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Wed, 02/06/2008 - 14:14 Debra If most read this tale about a topic beyond the pale, without fail, wouldn’t fashion bigwigs wail?

I did not address the issue of anorexia and malnourishment in my post as it does not even need to be said that this is a dreadful disease which should not be promoted by any person or industry.

Wed, 02/06/2008 - 14:02 Debra If most read this tale about a topic beyond the pale, without fail, wouldn’t fashion bigwigs wail?

While it is not in question that I support the promotion of 'natural feminine beauty' I find the approach of this site slightly ironic as it completely cuts out and is almost derogatroy to a certain type of woman based on her physique. I am delighted that tall thin broad shouldered girls with unusual features are having their day in the sun for the first time in the history of civilisation. For centuries the freak-like underdog, the 'sarah plain and tall', in the midst of pudgy women with almost infantile features and no discernible bone structure who were desired by men for their submissive child like physiques. You cannot decide what height you grow to. If you are above average height for a woman, as you probably have guessed I am, it simply is a mix of genes and hormones. Testosterone can contribute to both the height and therefore the masculine features. Are you suggesting that this makes for a sub standard women? An adolesent boy? You sound like the playground bullys I had an unhealthy dose of growing up. I have friends of all shapes and sizes,all of whom I consider to be beautiful. I hope they dont harbour this bizzare resentment for me behind my back. I hope to see all types of women on the catwalk in the future but I also hope to see not so many women watching it so intently. You cannot make others responsible for ensuring you have a healthy self esteem and body image.

Wed, 02/06/2008 - 02:43 MeLikeyChong The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

WHITE men love ASIAN women, so take your fight to Lucy Liu and start tearing away at her Chinese a**. White men prefer Asians over pinkies, hahahaha!!!

Wed, 02/06/2008 - 02:37 AdrianaLimaFan The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Newsflash, Idiots: Adriana Lima IS BLACK, Indian and Swiss. These are words from her OWN mouth. Her African features are quite prominent in her jawbone structure, nose, lips, hair texture (non-permed it is like that of other biracial people) and skin shade. She gets pale just like Alicia Keys and Halle Berry. THAT alone doesn't make her white. Thus she has the pleasure of being ridiculed on this site, yes?

I actually find this site hilarious because you have all of these pasty, white, predominantly trashy-looking and out of shape women who you are comparing to Adriana Lima. Yet each photo you exhibit of Adriana os so stunningly beautiful that it pokes a giant hole in your case. I just scrolled past your racist, insecure rhetoric and saved a few of those awesome Adriana Lima photos to my computer -- thank you.

Oh, and I hope you saw the Super Bowl. Yeah, THIS commercial ran, solidifying Adriana Lima's status as a TOP MODEL. She doesn't need your validation, dear. Enjoy :)

Tue, 02/05/2008 - 20:16 Highcheek bones... Welcome!

I agree with E, high cheek bones make a woman MORE feminine, but I think in a very classic way and posh way. But I do disagree when she says men with high cheek bones look too pretty. *Gasps* what about tough Spike off Buffy The Vampire Slayer he has high cheek bones, he's walking sex! I know another guy with high cheek bones and all the chicks LOVE him.

Tue, 02/05/2008 - 20:08 E Welcome!

Hi, Erik.

A few things. I've found your site to be quite interesting, although I haven't agreed with all of your points. I'm perplexed in regards to your stance on high cheekbones. As a feminine woman with high cheekbones, I've only ever heard sparkling, positive remarks, and in addition I've always been under the misconception that high cheekbones were in fact a FEMININE trait!? After discussing this with some friends, they all agreed, and I doubt they were trying to spare my feelings. We also came to the conclusion that high cheekbones on a man are too "pretty" looking and none of us could even think of a man (other than a male model) that had this "typical masculine trait". We could all be wrong, but I looked up high cheekbones online, and found many sites exclaiming how they make a woman MORE feminine and MORE beautiful.
I agree with all other traits you claimed as masculine: square jaw, wide or petruding nose, square chin, but high cheekbones? I'm confused, as I've always been under the "misconception" that they are quite feminine and pretty. I've never heard a square jaw, or large nose praised on a woman, but your site is the first one that has brought to my attention that high cheekbones are unattractive. Frankly, hormones aside, I disagree with you!!

Tue, 02/05/2008 - 06:26 die bitch The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

Kristin, I'm gonna kill you bitch! Ana is more beautiful and feminine than you will ever be! YOU DUMB BITCH!

Tue, 02/05/2008 - 06:13 fifimo The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Adriana is beautiful.

Mon, 02/04/2008 - 21:47 blayze Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Just a few questions,

You say that Allesandra Ambrosia would have looked masculine as a 6-year-old, just as she looks masculine in adulthood. However...

Q1. Is it possible for a female to be masculine looking as a child due to elevated prenatal testosterone exposure and to have a low digit ratio, but then to develop a feminine physique and feminine face in their teens due to above average estrogen levels and low androgens at puberty?

In the above scenario, would some masculine features likely be retained in the adult woman from their postnatal exposure to above average androgens? and would these features likely be an aesthetic problem?

Q2. Is it possible for a feminine european woman to possess a low digit ratio as an adult, similar to that in men?

Q3. Supposing a woman possessed both high estrogens AND high androgens during puberty, what would their appearance tend to be like? Would they be likely to be considered attractive by the average lifetime heterosexual man?

Q4. Voice pitch, does it tend to be more culturally/socially influenced, or physiologically determined? Is femininity a strong correlate with a high voice pitch.

Mon, 02/04/2008 - 16:23 sigh Fashion models with and without make-up

hello, if many of you females, pulled your hair back just the same, stipped yourself of makeup, gave a blank stare, had your photo taken and cropped in the same manner... you would more than likely look the same... or worse.

Mon, 02/04/2008 - 11:27 David Maria Sheriff

Fascinating site! I had a few queries though.
1) (This may seem odd) What do you think of the looks of female professional wrestlers such as Torrie Wilson? Obviously women like Wilson are far from natural, but do you find them attractive? If not, why do you think they are chosen for their roles, given that a major part of their job description is to look attractive and draw viewers in that way.
2) I was wondering if you could assess the femininity and attractiveness of two women: the British model Gemma Atkinson (although she does have breast implants) and the Russian swimsuit model Irina
3) Since you (like most men, including me) prefer the "traditional" kind of feminine beauty, what is your view on corsets?

Mon, 02/04/2008 - 10:35 hannah Maria Sheriff

i think she's really ugly. she reminds me of that woman jessica barton. her face is a little worn as well, like she's been thrown in a laundry machine.
if you are trying to promote the idea of soft, fine featured, delicate feminine beauty, women like this one will not be good representations.

Mon, 02/04/2008 - 01:33 movsepian Rose McGowan

Also strikes me as very feminine-faced: Ivanka Trump.

Sun, 02/03/2008 - 23:46 hmm fan 2 Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

dude what the fuck every model i search for u have a gay thing tryn 2 say that the hottest women on earth r 'masculine'. youve either gotta b retarded gay or som fat chick who wants 2 make herself feel hotter because that thing u were comparing allesandra 2 is fuckin ugly. just give up u rnt changin any1s mind. and seriously how much time u spend typen this shit

Sun, 02/03/2008 - 00:04 Stephen Machines judging human beauty

If a machine is measuring beauty, it would need some sort of measurement scale. I have heard two proposed: the millihelen scale and the beer goddess scale.

The millihelen scale is based on the myth of Helen of Troy, who had the face that launched a thousand ships. A woman who had a face of sufficient beauty to launch one ship, would rate 1 on the millihelen scale.

The beer goddess scale is based on the Syrian goddess of beer. Apparently she was an ordinary looking woman, who after a few beer, would look like a goddess. The beer goddess scale rating is how many beers you would have to drink before a woman would look like a goddess.

Sat, 02/02/2008 - 13:17 Christian The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Elise Crombez...



or the soooooo beautiful Ginger...



Maybe we should send Miss Crombez and all her friends to the Gulags... as they inspire such hate and jealousy from others.

Fri, 02/01/2008 - 16:50 Ali and Betsy Abbie Gortsema

Erik wow, I have never been so creeped out by one person in my life. First of all, why do you write so many comments it makes you look like a stalker/perv. Also stop telling people to play with barbies because you need to leave this site and go pick up a life instead of your barbies gaywad. Abbie is beautiful in her own unique way and you probably wish you were her so you could get the guys she does.

Thank you for listening. I suggest you follow our advice

We love you Abbie

-Betsy and Ali

Fri, 02/01/2008 - 13:46 Danntonio Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Hello Melisande I think you are very pretty....exotic. I would really love to have the picture of you blowing a kiss above... pretty please??


Fri, 02/01/2008 - 12:37 Technology Tran... The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

There is only one “porn chic,” the first nude woman. I suppose you are referring to both nude women. I could find pictures of the first one, Snow, where her skin looks whiter and less pink. So no point in critiquing the pink tone.

Thu, 01/31/2008 - 23:12 movsepian Rose McGowan

Thanks for removing that slack-jawed Jessica from the attractive women section, and for finally realizing that "I have to improve the quality of the women in the attractive women section to increase the impact of this site."
Lindsey Lohan IS beautiful (and also happens to fit the hallowed Feminine Ideals set forth in this site)'s Kim Kardashian, who's half Armenian, half western European--though I'm not sure if she's had a rhinoplasty or not.

Thu, 01/31/2008 - 21:22 Evelyn Rose McGowan

Someone mentioned Lindsay Lohan in another post, but you haven't addressed her although she seems to fit your ideal standards of femininity. From a purely objective standpoint, Lindsay is very likely the most physically attractive woman in Hollywood (look up her pictures), and this is coming from someone who isn't even a fan.

Thu, 01/31/2008 - 02:49 Nastya Welcome!

Justanothergirl, let me answer you) I'm not guy and you definitely didn't understand my opinion(may be because of my fucking english)))
So i can tell you that i agree with you on point that most models on catwalk are masculine. b

Wed, 01/30/2008 - 20:57 Justanothergirl Welcome!

Okay so I came across some crap "study" that was done in England or something where women viewed "average" weight women and thin fashion models. Apparently, women would rather use the superskinny/mannish models to model clothes because they didn't like the other women featured. I have a feeling this study was rather biased, in fact that they probably used overweight women (or Plus-size)who have no curves instead ofhealthy weight women. Your website has many healthy-weight women featured, but obviously this was probably just another propaganda set out by the media to promote rail/mannish models.

As for Nastya...yea right, she's probably some guy posing as a woman who can't speak fucking english who got mad that the VS models are men. Sorry people, but they look like men! There's no getting around that. People have been brainwashed to see that masculine facial features are more "beautiful" than feminine. You see it in beauty magazines where women get mad that they don't have huge jutting cheekbones and try makeup techniqes to put more angles in their faces. What's funny is that any good plastic surgeon will tell you that women don't want high cheekbones, but instead soft, low and full cheeks because as we age, women become more masculinized. So you can imagine what some of the VS models are gonna look like at 50.

Wed, 01/30/2008 - 17:55 Nastya Welcome!

Interesting site and i can agree with some ideas, for example, that most models don't have feminine body or that Gizelle is not pretty at all).And it always makes me wonder - why is she the most beautiful girl(or Carmen CAAS??) But Adriana Lima, Keira Knightly - masculine????? I'm not sure))))
You can call them MEN- but it doesn't matter, cause they are beautiful(ok- very pretty). Not only to me, but to the whole world. it is obvious.
And comparing beautiful models to mostly AVERAGE or even not very attractive looking girls from adult sites is ridiculous. if you wanted to show real beauty you should use other faces- in my opinion) I see such girls every day 100 times and they are AVERAGE(not ugly, some pretty, but mostly average). I live in Russia(sorry fo my english))
And also abt models - the high cheeckbones also are provided by make-up. If you look at them, you will se that rouge is not under the cheecks but on them. It is professional make-up. Becuse it make the faces more photogenic... IMO. Because it is fashion.
And i'm sure that if you put such mak-up on faces that you consider feminine - they will look in other way.
And it is interesting - what you think is BEAUTY? That girls from adult sites?????? Please give some examples, - models, movie stars, old movie stars.
And what abt Monica Bellucci(i think the most feminine creature - What abt the fact that she was modelling and she is the muse of Dolce&Gabbana))????), Laetizia Casta or Cindy Crawford(very much man like features lol) -Are they Masculine?????
And please give you opinion to Marquet beauty mask. Because i believe in it))(And i didn't see high cheeckbones in his mask. His mask shows feminine face. But he has other mask for men - and it has high cheekbones.)
hi, from russian beauties))

Wed, 01/30/2008 - 04:17 erika The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Erik......You really find that melone boobs hookers are pretty?? lol
