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Tue, 09/29/2009 - 12:40 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily, you are a foul person! I know when you read this, your gonna start pissing your pants, whining that "non-nordics" are ganging up on you but seriously, you have issues. I am seriously starting to think YOU have down's syndrome! You are delusional and an impossible person! You were totally shut down by VC (hate to break it to you Barbella, but Emily got OWNED! VC 3, Emily 0), and you come back posting this weak shit of swedish girls in a bar. You respond to scientific claims with weak biased photos and NO evidence to back you up, you are pathetic. Word to the wise, BACK YOUR SHIT UP! Stop running your mouth, flapping your jaws and banging your keyboard and saying mindless shit like this. You are a smart girl, and you write well, so why the hell wont you back your shit up! Prove that asians and downs syndrome patients are similar!

And no, I will not apologize for what was said above, because I am not a horrible person for calling you out on your shit! Who cares if VC, or me (right now), are using swear words in our posts and you don't! Just because you don't swear in your posts doesn't make them any less inflammatory. In fact, even though VC swore, he came off as being a lot more intelligent than you! You are truly delusional and a disgusting human being. I don't wish harm on you in any way, I would just love for you to open your eyes and your heart, and stop being such a damn bitch!

Your boyfriend must of left you for an asian girl, or a non-nordic girl, or something, because you are just ridiculously mean towards members of the Asian race. And just because you say some "nice things" about Asians once doesn't erase all the bullshit you say afterwards!

I think I am on to something thought... You are probably so harsh toward people who are non-nordic because you boyfriend left you for a non-nordic girl, so in a sense you are jealous. I think I will run with this for the next few posts. See emily, you aren't the only one who can come up with BASELESS SHIT! Am I angry, yes!--it sickens me that there are people like you in the world, so hateful and mean.

And Barbella, before you get all upset, saying that I am infringing upon Emily's right to speak her mind or whatever (which is really laughable), please read this very carefully: I Do Not Care that you and Emily prefer white-nordics! I don't. Additionally, I am glad you are proud of your heritage. So am I, I am proud to be of English, Scottish, and Italian and African extraction. I am truly proud of that. Read what Emily says, actually read it. It is disgusting, she is disgusting! Everybody should be proud of where they came from. What is wrong with Emily is that she takes it to another level! She insults people, saying they look diseased. I know you said that you don't agree with her form of psychotic extremism, but you shouldn't dismiss it as us bullying her. I am saddened that you take up for her so much, because she is truly a disturbed individual. I mean, even in the way she attacked Godis (not saying Godis was w/o fault mind you), the way she attacked that model girl, the ways she talks about africans, she is just an overall evil-minded person. And yeah your right, she doesn't bore us with scientific facts and all that, she just posts random (biased) pictures of swedish girls. Why bore us with things like facts and figures? Why? Everyone proclaims her to be scholarly just for mastering english, but the extent of her scholarship must end with typing in "swedish girl bar" into google.

Here is a novel idea for you Emily, research your shit! Stop running off at the mouth and start to back something up for once(hint: this does NOT include just google), at least then you can have some respectability.

Here is what you wont see from me, an apology for the tone, or anything I have said here, because it is all true. Emily, if you don't broaden your horizons a bit, life will kick the shit out of you, and you will never truly be happy. I do think on some level, you were wronged by somebody of a different ethnicity and you made sweeping generalizations (oh I cannot wait to here the "but my best friend is black/asian/slavic/other" line from you, I just feel it coming on! Of course, you probably aren't even woman enough to respond to this or to me). Whatever happened, whatever the circumstance, it is not okay to just pigeonhole a whole group.

And another thing too barbella you are right. White people do get the race card thrown up at them too much here in America. I was even hesitant to call Emily racist in the beginning, but earnestly feel that she is by some of the monstrous things she says. I do think that is true that black people blame the "white man" too much for issues they deal with in their lives. That is why my parents raised me to, instead of play the race card, always just evaluate things and see if maybe I am doing something wrong that I may have overlooked. I don't believe in using the n-word, even though sometimes I do (I think I mentioned in a previous post) because it is a negative word. I was also taught never to use terms like "white-trash" because I believe we are all God's children and God doesn't make "trash." I love white people, I have no problem with them. That is a term that white people use amongst themselves that I think is very negative too, and comparable to the n-word. Most are pretty nice, some not so much, but that is more due to personality factors rather than their skin color. Well, anyway, when Emily spews her hateful speech (something so easy to do behind a computer desk, right Emily?), I feel its like when some calls a white person, "white trash." It enrages me, because it is so disrespectful, and that is what Emily is in a nutshell, disrespectful and bigotted. The way you have presented your ideas, I respect that. I feel like you, for the most part, have been pretty level head, and I can see where you are coming from. But I cannot identify with Emily, she doesn't just state her opinion, she accosts people, just like she did with the model girl, Ekaterina I think is her name (who I thought was very pretty!). She attacks people, and it is a really ugly personality trait.

Again, I say this unabashedly, unashamedly, and freely. I mean absolutely everything that was posted in this note, and I will not back down. You have some serious character flaws Emily, and if you don't correct them, you will never be happy. That is all I wish for you. . .

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 11:11 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Jealous of something I find deeply unattractive? Jealousy is a destructive emotion that I think non-whites experience when they see beautiful Nordics, rather.

The reason I put the record straight on asians here is that the reality differs enormously from the fake image asians like to promote of themselves.

There is simply no correlation between asian-promoted fiction and the reality regarding asian looks.

There will be attractive asians, no one says there are not, and they will be less mongoloid in appearance and therefore less coarse and more refined, and more like the white Nordic standard of beauty.

The more typically asian they look the less attractive they will be even to ASIANS themselves.

62 % of young Korean women in Seoul have had plastic surgery. That is a staggering figure, and it reveals the deep dissatisfaction they feel about their looks. However, faking it with plastic surgery and fooling your partner won't solve the problem of the mongoloid looks for the next generation. It will instead make the problem permanent.

You are wrong about Swedes. There are many naturally blonde Scandinavians and Swedes. It is my country and people so I ought to know, and I am one of them, actually ;) Quite frankly, you do sound like a jealous brunette, and making a point of denying that only makes it the more obvious, I think.

Carolina Kluft is one, for example;

By the way, that utter nonsense about the browridge, what's that about? lol. White women usually don't have protruding browridges unless they are masculine like Brooke Shields, for example. Look at Carolina, a top athlete and therefore rather masculine in type. Normal browridge.

Asians, on the other hand, have a real problem with low and slanting/sloping foreheads, which look less evolved and less feminine.


Swedish girls;

Those who have rather low foreheads usually still have good proportions.

Hm, hairy arms on an asian woman. Aren't they supposed to be so hairless?

The mongoloid race has uncanny similarities to Down syndrome patients. I actually believe there is some kind of common gene that accounts for the mongoloid look in asians and in Down syndrome patients.

They are just too similar not to be related physically. I don't mean to sound mean, but what other explanation for the similarities can there be? They both have arrested development so it seems logical, I think.

Sorry, I don't find this attractive at all;

I prefer these in terms of looks. Swedish girls;

The only one attractive here below is the one on the far left. The asian girl with the fair skin has had skin bleaching (very popular among asians) and many plastic surgery operations. It is obvious that asians are less evolved as a race, I think. They just are coarser and less gracile and refined, on average.

The name of the Vietnamese girl I posted photos of is Do Thi Hai Yen, to whoever was asking.

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 10:38 Nicky From ape to human – the journey in pictures


I understand what you are saying, however I don't really find it relates to what I was speaking of. I didn't argue that northern europeans are or aren't more structurally appealing or any such thing, I was arguing that blonde hair and light eyes isn't this beauty ideal that is pushed on us. It just happens that northern europeans have a higher percentage of people who have a more refined facial structure, along with what comes natural to them in the north, lighter shades of eyes and hair. But to say that dark ahir and dark eyes can't be attractive is ridiculous. Itis very obvious to me that the more refined your features are, the more attractive you are. That is why celebrities and the like have nose jobs and all of that. Balance in the structure of the human body is what is attractive, as well as health. And I don't think that refined features are european, they are lets say, good gentics and perhaps evolution of the human species that is unfolding. So when people on this site are calling indian women or other races with refined features european looking, it's ignorant. It's not european or northern european, it is evolution of their own race.

And even to say that northern europeans have the most physically attractive bodytype doesn't seem right. The women on average might be more feminine, but with that they are still only average in feminity. Who's to say that evolution isn\t going to change into a more extreme form of feminity, and a more extreme form of masculinity. I have a 13 inch difference between my waist and hips, and my bum sticks out past my upper body. And it isn't because I havre more fat or muscle sitting there, it's because of the way my hip bones have been formed. My bone archs out in the back. And because of this, my 5'1, small boned frame could carry an 8lb baby as well as a 8 lb 4 oz baby with no problem. It was said somewhere on this site that wider hips are more for physical attraction, I don't believe this to be true. Because of the bone curving out in the back, my children had more space inside my body to grow, and my belly didn't protrude as much as women with narrower hips. I didn't have back problems or anything else that they had. And here I see women bashing people with the same body type. Why is it? Because of jealousy? because it is a sign of evolution? Swedish women have an average body type, the same average body type that is shared with lots of other races. Maxim is ful of lots of women from all over the world, with this exact same average feminine body type. So really, the only thing that can possibly rank Swedish people alittler higher than other races is that on average, they have more refined features. WHICH doesn't make other races with similar facial features european, just farther than the rest of their race in evolution (if you want to look at it as the human race evolving anyways.)

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 09:41 tq The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6 must look like angel from heaven being able to criticize womens bodies like that. Do you seriously have nothing better to do? The Gigi girl may not be gorgeous facially but any straight man would not hesitate to tap that ass given a chance. Her boobs are no where near sagging, they may be too big for her body but they're just naturally low-set, not saggy because saggy breasts refers to the position of the nipple on the breast mound and the elasticity of the breast skin...I dont see any of that on her chest, the skin is tight and the nipples are positioned perfectly...and then to say she is over-weight is just insanity, most women would be lucky to have the kind of even complexion or waistline/body structure that she has. The average woman in North America is much thicker and heavier than she is, with A-B cup breasts and a more rectangular body shape.

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 09:03 Mango From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Perfection does not come from color of hair, eyes or skin but from structural perfection and aesthetics. Dark color eyes, dark hair and dark skin can be extremely attractive if the body and face are aesthetic, structured and balanced. In the same way, a blonde haired woman with blue eyes and white skin can be unattractive if her face and body do not have balance and structure. Moreover, health and strength are 'attraction'. Attraction to the opposite sex is based upon how good an offspring from the union with that 'body' will be. Nature presents to us as 'attractive' whoever is good for the propogation and progression of its species. This attraction is presented to us 'instinctively'. What we call instinct is nothing but nature's design for its own good. In the north European regions the number of people on an average with a balanced body and structure - otherwise physical attraction - are more. This does not mean that only blonde people are attractive nor does it mean that others are not attractive. The caucasian race are by far much more attractive than other races. There could be women with different colors of hair and eyes within this race. What matters most is the balance and structure of the face & body and general health in a woman (these can be made more attractive with charm that comes from intelligence and goodness). And in men, in addition to physical balance and strength, a good character and qualities of will such as courage, truthfulness, compassion and kindness present themselves to women as being attractive.

If you get stares from men and get dirty looks from women, it is most certainly because you are gifted with beauty and are good for nature. The more beneficial you are for nature's progress the more attraction you exude. Nature being amoral, it does not recognize the fact that you have children and a husband and it continues to present you to other men as desirable. Everything about you becomes attractive to the man. Its another matter that humans by virtue of thier minds have created moral limits and therefore most often refrain from acting upon their instincts. Nature does not recognize blonde as the only attractive option. In fact nature only recognizes that which is good for its progress.

You, being a beautiful woman, are good for nature. Or you, being good for nature, are beautiful. Either way, its a happy fact. Congratulations!

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 08:58 Nicky From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I also want to touch on body types. Men are attracted to women who have a small waist. The smaller her waist, the more attractive her body appears. Men are probably attracted to these supermodels and such when looking at pictures because realitve to their shoulder width, their waists look tiny, and men can't see past the fake photoshop and posing. In real life, men would not be attracted to them. And I say men, not boys. Boys might be, not because they truly are, but because in our youth we strive to fit in with our peers, and if that is what is being pushed on the younger people, than these boys are going to go along with the flow and pretend it is what they find attractive to fit in. When I was swimming with my family in the summer, I was with two toher mothers. One with an average feminine body type (although chubby from having babies) and the other was the model type. Broad shoulders and narrow hips. Her waist did appear small relative to her shoulders but not to her hips. Anyways, men did not look at all at the supermodel type woman. Men however, were gawking over myself and the average feminine mom swimming. And I bet if the supermodel woman had blonde hair, men would of looked, not out of attraction, but because they associate blonde hair with fakeness. Something that men in their youth seem to chase after because it is pushed on them through media.

If we were living without television, internet, all of thes ways to communicate around the world, would men still be pursuing blonde hair? I highly doubt it, because more than anything else, men like women who look healthy. Healthy shiny hair of any colour, a small waist and hips that can carry a child. This archetype blonde haired blue eyed woman if you want to call it that, is being brainwashed into people. Girls don't dye their hair blonde because they are jealous of Swedish women or even threatened by them, girls feel like they have to do it to be attractive in the eyes of a BOY (not a man.) Media brainwashes males just as much as they brainwash females. People really need to wake up. You are basically calling Gods creation ugly. God created brown eyes, brown hair all of these colours because they are beautiful and they serve a purpose. Dark hair keeps people HEALTHY in the south, and light hair keeps people HEALTHY in the north. And I don't believe in any religion, if anyone wonders. I believe in spirituality and a divine presense, not what we are pushed to belive (religion) through the media and institutions.

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 08:22 Nicky From ape to human – the journey in pictures

My children were watching a show that airs here in Canada. It's about two children who travel around the world and go to various famous locations in countries. I can't say exactly where they were in Sweden, I didn't catch that part but let me say I find it hard to believe that all of these women are walking around with platinum blonde hair without bleaching it. Both my husband and I were watching the background in the show, to see if that were true and let me tell you, the average hair colour was a lighht brown, the same colour that all other blonde haired children seem to get as they age. There were a few blonde women but the majority was light brown. I think a lot of these so called naturally blonde swedes dye their hair to fit the sterotype that in my opinion was brainwashed into people by nazis and such. Yes, blonde hair looks lovely however it isn't the only beautiful colour. Lets get real people. Anyone who is pushing such views on us, that swedes are the most beautiful is ignorant. As far as Swedes being more feminine, I don't know. I went to school with one Swedish girl that I was friends with, and she did have blonde eyebrows however she had to lighten her hair to stay blonde. It had darken just like the rest of us through her youth. Hey eyes were an amazing light blue-green, but I didn't see guys go after het as much some people are pushing us to believe. Not to say that guys didn't find her attractive, they did, but for as rare as this blonde hair, light eyes person is to find in the world (especially in Toronto, she stuck out downtown), and for how it is appearantly the most attractive to men, she was never approached or anything. Her friend from Romania in fact was the girl that men were chasing down. My Swedish friend was jealous of this girl. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps this woman on this website who pushes that Swedish women are the ideal beauty is afraid or jealous? Anyone who has to push their point so much is trying to change your beliefs into their own. If she were confident in what she believes, would she be here wasting time discussing it? Of course not.

I have a friend who I dont believe to be Swedish, however she had blonde, like platinum blonde hair as a child. Once it began changing to a darker shade, she started lightening it and has doner this for over 10 years now. People don't even know it's not her natural haircolour, except her friends from early in life. Perhaps all of these so called platinum blonde Swedes walking around Sweden have done the same. How can anyone look at a picture and say yes this persons hair colour is natural from eye colour and eyebrow colour alone? We can lighten our eyebrows just as easily as lightening the colour on our head. I can give you countless examples of women in my family, and men in my family who had blonde hair as children, and it went a darker colour as they aged. The majority of the women choose to keep their hair a blonde from that point on.

And yes, I am a very very attractive dark brown haired caucasian woman. I am on the extreme side of feminity. And no I am not jealous of blonde hair. Men pursuit women with a certain figure and a nice face. I highly doubt that blonde makes you more attractive, all it gets is a few more head turns. And just because a man looks in your direction, doesn't mean he finds you attractive. Men don't turn to look at me because I have brown hair or blonde hair, men STARE at me because of my figure and from what I am told countlessly, my gorgeous face. I get dirty glares from women even. I wonder why that is, considering I am not this blonde haired perfection :)

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 06:54 Mango From ape to human – the journey in pictures


I like your comments which I have followed in this thread. And I agree with the way you debate the issue. Good to see that you hold your own in an uncompromising manner. I agree with you about Northern Europeans being most attractive. The average Asian, be it the mongloids or the Indians who are a mixture of every race I guess, is not as attractive as the average Nordic. Pictures can be sometimes deceptive, as its pointed out already so many times, as they can be made to look good or bad. Anyone who has travelled in both the continents (Asia and Europe) will know what the average type look like. As you say, there are attractive Asians too. But far fewer than the attractive North Europeans. There has been a lot of scienctic data and fact discussed in this site and its very fascinating. From the point of view of beauty in the eyes of a common person, the definition of Kant can be help. He says, "beauty is balance and structure as if arranged by intelligence." It is easy to observe that the nordic races have the best balance and structure. They are aesthetically most complete among all humans. And humans instinctively recognize this and what we call 'beauty'. People do not need scientific data to ascertain what is beautiful. And it is a fact that people in Asia consider the north European look (though they may not know it as that) as beautiful and they gravitate towards it. But when directly questioned people tend to take an opposite view from their own beliefs merely for the sake of argumentation. And if the person's ego gets involved he/she would stick to the erroneous argument. So its difficult for people to agree whether what they consider as their 'own' could be lower in the order of physical beauty.

You argue with dignity and self-respect.

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 02:53 eagle From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily what's the name of the Vietnamese girl you posted? she's pretty.

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 01:43 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To reiterate a few more things, the previous comment I posted where I said "on a few occasions" or "one or two times", in reference to stating my opinions of the looks of some people, I've said things out of anger and frustration here, possibly offending some without that intention. I am proud of the looks, ethics, accomplishments and values of my direct European ancestry. I've felt insulted and attacked for stating that while on this site. I said things in response to that that I've reread and believe I could have said some things differently. It's not my wish to insult anyone, cause anyone to feel less than for any reason. I was thrilled to find a site like this, one that exalts feminine beauty, as well as Northern European beauty. This site in general, as well as the site admin, has been compared to proting Nazism for doing so. How sad is this? I will never apologize for stating my admiration and appreciation in the beauty of Nordics, including Scandinavians as well as Teutonic and Keltic beauty as well. I won't apologize for agreeing with Emily on this point either, or supporting her as she spoke of the attributes of hers and my heritage. I tried to keep the focus of my comments on what it was I found positive, and why, instead of what I found negative and why. If that wasn't always accomplished that wasn't my intention.

I don't believe I have to point out the flaws of others in order to emphasize the beauty I appreciate. Whether anyone agrees or not, I don't regret standing beside Emily when she and I discussed the beauty of N. Europeans.

I'm going to be pretty busy with school as well as a trip to Hawaii that I'm quite looking forward to. I'll be back sometime, soon. One final thought until I return: I think beauty is secure enough to stand it's own.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 23:40 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

VC, if you come back, I do have a question or two. First of all, I want to reiterate that I don't refute scientific data, I was merely asking you to show pictures of examples of the browridges you spoke of. By a less prominant browridge, I'm interpreting that as a neotonous trait (?). I understand that neotony is a correlate of femininity, but can it really stand alone when assessing the face overall? I understand that you claimed that Nordics had a more prominant browridge, but it is my understanding that the other, more refined traits of the Nordic face is more feminine overall. I was interested in seeing an example of this. That is why I asked for photos, not to replace your data, but to support it. Yes, I read your response to me, and I think if the foul language and name-calling wasn't present in your previous posts, I might read them in their entirety. Not that I don't swear! It's just that it was so excessive and to be totally honest without being insulting, I took you and your comments less seriously because of it.

I do still have my preferences in terms of what I find beautiful. I'll read your articles but I'm not sure I'd change my mind. I know what is inherently attractive to ME.

About my narrow perception of beauty: if you and I shared the same opinion of what is beautiful, and what's not, would it still be narrow to you? Is it only narrow because it's a perception that's not in agreement with yours? I think there are attractive Asians, Blacks, Southern and Eastern Europeans as well. It's just that of those groups, I find FEWER, not NONE, in terms of where I find the most frequently attractive people. That does not make me a bad person in the slightest. I'd read that you prefer the looks of East Asians, and that is your preference. I have not personally said a thing about what you, or anyone else deems attractive. I've stood beside Emily when people began bashing Northern Europeans. On one or two occasions, I stated my opinions of certain individuals that I felt were unattractive. I disagree that that's a narrow perception of beauty.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 22:32 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily (other one), I doubt that Emily is shut down, really, do you see that?

bookworm, you are using atypical Asians to make your points. There are very few Asians that actually look like the pictures you post. Your living in a fantasy world. What you're doing is lying, basicly. Your stories change and have far too many consistancies. Not all white women have botox and boobs, fool. These are the types of things said here that makes me question your intelligence. For all the Asian "fetishists" here, I can only hope you someday find a site that's more in line with your tastes. Name calling isn't going to change peoples minds. Nor are showing dishonest, non-representative pictures of a small minority of an ehtnic group. People generally have their preferences, showing photoshopped photos of unattractive Swedes will not make me say "OH, my GOD what have I been thinking all this time? Look at these hideous people! Good thing for bookworms pictures and VC's articles to help me see the light!" Um, no. Yes, this is a debate site and we are most certainly allowed to disagree, but no one's going to persuade me to rethink a point of view when people are deliberately misleading because they don't like something Emily says.

Finally, I apologize for the "rant" I posted (under Visitor). I had just about had it with this site, and vented.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 21:56 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

No offense, but she resembles a white person suffering from alcoholic syndrome.

No way asiatic admixture is an improvement.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 21:51 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

emily : I agree with you at some point. accodring to the recent survey found that out of a sample of 810 young women in Seoul and Gyeonggi, 61.5% had had plastic surgery. some friend of my mom visited korea and she told my mom that korean women are very pretty. all in all, Same reason all cultures do. white women love botox and boobs. Colombian girls do the boobs. the Iranians do the nose job in order to make themselves fit to the their aryan pride. The people that do this do it to look better and help self esteem. I posted those pictures in order to let you and some people see something opposite. it is not always the norm asian people have got epicanthic folds and flat nose. I only wanted to show you asians come in various looks.... remember one thing, "Asian" is just a geographical label....anyone who lives within the continent of Asia is considered "Asian". alone only the country china, there composed of 56 official ethnic groups and over 400 minority groups haven't yet registered to the don't say they only have got only one hair color.

Bookworm wrote:

white women love botox and boobs

as if women other than white didn't love botox

the Iranians do the nose job in order to make themselves fit to the their aryan pride.

It's the most ridiculous justification ever. No, they do this to approach the look of NORDIC and general european people. Arabs also have the same inferiority complex.

there composed of 56 official ethnic groups and over 400 minority groups haven't yet registered to the don't say they only have got only one hair color.

As long as they are not mixed with caucasoid, they only have one single hair color and hair texture: black and coarse.

The people that do this do it to look better and help self esteem. I posted those pictures in order to let you and some people see something opposite.

So, asians are a low self esteam people according to you. why not make a plastic surgery to look even coarser or flatter? lol Their plastic surgery always lies to fit an european mean.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 21:19 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

LOL this girl below doesn't look nordic. She looks like a eastern russian.

Bookworm wrote

asians have got various hair textures. some in the northern can have thick hair while some in the western can have refine hair. for example tibet, Uyghur, Burmese, west chinese have got refine hair. the filipino and indonesian with austronesian influence got the most coarse hair.

Guy, you are the ONLY person in this world who isn't aware of the fact that central asians are mixed with caucasoids. Stop saying that mongoloid people have blond hair or blue eyes, because they don't.

Uyghur are not fully asiatic, neither are burmese nor some west chinese. It's a fact that EVERYBODY knows but you. They are mixed with slavs and other caucasoid groups from the past.

And how many times we must school you about the fact that SAAMI and FINNS are NOT nordic. So I also have to ask you to stop posting pictures of saami and finns and presenting them as nordics.

Furthermore, most of the uyghur, burmese and west chinese have either black hair and black eyes. Light traits only makes up a tiny minority. Stop looking at national geographic photos.

Halt posting pictures of ugly people and japanese models full of plastic surgery.

You're fighting for a cause which only makes sense to you. It's funny that you only pick on swedes. LOL

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 15:18 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

One more thing VC, thanks for referencing Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, it is a really good book and shows clearly that good teeth is more of an environmental kind of thing rather than genetic. I mean some of the pics are just astounding how in one generation, beautiful teeth become awful in the next generation!

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 15:13 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

One more thing VC, don't be a stranger, we need more ppl like you to shut down Emily because she will always be here bashing people and spreading her anti-non-nordic garbage, making people feel ugly or worthless or unattractive and try and pass it off as being "truthful" and "non-PC".

For the first time in being on these comment sections, I feel like I learned something, and your comments have been truly helpful.

Thanks and kudos!

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 15:10 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Wow VC, I know this might not mean much, but I am impressed! You really shut Emily down! You have also shown me some things too, and that vid you posted, both of them actually were very informative.

You know you've won an argument when people say its too scientific! I mean, you have really good points and it is really encouraging to see someone who is not a white-nationalist that doesn't worship Emily.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that nordic women aren't beautiful and that African women are the most feminine and gorgeous women on the planet, it is just nice to see someone who is balanced and not trashing other people. I myself think that asian women are very beautiful (I even think asian guys are pretty attractive), and it was really just annoying to hear Emily comparing billions of people to people with down's syndrome.

I applaud you for your tactics, because even though you were harsh on Emily, she deserves it. She was harsh on tons of people, without any evidence to her claims. Again, kudos for shutting her down, and using evidence to support your claims, not lame, biased photographs!

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 09:12 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

emily : I agree with you at some point. accodring to the recent survey found that out of a sample of 810 young women in Seoul and Gyeonggi, 61.5% had had plastic surgery. some friend of my mom visited korea and she told my mom that korean women are very pretty. all in all, Same reason all cultures do. white women love botox and boobs. Colombian girls do the boobs. the Iranians do the nose job in order to make themselves fit to the their aryan pride. The people that do this do it to look better and help self esteem. I posted those pictures in order to let you and some people see something opposite. it is not always the norm asian people have got epicanthic folds and flat nose. I only wanted to show you asians come in various looks.... remember one thing, "Asian" is just a geographical label....anyone who lives within the continent of Asia is considered "Asian". alone only the country china, there composed of 56 official ethnic groups and over 400 minority groups haven't yet registered to the don't say they only have got only one hair color.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 06:31 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

whom say blonde hair and blue eyes going to be vanished because of the non-white people is completely inaccurate....many blue eyes and blonde hair born everydays in central asia. just take a look at the pics of these asian women with blue eyes? they look so pretty, exotic and natural without the cosmetic and materialistic stuffs like us. I still believe the ancestors of the nordic people long time ago were look like them.


Mon, 09/28/2009 - 06:04 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

People who follow what you write, godis, your way of constantly attacking other posters, know what you are. I like to stick to the topics, that's not a secrect. You love to insult and attack and smear posters here, then afterwards you want to appear all innocent and fake remorse. You are the phoniest person I have ever come across in my life. You criticise me you little hypocrite, and yet you were the one talking about pig skin on whites.

There is NO ONE on earth that has the right or mandate to dictate what I can and cannot say about the looks of asians or anybody else. That is the topic of this entry - looks and the evolution of races and how it relates to our perception of beauty - and try to stick to it instead of trying to silencing those with a different opinion than yours.

Tokyo "fashion";

Note the greenish-yellowish skin tone. Their white skin tone is not the same as the one on whites. It is much more greenish-yellowish and darker.

Gracile and refined? Hardly. Those are the exceptions..after surgery.

Gracile and refined? Compare the head shape and size to the two whites in the photo and you tell me.

Yes, it is comical the way asians always use photos with fake lighting, retouching, plastic-surgery altered models and try to make them seem as little mongoloid as possible because they cannot stand their own looks. They need the fakeness of those photos because the real asians aren't good enough for the asians.

The irony of all their plastic surgery is that they actually make sexual selection impossible. So many of them have plastic surgery.

But when they do, they will become another physical person, so a mate will choose her because of a fake physical appearance. His children with her can look just as mongoloid as her natural self. Asians who have had plastic surgery will fool their mate into thinking they have selected someone with more European features than they actually possess.

This is true also for blacks and Indians, who bleach their skin and have rhinoplasty, for example. In order for nature to make its sexual selection you cannot have a vast amount of the population altering its appearance like in Asia.

Asians and blacks make their physical racial problems permanent by fooling their mates. Bad for evolution.

Plastic surgery Korea:

"As if there wasn’t enough plastic surgery in Korea already, the Government has just made it tax deductible. According to the Chosun:

The costs of plastic surgery, cosmetic tooth reshaping, corrective laser eye surgery, and “boyak”, or traditional Korean health supplements, will be eligible for income deductions in the year-end tax adjustment from this year.
Maybe this is all a cynical vote-winning ploy.

A recent survey found that out of a sample of 810 young women in Seoul and Gyeonggi, 61.5% had had plastic surgery. With so many people going under the knife, will a little tax sweetener make them feel more favourably inclined to the government?"

Almost 62 % of young women in Seoul have had plastic surgery! Talk about one massive lie. lol

Asians have such naturally bad and crooked teeth that they invented a word for it. Even celebrities cannot always bother with braces. Their teeth sometimes have an almost animalistic look to them.

You think these are the genes she will pass on to her children?

Think again.............

You think these masculine chiseled features are the genes he will pass on to his children?

Think again.............

The truth is not so flattering.

This is why asians are not feminine - unless you like pubescent or pre-pubescent girls.

Most of asians are in fact androgynous. There is little difference between the genders compared to other races;

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 06:03 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

asians have got various hair textures. some in the northern can have thick hair while some in the western can have refine hair. for example tibet, Uyghur, Burmese, west chinese have got refine hair. the filipino and indonesian with austronesian influence got the most coarse hair.


look at this on youtube.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 04:57 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

take a look at this pic. this girl has got japanese father and caucasian mom.
she looks a delicate nordic girl rather than the large bone neandertal gisele brunchen.

Imageto VC. according to saami culture site.

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 04:30 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

to VC. according to saami culture site.

While the Finns speak Finnish and the Sámi speak many different languages among themselves, all of these variants of human speech belong to the Finno-Ugric or Uralic language group. It is thought that at one point in time that this group may have ranged as far as northern Germany up through Scandinavia.

The site aboved has stated clearly the land of saami ( the caucasoid with asiatic admixture) covering from the germany up to scandinavia. so my question is going to be "does it deserve for this site which always proclaim the caucasoid women as the superior and feminine, promote a pictures of the women who of asiatic admixture?" -I know many of women in the attractive women section of this site. are either Russians, Baltics, Finns and Scandinavians. and what is the point to put down the women fully caucasoid like Gisale Brunchen, Kate Moss and Heidi Klum as masculine because of the caucasoid traits. for example. being very tall, big nasal and the deep set eyes etc. this site has got conflict in itself.

Sun, 09/27/2009 - 22:04 Godis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

I swear its like if a woman has overly large saggy breasts, and it isn't the result of being obese, Erik can't find any "masculinity" to her. Seriously.
