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Thu, 07/05/2007 - 11:15 Erik Claire: for the skeptics

Danielle: The woman does not have a fat face. I did not portray her as a replacement for top fashion models, though with small breasts, she doesn’t have the curves that would “come in the way of showing off clothes.” Where do you see blotchy skin? There are many high-fashion models with pale skin, too. It is not the woman’s fault for being unable to tan. There is also a convenient solution for untannable skin: dihydroxyacetone. If porn stars typically looked like this woman, nearly all heterosexual men would be porn addicts.

Thu, 07/05/2007 - 11:12 Erik Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Danielle: Tell that to her legion of heterosexual male fans. This also doesn’t happen to be part of an attractive women section; the “attractive women” label is a tag for the blog.

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 20:43 Danielle Claire: for the skeptics

This hideous fat-faced trailer trash is your replacement for a top fashion model? Oh I really want to look like her!!! Blotchy, pasty skin, skinny little eyebrows and fat chipmunk cheeks are in right now. She looks like a porn star with down syndrome.

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 20:34 Danielle Guinevere: attractive slender nude

She's disgusting! She doesn't belong in any attractive woman section. She would make a terrible model and she needs to use a bleach pen to get rid of the pock marks on her ass.

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 15:04 Erik Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female

Arfan: To describe a woman as slightly masculine is to say that she is on the masculine side of the average for women of her ethnic background, but not too masculine. Kaif's overall looks are slightly masculine. She doesn't look bad. Like I said, she appears to be in the attractive range of South Asians.

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 09:31 Not From Twisty's Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women

Selection of male models for top fashion designers Autumn/Winter 2007-2008 collections. I didn't select these on the basis of being particularly feminine, just that they were 'highest level' from prestigious fashion houses.

Now go and look at some gay porn sites (if you can overcome your obvious homophobia for long enough ;) ) There's NO WAY that this is the only body type that gay men are aroused by. No, they are simply the 'male version' of your much maligned female haute couture model. High level fashion models are selected for a particular body type (leptosomic/tall ectomorph) not 'masculinization'.

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 07:49 Not From Twisty's Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women

Check out this one. She looks like an 18 month old child who's gone through puberty already - blech. The others look decent but only because they are under 20 or at the very most under 25. These looks age incredibly badly - how can a rapid deterioration in appearance signify great genes? Anyhow, pedomorphosis + T&A is not the sort of ideal 'feminine beauty' that should be promoted.

btw I'd be interested to know whether Erik considers male models like this guy:

to look 'feminized' because he looks less rugged than the average male? Guys who look like this are common at high fasion show.

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 06:07 arfan Human evolution: initial steps toward an hourglass figure in the female


you say slightly masculine where does that leave her on the masculnie/feminine scale if she is slightly masculine, how would you describe her overall looks masculine or feminine?

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 02:23 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

This is how the high fashion industry does sexy:
By muddphudle at 2007-07-03

The jewelry and lingerie they are wearing probably costs more than your car. You can't compete and neither can Dasha, Daria, and that hag, Sophie Howard. Your sluts have their niche market and Alessandra has hers. High fashion models don't exist to give you wood. You can't force the "evil gay designers" to change. Why don't you give up this useless crusade to convince people that VS models look like men and focus on giving your white trash women a shot at modeling.

Maybe you can create your own lingerie line. Why don't you make some bras and panties out of trash bags and duct tape and then have Daria and Dasha model your glorious designs. I am sure that the "lifetime exclusive heterosexual" men would appreciate your efforts. You can post the runway pictures on Myspace. I am sure that "the evil gay designers" will want to claw your "lifetime exclusive heterosexual" eyes out once they see how much attention you're getting. Your revolutional use of truck stop hotties will single-handedly topple "the evil pederest fashion empire" and all will be right in the lifetime exclusive heterosexual world. There!! Problem solved!!

Wed, 07/04/2007 - 01:49 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

People who have seen Elise in person have said she is quite attractive. She has a boyish physique but she works her stuff on the VS runway and she is a fabulous model. I think its sad that you have such a narrow definition of beauty and femininity that you can't appreciate anything different or unusual.

By muddphudle at 2007-07-03

She is so alluring here. Thats why she is a high paid model and Eunice and Ginger have to pose like whores on the internet to pay for shopping sprees at Payless and diapers at Walgreens.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 23:23 8D The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

small peepeebron:

ALL women have wider hips on the lower area than on the top. ur blind and gay.



and have a white fetish.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 23:21 8D The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

oh, so now ur hatin' on freckles too? yeesh, you might as well just dress up a bunch of blow up dolls, erik. 12 year old-body-type blow up dolls. white ones.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 23:12 8D Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women

and erik

i like this site. i like pedophiles!

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 23:11 8D Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women


the simple matter of fact is that erik is a pedophile and doesn't like maturity in models cause they fail to arouse him, and for some weird reason he feels like he's entitled to think that couture is there to please him.

he also hates colored people.


Tue, 07/03/2007 - 21:49 o Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Why the comparison between high coutoure models and white trash? I apologize for using the term, but a trailer trash wench with chemically dependent hair, with a nice ass is still not the height of beauty. All of the "glamour" models used on this site are mostly hideous, with the exception of a few, who are "cute". A nice ass, or nice tits is still not going to take away from the fact that the face, itself, is ass. Granted, I agree that fashion models do have extreme proportions, and that they are not the norm in our culture, but society in general (meaning the Wal-Mart grazers) still enjoys seeing difference, extravagance, and creativity. If I want to see "Candy", or "Misty", I'll drive by the town trailer park. If I want to see interesting make-up, accessories that I could never dream of pulling off, and clothing styles that I could never wear out in public (at Wal-Mart), I will continue to keep abreast (or a flat chest) on the fashion world.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 16:00 chill Abbie Gortsema

Abbie's pictures are super HOTT!! I date her in a flash!! Shes PIMP!

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 12:22 Not From Twisty's Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women


I've read your whole site, and I can follow how you are comming to your conclusions but I think you are making an oversimplification when you put all the traits that fashion models have down to masculinization.

The 'masculinization' appears to be some very selective traits only. How come the models don't have male-like muscle development in the upper body or lots of body hair? A woman who appears ruggedly masculine like former wrestler Chyna Doll would never be used as a model. You explain this I suppose by saying the models resemble specifically adolescent boys. Why would a homosexual man prefer a 15 year old boy to a 25 year old man? Then consider the male fashion models. Gay men are attracted to all sorts of male shapes. According to your hypothesis we might expect male models to look like the stereotypical gay muscle boy; instead we find they look like the male analogue of the female model, elongated, little muscle or fat, androgynous facial features.

Both male and female models have angular, sharp, highly differentiated facial features. Correlated with, but not indicative of masculinity.

All the 'male' characteristics you discussed (high cheekbones, gonital angles etc) could also be interpereted as being simply more mature features. Features will deviate more from the infantile state whenever the person grows faster for longer. This also goes for long limb bones and dolichocephalic skulls. I belive it would be more correct to say that fashion models are selected for having a leptosome (mature proportions, sharp facial features, less marked secondary sex characteristics) rather than pyknic (more infantile proportions, more exaggerated secondary sex characteristic) body type.

I think the leptosome body type is intrinsically linked with the type of decadence the fashion industry represents. An androgynous, less 'fertile' looking body suggests a body more seperated from its practical duties of continuing the species - there's something very hedonistic about it. It's also a 'high investment' body type - more mature proportions are more expensive in terms of calories to grow. High metabolisms are also costly. Compare this to the women in your attractive women section. Everything about their body says 'frugal'. Big boobs and hips designed to titillate for fast and cheap animal like reproduction. Pedomorphic facial features because they became sexually mature as quick as possible. Bodies that gain fat and cellulite at the drop of a hat. Even if most people do find this more beautiful, I find it unlikely that a body geared up for frugality will be equated with high-status in a time when conserving calories is not relevant. Also these women will quickly become very ugly after their reproductive prime(20's)wheras so called 'transexual' women like Sigorney Weaver, Jerry Hall, Charlotte Rampling, Tilda Swinton, and Iman look great even into their 40's and 50's.

btw you also make the mistake of thinking titillating = beautiful. Not necessarily the same thing at all, even for men. Also you seem to think because a greater number of people find 'feminine' women more beautiful that makes it some sort of objective truth.
Wrong. It just means a greater number of people hold a certain subjective opinion.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 06:38 laura Welcome!

"this site is refreshing for any, at least feminine, if not very beautiful woman"

as the fashion industry is 'refreshing' for very thin women. why is one good and the other bad?

"it is ok to replace one beauty standard for another, if it is fine grounded, and is female-progressive"

how is reducing a massive thing like gender to something as passing and meaningless as physical appearence positive to the gender involved? by telling women they are not women because of the way they look?!

"it happens all the time, reading in magazines, on the internet, on television, and on respectful tv programmes"

yes, does that make it right? no.

"And even if you are not feminine, I don’t think you are ugly, because I don’t know you. OK?"

if you don't know me, as you don't, why are you so sure i'm not 'feminine'? am i sending masculine vibes over the internet?

from what i've read of this website, i'd probably be ranked 'normal' (oh joy), but i probably resemble the 'feminine' more than the 'masculine'. i'm not very thin, nor very broad, my face doesn't really have any of the 'masculine aspects mentioned. does that mean i have to think it's brilliant that numerous women's bodies and faces are being ripped apart is good? your presumption that i am only trying to stand up for my 'un-feminine' self is very telling.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 05:20 bron Welcome!

sorry, Laura, I have nothing else to say; read through the entire site, carefuly, and you will see, there is nothing true in your words: everything I read on this site is such an echo of all my lifelong observations, it is almost as listening to my husband, only with many references. It is not just personal preference, as you can read on this site, and it is irrefutable. Beautiful girls are attacked by the fashion model beauty standard and are left feeling unworthy,( hearing so many times: 'oh, you really should be a model, you have stunningly beautiful face, and thin you are too, but not a model body' WHERE cid= '; this site is refreshing for any, at least feminine, if not very beautiful woman. Has it ever occured to you, why is it so, that they are only seen posing naked? Sure, they refuse to take high rank modeling jobs and extravagant salaries.
I DON'T KNOW HOW GOOD IT REALLY IS, but I think it is ok to replace one beauty standard for another, if it is fine grounded, and is female-progressive, oh whatever, don't worry, it won't happen just because I wish it.

As for attacking women with analysis of their looks under the facade of scientific viewpoint, (it is really facade and science is many times not worthy of its name)-, well, dear,it happens all the time, reading in magazines, on the internet, on television, and on respectful tv programmes, and they are louder than this site is, and sooo scientific.

And even if you are not feminine, I don't think you are ugly, because I don't know you. OK?

And now, I bid farewell, I became too involved, and am attracting some profane wastes- NO, I DON'T MEAN YOU.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 00:02 8D The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7


as you can see, that girl ain't modelin' either. hahahaha.

Tue, 07/03/2007 - 00:00 8D The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

this is an awesome, masculine man:

Mon, 07/02/2007 - 23:40 Disgusted The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 7

So you like porn stars and think that's the definition of true beauty, you also have a huge anti-gay stance going on here. Who are you, a man, to tell all women what they should ideally look like? God forbid I not fit your personal standard of what a beautiful woman looks like. And why is there a need to educate people on feminine beauty? The world doesn't need someone like you to judge women on whether or not they're beautiful. There is no standard - every woman is beautiful and sexy and everyone has their own opinion on who they find is beautiful and sexy. Stop reducing women to body parts and stop the misogyny.

Mon, 07/02/2007 - 20:47 Erik Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women

8D: You will not be allowed to indefinitely post comments completely unrelated to the articles and repeat "white power," "neo-Nazi" or other nonsense. If you do not like this site, you do not have to come back to it. I will not be repeating this over and over. Behave or don't comment.

Mon, 07/02/2007 - 19:27 8D Attractiveness as a function of eyebrow position and shape in women

i bet u have a small, unmasucline peepee. erik.

then again, i do like you. you are a good name to use neo-nazi pedophiles. whee!

white power, pedophile power,

Mon, 07/02/2007 - 19:25 8D Welcome!


brom is just mad cause his mom cut off his peepee at a young age :(

did it hurt, brom? when mommy cut off your peepee? did it?

it did?

good. hahahha. i bet you bleed all over the place like a bitch on the rag, brommy.


PS: white power! i too, erik, enjoy prepubescent white girls. white power! pedophile power!
