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Thu, 01/17/2008 - 10:40 christmas carol The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Infact long time ago I used to believe like Erik but after I got the first boyfriend in my life I find that not much males like the women in the way I used to think. such as my boyfriend Also in the same woman, which picture she appeared to be pale skin, slender delicate, small lips, doll-like cloth and character, narrow face. my boyfriend'd agree that woman dosen't look pretty in that pic, on the contrary when that same woman posed as tanned skin or dark, full mouth, rise her head up to make the jaw line and cheeksbone look big, solid mussle and large shoulders. he'd say she looked pretty on that pic. manytime he really nerved me in how he think.

Thu, 01/17/2008 - 02:48 christmas carol The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

As many people on here state the guys whom find women like J.lo, claudia schiffer and angelina joli have homo sexual tast? yesterday I did show a picture of the women of those sort you called "tranvestit gay" to my boyfriend. and the women like "SNOW" AND some porn star of Erik. without reading this site. my boyfriend answered immediatary he like the women "Erik said they look like tranvestit gay" my boyfriend said to me " yes pretty, what's wrong? I like her" after that I sent a picture of the porn star of Erik to him ( I really selected one I find she is pretty for me) but the answering I get from my boyfriend is
" Nope I don't like her, she is not pretty for me" so I asked him further. "which one is look feminine to you?" he answered "the first one".
I asked further " Don't you think the first one have feature look like male? she got bigger nose than second one, large shoulders, solid mussle, strong face's bone? awhile the second one got white skin, rounded cheeks and smaller nose"
he answered "Nope I find nothing wrong in the first one she is pretty for me so it's pretty, stop ask me stupid question like a kid, I cann't tell you why I like the first one more"
So, I told about the beauty ideal of this site to my boyfriend and said to him "
"Perhape you have homo sexual tast? so you like those women" ..........
He heard like that and begin to laugh and said
" Oh, Yes maybe I am? I don't mind and don't care."
that is all he said to me. and in my thinking. my boyfriend is no homo sexual because he so different from you, erik. he is easy going guy and NEVER JUDGE a women which one is pretty which one is not, the REAL male find this is STUPID. he seem to be bored very much when I asked him such a question because he said " MALE DON"T JUDGE and THEY ARE NOT COMPLICATE in GOSSIP AND EXPLAIN THE DETAILS OF ANYTHING"
and as I observed my boyfriend, which women have thing opposite in what Erik stats as pretty he'd find she's ugly. but I don't know why he like me because I look feminine and not look like the women in his immegination. but he never said I look ugly awhile he said the other feminine women like on this site are ugly. and he prefers the women like Jennifer lopez, kim barsinger, angelina joli as beautiful. but maybe because the women like "melisande or snow " the pictures I showed to him, he finds they are too fat or red hair so he don't like. I don't know...

Wed, 01/16/2008 - 19:54 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

You are an idiot Der Arschloch. There is no way of getting around that fact. You are completely retarded and what's really sad is that you think that you are very witty and informed. In reality, you are just a loser and a racist.

Why do you care enough to respond to posts that are not addressed to you? Why does it bother you when people make posts that diss this piece of shit website? Shouldn't you be on stormfront with your pathetic kin folks? Is Erik's cock really that tasty that you feel the need to hang around here and defend him every chance you get?

If being a rational person puts me on a "high horse" then you must have very low standards. Licking Erik's ass on the internet is not going to get you anywhere dumbass.

Wed, 01/16/2008 - 04:08 I like chanel Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

Cut it out from your head whom said gay male choose fashion women from their fantasy female selves.

The fashion started first time by " COCO CHANEL" she was the most unique girl of that time. while the other women was still struggle in the ideal of ancient beauty that the pretty women had "S" shape ( like Erik said) blond hair and what ever... Chanel had changed all of this by accidentally. she was a girl from low class family from southern europe. with the skinny body shape because of poor family. she had not much time to bussy with a long swoll hair like the high class woman in that time were. so chanel let cut her hair and designed the dress and cloths in lovely style to suit for the active working little woman like her. it was strange for the guy like erik. seem a lot of high class males in that time even the royal families, like the woman like chanel and there were a lot of high class males fell in love with her. in her character and her looking. she turned to be very famous and all untill the pale plump woman in "S" shape jealous in her lovely and cute. so they tried to copy the character, the cloths and looking of chanel. that was the history where the skinny women begin and I think everyone on here also think the same that the cloths are more prettier when on the skinny little women.

Wed, 01/16/2008 - 00:47 beauty is lay i... Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

This is very hrash of you. if you said many male present time are a kind of stereotype homo when they prefer the less attactive girls whom are supportive and intelligent instead to take a WHORE or those STUPID PORN STARS. we are humans not animal to find the sex appeal women only for sleep with. to be in "Miss World beauty pageant contestants" why won't your porn stars come into the contest?? because the the contest is not for the women like them but for the women whom intelligent and represent the beauty of the women in this century should be, working, confident, modest and supportive. more than the beauty of Marieantoinette time, big boobs, no brains, blond hair. I think if you were really a man you won't judge the women only the outside like some animal-like male who said black women are not women but look like monkey so you don't have to treat them like a women but as animal.

and please stop trying to promote your immegination to brainwash other people in such a negative like you. the person like you make no peace.
you cann't proclaim that your beauty ideal is the true beauty.
try go ask the chinese in faraway remote, where all people are very pale and small eyes, flat nose and rounded face or short square jaws with high cheeksbone. they find mullatta, Indian, Arab, Jew and Mediterenean women are prettier than the nordic women. because over there everyone have flat nose and small eyes. so the way to have big rounded eyes and hook nose (what the white women seem like to go to surgery to change it because they find it too big) in the urban of china they find it beautiful.

Tue, 01/15/2008 - 06:20 Semus Guinevere: attractive slender nude


I really just don't know what everyone is saying with all their "negative" talk and whatnot about you. I think you are a very beautiful and gorgeous woman and I love all the photo shoots you did. I only came across this forum trying to find more of you on Google. You're simply delicious to look at! Feel good!! I'm only saddened that you aren't posing erotically any longer. But, happy you have found a good place to be in life.

Mon, 01/14/2008 - 16:47 Al Gale Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Dude, those girls don't look like tranvestites, but you did get me worried about some of them though. What is wrong with some Androgyny? They still look female to me. Miss Israel caught my eye, looks tough + fine.
That said, i hope none of them actually were transvestites.

Mon, 01/14/2008 - 11:28 alexa Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

If Miranda’s nose looked any different, I doubt she would look as cute as she does now,even if she spent in Canal boat holidays

Sun, 01/13/2008 - 21:35 Ronnie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I just wanted to point out that WHR is also affected by a woman's age, as women tend to get thicker around the middle as they get older. I know this because it happened to me. My WHR at this weight used to be .7 but now at age 49 it is more like .74. Also, the statistics indicating that women's WHR has generally increased might be affected by the increasing age of the population. More of us are living longer these days than we were in the 1950s. Also, as my mother never let me forget, a tiny waist was highly sought after in the 50's extending back to at least the latter part of the 19th century. A lot of women achieved a desirable WHR via the use of corsets and waist cinchers, NOT diet an exercise. It was not so common for women in any great numbers to exercise to maintain their figures until Jack Lalanne came along on TV.

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 20:52 Der Wanderer Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Come on, guys...

The top unflattering picture had been shot by an inept photographer.
It's pretty obvious.

If you can't see that, you must be a life-time exclusive homo !

Here's Melisande along with some random Beauty Standard (Claudia Schiffer) for the sake of contrast :

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 18:51 Zoe The facial and body attractiveness of women as shape

Erm, not entirely relevant to this post, but Lindsay Lohan has a terrible body shape; why do so many boys fancy her?!" />

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 12:13 blue fog Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Seem people on here like red butt whore with party spot on it??

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 12:10 Gee! Guinevere: attractive slender nude

That red hair whore is really ugly. look almost like the sex changed gay in my country.with such a big teeths like a horse, rat face and narrow eyes. Gee!

Fri, 01/11/2008 - 15:03 Der Wanderer The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Danielle :

you will never expose any hypocrisy on my part because you are a fucking idiot

"Idiocy" is in the brains of the beholder, hun.
It evolves and fluctuates and stuff.
Why do you care so much ?

Please stop

Not even in your wildest dreams, hun

Now, do us a favor.
Jump off ur High Horse and break ur neck.
Get in touch with ur crippled side.
You might score some brownie points and get some food stamps in the process !

Fri, 01/11/2008 - 13:03 Disturbed Guinevere: attractive slender nude

I feel the need to comment here, mainly because I think Danielle is being WAY too critical of Melisande - to the point of being flat-out destructive.

Now, having seen Melisande in person a few times, I can easily say that she is incredibly beautiful and quite healthy. In fact, she far more beautiful in person IMHO - like Steve said above, her eyes say it. Why Danielle feels the need to be so rude and destructive towards you, Melisande, (for no apparent reason at all) makes me sick to my stomach. Now don't misunderstand me here - I'm all for people having their opinions, good or bad, but viciously attacking someone over their looks doesn't belong here (or anywhere).

Melisande, I really hope that you don't take her personally..

Fri, 01/11/2008 - 12:22 sidney The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

I think it is cruel to label these women as transexual. Are you not, by calling these women unnatractive, actually creating a negative attitude towards image for the average girls (ie not supermodels) who perhaps have typically masculine features, e.g a straight nose and/or high cheek bones etc. Not all women are typically feminine with soft features, thats just genetics. However much i agree with you that feminine women are more attractive in person, those with angular features and strong jawlines provide a better subject for photographs. If a designer wanted to promote an overly feminine range of clothing, they would invariably choose a model along the lines of Josie Maran. However, high fashion often involves clothes with strong lines and fabrics, the models used in haute couture shows and campaigns tend to mirror this. There is no question that there are more feminine women than high fashion models but in criticising the way they look you are only providing a positive image for a percentage of women, not all. Some men find masculine women more attractive, some don't. It's all a question of taste, but it does not mean to say that one type of woman is more beautiful than the other.

Thu, 01/10/2008 - 19:38 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Don't you ever get tired of being such a delusional, irrelevant dipshit? You aren't funny and you never will be. Why don't you stop replying to every post I make in here. You will never succeed in making me look bad and you will never expose any hypocrisy on my part because you are a fucking idiot. Please stop.

Thu, 01/10/2008 - 13:31 christmas The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

But at least I find the women you posted look nicer than on this site.

Thu, 01/10/2008 - 05:57 christmas The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

Can I ask you some question, Erik? How about ivory white skin? Do you find it nicer than ghostly pale or not?

I like white skin too but as Ivory or porcelain tone, not the alablaster tone. I like bright skin among Indian or Arab. I find their skin is nice. not too pale and not tan.

like This Indian actress

or this french actress, audrey tautu

Thu, 01/10/2008 - 03:05 Erik The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

Christmas: Poor language is less of a concern for me than poor comprehension. Please don't leave comments if you don't understand what the arguments are about. It is not clear from your comment to whom you are referring to. There is only one “porn chic,” the first nude woman. I suppose you are referring to both nude women. I could find pictures of the first one, Snow, where her skin looks whiter and less pink. So no point in critiquing the pink tone. The second one has light skin, but normal white skin is naturally ghostly pale. If you have a problem with this, then you have a problem with white skin, and this site is not the place for you to be venting it. The second nude woman’s pictures are completely amateurish, caught at odd moments, and hence it is pointless to be critiquing a sleepy look. Skin color and future obesity potential are not issues as far as the article is concerned. The important issue is that Tara Conner isn’t sufficiently feminine for a mainstream beauty pageant contestant.

Thu, 01/10/2008 - 02:30 christmas The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

Dark can be pretty too like this woman.

Thu, 01/10/2008 - 02:25 christmas The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

I tried to get your point and I guess you (Erik) tried to promote the submissive looking women as beauty, sorry for my language.

I think Normal people prefer healthy looking as beauty. Tara has beautiful smiling face, her cheeksbones and chin looks like active women.
her eyes is clear and serious. and I will tell Erik why I find his porn chick's not pretty.

1. The porn chick has blur eyes, her eyes sleepy like drunk addict women or sickness women whom just wake up.

2. The porn chick has reddish skin and I find this type of skin is oily and dirty, like a pig skin. my fiance ever had the x-girlfriend with such a skin and he said her skin is always wet like sweat all the time.

3. The porn chick has big nose and very narrow face cooperating with her sleepy eyes. she remind me of the scarecrow in the movie "wizard of Oz".

4. The porn chick has too much narrow face so she looks like sick women, unhealthy.

5. The porn chick looks plump and she is going to be too much fat when she had a babe.

6. The skin looks too white like a deadly ghost.

Normally I do not like dark skin or tan skin but I find some of them are also miracle pretty. like this chick below.

Wed, 01/09/2008 - 18:38 Der Wanderer The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Danielle :

Why am I visualizing a young eastern european model [...]

Cause ur a bigot.

That's why.

Tue, 01/08/2008 - 03:51 Erik The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

The last two persons should note the point about the contrasts. The Miss USA pageant organizers should be hanging their heads in shame because an ordinary-looking woman appearing at a porn site (Snow) outcompetes the winner in the femininity department (and also in the attractiveness department as far as I am concerned). This point is best illustrated by contrasting Tara Conner with women who are not very attractive.

The second woman's pictures were not taken from a porn site. She is an amateur/regular woman whose nude pictures ended up on the internet.

Tue, 01/08/2008 - 03:33 Erik Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Richard Justice: You are not gay because you like Rebecca Romijn. You may like her for a variety of reasons apart from looks (you mention personality and brains). Also, there are outliers within any group, but masculinized women like Ms. Romijn are common among fashion models, and this tells us something about the aesthetic interests of the people selecting them.

Mike Rebecca Romijn is unambiguously masculine. Layla isn't particularly feminine (e.g., not having sufficiently wide hips or large breasts), but still easily illustrates the masculinization in Rebecca. To the best of my knowledge, Layla does nude modelling but no porn work, and hence glamour model is an appropriate term. The point about using the nude model is to present an obvious contrast pertaining to femininity. I am not suggesting that she specifcally should have played the role of Mystique. If the fashion business were not dominated by homosexuals, I could find more mainstream models easily, but this would not be necessary in the first place because Rebecca would not have become a big fashion model.
