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Sun, 08/07/2011 - 17:00 Eduardo Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

This is a general comment about posted comments. Nothing personal.

I am into making caricatures and I typed average face side view (or whatever) searching for information such as this. I still have to read the entire article and I have only had a quick view of the comments. I haven't read them one by one. Only small ones have been read completely. So sorry if I take some of you wrong.

I am spanish. During ages, Spain has been such a mix of races that we don't know exactly what we are. If you ask yourself if I feel offended because I am black, I am not black. If....offended cause asian, I am not asian. If... I am not suppose to be the typical anglosaxon or centre european one. So maybe some people may think that my opinion is kind of partial or something. I tell you that to me it doesn't matter what I am. I don't feel I have been predestined to be almost white (or whatever) so when someone attacks black, asian, moor or any people, I feel offended because I know I could have been born black, asian, woman or whatever. And you too.

A few days ago, I saw a youtube video that brought me similar feelings or reactions. It was one of those funny talks coming from a Tarantino script. The scene was really funny, but the comments were awful. Racist ones mainly. This case is different but not completely different. I feel there is some people here that (in one way or another) feel that non white races are kind of inferior in terms of beauty or IQ or whatever. By the moment, I have only read about inferiority in terms of beauty (my english sounds kind of formal and non fluent cause it was my second language and it was aaages ago) but it doesn't matter. I am going to talk about inferiority in general.

Let us assume that some races, have some kind of inferiority. As far as I know this is wrong, but let's assume it for a while.

If this was true, there is no need to do it more evident. There is no point. I don't see anything positive. I only find negative consequences. the labeled subject or group is going to feel offended or depressed with no need at all. If we do such things we are not being mercyfull. Imagine you walk in (in? on? by?) the street and you see someone that walks with difficulties. Imagine that instead of helping, you push him/her to the ground. IT'S FUCKING THE SAME.

I couldn't avoid typing "him/her". I wish I would have found another way to construct that sentence without using this politically correct manner. In Spain we are bored about politicians talking always that way. Well, this reminds a comment (comment posted here) about being politically correct. I know it is boring or irritating to hear such manners, but we don't have to go the opposite way. Being sincere is not good by itself (that was a literal translation from spanish, so not sure about being intelligible) I mean : Plain sincerity is not ALWAYS necessarily good. It has to be hatred free. Or free from any aim to offend. For example : I hate House (Hugh Laurie and rest of cast, great performers but I hate the series) and many adolescents or youngsters in Spain, feel they are cool when they talk unrespectfully. I hate it so much. I know it is fiction, but I hate it. With such series, children get confused. Well, it is not meant to be watched by children, but they watch it. There is one more reason why I hate House : First time I listened to dirty Harry talking rudely to that presumed suicide, I found it shocking. First time I heard House, it didn't impress me. Nowadays, being politically uncorrect is not new at all. The only politically uncorrect people I found funny, are My name is Earl. I felt so sad when I knew that several members of the cast (included Jason Lee) are into scientology. Sorry mate if I got your comment the wrong way. If you feel I am wrong, replay me and I will read your comment again. I don't remember the entire context of your comment. Maybe it was not as dramatic as it seems reading this. By the way : probably this comment was done ages ago and you won't read me. AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IT'SSS : Excuse me, it is not different; it is almost the same

THEORIES AND SURVEYS (I am talking about racist ones).
Remembering that youtube video, there, someone talked about a theory that suggests that humans appeared on earth, in several locations. In other words that theory tries to avoid the fact that we all come from Africa; from black people. This sounds completely nut (nut? nuts?) but there are more theories talking about racial differences. And I suppose that some of them might sound serious. This is the danger : the ones that sound serious. I have not read them. Maybe the day I felt curious, I will (trying to avoid paying the authors) but by the moment they are not in my plans. We must be rather skeptic with such theories because they might be wrong from the beginning. For example : That theory about different locations for the human origin. Do you think it could have been made by someone white feeling uncomfortable about his/her black origin? or do you feel it comes from someone black?. The answer is obvious. So every time we hear about theories or surveys, we have to ask ourselves one question : do I feel lucky? (I am sorry; I love that monologue) : Who did this survey? is it an innocent one? Did the researchers start the research accepting the future conclusions? or once they found unexpected conclusions, they decided they didn't like them so they change the conclusions to match their preconceptions? any motivation apart from scientific ones?. And on and on ... And let's face it. Many brand new researches try to sound astonishing so many scientific chubs (some times semi-scientific) tend to invent or caricaricaturize (sorry, not sure about last word) the results, in order to get attention. Case apart (I would give credit to it) is the research that found that (at least in Spain) women drive more gently and have less accidents. I believe this survey because piles and piles of money are involved. These researches were done because they give women the chance to pay cheaper fees. I think it is unfair they pay less, but they get paid less as well. So both mistakes together are fair at the end of the day. Rather random; It would be better if they were paid equal and we paid equal fees. When someone fat gets the bus, doesn't pay two tickets.

I feel a bit skeptic about this mask with all these tiny little triangles. Maybe they make sense. I still have to check it out. Maybe they are construction (or auxiliary?) lines to locate all the face features. I don't know. I'll check. for me, it seems a bit complicated. Or maybe Tron aesthetics or something. I have seen this mask in a BBC documentary presented by John Cleese and Elisabeth Hurley. The human face. In youtube. Many chapters. Very interesting. When they put the mask on Liz photo, everything matched. When John, I think they started to laugh. Maybe not much.


Fri, 08/05/2011 - 08:17 Kyle Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

I find belly buttons on women to be highly erotic. That is what first attracted me to my wife. She had on a cropped top shirt exposing her incredible vertical shaped belly button. I could not help but steal a few glances. I decided to walk over and strike up a conversation. 12 yrs later, we have 2 beautiful children, 2 dogs and a mortgage. We are very happy and all because she flaunted her beautiful navel.

Thu, 08/04/2011 - 12:26 Robin A woman with small breasts

Two ways to look at it really. Breaking it down from a 'professional model' perspective and just your every day, average look.

Every day, average look, she's a pretty girl. A little small in the chest for most North American men, she'd likely do better abroad than at home, but this girl won't ever be wanting for male attention.

From a modelling perspective, it's pretty unlikely. She has a very unremarkable look and body. Too heavy for a thin model, not curvy enough for a more robust one so clothing work is out. Eyes and mouth are a little small, so cosmetics work is out. Hair is thin and fried looking, so that is out. She might do general product work but that's not going to put food on the table for very long.

If I were her, I'd stay in school, preferably one where she can meet a nice, handsome 'soon to be doctor' and marry well.

Wed, 08/03/2011 - 14:33 Visitor Attractiveness related to head and face length relative to height

I think that's about the dumbest logic I've read from the comments on this article.

Tue, 08/02/2011 - 02:59 Randy Eva Gaëlle Green

This site is absolutely the most homosexual site on the Internet. Male on male anal sex is not this gay. Eric, you have such a fear of coming off gay that you hate women, and hating on skinny women is the easiest way to make friends with women. They just want someone say Rachel ray is more pretty then Marisa Miller so they can feel beautiful. Well ladies men love you no matter what.
You are trying to say they aren't pretty because of the genes they have, small breasts, high cheekbones, etc. It's a ridiculous circle, stop it, we all know that Eric is the only one that won't be able to find a "wife"

Sat, 07/30/2011 - 16:07 Cass Pamela Anderson: an example of fake femininity

I don't see the point behind this post or website. You're obviously a woman, do you have issues with your own self-esteem? It seems like you've created this website just to convince other people (and yourself?) about femininity. You're bashing Pam Anderson and comparing her to a girl who weighs 30-35 pounds more than her. Pamela can't do anything about her small build, small hips/large hips is not what makes a woman more attractive or feminine.

Sat, 07/30/2011 - 02:29 Nicole Estradiol and face shape in women


I have a square jaw and somewhat high cheek you have any suggestions on how I can tone down or soften my features? I have even considered surgery but think that may be too extreme and I would be very nervous of the outcome. I also wanted to ask you if having these features may it challenging to photograph well? I'm not photogenic for the most part however, every once in awhile there is a decent shot of me.

I would really appreciate your opinion.



Fri, 07/29/2011 - 15:39 Kevin A woman with small breasts

The blonde "model" is not very attractive, other than her cute face. It has nothing to do with her breasts. Her shoulders are way too narrow with respect to her wide ass. She is flabby with no muscle tone. In 10 years she will have rolls of fat on her and an even fatter ass. In my opinion she looks like a slut. She must have banged her way to getting on TV.
I find toned women with smaller breasts the most attractive. I agree that women need to have the right amount of fat on them. Actually, women need a certain amount of fat on them to be at their most healthy. This is because of the number of fat-soluble hormones that keep a woman functioning properly. That is why a woman will not menstruate if she loses too much fat.

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 03:51 Explore Nature Eva Gaëlle Green

There must be a balance between two genders. That is why masculinity and the femininity are equally important......

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 03:29 Explore Nature Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks: Part 2

Femininity of a woman is exactly corresponding to the masculinity of a man. Masculinity and the femininity are indicating genetic, physical and psychological sex differentiation. Gender specifications are for better attraction between two sexes. Heterosexual men and women are the actual creators of the human civilization. They are more sensitive for gender specifications of each other.

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 03:28 Explore Nature Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks: Part 2

Femininity of a woman is exactly corresponding to the masculinity of a man. Masculinity and the femininity are indicating genetic, physical and psychological sex differentiation. Gender specifications are for better attraction between two sexes. Heterosexual men and women are the actual creators of the human civilization. They are more sensitive for gender specifications of each other.

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 03:21 hostess a milano Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

Your work is so creative and I like this very much.
Welcome to FASHION WORLD MAKER!! Be inside the fashion industry, and make your favorite Fashion Show. If you love this nice blog but struggle to find fashionable styles that fit then our range is just what you need.

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 03:13 Explore Nature Rose Byrne

Nice smile.........

The human society needs more feminine women.

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 03:03 Explore Nature Minka Dumont Kelly

Women who are really feminine are always beautiful and attractive, that is the nature. Femininity of women is exactly corresponding to the masculinity of women. Feminine beauty is a gender specification.

Wed, 07/27/2011 - 09:02 redrose Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

#49 | link | Submitted by redrose on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 20:52.

link | Submitted by Emily on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 09:22.

''And for the record, I don't "believe" Nordics and whites in general are the best looking, they just are. Political correctness will never change that fact''

For the record Erik (countless others) doesnt ''believe'' Nordics and Whites in general are NOT the best looking its just they arent. Political correctness will never change that fact.


For the record Erik (countless others) doesnt ''believe'' Nordics and Whites in general are the best looking its just they arent. Political correctness will never change that fact.

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 19:34 :-) Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

#7 | link | Submitted by Apollyon on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 12:05.

''I do enjoy the change in mood when a good-looking blond (natural) steps on the train...the haughty attitude of the 'good-looking' Persian/Asian (or even Italian) changes...they know the score even if they pretend otherwise.''

So if they do not express interest it means they are pretending? Europeans are well known Fantasists.

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 19:29 :-) Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

#10 | link | Submitted by Apollyon on Wed, 11/04/2009 - 13:15.

''While my background is 'European', I am not Scandanavian. Nevertheless, it is well-known that this region of the world produces, on average, the most beautiful people.''

Well known by who? Where is all the evidence from around the world for this claim? Nordics/Scandanavian beauty is central to Europeans/European looks not central to Non-Europeans. They are well known because of Global admiration for there fine straight noses that does not equate to or consitutue producing ' on average, the most beautiful people.'' The most Admirable if you will but the Most beautiful, NO. There looks do not move the Earth, Not by a Long shot.

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 19:14 :-) Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

#12 | link | Submitted by Apollyon on Wed, 11/04/2009 - 14:48.

''My point is that, on average, the Nordics have the edge.''

The Nordics do not have the 'edge' on anything other than there fine straight noses for which they have global admiration. Admiration or appreciation of one part does not equate to Admiration or appreciate of there looks as a whole. That is not the reality. They are not a Globally desired race. They are a globally Admired race. There is a sharp difference. Europeans express a high opinion of there ethnic 'groups' looks but as far as 'personal' looks go Europeans themselves do not express a High opinion of there 'personal' looks on an individual bases forget anyone else of any other race expressing a high opinion of them.

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 18:48 :-) Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

#74 | link | Submitted by JJ on Fri, 12/31/2010 - 00:09.

'' I've been to Sweden and I can't I was impressed...''

Not Surprised. Admiration can be short lived especially admiration built on nothing more than a fine straight nose. Admiration for one part does not constitute admiration for the Whole.

Mon, 07/25/2011 - 16:14 hannah Claire: for the skeptics

I think she's pretty, its her poorly cut and dyed hair that looks off.

Mon, 07/25/2011 - 05:12 Julie Fashion models with and without make-up

Make-up really has the power to change the way a person looks. Of course, the quality of make-up matters too. There are sites which offer cheap make-up and discounted cosmetics which are also high quality and affordable, check them out!

Mon, 07/25/2011 - 02:23 hostess a milano The strange death of Ruslana Korshunova: likely murder by an organized crime group

Hello.This post was extremely interesting, especially because I was browsing for thoughts on this issue last Saturday.

Sun, 07/24/2011 - 04:42 Visitor Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Why don't you post photos of yourself so we can point out your every flaw as you do to these poor women.

You are seriously crazy and don't even realise it. Read up on narcissistic personality and start from there.

Sun, 07/24/2011 - 04:42 Visitor Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Why don't you post photos of yourself so we can point out your every flaw as you do to these poor women.

You are seriously crazy and don't even realise it. Read up on narcissistic personality and start from there.

Fri, 07/22/2011 - 13:09 george Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

men: 1.99:1 or more
women: 2,01:1 and more
anybody can tell me exactly how to understand this ratio of body ???
