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Sat, 10/13/2007 - 18:59 Sarah Gabrielle from MC nudes

How can ANYONE think that this is a feminine face? Her body, yes, but her face scares me right to my very core.

Aren't typical feminine features suppose to exude a soft, innocent look? What the hell is this, then? Take off the eye makeup and lip gloss, and that is purely an adolescent boy. Who can't even eat anything because his mouth is too small to fit anything in it.

LOL at Erik thinking Jessica Alba and Adriana Lima are unattractive and that this ho right here is. HAAHAHAHHA
OMG look at the obvious masculine features!
She's hideous! my eyes!!!

Now I suppose you're going to tell me Kate Beckinsale and Kristin Kreuk are too masculine and unattractive for most "life-time heterosexual males." Dear lord. Because I suppose every guy in this world who thinks Jessica and Adriana are hot (99% of them) are all GAY. Good one, Erik.

Or maybe they're not "European" enough for you? After all, Jessica is 1/4 Mexican, Adriana hits almost all major races, and both Kate and Kristin have Asian backgrounds somewhere in their heritage.

Not all heterosexual men prefer pastey white, plain looking, they-all-look-like-they're-from-the-same-trailer-park girls, hunny. In fact, most heterosexual males aren't into that. It's gross. Sorry.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 18:44 Sarah Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

Am I the only one that thinks Der Wanderer is secretly gay for Erik? Erik, RUN! We all know how much you despise homos.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 18:33 Chico If designers were typically straight men, fashion models would look like...a curvy cola bottle!

Who is Chico?
Is he related to Ricky Martin?
Are you sure he's even straight?

His lyrics are stupid, too. A woman can be a size 0 as well as curvy.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 18:20 Der Wanderer Gabrielle from MC nudes

Natural or not, her mammaries are completely out of proportion.
I don't think that she should be in that section.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 18:17 Whipped Honey Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

Der Wanderer, I read your link.

Religious bigotry? Do you understand what the term bigotry means? How is a belief religious bigotry just because it's different from your belief? My belief is different from yours. Does that make you a bigot?

Do you understand that the same action can have different motives? Gay/bi male fashion designers have an aesthetic/psychosexual preference for androgynous female models. How does that prove that their motive must be the promotion of the tenets of a religion to which most of them do not even belong?

"If you don’t like it: Park ur ass somewhere else."

If Erik does not want any dissent on his blog, then he is free to disable open comments.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 17:16 Der Wanderer Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

> I oppose Erik’s “useless crusade” against those aspects of androgynous female beauty that are natural and harmless to health.

Screw androgyny.
It's religious bigotry.

And read the friggin' "intro"
This site is not about the promotion of Freaks of Nature.

If you don't like it: Park ur ass somewhere else.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 15:26 Danielle 2 min 23 sec video: Fast track learning for newcomers

Erik, honey you're not funny. You're lame. Heatherette isn't a bane of many people. If people don't like Heatherette's tacky clothes or high fashion models then they don't look for them and they ignore them. You are obsessed with an industry you dislike because you are delusional and insane. The designers that you accuse of being mentally ill appear to have a better grasp of reality than you do.

Sat, 10/13/2007 - 05:52 Whipped Honey Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

Whipped Honey is neither Danielle nor Not from Twisty's nor a man nor a mental case nor nor "AFRAID of the 'useless crusade'".

I support Erik's "useless crusade" to inform people of the truth that homosexual designers make female models look like boys by making them starve themselves almost to death. I oppose Erik's "useless crusade" against those aspects of androgynous female beauty that are natural and harmless to health. I am intrigued by Erik's need to erase androgynous female beauty from the fashion industry and beauty pageants; if he doesn't like it, why doesn't he just ignore it?

One day after I looked at the entire "Attractive Women" gallery, I can distinctly remember the face of only one woman in the whole gallery; like I said, nobody would pay to look at pictures of them fully dressed, but they do have lovely derrières.

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 22:07 Danielle Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

Der Arschloch, I am not "Whipped Honey" or "Not from Twisty's". Erik can confirm this himself by checking the IP addresses. You fail at insulting people just like you fail at life in general. Take Erik's schwanz out of your mouth and get a life.

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 21:43 Der Wanderer Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

> I do not believe your crusade [...]

> [...] because you criticize masculine attributes [...]

> Most of your “Attractive Women” gallery are in that category [...]

> This is not personal defensiveness [...]

> You have deprived yourself of any credibility whatsoever [...]

> [...] creating an “Attractive Women” gallery that is 100% white.

> [...] then stop claiming you speak for “most people”.

> I know mentally lucid, emotionally stable, healthy, happy people in heterosexual sadomasochistic relationships – including me.

LOL !!!

Danielle, hunny ...

Your moustache is showing :-)

What a mental case.
Are you AFRAID of the "useless crusade" ?

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 21:23 Erik 2 min 23 sec video: Fast track learning for newcomers

I am not losing my mind Danielle honey.
Can’t you see that writing something funny
about a problem that is many people’s bane
isn’t the same as the writings of someone insane?

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 20:31 manny Guinevere: attractive slender nude

this is rediculous. all the women you've posted are beautiful on the outside from what i can see. and you all are very not beautiful on the inside not only for having these petty thoughts but more so for broadcasting them on the internet. shame... SHAME!!!

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 18:18 Whipped Honey Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!


First, the four reasons why high fashion and lingerie models are usually androgynous:

1. Gay/bi male designers are entitled to dominate the fashion industry and choose the models.

Marketing is controlled by whoever sells the product most effectively. Gay/bi male designers dominate the fashion industry for a very simple reason: nobody, but nobody, is better at designing and selling high-end clothes and lingerie than they are. Gay/bi male designers are entitled to choose their models on whatever criteria they please, including choosing models who look like adolescent boys. I agree this can be bad for the self esteem of women who don’t fit that type, but hey, your definition of “feminine beauty” can be bad for the self esteem of women who don’t fit that type. Please don’t pretend you’re a champion of female self esteem when you do all you can to make women who aren’t “feminine’ feel bad.

2. High end lingerie and high fashion are marketed to affluent women in big cities and the surrounding suburbs, not “most people”.

Marketing is directed toward niche markets, not the general public. Erik, you wrote, “Marketing considerations suggest that the best policy is to appease the most people”. No, marketing consideration suggest that the best policy is to appease the most people *who have both the inclination and the money to buy the product*, not most people *in general*. Higher-end lingerie and high fashion are bought only by a small percentage of the public consisting overwhelmingly of middle- to upper-class women in big cities and their surrounding suburbs, so they are the only people the high end designers care about, not “most people”.

3. Lingerie and high fashion are marketed to women, not men.

Marketing is directed to the buyer and no one but the buyer. The idea that because heterosexual women buy lingerie to use it as a prelude or stimulant to sex with heterosexual men, therefore heterosexual men’s preferences should determine the choice of lingerie models, is as ludicrous as the idea that because heterosexual men buy pornography to use it as a prelude or stimulant to sex with heterosexual women, therefore heterosexual women’s preferences should determine the choice of female porn stars. WTF?

Marketing is concerned with how to sell a product, not with how the product is used after it is sold. The fact that heterosexual men are involved in the use of lingerie after it is sold is of no relevance to the marketing. It’s the same reason that home-cooking food (as opposed to restaurant food) is marketed to women even though men it eat it too: because in most households women do the grocery shopping, so women are the ones who buy the product. No one cares what heterosexual men think about fashion/lingerie models, and there is no damn reason why anyone should.

4. Most women are subconsciously, subliminally aroused by androgynous women– not feminine women.

A female model who looks like a gorgeous man has FAR more power over the psyche of a heterosexual woman than a feminine model ever could. There is a reason that Greta Garbo’s success as one of the biggest movie stars of all time was driven primarily by female moviegoers. Women are entranced by Garbo’s magnificent masculine beauty.

I do not believe your crusade to change the look of fashion/lingerie models is motivated primarily by legitimate concern about the health of excessively skinny models and the girls and women they influence, because you criticize masculine attributes, such as big shoulders and big rib cages and flat behinds, that do no harm to health.

There is a difference between attractive and memorable. Many attractive women look like they came off the same assembly line and two days later you can’t remember their face. Most of your “Attractive Women” gallery are in that category of uniform, cloned loveliness, one face melting into the next. Their faces have no TRACTION. They are perfect for nude or semi-nude modeling, where bodies are everything and faces are just accessories. No one will ever pay to look at pictures of them fully dressed.

This is not personal defensiveness, because I meet almost all your criteria for femininity: delicate facial features, small forehead, short small nose, narrow jaw, small chin, narrow shoulders, small rib cage, full natural breasts, small waist-to-hip ratio, wide pelvis, round behind, petite height, tiny hands, tiny feet.

You have deprived yourself of any credibility whatsoever by claiming you speak for what “most” people consider beautiful and then creating an “Attractive Women” gallery that is 100% white. Funny how nonwhite women are doing such a good job of reproducing if hardly anyone considers them attractive enough to have sex with. If your excuse is that your gallery simply reflects your own taste, then stop claiming you speak for “most people”.

You wrote: “It is not unusual for the art coming from homosexuals to display the mental illnesses more common among them...sadomasochistic elements would be a good example.” Sadomasochism is NOT a mental illness. The only objective definitions of mental illness are inability to perceive reality accurately; such as hallucinations, hearing voices, paranoia, delusions, irrational phobias and mania, or conditions that make healthy functioning impossible, such as extreme depression. I know mentally lucid, emotionally stable, healthy, happy people in heterosexual sadomasochistic relationships – including me. You are clearly casting about for any random reason to label homosexuals ill.

Erik, your inability to simply IGNORE glamorized, sexualized images of masculine/androgynous women, your willingness to create and maintain an incredibly detailed and researched website and blog to express your wish that such images would disappear, indicates that such images SCARE YOU. You write dire warnings that if the models don’t get more feminine, there will be an “aesthetic disaster”. Oooh. Shudder.

Let’s be honest about which “disaster” you’re really scared of. I wish I had a dollar for every time you write about a man who “narrowly escapes nonheterosexuality”. Narrowly escapes! Erik, do you realize that anyone who reads your references to “narrow escape from nonheterosexuality” can FEEL your inexpressible terror?

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 15:29 Not from Twisty's Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!


It would be great if you would do a blog entry about how to distinguish a constitutonally 'thin' woman apart from a malnourished/anorexic woman. This 'skinny bashing' has gotten way out of hand in the popular culture of today, and I fear sites like this one (unintentionally perhaps) will only contribute to the problem. It is far too common to hear young women today form an instant dislike of another: "I hate her, she's all skinny and stuff". I do not personally mind if my looks are not to the personal taste of most people but what I do find unacceptable is rude personal comments from those who know bugger all about me or my habits. Steps need to be taken to let the general public know that this is RUDENESS. My stats:

height: 175cm
weight: 48kg/107lb
bmi: You should be six feet under ya anorexic bitch.
daily caloric intake: 1800 - 2200 cals
body fat %: 20 (around normal)

Now from a previous physical description of myself I gave you seemed to think I was on the hypogonadal side (but still with a masculinized hormone ratio) I'd tend to agree with you on that. I just measured my armspan and it's 174cm so, yes, kinda eunachoid LOL. I'm 113cm from floor-waist. But this also means I'm a short person grown tall. Long thin legs do not weigh much compared to trunk weight, so shave of alot of what I'm 'supposed' to weigh right there. I have a really small ribcage and short torso, which means small internal organs, so shave off some more weight. I'm naturally good at long distance running, so my muscles are all 'slow twich' type - shave off even more weight. I even tried eating vast amounts of calories once to try to comply with popular beauty standards, and all i got was, wait for it...a fat gut! That is the ONLY place I gain weight! My legs stayed like sticks and I kept my concave cheeks. So however fat I get I will always be PERCIEVED as skinny by the ignorant public. I am STUCK being skinny looking and even my dietician eventually agreed with me. But even thought I am 'underweight' without being underfat or malmourished I still get uncalled for ABUSE from strangers because of my appearance. Even obese women do not get rudeness to their faces like I do.

And no I do not

-have thyroid problems or any other medical problem
-I am not some anorexic bimbette in denial - I am a mathematics honours student with an active interest in physical anthropology. I have also worked as a professional catwalk model.
-I am not just super young. I'm almost 25. Puberty was a decade ago. Oh, yeah I 'should' be filling out and 'maturing' just like 'all women naturally do' blah blah blah BLAH. (btw I grew about 4 cm between age 20 and now, interesting.)

So yes, an anomaly I may be but a biological impossibility I am NOT. This rudeness against "skinny" women must end. Whatever happened to 'minority rights'?

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 12:59 Danielle 2 min 23 sec video: Fast track learning for newcomers

You are slowly losing your mind Erik.

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 10:18 the donald 2 min 23 sec video: Fast track learning for newcomers

racist little cunt.

white people's genes are diluting and will be GONE by the next generation.

Thu, 10/11/2007 - 21:22 Danielle Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Erik, if all those "women" who were hating on you were simply jealous then I can say the same for all those people hating on Alessandra. I am sure that most women would have a greater reason to be jealous of Ale than they would to be jealous of you or anyone else on your lame ass site. If any group can put someone on a pedestal it's the general public not a small group of gay designers. The whole "pedestal" argument is useless anyways because Alessandra was never a successful high fashion model or fashion icon. Her claim to fame is Victoria' secret and you haven't proven that gay men are actually in charge of the casting for those lingerie shows.

Eric, do you honestly think that most people who come across this site are going to go through all that "anthropological" shit on those pages? I never argued that most people would like the looks of high fashion girls. I know that most people prefer the soft, pretty-in-an-average-way look. The models on your pages still cannot really compare with the VS girls because they are ugly. They may look "feminine" but they are still mostly plain or ugly

My problem with your stupid little site is that you feel that an alternative fashion industry needs to be set up based on model selection, which is ridiculous and naive. You also try to present your hypotheses as facts (gay designers are pederasts, shamans are responsible for body modification, gay designers have influenced the choice of beauty pageant contestants, ect…) and you have terrible taste in women and "art".

Thu, 10/11/2007 - 20:58 Danielle Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Melisande,I don't think you are ugly. I was exaggerating. I don't think you are pretty but you shouldn't care what I think. If your ass sores really were the result of allergies then I apologize. I hope you were at least eighteen when you took all of these pictures. You say you were still in high school and that gives me the creeps.

Thu, 10/11/2007 - 20:50 Danielle Karl “models have skinny bones” Lagerfeld rejects three models for being too skinny!

Karl Largerfeld often says one thing but then does something completely different. I can barely think of a few girls who are skinnier than Lily Donaldson is right now. He also had Kim Noorda, Snejana and Vlada in the show. Olga Shearer wasn't there so maybe she was one of those rejected girls.

I don't think that Gemma wasn't in Milan because she has gotten "fat". She probably feels she has reached the status where she can pick and choose which shows she wants to do. Daria Werbowy, Natalia Vodianova and Carmen Kass are in the same boat. They have reached the status where they can choose not to do any shows for an entire season then come back and get booked for shows like Chanel and Valentino.

Gemma's body and face has matured and she can get away with that. All these new Russian zombies and unfortunately even some seasoned models feel that they need to be rail thin in order to be on top of their game. It seems that more and more models are becoming deathly thin. I don’t know if this something reactionary or if its just an awful trend. The supermodels of the 90's looked nothing like these bony girls and adolescent boys don't typically look like skeletons.

Thu, 10/11/2007 - 18:17 Melisande Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Oh, and about my posing, all the pics shown of me on this site so far were taken in the first 6 months of me modeling. It's not very nice to criticize me when I was still a newbie! I wasn't even finished with High School! argh...oh well, it's always a little depressing to hear someone you don't even know posting all over boards that you're ugly and horrible, but at least I have the consolation of knowing that the people who actually know me, love me. Good enough I suppose :-) I'm still wondering why I'm such an intruiging topic?? And all this masculinized bs...argh...doesn't do good things for a girly-girls' self boyfriend cracked up when he read these blog postings.

Thu, 10/11/2007 - 17:56 Melisande Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Hmm..pock marks on my ass, that was years one week I broke out (I am allergic to almost everything) and did a bunch of shoots and now someone thinks I'm a diseased ugly porn model...pity. Danielle, umm, exactly why do you seem to hate me so much?? I only was on porn for about a year and a half, didn't do a lot of the creepy things people wanted me to do, and I started modeling, (and still am modeling) in fashion, tradeshow and promotional work, which was my main medium all along. You are also the first person to say I am plain or ugly, which intruiges me. Why? Also, why are people arguing about how skinny I am? As good or bad as it sounds, I am 5'7" and 98 lbs, 32B, 22 waist and a size zero. Naturally. Sorry people, but I eat, and workout, and am healthy. So, unfortunately, I'm stick always looking like Twiggy, oh well. I am pretty damn skinny, but I don't know why anyone would care so much. Personally, I've watched a lot of runway shows and a lot of those girls are skinnier than me, and they look awful! Very scary, too skinny, and that's not attractive. I'm just lucky I'm starting to fill out and my teenager body is finally starting to show a little muscle.

Wed, 10/10/2007 - 14:04 tom The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6


How feminine is veronika zemanova, is she the extreme end of femininity or is there any masculinity in her?

Wed, 10/10/2007 - 05:38 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Gretta: It looks like a joke to you? Ignore Dana Benn; she is just there to provide a maternal-looking comparison. Does Maria, the woman used for the main comparison, look fat? Maria and the other two women are nude models, not “hookers.”

Wed, 10/10/2007 - 05:28 gretta The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

haha holy shit, is this a joke?

posting softcorn porn of fat trashy hookers, saying they're beautiful?

.. what the fuck? ahahahahha google serves me well

Wed, 10/10/2007 - 00:03 Super Amanda Addict Gisele Bundchen slams skinny fashion models

Thanks Rajat!! Gisele is totally 100% thick waisted and wikipedia needs to change that!
