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Thu, 11/20/2008 - 03:46 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"If you go to Mumbai or Goa many clubs have attractive young things as well"

Maybe, and those attractive people will for the most part be white tourists, not the 100% Indians.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 23:59 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Jay Brophy: Obviously, political incorrectness does not make an opinion or argument valid, but neither does difficulty in getting it published in mainstream or ‘respectable’ sources make an argument invalid. The conviction of an author who argues that a specific idea of his is indisputable could be based on delusion or the simple fact that he is right. Hence, a strong conviction does not offer any insight into the mind of the claimant. You and others have the opportunity to argue that I am wrong. Also, I haven’t mentioned a conspiracy to silence me. Some people examining some of the core issues addressed within this site have come across this site, have realized the error of their thinking but pretend that this site doesn’t exist. We shall see how long they can keep their pretense or continue to defend their hypotheses.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 21:30 Jay Brophy Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Being politically incorrect does not validate an opinion a priori. However, a reader can garner a great deal of insight into the mind of the author based on his defense of his opinion. Anyone who claims that his position is "indisputable" or that it will become "common knowledge" when he overcomes the conspiracy to silence him establishes all that a reader needs to know about the mind behind the opinion.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 18:51 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

What are you trying to prove? That Swedes look better than Indians? Aishwarya is not regarded as beautiful because of her "whiteness", In fact she had to struggle to turn famous like every other actress. If you go to Mumbai or Goa many clubs have attractive young things as well.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 13:50 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Here are a few more pictures of Swedish young girls and guys. Not world famous movie stars, but real, ordinary
people, people you will see if you go out on the town in Stockholm.

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 13:29 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Aishwarya's nose is actually just fine and it is suited to her face and has not been altered.

Here's Ash with brown contacts. she wore them for a film role.

Does she look worse? More Indian? Less nordic?

There are Indians who have a lighter complexion.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 12:38 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I'm not "impressed" with her looks. In fact, the ordinary Swedes I have posted here outcompete her. The Indians are not attractive to most Europeans, and the only thing that makes her appealing is the fact that she looks less ethnically Indian. It is her white qualities that appeal to us, not her Indian ones, and especially not the ugly Indian nose. I hope this clears it up.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 12:27 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Here are some examples of young Swedish women and men. They are not famous, just ordinary people. These photos were taken in well-known nightclubs in Stockholm. Fredrik Ljungberg is the only famous Swede among these.

I hope Erik will find the photos interesting. I don't believe you have many of Swedes/ Nordics on your site. I think these photos speak for themselves as to the beauty of the Swedes.

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swede Swedes Swede

from Sweden Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes from Sweden

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 12:00 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

How the hell is Aishwarya (the Indian woman) look less Indian? She does not look Nordic at all. That means emily you are impressed with her looks even though she is not Nordic.

Wed, 11/19/2008 - 02:00 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

To the people here who put down nordic women. Jealous much? Why hate us just because we have oval faces instead of round ones, blue and green-blue eyes instead of hard, olive or brown ones, straight and cute noses instead of huge hooked ones, feminine refined facial features instead of broad and coarse features, delicate mouths instead of broad and fat ones, feminine teeth instead of masculine, big horse teeth, fine, soft blonde and reddish blonde hair instead of coarse dark-brown hair?

The truth is that the beautiful nordic woman is THE ideal that everyone envies. To say that openly is being racist, of course. I prefer to say it since it is the truth.

Face cannot have what we need to hate us for it. That's not our fault.

By the way, that Indian woman is beautiful only because she has a smaller nose that is less hooked, whiter skin and nordic eye color. Hint..because she is LESS Indian-looking.

Mon, 11/17/2008 - 02:02 Tyciol Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

I can definately see what the author's talking about here. Opinions ARE information guys, it's not as if he's misrepresenting it as actual data, it is an observation which he backs up with pictures to demonstrate what he's talking about. You can see the difference between hard and soft features here.

Nobody really cares what the 'majority' of men jack off to. If you think about it, women with more testosterone want to have sex more, and guys nowadays are very desperate and submissive so they may go for that, but that is still pretty homosexual in nature. That's not a bad thing, while I'm mostly heterosexual I've got some homosexual tendencies myself, it's not a bad form of interaction at all.

Even so, I think you're missing out on appreciation a feminine woman's soft and subtle beauty too. We're all in a rush to embrace the forgotten girls, which is great, but we can't forget the traditional type of girl either in the rush to be openminded.

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 22:39 Lance What form of women’s body shape was preferred in medieval Europe?

Why is a small waist considered so beautiful to most everyone?

GAH, it's like women have to be anorexic these days.

Big women are beautiful too. Queen Latifah is a goddess.

Why can't people understand that women who weigh over 160 are gorgeous too?

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 17:22 Erik Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Andrea: The problem isn’t power but abuse of power. Most homosexuals are not involved with the fashion industry and it isn’t that they face rampant discrimination outside the fashion industry. The relationship between anti-homosexual sentiment in the general population and discrimination against homosexuals isn’t a straightforward one. Whereas the stronger the anti-homosexual sentiment, the greater the chances of homosexuals being discriminated against, the proportion of homosexuals who remain closeted also increases, and hence the chances of people finding out who the homosexuals are and then discriminating against them decreases.

The solutions to discrimination against homosexuals are educating the public about setting aside their biases when evaluating a job applicant, specifically focusing on whether the characteristics they consider undesirable are related to job performance; and carefully worded legislation that prohibits discriminating against homosexuals if their homosexuality is unrelated to job performance while protecting religious groups from abuse and maximally upholding freedom of association.

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 09:31 Andrea Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

you are right Erik it's unfortunate that gays have so much power in fashion. If they were not a part of the fashion world they would probably be in danger in their work, discrimination. What should they do?

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 06:06 Erik Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

lifetime-exclusive heterosexual male: If sizes are not specified, then, small, medium and large should be judged in terms of the distribution of breast size in the general population of a given ethnic group. I used the word normal whereas the correct word should have been medium or average since most below average and most above average breast sizes fall within statistically and developmentally normal variation. Ethnic comparisons are not relevant to this page, and as it is, breast size variation within an ethnic group is greater than breast size differences between ethnic groups. Greater femininity tends to increase breast size and reduce waist and rib cage size. Hence, there should be no difficulty in finding women with, compared to the average in women, smaller waists, smaller rib cages and larger breasts simultaneously. I am not promoting large, fake breasts here.

I am hardly posting pictures of jailbait. Some websites featuring nude women add ‘teen’ in their name, but they are all 18-plus and many are beyond their teens, sometimes explicitly stated as such by the people who run these sites. The legal requirement is 18+, and the website operators are unlikely to risk incarceration and jeopardize their earnings by featuring underage women. However, some of these websites cater to men interested in girls in their mid-teens by recruiting models who are 18 or 19 but look a few years younger. I haven’t been using these women as examples of attractive women, and why should there be a problem in my using some models from these sites if they don’t look like jailbait? There are very few examples of apparent but not actual jailbait within this site, one specifically in the context of contrasting girlish with boyish looks in teenage girls (see this on Adriana Lima) and a few examples where some but not all readers would see the models as jailbait.

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 05:19 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

MarxEngland: This is a response to your 3 points and your question. First, the cited article is not my only publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal; here is another one, though not related to this site. There are others on their way.

Second, the cited article is an original research article. The website of the journal offers a free preview of the first page of the article, and “Original Article” is clearly stated on top of the page. The cited article is not a critical review of another author’s work because Marquardt has never published the validity of his mask in a scientific journal and hence there is no scientific work of his that I am addressing. Some people have published some journal articles on the validity of Marquardt’s mask, and I do address them in my paper, but my work is original. In addition, criticism of some claims do not prevent the criticism from being classified as original research work.

Third, low impact factor of a journal is not the primary criterion of an article’s quality or its importance. If you look at funding, medical research is funded many times all science research combined. The gap is especially stark when pure science, i.e., scientific research not aimed at any applications, is concerned. Therefore, medical research will generally be more high profile and cited in all sorts of places, hence having a high impact factor. The journal I published my article in addresses aesthetic plastic surgeries, which do not concern themselves with medical problems. So the articles in this journal will generally not be addressing high profile issues in medical practice. Aesthetic plastic surgeries are a subset of plastic surgeries, and one of the articles that I have argued against (by Bashour) in my paper was published in a plastic surgery journal having a higher impact factor, which is simply due to the fact that plastic surgeries generally address structural/functional medical problems, not merely aesthetic problems. But, the key to deciding whose article is superior, Bashour’s or mine, does not lie in the impact factor of the journal that has published it, but in the evidence cited in the article. Bashour uses Euclidean morphometrics, the old way to compare shapes, but this approach does not take into account the geometric configuration of the landmarks of the shapes, whereas I have used geometric morphometrics, and cited plenty of literature addressing its superiority. Aesthetics is a low profile research topic compared to medical issues and application-oriented science, and hence, if an article on aesthetics is of low importance in comparison to peer-reviewed journal articles in general, it does not mean that it is of low importance within its own domain.

Last, the answer to your question is that more publications are on their way. Some of the ideas within this website are politically incorrect and would be difficult to publish in a peer-reviewed journal at present, an example of which is assigning the responsibility for the very thin ideal among female high-fashion models upon male homosexual fashion designers. You cannot tell me that this difficulty has anything to do with the validity of this notion because this notion is indisputable. The reader has the option, on many pages of this website, to try and dispute this notion, and is more than welcome to try. Politically incorrect arguments, as arguments in general, should be judged based on the evidence cited rather than the inability to get them published somewhere. The politically incorrect ideas within this site will approach common knowledge at some point. More and more people are surfing the internet and realizing that there is a whole world out there that their newspapers, magazines, TV shows and books obtained from mainstream publishers pretend doesn’t exist. So eventually, I or maybe someone else could get some of the politically incorrect ideas within this site published in peer-reviewed science journals.

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 04:55 Jenni The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

how come men don't have to deal with this? all the get to do is decide which manly girl is hot or not... :)

oh to think we will all be gone from this world one day and that none of it will matter...not how we look, not what we spend on these products, not how big our breasts are, not how pretty we should be, nothing not one bit..

although I guess when I die I want people to remember me as feminine and pretty

guess woman are screwed the moment we're born.

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 03:07 William Kazak The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

I have a number of photographs of Adriana Lima framed in my house like in an art gallery. I am a photographer and I really never knew much about Adriana but I know what I like as a hetero man and as a photographer. I show people the pics and I tell them this is what a model looks like. She has the exotic/island girl look. It brings up the fantasy of sharing a life in an exotic/warm climate with a beautiful woman who wears very little clothes, if any, and enjoys it just that way. I am all for it. She is beautiful and looks playful as well. The eyes, big lips, nice breasts, cute little butt make her very interesting for me. She is a woman, not a man.

Sun, 11/16/2008 - 03:04 emma The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1


Is this a joke or something??

Sat, 11/15/2008 - 06:05 Henry the norma... The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

re She is like a Queen from another universe! she never looks cheap! it's just impossible with that beautiful face of hers!

YOU ARE A WEIRDO, THINKING SHE IS BEAUTIFUL..... A QUEEN...? REGAL...? no way at all, she is as ugly and as boring as the back end of a camel, I agree with you, Gisele doesn't look like a man, NOR an attractive women either, "she" fits in that unsexual group (the one michael jackson belongs to)
I bet Gisele looks ugly and cheap first thing in the morning, before 3 hours of preening.

And Weirdo, cut the Politically Correct crap "it might hurt her feelings" or her mothers

Gisele looks like the witch from nania on that kids movie, The lion the witch in the wardrobe

Samara you are exactly right, she's not pretty and is a walking surfboard, sexually unattractive.

Fri, 11/14/2008 - 14:33 a 'lifetime-exc... Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

and am left lamenting that if only these women had normal breasts, I would have put them in the attractive women section

Normal? Seriously? What planet are you on? Honestly, in Toronto, which is an incredible multi-cultural city, the small to big boob scale is heavilly tilted towards the small side. What about the entire Asian population? And typically women with the narrow ribcage & waist frame that you claim is the only way to be 'feminine' will not have large breasts (at least naturally), so these women that you rave about so much are not the norm. And I'd take small and natural over large and fake any day.

Also, the photos of obvious underage jailbait on this site give me the creeps, even if you are using them to "prove" your rediculous points. 'Teen Stars Magazine'? Ugh.

Thu, 11/13/2008 - 22:20 Erik Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Joe: I don’t know who this ex-Miss Britain Daniella Lloyd is. If you have pictures of her, then there is enough information within this site for you to judge her femininity, and if you can’t, then you should post links to her pictures. I don’t have the time to be searching for her pictures.

Jill: I haven’t asked any reader to post nude pictures of her.

Ronnie: An increase in WHR over the years has been seen in all age groups from late teens to the elderly. The reason is increasing prevalence of overweight or obesity.

Statik: How small should your waist be is not the right question to be asking. Your waist measurement could vary by a few inches and not make much of a difference to your overall attractiveness. Your measurements sound fine and your figure appears to be an hourglass figure.

Dee: The definition of an hourglass figure you stated was that the bust and hip measurements should be the same. This definition is used by clothes designers, but not relevant to this site. If you turn an hourglass around, it looks the same from each side, but this is not true of the human body. In the human body, an hourglass figure applies to front view and hence circumferential measurements are not especially important. If you have a small rib cage, a small waist, prominent breasts and sufficiently wide hips, then even if your bust circumference is a few inches smaller than your hip circumference, you will have an hourglass figure, and nothing in your self-description rules out this possibility.

Liz: 27% body fat is not bad; avoid going over 35% body fat if you can, mainly by watching your diet. A 29-inch waist does not necessarily mean unimpressive figure since you could be a tall woman, and even if you are not, waist circumference by itself has a small impact on overall attractiveness. In your case, some kind of surgical correction would be helpful because it would not be solely cosmetic but have functional benefits too. Speaking of functional benefits, there should be corsets specifically intended to provide better postural support for asymmetric torsos while also enhancing looks, and you can expect a 2-inch or more reduction in waist circumference by wearing them on a regular basis, though going for a greater than 4-inch reduction would not be recommended.

Thu, 11/13/2008 - 20:52 Erik Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Jules: Women can be athletic and feminine at the same time, but feminine women will tend to be underrepresented among the better performing female athletes for obvious reasons: larger breasts, wider hips, lesser muscle mass, narrower shoulders and other more feminine features generally diminish athletic performance. You would want the women used to market athletic products to look like they are good athletes and hence using feminine women for this purpose would generally not be the best approach.

Women should not refrain from exercise to avoid looking masculine; regular exercise/physical activity is highly recommended because of its numerous fitness and some health benefits. It is not like the only valid forms of exercise are those that build muscle mass and heavier bones. Besides, some women will improve their looks by gaining some muscle mass.

Women who wear athletic gear or exercise are not unattractive to men. There are surely a large number of pictures of women in athletic gear that many men like. Physical appearance, not behavior or the minutiae of dress, is relevant to this site. To me, feminine beauty dressed to kill (as in a female version of Rambo) is more appealing than a seductively-posing masculinized woman in a bikini.

Thu, 11/13/2008 - 20:34 Erik Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

Jules: I don’t believe that a clinical description of how babies come about will harm children, except perhaps for the possibility that children may be prompted to think prematurely of matters pertaining to human sexuality, but why talk in such dull language to them? Make their lives a little more exciting via fantastic language. I don’t think talking about storks is harmful either. One doesn’t have to mess around with children as in some of the examples that I have provided, but it is all in jest, and the children know it.

Thu, 11/13/2008 - 15:31 Mike Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

If you removed all of the muscle from Dorian Yates' body, he has a worse shoulder to waist ratio than tom cruise. Yates' steroid induced muscle mass is tricking your visual system. BTW, Cruise does not have an 'effeminate' body LOL. It is not as masculine as Mike Tyson, but it is actually MORE masculine than Yates if you compare the actual skeleton.
