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Thu, 09/27/2007 - 23:41 Danielle Families do not cause anorexia nervosa: NEDA responds to Gisele Bundchen

Eric, those studies don't satisfy me. Those pictures were awful. It would have been better if they had used 3D models or actual women.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 23:37 Danielle And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

Eric, Sodomite is a pretty offensive word so I suggest you don't use unless you want even more accusations of homophobia to be thrown at you.

You cannot judge someon'e fertility levels by looking at a picture of them Eric. I know fashion models are skinny but you know nothing about the health of individual models so stop making assumptions.

You are using the term sub-fertile as an insult. I think that's pretty sexist.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 20:38 Erik 5 resolutions to transform the fashion and beauty industries

Martha: I am not scared of men who love men; I just don’t find their sexual behaviors palatable. What homophobia have you encountered? Facts cannot be homophobic. I have never stated that “they're all really into” little boys. Sexual interest in underage children just happens to be much more common among homosexuals and bisexuals than heterosexuals, and a preference for adolescents isn't pedophilia.

Gay porn would be a poor source for judging the age preferences of homosexual men since under-18 males cannot legally participate in it.

If gay men choose models to make them look good in clothes, the general public certainly disagrees, i.e., the homosexuals aim to please themselves rather the general public.

What do you mean by my general attitude toward women? How can you infer it from this site?

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 20:17 Martha 5 resolutions to transform the fashion and beauty industries

You're terrible. I almost think this blog is a joke.

First there's the blatant homophobia, "sodomite influence," that's just stupid. You, like a lot of people who fear the scary men that love men, seem to believe that what they're all really into is little boys.

You should really look at some gay porn. the ideal is more along the lines of rippling muscles and huge dicks. Sure there is a market for twinks but there's also a market for bears.

Also, these scientific ideals you like to talk about? They're very instinctive, gay men would be as aware as anyone that a woman has a classically desirable body.

I'd say if gay men do choose which fashion models become successful they choose them less on the lines of who they're closest to having some depraved, pedophilic urge towards and more along the lines of who makes the damn clothes look good.

Your vaguely creepy obsession with tiny upper bodies and general attitude towards women doesn't really bear writing about.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 19:59 Erik Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

Susie: You got it but then curiously say you don't know what to make of it.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 19:55 Erik The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

Susie: I don’t believe that the second woman should be participating in high-profile beauty pageants either. Such pageants should be for very attractive women.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 19:48 Erik Families do not cause anorexia nervosa: NEDA responds to Gisele Bundchen

Danielle: Whereas stars like Nicole Ritchie and the Olsen twins influence many girls and women, they themselves are influenced by high-fashion models, and hence their influence is an indirect/trickle-down effect of high-fashion models.

I am tired of repeating the well-documented observation that most people optimally prefer women within a subset of the medically healthy weight range, not thin women. If this is a source of pressure on some women, then women are at least as much to blame as men.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 19:33 Erik And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

Danielle: Do you believe a right winger would be posting so much nudity? The comment by hoax? is a joke just as my reply is. Sodomite is a Biblical term, but I have been using the word “Gods.” So what does this tell you? I believe that there are many Gods and also Goddesses, and am not a Christian. I don’t believe in the Christian entity of Satan. I just like the word sodomite, perhaps because of the way it sounds, and I have no religious attitudes toward homosexuality.

How healthy high-fashion models look requires no comment. The readers can look at their pictures and judge for themselves. High-fashion models generally have body fat levels below the medically healthy range and are bound to have sub-par fertility on average.

I don’t see how my arguments are sexist.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 19:17 Erik Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

Susie: Do I really need to define what are high-quality men from the perspective of women? This should be obvious: financially well-off, good looking, tall, well-built, kind hearted, pleasing personality, etc. If you are a typical heterosexual woman, chances are that you would prefer a lifetime-exclusive heterosexual man whose developmental pathway never came close to deviating from a heterosexual orientation, especially if you are aware of the nature of nonheterosexuality.

How can a mainstream outlet for feminine beauty appreciation be in the form of a high-profile nude magazine? Nudity isn’t mainstream. Outlets for mainstream appreciation of feminine beauty can be in the form of an alternative fashion industry, beauty pageants focusing on feminine beauty and magazines featuring bikini-clad feminine beauties.

Why have I set up this site instead of starting my own pin-up magazine/site? Do you have any idea how many websites/magazines post pictures of scantily clad and nude women? If I were to set up such a site, how many people will come across it? It will be largely lost amid the huge number of other similar sites unless I featured very attractive women, which are very difficult to obtain among nude models. In other words, I would need a budget of millions to place advertisements seeking bikini models, pay them well in order to get very good looking ones, and advertise my site/magazine. I would also need to recoup the costs by having a pay-for-access website (unless I were extremely rich), which wouldn’t be helpful because many people will not pay to access it. I don’t have millions to spare, and hence it is best for me to come up with and work on a freely accessible educational website while simultaneously working on acquiring sufficient riches to ultimately recruit attractive bikini models.

I have clarified before that I have never argued for some sort of gay conspiracy. The homosexuals are not conspiring against heterosexuals but simply doing what pleases them.

And how can you accuse me of misogyny? I have not espoused anything suggestive of a dislike of the behaviors or mannerism of women in general. I have been addressing looks, and have shown an appreciation of feminine looks. How is this misogyny?

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 19:07 Danielle Families do not cause anorexia nervosa: NEDA responds to Gisele Bundchen

How often do you think most women view high fashion imagery Eric? Compare number to how often they watch movies and read celebrity magazines or websites. Most high fashion models are not well known outside of the high fashion industry. They don't have half the status that the skinny starlets have. If any high profile people are inspiring sick girls to starve themselves then it would be the skinny movie stars and celebrities. Gemma Ward can't compete with Nicole Ritchie and the Olsen twins in terms of visibility.

PS. Society does presure women to be thin. They do not need women to be as skinny as high fashion models but they need them to be slender.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 18:59 Danielle And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

Eric, I recall you once said that you have no religious attitudes regarding homosexuality but you have started to refer to gay men as "sodomites". It seems like you do have some religion-based homophobic beliefs.

You know nothing about the health or fertility of high fashion models so stfu. The high fashion industry is not satanic because you find the models unattractive Eric. Your neutral facade is unraveling. You have provided even more proof that you are a sexist, homophobic, right-wing nutbag.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 18:26 Erik Families do not cause anorexia nervosa: NEDA responds to Gisele Bundchen

Susie: Whereas it is true that if the fashion industry were using feminine and healthy-looking women, there would still be women around who lean toward the belief that perfection of some sort will make their problems go away, starving oneself is inexpensive and doesn’t require any special equipment, but breast implants, liposuction and other major cosmetic surgeries are expensive and beyond the reach of a large number of women. A feminine appearance is dependent on overall looks and for most women, a few simple cosmetic procedures are not going to help achieve feminine beauty. Therefore, those seeking perfection will likely focus on an area apart from their looks or if they seek to radically alter the looks, then very few women would have the financial resources and willingness to deal with the pain and risks of multiple cosmetic surgery procedures.

I doubt that the Dove beauty campaign is hugely popular with women. Dove has a commercial motive. It sells products women use to maintain/improve their looks, and hence feminists aren’t exactly enthusiastic about Dove’s campaign.

It is certainly possible to have a fashion alternative that uses models with a much wider range of looks, but high-fashion requires that models convey a sense of exclusivity, i.e., it is unrealistic to expect a high-fashion alternative using models with very diverse looks.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 18:08 Erik And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

hoax?: Thou shalt not assign the glorious creation of the Gods to Satan. The Satanic influence is observed in the fashion industry: sodomites, pederasts; starving, sickly and sub-fertile women.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 17:50 Erik What is wrong with this video?

Twix: An overrepresentation of masculinized women among higher status business individuals does not necessarily imply a rejection of the feminine. This phenomenon could easily be accounted for by the selection of masculinized women rather than discrimination against feminine women because masculinization increases the likelihood of possessing the traits (e.g., drive, ambition) that are required for success in business management. Short hair and dressing in men’s clothing are not the important variables but the physical masculinization of these women is.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 16:10 hoax? And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

What is this?
" INSPIRE man" is right, haha. she is a succubus sent by satan to instill lust in the hearts of men, do not succumb to the ungodly allure of her flesh. The Gods are not pleased by your use of their name.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 15:52 Susie Families do not cause anorexia nervosa: NEDA responds to Gisele Bundchen

People with the same problems that factor in the development of anorexia or bulimia will exist when the beauty standards in the fashion industry change, for example to a more feminine ideal as you would like it.
How will these people try to obtain "perfection". I don't believe they will lie back and just accept the way they are built. Breast implants, liposuction and severely constricting corsets aren't very healthy either.
While I wouldn't mind publications meant for men to showcase a more feminine beauty standard, I don't see why the women's fashion and cosmetics industry should. There I'd much rather see the "every body shape is beautiful when it's healthy" ideal put forward by Dove for example, which is also hugely popular with women. I can see other companies adopting it soon.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 14:59 joe Fashion models that don’t look bad

Erik, what is so unfeminine about the woman in the pics face?

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 14:53 bron The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

...Besides, if I had very wide hips, I would not strive to balance it with broader upper body, that would only add still more of unwanted breadth to my body.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 14:52 joe Fashion models that don’t look bad


you mean body and face judged overall the woman in the pic doesnt look extremely feminine? though on an body basis alone her figure looks extremely feminine? but if her body looks extremely feminine wouldnt she be overall feminine?

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 14:40 bron The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

women should not have mannish proportions nor balance- IT CAN NOT STAND, that broad shoulders are better for everyone, that is for both genders; what is that, unisex advance?

"In general, women's body structure is such that they have a lower center of gravity, because of their wider hips and heavier bond structure in the lower abdominal part of the skeleton, as compared to men's structure. Similarly, we can say for men in general that they have wider shoulders as compared to women.

This lower center of gravity is the main cause for women to be able to bend forward in the kneeling position without falling over forward."

I think that makes sense, but I am layman concerning physiology; maybe some backup, someone?

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 13:43 Susie Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

What conclusion do we draw besides the obvious? That the rural African men aren't much exposed to and influemnced by western media and their intrinsical preference is a higher WHR than that of men from other cultures? Idon't know what to make of this.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 13:34 jaharthur The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

What a nut job you are.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 13:29 twix What is wrong with this video?

I agree, it is about masculinization. Perhaps it all started with women wanting to compete with men. Wanting to have "strong faces" and the "strong boned face" ideal.
Being soft and feminine is rejected as being weak and passive. If you look at the highest powered business women, they become more and more like men as you go up the ladder.
More masculine faces, shorter hair, men's like business suits and accessories, masculine mannerisms and business attitudes, etc.
No wonder men are confused. Opposites truly do attract.

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 13:21 twix Why are Victoria’s Secret models so popular?

Wow, I have always thought that these models look masculine. And some of the actresses now too. I have always thought the Victoria girls look like clothes horses,kind of tranny, and are they really what an American man would want as a mate?

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 11:55 Susie The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

I actually think Snow has a cute face which would fit well within a beauty pageant (the contestants of which I very rarely count to highly attractive females). Her body just seems a bit broad and her breasts are quite disproportionately large. The second compared girl has a rather unattractive or at least unphotogenic face, I can't say much about her body.
