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Sat, 11/22/2008 - 19:31 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

(Referring to the pictures you posted.) You just helped me prove my case, thanks.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 19:30 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

No, and they are not good looking either, by our standards.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 18:52 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"take 500 swedes and 500 Indians and she who has better looking people."

gosh you are like a broken record. Have you actually done this?

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 18:35 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

India has the lowest plastic surgery rate in the world. Which Indian wants to look white?
Do any of these Indian people stray far from the "beauty ideal"?
Do they look like they are trying to be white?

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 18:26 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Another thing; People should stop attacking me personally, saying I must be this or that. It doesn't make your case, it only shows you cannot refute the argument. I could easily say that people attacking me personally are the ones with inferior complexes, and that they are only envious. Looking at the pictures I have posted of ordinary Nordics and of ordinary Indians people will have a fairly good idea what the truth is.

There are very good looking Indians, but they are less common. You won't find them immediately on the street in Calcutta. You WILL however find extremely good looking Swedes just by leaving your apartment in Stockholm. There IS a difference here, and those who refuse to face that fact are the ones who are envious and in denial, I think. Take 500 people in Mumbai..from the street..and take 500 people in Malmoe..from the street.. and there is no question as to who comes closer to their own beauty ideal, and who has the most beautiful people on average.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 18:07 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

No. I used pictures of ordinary Swedes and ordinary Indians. From discos in Sweden and India (mumbai), respectively. Indians generally don't look at all like their Bollywood ideals. Nordics/ Scandinavians DO look like their own ideal since they are generally closer to the ideal of beauty than ordinary Indians. I don't have any inferior complexes, and projecting onto me your own insecurities won't make your point.

The fact is that Swedes are much more beautiful, on average, than Indians are, since Indian facial features, extremely round faces, brown-yellowish complexion, huge hooked noses and so forth is not the beauty ideal, not even among Indians, who try to look as white as possible.

Erik is right, they often do have plastic surgery performed on them in order to look less Indian/ ethnic, not only in Sweden but also in India. Saying so, and proving it by showing pictures of ordinary Indians - not movie stars - doesn't make me insecure, it makes me correct.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 15:18 jari Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Out of the Swedish women whose pics you posted honestly I only find 2 or 3 out of 10 of them good looking.
its quite clear you are using pictures of some of the worst looking Indians to make your point strong and your inferiority complex less painful.
If you think the Swedish women whose pictures you posted are better looking than Aishwarya Rai (actually I do agree her nose is not the best) all I have to say is that is your opinion.
Throughout India, in different areas, and the Middle East there are extremely beautiful women with large dark eyes and green eyes and blue eyes, gorgeous curled, thick eyelashes (much fewer examples of this exist among Northern Europeans) thicker more voluminous more playful hair than any Nordic who mostly have limp, lifeless hair. also coarse hair is not necessarily unmanageable. Having bigger noses doesn't necessarily detract from the beauty of a face as long as the nose suits the entire face. non-nordic women have round faces instead of oval??? and have broad and fat lips?? what the......I guess you haven't seen much of the world.
though I find some Nordic women cute, most strike me personally as too blonde, to pinkish or pale, too tall, too plain, most have colorless eyelashes and need excessive liner or mascara to improve their ghastly appearance.
So anyways Emily remember that opinions are opinions. aishwarya is in her mid 30s now and has changed a lot. She could be like every other mentally ill western celebrity and rush to the surgeon to correct any signs of aging from liposcution to botox to rhinoplasty, but she is so accomplished I don't thinks she feels the need to always look young and pretty.
I have yet to see a nordic woman become as famous and revered as she and I know this must upset people such as yourself who think you are more deserving of such fame and recognition.
as for erik maybe one day the fashion industry will bring more feminine, healthy looking women but it won't be because of anything you have done.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 12:36 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Deepika's nose is natural as a child her nose was the same.
As for how nordic it is, it isn't. Many people from her state have that nose and it is actually considered not attractive.
Ash's nose was softer in her youth, the length increases with age.
Are you choosing bad looking Indians on purpose? If they did any of the fakeness that your people do they would look better.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 10:57 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Swedish brunettes. You don't have to be blonde in order to look good if you are nordic. Sexual selection hasn't made good-looking brunettes extinct in Sweden. ;) Sometimes you have to laugh when you read some of the misconceptions about nordics written here.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 10:24 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Typical Indian or Hindu profile

Typical Indian profile.

India people India people Mumbai men

Mumbai men.

Mumbai women


Swedes / Nordics (Stockholm).





Sat, 11/22/2008 - 09:48 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Deepika Deepika

Deepika is far more beautiful in most Europeans' eyes than Aishwarya. Deepika's nose is nordic, which greatly improves her looks. Plastic surgery is involved, most likely.

Aishwarya Rai

A candid shot of the "most beautiful woman in the world". Her nose and lack of fine facial features makes her look like a cleaning lady in comparison to Deepika.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 09:12 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"If Aishwarya is only beautiful because she looks MORE Nordic and LESS Indian then why is she considered the most beautiful woman in the world?"

She is not. Just by some media. Surely not in Scandinavia where people often look extremely good, and prefer another type. In India, where people don't look good at all in general, she is considered very beautiful, of course.

"If Nordic women are soo beautiful than why doesn't the title go to a FULLY Nordic woman instead of to a kinda Nordic woman like Aishwarya? Please use some logic before you post stupid arguments."

You make me laugh. You have an almost white-looking woman who YOU say is the prettiest prove MY point, without even realizing it. She has almost nothing in common with ordinary Indians as far as looks go.

" Not to mention that Aishwarya does not look Nordic at all. "

No. She doesn't have their refined facial features, oval face, straight nose or elegant and tall body, and she doesn't look typically Indian either. You can find beautiful women everywhere. My point is that ON AVERAGE, if you take 500 people in Mumbai and in Stockholm, and compare their looks, Swedish people win by a landslide. That's the simple truth. That's the interesting thing to compare - not movie stars and beauty pageants.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 08:09 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The truth is that your opinion is not shared by the majority of people. Nordics are widely regarded as the most beautiful of all. I have posted photos here of pure nordics, pure Swedes, not "averaged out" ones, so anyone here can form their own opinion, of course.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 07:20 link Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The truth is that Nordic features are only desirable when averaged out and mixed with other features that are non-Nordic. Fully Nordic features rarely turn out as good as "Nordic Enthusiasts" make them out to be. Central Europeans who express some Nordic features but other features as well are in my opinion far more attractive than pure Nords.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 07:18 link Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

If Aishwarya is only beautiful because she looks MORE Nordic and LESS Indian then why is she considered the most beautiful woman in the world? If Nordic women are soo beautiful than why doesn't the title go to a FULLY Nordic woman instead of to a kinda Nordic woman like Aishwarya? Please use some logic before you post stupid arguments. Not to mention that Aishwarya does not look Nordic at all. The truth is that Nordic women will actually on average have more mascunilized features. Nordic women need blonde hair and blue eyes to soften their features. The reason that few Nordic women with brown hair/brown eyes are around is because they died out as a result of sexual selection. The blonde haired blue eyed women got selected because for the most part the soft coloring balanced out the hard bone structure. There is nothing soft about a long straight nose, thing lips, long skull. Simple as that. Northeast Asian women for example would not be selected if they had blonde hair blue eyes. They have such soft features that the coloring might make them LESS attractive. Asians actually do have different hair colors and even eye colors, not blue, but light brown. These simply were not selected over the dark hair and eyes. Why? Because the dark hair and eyes balance out the feminine features of Asian women and even Asian men. Asians have less testosterone than Nordics. I am just using them as an example.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 04:08 HughRistik Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

Oh and just to clarify on this sentence for people who might get confused:

Can't we just have feminine women 2+ standard deviations above the mean in attractiveness, acting in a feminine way?

I am not saying that women should need to act feminine if that is not authentic for them, anymore than I think women should ape the fictional pornstar sexuality if it is not authentic for them. I think it's more attractive for a woman to present her sexuality in the way that is most authentic for her. But since we are talking about highly attractive women, these women will mostly be feminine personality-wise, if the theories of this website are correct. If so, then highly attractive women, on average, would have higher than average femininity to their personality traits and sexuality. And if it is most attractive for a woman to present a level of femininity that is authentic for her personality, then we would expect that generally what would be most attractive to straight men would be women who are feminine and attractive behaving in a feminine manner.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 04:00 HughRistik Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

Keeley Hazell is adorable!

Next we have Carli Banks from busty solos. The clowns who made this video made it sleazy instead of more family oriented and I was forced to cut it short, but I have had no luck finding videos of Carli Banks that any Pastor I know of would approve of for family viewing.

Yeah, what was up with that video. Couldn't the makers let the body of a beautiful woman stand for itself, rather than making her show weird and fake displays of arousal? I couldn't even watch it all, despite finding her very attractive. This video is insulting to straight men, by implying that they need such strange antics to be aroused by a beautiful and feminine woman.

The video with Keeley Hazell was much hotter, because it showcased her feminine personality traits, demure voice, little dances, and cute laugh (though there were some moments where she was acting, but even then it was a lot more convincing). Expressions such as cute smiles are often lacking in the current images of women influenced be the fashion world, which opt instead for a monotonous series of glares and stares.

Furthermore, the convention in a lot of pornography is for women to ape a kind of masculinized horniness that is incongruent with female-typical sexuality, and probably even beyond the somewhat masculinized sexuality of many women in porn. A woman authentically acting in this manner can definitely be sexy, but the subset of women for whom such sexual behavior is authentic is probably relatively low (but there are some, such as Nina Hartley, who definitely has a more masculinized sexuality; when I met her, my impression was that her involvement in porn was a natural expression of her sexuality, which is an outlier among women).

Can't we just have feminine women 2+ standard deviations above the mean in attractiveness, acting in a feminine way? This can't really be found consistently anywhere, neither in fashion nor in porn. This website focuses on feminine beauty and its influence on attraction; perhaps feminine personality traits and sexual presentation is also an important influence in attracting typical straight men, which is being overlooked in both fashion and in porn; yet this is being masked, because it doesn't take much to arouse straight men, and the current stuff they have access to is "good enough" for accomplishing that task considering that they haven't been exposed to anything better.

Sat, 11/22/2008 - 03:01 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Reading your insecure posting you seem to be the one with self-esteem issues. If you "don't really care" why bother writing here? Seems you are also dishonest. This is a site that deals with looks and femininity. By its very nature it is therefore superficial, and doesn't pretend to be anything else.

Now, I posted pictures of Swedish persons after reading comments here which I thought were entirely false. People can now see for themselves what nordics/ swedes look like. I don't intend to let false comments about nordics go unanswered. The truth is what matters, as on any issue, even when it apparently displeases some who are not so fortunate when it comes to looks.

Fri, 11/21/2008 - 20:05 don't really care Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Emily: I am sorry but you have self-esteem issues. I would advise that you please gain your self-esteem from your beliefs, morals, and values as a human being instead of the way you look. In only a decade you will start to age and you will no longer be an "ideal" woman as the younger women will take this role. Thank you.

Fri, 11/21/2008 - 19:58 don't really care Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I am a dinaric according to the "sub-races" and I express many dinaric features. The hooked nose is def. one of them. Although I would say it actually is just bumpy not hooked. Now I am not 100% sure what dinaric is. Many anthropologists claim it is a mix between the alpine and mediterranean race. I think that this is accurate, however I question this because I notice alpines mixed with nordics are more likely to express dinaric features such as myself.My family on my mothers side which are basically of an alpine/mediterranean mix have nicer features than those on my dads side. My father is 100% German. We still have family in Northern Germany from his side. It is actually from my fathers side that I recieved my bumpy nose (just a straight nose with a bump on it). All my cousins on this side also have a bumpy nose. My mother's side of the family is not Nordic like my fathers but Dinaric. Her brother is the only person in the whole family that has a hooked nose. For some reason his daughter did not inherit it although I suspect perhaps her sons or someone will. What I am trying to say is
a) Contrary to popular belief most dinarics do not actually display a hooked nose or even big nose. Although this will be seen more commonly among the men, it is not as common as anyone would like to think

b)Dinarics in my opinion are more commonly of Nordic and Alpine mix instead of a Alpine and Mediterranean mix. I say this because my sisters and I have more "dinaric" features than anyone on my mothers supposedly dinaric side of the family. I would say they are close to dinarics but that my sister and I are the true dinarics and this is simply because of our Nordic features. Our Nordic features make us look more dinaric than my mothers side of the family.

c)Eric, Your picture of a Dinaric is inaccurate. A dinaric looks absolutley nothing like the man in that picture and even a classic hooked dinaric nose is not anything like in that picture. Please provide more accurate pictures of dinarics you can find them almost anywhere, there are tons.

Lastly, I admit I have a bumpy nose. My nose is almost exactly like the picture of the Swedish woman you posted who wanted nose refinement. I mean it is EXACTLY like hers except that my nose bridge is not nearly as high. I must admit if I could choose any nose I would like it would not be my own. However, it would not be a typical nordic nose either. Either way you are born the way you are born. I have no control over my genes or ancestry. I am what I am, and I am content with this. I don't understand why people go so crazy over this website. Eric is posting his conclusions to the data he studied. Whether he is right or wrong does not matter. I believe that no matter who you are and what you look like you should just do your best to get by in the world. I am very talented. I have an amazing singing voice, I am an artist and have created amazing drawings and paintings, I am athletic and very flexible. I can excel in anything from academics to the arts to sports. I doubt that my nose is going to get in the way of anything. It certainly has not gotten in the way of my ability to select and have which ever male I desire. Most importantly however, my nose and the way I look has nothing to do with me. When I die I will not be remembered by my nose or how I look. I will be remembered by my actions, beliefs, and the decisions I have made in my life. In the end whether one is Indian or Nordic they turn into dirt. We all die and all that is left behind is our legacies. What have you done in this life? What are your morals and values? How will you live on? I will live on through my choices regarding others!

Fri, 11/21/2008 - 19:31 Dr. Richard Jobs The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

These women are the reasons why I purchase SI's swimsuit issues.

Thu, 11/20/2008 - 15:19 Palmer Inna B. from Met Art


Thu, 11/20/2008 - 14:15 T. Cook Welcome!

The heavy reliance of this site upon images from 'adult' sources is unnecessary and introduces obvious skew in visual examples.

For simply illustrating conceptual data, using arbitrary photos is less effective than a simple illustration of variance. There exists consumer software which allows such to be produced (Poser, for one), making the argument of adult sites being the only source of this data invalid.

As for real-world examples, there are many stock photography sites that contain a plethora of imagery at least as equally well-suited to your purposes, if not better.

Finally, I feel that the data illustrating anthropometric properties is inadequate, insofar as information regarding data sets used is concerned; a few hundred samples is insignificant compared to what is freely available on this site:

Augmenting your existing analysis and finding a higher quality set of reference images (in particular, the disparity between racial type examples and strong emotive language throughout the site serves only to demonstrate a bias which, ideally, should be left entirely as an obvious conclusion to the reader) would greatly increase your credibility.

Thu, 11/20/2008 - 10:23 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I know what Indians look like.

Thu, 11/20/2008 - 07:39 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Swedish and Indian nightclubs (Stockholm and Mumbai).

Swedes Swedes People in a club in Mumbai, India People in a club in Mumbai, India

Swedes Swede white woman and two women from India Women in a club in Mumbai, India People in a club in Mumbai, India
