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Thu, 07/19/2007 - 00:28 M. Howard Welcome!

It's obvious why most super-models have strangely masculine features---because most of the men who run the modeling business are gay! No big surprise here...

Thu, 07/19/2007 - 00:03 Kris Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Judging by your statements throughout this webpage, you are a quite biased, homophobic, white male.

All those women up there are beautiful. Just because they don't fit your standard of 'Americanized' beauty doesn't mean that in their own culture and country that they aren't considered so.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 23:45 Kris Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

'Hair dyes are not unusual among fashion models.' Yet another misinformed generalization. It's actually more prized if a model has 'virgin' or undyed hair.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 23:40 Kris Backside comparison: Daria Werbowy vs. Cindy D.

You keep saying that 'people overwhelmingly prefer feminine women to masculine women.' Okay. So what? That doesn't mean that women with 'masculine' features are any less attractive.

'I have already pointed out that the gay domination of the fashion business is so extensive that one has no choice but to seek pictures of attractive and feminine women from adult-oriented sources.' Umm.....what?! Have you ignored the who slew of actresses out there? And even singers! Jennifer Aniston! Kelly Clarkson! Audrey Tautuo! Kelli Garner! There are plenty of sources you can get 'feminine' pictures from that aren't disgusting porn sites.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 23:32 but The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

I can't believe an elegant white beauty like that can't get work in the fashion industry. She looks like the beauties I see drinking buds on their "lawns" with their relatives\lovers. What has the world come to when girls of this caliber are not worshiped as the living godesses they are.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 23:22 Kris Claire: for the skeptics

You're failing to make a point. This girl could easily fit in with the high-fashion models and fit all your criteria for 'masculine looks.'

She's a sex worker. She takes pictures for people to look and poses in a seductive manner in them. She's only a few steps down from porn star, dear.

Also 'If porn stars typically looked like this woman, nearly all heterosexual men would be porn addicts.' That line is nonsensical.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 23:18 Danielle Anna Wintour should not be blamed for skinny high-fashion models

Miranda has a broad nose? Are you kidding me. No wonder you think blacks, asians and latinos are fug. You have awful taste. You're probably the most biased and pathetic judge of beauty that have ever come across. Miranda doesn't look the least bit masculine. She looks like a little girl. I thought you appreciated that. I guess she's not aryan enough for you.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 23:06 Kris Gay fashion designers

Ummm. Did anyone stop to make the connection between the information that everyone brought up? Female high fashion models typically have stronger features connotated with males. Male high-fashion models, on the other hand, typically have features that could be considered feminine. Did anyone stop to think that designers aren't looking for an 'adolescent boy' look, but rather an ANDROGYNOUS look. A look that can be as versatile as a model's thinness? If a model can give both feminine and masculine looks, no matter the gender, the model is going to get more jobs because of it. Same with thinness. Did anyone stop to think that the most successful high-fashion models are the ones that have versatile looks? Don't be so quick to damn the homosexual community as 'pedophiles.'

Just because someone is gay, or bi doesn't mean they automatically think that young boys are attractive, or even have a greater tendency to. That's like saying that all Christians are super conservative simply because a few are. It's an awful generalization, reducing a community to the sum of it's worst parts. Also, a note on pedastery: finding someone attractive does not mean you are being a pervert. My younger brother is on the swim team, and it's a lot of adolescent guys and girls running around in swim suits. A person can look at someone, say a fourteen or fifteen year old, and say that they find them attractive. Or pretty. That doesn't mean that they have an instant desire for them, or that they are thinking of them sexually. I can look at a girl and say 'Man, she's hot,' or 'Wow, she's really pretty.' Does that make me any less heterosexual? No. Does it make me a pervert? No. You're making hasty generalization based upon a limited field of evidence.

Also, I would like to note (and this is directed towards the creator of this page) , that your 'glamour' models aren't very pretty, or appealing. Most of them look like white trash. Feminine beauty should not be cut and packaged as you seem to be trying to do here. I take great offense to the words 'typical male height' in reference to models. I am five ten myself, and it's not exactly something I can really control. So you condemn me to being masculine and 'unattractive' simply because I have the predisposed genetics for height and high cheek bones? At least the fashion industry idolizes those with different looks such as large noses, prominent foreheads, and just strange looking faces in general. You see a more varied array of looks in the fashion industry, that doesn't mean the looks are not feminine. If your round-cheeked, soft-jawed, cookie cutter faces are the only ideal of 'true feminine' beauty than a good deal of the population who are tall, or broad shouldered, or flat chested, or who have angular faces, or flat butts are in trouble.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 21:26 Miguel M Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

you should have said ".., attractive women that FORTUNATELY have delicious small breast..."

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 20:27 Erik Top-50 high-fashion models

Hallo or Lena: If you have a clear and large picture of Victor Johnston's attractive woman, then please either send me a link, email it to me or host it at something like and post a link here. I will reply later.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 18:55 8D Anna Wintour should not be blamed for skinny high-fashion models

kerr fan:

by "masculine" erik means that he is dissapointed that miranda does not look like she is five. thus she fails to satisfy is white, pedophiliac tendencies. 8D

8D 8D 8D


Wed, 07/18/2007 - 17:59 KERR-FAN Anna Wintour should not be blamed for skinny high-fashion models


Miranda Kerr is beautiful and very feminine.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 17:12 Danni The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\Danielle Girvan\My Documents\My Pictures\ohaithere.jpg

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 17:00 Danielle Gay fashion designers

It is not clear that the dominant designers and photographers in the high fashion industry are pederasts. Most people think that models look like tall, skinny girls. Most People don't think "OMG ADOLESCENT BOY!!!!" when they look at fashion models. They do not look like boys!!! They may have minimal T&A and "wide rib cages" (LOL) but they do not look like boys.

You seem to have a very wide definition of what is masculine. If those boys are "masculine" then all males must be masculine. Your definition of what is feminine is obviously far more narrow. If being a white, trailer trash whore makes someone feminine then I am proudly masculine.

I won't even bother to try to address that homophobic crap that you seem to think is scientific proof that gay men want to screw boys. Your cited materials are bullshit. Why not contact some reputable sources like the American Psychiatric Association to get some real data? Maybe you should stop picking and choosing data from deranged pseudoscientists to support your crackpot theories.

I recall that you once said that homosexuals have mental problems then you cited a source that compared them with pedophiles as if they were two distinct groups. Your argument seemed to be that homosexuals are more deranged than pedophiles (LOL) because they report more guilt and shame with their sexuality then pedophiles. What happened to your distinction between the two?

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 14:27 lena Top-50 high-fashion models

dear erik,
you say that high fashion models are masculin because many elements of their body and faces are not feminine. But they have also many elements very feminine:the majority of high fashion models have hot mouth, very big eyes,high checkbones and also more short face compared with average women, very small and thin nose, very short (eccept some cases) jaw.these elements are corralate with high levels of estrogens, really or not? they have some masculin elements, but others very feminine and these elements are much more feminine in comparisons with the same of average or preatty women.the face created by victor jonsthon (you can see it in google:caucasian female face, she's blonde with green eye) has exaggerate female caracteristics, she's an hyoerfemale but if you put the mask of marquandart on this face, you can see that the mask of marquandart is perfect on this face that has exaggerated female features.what about this? sorry but I can't send you the picture, I don't know how send it....rispondimi presto!

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 14:10 Danielle The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Eric, you are so unbelievably arrogant that it's comical. So thinking that the fugbeasts in your "attractive women" section are unattractive makes me a fag? You have got to be kidding me.

Caroline Trentini looks nothing like a tranny (imo). The way you throw that insult around makes me think that you have never seen a male-to-female transexual in real life. I haven't posted any pictures of Milla Jovovich. I think you are referring to that picture of Linda Evangelista that I put up.

The woman that I put up from your "attractive" section is very good example of your poor taste and your ludicrous definition of femininity and attractiveness. I love how you pulled that bullshit out of your ass when you said that you were meaning to take her down. LOL! Most of the women in that section are just as sloppy and plain as the one I posted.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 10:14 laura Welcome!

so a former miss world has never been known for having a good physique..

..i love it.

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 16:04 hallo Top-50 high-fashion models

dear Erik, I thinck that if you want compare two women to decide who is the much feminine and beauty, you could compared two pictures in the frontal view or profile and the two faces could be big at the same way. the distance of the eyes can be the same and then you cn compared the other elements like mounth, noses, distance of eyes,jaw ecc. scientific is something you can relevate with numbers and defined measurements...In this way if, for exemple, send you a picture of a girl you can see if she's feminine but if I send you the numbers of the same girl, you could also tell if she's feminine and beauty...the mask of marquandat (indipendent to the masculin elements that you desagree) is "scientific" because consider defined measurements that are mesurable...if I send you the measurement of a girl's face, you can tell me how is she feminine(low feminine,average or very hot)?

another question.what do you think about the caucasian face created by victor jonsthon. is she feminine in your opinion?

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 11:27 fhn Abbie Gortsema

I am NAWT a critic or a fashion designer. I am in ninth grade and I look at critiques reguarly. I TOTALLY agree w// Carolyn Rose. I think abbie is beautiful. I also think she as a tint of boyish looks but doesn't everyone?? I understand these people such as Erik know what they are talking about and that this is an adult sight. But just something for Abby Ku. to chew on, you are intimadating NO ONE by calling them uniboobs or weiners. Puh-lease...that is 2nd grade. Now Abby everyone agrees Abbie is beautiful. But if you would like to be a good friend. I suggest going to the store and picking up InStyle, Vogue, and Bazzar. Now not all of those models are preety but I assure you they are all beautiful! Many High-fashion models do not have everyday looks, THATS WHY THEY ARE MODELS. Abbie you are B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!! Well love ya babes. Stay HAWT!


Tue, 07/17/2007 - 01:37 Erik Welcome!

Danielle: I am not pushing exaggerated feminine curves or baby-faced women. I also do not have any religious attitudes regarding homosexuality.

8D: Nobody using the name "twistytie" has left a comment at this site. If you are referring to "not from Twisty's" then I have replied to this person's comment.

Radha: I do not have Aishwarya Rai's measurements, and these shouldn't matter because she has never been known for having a good physique. You shouldn't be thinking in terms of ideal measurements because there are plenty of examples of women with similar bust-waist-hip measurements that look quite different with respect to femininity and attractiveness.

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 00:38 Erik Gay fashion designers

Danielle: What do you mean that I don't have solid proof? A man doesn't need to have had sexual relations with underage boys in order to be a pederast. He just needs to be sexually attracted to them. All one needs to do is to look at enough female high-fashion models and it would be clear that the dominant individuals in the fashion industry typically find boys in their early adolescence aesthetically appealing. We also know that these dominant individuals happen to be homosexual men.

Go through the two links that I cited in response to Zahi Stephens. It is not just gay fashion designers but homosexual and bisexual men in general that are often attracted to underage boys, much more often than heterosexual men are attracted to underage girls. There is massive evidence from history (most homosexuality in history has been in a pederastic context), child molesting priests (great majority go after boys), fraternal birth order evidence showing that male homosexual pedophiles and male homosexuals attracted to adult men belong to the same broad sexual orientation group, evidence from cluster analysis showing a clear association between same-sex attraction and sexual interest in children, etc. Just read the cited materials.

The male models you have shown do not have feminine faces. It is their bodies, dress, posing, etc. that are responsible for looks approaching the effeminate. They are on the thin side in order to be as close to the appearance of the physiques of adolescent boys that the homosexuals can get away with, which translates to a late-adolescence look in males.

I have cited evidence that most people prefer a subset of medically normal physiques rather than thin ones, and these normal individuals do not have "unsightly bulges or vulgar folds of flesh spilling out" to make them unsuitable for modeling clothes.

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 00:06 Erik Top-50 high-fashion models

Eva: Your links are not about high-fashion models. They are also of limited value since the public gets to vote on pre-selected women in the limelight. Controlled laboratory studies reveal what people truly prefer since plenty of feminine examples are presented to contrast with the masculine examples. Wait till there is mainstream feminine beauty appreciation and then you will notice a clear change in the looks of women who make it to these top lists.

8D: Why would I attempt to make women undereat/starve if I could do it? I have no such desire. I have been contrasting fashion models with women who have normal weight.

Mon, 07/16/2007 - 23:54 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Danielle: I am not telling women to stop dieting unnecessarily. I am telling women who are dieting unnecessarily about a common reason underlying their behavior. Many of these misguided women are bound to see the light and eat better.

I do not have to be anybody in order to educate the public. Also, it is not like I am destined to be a nobody for good. The attractive women section of this site is a sad joke for only a small minority, mostly comprising of nonheterosexual individuals.

The corset example you have provided illustrates well why this site won't be prompting anything close to something so ludicrous. The model looks like a male-to-female transsexual with breast implants. This person doesn't look anywhere close to feminine notwithstanding the tiny waist. Femininity lies in overall appearance and cannot be acquired by modifying one or two features.

It is also interesting that your examples of fashion models involve posing/special angles of photography to make the women look more feminine than they are, hair obscuring masculine face shape (as in Milla Jovovich) and the choice of a model with not-so-masculine looks (Caroline Trentini) that is contrasted with a woman from the attractive women section who is clearly not among the better looking ones (I have planned for some time to move her elsewhere).

Mon, 07/16/2007 - 23:31 Erik Anna Wintour should not be blamed for skinny high-fashion models

8D: What do you mean I am as racist as ever? There is no racism here or elsewhere within this site.

Sarah: The Latin-American model could be anywhere from normal to feminine. I can't tell from the picture though she seems to look good. Addressing Miranda Kerr is not a priority. In her pictures posted by you, the elements on the masculine-looking side are the broad nose, thick eyebrows, chin shape and forehead projection (not obvious in first picture). Her face looks more masculine in the second picture.

Mon, 07/16/2007 - 23:16 Erik Earlobe proportions and attractiveness

Sarah: Why would the webmaster of a feminine beauty site appreciate the looks of a woman with a face as masculine as Jessica Alba's? Something along the lines of marketing to the Latino community is obvious if you consider how Susan Storm Richards (Invisible Woman) is supposed to look like and then look at the woman that has been cast in this role in the recent Fantastic Four movies.
