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Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:29 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

The girl on the right is hardly representative for Swedes when it comes to teeth as we have extremely good teeth, the one on the left looks like millions of Asians. That's the difference. :)

The pedophile argument is a valid one, since it is the truth. I know the truth doesn't matter to you, dear, but that's the way it is. Pubescent, tiny and underdeveloped bodies normally do attract pedophiles who prefer them to adult women with curvy, feminine bodies. That is why white pedophiles flock to Asia. Deny that if you want to, everybody knows it's the truth anyway.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:25 judgetobeauty From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Christina looks like a cow , and has the typical pancake butt nordic women have, pancake butt and big lactating-esque boobs looks fugly.
Nordics can have pretty faces , tho sometimes uninteresting,but bodies are not their best asset.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 13:52 judgetobeauty Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

the designers make the clothes and pay for the show...
so they pick whatever model they want or are in the mood for...

make your own line of clothes ,put up a show and pick the models you like...
because otherwise...models are not going to look like you want to...

bet your show would consist of scandinavian women with golden hair and blue eyes,standard un-interesting barbie-ish type faces, big boobs,betty boop waists and squishy hips,like an assembly line of stepford wives LOL

youd become the epitome of cool ,and your clothes would fly off the racks...LOL

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 13:14 hey Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

okay wait, you're judging people based upon their physical appearance yet you can't even spell the words you're judging them with correctly? Says a lot about you. Shut the fuck up

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 11:30 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

It is also interesting to me how Emily often contradicts herself. Here is a minor example:

In an effort to prove that Asians have larger heads(which in fact they do, but she does such a poor job of arguing this), Emily posts a photo of an Asian next to a Nordic. Unconciously, with this photos she shows exactly the opposite of what she has been trying to argue. That Nordics have good teeth and Asians have oversized teeth that don't fit in their mouths. Well, look at this photo posted by the superior Nordic Emily. Tell me now. Who has the big yellow oversized teeth and who has teeth that actually fit in her mouth?


I can't wait for her to claim I have hideous teeth, because it's something else I can laugh at and say, "She wishes!" too. I'm going to brag here, but my teeth are probably my best feature. They are naturally very white, not bleached white, but very white. They are perfectly shaped, they actually look fake. People have asked me if I bleach them, I do not. People have asked me if I have veneers. I asked my orthodontist why my teeth are so white. He says that different people have different shades of tooth color, just like skin color. Mine just happens to be very white:)

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 11:23 I am a Racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Here's some UGLY asians and coarse latinas for you.

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageAishwarya Raichinese celebrity

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 10:50 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


You are the one that attacks people. Not I. You attack whole races of people with your mockery and deragatory comments. Look at your post above. You call those "arguments"? Those are not arguments. I find it hilarious that you and Barberella try to convince people that V.C. has lame arguments, when at least V.C. uses scientific terms and scientific facts to back up what he/she is claiming. Referring to Asian women as pedophile attracters is not scientific or accurate or a good point. I suggest you stop criticizing people for personally attacking you and for having weak arguments when you attack them and do not even have arguments.

It is not necessary to bring up pedophiles to prove anything. Therefore it is an attack. It weakens the argument you don't even have, and it makes you look like a hippocrite for your criticisms of everyone else.

I am not trying to be mean. I am just trying to make the point that:

A) You rarely have arguments, solid ones are non-existant
B) You personally attack people and not just individuals, but whole races as well with your deragatory and mocking words
C) You are clearly biased and have a very linear outlook on everything

I am a white female but it is no threat to me that there are many beautiful women out there, some of other races. I have no problem with whole races of people. It doesn't matter what your race is, you are either a beautiful individual or an unattractive one, or somewhere in between(where most people lie).

It doesn't matter if a girl is a pure blood Nordic with blue eyes and blonde hair. If she is a unfeminine and unattractive individual, the fact that her race on average is attractive does nothing for her.

Similarly, if a Romanian girl is feminine and attractive, it doesn't matter that her race on average is not attractive. She is an attractive individual.

It is simple as that. I don't see why there are race wars. I have in my 20yrs. witnessed attractive women from all races. It doesn't matter if I see more attractive white girls or more attractive Asian girls. In fact, although the white females here are more attractive on average, there is an Asian girl in my classes that is extremely beautiful. I've always admired her beauty and I have even asked her what she uses on her face because it is so creamy and soft in appearance. Despite the fact that all those white girls are more attractive than Asian women on average, this Asian woman specifically is more attractive than all those white girls. So it doesn't matter.

I live in an area primarily made of pure Northern Germans that settled here a while back. I have never seen such a high frequency of blue eyed blondes until I moved here. I have a very good idea what these Nordic women look like. They are very attractive and feminine on average.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 10:34 Godis Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride


I think that woman looks good for her age. At least she isn't obese, and at least she tends to herself. She looks elegant in that dress and good for her..

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 10:33 Godis Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

I disagree. I understand why they want thin models. They have very good reasons. I don't think someone should criticize if they haven't ever had to make clothes that fit someone's body perfectly. Clothes that don't wrinkle here and don't look weird there. When you have to do that for 20something women for your show, you want a "standard" body. A standard body would be one of a certain weight, one that is straight(the BEST shape, think about it, it's not rocket science), a certain height range, etc. ]

Fat women all have lumps in different places.

Feminine curvy women have bodies that are too different from eachother. It would be a nightmare to finish fitting every single one, especially when everything goes wrong before a show. You need that standard body to be as efficient as possible.

Seriously, I do believe fashion models have masculine faces and bodies. Sometimes you can confuse them for men.

Well, there is a very good reason they are tall and have STRAIGHT bodies. No wonder they are masculine. A feminine woman would rarely be tall with no curves. She would be inefficient...

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 09:09 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Nice picture with the fake innocent look they like to work. How old is she, 10 or 23? ;)

Professional photos of asians cannot be trusted. Thank god for photoshop say the asians;

Asian women..not the fake models and the retouched professional photos but the reality;

Androgynous men and women, unfeminine and unmasculine, the genders look alike.

Reon again..nice fake breasts lol She is so classy, isn't she? Work that pubescent body with the fake tits, baby.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 08:36 I am a Racist From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Here ya go, typical Swedish Beauty



jap girl.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 08:08 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Asian adult bodies;

Reon..same underdeveloped body. But hey, you can always cater to white pedophiles. Just put on fake breasts and you are good to go.

Adult asian females continued;

Giant asian heads...

The other girls are Swedish and in all likelihood taller;

Deformed eyes that often even impairs vision. Did evolution take a U-turn in the mongoloid race? Where did the adult, mature bodies go? Did evolution only bother with the heads that somehow continued to grow instead? Giant heads are the result, disproportionate to their tiny, underdeveloped bodies.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 06:59 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures


"Violet Corpus, thinking you're trashing Emily again? As if anyone cares to read the pages of your insufferable, self-aggrandizing monologue. You're outrage with an anonymous poster on this website gives one pause to think that perhaps your mental stability may be questionable."

They know I write the truth, and that's really the only reason they feel the need to constantly try to censure me. Had I not hit the mark no one would have bothered, but since I tell the truth about the looks and lack of femininity and evolvement of those races, and since that truth is not to their advantage, they think they are somehow justified in sinking to the level of personal attacks.

That's really all they got. The arguments are simply not on their side, so why argue the issues, argue the poster, who is a terrible person for stating the truth.

You can post as many photos of Reon as you like godis, with all the retouch and the professional lighting, and her fake breasts in plain view. We all know what she looks like by now, a 23-year-old woman, supposedly, who looks like 13 with fake breasts, and everyone sees she has no body and a giant head with mongoloid features that partly ruin it.

She is supposed to be the best of the best, mind you, and all we usual... is a child's body, a giant head, uneven teeth, breast implants, unattractive black mongoloid eyes that are a little more open due to plastic surgery.

Reon is excellent proof of what I say; the mongoloid race is painfully underdeveloped and unfeminine, "grown" women look like pubescent girls, and they need breast implants to give at least some illusion of adult femininity.

When they have breast implants they look like... pubescent girls with breast implants, since those breasts don't fit a totally underdeveloped and tiny body.

Put fake breasts on a 12-year-old white girl and you see the same result and the same creepiness. No wonder asian women are a white pedophile's dream.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 03:46 dex From ape to human – the journey in pictures


The most attractive female would be mostly feminine, but with some features that slightly deviate away from feminine.

I agree with your statement, I think taht Josie Maran is mostly feminine but has some masculine features yet she's a lot more attractive than some of the women in this site's attractive section, balance works in her favor.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 03:17 judgetobeauty Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

this "peter" guy is retarded...
saw his "nose pictures" on other section of this website, and he isnt feminine or cute or looks like a 12 yr old...
dude...youre just a hairy indian with oily skin ,stop acting like you were some cute elph or magical creature with feminine traits...youre delucional...
I know boys who are more feminine and prettier that you and theyre not mentioning it every 2 freakin minutes...

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 02:55 judgetobeauty Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

13 for both sexes

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 02:42 dex From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Kay Panabaker looks so much like her sister Danielle, she could almost be her twin.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 01:41 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

If you want photos of an attractive WHITE girl. Here are some of Kay Panabaker. I think she has the lovliest face!

She is only 19 so it would be nice if there were no negative comments in case she comes across this. Although I don't think there is anything negative to say. She has a gorgeous face:

kay Panabaker Pictures, Images and Photos

Kay Panabaker Pictures, Images and Photos

Kay Panabaker Pictures, Images and Photos

Kay Panabaker as Dorothy Coulton Pictures, Images and Photos

Nicole Kidman, a classic beauty:

Nicole Kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

nicole Kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

Nicole Kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

Nicole Kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

nicole kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 01:24 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Here a photo of her mest up teeth: lol:

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos


I actually have to say that while I agree that more derived features point towards evolution, I find that after a certain point features that are TOO derived are unattractive. Being a woman I am attracted to more masculine men and I don't like men with baby faces. I know many girls do, but I don't. I like a guy with a strong jaw, a strong nose. I like dark brown hair and green or brown eyes. I just feel like if men evolved to be derived and to look like children than they would be more unattractive. At least to me. I hope evolution doesn't go that way. Similarly, I feel women shouldn't look to derived either. I feel that a woman should be feminine, but everyone agrees, too feminine, and she starts to become unattractive. I strongly believe in balance.
The most attractive male would be mostly masculine, but with some features that slightly deviate away from masculine
The most attractive female would be mostly feminine, but with some features that slightly deviate away from feminine.

Balance my friends. Balance!

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 01:07 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Even with mest up teeth she has a pretty face:

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 01:04 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I like Reon's face. It is so smooth and pretty. I like the face, I like her eyes, her nose and her lips. I think she is very pretty. The fact that she is Asian doesn't take away from the fact that she is pretty. Is she the greatest woman on the planet? Well... who is the greatest woman on the planet?

Is she prettier than Christina Hendricks? No. But I like both of them equally. I think they both bring different things to the table. I like variety. I refuse to live in a world without it... Would I want to look like Christina or Reon? No, because I like to look like myself regardless of how attractive or unattractive I am, it is me, and I like me, because it is me. Will I try to improve my looks? Yes, to the best of my abilties, but I don't frett over imperfections I can't change and I don't go to extremes to cover them. I like to be honest in my appearance for the most part... I think anyone that comes on this site shouldn't feel bad about themselves. Remember you are what you are. Improve what you can,(to an extent, don't get 50 surgeries, I wouldn't ever even get 1), and accept what you can. And find something about yourself you LOVE!

I'm goin to say it again. Reon has a lovely face:

Reon!! Pictures, Images and Photos

reon kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

reon kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Reon Kadena Pictures, Images and Photos

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 00:59 judgetobeauty The face of a Neanderthal woman

"emily" might as well be a 300 pound guy with porky pink skin and piggy nose and penus too small (most nordics have small ones)
oh and colorless eyebrows/eyelashes LOL
this website is totally retarded...
in the next 20 or 30 yrs people will mix so much ,that were all gonna be well on our way to becoming only one race , and its gonna be AWESOME :D
*I just wish we dont all get that piggie pink skin*

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 00:52 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Your argument against V.C. was pathetic. He/She has some very good points.

You claim that every article that supports V.C. was picked to do so. However, Emily and Erik do the same things. Emily picks only the photos that support her claims, and Erik picks only articles that support his claims. So for every article or photo supports them, there is one that dispells their point as well.

At least V.C. mentioned FACTS about testosterone levels and the shapes of facial features. At least V.C. pointed out the pros and cons of every races facial features. V.C. pointed out that every race has primitive masculine features and derived feminine features.

Emily believes Swedes to be perfect. She doesn't point out any of their flaws, while she doesn't point out that other races, although they may be less feminine ON AVERAGE, do have some good features, and in some areas better than Nordics. North East Asians for example have better brow ridges than Nordics, but Emily will never admit this. Instead she will call them underdeveloped and retarded.


I think V.C. has some good points.

And it is not as if you Barberella, or Emily don't ever have good points. Many many times you have very good points. But you both, especially Emily, take it to the extreme. You both are extremely one sided, failing to see any other point of view. You have a very linear outlook on everything.

It's as if someone gave you a straw, and you only see the world through that straw. You can't see anything outside of that little tube, that straight little tube that points in the SAME direction. You see other people see everything around them, they look left right and back not just in front...

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 00:45 Barberella Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Monica does not have a pretty face, but she beats out Elle in terms of physique hands down.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 00:42 judgetobeauty Rene from only tease

She gorgeous
a pretty one...

and u guys got no style...
her eye make up is fabulous
