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Mon, 10/01/2007 - 18:36 Danielle Fashion world news

Erik, I never pretended to know all there is to know about feminist theories but unlike you and Der Arschloch I don't pretend to know everything about feminism and I don't misrepresent their arguments in order to make lame points.

Yes, most designers would not include a girl of size four and certainly not over size six for their regular shows. You have made the point that homosexual designers prefer a level thinness for their runway models that most people find unattractive. I don't see how you're any different from them because you want girls with skinny waists even if everyone and their dog preferred skinny waists rather than thick ones.

I never ignored the temptation of money and "fame". It is up to adult women to decide whether or not they are willing to risk their health in pursuit of a career. Many people who make their livings off of their bodies have to make that choice. Athletes, dancers, models even prostitutes have to decide between possibly making more money and keeping their bodies safe and healthy. I don't know how old Heidi was in the earliest stages of her modeling career but if she was an adult then you certainly cannot say that she was "forced" to diet.

I am not saying that any of this is fair but what is your alternative? If the fashion world started to follow your rigid dictates then girls who looked like Heidi wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming a model. They couldn't even dream of walking down a runway. At least your "feminine" (average) looking models can get some "work" flashing their genitals and conventionally attractive people are often used as catalog models.

That video is an extremely poor example of the creativity of the fashion world. There is absolutely nothing special about the venue or the walks and poses of the models. You are making it even more obvious that you don't have a clue what artistry and creativity is.

You are a homophobic asshole. The designers are probably saner than you are. At least they don't have the delusional belief that posting images of ugly naked women next to glamorous models will inspire people to change their views of a billion dollar industry.

You obviously think you are better than gay people and men who “narrowly escaped homosexuality”. You think white features > non-white features and you believe that everyone including non-whites share this belief. You demonize people who disagree with you. Why should anyone listen to an asshole like you? You suck.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 17:15 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Joe: How feminine is Cintia Dicker? Not very feminine.

Kale: If you believe that Alessandra is beautiful, then I hope that you are aware of how she looks sans the help of make-up and digital artists, and if you are aware of this factor, then you are an odd heterosexual man. I know that many men find VS models extremely attractive, but you need to look at how heavily these women are promoted, the dearth of feminine beauty in the media, and up to 20% of men not being lifetime-exclusive heterosexuals.

Read the FAQ to understand this site’s purpose. It focuses on white women because it is targeting people of European ancestry. Whereas heterosexual men do not mutually agree 100% about what is beautiful in women, most prefer feminine beauty and share a similar idea of what it is about.

I don’t believe that fashion models are “destroying the world somehow.” They are not selecting themselves as models. The problems that I am addressing are caused by those who select them, and these are the homosexual designers, who select the models to appeal to their tastes rather than heterosexual men/women in general.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 16:36 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Tom and Crew: The proper comparison in the article above is Heidi Klum vs. Maria. There is no way most heterosexual men are going to prefer the looks of Heidi Klum to Maria’s, and the evidence for this can be found in numerous journal citations (featuring a panel of judges >> 9) within this site.

Your USC ladies will all be rejected by the homosexual designers for being too fat, among other things.

Analyze This: I don’t see how your referenced articles refute my arguments. The article titled “Eyes Can’t Resist Beautiful People” cites evidence for quick judgment of beauty. I haven’t said that it takes a long time to judge someone’s attractiveness. Your next article, “Beauty Boils Down to a Simple Average,” cites evidence that averageness is a correlate of beauty, which does not translate to your misinterpretation that masculinization is a correlate of beauty given that in the plastic surgery world it is less complex than feminization.

A long time before you left your comment, I cited a meta-analysis (analysis of multiple studies) that reported averageness being a correlate of beauty. This meta-analysis also showed that as far as most people are concerned, the extent of femininity is a much more powerful correlate of beauty than having average features, and most people strongly prefer above average femininity in women (not masculinization). Your interpretation is clearly incorrect.

It is obvious that there is a conflict between both averageness being a correlate of beauty and some forms of deviation from the average being a correlate of beauty, but this simply means that there are bounds to the extent of deviation from the average that will remain beautiful.

The interpretation of averageness in the second article is naïve. Whereas easier processing can partly explain a preference for averageness, there are other reasons such as avoidance of outbreeding depression, and as the meta-analysis shows, beauty does not boil down to a simple average. There is yet another major correlate of facial beauty that you will encounter within the section that addresses aesthetics in international beauty pageants, namely placement along the ancestral-to-derived discriminant, which again is about deviating from the average on multiple counts.

What do you mean by referring to myself? If there is an argument that others have not made or one doesn’t know that others have made it, then it is acceptable to cite one’s own previous arguments on the topic.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 15:33 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Tina: About 20% of men are not lifetime-exclusive heterosexual, and hence a heavily promoted woman like Gisele is going to have plenty of admirers, but take a good look at her and ask yourself whether heterosexuality is supposed to make men lust after the likes of Gisele. Gisele’s stardom results from the gay domination of the fashion business.

I am not crazy, and have a job, family and friends. Most glamour models shown within this site are not involved in porn, and I wouldn’t be using nude models if I had better alternatives.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 14:06 mary Extreme femininity

Erik-can you post a page or two on some men-perhaps including actors,singers etc,as the range in male models regarding masculinity will possibly be limited.
Im interested in seeing whats extreme masculinity,femininity and everything in between.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:52 Erik Fashion world news

Der Wanderer: That was a good one. Sexual sadomasochism is a mental illness that is much more prevalent among homosexuals and bisexuals. You have these mentally ill S&M homosexual designers include elements of torture/violence/subjugation in their presentations and feminists blame heteropatriarchy for it!

Danielle: Der Wanderer didn’t accuse of you being a feminist or else why would he say that it appears that you don’t know much about feminism?

To understand why I posted the Jen Hunter update, you have to read the previous article on her, which sharply contrasts the public’s preferences with that of the homosexual designers’.

Heidi Klum didn’t explicitly blame anyone, but her advice to teenage models comes close to making it look like these models are at fault. Heidi Klum herself was forced to diet early on in her career and she expects other girls to eat well? You ignore the temptation of money and fame or the necessity of money in a number of cases. If a girl can do high-fashion modeling provided that she lost some weight, some will starve themselves for the money and/or fame.

The video I posted is a good example of the fashion world’s creativity, which isn’t just limited to the designs, but also involves the presentation.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:00 Erik What is wrong with this video?

8D: Don’t use multiple aliases (e.g., The Donald). Ambition is also present in women though some types of ambition are more common in one sex.

fdfssf: I got two emails from you, and they ask too many questions. It will take me a while to reply.

Mon, 10/01/2007 - 12:52 Erik 5 resolutions to transform the fashion and beauty industries

Ashley: Here is the reference for sexual interest in children being much more common among homosexuals and bisexuals. I will come up with a better reference in the future.

Sun, 09/30/2007 - 15:09 Danielle Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

You haven't proven that extreme body modification is the result of the influence of psychotic shamans. You have created a hypothesis from scanty evidence. Please don't try to explain why groups you know very little about behave the way they do.

If significant groups of people have very different physical preferences from your average european then how does that fail to undermine "broad agreemant about what constitutes beauty"? The study you cited to prove that men and women prefer "above average feminiity in women" did not include the opinions of non-whites and non-asians.

If significant portions of non-white groups do indeed have different "intrinsic beauty standards" from europeans then shouldn't their ideals be showcased in international beauty competitions along with the standards of europeans?

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 22:42 Danielle Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

Eric, I am sorry I don't see the purpose of posting the physical preferences of a small group of african men. I don't see how this relates to beauty pageants, high fashion models or "feminine" beauty. You said you were targeting a "western audience" with this website. I hope you weren't trying to use this as a general example of the physical preference of sub-saharan africans.

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 18:44 OHH Welcome!

I understand your point about only wanting to use one race to determine facial masculinity, but when it came to marking femenine beauty across cultures, you did a disgusting job of representing non-eurasian cultures. I noticed that 90% of your examples of black physiques and faces came from exploration journals from british colonial times. I'm sure you could have found a picture of a senegalese woman that didn't make her look like a savage. Same goes for your Australian and islander women.

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 18:43 Erik Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

Danielle: If you don't understand the point, don't worry about it.

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 18:37 Erik Families do not cause anorexia nervosa: NEDA responds to Gisele Bundchen

Danielle: Read carefully; two studies that I cited used pictures of women.

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 18:33 Erik And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

Danielle: Sodomite appears to be a mildly offensive word, and was the standard term for male homosexuals for a long time. Its literal meaning is a resident of Sodom. Besides, given some of the things I have written about the nature of homosexuality, it would be futile for me to avoid using a Biblical term when appropriate in order to appear less "homophobic."

The medical literature argues against your statement that fertility cannot be judged from looking at someone's pictures. I am not judging the fertility of particular individuals but of groups. Outside a range of body fat levels, fertility diminishes. If one encounters a group of women most of whom have body fat levels below the healthy range, then it is easy to infer that the group has sub-par fertility compared to controls. Fertility also diminishes with above average masculinization. Women in the height range of high-fashion models also tend to have below average fertility. Therefore, one can make the inference of below average fertility in high-fashion models compared to the general female population. Look for citations within this site.

What do you mean "sub-fertile" is an insult? How many people have you come across using this insult? There is nothing sexist about it. For it to qualify as sexist, it needs to connote female inferiority/male superiority, but it doesn't.

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 09:58 Der Wanderer 5 resolutions to transform the fashion and beauty industries

> Where’s your reference for this?

Why bother?

- Homos = Sexual Proletarians
- Kids = Age Proletarians

And under-Dog doesn't eat under-Dog

Therefore -> The references MUST BE homophobic (counterrevolutionary)

It Follows By Definition

Therefore -> Why bother giving references?

Sat, 09/29/2007 - 00:12 fdfssf What is wrong with this video?

Ah, Erik, glad to know you got my email- I saw your discussion with Sarah in another thread. This is internetchum again, it's just been close to a couple of weeks now.

Fri, 09/28/2007 - 22:01 Ashley 5 resolutions to transform the fashion and beauty industries

Erik wrote: "Sexual interest in underage children just happens to be much more common among homosexuals and bisexuals than heterosexuals".

Where's your reference for this?

Fri, 09/28/2007 - 21:27 The Donald What is wrong with this video?

b/c ambition is a male trait.

erik, you will get gang raped by men.

Fri, 09/28/2007 - 19:15 Der Wanderer 12-year-old fashion model: Maddison Gabriel


> They are average at best; most of them look like inbreds.

Define "inbreeding".

Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:33 Der Wanderer Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

> [...] men prefer curves that appear to flow naturally.

But that was a good point, nonetheless.
That progression is faulty, topologically speaking.

Fri, 09/28/2007 - 11:17 Der Wanderer Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

> I don't understand the point either Eric.

Don't worry, my dears...
Neither did Miss Teen South Carolina 2007, you're in good company.
They didn't teach her The Metrical System cause is a cultural construct devised by "Da Vhicked Vhitey" (c)

Fri, 09/28/2007 - 04:33 JACK Maria McBane


Fri, 09/28/2007 - 04:30 JACK Maria McBane


Fri, 09/28/2007 - 01:19 Sarah 12-year-old fashion model: Maddison Gabriel

My mail is still in my sent box. webmaster [@] femininebeauty [.] info, right?

It was pretty short though so you might have not found it important enough to look at. Do you respond to every email you recieve?

There's nothing wrong with using profanity when you're as young as I am. They are, after all, just words but I'm assuming you're in your fourties or fifties so I understand how everything would seem so "vulgar" to you.

As far as HOTORNOT goes, the website isn't even a reliable source in determining whether someone is really attractive or not. For example, most women I see that recieve high ratings look really skanky and trashy, which is what most men like. You are right in that most men today don't realize what true feminine beauty really is because they are more or less brainwashed into thinking masculine features are attractive (or basically any girl who has her breasts sticking out). I have put up a picture of Josie Maran before (whom I find is very pretty) and she wasn't rated as highly as some ugly Mexican skank I previously saw who looked like a hood rat. I was joking about using HOTORNOT for others to rate your attractive women. They would probably rate them very high since they do appear skanky, even if it's just a picture of their face.

You can also never tell whether it's a woman or a man that's rating, and it's obvious how jealous and catty some women get when you put up a picture of Josie Maran and you see she got several "ones".

This is also just her face, by the way. I'm aware she doesn't have a particularly womanly figure (she doesn't have a waist).

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 23:44 Danielle Female waist-to-hip ratio preference among rural men in Bakossiland, Cameroon

I don't understand the point either Eric.
