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Sun, 09/27/2009 - 11:15 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Funny how the haters there have to use pics of mentally challenged or deformed swedes to make the asian beauty stands out.

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 11:07 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Notice how prognathous are the asian faces

It's funny how those asian faces, when seen by a different angle without a photoshop edition, they loose all the "magic"

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 10:54 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Nordic profile vs. asian profile

Do I have to say more?

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 09:10 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

More Asians for you sweety

ImageImagejapanese galsImage

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 08:16 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

VC said asians are gracile and REFINED? He must be looking at those fake asian models. lol the problem is that they don't have access to that 500 megawatt bulb and photoshop in real lif,e so it's not what asians look like. They do have a thing for plastic surgery though.

Gracile and refined is the last thing that characterizes asians, generally speaking.

Look at that head size compared to the two white people in the photo. The asians are so robust and coarse it's shocking.

Huge, puffy, round heads without any kind of refinement to it. Sunken nose bridge, mongoloid eyes, flat faces and black, black and black hair and eyes. This girl is a good example of an ordinary girl. She actually has good teeth so it's better than normal, probably. The eyes are so malformed that her eye sight is probably impared in certain angles.

Typical teeth. They even invented a special word for crooked teeth since it is so commonly occurring;

Asian girls.

A bizzare attempt at Victorian style lolita clothes. They really have a thing for the pre-pubescent look.

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 06:57 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures


feminine swedish woman



Sun, 09/27/2009 - 06:35 I am a racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

style="float:left" />Beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful swedish girl!


Ugly Asian


Asian modeljapanese singerjapanese gals

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 01:26 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

As for visoon, what kind of eyes do you think have superior function? Eyelid surgery is extremely common among asians and I don't think it is only for cosmetic reasons.

These ones

or these ones? Swedish girls.

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 01:10 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

First of all. Less intelligent posters here spam this thread with photos of models and other people who have obvious white admixture. All these photos do is prove that white admixture adds beauty to other races and I doubt that was the intention.


"Ever heard the expression, a picture states a thousand words? I believe, on this site, that's true. You can talk about nasal bridges and gonial angles and brow ridges, and myself, being admittedly less scientificly and more visually or literally inclined will base my opinions on what it is that I see first and what I read last. For some, it is more easily interpreted visually. That has nothing to do with anyone's intellect being inferior, it has to do with the fact that this site is about BEAUTY, beauty being something more readily interpreted through use of visual aids instead of written ones."

Very true. VC and godis can go on and deny and deny and deny. As long as my photos tell the truth that is what people will see and believe. Saying that Swedish noses are robust and that asian faces are refined when my photos clearly show this is not true is rather pointless. These people obviously speak in their own self-interest more than in the interest of objective truth.

Also, they conveniently leave out the times I have said positive things about asians. As a group I find them terribly lacking in looks for the reasons I have stated. There are always exceptions and one girl I found pretty is this one, a Vietnamese girl, and I said so in one comment, and showed these photos.

Even she has uneven teeth and an underdeveloped body.

Of course she was left out when people who have an agenda to smear me misrepresent what I say. I just find that asians on a whole are unappealing and unfeminine since femininity for me requires a fully mature and developed female body. You can have small breasts, but when the entire body looks underdeveloped and childlike there is a problem.

Now, asians do sometimes have impaired vision sincethe fold over their eyes limits vision somewhat, especially when the excessive skin increases and hangs over the eyes. That is one reason they sometimes need plastic surgery to correct this. It is self-evident that an open eye, not slits, without skin partially blocking eye sight will work better. It can be considered a deformity since Down's patients have the same eyes, and it is a handicap if vision is impaired.

Swedes have excellent teeth, on average. I have no idea if that girl in the photo you like to taunt is Swedish. As I said she is atypical for Swedes in that we have better teeth. I cannot verify that she is Swedish since it wasn't my photo. The ones I choose come from Swedish sources and blogs.

We have no shortage of dentists here. lol We are not exactly a third world nation. We have less need for dentists here than the British, so that is the obvious reason we have fewer dentists. Your argument works against you, VC, but I guess you are not that intelligent.

A nation that has lots of dentists isn't necessarily a nation of people with strong teeth. I for one, have never in my life had even one cavity, and I have zero fillings. I have perfect teeth, as do all the people in my family and my friends, so we don't need dentist service.

I have found that teeth of smokers are the ones who see the most damage. In countries where you have lots of smokers, E. Europe, for example, the teeth will be much less healthy. Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C, vital for teeth health.

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 01:01 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I think, VC, that while scientific articles are OF COURSE more of a sound source of evidence, prattling on and on and on and on...about browridges, for example, and maintaining that the Nordic female, based on "articles", has such masculine facial bone sructure is still going to be useless in the long run. You really must show this. Yes, I love my photos. As much as Godis and Emily and Erik and MANY others. Trying to be an asshole by condescending to us "idiots" who would like to see what the FUCK you're talking about is arrogance. Of all the personality traits of anyone's here that you've been so judgemental of, which is arrogance, you seem to be the most arrogant person posting here right now. You're knowledge of anthropology is impressive, but your patronizing those of us who are not "fluent" in a lot of the scientific terminology you use is insulting. If you want to debate other scientists, than going to a more appropriate website to do that may be the solution to your obvious frustration at having to "show" in photos the points it is you're attempting to make here. I am so sorry for my lack of intelligence and wasting your precious time. Please allow me to bow down to the genius that is Violet Corpus.

It also appears that the source of your rage, that being a personal attraction to Asian females and Emily's barrage of insults of them, is pretty base and immature.

In a prior statement, I mistakenly misspelled "superiority". Please accept my humble apologies.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 23:20 Visitor From ape to human – the journey in pictures

It would appear that the only "fetishism" on this site is of the Asian nature. Watch Violet Corpus/ghfghfghf go predictably insane at the mention of East Asians being unattractive.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 23:07 Visitor Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

No, Asian's do not improve the looks of whites. Rarely a racially mixed Asian/Caucasian will look attractive, but not usually. There is bookworm again, who has an Asian fetish, as well as ghfghfghf/Violet Corpus. The Swedish girl is accused of being a Nordic fetishist, but I think that Asian fetishism is far more rampant.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 22:46 Visitor From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Sat, 09/26/2009 - 22:38 Visitor From ape to human – the journey in pictures

ghfghfghf? Is that you? Sure does sound like it.

The god of anthropology with a predilection for Asian women? There couldn't possibly be two of you! Deranged little cunt? Misanthropic little shit? How original!! Great minds definitly DON'T think alike.

Meet Violet Corpus, your greatest fan!

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 22:36 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


"I don't know if I want to say sorry, or even if I should, and I don't know if I should feel guilt either. I'll refrain from extreme personal attacks like that from now on, though. If she does return."

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to pin anything on you. For some reason I just feel this incredible guilt and I don't know why. I mean it is such a strong guilt, a feeling that something is terribly wrong. I know this may sound weird because I don't know Emily and this is just a site where we debate things but for some reason I just don't feel good about the way I've been acting lately. I don't think your words are THAT hurtful or wrong or anything, I guess I just felt really guilty about the way I've been acting and so I was trying to pin that guilt on other people or something? I don't know. I'm weird... I'm just getting a really negative energy from this site lately. It's just such a negative site, maybe I shouldn't come back. It really interests me and Emily fascinates me, but the site to me was starting to get unhealthy. But, I think you have the best arguments, because they are generally not biased and they are backed up. Your arguments are also not extremely negative or anything. You clearly can see that every race has advantages and disadvantages, which race has more advantages or more disadvantages, well that is up to debate and we don't know enough to determine that in my opinion.


"Godis, asking Violet Corpus for tips on debating tactics is typical: scathing character assassinations, vulgarity and tactless use of the English language...what can this person teach you? How to be more arrogant? More judgemental?"

I think he makes good points, and I think he is intelligent and I think he has better arguments than "you're jealous".

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 21:46 diablo From ape to human – the journey in pictures

So what you are saying, bookworm, is thank god they didn't keep their asian and african features.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 21:36 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, asking Violet Corpus for tips on debating tactics is typical: scathing character assassinations, vulgarity and tactless use of the English language...what can this person teach you? How to be more arrogant? More judgemental?

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 21:28 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Bookworm, first of all, you state that Scandinavians are unattractive, and then state that they look like quasi-Asians, who are attractive. And furthermore, accusing Emily of being jealous of Asians is absurd. I don't see any jealousy there, I see you trying to use photos that are insufficient in making any points at all. And your facts? I'm not the expert, VC has more scientific background, but I'M willing to bet that Finns have NO WHERE near 25% Asian DNA. They appear to have risidual characteristics derived from some very distant Asian admixture, but to my knowledge, populations with this many blue-eyed blondes are not typically heavy on Asian DNA, at least not recent. Like VC does, cite your sources if you care to make such outrageous claims. So you don't like the looks of Scandinavians? It's ok to say that without making ridiculous accusations or posting outright lies.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 21:17 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Sorry for the spelling and typos, I wrote that too quickly.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 21:15 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

VC, what do you KNOW of my "narrow" perceptions of female beauty? Not a thing. You know that I defended a person being harrassed for expressing her views, PC or not, which I would have done for any one of you, by the way. I have said, time and time again to you, Godis, and others, that I'm not Emily, and do not share each and every one of her views, but I do share some. I've stated that I've found beauty to be found in all races, ethnicities, etc. Would you like me to post up pictures of non-Nordic attractive women to ease yours and Godis' minds? I've chosen NOT to, because that end of the argument is already represented, is it not? Yes, I have my preferences, but I believe that I'm a lot more "lenient" of what defines beauty than Emily is. Emily knows this too. She does not chastise me for having stated the opinions I have, has she? No, I've found that when you lay of name-calling, personal attacks and similar behaviors, it is a lot easier to have intelligent conversation. For all of the scientific knowledge you personally have, I call you a "pseudo" intellectual because you lack the ability to debate with any class. Now, I'm sure you're about to balk at the fact that Emily has class, what with all her "horrible" stated opinions of other races, but she is seemily very intelligent, without having to cite tons of articles. She does not use excessive slang and swearing, which I believe is a very low-rent way to "debate". I can't think of too many people who wouldn't give her that, even if they disagree with everything she says. You seem obviously immature, otherwise you'd refrain from the foul debating tactics that you use, and then deem them "acceptable" because you're angry. To use your own words, get a goddamn grip!

Addressing your self-supiority in regards to your using articles as opposed to pictures. Well, if you can't see my point than let me explain again. Ever heard the expression, a picture states a thousand words? I believe, on this site, that's true. You can talk about nasal bridges and gonial angles and brow ridges, and myself, being admittedly less scientificly and more visually or literally inclined will base my opinions on what it is that I see first and what I read last. For some, it is more easily interpreted visually. That has nothing to do with anyone's intellect being inferior, it has to do with the fact that this site is about BEAUTY, beauty being something more readily interpreted through use of visual aids instead of written ones. As of May 2010, I'll have a bachelors in one of the literary arts. I obviously enjoy reading, even science, but I think that maybe, for all the scientific knowledge you have, you should show some photos to prove your points to those of us who aren't as scientificly minded. This is not unreasonable. If you know you're at a debate site where the vast mojority of commentators DO use photos, try doing that yourself. And try NOT to state that photos aren't concrete scientific evidence and when used, makes our arguments less valid. That is foolish and once again, lacks maturity and is insulting. And once again, I'll state that for all the evidence you have cited about Nordics being less feminine, I still believe that Nordics are very feminine based on what I SEE. Present a photo showing your point to those of us lay persons, VC.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 09:27 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

it is inaccurate to say asian couldn't have blond hair and blue eyes. many chinese in the west of china and mongolia also have blue eyes and blonde hair.


Sat, 09/26/2009 - 09:16 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Asians in south east asia don't have epicanthic folds and board face....I find many nordic do have got folds eyes than the south east asians.


Sat, 09/26/2009 - 08:35 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Central and East Asian admixture
East Asian mtDNA (haplogroups A, B, C, D, M, N9a and Z) is restricted mainly to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia and is found at generally low frequencies: Lapland (8.5%), Bulgaria/Turkey (6.9%), European Russia (4.2%), Spain/Portugal (2.3%), Czech Republic (1.8%), Western Slavs (1.6%), Eastern Slavs (1.3% to 5.2%), Southern Slavs (1.2%), Scandinavia (0.93%), France/Italy (0.81%), Iceland (0.64%), Germany (0.57%), Finland/Estonia (0.5%), England/Wales (0.23%) and Scotland (0.18%).[94]

Central Asian Y-DNA is much more common. Tat-C (haplogroup N1c) is a Y-chromosome lineage that originated in Siberia[95] and is thought to have spread to Northeastern Europe with male Uralic hunter-gatherer migrations occurring over the last 4000 years.[96] Today it's found in Northern and Northeastern Europe at varying frequencies: Finland (55%), Lithuania (47%), Lapland (42%), Estonia (37%), European Russia (14%), Ukraine (11%), Sweden (8%), Norway (6%), Poland (4%), Germany (3%), Slovakia (3%), Denmark (2%) and Belarus (2%).[97][98]

Though the above rather high frequencies are likely inflated due to genetic drift, which can affect Y-chromosomes,[99] a small but significant Central/East Asian genetic influence in Russians and Finns has been confirmed using population structure analysis.[100]

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 08:20 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

oriental-looking nordic women"


Caucasian-looking south east asian women"

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 07:53 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily : I think the person who is completely down syndrome is you lol even couldn't tell the different between the normal human and the down syndrome. you are just plain jealous of those asian girls. you know what? why erik doesn't answer anything against my post? because he knows it is true that those asians are prettier and feminier than the women in his site. and he is the reseacher, he knows what I been posted is true. - all scandinavians have got mongloid blood at least 5 percent. especially, the Finishs. highest percent of blonde hair poppulation in this earth have got quarter of their genetic the same way of what japanese and all mongoloid caring... There are plenty of charts, including other people too. Not only Finns.

Closest biological "relatives" to Finns are Swedes and Russians. While most modern European populations have mishmash distribution of Y-chromosomal haplogroups (take Sweden for example; R1b 25%, R1a 24%, I1 40%, N1c 10%), Finns basically have only 2, N1c 60%, I1 40%. Northwest Russians have also plenty of N1c and Sweden I1. Finns are exactly what one would assume from geographical point of view. I dont think it would be correct to label Finns as half Swede, half Russian. These haplogroups and biological affinities go way more back in time than our modern ethnicities.
this doesn't appeared in any other Caucasoid like Southern europeans, arabs or indians. why do those asians have got flat butts and boobs? because their genetic is faraway from africa. have you ever notice? many of the northern europeans have got weak jaw and round face with flat nose as well as epicathic folds and their nose aren't big and hook like the other caucasians? by the way, emily, I don't even think you are caucasian? don't you?

because many of pure pure blonde people like Fin and Estonian that I know. they proud of mongoloid blood. even anna kunikova ( the famous blond sporter also stated she has got mongol blood) you can serach for he pictures under the topic "Uyghur or Mongol".
