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Wed, 08/31/2011 - 01:35 Mostly Agree The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Erik, the one problem I have with your 'ideal' of female beauty is that the extreme hip-to-waste ratios you show represent a lack of athletic prowess. If a woman with that "hour glass" body type does any sort of activity - sports, exercise or physical labor - which works the core muscles, they will become less hour glass shaped. Especially with loss of body fat. So, in my case for instance, I am naturally quite feminine, but I am also athletic which means I don't carry enough body fat to have huge pendulous breasts & a fat butt. Being athletic, I also have very strong abs, obliques, and back muscles and when muscles are stronger they get bigger, so even though I carry less fat on my boobs and ass, my waist size does not decrease because it is muscle. I can work very hard, and play very hard too... but I assure you I have no endocrine problems. I have soft, feminine facial features, limb length, smaller rib cage, not-narrow hip bones. If I wore a tight-lacing corset, and sat around all day long letting my muscles waste away & eating bon-bons to get my body fat % up to 25-30%... I would appear much more like your "ideal" of femininity, however, I think a woman can be feminine and also athletic.

Wed, 08/31/2011 - 01:18 Mostly Agree The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Hi Erik,
I actually love your site. As a woman, I have quietly hated the fashion industry for their glorification of the adolescent boy as THE ideal of female beauty... yes the gay mafia absolutely pushes their aesthetic ideal, and it ISN'T female.

As for Adriana Lima... quiet the haters and post some side-by-side pics of Adriana with Halle Berry. Halle Berry is more African than Adriana for sure (being a full 1/2 compared to Adriana's splash) but also SUPREMELY more feminine. People need to stop blaming the mixed-ancestry for Adriana's androgynous look. She is pretty but mannish... Halle Berry is pretty but feminine.

Tue, 08/30/2011 - 13:42 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

Tue, 08/30/2011 - 13:26 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

And there is Marie Gillain.She is feminine right?

Mon, 08/29/2011 - 14:34 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

You may even be able to use Lotte Verbeek she is the redhead.

you may eve

Mon, 08/29/2011 - 12:45 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

I have also found Tamzin Merchant as Katherine Howard in the tudors.She is very slim bit i think feminine.I am not trying to be rude just makeing suggestions.It would be nice to not see so many nude models as i dont think that is very feminine and is a clip i found of her,but she is nude:(

Sat, 08/27/2011 - 00:13 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

I think that you should also put up Connie Nielsen from the Gladiator.I think she is feminine however she is not very young anymore.

Fri, 08/26/2011 - 23:59 nicegirl Helena Christina Mattsson

You should put this video of her up

Fri, 08/26/2011 - 20:31 Miss_F How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

Dear T:

How awful! You mean that strange men make your acquaintance, collect your body, and take you to their homes to make sex? How I feel sorry for you! But perhaps, you could cheer up and have a more benign attitude to men? Perhaps then, they will become more kind. I am well and truly a flat-chested A-cup who cannot even wear a bra other than a sport bra (my boobs are having growth). I have no unwanted attention from men. No surprise. In the past 13 years (in which I have been a woman), the men I have known have all been decent men and even fine gentlemen (ages 30s to 70s). This is my limited experience based upon spending part of each year in Canada (with my parents) and in Thailand (living alone in Bangkok). This will make me sound like a big baby now - but if you can dress modestly and behave politely, you can be handled in a humane manner by others anywhere in the world. I think ?

Thu, 08/25/2011 - 18:17 Jason From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Oh, for the love of God: Delete the NON-Scientific, personally, pathologically self-reflective Primate Pant-hooting "LOOKATMEEELOOKATMEEE!!!" from the SCIENTIFIC discussion forum. It isn't hard to sepparate. Sit on the delete button like Reagan sat on the red button and nip the irrelevence in the bud. The second anyone notices it, the evaluation for Hate bombs should begin. There is no reaosn to keep them up; they make no qualified contribution. Don't look at it for more than it takes to find an insult and allow them 3 tries to pose it in the form of a debate, with personal STATEMENT left out, with the other choice being--- again, just to get the point across--- the delete button. "Certain PEOPLE are...", in all of its forms, has no place in this type of forum. They violated protocal, they have nothing to contribute; they have misbehaved their right to enter data here A-WAY. If they have anything to say here, the most opinion based thing that qualifies here should no less than follow a "Preference is based upon psychological effect of Trait A modified, less pronounced A-ness, visually suggesting a lesser effect Canines reduced, suggesting a more docile nature in activities previously accentuated by aggression when canines were involved in display; new purposes of bearing teeth (showcasing oral health, risking bullying by showing diminished 'weapons' to indicate pleasant demeanor) become coupled with other "Truce...?" -oriented activities, and you have the early hominine equivelant of a smile and a hand-shake. All a guy needs is a piece-of-fruit offering, and the smile is embedded in the hominin psyche for all history, recorded or Pre-." I haven't seen any evidence that remarks like the ones we all get appalled by have any rights to stay up here that the authors havent forfieted simply by the format they use.

Sun, 08/21/2011 - 20:42 Tonto Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Me and my friends are super stoned reading this and we absolutely agree with EMILY!!!!!!

we live in los angeles and come in contact with all different people... but none the less we are proud of who we are.

Emily don't get too concerned, we know a hellva lot of people that won't even dare have mix children.

Fri, 08/19/2011 - 18:30 nicegirl Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

This was just bad i think

Fri, 08/19/2011 - 16:35 nicegirl Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Are they feminine or just average?

Fri, 08/19/2011 - 15:45 Maria Wallendorf From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Racism is Zionism

Fri, 08/19/2011 - 12:54 nicegirl Rose Byrne

Is it in Brigitte Bardots profile?Now that i have looked i dont think she has a very feminine profile,but i still think she looks great!

Fri, 08/19/2011 - 12:42 nicegirl Amber Laura Heard

Could you look at this girl to and tell me if she is feminine and Sienna Guillory?I am trying to see if i am getting what is feminine or not.

Wed, 08/17/2011 - 16:45 Jim The strange research of Pettijohn and Tesser on movie actresses, Miss Americas and Playboy Playmates

Vardis Cumont,
You would do yourself well to actually read the article you linked to. The article you linked to does not debunk the topic of women that are underweight.

The BMI is a reliable tool to determine underweight status. It is only when it used to determine overweight status that it may not be so reliable. The latter situation is what the article you linked to talks about. It does not talk about underweight status therefore it does not debunk talking about the fashion industry and the mainstream media push for underweight women as supposedly the most attractive when they are not.

Wed, 08/17/2011 - 11:05 Olivia The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

All of the women in the 2006 Swimsuit issue are beautiful and exude feminine sexuality. If I asked my husband if Rachael Hunter looked manly he would burst out laughing. Every heterosexual man that I know drool over the swimsuit issue (and it is not because they are brainwashed by the media). There is no one type of ideal women proportion that woman are born with as there is no ideal that the male is born with. Many work out to fit that 'ideal'. I have seen enough men with large 'behinds' as I've seen women with small 'behinds'. An individual's level of femininity and masculinity comes from the mind. You cannot create total gender sexual appeal via body parts only.

Wed, 08/17/2011 - 06:18 Vardis Cumont The strange research of Pettijohn and Tesser on movie actresses, Miss Americas and Playboy Playmates

The truth behind Body Mass Index(BMI) that it does not necessarily forecast health? The studies indicated that the BMI scale might not be a correct health predictor. Related article I read: BMI and obesity may not predict health problems . Realization that we should not rely on just one medical test with regards to our health condition.

Tue, 08/16/2011 - 04:00 Visitor The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Ooops very sorry for posting previous comments before looking at and comparing your 'Attractive girls" section with the models one.
I now realize this must be satire, boy do I feel fooled... you almost had me... what tomfoolery!

Tue, 08/16/2011 - 03:45 Visitor The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

And also WTF.... I'll only say this, the only reason I can come up with is jealousy. So assuming your a man doesn't that make you at least a "wannabe" trans(insert chosen sex here)tite

Please respond as i'm seriously very curious how someone could devote so much time otherwise.... AHHH! probably research.

watch for my next post in wich will be inluded a very special link... this will bring you to a site that the author of this site will not want you to see... you guessed it!
Said author's crusty ass, hammer toed, cheetos lovin', fat ass havin', grade 4 graduate, eatin' up all the chicken mcnuggets sorry excuse for a mother....yes in a bikini while we dissect her like an insect.
These models are people too asshole.

Tue, 08/16/2011 - 03:22 Visitor The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

I think the only person hiding homosexuality, out of all viewers has to be the original poster.... are you kidding me...I came to see hot models... he came to complain geez... btw the women you used as compaisons would barely be the 5th hottest waitress at a dennys. If finding vs models sexy is queer where do I get my membership card.... PS Really, nobody will hate you if you admit your gay just dont try and make others guilty for apreciating gods finer gifts....asshole!

Sun, 08/14/2011 - 14:00 Visitor Welcome!

For example Playboy photographers they use such objectives of camera that distort the models. They use the distortion to emphasize or diminish certain features of models. You can't compare images in e.g. Playboy and a image shot by paparazzi. It could be so that e.g. Pamela Anderson looks non-feminine when looking at a paparazzi picture, and feminine when looking at a picture taken by a Playboy photographer.

I agree 100% with this site that fashion models are ugly. Sexy top fashion models they don't exist, they are sexy because the photographer has depicted them to look sexy.

Sat, 08/13/2011 - 19:25 Ciara33 Gisele Bundchen slams skinny fashion models

I used to think she was totally hot. Back around 2000 or so when tubular torsos and stuck on boobs were the height of fashion. She is still goodlooking of course but I find her far too masculine to relate to as a woman. There is no waist or curves or softness which I guess is what the designers like. She is so striking but very feminine at all. Just tall, regular and totally fit. On the plus size she does come across as pretty nice always and a bit of a goofball. But looks wise please bring bak the Supers or give me Adriana Lima any day. More to relate to as a woman.

Sat, 08/13/2011 - 01:40 Visitor Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

you know what i think? 99 percent of the guys on here couldnt even get a woman as beautiful as these women in these pics so who the fuck do you think you are to tear them apart piece by piece? how bout u post some pics and we chew your asses up for once
