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Tue, 06/14/2011 - 03:27 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

BTW, if you would use mostly the Koreans as a basis for comparison, Koreans have larger bone structure than other Asians. it's well known even to Asians that South Koreans are bigger boned.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 03:12 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Just check out those hundreds of pics of beautiful Asian women (and search many many more online) and compare their features to beautiful White women including the Nordics. You can easily see which race has more feminine features.

Also, the beautiful Asian women possess the typical Asian traits (shorter nose, fuller lips, slanty and almond shaped eyes, wide spaced eyes, thicker hair strands, great skin tone and quality, hihg cheekbones, smaller jaw/chin compred to Whites) just finer versions, but the versions certainly did not get closer to typical White traits which are more masculine features.
Another thing, Do these attractive Asians look more Whites or Asians?
The point is, they look ASIAN with asian traits. They are NOT European beauty.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 02:59 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

When it comes to comparisons between Whites, i find the olive skin tone of Italians more appealing than the Nordic pasty pale skin. It's normal looking. Why plenty of pale Whites like the Nordics get a tan? Usually they look better with some coloring as their light skin, I'm sorry this sounds harsh but,it looks quite abnormal, freakish, sickly, ghostly or pig-skinned. Just making a point, like you can say Asian eyes are freak alien looking. The natural fair skin of Asians look normal and great tone and quality while the natural tan look very sensual.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 02:51 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

My name is...: Nobody here is saying that blond hair or blue eyes or white skin are superior. So please stop trying to debunk these notions.

Again, you have not properly read the review you cited. Rushton did not report head size after adjusting for body size. Why would he do this? Absolute size matters to his argument. He reported that Northeast Asians have the largest heads, period. If one adjusts for body size, then these Asian heads would be even larger in comparison.

You also did not properly read an article I cited. Even attractive Asian women had larger faces (including chins/jaws) and wider noses (fleshy part) than average white women, but the differences were reduced compared to the average Asian woman:

In other words, the faces of attractive Asian women are shifted toward the European average. On the other hand, the faces of attractive white women are shifted away from East Asian norms and toward Northern European norms: (this should show how absurd your notion is that attractive Nordic women are more like Asians).

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 01:53 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

My posts about light genes/dark genes have scientific basis.
True, someone has said "blue eyes is the color of the sky, blond hair is the color of the sun.Brown is the color of the Earth. Both has it's place in the cosmos but one is high, the other is low". However, that notion of superiority or being higher form as they resemble the high sky and the sun is purely "romanticism" and no essence of truth. As well a narrow-minded shallow perception of the Cosmos. In medical sense, the light genes of the Europeans are not superior at all, in fact, quite inferior. Read and analyze well my posts above regarding genetics. The idea angels have blue eyes and blonde hair are mere illusion or fantasy has no reality basis. Nobody ever seen an angel, there's no even proof they exist. And the very feminine more delicate Asians are angelic too - from head to toe.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 01:07 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Nordics have larger skulls and broader shoulders/bodies. In proportion to their smaller body size the North-East Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Chinese) have the largest skulls.

The brain size vs. IQ correlation confuses people because they don't realize it's a proportional measurement.

In other words, brain size in proportion to body mass is the determining factor in raw processing power. Otherwise sperm whales would be running the planet (quite a trick without hands) because they win first place for sheer brain size.

Humans posess the largest brains in proportion to their body mass and caucasians have a proportionally larger brain than Blacks. Asians have the largest brain size to body mass and correspondingly higher IQ scores.

This relationship also extends to metabolic efficiency. Small mammals like mice posess brains that consume about 2% of the animal's total metabolic energy, while humans have brains that burn 20%. More neurons = more calories = more processing power.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 00:26 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I mean, mouth cave, not lips. many Asians have fuller lips. many Mediterranians/Latinas have fuller lips too.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 00:23 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I was making the beauty/features comparisons between the beautiful Asians and Whites.
Compare the features (head/jawline/chin, nose, lips) the pretty asian women have smaller and more fine ones
to pretty White women particularly the Nordics.

The thumbnail pic was small i thought she (Frida girl) was Asian.

Some may have White admixture (like some may have 15% european mixture) but the Asian genes are dominant that's why most of their features are ASian traits and they obviously look mostly Asiatic- Asian beauty type.

I find the best looking Whites particulrly the Nordics and Slavics (esp. Russians) to have Asiatic admixture. Their beauty is softer more feminine than typical Europeans.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 00:03 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I'm done.

Im not really racist. I'm just informing.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 00:02 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

The Malays (esp. the Filipinos) in Asia are generally peace-loving, friendly, modest, understanding, accepting, considerate, loving, Godly (whatever your religion is doesn't matter; it's more on having spiritual awareness), psychologically sane, good people.

And the vast majority of Asians (even Thais) are real females. The tranny are tiny tiny tiny TINY percentage. In Thailand, it's a gross stereotype that applies only to very tiny number of the population. and can be considered almost non-existent in the rest of Asian countries as theyre extremely rare.

I've seen many of the best looking celebrity and regular European women the Scandinavians esp. Swedish (lots of pics online of regular Swedish girls in clubs/streets/football game/etc saying these are the typical hot Swedish girls),, the Polish and other Slavics, Germans, Italians, Spanish, Irish,
Croats, almost all European countries their hot women in Youtube videos and many other media). They're generally nice-looking, some very beautiful, but honestly, no one i find very attractive and irresistible or to be the ideal feminine beauty or almost flawless. I find the Asian type of beauty more sensual and attractive. The gorgeous Asian women are almost perfect from head to toe. I prefer the ones who look lady or womanly, not the girly types of Asians. There are a lot also of the former, both in Southeast Asia and East Asia.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 23:58 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Most Filipinos are full blooded Malays. Malays are classified as genetically different from Negritos/Australoids/Black people. Far different genetics.
The climate here in the Philippines is tropical hot and life is hard with poor nutrition that's why many Malays are brown skinned and have certain look and not because of Negrito blood.
I' ve read the vast majority of Malays did not mix with the Negritos. There's segregation between the two ethnics/cultures.
Only some have admixture of Negrito blood. Negritos were the first inhabitants of the Philippines, just like the Australoids were the first inhabitants of Australia. They were a tiny ethnic tribe, isolated in few provinces, in mountains. Today, the Negritos are in danger of going extinct.

Some Filipinos are full blooded Chinese. Many others are mixture of Malay/Chinese/Spanish or Malay/Chinese or Malay/Spanish, some mix of Japanese/American or Malay/Indian.
Those are the ethnic groups that mostly intermingled, even a Filipino friend told me that.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 23:49 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

High cheekbones is a beautiful face structure defining feature for both males and females. It's universally considered one of the typical traits of the most beautiful people of all races.
Most of the goodlooking men and women around the world have high cheekbones. It's typica feature of goodlooking people. This feature is mostly East Asian. Even their average and uglies have this feature.
Wide spaced eyes is a trait said to give a youhtful facial appearance to females. It's considered a beautiful female trait. Some of the most goodlooking Whites possess this too esp. the Nordics.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 23:48 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Reality check: I hope you read enough of this site to realize that the women that I am using as examples of women much more attractive to the majority, on average, than high-fashion models are not the epitome of beauty. I have talked a lot about problems with obtaining enough illustrative examples of women who would be found extremely attractive by the majority. You have left your comments in response to some women who I removed from the attractive women section... because I need to come up with better examples. If you cannot be bothered to understand this then this is not the right site for you to spend your time browsing.

My name is...: The discussion on the attractiveness of Asians is all over this site. I do not have the time to pinpoint the places where it has been discussed or summarize it here for you. Read around or search for this information if you are interested in this topic.

What is the point of leaving numerous comments on group differences in intelligence and how the Chinese are going to take over science and the economy? This site does not deal with these topics. Post them at sites where these topics are discussed; you might even have fun.

Regarding the statements that are relevant to this site, it is interesting that you have stated that white women have larger heads than [shorter] Asian women when one person whom you extensively cited above, John/Jean P. Rushton, went over the studies that compared head (skull) size across populations in a literature review [which you have summarized], finding that Northeast Asians have the largest ones on average.

You have made other comments such as Asian women have “smaller finely shaped nose but not flat” and “Many White women have bigger heads and jawline/chin.” Nasal bones do not tend to be flattened in East Asian women? Maybe you are delusional but if common observation does not suffice, you may want to look at some published studies showing that compared to white women, East Asian women, who are shorter, on average have larger faces, larger cheekbones, wider noses (fleshy part) and larger jaws/chins/ teeth: (Table 8)

It is also interesting to read you dispelling some myths about attractive Asian women when you are the one who posted a white [Swedish] girl (Frida Gustavsson) and some part-white women as examples of attractive Asian women.

Your arguments do not befit superior Asian intelligence.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 23:44 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Well, in discussion like comparison of beauty of races of women I had to address not only beauty/femininity but also genetics, behaviour, culture, and intelligence backed up by scientific studies as I know many people (altho many are becoming educated in this modern age) have this misconception about the superiority of the Nordics- the blonde hair and blue eyes- that in their brainwashed thinking this type of beauty is the ultimate and even other races are objectively as beautiful or more beautiful they are blinded they couldn't see the true beauty as they have misconception these women including the Asian women are inferior, when it's the contrary Asian women have many more superior racial qualities. That's why some Whites will say "White women are the most beautiful and will always be the most beautiful". That's a brainwashed mindset.

The fact is, in female beauty studies, most of the universally accepted ideal female features are physical traits of Asian women except the big eyes. But many people also find the mysterious misty starry Asian slanty and almond eyes beautiful and sexy and prefer it to big eyes. Many people say Asians have great thick silky dark hair and great fair and tan skin.

When you compare the beautiful women of different races, the Asian beauty is the most different- the bone structure, the body shape, the skin, the eye shape, the height, the looks, and even the carriage and mannerism the grace and elegance and femininity of Southeast and East Asian women are most different. The sensuality of beauty is different too. Other races have closer similarities in features, looks, bearing. The blonde blue eyed just have different hair/eye coloring.

(that myspace site that's my friend's account and did not include the most sensual lovely Asian beauties; i saw better looking ones online)

In my observation, the best looking Nordics possess somewhat ASian features- small feminine nose, fuller lips, high cheekbones, smaller oval head/jawline/chin. Ive read a few times online even from 1 Swedish woman saying Nordics are very beautiful because they have those features which are a result of Mongoloid admixture.

About Blonde idealism:

Many whites and very many people around the world prefer dark hair and dark eyes as majority of people in the world have dark hair/eyes. But there are also many who prefer blonde hair/blue eyes.

Many factors for Blonde idealism of many people.

-blonde hair is rare, pretty, feminine. (it's been called "baby hair" or "corn hair" by other cultures)
;blue eyes are beautiful
-Western culture is the current SUPER POWER and THIS has great impact on the PERCEIVED HIGHER VALUE of the people/culture of the race. They become the standards for many people.

For example, Jesssica Alba is a good-lookign woman (she looks more Mexican than White), but her being part Mexican some poeple who idealized Whites can perceive her as less beautiful than a goodlookingn white girl cos they think she has less racial value. But Alba is considered by very many poeple around the world as moer beautiful than a good looking White blonde girl they can see pass her ethnic background and see her true beauty. Those who idealize blondes cannot see her as better looking .

-the white culture/media influnce with some brainwashing throughtout history that the blonde hair/blue eyes are superior. this belief is strong in many people whose countries have been colonized by the Europeans (the colonial mentality is so deeply ingrained that even the average and below average they think are above average/good-looking), don't have strong cultural identity, peolple in the poor countries who find Whites superior as they have more progressive civilization.

-i beleive there are higher percentage of above average looking in the White race than other races so many people perceive the White race as better looking. but personally, the average Whites i dont find better looking than the average of other races. the average looking asians look more neat (good & normal looking skin and good hair) and smart looking, to me. that's just how i personally view it.

-white images are all aroudn the world being the dominant culture, the best looking of the White race have been seen by the world, the best looking ones of other races esp. the Asian race most people of the world have neven seen yet so they thoguht whites are the best looking.

Since the globalization age has arrive and in this modern age many people have come to know White race is not a superior race, many poeple have seen some of the goodlooking people of other races besides whites and find them as attractive or even more atractve than Whites.
Very many Whites and people of other races have come to know there are beautiful people in all races and got personal preferences and White beauty is no longer the ideal of beauty for many who used to idealized Whites in the past.
Time has changed.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 23:38 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Markus: Emily is Swedish and clearly referring to Southern Europeans when talking about Latins. Nose bridges alone are not very useful in comparing feminine appearance. In addition, the lower nose bridges of Finnish individuals (compared to Norwegians) is not because of part Asian ancestry; some indirect evidence here: , ( some of the genes that the Finns supposedly got from Asians in Siberia are genes that Siberian Asians, in the first place, got from Europeans who used to be in the region.)

The above citations are not about the nose bridge but, in a nutshell, there is a trend for faces to become broader and for the nose bridge to become less prominent as one goes east in northern Europe, but this trend is part of natural geographic variation among white Northern Europeans; the ones with significant Asian mixture do not look Nordic and can be separated from the Nordic people who are naturally part of the geographic trend.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 19:45 forgot Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

"My name is . . ."

I'll tell you what your name is. It's "Disgusting Racist." Take your Asian supremacist ideas to Crunchyroll or wherever it is that your ilk hangs out.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 14:12 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

That myspace site are just some samples of beautiful Asian women. There are many many more and more beautiful in each Asian country (from Southeast to East Asia) and can search online. But that myspace site has good samples.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 14:06 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Lastly, the Asian women with good bodies obviously have the softest, smoothest shaped, most supple, PROPORTIONATE bodies and with good waist-to-hip ratio. very femininely structured. even the ones with average bodies have softer and proportionate bodies.

White women even the most feminine ones the bodies and head/skull the structure outline are not AS smoothly, delicately, neatly, and finely designed as that of the fine Asian women's.
The shape of the sexiest White women's bodies is not as smoothly and softly and delicately structured (with slight unsmooth edges i.e. in the hip bone area, shoulders that the body looked quite have hard bumps not so smooth total body outline compared to sexiest Asian bodies. (some of the sexiest asian bodies ive seen are of the regular celebrities and regular women, ASian car import models/ lingeri models/porn stars/etc; most of the car import/lingerir/porn models are not included in that myspace site but they're easy to search online)

The feminine asians are totally feminine.
Many White women have bigger heads and jawline/chin.
Asian women have smaller and more femininely delicate fine hands/fingers and feet. Less body hair.
The ones with great legs do have finely shaped most feminine sexy legs and no need to shave.
Their height is 5-5'7, mostly.

Many Southeast Asians have nice round asses and some East Asians too.
Many Asian women have A cup breasts, quite a lot have B cups and C cups, and a few have D cups. Many more White women have bigger breasts but the breast of Asian women are typically very round shape, firm and perky (not sloppy or droopy). Its uncommon for White womne with NATURAL breasts to have very round and perky breasts.

True beauty/superiority of beauty is not just eye candy, healthier gene and more feminine features are also determining factors. Many Asian women have naturally plump fuller lips (no need for collagen injection), smaller finely shaped nose but not flat , wide spaced eyes, and the majority have high cheekbones, softer smaller jawline/chin, narrower shoulders/rib cage, smoother facial and body structure outline, great hair and skin, youthfulness- all attributes of ideal female beauty in science of beauty studies and universally accepted ideal features for females. Most do not get fat and very many age gracefully. Quite a lot look like in 20's in 30's and in 30's in 40's.

As people age the lips get thinner (as well as hair strands) so fuller lips is a mark of youthfulness and obviously it's prettier and more sensual.
With the eyes, as we age, the top skin gets sunken so deep eye socket give older appearance and it's rough (not delicate) quite masculin looking. Whites have deeper top skin,a deep eye socket, but some Nordics have flat top flesh just like most of the Asians.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:28 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

China 'to overtake US on science' in two years

"China's surge in progress could soon overwhelm the US, say experts
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China is on course to overtake the US in scientific output possibly as soon as 2013 - far earlier than expected.
That is the conclusion of a major new study by the Royal Society, the UK's national science academy.
The country that invented the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing is set for a globally important comeback.
An analysis of published research - one of the key measures of scientific effort - reveals an "especially striking" rise by Chinese science.

The study, Knowledge, Networks and Nations, charts the challenge to the traditional dominance of the United States, Europe and Japan.
The figures are based on the papers published in recognised international journals listed by the Scopus service of the publishers Elsevier.
In 1996, the first year of the analysis, the US published 292,513 papers - more than 10 times China's 25,474.
By 2008, the US total had increased very slightly to 316,317 while China's had surged more than seven-fold to 184,080.
Previous estimates for the rate of expansion of Chinese science had suggested that China might overtake the US sometime after 2020.
But this study shows that China, after displacing the UK as the world's second leading producer of research, could go on to overtake America in as little as two years' time.
"Projections vary, but a simple linear interpretation of Elsevier's publishing data suggests that this could take place as early as 2013," it says.

Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, chair of the report, said he was "not surprised" by this increase because of China's massive boost to investment in R&D.
Chinese spending has grown by 20% per year since 1999, now reaching over $100bn, and as many as 1.5 million science and engineering students graduated from Chinese universities in 2006.
"I think this is positive, of great benefit, though some might see it as a threat and it does serve as a wake-up call for us not to become complacent."
The report stresses that American research output will not decline in absolute terms and raises the possibility of countries like Japan and France rising to meet the Chinese challenge.
"But the potential for China to match American output in terms of sheer numbers in the near to medium term is clear."

Quality questions

The authors describe "dramatic" changes in the global scientific landscape and warn that this has implications for a nation's competitiveness.
According to the report, "The scientific league tables are not just about prestige - they are a barometer of a country's ability to compete on the world stage".
Along with the growth of the Chinese economy, this is yet another indicator of China's extraordinarily rapid rise as a global force.
However the report points out that a growing volume of research publications does not necessarily mean in increase in quality.
One key indicator of the value of any research is the number of times it is quoted by other scientists in their work.
Although China has risen in the "citation" rankings, its performance on this measure lags behind its investment and publication rate.
"It will take some time for the absolute output of emerging nations to challenge the rate at which this research is referenced by the international scientific community."
The UK's scientific papers are still the second most-cited in the world, after the US.
Dr Cong Cao, associate professor at Nottingham University's School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, agrees with the assessment that the quantity of China's science is yet not matched by its quality.
A sociologist originally from Shanghai, Dr Cao told the BBC: "There are many millions of graduates but they are mandated to publish so the numbers are high.
"It will take many years for some of the research to catch up to Western standards."
As to China's motivation, Dr Cao believes that there is a determination not to be dependent on foreign know-how - and to reclaim the country's historic role as a global leader in technology.

"China had led the World many times during it's history. Stands to reason they would lead again at some time."

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Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:28 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Another thing, now that it's globalization age, many people of different races can now have more or less same opportunities for growth. In the U.S., a melting pot nation, East Asians are outperforming Whites in many more areas.

Not to mention, East Asians, in general, (generally speaking- i made that clear) are the most disciplined, hard working, respectful, self-restraint, well-mannered/civilized group. Some would say it's more a cultural attribute and behavioral orientation than a thing inherent to race per se. But then why East Asian cultures, the race, place more emphasis on good manners, discipline, hard work, many good values moreso than the White race and Blakc people placed the least emphasis on good vaues.

Statistical studies show East Asians have the lowest rate of diseases, crime, psychopath tendencies, lowest body odor (those asians who have smell usually the foreigners describe they smell food from the kitchen or restaurant lol).the Japanese they live the longest . Many say East asians are the most hygienic people, dress up the most neatly, have healthier diet (generally not getting fat due to gene and diet), many Asians have spiritual awareness doing yoga, tai chi, and meditiation as part of living. Many also, know martials arts.

Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Britain each were once the superior civilization of their time. America had it's time as well, it's declining now. Each group thought they were the GREATEST when they were the dominant at the time, beleived they were superior and invincible and no others can overtake them.

Chinese Century is yet to see. When that happens we can see and compare the performance of the Chinese compared to past GREATS.

China Overtaking U.S. by 2016? Believe It

IMF says 'Age of America' will end in less than five years; investors should prepare now

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:22 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Regarding Whites has produced more geniuses, more inventions, discoveries.

The Chinese had many great contibutions to human civilizations as well, but yes surely, the Whites have many many more, but I highly believe, one of the reasons the Chinese wasn't able to contribute as much as the Western Whites is due to in the past having different philoshopies in life, valueing different things/values from the Westerns, more concerned with philosophical and spiritual ideologies than conquering the material world, no wonder China had a lot of spiritual sages than material world geniuses (wisdom is intellectual virtue the sages are spiritual genius they are more advance or enlightened in moral aspect);

; the Japanese share more Western values and an aggressive warrior culture like Westerns, look at them, they were able to explore, discover, and invent things as well like the Westerns did. They have applied much of their intelligence to the material world and became second largest economy. Their technology is very advance, and they are futuristic moreso than Westerns. But still, the Japanese have maintained many good admirable human values. I think the Japanese are so far the overall superior. But Chinese century is yet to see.

A viewpoint about this issue from other intellectual Whites and East Asians which i agree with:

"Of course we spend far too much time here haggling over mere IQ points, which ignore the all important quality of creativity- thinking outside the box if you please. White folks trounce every other group in their ability to smash convention and make something new out of the rubble. Whosoever would be a genius must be a rebel. This is one hump smart Asians just can't get over."

"Asian culture has been deeply influenced by Confucio's teachings that praise conformism, hierarchy and obedience. I wonder if it's a genetic asian passive and conformist psychology that has made possible for Confucian philosophy to spread among them."

" I think you're absolutely correct there. Westerners often get interested in the passive Eastern philosophies/religions, but the Asian--East Asian--mind is much better suited to those things. Conformity is respected so much because it comes natural to them."

"Well, we do have higher average IQ's than White people- but I do admit we can get retards in our race, but less retards than other races.

I wouldent say that East-Asian IQ cuts off at a certain level, there are EA genius's. But I think the history of White people, whose emphasis on the self instead of the collective coupled with their emphasis on liberty and self-expression has made them much more innovative and creative.

EA's did not have the same developmental progress as European people. Our creativity was hindered and blocked due to our narrow-minded world view and highly vertical command structures.

It's good that this is starting to change, though."

Genius is tapping your creative potential.
The Chinese can and will contribute much as well to the world advancement in the future. Much of the discoveries and inventions of the future will come from Chinese geniuses. China is producing a lot of intellectuals. Considering Chinese is the most number of people in the world and very many are more intelligent so there can be more genius Chinese than Whites in the future. East Asians are very success driven and excel in academic and professions, they are the future. 21st Century is Chinese Century while 20th Century is American Century. The time for the Chinese is coming. We will see the performance of the Chinese compared to Whites by then and prove if Whites are really superior or it's the Chinese. Yes at the moment they copy a lot of Western inventions, but don't forget they're catching up, that's part of the processes, (if there were many inventions present already the tendency is to copy and/or innovate; Whites would be doing the same thing if the situation is reversed) BUT mankind has much much more to discover, to invent to master the Earth or the Universe so i would bet the future civilization will get far more advance than it is today.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:19 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Black-White-East Asian IQ differences at least 50% genetic, major law review journal concludes
nächste Meldung

1. The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

2. Race Differences are Most Pronounced on Tests that Best Measure the General Intelligence Factor (g). Black-White differences, for example, are larger on the Backward Digit Span test than on the less g loaded Forward Digit Span test.

3. The Gene-Environment Architecture of IQ is the Same in all Races, and Race Differences are Most Pronounced on More Heritable Abilities. Studies of Black, White, and East Asian twins, for example, show the heritability of IQ is 50% or higher in all races.

4. Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.

5. Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

6. Racial Admixture Studies. Black children with lighter skin, for example, average higher IQ scores. In South Africa, the IQ of the mixed-race "Colored" population averages 85, intermediate to the African 70 and White 100.

7. IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.

8. Race Differences in Other "Life-History" Traits. East Asians and Blacks consistently fall at two ends of a continuum with Whites intermediate on 60 measures of maturation, personality, reproduction, and social organization. For example, Black children sit, crawl, walk, and put on their clothes earlier than Whites or East Asians.

9. Race Differences and the Out-of-Africa theory of Human Origins. East Asian-White-Black differences fit the theory that modern humans arose in Africa about 100,000 years ago and expanded northward. During prolonged winters there was evolutionary selection for higher IQ created by problems of raising children, gathering and storing food, gaining shelter, and making clothes.

10. Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:18 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I.Q. tests consistently show East Asians have the highest I.Q. They say Asians being smart is not merely as a result of emphasis on education by the culture as some scientists concluded race differences in I.Q. is 50% genetics.

Scientific studies conducted by White Westerns show Whites have bigger brain size/cranial capacity/higher number of cortical neurons than Blacks but East Asians (Mongoloids) have bigger brain size/cranial capacity/higher number of cortical neurons than Whites. This applies to the respective women of their races as well.

I also read some scientific study articles in the past stating half Asian/half White people have higher I.Q. and healthier than full-blooded Whites.

There are popular well-established scientific findings by a large body of scientific studies showing and proving that East Asians have the biggest brain size/cranial capacity/highest number of cortical neurons, therefore, the highest I.Q. This is just one of the highly acclaimed scientific study on Race, Evolution, and Behavior. It's by White scientist JP Rushton.

East Asians are the most higly evolved according to some scientific studies.

"John Rushton explains this by saying that according to Human Evolution, East Asians are the most highly evolved race hence the highest brain power and smaller body/Highest Longetivity and lowest interests in sex and fertility (pretty much saying that the less evolved, the more aggressive and more interested in sex).

According to his book, Europeans are the 'intermediates' between the Blacks and East Asians."

Top 5 most intelligent nations on earth are:
According to IQ and the Wealth of Nations , a research paper written by Dr Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, East Asians are the most intelligent ethnic group on the planet.

The official Rankings for the top 5 most intelligent nations on earth are:
1. Hong Kong 107
2.South Korea 106
3.Japan 105
4.Taiwan 104
5.Singapore 103

However, the most intelligent people in the world are indeed the Mainland Chinese... in Shanghai and Beijing with an average IQ of 109.4
However, this was scaled down to 100 taking into account poor rural areas in China and possibly the non-Han Chinese ethnic minorities in China.

After the East Asians, the other higher ranking IQ nations include Austria,Germany,Italy and the Netherlands which all average 102.

John Phillipe Rushton, a psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario, Canada reiniforces the concept of East Asian IQ Superiority by a book written called Race, Evolution And behavior: A Life History Perspective.

According to this book, the Mongaloids (East Asians),Whites and blacks are compared to each other using biological comparisons.
According to his research, East Asians have highest cranial capacities,highest numbers of corticol neutrons,Highest IQ scores,Highest Lifespans,Lowest aggression and lowest sexual interest and fertility.

John Rushton explains this by saying that according to Human Evolution, East Asians are the most highly evolved race hence the highest brain power and smaller body/Highest Longetivity and lowest interests in sex and fertility (pretty much saying that the less evolved, the more aggressive and more interested in sex).

According to his book, Europeans are the 'intermediates' between the Blacks and East Asians.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:06 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Funny thing is, some Westerns are taking advantage of the plastic surgery stereotype about East Asians trying to discredit East Asians. Saying most have plastic surgery.

You will see some Whites will post pictures of beautiful Asian women claiming she had plastic surgeries or look ugly without make up. Will post a "before" pic that looks far from her at all. You can tell it's not same person as different skull structure and the looks is very different. Seems like because Westerns find Asians look all the same they think they can fool people to beleive it's same person. There are a number of peole with plastic surgery, there are many who do not have. Many pretty ASians are natural beauties esp. in China as well in Japan and Souhteast Asian countries. Their skin is fresh and clear with no visible pores. Mnay look best with no or little make up. Many actually look odd with make up. Off course, there are a number of pretty asian women who look not good w/o make up too.

The features of White women and the skin quality and tone get enhanced much better with make up as the coloring make their features stand out more when w/o the face look kinda bland and you can see the pores and some blemishes. But off course, there are also naturally good-looking.

Mon, 06/13/2011 - 12:04 My name is... Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Most asians have Plastic surgery? A lot of ignorant ridiculous negative stereotypes the Westerns have about Asians. The overwhelming majority of the Chinese,Japanese, and Southeast Asian populations DO NOT have plastic surgery. It's the Koreans who have high rate of plastic surgeries. (But it's just plain common sense to know, even the majority of Koreans do not have plastic surgery) .

Plastic surgery, photoshopping of pics, wearing much make up, tanning lotions, hair dye/hair extensions are very common with American and European celebrities. I'd say much MORE common than with Asian celebrities. If you watch Asian t.v. many stars wear almost no make up. Wearing make up is too common wiht regular White women, many regular Asians do not wear make up except at work.

About the misconceptions Asians wanting to look "White"


If you will really think about the East Asians who undergo surgery to make their eyes BIGGER their eyes become similar to the SIZE AND SHAPE of the other many Asians with natural quite bigger eyes, not as big as the eyes of the Caucasians. These group of Asians actually wanted to have the bigger eyes of the other many Asians (almond shape), not that BIGGER eyes of the Whites, their eeys do not end up looking like that. Many East Asians and most Southeast ASians naturally have the almond shaped eyes...

...European eyes is typically bigger and slightly round shape not the so called "almond shape". But there are also a lot with the almond shape. Almond shape eyes is idealized by many around the world it has an exotic sexy appeal. It has quite slant angle. Many of the Latinas, Russians and Eastern Europeans and some Scandinavians who have Mongoloid admixture as well as the Persians, Italians have this almond eyes, the size of theri eyes is just slightly bigger than that of the almond Asian eyes.

With slanty eyes.
I see some trend for some White celebrities making their eyes slanty looking with make up i.e. Scarlett JOhansson (alhto half Jew), Taylor Swift, and some others.

Btw, some of the Japanese have big round eyes but still smaller sized thna that of the big round eyes version of the Caucasians.

Same with skin whiteness. Many Asians NATURALLY have white skin and that's the skin tone and quality the others strive to achieve with the whitening creams, the clear flawless porcelain skin of White skinned Asians, not the European White version.
That's why The models in skin product commercials are Asians, not Europeans. Asians value youthful flawless soft skin, think skin is their best physical feature. Even before Whites came to East Asia, light skin is idealized- the fair Asian skin. It's ancient trend.

The Asian women who get taller nose, the desired nose is similar to that of the other many Asians with moderately tall size nose, not as tall as that of the typical european nose. The taller European nose stick out of the face not proportional to the face and rough looking and bigger nostrils. (yes there are also many Asians with other form of nostril flaw). The Whites who undergo nose surgery usually make their nose smaller in size similar to other Whites and Asians with smaller more feminine nose.

Saying they want to have the Caucasian eyes is similar to saying White women who undergo plastic surgery to get fuller lips want to have the lips of the Africans, when the lips they want is not as thick as of the Africans, their lips ended up looking like of the Italian's Asian's and Latina's fuller plumpier lips. The lips get thinner as we age, thicker plumpier lips is beatiful and youthful. Or, the tanning of the Whites, the color is similar to the tan of the Latinas and Asians, not the dark chocolate or black skin of the Africans.

White women shave legs, so are they imitating the less hairy legs of the Asians? No, the hairs in the legs just need to get shaved to look good.
Some do things on their bodies not to imitate others.

In ASIA (im not sure about those who grew up in Western cultures), there are some people who dye their hair red and blonde (more sport the red than blonde color) also wear brown or blue contact lenses. These people find the color cute and different and the majority do it as a "fashion accessory" to stand out from the crowd who mostly have darker features moreso than wishing to have or preferring red or blonde hair/ blue eyes. It looks unnatural to them, their natural color compliments their Asian looks better.

But the majority of Asians do not dye their hair red or blonde (many more dye it color brown as it looks more natural but still the majority go with their natural hair color) nor wear colored contacts.
The coveted ideal hair in Asia is "shiny silky lustrous dark hair". You can see it in shampoo commercials. There are way many more brunette White women who dye their hair blonde, it's prevalent, and many of them prefer the blonde color than their natural hair color.

Many Asians are intrigued with foreigners. Many are very friendly to foreigners esp. Whites, many find Whites goodlooking but it doenst necessarily mean they find Whites better looking than Asians. The majority prefer the Asian beauty. Many others dont even find Whites attractive, same way many Whites dont find Asians attractive. Different standards of beauty.
Exceptions is some Southeast Asian countries who have been colonized, thus, many have colonial mentality.
