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Wed, 12/05/2007 - 17:12 BSP Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

"What did you mean with support ?
Support in a literal (physical) sense ?"

Well, I'm not sure of the mechanism, but you do know how larger and/or more complex brains are more metabolically expensive, right? Look up the correlations between height and IQ.

"1 - First it Was The Brain.
2 - The Brain was highly intelligent and Big, so it created a Big Hip for Himself.
3 - He saw that it was all Good, so He had a rest the 7th Day. "

No- you see, since the link between IQ and brain size is pretty much firmly established (gains in IQ as well result in increased brain growth), a larger pelvis would be required to give birth to a larger brain baby, so...

Well, this isn't hard to understand.

"I don’t think he’s talking about hip size in absolute terms.
We are talking RATIOS here (WHR) "

It's the same thing, really.

"(Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL of B’nai B’rith, etc.)

Just wondering… "

Um, no. I admit, I don't know if that's the exact mechanism, but even before I read this, I've heard of how those with higher IQ's have greater WHRs/hip sizes, so it would seem to go in line with this.

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 17:07 Der Wanderer The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Whipped Phoney :

There is a difference between what women want *for themselves* and what women want *to attract men*. Women recognize the necessity of making concessions to male tastes in order to attract men; that does not mean women necessarily want to look the way men want women to look. It is rather like obeying a dress code in order to avoid punishment; that certainly doesn’t prove you prefer the dress code clothes.


Women are gender "Jews"
Men are "Nazis"

* yawn *

You might not think of yourself as a "commie", or even a leftist, but as a matter of fact, you SOUND like one.

Your Arousal/Desire stuff, for instance, sounds a bit like Alexandra Kollontai's Winged/Wingless Eros :

Kollontai's last major statement on sexual morality, "Make Way for Winged Eros" (1923), a vividly painted contrast between Vulgar love (wingless Eros) and sublime proletarian love (winged Eros), provides the key to her views. It is at once a synthesis of her earlier notions and an end to her search down through the years for an authentic communist morality. Ironically, though one of the main targets of attacks upon her, this article clearly acquits Kollontai of the charge of being the ideologue of the sexual abuses and the cynicism that bespattered the moral life of Soviet youth in the 1920's. Through it runs an unsparing critique of that base, vulgar sexuality that had captivated Sanin's generation and that again was exalted to a philosophy of life by the new Soviet youth. The crude, soulless sex act, the casual, unfeeling lovemaking - wingless Eros - was by origin an excrescence of bourgeois society, Kollontai wrote. But in Russia, amid the harshness of revolutionary violence, the turbulent din of battle, and the hectic timetable of the Civil War, it appeared again, appealing to those beleaguered heroes and heroines who had no time for the sweet delights of tender love. Kollontai spared no words in cataloguing the various manifestations of the wingless Eros; it was the "naked instinct of reproduction," unhealthy satisfaction of the sex drive for its own sake, coarse lust, quick pleasure, "mere possession" of someone's body, whoring. And she condemned it unequivocally as wasteful of energy, debasing to the spirit, and inimical to the principle of sexual equality.

("Red Diaper Babies", anyone ?)

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 15:30 Der Wanderer Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?


Higher IQ individuals tend to be taller, due to their larger brain size creating a greater body mass to support such a brain- it’s an indicator.

What did you mean with support ?
Support in a literal (physical) sense ?

Lemme get this right :

1 - First it Was The Brain.
2 - The Brain was highly intelligent and Big, so it created a Big Hip for Himself.
3 - He saw that it was all Good, so He had a rest the 7th Day.

The greater hip size would likely serve as a way to give birth to bigger-brained babies more easily.

I don't think he's talking about hip size in absolute terms.
We are talking RATIOS here (WHR)

Do you get your science from the "Kosher Gestapo" ?

(Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL of B'nai B'rith, etc.)

Just wondering...

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 14:18 emperorjvl Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Breakthroughs in recent years require more intelligence? That is highly suspect - once Einstein posited his theory of relativity, for example, others could learn, follow, attempt to refute it, etc. Figuring it out though - it would certainy be interesting to see who could do what (i.e., if Einstein could produce breakthroughs today, or if Stephen Hawking could have come up with relativity). I happen to believe that with more knowledge, more tools, and more communication, it is easier to produce breakthroughs now.

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 13:06 Erik Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Der Wanderer: That is an interesting observation. I didn’t think in those terms, but there is a lot more. Wall Street criminals bribed Mikhail Gorbachev and then crashed the Russian economy after the collapse of communism, hoping to acquire Russian infrastructure for scraps. This caused great hardship for Russians, including malnutrition and starvation, and they are in a big mess to this day. The criminals got away with billions, but Putin intervened and they either fled Russia or ended up in prison. New York has some of the worst criminal lowlife.

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 13:03 BSP Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

So wait, are you saying that the link between IQ and obesity is due to a sort of cognitive defecit that leads to one not being able to control such impulses or something? Or could this be due to poor medical care?

Either way, this largely seems dependent on that idea that IQ and income/SES status are strongly linked, which they aren't. There's low correlations overall. And, as I said in a previous thread, the greater hip size of intelligent women would simply seem to correspond to their greater brain size. Higher IQ individuals tend to be taller, due to their larger brain size creating a greater body mass to support such a brain- it's an indicator. The greater hip size would likely serve as a way to give birth to bigger-brained babies more easily.

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 12:19 Der Wanderer Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Don't know ...
Maybe they want them to look like Holodomor victims, for some reason.

- Kaganovich was starving Ukrainians in the 30's - The New York Times kept silent.
- The Fashion Industry is starving Ukrainians today - The New York Fashion Week keeps silent.

Notice the pattern ?
It looks like New Yorkers enjoy starving Ukrainians !
(for some reason)

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 10:58 Erik The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Travis: What homophobia have you encountered? Keep in mind that facts cannot be prejudiced. My argument isn’t that gays are “behind the deterioration of society and femininity.” Gay fashion designers, not gays in general, are responsible for setting the standard among high-fashion models, and these standards trickle down to beauty pageants and the SI issue.

Anita Dark is a pornstar but not Shay Laren. A pornstar can certainly do glamour modeling, and if most of the models shown are glamour models but not porn stars, then glamour model is appropriate as a generic label.

I agree that most people wouldn’t describe Sports Illustrated models as “non-feminine or eunuch looking,” but most people haven’t read this article or taken a careful look at SI models and compared them to more feminine women.

This article and the website in general are not about “admiring women who get paid for getting naked.” If even beauty pageants or sources supposedly catering to heterosexual men such as the SI swimsuit issue are largely devoid of feminine women, then where does one seek feminine contrasts? And if the aesthetics of the physique were to be addressed, you would need pictures of women in minimal dress.

Yes, women compete with each other and many women have issues with looking attractive, but they are not responsible for establishing the skinny and masculine norm among fashion models. The people responsible are homosexual fashion designers in general and to say this is not to imply that “gay men are evil.”

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 09:58 Travis The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

This website is trying really hard to pretend to be professional about defending itself. The truth is there is rampant homophobia all over this site and it’s kind of silly to suggest that gays are behind the deterioration of society and femininity. Women’s biggest enemies have always been themselves. Girls treat each other like crap and expect insane aesthetic demands out of each other. For instance, how many guys honestly care what shoes a girl is wearing? Most girls I know also look better without makeup, but that doesn’t stop them. Let’s face it, gay guys can be good at fashion, they know more than 10 colors, which is more than I can really say for myself.

As for this “glamour model” debate. Shay Laren and Anita Dark are most definitely pornstars; try typing in “Shay Laren dildo” or “Anita Dark lesbian” in Google search and see what kind of hits you get. Let’s call a spade a spade, right?

In general I agree that most supermodels are kinda fugly. I prefer a woman with curves, as Mixalot would say a girl “beans and rice didn’t miss”. But Sports Illustrated perhaps has its reasons for including physically fit, well-dieting girls in it’s Swimsuit Edition and most people I know wouldn’t call any of these women non-feminine or eunuch looking.

I think admiring women who get paid for getting naked over women who get paid by staying in a ridiculous, virtually unattainable physique isn’t a quite a step in the right direction. Healthier? Dietary-wise. As far as self-image goes, not much better. Whether girls want to lose weight, want bigger breasts, butt implants, botox or whatever, we might as well face it, girls might be permanently compromised. All of that aside, plenty of guys and girls alike might think Shay Laren is hotter than Rebecca Romijn, I could go either way, but there’s also a bit of a social stigma against pornstars. Who has more self-respect issues, the girl puking up paintchips or the girl diddling herself on webcam?

If all girls cared about was getting laid like most of their male counterparts than they wouldn’t have a problem. You might not get top pick, but chances are there’s someone out there who’ll gladly oblige you. I think the obsession with aesthetics any which way or another refers to some deeper issue that women have that can’t be explained away by “gay men are evil”. It’s a problem women have had for a while now, a problem which this website does NOT help.

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 07:06 d. Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

i always thought she was masculine, but you must HEAR this:

and notice her flat ass, too

and next, adriana which is a bit more feminine than alessandra, she has very masculine voice, too:

karolina surprisingly has a girlish voice.

Wed, 12/05/2007 - 00:05 Lisa Estradiol and face shape in women

You may be interested in this site: check out all the models etc. with square jaws, there are a lot of people out there that find this feature attractive and sexy.

Tue, 12/04/2007 - 23:54 Lisa Estradiol and face shape in women

I believe the more masculine feature of a square jaw is the face shape of most of the world's greatest beauties such as Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, Shalom Harlow, Eva Herzigova, Michelle Pfeiffer, Natalie Portman to name just a few. These women will age very well because of their bone structure. Maybe having a striking feature like a square jaw on a beautiful woman can highlight the feminine features even more? Maybe the men that find this feature unattractive are insecure with their own lack of masculinity? Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder and I think some people are probably too judgemental and should accept each individual on their personal beauty inside and out.

Tue, 12/04/2007 - 22:58 BSP Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

I think a good way to look at that would be to see what the maximum size of these are in normal human phenotype variation- not sure how that's possible though.

Tue, 12/04/2007 - 22:44 BSP Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

Erik, what do you make of this?

I've heard there's somewhat of a debate over this in regards to male beauty. And what's the deal with that comment about facial hair? That seems rather neutral, unless in extremities.

Tue, 12/04/2007 - 22:36 BSP Cosmetic surgery in relation to altering ethnic features

Oh, another thing- as I've said in another thread, what sort of research has been done in regards to the attractive value of facial width and overall size, along with the size of the cheekbones and jaw- regardless of how feminine they are?

A few studies here mention facial narrowness- and FYI, this site is meant to be a parody:

Look under "aestethics". I think this is largely neutral in regards to attractiveness, though extremities probably come into play.

Tue, 12/04/2007 - 14:52 lisa The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

you guys are fucking retards if you think any of those women are pretty they are all ugly whores alessandra on the other hand is beautiul you guys just hate her b/c your jealous of her

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 19:40 Brittany Discrimination against unattractive women

Actually, asshole... I used this as a reference to a research paper. So, it actually did make a difference. lol!

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 16:00 Paul Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?


I think Adrian has a point here: Gay designers prefer young and masculine looking models not because they are latent pedophiles, but because they (subconsiously) pick the petit and masculine women who they adore and would want to ressemble, IF they were a woman.


P.S. This is not the best English I ever typed, I know :)

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 12:59 td The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

fucking sexy

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 07:38 Whipped Honey How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?


Just trying to get your whole picture.

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 07:03 Whipped Honey A woman with small breasts

Erik, ignore my previous post. I meant to put it another page.

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 06:59 Whipped Honey A woman with small breasts


Just trying to get your whole picture.

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 06:40 Whipped Honey Why are children used to model clothes for women in their 30s and 40s?

Fashion Designers' So-Called "Pedophilia"

"Teenagers are considered children for a variety of purposes, especially if they are in their mid- or early-teens."

Natural childhood ends with the completion of puberty, which is almost always by age 15 at the latest - no matter where the law draws any arbitrary line.

"If I replace “children” with “teenagers,” the question will still remain."

Then why don't you replace "children" with "teenagers"? Be honest. The fashion designers are not using 11-year-old children to model clothes for grown women.

"It is not just mini-dresses; the designers prefer to use teenage girls to model other types of clothes also."[/i]


"And the video addresses a girl being made to model a mother with kids."

A very rare instance of an 18-year-old model used to portray a mother is hardly an indicator of a trend. Most advertising that portrays mothers uses models over 25.

"You need to stop disputing the studies that I cite unless you have read them."

You posted that graph and the link to "additional evidence", so it was reasonable for me to conclude that the "additional evidence" was in ADDITION to that same study, rather than including further details about that same study. As you presented that post, it was reasonable for me to conclude that the term "late teens" meant the upper half of the teen years, which would include 16-19.

"They did not report the data on the mid-teen stimuli even though they criticized other studies for not using stimuli in this range, and it should be obvious why."

There WAS no data on "the mid-teen stimuli" because there WAS no "mid-teen stimuli". The stimuli were all 18 to 60. You can ask why they didn't include mid-teen stimuli for BOTH homosexual and heterosexual men, but it is dishonest to imply that they hid some of the data they found.

"If I replace “underage” with “children” or “individuals less that age 16,” the point will remain regardless of what the age of consent is."

No, if you replace "underage" with "children" or "individuals less than age 16", the point will not remain because most (not all) models who are used to model adult women's clothing are over 16.

"It doesn’t make “any sense” for homosexual men to be strongly attracted to boys in their late teens, and you would know this if the authors had presented the full data; just click on the link in my reply to Rob. Hopefully, you will realize that the sexual preferences of homosexuals are not an issue of what makes sense and what doesn’t. Homosexuals interested in boys typically want to sodomize them, not be sodomized by them, and hence your point about the age at which male virility peaks is not relevant."

It makes perfect sense for homosexuals who are interested in both sodomizing and being sodomized by young MEN to prefer young MEN at the peak of their virility in their late teens. Homosexuals who prefer only to sodomize and not be sodomized by BOYS in their prepubescence or early adolescence have no reason to care about how virile those BOYS are and that is a different issue. BTW I read the entire linked page.

All your graph proves is that the peak years of male sex appeal are slightly younger than the peak years of female sex appeal because the peak years of male virility/testosterone are slightly younger than the peak years of female fertility/fecundity. The pattern is exactly the same for both homosexual and heterosexual men: the more virile/nubile the stilumi age range, the higher the attraction.

Females generally lose interest in adolescent males when the females are in their 20's at the peak of their fertility/fecundity because of the evolutionary imperative to find a male who can provide resources for his offspring, and in our modern economy, adolescent males are generally useless for providing resources. Men's sense of attraction is in no way dependent on the sexual object's ability to provide resources; therefore homosexual men have no reason not to be attracted to late adolescent MEN.

I do not dispute that the rate of pedophilia is higher among homosexual men than among heterosexual men, but that hardly proves that pedophilia is even close to normal among homosexual men. I don't see what on Earth attraction to over-15 ADULTS has to do with pedophilia.

Self-reporting on sexual matters is notoriously unreliable even with total anonymity, because people lie to themselves about their sexuality, especially when it comes to sexual desires that are considered socially unacceptable, so it is highly likely that the rates of homosexualiy and bisexuality are higher than self-reporting suggests, which means homosexuals are not as overrepresented among pedophiles as the official numbers suggest.

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 06:33 krisa How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

And one more thing.
If media and commercials are showing us thin girls, women will pinch themselves in their hips and stomach and thighs wishing they were smaller.

If more feminine girls were shown in commercials, all other women would look their non-feminine parts in a mirror, wishing they had bigger boobs, smaller waist, wider hips.

If a very feminine looking girl falls in love with a boy from her neighborhood and that boy prefers thinner girls, she will wish she was thinner and even though the feminine girl might be more popular amongst other boys than all the thin girls that this boy (she felt in love with) ever went out with.


That's how live goes.

And yes we (all of us) are very unfortunate that we live in a time where media is raping us with anorexic, masculine looking women with breast implants.

But i hope that times will change.

Like it did when
shoulder paddings,
white socks,
and some other fashion disasters were popular.

I think all over our history there were all kinds of women represented as beautiful,
small breasted,
big breasted,
wide hipped

And i think anorexic looking women are less popular and less often presented in media than they were 5-10 years ago.

i think things are getting better already.

because corsets were unhealthy
an being anorexic is unhealthy,too
just like being obese-

wearing high heels can have negative results in health,too,
but it is sexy as hell
isn't it?

Mon, 12/03/2007 - 05:05 krisa How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

well, no, i don't think i understand it poorly, i posted here because it was the first place i could post, and i am sorry, i know it doesn't belong here. and i'm sorry i wrote my post before i read you page more thoroughly.
look, whatever you try to promote, you cannot avoid trashing "the other side", just like the fashion world is trashing more "feminine" looking women.
some girls will definitely feel better because of your attempts to promote feminine look, but other won't, that is what i'm trying to say.

it is very good that you support your claims with scientific facts, but sometimes you are to subjective. like here:

you're comments are sometimes even insulting.

and when you response to our comments you can be a bit insulting,too, but i understand that since some people attack so harshly and are insulting themselves :>
