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Tue, 10/09/2007 - 20:24 HughRistik Why would a fashion magazine publish these photos?

Your captions cracked me up.

Tue, 10/09/2007 - 16:48 Der Wanderer Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

> You can go there to read some glowing reviews of Erik’s little website.

Whoa... check out this guy, 1 Wood Dragon:

Sounds a lot like Calvin Klein Logic. Women are only beautiful when they resemble pre-pubescent boys. It's all horseshit. I don't need some bitter queen to tell me whats attractive in a female. I'm 20 times more qualified than the idiot who wrote this crap.

Oh, the irony :p

Let me introduce to you one of Ambrosius "handlers" (and his "friend") :

Alessandra Ambrosio/Elite at her 24th birthday bash alongside Elite’s Richard Habberly and friend at Suede.

( source )

Who's the "handler" and who's the "friend", I couldn't say.
But you get the point.

Tue, 10/09/2007 - 00:24 Erik Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Hugh Ristik: I think jujucabana has argued that femininity isn't related to beauty but that beauty (not femininity) is related to health or ability to procreate.

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 22:36 HughRistik Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

As for the comment:
that guy is seriously smart, but the problem is he is basing his theory on flawed logic. he has an assumption of what ‘feminity’ is, the term feminity is a social construct and has nothing to do with the science of beauty. Most modern beauty researchers match beauty with signs of health or ability to procreate. - jujucabana

Did you notice that this person thinks that femininity is socially constructed, but also that it is related to signs of health or ability to procreate? Someone's neurons aren't quite firing.

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 15:06 joe Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


In reference to the above comment namely "Fashion models that dont look bad" and "No comment needed".

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 15:04 joe Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


Daniella lloyd ex Miss britain/England Model.

Also please respond to the other comment left by me in the other part of this site.

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 03:06 Erik Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Danielle: The "glowing review" is nothing but jealous and ignorant women, and a few of them, as opposed to the more numerous commentators "praising" Alessandra above. So much for your claim that it is the public that has put Alessandra on a pedestal, not the homosexual fashion designers.

One of my critics at the superficial described me as:


that guy is seriously smart, but the problem is he is basing his theory on flawed logic. he has an assumption of what 'feminity' is, the term feminity is a social construct and has nothing to do with the science of beauty. Most modern beauty researchers match beauty with signs of health or ability to procreate. - jujucabana

This person ignored, like you, all the anthropological evidence on feminine vs. masculine variation as well as considerable evidence that in the absence of physical defects/abnormalities, the extent of femininity is the most powerful correlate of beauty in women, as repeatedly documented in the scientific literature.

Two of them even backed the following argument:


I think I see what's going on here; men are sexier than woman so woman that look like men do well in fashion.

And one of them saw the light:


..and i'm now convinced that gisele is a man. an ugly one. and if you can't see this you are one sad gay man who really should get out of the closet. (and stop telling yourself that you can't be gay since you atleast findes one woman attractive) - Freda
Mon, 10/08/2007 - 02:30 Erik Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Joe: If you are talking about Daniella Lloyd the fashion model, then she looks masculine.

Susan: There is no thumb rule of a 0.68 WHR threshold within this site. Beware of reported measurements of other women. They are not necessarily reliable. Crude measurements alone don't help. If you are a short or average height woman, then you will look heavy, but could look reasonably good if you are tall and with the same circumferential measurements.

Shawn: I disagree that 36-24-36 is somehow the ideal. High-fashion models are supposed to conform to 34-24-34, and are often close, yet I don't need to describe how feminine their physiques look typically. Lisa Welch (see another picture) had reported measurements of 34-22-34 at around 5-foot-7 at the time of the photography, and her physique looks pretty feminine.

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 01:43 susan Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

so can any female with a whr 0.71 tell me if they think they are curvascious

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 22:00 Erik Earlobe proportions and attractiveness

Shawn: The census definition is irrelevant since it is not supposed to closely match genetics or physical appearance.

I don't have an especially limited concept of beauty. I do not dispute that it comes in all colors, but this site has a narrow focus because it is targeting people of European ancestry; addressing other populations is extra work that I do not need to do and hardly have the time to.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 16:01 the raper Does fashion advertising cater to the buyers or is one observing the effects of a monopoly?

erik needs a good raping. i would love to ram my juicy cock up his tight ass.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 13:09 Danielle Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Here is another great link from the superficial forums! You can go there to read some glowing reviews of Erik's little website.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 11:59 joe No comment needed

Erik please can you respond to the comment left above

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 11:58 joe Fashion models that don’t look bad

Erik I am still awaiting response to the comments above

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 04:56 Shawn Earlobe proportions and attractiveness

Considering that Hispanics are classified by the Census as white Jessica can't look anything other than "white." (This, admittedly, despite that the general populace doesn't consider them white.)

However, I agree she doesn't look Nordic, not even with blond hair. Erik, you seem to have a very limited concept of beauty -- a dangerously distorted opinion. Beauty knows no "race" and it comes in every color.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 03:35 Shawn What is wrong with this video?

Beauty is not a myth, we've all seen naturally beautiful people. It's just that most of the people on TV/in magazines aren't. And the ones who are tend to possess a level of perfection that is rarely achieved in nature. This undermines true beauty, making even that "5%" doubtful.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 03:05 Shawn Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

In regards to the hourglass figure, so long as you're not carrying excess fat (and you wear a B/C/D cup bra) with hips at least 34 inches, you'll attract men.

Having hips a few inches wider isn't all that significant, so long as you're overall proportional. It may even exaggerate the hourglass shape, just as having a slimmer waist would. But, you don't have to be skin and bones -- men like a little cushioning. Women naturally store fat, it is a sign of fertility.

The ideal measurements are 36-24-36, but slight variations aren't extremely noticeable (even 40 inch hips) so long it falls generally within this range, and you're a healthy weight.

When any of the numbers get too high you'll just look overweight. At that point it's time to reevaluate your life choices and consider diet and exercise. Not for the sake of men but rather for your own health and well being.

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 23:30 Erik What is wrong with this video?

Sandy: The Dove Evolution film shown above is somewhat incomplete and slightly different from what Dove is showing at its site. At Dove's site, the video is prefaced by:


All this talk about fashion models and extreme dieting. How did our idea of beauty become so distorted?

At the end of the video, Dove argues:


Every girl deserves to feel beautiful just the way she is.

In other words, the problem being addressed is supposedly one of girls wanting to emulate the thinness of models, but the video doesn't address thinness even though the thinness of models is the major issue and the driving force behind the Dove campaign for real beauty.

I agree that real beauty does not need make-up and digital enhancement, but the message at the end is not consistent with acknowledging the existence of real physical beauty.

Encouraging body acceptance, Dove style, unfortunately mostly does not work with girls at risk for indulging in anorexic behaviors. Many of these girls are looking for standards of perfection to emulate, and given the high status of thin high-fashion models, have come to believe that perfection lies in their skinny look. The thinness of the models they observe on the runway is real, not faked. To counter this influence, Dove has to either convince them that people find all body sizes equally acceptable or that most people do not find the typical thinness of high-fashion models desirable. The first option is not viable since there are likely no individuals who have the impression that society considers all body sizes equally acceptable, and Dove will also need to explain why fashion models have such a limited range of body sizes if there is no special preference for their thinness. The second option will counter Dove's argument that every girl deserves to feel beautiful and acknowledge that beauty lies within a subset of the physical variation observed among humans. It is for this reason that the body acceptance movement, whereas sounding good, will fail to help those most at risk for developing anorexia.

The proper way to address body acceptance is to encourage people to accept what they cannot change since some change may be possible and even desirable (as in excess body fat not being good for health). People should also be encouraged to capitalize on their strengths rather than brood over their weaknesses/shortcomings.

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 22:39 Erik Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Der Wanderer: Great find again. And we have Sarah say that she would rather look like Alessandra than Dasha. Who am I to object?

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 20:57 Puff Mommy The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

No joke. This webpage is one of the weakest statements I've ever heard on female beauty. You should have your eyes gouged out and fed to you.

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 15:03 Danielle Does fashion advertising cater to the buyers or is one observing the effects of a monopoly?

Erik, that video did not include any high fashion advertisements and the ads that those girls labled as ineffective were actually quite effective from a marketing standpoint. If an ad makes you feel guilty about having cold sores or eating lunch then it is probably doing what the advertisers want it to do. They included ads that were not targeted towards women much less women in their demographic. They made loads of generalizations and they don't seem to understand marketing at all. This video was just another one of your lame, irrelevant examples, Erik.

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 14:30 Danielle Does fashion advertising cater to the buyers or is one observing the effects of a monopoly?

Erik, your dumb post would make more sense if the average woman could afford to regularly purchase the goods that the designers are selling. Most women cannot afford or are unwilling to buy very expensive deisgner clothes, shoes and bags. They may be occasionally offended by fashion ads but they are not the target market anyway.

Fashion designers do not have a monopoly. People can and do purchase a variety of substitue goods if they find the costs of the clothes or even the looks of the models objectionable. I know there are some people who feel they have to have high fashion products but they probably don't lose any sleep over the offensive images that the designers are promoting.

Straight men are not barred from becoming designers they just usually have little interest in fashion design. If you can prove that good, straight male designer would have a harder time gaining financial backing and prominence in the fashion industry than a good, gay designer then you would have a good argument. You have no proof of that so you're just talking crap again. The goods the designers sell are not necessary for most people, even "elite" people to purchase. Luxery goods should not be compared to things like technology.

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 10:53 Der Wanderer Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

> Great find! Especially the second link showing Alessandra washing her car.
> Someone even left a comment wondering whether the person shown was a boy.

Hold on!

There's another entry at The Superficial, featuring the same pics, but many more comments.

I took the time to make a selection of those most relevant to what this site stands for.
Sorry for the profanities, people.
Take it as a David Attenborough documentary on "The Sexual Response of the Human Male" or something ;p

Have fun :

18. DownAttheY - July 6, 2007 4:33 PM

She is way too curves at would be like having sex with a 12 year old boy.

25. DownAttheY - July 6, 2007 4:41 PM

BringIt-Ahole...I am sure you are skinny...that is why you are so offended by the fact that we all can't stand how thin she probably have T or A and you just can't stand that guys like something to hold on to...not your hip bones protruding

36. Donkey - July 6, 2007 4:48 PM

pic 04-
Looks like a dude taking a piss.

45. jojo - July 6, 2007 5:09 PM

ugh. they never look good in real life. too skinny. u have to be skinny to look good modeling, but in real life she looks like a dude. i wouldn't gawk at her skinny chicken bod on the beach.

52. Tall girl love is for gay fashion designers - July 6, 2007 5:35 PM

Straight guys don't masturbate every day to fashion models like Alessssssssssandra. We jerk off to (hopefully) some jiggly girl we saw in real life. Walking behind one during your commute home is a special treat if you're married. Or, maybe there was some big-titted girl at the office whose boobs we accidentally/intentionally brushed against while pretending to look at something together on the computer. Or, failing all else, there's now an infinity of online porno chicks with cartoonishly large boobs and butts (e.g., hit the bookmark to Bern's site). Jerking off to tall skinny bitchy supermodels??? Sheesh. Girls really have no idea what's going on in guys' heads (big and little). Thank fucking god for that.

55. miss oblivious - July 6, 2007 5:56 PM

Ok, superfish guy. Time to fess up now. She's not as perfect as you claimed her to be. With her size 12 clown feet, some beginning signs of cellulite on the backs of her rail thin legs, and the itty bitty titties. Oh, and the fact that she looks like an 11 year old prepubescent boy that just went thru a big growth spurt over the summer. 'Dems some hot shit; haha. No, not really. Hey, I just realized she's somewhat slyly flicking the camera man off in the first pic.

76. miss oblivious - July 6, 2007 9:17 PM

#73 ...I always thought guys liked tall girls too. But as it turns out, most guys I've met actually prefer small, petite girls w/ some curves. (And a big thing too is the whole "waist to hip ratio", but I won't even get into that). Guys might find the glamazon supermodels sexy on tv and in magazines, but they don't realize that the girls are tall and just photograph better for it, and in real life they usually aren't as drawn too tall, lanky, twiggy types. A lot of guys are short these days too, so what guy wants some chic towering over him? Not too many. Not only that, but you are bashing all these typical "American girls", saying they all have dirty blonde hair and are 5'6. Well, actually, 5'6 is considered somewhat tall for an American female. The average height is actually only around 5'4. All that being said, everyone has different taste, and it all just comes down to that, and also how people look as a whole; not just feature by feature, and not just by height. Oh yeh, and personality plays a big part too. So, basically...get over yourself.

90. drowningfool - July 6, 2007 10:14 PM

Maybe I have weird tastes or something but her legs and arms look like my grandpa's, and I'm not attracted to my grandpa...should I be?

103. Play Doctor - July 6, 2007 11:28 PM

Frenchie I feel sorry for you because you clearly have an "I wasn't a cheerleader" complex (you probably played water polo or basketball or some nasty man-girl shit).

Studies show that men FAR prefer women in the 5'4" to 5'6" range. Have you ever seen a stunningly beautiful girl with a 23 inch waist 34 inch hips and a full C cup with 18% body fat, super long gorgeous legs (lean and toned without an ounce of cellulite), long gorgeous hair and the face of an angel. That is the description of the hottest type of girl on earth and she will smoke the shit out of the manly fucking tall ass scare crows. At a bar, at work, ANYWHERE this type of girl will overwhelmingly get ALL THE ATTENTION over some nasty tall horse faced bitch that’s as tall as, and in many cases taller, than the guys and wears the same size shoes as them.

Like I said on the other Alessandra posts as a 6'2' athlete it fucking revolts me when a girl dresses up and puts on her heels and is as tall as me. Take my other surfer buddies starve them, shave them, put them in a wig and a bikini and they'll look just like this bitch. Why the fuck would that turn me on. Guys like girls who look feminine and last time I checked man-tall Amazonians look like nasty drag queens. Trust me 99% of guys will agree with me on this one. The other 1% are chubby chasers so you chicky are SHIT OUTTA LUCK. You and the tall bean poles aren't at the bottom of the food chain but no way in fuck are you at the top either. SOOOOOO many girls out smoke this type of run of mill skank.

P.S. No men ever lusted after Gwenyth Paltrow. That's just not the PRIME type of chick. Get over it. Only fat girls think that's the ultimate body type but, guys aren't that impressed by it.
AND if you have this body do yourself a favor and work out beacause like Alessandra you must be doughy, dimply and bony. If your face resembles hers you might wanna get a nose job too.

107. LaLaLa - July 7, 2007 12:22 AM

Hey 5'10" & Attractive -

If it makes you feel better to think that the whole world would jizz at the sight of someone with your looks, cool. Personally, I don't "hate" on women very often. I find most women attractive, actually, including a lot of celebs that get bashed here. I have NO trouble saying that a chick is pretty or hot, ever. But AA is not in my eyes. She's the polar opposite of everything I like about women. I like boobs. Butts. Curves. Pretty face. Nice voices. Eyes that don't look like someone sucked the soul of them. So when I say she looks like a boy, I mean it. If I saw her on the street would I pick apart her flaws? No way. I just wouldn't notice her at all, but then that probably bothers you most, judging by your little fit. Can't handle that we all have different tastes and some of u 0 gasp! - don't give a shit about tall and skinny chicks with bland looks? Sorry. For what it's worth, there are plenty of people that DO love this look, so I'm sure you'll get your share of jizz that you're so desperately seeking. It just won't be mine. :-)

114. unowho - July 7, 2007 1:42 AM

Man this chick is one nasty fugly man-faced dog.

116. grotto - July 7, 2007 2:16 AM

she's simply not that hot. i'm unsure why you feature her. yeah, she's a model, she has a "cool" pc, alliterative ethnic name, but she's frankly a bit mannish in a pubescent kind of way. also, who decides who becomes a model -- a panel of gay men, right? well, they don't speak for straight men. we like breasts and some semblence of an ass. thanks, though.

118. sharpeidude - July 7, 2007 3:42 AM

She's a fucking swizzle stick are you people kidding? This cadaver could pass for an Dachau survivor!

135. Flavio - July 7, 2007 12:41 PM

nnnnnot hotttt. average, boring, yawn. this is the kind of chick that gay dudes think is really hot...

141. skye - July 7, 2007 3:50 PM

Her legs are gross. Why is this person so popular with the men? Are all men gay?

142. mafme - July 7, 2007 4:15 PM

So far, there is a kind of funny trend in AA's most vocal supporters (not counting the people who are calm about saying that she's pretty): Straight woman & men/males who call everyone else gay. I mean, doesn't this *support* the people who say that she's a bit boyish? Straight women like her as do latent homosexuals.

169. erica - July 8, 2007 2:43 PM

where did her ass go?

183. HeavenScent - July 8, 2007 9:56 PM

p.s. where are Alessandra's boobs?!

189. lucky7 - July 9, 2007 2:10 AM

This bitch is disgusting to look at. No hips, no ass, little titties, and a man face.
Any guy who likes this disgraceful excuse for a real woman wants a dildo up his gay ass. Fucking fags.

211. hahahahathischickisdisgusting - July 9, 2007 7:45 PM

Hahahaha this chick is disgusting. I feel much better about myself now. Thanks, dude.
But you know who would think she is totally hot? Perez Hilton. Or any gay man, actually, because she has the body of a teenage male model.

217. A.King - July 10, 2007 12:42 PM

#19, You're straight, riiigggghhhtttt.. Well since you're not a guy you will never understand a guys perspective on a female "Super Model" who looks like she should be modeling in a Sears catalogue under the boys/ junior section.. She does have any assets or curvature that makes a woman a woman.. Her face is actually really normal looking and her body is well below average.. No disrespect to the young lady but there is something really wrong with society when a woman built like a 12 year old boy can be consider "Super" anything..

Sat, 10/06/2007 - 03:25 susan Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

i have not been able to find it - but is it commonly accepted on this site that a whr of 0.68 is ok but anything above is pushing it? i have a whr of 0.71 which im not happy with my measurements are dd38-29-41... dont you think it has more to do with your waist size - i know if i lose weight i will likely keep the weight on me breaks going down proably a half to a cup, but i will probably lose my weight off waist minimally - i have large ribs to some degree but then again have areasonable amount of weight all over... i want to lose weight but think going to the gym may improve me more.

aria giovanni has a whr of 0.71. and she is exceptionally curascious - unlike myself

Fri, 10/05/2007 - 17:29 Danielle What range of body fat is considered socially acceptable in the general population?

LOL!! Did I make wittle Ewica angwy?
None of your cited material argues that the women in your attractive women section would be found better looking than Victoria's Secret supermodels. The skanks in your "attractive" women section are average to butt ugly so most people would not find them better looking than VS models. The only way for you to prove that most heteros would find your skanks better looking is to survey a sizeable group of them and ask them to comparatively rate the attractiveness of these groups of women. You would have to current images of the VS girls at the lingerie show instead of old images of them at high fashion shows or in editorials.
I don't need to cite any peer reviewed journals or studies because most of my arguments do not require scientific data to back them up.

Any reasonable person can see that one video showcasing the Victoria’s secret girls does not prove that homosexuals are heavily promoting them. If you can prove that homosexuals are responsible for hiring these models for Victoria's Secret then you will have some proof to back up you statements. Victoria's Secret is a business and the public always has the option of rejecting their products and/or the models they use to promote them.

I am not the one with the website dedicated to promoting "feminine beauty" and exposing the mental illness of the dastardly fashion pederasts. You would bolster your arguments by comparing the looks of popular sex symbols with your nude skanks in a controlled laboratory study. I don't have tome to look up a bunch of sources or to do any studies.

I don't see why "the homosexuals" would need to hire women who look like your nude skanks for the VS show. The models they have now do their jobs very well.
