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Tue, 01/29/2008 - 17:17 Sophia Top-50 high-fashion models

Hahaha! What an earth am I reading? So what if someone looks masculine or feminine? Many men look "feminine" and many women look "masculine", especially if you "want" them too. Most people don't actually go around analysing the degree of masculinity vs femininity of every person they happen to look at!! lol What is this fixation with masculine women about actually? Who cares? There is not one universally attractive type of man or woman otherwise we would all be attracted to the same type of people, but we are not thank goodness! As long as an individual is healthy, that should be all that matters. Its damaging to label people as if they are merely objects! Human beings are more than that, or should be. There are so many different types of beauty in this world. Many people are beautiful in their own ways. Alot of your examples of so called "feminine" women on here have waists so tiny they look like they might snap! (due to their ridiculously barbie doll-esque waist to hip ratio) Many would argue that this does not look healthy or attractive in the slightest and i don't know many women who want to look like that. At all. Women want to look healthy and athletic, not super, super feminine with a teeny tiny waist and a big squidgy arse!! lol Also, if this is so healthy and "feminine", then why do none of the women i know look like that? Womens physiques and heights etc are changing all the time due to changes in dietary habits and lifestyle. Not many women these days would have the same measurements as a typical woman in the 50s for example. Women are therefore becoming in your words more "masculine", so therefore this will soon no longer be considered to be masculine, but rather to be the norm! Shock, horror! lol Thats life! What is this feminine/masculine nonsense?! So silly!! lol Just leave women alone for once! If you are going to present an interesting, valid, reliable study, then fair enough. But it seems that you are just slagging off women for absolutely no reason, saying they are "masculine" or "too skinny" etc etc just because they are not what you personally consider to be attractive! lol Every woman and man on this earth is different and unique and this uniqueness should be embraced. Society should really be encouraged to refrain from criticising people for the way they look, not encouraged to do it further. Oh dear! lol Thanks. xox

Tue, 01/29/2008 - 03:32 sonofgeat Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Miranda got lovely nose and cute, I don't find anything wrong with it.

Mon, 01/28/2008 - 14:37 nadia How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

this website is so worthless, whats the point, telling people what is feminine or what isnt, you know what, im gonna make my own website about what is musculine? a guy having 10 inch penis, having a six pack, being taller than 5"10 , and having a nice chunck of change. if you dont fit in with these description , than you arent musculine at all!

Mon, 01/28/2008 - 12:58 Jason Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Are you people serious? find me one person who has the perfect nose and you wont find it, every person has got a different shape or form of nose which to some would be considered a deformity, and to others, normal, and even to others a blessing.

I dont really know the point of this site, basically to discuss if her nose is broad or not, but i know it's definately not relevant to anything important in todays life.

Mon, 01/28/2008 - 08:04 Tiffany Top-50 high-fashion models

First off I must say I find it strikingly odd that a heterosexual man such as yourself Erik would be teaming up with feminists to combat such a controversial issue. I would have thought a feminist woman made this website.

In this comment section people such as Felicity have praised your ideas of feminine beauty yet in turn you chose to think of it as an attack and made several irrelevant statements in your defense. I find this odd also because you seem to think everyone is attacking your ideas.

Your website is quite interesting and yes I do agree with some of the points here such as educating young girls about their body image and overall self-esteem. But however, I must state that everyone's idea of beauty is different thus the quote "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." By making this website you are presenting your subjective views of women which in my honest opinion is displayed as prostitutes and is quite vulgar. Girls with feminine features can feel beautiful too even though images of super models are plastered everywhere, hey look at the actresses, they have feminine features and they are very beautiful even though they don't meet the standard conventions of the fashion world.
The fashion industry likes masculine women, let them it does not affect you in any way or form considering you are in fact a man and you have no business in the fashion industry.

Lastly I would like to say that your website comes off very homophobic just as Di stated and that trying to achieve such a revolution in the fashion industry with such status as yourself will get you nowhere.

Sun, 01/27/2008 - 16:48 Huh The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

One again, after take a look at the nude woman poses in the field and water of erik. lol may I ask you some question?? Do you like the body of pragnant woman isn't it?? because your model, her breasts and thigns are so titanic.

Sun, 01/27/2008 - 16:43 Huh The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

In this point, I do not like adriana lima, she has thick thigns, her chests and butts are like of african people, she isn't look like hour-glass. her ears also not pretty, looks quite like the ET, and has no tip. but to compare with the meloned breasts women that erik posted. I have to consider that adriana lima is prettier than them..

Sun, 01/27/2008 - 16:19 melissa The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

wow. looked at this site a while back, and stopped back in, wondering if i misjudged it. you are clearly spreading white supremist doctrine by "educating" men on the subtle beauties of feminine white women. it is soo sad that there are still people so caught up in making sure the white race continues, when we are all human---all one. while an earlier poster mentioned dark fuglies being everywhere, being connnected to poor water supplies, etc---one could easily connect pale skin to ruthless, predatorial, conquisadors that ran over the earth in pursuit of material things worth not even a fraction of the human lives lost/destroyed. all ethnic groups have had their dark times and heydeys.

but i probably won't change your opinion. i just hope God heals your heart. cleanses out the irrational thought patterns, ignorance, and prejudice.

danielle--- erik's statements are reminiscent of the white knights, etc. and other racist sites. i only know because i am familiar with the history behind a lot of racism.

Sat, 01/26/2008 - 12:07 Mizu The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

DUH, it's easy to see why she looks masculine. It's the brow. It's more prominent than the other girls. Her actual eyebrow is low-set and not thin. It creates a deeper-set look that is attributed to men because testosterone creates a large brow ridge when teenage boys develop into adults. She has that same thing going on, but the rest of her face is girly. It's the only reason she looks slightly masculine, body notwithstanding.

Sat, 01/26/2008 - 09:03 ben The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

I totally disagree with the statemen that gisele has a tubular body her measurments are 34B-24-34. I think she was the best vs model because she has great legs. grace has thin and dry hair at least gisele has hair that doesn't look like it has been fryed!!

Sat, 01/26/2008 - 03:52 stuart The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

YOU ARE lifetime-exclusive heterosexual, erik. you judge women, the real males don't judge. they find all women are their opposite of sex.

Fri, 01/25/2008 - 20:28 Chris The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Firstly Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue is not intended as masturbatory material, it is supposed to be beautiful athletic woman in bikinis. Frankly it promotes one of the healthier mass market images of female beauty. Secondly there is no simple universal answer to what is beautiful or attractive. I like Natalie Portman, I recognize she looks like a 12 year old boy, but I am not interested in 12 year old boys, just natalie portman. further the exact opposite is true when it comes to male models, the most successful male models are those with feminine features. people tend to go toward the androgynous. you say at one point that masculine models are not "marketable" but the exact opposite is true. the reason masculine models are used is not some evil homosexual conspiracy it is because over time companies noticed that ads using masculine models moved more product than did ones using feminine models. the only motive existent in america and possibly in human beings in our modern capitalist society is the profit motive. either it makes money or it doesn't and these models make money.

Fri, 01/25/2008 - 01:09 fucking erik Melisande aka Guinevere

The kind of mouth breathing and ugly rabbit teeths in melisande are really nerved me, as I said she is looks like unheathy nordic whore.

Thu, 01/24/2008 - 22:55 Tom Brady Gisele Bundchen slams skinny fashion models

I don't think Giselle is that attractive. Erik's perspective on why she is successful is interesting and may as well be true.

Thu, 01/24/2008 - 21:18 eBambi Will a union help fashion models?

The models - photographers (but not only) social network.
Join now for free:

Thu, 01/24/2008 - 17:51 roberto Melisande aka Guinevere

I could kill to have sex with Melisande. Her eyes are so beautiful and particular. People who really appreciate and live for the feminine beauty (Ron Harris and Andrew Blake) hire her for modeling.Meli, i am your slave if you read this write me!

Thu, 01/24/2008 - 05:05 son of Geatland Miss Universe 2006: beauty pageant par excellence!

Erik is the most Idiot guy that I have ever heard of in this planet.
a lot of pictures he posed and said negeative things on those women and fashion model are lack of knowledge, YOU GOT THE PICTUREs only some airbrash one, such as The miss India. as that women promoted herself as the ambassdor from her country, India?? so the photographer and makeup artists tried to promote her beauty into her own nationality style. by adding tanned fillter, brush the cheeksbone to look more prominent, make up the dark small eyebrow. those women pictures can say nothing that they are really beautifull or not. the women are look most pretty when they are without make up. and you know the makeup cosmetic and photoshop can do everything even to change the skin color. if you have never seen them face to face. you'd be the idiot to mention that someone is musculine or feminine. u know? those women you got a few of their pictures on internet that the photgrapher tried to make it up to promote those women to look bautifull in natureal exotic way which all male (except YOU) that find it's aborigin or underdevelope. I live in asia, my dad is Denish and my mom is Thai. I watched a lot of oriental movie, Indian movies and mexican. I seen those women like celina jaitley, aishwarya and mexican , korean and japanese actresses. what'd you say if I said on the maving picture I watched their films more than 100 movies. all of them look WESTERN for me not different from Marillyn Monroe, Natallie Gelbova, Vivien Leigh. even look more modest and lovier than your nudity whores. and I could proof that your materials are FAKE by post their different kind of pictures or movie on here but I know the stupidity like you will never open your narrow mind to accept anything!

Thu, 01/24/2008 - 04:16 Erik Sample artwork

Emperorjvl: You are right, the women are the main issue, but consider these examples as drafts. The final versions will be better. The warrior woman would appeal more to men than women; I am great fan of them, and will be coming up with much more elaborate/impressive huntresses and fighters.

Bron: An advantage of digital art is that hair and skin color as well as lip shape, philtrum definition, etc. can be easily changed. I will offer the possibility of minor customization for those serious about purchasing an art item. Monsters can be removed from the scene easily just as men can be added and the scene made romantic. However, romantic scenes will have to be requested. My interests are in warriors, beasts and sci-fi imagery.

I don’t believe shipping across country lines would be a problem. I will use cardboard mailers, delivery tracking and insurance. This should take care of a wide variety of adverse scenarios.

Hugh Ristik: I am aware of problems with the hair placement and eyes on the black-haired woman. The face close up uses the same lighting as the one used to render the full scene instead of lighting that one would use for a portrait, but I did this to save time. The main purpose was to show the kind of possibilities that exist with digital art. The legs are a bit on the thick side because I was initially thinking of turning her into a hunter, but decided to come up with an ordinary pinup.

Regarding the goth culture, homosexuals and bisexuals often lean toward joining atypical subcultures, like many people who feel that they are different from most others. I haven’t found goth impressive except for the combination of black hair and pale skin, which I like.

Bisexual individuals are more likely to be in touch with GLBT groups/cultures and it shouldn’t be surprising if bisexual men and bisexual women disproportionately partner with each other. Another reason is that bisexually behaving individuals are more likely to find a partner accepting of simultaneous relationships with more than one partner if this person is also bisexual.

Brenda: More men than women will readily understand why the woman is not scared of the monster. I can certainly come up with more artistic digital art.

I would use attractive real women if I could find them. If the big magazines can’t come up with enough good lookers, how well can I do? The only realistic scenario is to come up with a good incentive package ($$$) for attractive women to come forward, but I would need lots of money for it, and selling high quality art would be a step toward acquiring the funds.

In any case, even if the women were real, I would still need to use 3D imagery-generating software and Photoshop to put the women in fantasy scenarios, and by the time I get around to doing this, I will have decent skills in 3D. However, I will not be digitally editing the shape of the real women models. Digitally removing a freckle to two is one thing, but women who need to have their shape edited shouldn’t be modeling for me in the first place.

Right now I need to come up with more refined and anatomically correct images, and start selling digital versions first.

Thu, 01/24/2008 - 01:20 Mindy Miss Universe 2006: beauty pageant par excellence!

Ok i have looked over this site and according to you every womman should be concerned of being ugly, in one way of another.
What you are saying is that every woman is masculinized in some way.
Either its her face, chest, back, or something else that you came up with.
There are over 20 "masculinized" models as you call them on this site and each one is a trasvestite, transexual, male to female sex change.
Really now

all i have to say is that i feel genuinly sorry for your partner, because i dont think that anyone will ever satisfy the likes of you.
offcourse there is always going to be something going to be wrong, and the poor woman will turn grey before she can ever be femininly beautiful.

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 23:25 Justanothergirl Welcome!

Okay before someone screams at me about agreeing with some of the things in this site, let me have my say.

I've been browsing this site for some time now and while at first, a lot of the things insulted me...that's really not the point of what Erik is trying to get to. And coming from an apple-shaped, overweight, broad shouldered, flat-butt woman, that's quite a bit.

First, let me get some points out:

1. Erik is right in saying that the modeling and fashion industry is prejudiced and biased towards women who look like men and have the physiques of men. I've been watching various modeling reality shows on tv and based on my observations, saying that would be true. On the first season of America's Next top Model, a woman with a pear-shaped body (full hips and butt) somehow made it to the top 4. How that happened, I don't know seeing that now all that show gears to are straight boyish looking women. I watched "A Model Life" with Petra Nemcova and there was a model who looked very feminine from a facial and physique standpoint. She expressed that she's been told to lose weight because of her curves and was thrilled to be told that she had a swimsuit body. And lasty, I've also seen the Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency where her best picks are girls who are very masculinzed with straight bodies and no curves. Even Janice's clients are requesting these bodies, with Ashley Paige coming in and saying she didn't want any curves, but girls who were very stick-like. And looking at how Ashley Paige looks like, that shouldn't be a surprise. I know what I've mentioned are only a handful of how modeling is, but it's a good impression of what the modeling/fashion industry gears towards.

2. All of the arguments made for having models who are tall and masculinized are flawed. I see it all the time. "They need models who don't have figures because it would take attention away from the clothes." If that was true, then why do these same models have to have striking, chiseled, and sculpted faces? Doesn't seeing a model with very prominent cheekbones and forehead take away attention from the clothes just as well? "They need models who are clothes hangers." If that was true, then why are only 25% of the "clothes" presented actually wearable? "High fashion is more of an art than anything". If that was true, why does the "canvas" of the bodies matter? If fashion is supposed to be so "artistic", wouldn't it be better to have women with shapely models than nasty straight lines?

3. The majority of women (in the hypothetical situation where all women were a healthy weight, had healthy body fat levels and were not overweight), 75% of women would be pear-shaped, or at least shaped where they have prominent buttocks and wide hips. Breast size is a non-issue. With this, why isn't the fashion industry trying to cater to the majority of women? Wouldn't you think that would boost sales, or are they really that elitist? I would have to say the second.

Erik is not trying to offend anyone here but being a woman with a less than feminine body, I can see how it would be very easy to take offense. But the truth of the matter is, the fashion industry sets unrealistic standards for body image and type, and it discriminates against women with realistic bodies and faces. Let's take a look at a couple of examples:

Kelly Brook:

Her body may not necessarily fit the .7 ratio for an ideal figure, but her physique is a lot more feminine than most of the high fashion models mentioned. So is her face. So why isn't she used for lingerie modeling and high fashion modeling?

Take a look at the woman on the left. Her thighs may be a bit big, but look at her figure. Why is it that she can't find work? Yet look at the emaciated, pinched bird standing to her right. Apparently, THIS is what people want to see modeling? You can count her ribs.

Look at Keely:

She may be a bit meatier, and her waist is 26 inches, but her physique is much more feminine than Giselle's. Her face is in a different ballpark compared to Giselle's. So why isn't Keely being used more for high fashion modeling and lingerie modeling than Giselle?

Clearly, the modeling industry is against feminine looking models unless you have a big chest. But science has shown that it is not your breast size that is a determinant of health and femininity, it's your waist. So why isn't the fashion industry "modeling" that?

All in all, when it comes to those things, I have to agree with Erik. I see nothing wrong with wanting to pursue a feminine figure or look feminine. I am. All it takes are the proper diet and workout. I don't want a flat butt, even if it looks like Heidi Klum's!

To Erik:

I wanted to point out some inaccuracies regarding corsetting. A properly fitted corset is not unhealthy as long as it is tailored to your body exactly. I'm using a corset for body modification and to acquire a small waist and I'm healthy. Just thought I'd mention that.

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 22:32 brenda Sample artwork

I know the guys will probably not be minding this, but I just can't help noticing that the girl on the last photo looks like she was posing for a men's mag photoshoot when a freak of nature paid her a visit. And she looks amazed and curious, not scared. Haha! :lol:

All the women shown are hot, but the pictures make me giggle. I think photos in men's magazines are more artistic. It's just that, yeah, men's mags should find better looking women.

By the way, why didn't you decide to use real women instead?

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 22:28 HughRistik The 2004 Miss Poland beauty pageant: a poor choice for discerning what makes women super attractive


Wed, 01/23/2008 - 21:38 Shad Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

What ever you say about these beautiful women are just your opinion, they may look like men to you, but to others it is a total difference. I have an idea! Why do you not put your picture up and let the public judge?

And lets straighten one thing! I am a TRiNi (Trinidadian) and once you say our women are ugly, now you have just crossed the line! Miss Trinidad and Tobago is not ugly nor masculine! Plus God made EVERYBODY pretty!

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 18:52 - critic Abbie Gortsema

I think this girl is absolutely stunning. Yes, she does have boyish looks(don't we all), but that just makes her versatile. Also not only are her looks boyish, but they also can be eretheal and angelic. She is gorgeous and I believe she can walk on runways and shoot adverstisements. I see her working for Yves St. Laurent, Chanel, or Alexander Wang one day. She is beautiful, and has very unique versatile looks that are popular in the industry these days. Abbie take this from someone who has never met you, but is just a critic - You are gorgeous! Don't give up no matter what, keep working at it, and eventually you will book jobs. This business comes with put downs, negativity, and rejection, but you are gorgeous, and telling by how may friends you have, you seem to be very kind, so you should handle it, and I hope to see your face in a Chanel adverstisement very soon

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 09:45 ben The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Karolina also has a body that is in proportion as shown:
