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Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:09 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

That would have to be my last post. :)

Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:07 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

This myspace page has many full-blooded asians. Some may have European admixture (like 15-50% white blood) but the asian gene is dominant that's why their features are aligned to typical Asian traits ,not the typical White traits, and they look mostly Asiatic beauty.
They look closer to the full-blooded Asians.

Here some more samples of goodlooking Southeast and East asian women with different types of looks- all Asiatic looks some may have admixture of some foreign blood (sometimes it's a mixture of East and Southeast asians that give them their particular look) but still mostly asian features and beauty.

these 2 ladies are gorgeous and sexy.

Filipina American Idol contestant Thia Megia has very feminine, neat, organized, poised, graceful, elegantly soft & gentle (not vulgar or outrageous or quite manly body language/moves) but very effective sexy dance moves compare to all other ethncities in this group dancce number (yes she has big head! small body frame; she's the short girl with black hair):

(East asians bearing is very elegant and gentle while the Southeast Asians bearing are very graceful, charming, and poised.
Very many Asian women (i didtn say all) are ladylike and have matured character with inner calm and strength a good head on their shoulders with good direction in life and good personalities. Intelligence, character, maturity, personality, bearing are important part of true feminine beauty.)
Im not saying Asian women are perfect, off course they are not, but my point is, they have many good qualities.

there are many more gorgeous and sexy ones (Southeast and East asian types) a lot i saw in t.v. ,all over the internet and in everyday life in my travels, i dont know the names of these strangers. i find some goodlooking in youtube videos but the better ones are usually found by searching pictures in the internet/watching asian t.v. & movies/places where the goodlooking asians hang out and party. :)

the sexiest are the car import models, lingerie models, exotic glamour models, but i dont really like posting those types of pics as it's not respectful to Asian women. there are plenty of gorgoeus sexy asian women who are the more classy types as well. The majority of the women in Asian cultures are pretty conservative.

My personal favorite types of beauties are the beautiful sexy with curves
Chinese mostly the ones who look like a lady or womanly, the beautiful sexy Vietnamese/ Filipinas/Thais/Malaysians/ Koreans/some Hawaiians and Cambodians.
Not much into goodlooking Japanese they are very cute and strikingly beautiful but many look too young.

Five of the women in this set of pictures have pronounced jawline yet still look quite feminely attractive.

Click to view the images big to see clearly the features.



Wed, 06/15/2011 - 07:16 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Many of those males in the video are the Asians with natural bigger eyes (the almond shape eyes). I already addressed this issue about the 3 types of natural Asian eyes (the slanty shape, the almond shape, the slightly round shape) in some of my posts above.
Some of these males may have some White admixture, but many full blooded asians do have bigger eyes, just not as big as that of the round European eyes and quite a lot of males too have bony tall nose as you say very many asians have bony skull. Many asians too have white skin (different fair version to Europeans) but there are many more with yellow and tan coloring.

Samples of the goodlooking Asian males with slanty shaped eyes:

Google many more for proof. I'm tired.

Takeshi Kaneshiro (bigger eyes)!cpZZ8QQtppZZ24!cpZZ9QQtppZZ24

(no more male beauty post from me I understand this discussion is about female beauty but i think i have read some comments in past posts somehting about male beauty)

Wed, 06/15/2011 - 03:43 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

A comment from one of the viewers of that chinese male beauty video:

"These painting/portraits are actual Asian celebrities in real life. The artists usually have the original reference picture and create a portrait version of it, sometimes adding more details, changing a few things such as lighting and colors, but they usually keep the same posture, features, and hair to have the resemblance.

If you're lucky, you will find the reference picture and the name of the star.

I did find some reference pictures from my own collection of portraits and posted a video."

cgem88 1 year ago

Wed, 06/15/2011 - 01:31 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Chinese male beauty

(these images are drawn from real life actors/models same with the chinese females drawing video i linked above)
(this video i found has good compilation of goodlooking chinse males and i dont know the names of these celebrities so i cant find the real life pics). Only one male there i know it's the half Taiwanese/half Japanese actor Takeshi Kaneshiro.
You can google him.

Sample of those guys in real life:

They are not "effeminate". Youthful, neat features, perky/smart/sharp looking but with tenderness and refinement at the same time are the more appropriate descriptions of that type of male beauty.

Their features, the bone structures, the looks are masculine, just more refined not as big boned and as tall as many Europeans, but still not feminine. And as the scientific studies on human evolution states the smaller body frame is a good thing.

Some refined Nordic males fall into this same classification of male beauty.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 23:14 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

^or in other cases their skulls are smaller compared to Asins with big skulls

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 23:11 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

You can find half Asian/half Whites online too. Compare a lot of these half Whites to the Asian women population with small head/delicate small jaw/chin, usually these half whites have bigger skulls/more pronounced jaw/chin similar to typical White skulls or in other cases their skulls are smaller or bigger.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 22:59 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Too many White women have big bony heads but because they usually have broader shoulders/bigger more bony frames i guess to many White observers it gives an appearance their heads not big. But to me as an Asian who are used to seeing very many asians with smaller heads/delicate jaws/chins that's proportional to their smaller frame it's apparent to me most White women have bigger skulls/broader or longer and harder bony jaws/strong solid chins (the stronger pronounced chin is typical to Nordics especially, it stand outs in their facial feature, kinda bony squarish or bony roundish shape).
Many whites have squarish manly jaws.
This is off course a comparison to the population of smaller boned Asian women.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 22:36 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Just samples. Check out these Youtube videos of Chinese beauties in traditional Chinese tradition:

Cartoon depiction:

Other asian ethnicities too have their share of many women with small head/jaw/chin proportional to their slender body frame.
This includes the above average, average, below average ones.

These are the smallest heads.
Oval shaped head/small delicate jawline/chin.
Smoothly shaped head.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 21:46 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Btw, im not denying very many Asians have big heads too. It's actually a good thing as the scientific studies show it's bigger brain size.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 21:41 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

to appolyon:

That's right Ashkenazi Jews have the highest I.Q.s in the world, it's an ethnic subgroup, if you will check it out the study of Rushton pointed out the
I.Q. of the Ashkenazi Jews as well, i'm just going by which Race has the highest I.Q. as what the scientists are comparing.

Asians are multi-billions. The number of Asians you see in foreign countries i.e. Canada do not represent all Asians.
AS I said, by googling Asians or travelling to Asian countries will make this head size issue concluded.
Hint: Very many Asians have smaller slender body frame compared to most Whites. The Nordics with small heads have small slender body frame as well similar of that the Asians. The ones with broad shouders/big bony bodies have large heads.

Ok last time i'll argue this head issue. I think i made my argument clear.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 18:51 researcher Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Tall women have very often very long legs. Thus, if people study the proportions of height in different sexes, they should control height itself. Of course taller people have longer legs, because torso size cannot grow in proportion with the full height.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 18:48 researcher Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

What people haven't mentioned is that testosterone actually stops growth in men. Thus, castrates and eunuchs have longer legs, they are taller etc. Thus, shorter legs and a long torso would appear to be a masculine trait. Also, testosterone actually correlates NEGATIVELY with height in adult men.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 18:15 Personality Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

Interesting stuff! Though I don't see Barbie as being the heart of the issue of low self-esteem, anorexia, bulimia, etc., I can definitely understand why some would think so.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 14:33 julia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

there is another theory for that. hat all originated from africa, then traveled to India, from there to the Middle east and Asia, from Asia to Russia and from there to Northern Europe. So that would mean that slavs made northern europeans.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 14:16 Apollyon Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

My name is,

Ashkenazi Jews have the highest I.Q.s in the world...not Asians. (112 - 115 depending upon the study):

Note the number of Nobel Prize winners. Over half the world's chess champions...

In terms of your contention about skull size: I live in Toronto and it is abundantly evident that Asians have larger skulls (not only proportionally). Broader and larger including larger jaws.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 12:45 Jim Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

You have once claimed in a previous response to some commentator of one of your articles here that you are attracted to women of different ethnicities however you didn't name any and I don't see any posts where you actually mention any.

So would you please name several nonwhite females that you find to be just as attractive as the white women you post as "attractive" on this website?

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 12:24 Apollyon Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Sorry, the above post was by me (Apollyon)

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 12:17 Visitor Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?


If you go back far enough, then we are Middle Eastern. Re: "No one is copying North europeans because even if Eastern European girls are blonde blue eyed their features are still slavic". Begs the question: why are more Northern Europeans blond and blue eyed?

Moscow was founded by the Vikings (as was Dublin). Rus comes from the Swedes. The Swedes had a huge influence on the formation of Russia. So, Russians, although Slavic, have a large dose of Scandinavian blood. Hence the blond hair and blue eyes occasionally seen in Russia (but less so further south).


Your point only confirms my statement that Slavs admire and wish to imitate Northern European looks. If what you describe is correct, then the more 'white' "the closer to the middle east and asia, the more exotic features, the further away, the more white" This would be the Northern Europeans. Russians would be, in effect, less 'white'. Fortunately the Swedes had a huge influence genetically and culturally on Russia.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 06:51 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Anyway Erik, I've a lengthy and comprehensive studies in the past about female beauty and differences of racial features as well as have ACTUALLY SEEN plenty PLENTY of different types of beauty in the world through travelling/t.v./internet. (who would have thought SOME of the best looking very feminine women in the world are Filipinas- the Malay/Chinese mix?; just to give exmaple there are many beauties around the world that most of the world are not aware of) .I'm wel aware of the fake vs. natural beauty too. I think I have explained my points already, if they wasn't clear or you do not agree with them, that's fine. This discussion is starting to go around in circles, nothing more to explain or argue. Ive done this beauty "debate" in the past, i understand there will be no agreement.
At the end of the day, beauty is personal preferences, and there's different reasons why we have developed our personal preference.

I'm just glad you are a fair administrator who let others opinions be heard. That shows you are open-minded and not really racist.
Well im not really racist either, I have many White friends, im just making arguments and points for the sake of discussion.

Thanks, and Peace ;-)

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 06:49 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

My name is...: If you are going to continue on insisting that white women typically/in comparison to East Asian women have “big head/pronounced bigger jawline/chin” when both common observation and published studies, which I have cited, show the reverse, or that there is something Asian looking about Nordic women who look feminine, then we are finished having any kind of discussion. You are welcome to believe what you like. Just do not describe your beliefs at this site.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 06:30 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

the direction is towards White norms?
White typical features are: thinner lips, bony taller nose with more flesh at the tip, lower cheekbones, unclear pale skin that age fast, thinner/duller/weaker hair strands, deeper eye socket,
bony big head/pronounced bigger jawline/chin (compared to the MANY OTHER ASIANS with smaller skull ONLY), taller and bigger framed women, more matured looking compared to Asian women. I've read about this in the past an anthropology study article about comparison of racial features.

(The attractive Asians the features/overall looks/the beauty is alligned to typical Asian features and far from typical White features.)

The MOST FEMININE Whites esp. the most feminine Nordic types DO NOT possess many of those typical European features.
Many of their feminine features are similar to the features of feminine attractive asian women. Some may have mongoloid admixture, some may just be more feminine than typical Europeans.

In fact, some have slightly flat facial appearance just like most of the Malays/Filipinos/south and east asians- not deep top skin of the eyes/not deep eye socket, not bony tall nose/small nose (proportionate to the face so not rough looking), small heads/jawline/chin/MOUTH cave just like of the MANY ASIANS who have SMALL skulls (but still the head/jawline/chin of these group of asians are smaller than that of the whites with small skull; check out and google more those asians with small heads/delciate jawline/chin and find whites around same age with features as small/delicate as those, Whites are bigger boned to asians!), small hands/feet. Some of these Nordic and russian women (like Anna Kournikova type) look like blonde version of Filipinas.

C'mon just google online or visit Asian countries and you'll see many asians are smaller boned compared to Whites. This will be concluded.

Asians have the biggest heads as well as the smallest heads. Most Whites fall in between. You'll hear many whites say asians have small heads, others saying asians have big heads.
The ones with small heads,the head is proportional sized to their small body frame, and their bodies are smaller framed to Whites, so smaller heads!

Btw, aside from fleshy soft face, the light eyes/hair of the Nordics give them added appreance of looking soft.
Imagine those feminine Nordics with dark hair and you can see many are not more feminine than the brunette white women.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 05:11 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

My name is...: Your pictures show the same thing that the study shows: attractive East Asian women on average look less Asian than average Asian women, but you are too deluded to note this. Now, less Asian does not necessarily mean closer to white as it could be closer to sub-Saharan African, and it does not mean not Asian, but it is pretty obvious that the direction is toward white norms, which the study clearly shows, too.

You changed track and said that the matter would be different if Asians other than Koreans were used. Whereas a few comparisons would change, the overall picture would remain the same. Here is a study that compared some face dimensions of the Chinese to Americans’:

“Americans” is too vague and includes multiple ethnicities. So just compare the Chinese measurements with the White American ones in the study where Korean women were contrasted with white North American women. Again, the Chinese women have broader faces, wider jaws and wider noses (fleshy part), but this time the nasion-chin length was shorter. So the overall picture is not very different, but note that in both the Korean and Chinese comparisons, absolute face measurements are being reported. What if we take into account the shorter stature of the Asian women? Even larger faces!

Another one: white Americans have narrower noses (fleshy part) compared to each of Singapore-Chinese, Vietnamese and Thais—

And by the way, the comparison of white North American women and Korean women showed that the white women had lip thickness only 1 mm (a tenth of a centimeter) less than the Korean women’s (19.1 vs. 18.1 mm). So much for the lip issue as you have been presenting it.

Of course, Asian people have heads of different sizes, just as not all people in other populations have the same head size, but the fact remains that an author that you hold in high esteem, J. P. Rushton, has surveyed the literature on the topic and reported larger heads in Northeast Asians on average (even without adjusting for body size).

And then you write things like “the bigger and harder jawline and chin of the Nordics [compared to East Asian women]”! What is this? It is not only common observation that shows the reverse but also much published literature, that I have cited. Please do not trash comment space with poor arguments. Feel free to talk about Asian beauty at myspace or your own site. This is the wrong site for you to bother with.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 04:10 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Fact is, Asian heads come in different sizes. Many have big heads compared to their narrow bodies, many have small heads esp. the Chinese proportionate to their small body frame others slightly bigger than their small body frames (there are alos many Chinese with big heads). I've been to different Asian countries(im currently in the Philippines) and Ive seen different Asian head sizes.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 03:52 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I think because many of the Nordics have fleshy soft face and lower cheekbones (in comparison to Asian faces which have more uplifted/perky look) the bigger and harder jawline and chin of the Nordics seem to appear less pronounced or noticeable.
