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Wed, 01/23/2008 - 09:43 ben The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

I don't see what the point of this site is. Is it too show that if you dont have dd implants you aren't sexy!! Karolina has a feminine ass

If a women has narrow sholders and wide hips than that is not an hourglass figure.
karolina's measurments are 34B-23-34.5, this seems to be an horglass figure. Zuzana has an excessive hourglass figure that looks strange. Most of the pictures of Karolina on this site are as pointed out earlier are outdated recently she has put on weight and become feminine. Another question, why would so many guys think that the VS models are hot if according to Erik they are masculine. I also agree with Danielle that the you are running out of arguments that Karolina is masculine and are using unresonable arguments.

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 08:29 Mar Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Whilom, you were making sense until you got into the “men who prefer masculine women” thing. You are extremely ignorant, sweetheart. Straight guys who like masculine women like WOMEN. Even if the woman is masculine, she is still a woman (By the way, Elle is CLEARLY a woman. A masculine woman, but a woman nonetheless. If you can't tell she's a woman, you have horrible eyesight). They are not going to include guys in their list and they don't need to. Please don't mouth off about stuff you have no idea about. A straight man who likes a woman, whether she is feminine or masculine, likes WOMEN. You can't date a man, if you don't like a man. Men and women are very different. Thanks for showing the world how close-minded and ignorant you are.

Oh, and I find both Elle and Monica beautiful in different ways. Monica has a more "feminine" beauty while Elle has a more "androgynous" beauty. I don't see why they both can't be considered beautiful. And I don't understand why Ella has to be a "he-man" because she has a more angular body. How childish and mean.

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 08:01 millie Fashion models with and without make-up

Models are chosen for having a "blank canvas face" meaning no natural beauty

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 22:18 Sandy Welcome!


I don't visit this site very often anymore but I have a couple of comments/suggestions to do with as you see fit...or to ignore!

I would reiterate the purposes/goals of this site on the blog portion of the site as I feel they have somehow been lost, especially for regular readers who don't go back to reread your initial purposes, introductions, etc. and who just look in for the occasional update.

While I believe in freedom of speech; squabbles, insults and on-going battles between contributors (having nothing to do with you or this site) DO annoy your readers and add nothing to what you are trying to promote. I don't know what you can do about it, but to ME, it lessens the impact of this site and is tedious at best.

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 18:31 Son of Geats Guinevere: attractive slender nude

nd this

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 18:15 Son of Geats Guinevere: attractive slender nude

And after you already visited those two site? Please answer me too what do u think okay? because your melisande seem to fall into what that site call as " POOR FACIAL DEVELOPMENT" with the "mouth breathing"
but why her appearance is turned to be like that on that site, u will find out the answer after read all whole? it's not that long. I suggest u to read both site.
frankly, I do not find melisande is look pretty at all. her face seem to look much like a RAT for me. with her big front teeths and pronouced mouth breathing just like that two sites stated as people whom have a problem about breathing ( due to their genetic staying in very cold countries and eatting modernized diet.
awhile the women you mentioned them as "underdeveloped" is seem to be a character of healthy and well-formed that all western people seem wanted to be.

( look forward to hear your reply)

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 17:21 Son of Geats Guinevere: attractive slender nude
and also you can visit:

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 17:19 Son of Geats Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Erik I'd like you to take a look at this.........

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 15:12 Der Wanderer The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Danielle :

You are clearly a racist and that’s the end of it.

Yeah, just cause you said so.

Aw... STFU already, you mythomaniac, pathological lying biotch.
You told us not to take what you say seriously, didn't you ?
And not just once, but several times.
You pwned urself !!!





Get off my High Bus.

Yer gonna get r... punched

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 14:32 Kami The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

What I think underlies this whole discussion is the idea that women should fit a certain ideal of beauty. Of course a lot women will resent that because they do not fit the ideal. I think the real problem is that our society, western society that is, particularly the US is obsessed with sex, youth, and beauty. Women have been dehumanized and turned into sexual objects. It is my opinion that too many women base their intrinsic worth as people on how attractive they are.
However it is also a fact that beauty is a very real thing. There is not going to be total consensus on it because people never completely agree on anything. But there are some things that are universal when it comes to beauty. Believe it or not the author of this article is right about some things. There is a biological reason for practically all the traits that are considered attractive in both men and women, and that is why they are practically universal. Female attractiveness advertises health and the absence of disease as well as the ability to successfully bear children of good genetic makeup, and raise them to maturity. These are the traits.
Clear skin is a sign of general health. Long legs, are a sign of sexual maturity. You will note that when women are pregnant their breasts enlarge in order to store milk. The breasts also enlarge during intercourse due to the flow of blood. Red lips are a sign of arousal and so are blushing cheeks. An hourglass figure with rounded hips signal a wide enough pelvis to easily give birth. Also, what we consider an attractive face is by and large a symmetrical face with well-proportioned features. A feminine face is a face with a smaller chin, raised eyebrows, and a rounded jaw line.
Of course if you don’t look like that you’re going to be at a disadvantage just like Danny DeVito isn’t going to attract as many women as say Jude Law, at least based on a first impression. But alas life isn’t fair. I think the problem with society is not that we see beauty, it’s that we put it on such a high pedestal. The truth of the matter is it’s just a first impression and frankly if Danny DeVito has a kick ass personality or is amazingly intelligent and Jude Laws an idiotic dick Danny might attract a lot more women. And, certainly they have the same value as human beings.
Another thing is personal taste of course I love Milla Jovovich for instance even though she’s flat chested. I also like Gong Li, Halle Berry, and Selma Hayek. But I guess I’m just an eclectic kind of guy I also listen to classical, classic rock, heavy metal, opera, hip-hop, alternative, punk, and jazz. To each his own.

Mon, 01/21/2008 - 18:07 Worried Welcome!

Do you take all of your photos of "Glamour Models" from pornography? It seems like it, they look horrible.

Mon, 01/21/2008 - 05:40 HughRistik Sample artwork

I like these. Especially the second one. A few comments:

- I agree with bron about the upper lip of #1. It seems too thick relative to the bottom lip.

- Also, either the top of the head is set too high, or the eyes are set too low (creating an effect that looks either pedomorphic or like Elvira). Hair gives some tolerance because it rises above the top of the head, yet her particular hairstyle does not have this effect because it looks relatively flat. I would suggest either moving the top of her head slightly lower, or changing her hairstyle so it looks like it protrudes higher above the top of the skull (without it going any higher than it does now).

- There is something a little strange about the eyes and I'm trying to figure out what it is. It might be that the eyelids aren't properly casting shadows on the eyeballs.

- In the full body picture, the thighs seem a bit wide, especially the one on our left.

- In the second on, her eyebrows seem a bit too angular.

- I like the poses of all of them. The arched back of the second one is especially sexy.

P.S. I know you are bogged down with email, but here are a couple interesting points for discussion sometime:

- The goth and punk subcultures, and how they are home to a highly disproportionate amount of people of the nonheterosexual taxon
- The phenomenon of bisexual men and and bisexual women getting with each other, and why

Sun, 01/20/2008 - 13:03 bron Sample artwork

Oh, and couple that miss Perfection with Mr. Skywalker, please....umm, in rococo style :blank:

Sun, 01/20/2008 - 12:53 bron Sample artwork

Those are beautiful faces, almost perfect. Second one and the last one are best. Only, I wish the black haired girl didn't have such heart shaped upper lip, I find it annoying, why couldn't her upper lip sweep in gentle slope from the peak of cupid's bow to the corner of the mouth?
And her philtrum is unpronounced, I like sharp columns and sharp peaks of the arch.
Everything else is great, except that it would be nice if she had milky complexion and blond,long and flowing mane. Yeah, I would even pay, but for really nice, elaborated scenery, not that ugly fictional monster abomination. And transcontinental purchasing is horror.

Sun, 01/20/2008 - 12:06 emperorjvl Sample artwork

I'd worry less about the backgrounds and make the girls as beautiful and feminine as possible. I like the first one. Lingerie girl's hair is horrid."Xena" does nothing for me.

Sat, 01/19/2008 - 14:19 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

You don't need to admit anything asswipe. You are clearly a racist and that's the end of it. I don't need to dig anything up on you because it's all in your posts.

This site is retarded like you but unlike you it can be funny. I like making fun of this dumbass site and unlike you, I don't feel the need to rush to defend anyone on the internet. If you thought the subject matter was merely interesting then you wouldn't rush to poorly defend Erik's opinions with lame insults and irrelevant articles and websites.

Most of the posts you make here are insults directed at people who disagree with Erik and you want to call me a loser? Sit your tired ass down and try to grow a brain.

Sat, 01/19/2008 - 06:13 Cost Gabrielle from MC nudes

Both Gabrielle (aka Ala Passtel) and Ilona are absolutely gorgeous women. I really cannot understand how this might not be obvious to everybody. Plus, they are not comparable. They are perfect beauties, of a different kind. Very few are as perfect as those lucky two.

Sat, 01/19/2008 - 05:58 christmas carol Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

And this one is "Latin"

REALLY the last one "southen asia"

Sat, 01/19/2008 - 01:41 christmas carol Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

The last one are middle eastern women.

My boyfriend finds the third one of the first role, the second one and third one of the second role as beauty. so I got the conclusion when women appeared to have sharp face such as dark hair, big round eyes, abit cheeksbone they'd look more elegrant and attactve than the women with pale skin, chubby narrow face or skinny narrow face or too much sharp face with long chin, thick eyesbrow or skinny face.

With my poor language is, I have to write all this to Erik.

I think the pretty face is dosen't depending only on the delicate details of the face. sometime too much delicate and lean you'd see it as unattaction. maybe it's right someone said all animal in this world. the males re prettier than females. such as peacoak. the male always are colorfull. awhile in our eyes the female peacoak are smaller, lesser feathers and lesser colors. so the same to us. the women whom appeared to be elegrant and have some features abit like males they are prettier than the ordinary women.

Sat, 01/19/2008 - 00:09 christmas carol Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

From the first one. My boyfriend said the one with blond hair is not pretty ( because if she got blond he will never choose as his mate her whither she has pretty face or not) and the least with dark hair he like them all.

White chic

From this white female. he said " I like none of them, aren't pretty for me."

Oriental chic

From those oriental chic. he said " I like the first one in the first role and the last one of the first role."

African chic

From the african chic. he said " I like the middle one of the first role."

Fri, 01/18/2008 - 22:35 brendan What is sexy?

apologies Madeline. Replaced all Madelines, in my previous comment with Kimberlys. Hopefully Kimberly has returned to her home planet by now.

Fri, 01/18/2008 - 22:28 Brendan What is sexy?

Erik: I think it is clear that you believe that these women are sexy, and are hoping that other people will affirm your point of view. If you say otherwise you are being disingenuous. They are however distiguishable from the women in the "attractive women" section. Whilst it cannot be argued scientifically that slightly masculinized women are sexy- from self-reflection and from social interaction I would tend to agree. The idea is sound psychologically. The average man simply could not see himself sleeping with a hyperfeminine woman, whose faces are somewhat neotenic, appearing innocent- as easily as he could a woman who appears more aggressive, and whose sex drive he would perceive to be more compatible with his own.

This notion does not degrade women who appear sexy . As physical appearance may not denote character. Also who is to say that sex with no strings attached ( minus diseases) is a bad thing, as long as it hurts no-one? I also believe that women who pose nude out of choice are not degrading themselves- it is other people that degrade them by suggesting that what they are doing is obscene(madeline). This is disrespectful to them. In addition ust because a man finds a woman sexy physically, does not mean that he is objectifying her, and discounting all of her other valuable attributes. That is nonsense. While some women may feel this I can say that is foolishness. To suggest that a man cannot respect a dominant woman is absurd.

Madeline, These women, are nowhere near as masculine as any top high- fashion models. Also it is contradictory that you would suggest that women who are tall, masculinized and aggressive in appearance, could be considered as sexualising under-age aesthetics due to a little bit of depilation, which could even be for the purpose of hygiene.

Erik might not know the myriad ways which the media affects women, and I'm sure you don't either, as simply one woman. Many of your gender might even disown you as a little bit, unrational(that's a euphemism). Besides the website is clearly called feminine beauty and it's purpose is clearly to promote femininity, to redress the imbalance in our culture where feminine appearing women are not idealised. Femininity can only be defined as a gender average. And this being so the promotion of feminine beauty would be much better for the average woman's self esteem than hypermasculinization. Whilst obviously nobody, male or female wants to be judged in terms of worth as a human being solely by their appearance, this website cannot focus on absolutely everything that concerns women. How could it? Erik doesn't claim to be a mind reader. If one wanted to suggest that beauty itself is not important a case could be made for it. If someone wants to do that, all power to them.

This is a site with information from the point of view of a heterosexual man, for people who want to know about what a heterosexual man on average finds attractive physically. It addresses the negative influence on young women of the fashion industry as a footnote. It doesn't suggest they aren't important it just isn't a website on eating disorders, women's health or psychological problems . It is aimed at removing the illusion perpetuated throughout society that women who are far removed from the norm of femininity are the ideal of beauty.

Fri, 01/18/2008 - 08:57 Der Wanderer The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

Danielle :

Shouldn’t you be on stormfront with your pathetic kin folks?

Epic LULz !!!

How hysterical can you get ?
Look, hun, your act is getting old.

"Abe Foxman meets Donna Karen"

Epic LULz !!!

You want me to admit that I'm a "racist" or force me to defend myself.
Well, I'm not going to give you that pleasure, you stupid inquisitorial dumbcunt.

Licking Erik’s ass on the internet is not going to get you anywhere dumbass.

I couldn't care less about Erik on a personal level, dumbfuck.
I came here cause I found the subject matter interesting.
You, on the other hand, think he's an idiot and the whole site a load of baloney, but you keep coming over and over, month after month, like a friggin' obsessive.

If that's not love, I don't know what it is

Fri, 01/18/2008 - 02:38 christmas carol Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

Tara is simply not feminine and attractive enough to be participating in any beauty pageant, let alone a high profile one.

In North American beauty pageants, the white contestants should not look worse than the average North American white female at the very least.


Because of the THINGS in sarah coner you called it unfeminine and unattactive. you called "sarah looks worse than the average north american female" because of her highcheeksbone? jawline? and what ever.... FOR OTHER white people, they find those stuffs are pretty as I told before. some white male find high cheeksbone women prettier than no cheeksbone, strong jawline is prettier than no jawline (even it dosen't look feminine but no jawline sometime made your face look very narrow and skinny like a sick witch" or look too much delicate. the males present time seem to like solid chick more than babe doll. (perhape they were homo transexual like u said)

for me I like feminine too. I know many guys prefered unfeminine as "sexy" but at least, when they find the couple they always find feminine one.

Thu, 01/17/2008 - 18:20 tara Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

yeah, that's pretty fuckin stupid of you. what she said.
