008 - 07:34 John-Paul A genetic algorithm for selecting more beautiful faces

Erik: Have you come across the research paper entitled: 'Mate choice decisions: the role of facial beauty' by V.S. Johnston? It also advocates that pre-natal steroid exposure plays at least some role in facial beauty. Otherwise there is actually very knowledge of the biology behind beauty, probably one the most understudied areas in biology.

Wed, 10/15/2008 - 07:20 Roy Are faces more attractive when they are closer to the average of their ethnic group?
Niger's Dandy Gerewol festival (Times Online) Female mate choice by derived looks "His nose (should be) fine and long" in West Africa. Yes Wodaabe are a good example of female preference for fine features in men altering the physique of a people. Selection of males that may explain some other sub Saharan peoples where fine features are common like Zulus so in principle it could apply to european gracilization.

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 22:41 Matthew Feminine beauty site makeover

Hi, I'm glad you improved the behind-the-scenes of this site, However, I did question the site's existence. The new layout looks sort of like a domain squatter website. Even StumbleUpon had ranked this site as 'not-available'. I was kinda miffed thinking that this site had gone bye-bye. The site is easier to navigate though. Anyway, glad to see that this uber-bright lighthouse of truth still shines it's light upon the face of the deep.

Thanks and bye!

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 14:14 Roy How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

X CHROMOSOME IS EXTRA DIVERSE (Science News) explains the specific study for those too stoopid to understand. I found it very helpful.
As I said it is well known that the Basques are closely related to the Irish. I posted a link to the Irish Y chromosome months ago. (Do West coast Irishmen look as if they are low on T.)
Steve Jones mentioned the same data the other day (Telegraph)in support of his contention that evolution is coming to an end. Prescient or what?
The Senegal figure was the highest among Africans. The San do not have black skins or a powerful build. I'm honest enough to admit that going by this study as far as I can understand it the Mandelka are not far ahead of the Basques in a measure of polygyny. The time frame might be confusing matters the Irish data are said to be accounted for by an early medieval king.
