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Tue, 10/14/2008 - 11:50 Gertjie Dascha from Domai

One word to descibe you. Dropdead Beautiful

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 11:40 Roy How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

"Very recent times" was yet more carelessness on my part, should be 10000 years ago.
I read several years ago that paternal imprinting is the main factor for looks and size in children of either sex whereas maternal imprinting is mainly for personality. I think it is easily observed that most children resemble the looks of their father or father's side of the family, which might have implications for cheating women.

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 09:46 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

Neanderthal Women Joined Men In The Hunt (New York Times)
"Their skeletons are so robustly built"

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 09:32 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 09:03 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

Tue, 10/14/2008 - 02:51 dude youre effed up Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

I don't like your website. But I must admit that some of the other people that argue with you have issues! Seriously.

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 20:20 dude youre effed up Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Please read this. This explains why you're British women have such full breasts! It seems hormones related to menopause, excessive alcohol comsumption leading to obesity, and just obesity in general which seems to be a problem in the UK are the major factors why the breast size has gone up!
A long time ago if a woman was fat it meant she was rich and powerful. This is why they were attractive. Now we want women who are athletic and strong. A woman can still be athletic and strong and still be feminine. Also remember that life is all about balance. A woman that is too feminine has no definition. Lack of definition is unattractive and therefore her more "masculine" yet still feminine women will take her competition. A man that is too masculine is unattractive as well. A women who is overall feminine but has some masculinazation is ideal. A man that is overall masculine but has some feminization is ideal. Both sexes like smart, beautiful, strong people of the opposite sex. A person like this can be achieved with a combination of the right amount of testosterone and estrogen. Not mostly estrogen and mostly testosterone. A woman will have more estrogen than testosterone, but the absence of testosterone totally would cause her to look hideous! People like women who take care of themselves. Women who work out and still are soft. This means smaller breasts but who cares? The woman overall is attractive. We don't want cows we want women. A woman with a C cup but slender body is beautiful! However a woman with an A cup and slender body can be just as beautiful! You are stuck on this idea of attraction that is not ideal. Get over it!

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 20:08 dude youre effed up Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Yah, Im genetically Northern European I don't live there but I have dated other Northern Europeans that were not mixed and of course I have travelled there and was there not too long ago in the summer. I have also dated other women. The women that I have dated that had the biggest breasts and curviest figures were Eastern European. I dated a girl who was 100% Serbain who had 36C breasts, her waist was a 27 and her hips were 36.2. Another one I dated was a bit more slender however her boobs were a 34C. I'm not sure about her other measurements but she was very slender, and extremely curvy. I have only dated one girl that was Italian and something else I do not remember but she was just average. She was like a B cup. My girlfriend right now is Northern European and she has an A cup. She is 100% Swedish and she is tall, slender and gorgeous. I know that most "nordic" women generally don't have really curvy bodies. Instead they have really beautiful tall athletic bodies with small breasts and buttocks. However, they are very attractive. Since they look so toned I think they are the most attractive women compared to other countries. That study is bull. Who conducted it? The British right? I don't see British women as very fit, not unfit like most American women, just not very toned. They probably have very saggy breasts and of course then they will need a bigger bra. I don't see physical excercise a priority for British women unlike the Swedish women who are very athletic and active.

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 15:39 Roy The face of a Neanderthal woman

Here is what the artists said, 4 pages from back of magazine heading "Inside Geographic", "We want to make a character to recognize, maybe you'll see her and say 'That looks like Aunt Mary'". Another article in the current issue headed "Atomic Age" is a useful index of NG's reliability. By my way of thinking the map of known or suspected nuclear powers is less than exaustive.
You're right in pointing out the "woman" does have a heavier browridge and lower skull than I said, that was carelessness on my part. In my defence; why is her hair teased up like that if not to make the skull look less low and retreating? The maxilla and bony part of the nose is nowere near being prominent compared to the extremely late 45,000 to 30,000 years ago Neanderthal female skull from Gibraltar. This skulls mid-face projection is far more than any fully modern human and it is the mark of a completely different species according to the experts. Neanderthals varied with the climate, they were cold adapted and NG admitts they were without any clothing but draped skins, so they were extremely hairy if not furry. The chin is made to look more retreating than it is because of the swollen and pursed lower lip. Certainly its femininity relative to Neanderthal females would have been very great, however I just don't think any Neanderthal female ever looked like that. Interested in a cite for Neandethal women on hunts grabbing and stabbing prey,and they were almost totally meat eating, how about
NG itself says that the females went on hunts.They matured several years earlier than humans, like chimps.

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 05:13 tara is always right Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA this is the funniest one of all. Everything about "Barbie" except her basketball boobs refutes everything else you wrote on your website! She has a flat face, tiny ass, long skinny legs, she is skinny and she looks like she has basketballs attached to her chest, her shoulders are extremely wide? Much wider than her hips! Take the hair away and her jawline would be what you would call "masculine" and, she has extremely high cheekbones, I mean extremely! She looks like a super skinny Heidi Klum with basketball boobs! oh, and why does she have that angry look in her eyes?

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 02:37 wow The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

feminine beauty comes in a range of body types. the broad shoulders, ribcage, wider frame etc is not always seen to be masculine, just typical of the mesomorph body type. throw on pair of 36c's, cute bum, flat stomach, and toned limbs. you'll find something very curvy and sexy indeed. i had the best body in town growing up. not to say that the women you chose are unattractive, but the untoned look doesn't appeal to everyone.

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 01:17 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

dude you are...: If you think British women are fugly, it is your opinion. But they are not an exception. From the countries mentioned, the top 4 are UK, Denmark, Netherlands and Belgium, and the bottom 4 are Greece, Switzerland, Austria and Italy. I suppose you are familiar with their geographic locations and can observe a tendency for Northern women to, on average, have larger breasts than southern and central European women. Individual country statistics could be off because of sampling error. For instance, I have seen another study where the average French woman was reported as having a B-cup, compared to an average C-cup in Britain, but the French women are in the middle of the distribution on the linked page and seem to be placed a little higher. What is less likely is that sampling error is responsible for the geographic trend.

You mentioned Scandinavians. The Danes are Scandinavian and are in the top 4. About 1 in 4 Danes are of the the Hallstatt or Österdal Nordic type, which happens to be the predominant element ranging from Eastern Norway through Southern Sweden to parts of Western Finland. The Dutch and the Flemish part of Belgium are mostly the Keltic Nordic type, which is at least a third of eastern Scotland, eastern Ireland and England. And the stats show 1 in 4 Swedish women having a D-cup and another 30% having a C-cup (but also 14% with an A-cup). Iceland is not mentioned, but the Icelandic population is largely a mix of Norse men and British/Gaelic women. So it is unlikely that Icelandic women are small breasted.

You said that you are Northern European, yet write as if you are non-European. Since high-fashion models are mostly small breasted and typically Northern European, those that have not lived in the West and mostly observed European women in beauty and fashion magazines can be excused for thinking that European, especially Northern European, women tend to have small breasts, but those familiar with European diversity should have no such illusion.

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 00:21 Erik A genetic algorithm for selecting more beautiful faces

Father: There was a literature review about correlates of attractiveness that I addressed in an article titled “The importance of femininity to beauty in women.” The author found that femininity explained between 25% to 55% of the attractiveness of women’s faces. The average value was about 40%. So femininity is at best explaining half of the variation in women’s physical attractiveness, but usually will be explaining less than half of this variation. Since attractiveness is affected by many factors, the contribution of femininity by itself is impressive, but it does not mostly explain why a woman is attractive.

Update for Father: The studies did not involve faces with physical defects or else the proportion of attractiveness in a group of women explained by femininity alone would be lower.

anyways: Sarah Palin is not bad looking in my opinion. She has robusticity in her face, especially the jaw, but it isn’t exactly masculine. She looks good to me from several angles, not so good from other angles, but never a plain or unattractive woman. When I first found out about her – her first public speech – my reaction was I want to see her as President and my friend’s wish was that he would like to see her naked.

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 00:04 dude you are ef... Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Yah but British women are an exception. They are fugly. I am talking about Scandinavian like Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic etc. Nobody cares about British women really.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 23:26 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

CeeCee: Looking female is not the same as looking feminine unless feminine is defined in comparison to men. Femininity as considered here is among women.

dude you are...: Among European women, Northern Europeans have larger breasts on average. If I had stats on the backside, especially hourglass shapes, the find would be the same.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 22:56 Erik The face of a Neanderthal woman

Roy: You are dismissing a 6-month fossil reconstruction and citing a painting – and of a man – for a more accurate look! Neanderthals spanned a period of 150,000 years. Over this time their faces became more gracile. National Geographic doesn’t give a date for the female skull fossil, but if it is from the later period of the Neanderthals’ existence, then the faces will be closer to us than the earliest Neanderthal skulls. If the Neanderthal woman looks human, it is because she was a human.

Here is a reconstruction of a 150,000-year-old modern human (Homo sapiens; our species; taken from The Last Human). Contrast the features with those of current Europeans. 150,000 years is a long time for change, and the Neanderthals’ faces were changing over the period of their existence.

I don’t see why you are unable to note that the Neanderthal woman has a poorly developed chin, a very receding forehead and a strong brow. Maybe she didn’t have a very prominent nose because she was quite feminine or it could be an example of variation. Need I point the tremendous geographic variation among current humans regarding nose/mid-facial prominence and the variation that has existed among our species for the past 150,000 years? Why would you not expect a great deal of geographic and temporal variation among Neanderthals?

I doubt that the Neanderthals couldn’t chuck spears. If you have a citation, then let me know. And spears are not just for chucking. You can use them to bash or poke prey/enemy from a safe distance.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 21:57 Erik How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

BSP: I have addressed – before you left your comment – what kind of men it takes to produce feminine women; the link is also in the article; the odds are greater if the men do not have above average masculinity.

Whipped honey: Regarding the percentage of men that are masculine, the situation basically mirrors my description of the percentage of women that are feminine.

Krisa: I removed some of the insulting comments on the page addressing the sexy supermodels about 7 months after your comment above. Sometimes there is a fine line between unflattering and insulting, and it is difficult to say that the Emperor has no clothes without being seen as insulting.

Regarding anorexic-looking women being shown less often in the media over the past 5-10 years, the reverse is true for the fashion media.

I don’t think all kinds of women have been represented as beautiful at various times within recorded history. You might want to read about body weight preferences regarding women in medieval Europe.

High heels have some negatives, but these can be reduced by using insolia inserts or something equivalent.

Roy: Most genetic variation in height/looks results from additive genes and hence it is unlikely that there is a tendency for offspring to favor the father’s looks except for some conditions involving genomic imprinting, but then there are scenarios when such conditions result solely from the mother’s contribution . Men have some Y genes related to size/height for which there are no female equivalents, but their contribution is limited to male offspring.

Regarding Peter Frost on polygyny, for all his work, it turns out that the effective breeding females-to-males ratio is/has been higher among Europeans than sub-Saharan Africans, and please note – which you didn’t in a more recent comment on this issue, which I will get to – that a West African sample was included:

You said that “the looks of men in northern Europe have been far less important than that of women until very recent times.” We have discussed this elsewhere, where I said that women will lower their standards if they have reduced choice, but they are still women and hence will be more selective than men in an analogous scenario, and a number of women will take advantage of the greater sexual freedom available to them when there is an excess of women by having their children fathered by men more attractive than their husband.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 20:42 Erik How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

Clara: You will find this entry on masculinity-femininity in men useful for setting up a website like this that addresses male attractiveness. Many studies cited within this website address how shape varies with masculinization and feminization, and you can use them.

You can find many masculine male models by browsing mainstream modeling agencies and the contestants in beauty pageants for men (e.g., Mr. World, Manhunt International). You should also look up the Chippendales dancers.

You can find several suitable nude male models by browsing the archives of Playgirl magazine and looking up websites of male nudes, which usually cater to homosexual men. Masculine male nudes are strongly appealing to many male homosexuals, and you will not have a problem with finding masculine nudes. Sites offering male nudes will often be paysites with an affiliate program. If you have a website then you can join the affiliate programs and get free promotional materials, which you can legally display at your site without running into copyright issues, thereby avoiding having to pay for the images.

You should also use pictures of bodybuilders. Bodybuilders are notorious steroid abusers, and you would definitely want to carefully evaluate their skeletal features, as shown in the linked article, to select the more masculine ones. You may want to seek among amateur bodybuilders (e.g., Mr. America and Mr. Universe competitions) for less freakish looks, or look up professional bodybuilders if that is what you like (Mr. Olympia, Night of the Champions, Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic, etc.).

There is one realm of scientific studies that you may have a problem with, namely masculinity preferences in the male face. Whereas studies addressing the physique clearly reveal a preference for above average masculinity in men, face studies have shown results all over the map. I will be glad to do a write up for your site to clarify this topic and help you in other ways except for browsing pictures of nude men. Email me about your planned site and I will see what I can do to help.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 20:37 Erik How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

Teresa: You should not get from this site that the more masculine a woman, the less attractive she becomes to straight men. Starting from feminine and attractive women, you will need to masculinize them somewhat to make them sexier to heterosexual men. There is an upper limit beyond which increasing masculinization will diminish a woman’s appeal to straight men.

You have described a square robust jawline as masculine. Masculinization causes squaring of the chin, not the entire lower jaw in front view. And whereas more masculine will tend to be more robust, robusticity and masculinization are not the same phenomena.

I don’t find people being rejected because they don’t fit within masculine or feminine ideals; it’s more like people are not idolized or admired if they don’t match an ideal or desired state. Ideals are things that people aspire to, and people aspire to things they don’t possess. One may encounter disdain if one is far from what others consider desirable, but the experience depends on the kind of people one comes across. Some have strong likes and dislikes; others not so strong. Some can’t help teasing those with physical features they dislike; others keep it to themselves. I don’t have a dislike for masculinized women, and difficult as it is to try to promote feminine beauty without coming across as someone who has a problem with masculinization in women, I don’t think I have done a good job of conveying my dislike for the impact of the aesthetic preferences of homosexual fashion designers without having it rub off on the individual fashion models I have addressed.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 05:13 clara How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

eric, I want to start a website like this only pointing out what masculine features are desirable in males and what feminine features are actually desirable in males. Yes, I am very much attracted to very masculine pretty boys. Anyways, I was wondering if you can give me some tips of how to do research of what makes a man masculine or feminine, etc. so I can have some research on my website like you do? Also, if you can tell me how to get good pictures or maybe get me some? Thanks! I'll send you my email if you decide to help!

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 03:57 Visitor Medial canthal tilt and attractiveness

The author writes that Jennifer Connnelly is not feminine. Please explain. As she has lost weight with age, she certainly looks less feminine, but please explain how a younger Connelly is not feminine.

For example, it looks like she has a feminine waist-hip ratio in this captured picture from The Hot Spot.

For the face, consider this picture from Career Opportunities.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 03:45 barbie Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

I find the ape more attractive honestly. haha nah jk. Barbie has a really wide face that still seems to stay oval which is what I like. I don't like her nose though. She has no nose bridge! I dont like her small waist. I like small waists but her waist is too small.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 03:37 anyways A genetic algorithm for selecting more beautiful faces

hey erik, what do you think about Sarah Palin's face. I think she is hot, and so do a lot of other men, but I can see her as kind of being a bit masculine? Am I right or wrong?

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 03:34 baker bob Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I feel as if you may be a racist. You believe nordic women are ideal don't you? I would have to say that Nordic women are the second most masculine women in my book right behind... won't say.

Sun, 10/12/2008 - 03:24 yes this is poi... Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Thank you! An expert on the subject who actually knows what they are talking about!
