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Mon, 09/21/2009 - 20:40 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Another thing I admire about Christina Hendricks is that she is CLASSY and SOPHISTICATED.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 20:39 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Here is Christina at a smaller size. I thinks she looks just stunning:

Christina Hendricks Mad Men Pictures, Images and Photos

And here is better a photo of Reon's face, since the one wouldnt display. Isn't she cute?

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 20:21 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"and most scientists and genius happen to be caucasian and white"

Why would you even go there? Currently the most intelligent man on Earth is Asian. Korea, Hong Kong, Japan stumph every other country on the PISA test. The one Caucasian country among them? Finland, interestingly the one Caucasian race with features most similar to mongloid ones as noticed by many here:

In the 4s and 5s you start getting countries like New Zealand, and Canada. Besides that, the top places are dominated by Asian countries and of course Finland... Are these tests accurate? I don't know. Do they matter? It depends on how much the smart people in those countries are accomplishing. If they are doing nothing with their brain, the value of their intelligence is lost...

But it seems that the BIG ASIAN heads may have an advantage...Swedes are actually known for their larges heads, I have found articles with measurements included on this but have lost them since, however if you don't believe just look at the photos Emily posts. Look at the size of all of their heads. I believe they score pretty well on the PISA tests as well...

Although, I don't know if it truly is their head size or perhaps their culture. Maybe they are pushed to do well, while other countries, the United States for example, does not push its students far enough...

"The term "rascist" is so tired. Godis feels that Emily deserves to be called a terrible person, but I've seen some of the WORST behavior exhibited on this site by GODIS, HERSELF...yet she always has an excuse...whatever."

Yes, I have such horrible behavior. Do I have to repeat what EMILY says? Honestly, you admire Emily for being brutally honest but you put me down for my "behavior". Ok. You make a lot of sense Barberella. Emily degrades whole populations of people referring to them in vulgar ways, not only does she attack their appearance using horrible terminology, but she attacks their way of life as well. She also literally posts photos of children and makes fun of them. But I am the one with bad behavior, and Emily should be applauded for her brutal honesty, right? Well, bravo Emily and bravo Barberella for standing up for her! BRAVO! clap clap clap...

It's funny how Emily totally dismisses the femininity of Reon Kadena. I don't think this woman is underdeveloped:

reon kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Reon also has a lovely face. Whether it deviates towards European norms than the average Asian face or not, doesn't matter. Her face is lovely. Period.

Now, I think it would Emily just soo happy after I post these photos. This CAUCASIAN Nordic woman is in my opinion very very feminine. She is a tad bit on the heavy side, and I believe she would be MORE feminine if she lost like 20lbs, but nonetheless this woman is probably on many men's minds:

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

The only problem with Christina is that she appears a bit too matronly at times. However this problem would be easily solved with weight loss. A curvy woman will still be curvy a few pounds lighter. In Christina's cases 20lbs lighter. Christina has had no plastic surgery though. There is some speculation on her breasts, which wouldn't be surprising. Her breasts would be very saggy without a bra or augmentation. However, none of this would have been necessary if she lost weight.

So THAT is an extremely feminine woman. Although I think to a certain extent some men may find her too feminine to be attractive. Watching her run for example would be humorous. So, some men may value some athleticism in their women.

So are you happy Emily, a feminine NORDIC woman!

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 19:51 bookworm Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

agree with gordis. the girls she posted look very attractive and perfect. Asian admixture improves BOTH the Asian and Caucasian look on most sister married japanese man and they have a beautiful baby. I went to japan one time and met the sister of my brother in law. she was almost 38 years old but very young and don't have a big head, she has very narrow face and pretty nose. have you ever heard of ainu people? if you didn't know so go find the book and read it. anyways, I will show you a pictures of the bi-racial asian-caucasian.
I also find the eurasian girls from uzbek and kazakhstan look attractive as well.


biracial thai-american.

biracial thai-pakistanis.





these women are just gorgeous and natural without having a blonde hair to make them stand out in the crowd.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 19:40 Barberella Eva Herzigova

Blonde, Swedish Emily,(seems we have two now), Karolina Kurkova has always been an enigma to me as far as how she has become the icon she has, but then...look who's running the show. I'm trying to think, since Eva Herzigova, if we've even had a remotely feminine fashion model. I think Caroline Winberg has a more feminine face than most, though she has the stick thin body of most models. I think she has a very sweet face. Of course some will comment on her tweety-bird colored hair, and her pig nose and skin....

CAROLiNE WiNBERG Pictures, Images and Photos

CAROLiNE WiNBERG Pictures, Images and Photos

All though all fashion models are masculine, it's a job requisite, the comarison between Carloline and Karolina is obvious as far is who is the more feminine of the two.

Karolina Kurkova Pictures, Images and Photos

karolina kurkova Pictures, Images and Photos

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 19:38 Godis Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

The "feminine" woman needs to shave. haha

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 19:13 Barberella Eva Herzigova

Hey other Emily, Barberella and Emily are not the same, are you that inept at reading? My point is that Godis needs not reveal the bizarre things she does. It interests no one but herself. It has NOT A THING to do with the topic does it? People who've been here for a while come to expect chapter after chapter of Godis'(boring) Memiors, but no one gives a damn.

Do I find it an ego boost when a friend likes a man who is interested in me? No, of course not, but I maturely explain to the man that for certain reasons I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship with him. I just don't know how a comment like that belongs here. This site is not about us, Godis, but I'd expect someone with your mentality to fail to comprehend this. Nor do I think "playing dumb" is productive for that matter either. Are you sure you're really "playing"?

Eff off...another brilliant tidbit of wisdom that we can expect from Godis on a regular basis. Someone who scores "excellent" on reading tests, but fails to read articles in front of her, she only scans them, then has NO idea what is going on...the list goes on. Maybe, Godis, you ought to stick to the topics, maybe even try READING them, not digress into these tirades about your personal life, and such comments, like the one by me you obviously didn't appreciate, will disappear.

I'd say Ef off to you as well, but I'm far above it. Sorry, and has someone really been "owned" here? If yes, it sure as hell isn't me!

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 18:55 bookworm Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

emily said like those asian girls have got totally large head while I find their heads made them look healthy and youthfull. all my life living in europe I heard only people wish to have high-cheek bones. a fuller facial Cheeks is the key to the fountain of youth. every girls wish to have cheekbones like serena gomez, angelina joli or tia carrere. all in all, this topic will never come to the end. everyone have got their own opinion and every races have beautiful people. myself, I find the high-cheekbones of selena gomez are drop dead gorgeous.

ImageImageImagecheeksselena gomez

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 18:26 Barberella Maria McBane

Violet Corpus, thinly disguised as "visitor", hmm...where to begin? First of all, a (pseudo)intellectual like yourself MUST know the true meaning of fetishism, correct? A person with a fetish needs a certain object, ect. to become aroused and then brought to climax. One who admires the looks and culture of her own ethnic background can hardly be called a "fetishist", UNLESS, Emily has been caught lurking around the bushes of her neighbors' house, becoming stimulated by their Nordicism, without any other stimuli, including direct physical stimulation of a sexual nature. Pretty far-fetched, I know, so let's move on since we can actually rule out "Nordic Fetishism", it was pretty weak to begn with so thank God we can drop it!!

Yes, I see it is a debate site, I've also seen you call Erik's own values into question: Did you not link a quote by him in regards to the way that African Americans have failed to acclimate as an example of his own "misanthropy"? You're not going to change his views, no matter how much you nag, moan and bitch! You think Erik needs to block Emily, but Emily has "debated" her own views for quite some time, and since this is a debate site, why should she be asked to leave? She's used foul language maybe once or twice, and in times aside from that it has been direct quotes of other "debators", like yourself.

I'd say misanthrope is also a little extreme, kind of like the whole "fetishism". I guess extreme words are the only way that someone like yourself can get any kind of point across, but lucky for you I'm somewhat intelligent myself so I'm seeing where this is going...

Misanthrope: a hater of humankind. The official definition from, how is one who denies the looks of other races as persoanally appealing a "hater of humankind"? If this were a website about the attributes of intellect, morality or spiritual fitness and Emily STILL said that Swedes were better for all of those reasons than a claim like that may be validated, but this site is about LOOKS. Looks vs. intellect, personality and morality are things that this site does not concern itself with.

So let's get this straight Violent Corpus, you are justified in spewing hate? I mean, I just read you are, by your own description. Swearing and name calling are acceptable debating practices, but Emily's opinions aren't? You refuse to hold yourself up to the standards that she must? Do you like the looks of Nordics? No, you don't. There's another thread that clearly and accurately describes your utter disgust with them, but that's OK, right? Time to face the facts, little girl, Emily will still be here long after you're gone. And her use of photos as a mode of employing her points is something that many here do. Have you bothered to read the "anti-Nordic" comments made by others here, as well as the pictures that those debators used? Erik had once defended Emily by saying that people could say all the negative things they wanted about Nordics and not expect to get banned, so why should he have to ban her? He shouldn't. He banned Peter, because Peter was an instigator who constantly tried to start contoversy by digressing to topics that were purposely infalmmatory and only intended to inflame Erik and Emily, and not for the purpose of valuable discussion, but for the purpose of spamming the website as some sort of amusement to himself.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 17:42 mary Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Both keeley and Reon are feminine.Keeley is somewhere in the middle between feminine and masculine,more towards feminine but sporty feminine.
I think Reons breast are natural.Either that or thats a very good plastic surgeon compared to the "stick-on" breast implants that we see so often.
A woman can have large breasts and small hips or small breasts and large hips.
I've seen quite a lot of women like this.
On one body,many people have both masculine and feminine parts but overall both are feminine

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 17:31 Violetcorpus Maria McBane

This'll probably be my last comment, because I just noticed Emily sucking up to Barbarella.

"I think it is awful and revolting that white people are being bullied and intimidated from speaking their mind. It has to stop."

There's a fine line between speaking your mind and trashing so profoundly on the looks of virtually all non-nordics, enforcing YOUR opinions on beauty on EVERYONE ELSE as an innate thing. And no, you do NOT speak for whites. You speak almost ONLY FOR NORDICS. You've said some truly repugnant things about slavs and romanians, close to the level of the things you've said against asians. You're not being bullied and intimated for speaking your mind, you're doing it because you're being a baseless, supremacist asshole.

"This IS slowly turning into harassment and racism against whites, the very thing they accuse whites of, in other words."

Oh my god. This can't be serious.

.........Yes Emily. There has been racism against whites here. People are less likely to speak out against it due to double standards. I know of it myself. Black racists who'll call whites "thin-lipped" or "flat-assed" or say they "age like shit" or say they're "hairy". That kind of racism is garbage too, and I have spoken out against it. (IE, aging has little to do with skin color, a sizable portion of the body hair differences is due to testosterone, it can also be a component of masculine beauty etc.)

But.... holy hell, look at you. You've been on this site for MONTHS, CONSTANTLY pushing YOUR extreme nordic fetishistic ideals of human beauty on EVERYONE ELSE and saying unbelievably dehumanizing, profoundly baseless things about non-nordics. Jesus christ how can YOU cry about this? On this page alone, there certainly have been racist comments against whites, and that's not good, but they utterly PALE compared to your comments and the sheer volume.

Hilarious how you'd even use the term "racism". What the fuck do you think you've been doing all this time?

"As for hatred, that is the pot calling the kettle black. I have never seen so much hatred than the one coming from non-whites attacking me because I am white and prefer my own race in terms of looks."

No. No. No. Stop for a minute there, you sickeningly hypocritical little fuck. They're attacking you because YOU ATTACK THEM. YOU PUSH YOUR STANDARDS OF BEAUTY DOWN EVERYONE'S THROAT, AND TRASH THEIR RACE- EVEN MEMBERS OF YOUR OWN RACE- TO HELL. It's so blatantly obvious you do NOT speak for whites as a whole. I mean jesus, do I need to paste what you've said about Slavs and Romanians again? I'm SO SICK of repeating myself.

"I think whites should take note of this. We shouldn't tolerate being bullied and intimidated."

No Emily. I think everyone, regardless of race, should take note of what you're doing here. You're playing the victim in spite of how awful you've acted here. You're truly amazing. The fact that you'd fall back on this kind of position speaks untold volumes about what kind of person you are.

This may sound corny, but it's unbelievably fitting- you're a shining example of how outer beauty doesn't have the least to do with inner beauty. Rot in hell.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 17:05 Emily Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Yes, the Asians have very good plastic surgeons. I guess they get to practice a lot.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 17:02 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To paraphrase Godis, Barberella is just some sort of evil twin of Emily, or is Emily...isn't this tired yet, Godis? You know damn well she and I are not the same. Political incorrectness is unpopular, but I refuse to engage in any of the White Guilt that runs so ramant here in the US. I refuse to partake in the guilt that says that Whites are the root of all evil. Historically, there has been a many great things instituted by Whites (here as well as abroad) that has opressed non-whites and for that I am saddened. However, none of them were commited by my family,who were in Europe at the time. My German/Danish grandfather emigrated to the US and fought in WWII FOR THE AMERICANS!! The intolerable backlash of "reverse racsism"(whatever that means)is clearly the case today. Black, Latin and Asian comedians (amongst others) can take an hour on stage in nationally televised "specials" and do nothing but amuse themselves by making fun of whites. If a White comedian were to do the same, they'd be exiled! I'm not a rascist, but I do have a problem with the double standard that permeates our culture today, and make no apologies for standing up for my race, people and their heritage. I also find absolutely NOTHING wrong with expressing pride in the like either. However, my(or anyone else that does so, especiay if they're whites) expression of this pride, as well the expression of my attraction to the looks of whites over that of other races makes me not proud, but racsist. That is wrong. What this says is that there still needs to be "special" rules in place for others, and that is FAR from equality.

As far as looks go, I can say that I've seen attractive people in all races, but find the frequency of those most attractive to be of Nordic, Teutonic and Keltic descent. That is my preference. I'm entitled to it. If I(or any other white) said I'd preferred the looks of black men or Latin men, not a single one of you would take issue. I have always admired the brutal honesty of some who post here (namely Emily), because she doesn't allow white guilt/political correctness to cloud her views and opinions, and that is intellectual honesty, something quite a few people could learn about here. So she feels that blacks share features with primitive ancestors? She is entitled to say so, without the incessant accusations that she is rascist. Are Godis' opinions wrong? Are (Other) Emily's opinions wrong? They're just opinions, and we all have a right to them, without harrassment by those who disagree. The term "rascist" is so tired. Godis feels that Emily deserves to be called a terrible person, but I've seen some of the WORST behavior exhibited on this site by GODIS, HERSELF...yet she always has an excuse...whatever.

And to bookworm: showing photos of Asian actresses and models will never prove your point. Of course we expect models and actresses to be more attractive. When others' show average populations of a certain ethnic group, they are showing an HONEST depiction of that group.

Just this past weekend, my boyfriend and I went to a foreign film festival and saw a Korean horror movie where the nude scene no doubt made the audience wonder if the actress in the scenes was even 18, she was 27. It is known that Asians, while having more neotonous facial features (in both sexes) also have least feminine body proportions of all. There is ample evidence of this. Asian women who are curvy and feminine without the help of plastic sugery, are the exception, not the rule.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 15:38 dex Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Reon must have great implants then, they look real, she must reveal her surgern

Free Image Hosting by

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 10:50 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Where it reads SHIN, I meant CHIN

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 10:47 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

A person don't have to be undeveloped to look youthfully

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 10:38 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Another great contrast between a swedish and a asian. Again notice the disproportion of the asian face

Typical nordic face: youthful and totally developed

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 10:10 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

look at this perfect contrast between a swedish woman and a asian one

Notice how the face of the asian is disproportionally bigger when compared to the swedish face

let alone the flat and undeveloped overall traits.

A typical nordic and swedish man

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 09:39 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

bookworm wrote:

Emily : the large head asian people are cleaver people. most sciecetists have got large head as well.

and most scientists and genius happen to be caucasian and white.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 05:55 Emily Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Most red-blooded, normal white men will prefer the adult-looking, curvy Keeley to the underdevepoped Reon. A childlike, immature body is attractive only to men who have psychological problems or a deviant sexuality geared towards children and pubescent girls. I don't include Asian men, of course, who are anturally attracted to their own kind.

Femininity is not the same as an underdeveloped, tiny body with a giant head on top of it. By the way, Reon most likely has breast implants since non-existing hips usually don't come with any kind of breasts to speak of.


I had to retouch the photo below since her breasts/nipples were exposed.

Most likely the true breast size of Reon;


Mon, 09/21/2009 - 05:29 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures


"The same could be said for people of all nationalities.
There are swedes like that too

Androgynous look swedes"

There will be androgynous-looking people in every population, Mary. The difference is that they are not representative for the population - they are exceptions.

In Asia these kinds of androgynous and underdeveloped people are the norm, the standard. That is what the mongoloid race typically looks like, simply put.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 05:23 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

The japanese have the same kind of physical problems as other people of the mongoloid race.

Over-sized heads, non-existant bodies with flat chests and buttocks, tiny stature, flat noses with sunken nose bridge, unattractive mongoloid eye form with one eyelid, strange teeth, puffy, swollen cheeks, unattractive greenish-yellowish skin tone, monotonous black hair and eyes etc.

Actually, many of my examples have been of Japanese women since they are considered some of the most attractive of the Asians. As my photos show much of that is untrue, and if you take real people instead of the plastic surgery altered ones, or half-Asian models in the usual studio setting and artificial light, you will see that.

By the way, since most Asian women have no trace of feminine, developed curves I suspect that most of the models we see have breast implants. Ordinary Asian women's candid shots tell me that most of them have very little to no breasts.

Arrested development looks like arrested evolution. That which is poorly evolved - or that looks unfinished and undeveloped - is unattractive, I think. That is why Asians so often go to the plastic surgeon in order to look more mature and more feminine and masculine respectively, and less androgynous. This will make them look less mongoloid and more caucasian, which is not a coincidence.


Mon, 09/21/2009 - 05:15 mary From ape to human – the journey in pictures


I agree with your comment sometimes but these comments are wrong.

The same could be said for people of all nationalities.
There are swedes like that too

Androgynous look swedes

swedish band






Feminine swedish men

Guy on right






There are masculine swedish men too

Not all Asian women have that type of "undeveloped" body/look.








Sun, 09/20/2009 - 23:06 Visitor Maria McBane

So I came back to this site today. I find it quite informative to alot of aspects of physical anthropology. It's a great resource.

So, I checked the recent comments feature for the first time. This site seems to get comments every day.

It looks like almost every single one of them is in regards to Emily's trolling. She posts here almost every day. I'll just be responding to Barbarella:

"Violet Corpus, YOU spew the hate you so unabashedly accuse Emily of doing, yet with foul language and ad hominem attacks on her character,"

Yeah, I know I do. And I think it's justified. Emily's behavior and views go beyond the point of accpetable debate. As I, and others, have said before, there's nothing wrong with arguing about human beauty and what constitutes objective beauty. What truly matters is how much of a particular range of ethnic traits falls outside of objective standards of beauty.

I'll just repeat myself once without delineating the specifics- Emily is a nordic fetishist. She thinks almost anything outside of nordic ideals is ugly, masculine, hard, whatever. She doesn't go about this in an academic fashion, either. She ENDLESSLY trashes on other ethnic groups in extreme manners and ignores almost ANYTHING contrary to her bullshit. Someone THIS extreme deserves derision. Do you expect me to just sit back and act calm and collected about her nordic fetishism?

" though she has never done this to anyone personally, or otherwise."

Total BS. She's attacked BILLIONS of people worldwide with her commentary. That's far, far worse than a personal attack. She's a misanthrope.

"Name-calling and the foul language you employ will never give you the credibility that she has."

What if the name calling also has credibility to go along with it? Emily doesn't post scientific studies. Or anthropological studies. Or proper interpretations of human history. She'll just spam pictures of nordic girls SHE finds attractive, and, um, that's pretty much it. Oh, and the complete opposite of what I've delineated. She even ignores evidence on THIS SITE that contradicts her- IE, a study of physical preferences in korean-americans wherein their ideals were quite far off from the "white american average", the impermeability of physical traits below the neck ( etc.

"The reason her comments inflame everybody is because she is WHITE and promotes the looks of whites. If she were Black, Asian, Latin, Indian, etc. no one would fault her."

First off, she promotes the looks of NORDIC WHITES, not NON-NORDICS. She's particularly railed on slavics and romanians. I agree people would fault her significantly less if she were another race- I'm aware of this double standard- but does it make it right? NO. And are you to say NOBODY would oppose this? I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who'd dislike a little misanthropic shit like her who trashes on the looks of anyone outside of her own tiny little subrace. (nordics, particularly swedes)

"This is a double standard and it shows lack of tolerance, equality and fairness that everyone expects and demands."

Emily doesn't seem to respect that in the least.

"I'm white and will allow NO ONE, ever, to tell me that stating not only pride, but preference for other whites is wrong, or hateful. It is neither. You are entitled to your opinions and you state them without hesitation. Well I'm entitled to mine as well."

That's good to hear.

"So is Erik and Emily. There are a lot of people who prefer the looks of Northern European women and there is nothing, NOT A THING, wrong with that."

There's something wrong when you endlessly push off this preference as an almost 100% innate, universal attraction with almost nothing to back it up, and take such a nihilistic outlook on it.

"If you are so disillusioned with the content of this site, why continue visiting it? You're not disuading anyone from their views. Why bother? Go somewhere else."

This is a debate site, and Erik isn't as extreme as Emily. I haven't been disuaded from my views either. Since Emily is so desperate, thick, and biased, maybe she should leave.

Wait, she won't, unless she's banned. Which probably won't happen anytime soon.

""Emily", (by the way, could you have at least used a middle initial or something), you don't have the first idea of what racism is if Emily's (the real Emily) opinions sound racist to you."

Calling virtually all non-nordic women ugly is pretty racist to me. Elitist, too.

" Read through this site and you'll notice that she's said that in regards to LOOKS and BEAUTY she believes strongly that Nordic looks are best, and has stated why this is."

Yes, she believes, and she likes to reinforce this insane standard on EVERYONE.

"She's on point too. Why else would so many others around the world emulate these looks?"

As I and others have said before, this acts as if nordics don't have their own extreme ethnic traits. And to quote Erik:

"It would be remarkable if the global impact of Western culture and the better quality of life in Western societies had nothing to do with many non-Europeans finding co-ethnics with faces somewhat shifted toward European norms as better looking, but it would be no less remarkable if this factor entirely accounted for this phenomenon. Read more on aesthetic preferences related to the ancestral-to-derived discriminant."

Those are in the words of Erik. I am in agreement with Erik's first statement, but quite different, in that it acts as if whites don't have their own ethnic traits- they just haven't manifested themselves as prominently, and other things. Emily is of the second. They're both equally extreme positions.

"Does she need me to back her up? No, I don't believe so. But I take it personal when I see someone who is white be so endlessly hassled for expressing pride in herself and others like her."

Pride doesn't entail this kind of venom.

Sun, 09/20/2009 - 18:08 bit late but ne... Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i post this as a blonde haired, blue eyed white skinned european. the loss of anything that adds to the rich diveristy of the human racce is a wee bit of a shame. they say red hair is destined to die out because most people don't deisre it in a mate, i think it is gorgeous, but i certainly won't be crying over it, or mating to ensure its survival. I could say what i think the most atractive combinations of features etc are, but thats irrelevant, its my opinion. my preference, like preferring strawberry to vanilla ice cream.
When did this turn into a racist site? this is horrible. truly to think that people like you emily and others who have supported you exist disturbs me no end.
as for heidis features not being visible in her sons, so what? i don't look anything like my long faced red headed long nosed thin lipped dad. no one would guess for a second we were related by our looks, but i have many things about me that are due directly to his genes, and i have never felt the need to look like my dad. most girls don't. likewise alot of boys don't look like their mums. stupid argument.
people are so much more than their looks. i came on to this site hoping that it would denigrate the obsession in the media of vilifying women who don't conform to unrealistic standards, many many of which are not attractive, but like useless gold, are still against all reason valued. Instead i have simply encountered reverse bigotry. diversity is beautiful. big noses and dimpled thighs are beautiful. wrinkled eyes from laughing are beautiful. compassion is beautiful. when that dies out, then I'll cry.
