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Fri, 07/22/2011 - 11:11 Mina Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

I agree that Rebecca is very beautiful. She may have stronger shoulders than average, but that is not uncommon on women who are taller than average. Taller women do typically have larger feet and hands that are actually proportional to their overall size. She has a very nice waistline too. Her breasts may be small, but she possess all the attributes that would make a woman attractive universally.

Fri, 07/22/2011 - 11:06 Mina The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Heidi Klum may not be the most feminine looking woman out there, but she is definitely better looking than the average woman. Most women, as long as they have a little bit of shapeliness to them, the presence of some breasts and their waist is at most 75% of their hip width, whatever their size or skeletal mass may be, are to a good degree, feminine. Some women are more feminine than others, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are more attractive because they may not have good skin or hair or other facial features or their hips maybe full of cellulite and their breasts may be sagging. Having good skin, large eyes, a small nose, and nice lips help a woman's face to look appealing and a body that is intact is much more of an asset to any woman, especially as they get older. Well, this is my opinion of course.

Fri, 07/22/2011 - 10:57 Mina Claire: for the skeptics

I agree that she is not attractive. I recall having visited this site some time ago and I really did not find the attractive women's section too appealing, but recently there seem to be a much nicer selection. I enjoy feminine beauty. As a woman with 42 inch hips and a 36DD bust and a waistline, of course I am a little overweight now, and my waist is 30, gotta lower it to 26/25, I do appreciate women who are shapely, rather than just straight stick figures. However, this girl's face seems underdeveloped and very childlike, not like an attractive, feminine adult woman's face.

Thu, 07/21/2011 - 07:31 Sophie Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hi Erik.

I myself look "typically feminine" and I like that you are promoting my look (although I never had the feeling I was undesired).
However, I feel like it's cruel saying all of these women that not meet the feminine ideal on here, are ugly.
It's not like they can help how they were born: the structure of their faces, their hips and waist...
I think there are different kinds of beauty and the more variation there is, the better!

Thu, 07/21/2011 - 07:27 Sophie Claire: for the skeptics

She is really ugly. Most of your ideally feminine women on this site are pretty, but this one just has a grandma face.. really ugly!

Sat, 07/16/2011 - 13:48 chidex Amy from spunky angels

she looks more sexier than i thought

Thu, 07/14/2011 - 10:22 Jim Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

You have claimed in a past reply to a commentator of one of your articles here that there are nonwhite women you find attractive. However, you never mentioned any and I cannot find any post where you mention nonwhite women that you find attractive.

So I ask, Erik may you please mention several nonwhite women that you find just as attractive as the white women you post on this site as "attractive"?


Wed, 07/13/2011 - 17:20 Samantha Webber The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

All women look different. I idolize Heidi Klum because she makes ME feel beautiful. I too have a broad back and wide ribcage and am always self-conscious of it. We large-framed girls are never seen as beautiful and Heidi changed that. And you know what, my boyfriend loves my strong back and, in his words, sexy shoulders. He also loves that he doesn't feel like he's going to break me and that I can hold my own in sports. Not all women should be frail damsels in distress who get blown over by the slightest gust of wind. I say go Heidi!!! She represents all the strong women out there, both in body and soul!

Wed, 07/13/2011 - 01:10 Keri Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

This sounds like jealousy, why would anyone compare a well known model, actress and smart women to a porn star??. Sounds to me like an ex-Romijn hater frienemy.

Women come in all shapes and sizes: Apple, pear, hourglass, banana. Whatever the shape it does NOT make you less of a women!! Girls like you are the reason why women our soo insecure!! So they go out and get plastic surgery to look more like the "ideal beauty". I'm proud of Rebecca!!

She is natural and beautiful and smart!! She has a lovely slim hourglass (the ideal for swimsuit models), naturally pouty lips, strong shoulders, long legs, a tiny waist,a defined jawline and gorgeous eyes. She is uniquely beautiful, and not all may see that but a real secure women or man will!

When I saw her in Femme fatal, I thought she was unique and gorgeous. I envied her but not in the way you do Layla. Cause OBVIOUSLY THIS BLOG IS WRITTEN BY LAYLA LOL.

Layla if anyone judged you the way you judged and compared yourself to Rebecca it would sound something like this:

Why would Layla be more womanly than Rebecca? Layla has no butt, a thicker waist, Banana figure with boobs (not the ideal swimsuit model body) Average features with frizzy hair, no class, skanky red lingerie. NO MYSTERY (Key to a real women) and lifeless eyes.

Harsh eh?? Double edged sword. If you wanna be recognized Layla... then go get a real job where your talent and brains are appreciated! Not your bush and nipples.

A real women has class! I'm sure you would be beautiful and womanly in your OWN WAY! Because we all are. If you stopped wasting time hating on others and covered up and got a real job.

DON'T compare yourself to NO ONE that's the most obvious sign on insecurity and the most unattractive attribute. Confidence being number 1.

P.S You wont bring attention to your porn pics by posting yourself next to Rebecca! Nice try. In 10 min ill forget...Layla who??

Mon, 07/11/2011 - 03:35 sdfn Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

What the fuck is this shit.

Thu, 07/07/2011 - 00:50 Leo More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

Im gay too. I also, ironically, have loved playboy since I was a teen. I can assure you most playmates are not masculine at all. Hef has dated some stunning women though, Brande Roderick, Tina Jordan, Stephanie Heinrich, Christi Shake they are among my favorite playmates.

As a big fan of Playboy I have to say not all the playmates are masculine women. The beautiful Jamie Ferrel, Brande Roderick, Shannon Stewart, Summer Altice, Nichole Van Croft and Kayla Collins (to name a few) are among my favorite playmates of all time and are VERY far from masculine. Also there are so many different types of the female body that it would be impossible to name the "best" of them all. To use Playboy as an example, our pal Mr. Hefner runs many different types of women: bikini models, print models, runway models, fashion models, fitness models to name a few. Not all playmates are the blonde barbie, the only recent playmates that have that typical "barbie" look that come to mind are Buffy Tyler, Kara Monaco, Christi Shake....

I wouldnt consider Hefner gay at all just because he had an "experience" in which he only received oral from a man. You cant really build a substantial relationship just on a quick blow job, or can you? I couldnt...

Most of these playmates, if not all, that you posted as very masculine are def not the most beautiful women in playboy. There are also some very fit women that have beautiful feminine faces. You may not like that type of look, and thats ok we can respect your opinion. But I do have to make the case that there are stunning women with great fit hard bodies. Some playmates that have that look are Karen McDougal, Jamie Westinhiser, Lindsay Elizabeth Wagner and Crista Nicole.

PS to other posters above: Anyone from Middle East, North Africa, Europe and most Hispanics are all White. Asians are practically the only light skinned people that arent considered white.

If I was straight and I could choose a woman I would pick a stunning central european woman, probably of german descent. Those woman, from what Ive seen, are drop dead gorgeous. With long blond hair, brown eyes, long legs, a tight waist, around 5'7" and with a nice shape and soft facial features about 120 pounds. But then again, Im gay...just my 2 cents!!


Thu, 07/07/2011 - 00:38 Leo More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

Anyone who knew about bodybuilding would know that bodybuilders that develop "b*tch-tits" is due to the aromatization of estrogen when they take such hormones such as testosterone, which is why they need an anti-estrogen after any hormone cycle that contains hormones or steroids that aromatize to estrogen. Not every bodybuilder that takes said hormones develops "bitch-tits". Also some men produce very thick chest muscles when they work out (due to superior genetics) that are not breasts, but rather muscles pumped up which may "look" like breasts but they are made of muscle, mainly water since most muscle is made up of water.

Thu, 06/30/2011 - 16:26 Callie Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Any doctors you'd like to recommend? I'm really considering some of these operations myself! After all, I'd rather be celebrated for adhering to this webmaster's standard of beauty instead of cast into a socially ostracized caste with all the other masculinized, disgusting, non-Nordic women.

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 19:41 yoona The importance of femininity to beauty in women

After I saw this it proved even more i was unattractive. It is true that the face is more important than the body. People tell me i have a great body but i wasn't blessed with a great face. All my siblings and relatives and friends are beautiful except me. I was always the ugly duckling. Yesterday a guy sad to my face she looks like a girl from far away. I pretended that i didn't hear that. I really hate my face because it looks manly everyone tells me i do and no one treats very kindly because of it even with the people i work with because i don't look like a normal girl. I get jealous of other pretty girls and my sisters. They are always getting complemented for having gorgeous faces. Even my brother. I even started hating people for it. There was a guy in my high school who said" who would want to marry someone like you". I wanted to cry so badly but i kept inside. i have been suffering so long and went to my doctor and she said there couldn't be anything done. I was wondering if anyone knows a way for me to look feminine or what what can i do to fix myself. I don't have enough money and i have a part time job now. I wonder if i can fix my face if i don't really have a budget or find a way i can have surgery for my face.

Sun, 06/26/2011 - 17:18 :-) Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

#9 | link | Submitted by Der Wanderer on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 15:32.

''Sure, it's their "own beauty" ... as long as they resemble Europeans.''

Europeans are not Homogenous hence there is no such thing as the 'european look'. Europeans are unlike the chinese who look like alike and look like they belong to the same race.

Sat, 06/25/2011 - 13:42 anawnuhmuss A woman with small breasts

As a woman with a body that is not perfect by anyone's standards here, I have to say that I think she's a very pretty girl. I don't necessarily think that she's wearing the most figure-flattering clothes in the first picture, but as others have said, it makes me feel good that she's a REAL girl. Someone said that art is all about finding beauty in the rare and exotic, and I'm not saying I disagree, but I think that art is about finding the beauty in someone or something PERIOD. My favorite kind of art is that which forces me to look at something seemingly mundane that I've always taken for granted in a new light. Sunrises and sunsets happen every morning and every night, the stars shine every night-- that doesn't make them any less beautiful. Why can't we all just accept the natural beauty that's right in front of us all the time in everyday people?

Sat, 06/25/2011 - 10:00 Lara A woman with small breasts

She looks good. Body and face. Everyone that calls her "gross" lies. Tastes differ. But this girl is no where near ugly or "gross". There is nothing wrong with her. She looks perfectly healthy, normal, pretty even. I think that most people do like her looks.
I think that this website is very disrespectful and degrading to women. It judges them by their looks, divides them into "attractive" and "non-attractive", only based on the views and tastes of a person with serious selfesteem issues, as if they were some kind of purebreed dogs.
Why don´t you put some near pornographic photos of manly men on this blog and judge them by their masculinity (or lack there of)?

Fri, 06/24/2011 - 22:58 ron Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

your absolutely wrong. Women most definitely have a longer leg to body ratio.

Fri, 06/24/2011 - 13:22 :-) Attractiveness ratings of three-dimensional female physiques in color

#9 | link | Submitted by Der Wanderer on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 15:32.

''Sure, it's their "own beauty" ... as long as they resemble Europeans.''

Just to further add to my older comment (anonymous). Sarcasm aside, your statement 'its there own long as they resemble europeans makes no sense'. It cannot be your own beauty if it resembles someone else. You clearly have no idea about Kashmiri looks. The Kashmiris do not resemble Europeans no matter what you want to believe in your own 'little world'. Europeans wouldnt blend in with the Kashmiris nor would they be mistaken for them for the simple reason they are different looking people.

Superficial resemblances like skin/eye and hair colour cannot supersede more important things like facial structure, face length, skull shape, eyes etc... Even taking superficial resemblances into account the Kashmiris do not possess the pale colourless lifeless pale skin complexions of the northern europeans (erronously labelled/reffered to here as creamy white) or european complexions in general. Nor do they possess the colourless lifeless looking light hair/eye colour on average. Kashmiris do possess light hair/eyes but most have dark hair (black) due to sexual selection/preference. Therefore there is very little as far as even superficial resemblanes. Its hard to see whatother so called resemblances there are. There faces are not evocative of Europe. The Kashmiris would stand out amongst the Europeans its the Europeans who couldnt stand out amongst the Kashmiris. Even as far as the resemblance game goes the fact is whiteness never origionated in Europe. Its not the Kashmiris who resemble the European race its the Europeans who resemble the Kashmiris. The Kashmiris do not hadescend from european stock, they are the origional stock. Yes its there own beauty. There own phenotypes. Always has been, always will be.

Thu, 06/23/2011 - 13:20 :-) Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

#100 | link | Submitted by Reality check on Mon, 06/13/2011 - 09:33.

''To be honest, there's something "off" with how these Nordic women look:

-Pasty pale (look kinda sick and not normal and not AS sexy and sensual skin tone compared to other race of womne wiht nice fair and tan skin; some of these women posted look kinda freaks or vampires, to be frank)
-facial shape not so good (look closely at the shape the outline of the head)
-the facial/body features and skin not perky/tight/uplifted nor well-defined quite droopy if you know what i mean (with that they look quite aged not youthful and that's how the features/skin of other races look like when they reach their 30's)
-the low cheekbone also gives them a not perky look.
-the nose of several women are not finely shaped and quite "fleshy" at the tip.
-extremely thin eyebrows is ugly, weird, and artificial looking
-freckles is ugly as it makes the skin look dirty not clear or flawless
-thin, dry, dull, lifeless, not shiny, weak, unhealthy, ugly looking hair. That's a bad hair day for race of women with great hair.
-skin not very tight, smooth, silky and clear compared to other races. you can see lines/wrinkles in some areas esp. on the neck.
-The breasts are not round shape and perky, droopy.
-the bodies are not very shapely, skin and flesh not firm perky looking looks like a body for women in late 20's.
-Most Nordics too have pancake ass and no hips.
-Many of these women have big and quite bony masculine head- just like the women you posted.
-Most Nordics age fast. Many men even Nordic men say this that blonde age fast, by the time they reach 25-30 they look 10-15 years older. Their beauty is short term.

Global Admiration of a race (in europeans case fine straight noses) does not equate to Global desirability. Admiration and Desire are two different things. Europeans are Globally Admired not Globally Desired.

Admiration is when you look at something from afar and appreciate it or acknowledge its fineness.

Oxford dictionary definition of Admire : look at (something impressive or attractive) with pleasure

Cambridge dictionary definition of Admire : to look at something or someone and think that he, she, or it is attractive

Admire is simply to think/acknowledge/see/take note of the the fine aspect of something.

In terms of Beauty, admiration for one part does not equate to admiration for the Whole. Secondly Admiration does not equate to Desire. To Admire something is not necesserily to Desire it. Admiration does not always lead to Desire.

Oxford dictionary definition of Desire: a strong feeling of wanting to have something

Cambridge dictionary definition of Desire: wanting something very much

Admiring something does not mean or does not always lead to you wanting it for whatever reason (perhaps it falls short somewhere or the overall package falls short). Admiration could lead to Desire where that which you Admire leads you to sought after it on a practical level or yearn for it on practical level. But Admiration for something alone has no sense of practicality attached to it. Practicality is related to Desire not Admiration. admiration could lead to desire but Desire does not require Admiration. Desire is just that, Desire. You see something you want it. Simple. You dont look back and think about it or praise it from afar or despite admiring it take your time contemplating on whether you want it or not . In your comments its clear Desire plays no part.

Thu, 06/23/2011 - 12:38 :-) Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

#46 | link | Submitted by Emily on Mon, 06/08/2009 - 08:08.

'' "What gentlemen prefer" but the real deal is often unavailable.

The 'real deal' is as has always been in the past Dark, rich, powerfull, dangerous,full of substance, full of life, strength, lustrous rich Black Hair. But for some europeans the 'real deal' in there world is the lifeless, light, colourless, no substance, weak, pale, no strength, no vigour blonde hair. Men prefer danger. You are right the real deal is often unavailable.

Sun, 06/19/2011 - 02:21 shawneezy What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

i think real beauty is every body type as long as your beautiful on the outside nd inside then thats one is perfect and its always a back and forth thing with slim girls and girls that are curvy and plus size..God made us individually the way we are for a 17 and im slim and people quickly assume that i dont eat and thats not true i juss have a fast metabolism..i want to be a model and when i get there i want to make every body type feel accepted in the industry

Thu, 06/16/2011 - 03:06 Scientist (but ... Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

And, so if Medical Doctors, CEOs, or top Corporate Lawyers had a certain facial appearance and body type, those things would be expected to be very attractive to females.

Kind of a sad commentary on why money rules everything and Male dominance, and yes I'm a man. Such is life I suppose. But things can change, just we might not like all that comes with the change. This cite is interesting and I've learned lots of stuff. People should be more open-minded. My wife is Northern European and has a low waist-to-hip ratio despite smaller breasts. She may have some of the more "robust" facial features, yes, I suppose she's kind of like those runway models, visually striking. She is the best woman alive for me, (I've never considered men as sexually attractive in my life). She's the best person I ever dated, is more intelligent than I am, although she didn't finish college, and I love her!

Thu, 06/16/2011 - 02:57 Scientist (but ... Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Most racial groups do not lots of proof to have very much DNA variation to support these classifications of "races." Dogs vary much more on their looks among breeds than do people; because people are selecting for softer, cuter faces and pleasing dispositions (more juvenile traits), among many other things. Check out "the science of dogs" on netflix. There is no real truth here. If a little bit masculanized faces get women more success in the business world, wouldn't that be a favorable trait? I've heard that women with deeper voices are taken more seriously in business contexts, possibly leading to more power positions. Recently, it was found that an average of 35 - 50 brand new somatic mutations arise every generation in protein coding genes. That means that only about 40 out of the 22,000 or so human genes get mutated in a verified meaningful way with each little cute baby born. So, you can see, it would take many generations for all genes to be affected. Now, mutations in some genes will make the "looks" different through different developmental patterns. Other mutations will be lethal to the baby (usually even before birth) and still others will confer deleterious physiological consequences (like factor V, look it up). We're all making meaning out of hindsight. Evolution (or even if you want to say natural variation and a modest amount of variation within species) can select for certain traits. But, there are also many traits that nowadays may not have much of true survival advantage but are nonetheless selected for. If there were a gene for making lots of money (even more so if the males express it more strongly) than it would be selected for in modern Westernized civilizations (profit, capitalism, etc.). Wait, there is a gene, even a whole chromosome, the "Y." Yes, friends, you could say that the Y chromosome is the "sexiest" thing alive because many people want what comes with wealth and men are paid more, on average, for whatever reasons.

Wed, 06/15/2011 - 20:55 cutey The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

i just found this blog and i must say it is interesting...
what surprised me the most is if somebody would ask me "is this model feminine to you?" i would say yes, but on closer scrutiny you find out that some female models which appear very feminine on first glance have male charactersitics on second glance :).

again, look at these two pictures.
in the second one, where the face got cropped out, she could soo be a boy too. most people cannot tell that she even is a female.

do you guys agree or ?!?
