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Wed, 09/30/2009 - 23:13 mary From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Actually i stated that i found two pictures of swedish girls more attractive then the swedish cheerleaders and the asian cheerleaders.
Im wondering if your only seeing what you want to see because you completely left that out.You seemed to ignore parts of my comments that were favourable to swedes and just picked up the parts you didn't like.
You also ignored or perhaps didnt see that i suggested that it wasnt good for anyone to write such caustic comments directed to any nationality INCLUDING nords.

If you also looked at my comment to bookworm you would see that i said that nords along with east russians are beautiful though each in different ways.

You took my comments with a incredible amount of suspicion without even realising that i think many nordic women are feminine and beautiful and i appreciate nordic beauty.Many have beautiful hair,eyes and skin tone.Dont ignore what i just wrote and then attack from suspicion that everyone hates the "awful truth" and is trying to bring your race down.
My point was that i find some swedish women feminine and i also find some asian-mainly chinese,taiwan,vietnamese women feminine too.
Apart from some i guess could seem "underdeveloped" to me many of their bodies are petite and slight.To you,you might consider that all underdeveloped.
I have my opinion and you have yours and i'm not going to change your opinion and your not going to change mine.

You also conveniently ignored or overlooked that i actually said that numbers wise,as a population, nordic women were more attractive to me ie:there are more beautiful,feminine nordic women then asians.
Now would someone say that who has a hidden agenda,is a nord hater,and hates the truth as you seemed to accused me to be?
No,they would say all asians are beautiful,swedes are ugly etc and try to pick the worse,most biased pictures they could find.
They certainly wouldn't be saying that they find nordic women as a general population more attractive.

You can't seem to understand that someone can find more then one nationality or look attractive and that it doesn't have to be a competition.
I'm neither swedish nor chinese,korean but croatian and can objectively say that i appreciate the beauty in swedes,chinese,koreans and other nationalities too of course.
When your secure in yourself you don't feel threatened and you would have no reason to feel that way because your probably more beautiful and feminine then most people.

As for comments of putting up the photo of the cheerleaders pulling the funny faces thats getting too suspicious.I didnt specifically choose that one out because of them pulling faces.I just downloaded one and put it one the page.
I could have put the other one up and to me my opinion would still be the same and your opinion would still be the same.
I also left photos of asians that i didnt put up too.I didn't sit there and scrutinise each photos in fine detail so i could pick them according to my biases lol.
I also didnt make the photos smaller.I always put ALL photos at times 400 regardless and how they turn out is how they turn out.

You also hastily and sarcastically made assumptions that i would say that the asian girls from sweden should be excluded too and would say that they were malnourished instead of actually asking me.If you had of actually asked me instead of attacking i would have told you that those photos are totally fair and any other photos of asians or other living in sweden was fair too because they have very good living standards.
I was only saying that it isn't fair to compare women from north korea who really are all malnourished.Look it up what they live like.Also for anyone else who is living in poor conditions.

Emily,i get the feeling that you would be suspicious and catty even if someone agreed with you which is what i actually was doing in part.I find many swedish women very beautiful especially the photo of the girl that Bookworm uploaded.
Personally though i also believe in God and i believe that he made beauty in many different packages and nationalities both outside and inside.
Femininities good topic,but it shouldn't be taken this seriously.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 22:22 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis wrote

Jackie Kennedy was far from Nordic. She had what Emily would like to call a basketball head? A big broad round head. Jackie Kennedy also had extremely far set eyes. She also had a pretty broad nose. Jackie Kennedy also had boring brown hair and brown eyes. Her skin wasn't all that as white as Nordic skin either. I believe Jackie was of French decent.

Notice how her head was still totally proportional to her body size

The Nordics are made up by people with narrow and squarish heads. Jackie Kennedy didn't have a massive head, she just had a squarish head. We are not picking on the asian head shape. Actually we are calling attention for the hugeness of their head. No matter whether it's narrow or square, their heads are mostly ever huge and disproportional in any circumstance.

Girl, one can easily identify a mongoloid even standing 1 km away

We can't say the same about that girl

Size sometimes is very relative.

See this african woman. She apparently looks very soft, delicate and fine.

The same woman standing beside a white man. Look how her head structure look massive in relation to even a caucasoid MAN.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 21:43 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

you said I claimed scandinavians have got mongoloid blood?

answer : I only say thing what I've seen on their faces. we are all know most white women tend to have narrow face and weak jaw. it is very difficult to find one with a board face and large jaw. that aren't caucasoid trait but seems many swedish women do have such a trait?

All this according to you. Broad and narrow face are non-racial traits. You are making up facts there. All population on Earth range from narrow to broad. Even the indians that you claim to be fully caucasoid are mostly broad-faced. All traits are inside an average.

The perception of broad and narrow is very relative. It's a relation between height and width. A girl with a short face will appear to have a broader face and a girl with a long face will appear to have a narrower face. However, if one measures the width of both face the narrow face can surprisingly show a greater width.

Asians have massive faces and heads stuck to a little body. Even when their faces are narrow (greater height), they are still massive. Before you talk about the head size of the swedes you, should first notice that swedes are a tall people. On another hand, a 150 cm asian has a head which is bigger than a 180 cm swede. If it's not a anomaly, I don't know how to call that.

I'll help you even more

This picture represents two swedish girls and a middle east woman. I edited it, but all of them are part of the same photo. So, the proportions are exactly the same 1:1. Notice how bigger and massive is the the middle east woman head in relation to the heads of the two swedish girls. I chose this photograph to show you that even a arab/middle east person, which, according to you, are more caucasoid than nordics, can have heads which are super broad and massive.

I have never seen white woman with this type of nose before, sincerely......her nose is very asian

I'd also like to know how many classifications you have for asian noses. It's seems that all noses look asian to you.

Girl, nothing in this world gets more caucasoid than nordics. Swedes are actually super caucasoid. In fact you are mistaking cute and youthful features for asian admixture.

A super caucasoid swedish girl

A super caucasoid swedish man

Some few swedes have lappish admixture. That's why some of them show a pseudo mongoloid aura around them. However, you don't accept it. Instead, you try to pass swedes with lappish admixture as true nordics.

Bookworm wrote:

answer : I only say thing what I've seen on their faces. we are all know most white women tend to have narrow face and weak jaw. it is very difficult to find one with a board face and large jaw. that aren't caucasoid trait but seems many swedish women do have such a trait?
just take a look at a picture of the so-called erin nordgrende, swedish model taking a picture with her biracial black-asian husband and tell between her face and her husband face which one is more gracile and delicate?.......erin clearly has got a board face with some square-element like off the mongoloid people? her black husband is on the other hand. he has almost no cheeksbone and jaw. erin's head is also appeared larger than tiger wood while her nose is so tiny and flat for such a large head she has. yes, I guess many asians do have large head but they don't seem to have larger head than erin erin nordegren. because they don't have a caucasian jaw, which when it sets on the mongoloid head make the face appeared larger and masculine like erin.

Answer: Now you are contradicting yourself. You first said that white women have weak jaws and after you said that the mongoloid head plus a caucasoid jaw makes a woman look masculine (now they have broad jaws)

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 20:31 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I've always kind of wondered this. Now Emily claims that the best of the best Nordic men, would only go for Nordic women, since Nordic women are the best of the best women...

So, I wonder why President Kennedy, the most attractive, articulate, and also one of the most powerful men at the time married a woman like Jackie Kennedy?

Jackie Kennedy was far from Nordic. She had what Emily would like to call a basketball head? A big broad round head. Jackie Kennedy also had extremely far set eyes. She also had a pretty broad nose. Jackie Kennedy also had boring brown hair and brown eyes. Her skin wasn't all that as white as Nordic skin either. I believe Jackie was of French decent.

Jackie Kennedy Pictures, Images and Photos

Jackie Kennedy Pictures, Images and Photos

JACKIE KENNEDY Pictures, Images and Photos

Jack and Jackie Kennedy Pictures, Images and Photos

jackie kennedy Pictures, Images and Photos

Jackie Kennedy Pictures, Images and Photos

jackie kennedy Pictures, Images and Photos

JACKIE KENNEDY ONASSIS Pictures, Images and Photos

Now, I do wonder why such a powerful intelligent handsome and charismatic man, like Kennedy, didn't pick a NORDIC woman to father his children. Afterall, didn't he want them to be just as intelligent charismatic and beautiful as him? Why would he pick the rather un-Nordic, unfeminine, Jackie?

Tell me Emily, did Jackie trick him into sharing his Nordic genes with her. LMAO! Or did he find something charming of Jackie Kennedy's rather uncommon beauty. Because she was not classically beautiful with her broad face and nose. However, she was still a classic beauty. There is something very charming about the way Jackie looks. Her far set eyes, her wide face...

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 19:58 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Sorry, you guys said either nikki or mango was me. I don't remember and I don't feel like going back and looking! Either way I am not her.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 19:52 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Mango is not me actually. When I first read her post my first thought was, "Wow they are going to think she is me" mainly because she mentioned her Swedish friend was jealous of her Romanian friend, or something like that.

I actually don't agree with Mango when it comes to the blonde hair thing. I will adress that later.

Kant is one of my favorite philosiphers but he is a popular philosipher known and quoted by many. To say she is me because she quoted Kant is just weak logic. Besides, Kant believed that true beauty should not be associated with anything sexual. If you believed something was beautiful because of your sexual attraction to it, he didn't believe you were seeing something beautiful. To him, you have to put away the sexual meaning behind something before you could see its "true" beauty. Therefore, most of Kant's quotes regarding beauty do not apply to this site. This site is primarily about sexual attraction. Kant's definition of beauty does not include sexual attraction. That is why I believe this site shouldn't even be called feminine beauty, because it focuses on sexual attraction. Beauty is truly a whole other realm. But, I have to say I sort of disagree with Kant. I believe that you could see something as beautiful even if there is a underlying sexual element to it. However, I believe it should be subtle. It shouldn't be like wow she is beautiful BOING! Get it?

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 17:50 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"White women can have this type of body too and i don't consider it underdeveloped"

What's that supposed to mean? Everyone can have everything. That doesn't make it the norm or the standard. White women have adult, normal, developed and curvy bodies that exude femininity. Asians on average really don't. That's the difference. White women don't appear as permanent pubescent girls with over-sized, flat heads and unappealing eyes.

This is the by far most common and typical asian body type. This is simply not feminine, and this is the standard - not the exception.


We like hips, breast, waist and nice feminine curves;


There are those who are more thin and less curvy but they look proportionate and not odd;

and a nice non-flat profile is prettier;

An asian person wouldn't consider it underdeveloped, naturally, but they too would prefer a more curvy body. That is why asians go to the plastic surgeon so often and reconstruct their faces and body. They want a more adult and feminine face and body.

The asian cheerleaders lack curves and developed adult feminine bodies. Anyone can see that.

And those women are chosen for their appeal so it really says a lot.

The Swedish girls are making faces so you really could say it's unfair to compare them, but of course, you didn't say that, and you excluded the group photo where they did not . lol Instead you made the asians pictures smaller which benefitted them since you don't see the mongoloid eyes as much.

The new picture you show of asian cheerleaders is questionable since at least the ones in the upper row middle have breast implants. I realize asians need help in that department but it's not the way nature made most of them.

To me, the eyes are the most important feature we have. Warm, sweet, loving and expressive eyes ar ethe mos timportan tthing. That is why asians don't look expressive and warm. Their eye shape and colour prevents this, unless they have plastic saurgery. That says a lot about a race, if the eyes are so hopeless that you have to "open" them up in order to get a true expression out of them.

Asian cheerleaders. Curves and some height would really help their looks, I think, and of course less mongoloid features.;

I prefer this;

To this;

This photo actually is very good in that it shows how ordinary East Asians often look. To me these girls look well-nourished and have good teeth, for example. They look like millions of other young asian girls.

This is an asian girl from Sweden. She is thin. So she should be excluded then, too, right? lol After all, maybe she only eats an orange a day and that makes her malnourished which in turn makes her eyes mongoloid and her head big. ;)

I guess she must be N. Korean too. Malnourished and suffering, for sure. Is this the new non-argument to use on well-nourished, normal asians? You just can't stand the truth so there must be some kind of weird explanation. The truth is that asians look like that.

Well-nourished Swedish girls who should be excluded since they probably don't eat good food so you really cannot tell how they look at all.

Common asian eye type before surgery;

..and after;

Japanese. I just don't find this race attractive, on average.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 17:36 mary From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Bookworm asked "which one look older? both are the same age."


The blonde looks older but i dont think it has anything to do with hair colour or nationality.Other factors come into it too like how well a person looks after their skin,being wealthy and being able to go to beauty salons, being able to afford beauty treatments and good skincare or being poor and not being able to,sun exposure,smoking,drinking,sleep,stress,depression,nutrient intake.

The one with brown hair does look really good though and has aged well.

Eastern Russian people do look different from Nordic people.Just as equally beautiful but look different,There are exceptions of course.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 17:21 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

but you can be sure that I'm not a meant person. I find every races have beautiul people and I like the look of all races and I find this swedish girl looks pretty in my perspective. however, I don't find its good you all judge the other races as inferior and primitive to the white race. I really don't know how do your parents brought you up? but many people on here like "callmewhatyouwant and emily" aren't sounded like a good person at all for me.


Wed, 09/30/2009 - 17:07 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

ImageImagebeautiful swedish women?

I have never seen white woman with this type of nose before, sincerely......her nose is very asian.


wow! this one almost native hawaiian or south pacific.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 16:53 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Callmewhateveryouwant :

answer : the picture of the girl which you think she was asian and done the nose job is Uzbek. I don't even think there has plastic surgery there and most uzbek don't have flat nose like asians. even the native the americans don't have flat nose.

according to the picture of kazakh girl I posted and you said she was not kazakh but ukranian. I don't know what nationality she is though the person who took a picture said himself she is kzakh.

you said I claimed scandinavians have got mongoloid blood?

answer : I only say thing what I've seen on their faces. we are all know most white women tend to have narrow face and weak jaw. it is very difficult to find one with a board face and large jaw. that aren't caucasoid trait but seems many swedish women do have such a trait?
just take a look at a picture of the so-called erin nordgrende, swedish model taking a picture with her biracial black-asian husband and tell between her face and her husband face which one is more gracile and delicate?.......erin clearly has got a board face with some square-element like off the mongoloid people? her black husband is on the other hand. he has almost no cheeksbone and jaw. erin's head is also appeared larger than tiger wood while her nose is so tiny and flat for such a large head she has. yes, I guess many asians do have large head but they don't seem to have larger head than erin erin nordegren. because they don't have a caucasian jaw, which when it sets on the mongoloid head make the face appeared larger and masculine like erin.


now take a look at the beautiful swedish royal princess? I have found her pic in the website is that feminine huh?



she also has got extremely large strong neck than any women I have seen in my life. if she had no hair I would mistaken her as some viking male. what's large boned woman with even thick neck muscles.



all in all I find arnold schwarzenegger turned feminine after I seen such a robust swedish women.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 15:28 mary From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Some of these photos are unfair and cannot be used to compare without bias.
For example that photo which i assume is women from north korea army.
The same could be said for the photo's of the people at the protest or whatever it was.
North koreans get food ratios which amount to mostly rice and potatos.
Vegetables and fruit are scarce and meat and fish are a luxury that they get maybe once or twice a year.
These people are severly undernourished and i can clearly see that off the faces of those women in army uniform.
European people would look like that too if they lived off a diet that didn't provide nutrients as nutrients are needed for healthy skin,hair,eyes etc.


The photos of the cheerleaders and girls at parties and nightclubs are more fair.
I actually like the look of these Asian girls more then these swedish girls





but these girls i find more prettier then all the above



Some of the bodies on the asian girls you posted dont seem to me to be "underdeveloped".A couple perhaps do but some don't.
White women can have this type of body too and i don't consider it underdeveloped



A woman doesnt have to have big breasts and big bottom to be feminine.According to that perception,women like Kim kardashian would be classed feminine but would any one really call this feminine?

Kim kardashian

Kim kardashian

Its true plastic surgery is popular in some asian countries but there are feminine/beautiful people there without it too but numbers wise, as an overall population, nordic people would be more attractive.

Before plastic surgeons and photoshopping







Femininity is femininity .It is not restricted to whether someone looks child-like, youthful,cute, mature or motherly etc.
You could argue that a girlish look is a certain type of femininity and a mature/womanly look is another type if someone is really anally retentive but really, who cares?
This site is about feminine beauty and that can be seen looking at someones face whether child or adult and regardless what "look' they have.


Having the Down's syndrome pictures up to me is just really wrong.
I guess your point is that many Down's syndrome children have slanted eyes and that alot of asians have slanted eyes too so your speculating is there some genetic abnormality similarity.
Well, it could also be said that many Downs syndrome children have wide-set eyes and quite a few models like Gemma Ward have very wide-set eyes so would that also mean that that they both share some genetic abnormality similarity too?
I strongly doubt it for either.










Children with Downs syndrome have got such beautiful,harmless and innocent spirits.
To me,if the choice had to be between being stunning beyond measure and having a horrible personality and soul or the preciousness of a sweet innocent spirit in Down's syndrome i would pick Down's syndrome.
These children truly are precious and special.I know for sure that none of the children with down's syndrome would be writing some of the caustic commentaries on this site whether directed to Asians,Nords,Indians,Slavs or otherwise.
It really would be nice to see no more pictures on here of children with disabilities for the purposes of comparing beauty and looks.
Its nice to discuss beauty but we have to keep it in perspective with the more important things in life.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 15:15 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

emily wrote


"eastern russian people don't look look different than nordic."

lol Yes, they do.

Actually, bookworm is insanely trying to convince everyone that the result between a caucasoid and a mongoloid mix is a nordic.

That's why the "nordic" examples that she brings always look like this

Curiously, she always pick out examples of modified mongoloids which approach the caucasoid look (photoshop edition, mixed race central asians, plastic surgery) and present them as mongoloid diversity. That way she can make the balance between a "nordic" with lappish blood and a "mongoloid".

Instead of accept the fact the result between a caucasoid mix and mongoloid mix = central asians (something more logical), she prefer to believe that nordics are the real result between caucasoid and asian mix.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 14:15 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures can we know if any of these women have had plastic surgery?
Asian women love plastic surgery. 62 % of young women in Seoul have had plastic surgery.

Also, if one of them is a smoker she will age much quicker. Nothing destroys the looks of the teeth and skin like smoking, and especially if someone drinks regularly, too.


"eastern russian people don't look look different than nordic."

lol Yes, they do.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 14:05 shailu Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

i wud say that legs in which shin bone is relatively longer those man are more attractive......that means male who have female type long legs .and narrower shoulde and less belly are more attractive than other who have broad shoulders n short legs.....that means your upper body length should some how little less in length than your thigh length frontly....n shin[lower leg bone] should be little more in length than thigh bone length............i give you example of body of'' rahul dravid''..........he is smartest indian cricker..........just see his photos on net............what i want to say ....his photo will explain all that.....thank u..........comments on my article r invited

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 13:37 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

answer - if that person find the large head, healthy black which difficult to fall out and look different than the animal fur or the nose holes which easy to breath in any kind of weathers, are better than the nordic just simply can't change their minds eventhough you would kill them because of what they believe.

Your and other preferences aren't my businesses. If you prefer larger heads, flatter faces and coarse hair, it's your taste and I have not to do with that. However, you, Godis and VioletCorpus defend your point of view by spreading some lies. At least be honest. Simply say that you prefer asians because they have bigger heads, flatter faces, yellow skin, coarser hair and coarser traits. Saying that asians girls are more feminine because they have more refined traits is ridiculous.

Simply say: asian girls are more feminine because the have coarser traits and disproportional heads.

answer - I don't know which part of the brains you take to consider?.... for me she looks like a normal white woman and the eastern russian people don't look look different than nordic.

Since you use non-nordic finns and lapps as examples of what you consider to be nordic and white no wonder that you consider that NON-white girl to be white. I'm sorry but she doesn't look white and isn't white.

Russians are NOT nordic and eastern "russians" are heavily mixed with mongoloids. By the way, there are many ethnic groups living in Russian which are not true russian. Ukrainians for instance.

the girl with blonde hair is not even from russia. she is from kazakhstan as same as the one looks asian also kazakh.

As if the girl on the right were an example that one could find in every corner of Kazakhstan.

Congratulation, you find out that there are a few white people living in Kazakhstan and you cannot even prove whether the white girl on the photo is a tourist or not. lol

In any country where the population is heavily mixed it will be displayed overlaps between all races which make up the mix.

both look the same though the one on the left appeared elegant and stand out because of her deep color

And the girls on the right has a nose job, a chin implant and surgery in the eyes in order to approach the caucasian group. lol Her nose job is so dramatic that even the nostril turn out triangular

By the way, why do you always pick out nordic people with some degree of lappish admixture to use them as examples of pure nordics? Do you think people are not able to understand your agenda?

A thing I have notice since first day is that the "nordic" girls that you choose always have something mongoliform about them. You always try to avoid nordics which look 100% caucasoid. Your swedes and general nordic examples are either from very northern Scandinavia (heavily mixed with lapps); have some degree of finn admixture or are lapps or finns proper.


answer - I find the thick black hair is stronger than the puffy blonde hair. I rarely have seen the asian men get bald. but many caucasian men loss their hair when they get older. caucasian men up to 80 percent of all white men will suffer from hair loss and male pattern baldness in part by the time they are 60 years. Hair loss can start any time after puberty. Caucasian men are more likely to lose hair than African or Asian men

lol. knowing that mongoloids can't have blond and thin hair, you now attack the baldness of white people. lol

which one look older? both are the same age.

Answering the question: the woman on the right look older

This woman below is swedish and she is around fifty years old. Well, she looks younger and better than your ugly asian milf.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 13:35 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Mango, hopefully you do stay on the thread, I'm not sure where you come from, and how topics and discussions like these digress into argumments specificly, but as you can see here, oftentimes, people tend to play the player instead of the ball as well. Thanks again for being polite and open-minded.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 13:15 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

bookworm, I get what you're saying and read your article, but just because there are blonde and/or blue eyed Asians doesn't mean the're the norm or average. I'm not saying, nor ever did say that your photos aren't of real or actual people, but to show these photos and then try to say that they represent a large percentage of Asians is false. I've searched far and wide myself for pictures of Asians with these traits and have found none, other than in articles that talk about the fact that the traits do exist, but rarely!

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 12:53 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily, seriously, get a grip. You must be PMSing. I don't understand your comparison of Asians with people with down syndrome. To me, they don't look anything A like! The Only likeness I see are the epicanthic folds, which are spread out widely acroos many populations, whatever the "race." Oh yeah, please don't put words in my mouth! I never said people should openly attack you! All I said was I am calling you on your bullshit, and yes that is what you spew. You spew hatred, not reality. You have this strange idea that your opinions equals reality. I am sorry honey but life doesn't work that way. You have provided not a shred of evidence (other than the lame pics you find on google) for your claims. At least VC can back up what he says. What about you? All you do is whine and cry that white people are being attacked just because people disagree with YOU. You seem like a very egocentric person, which is not a stretch since you are very ethnocentric.

And one thing that you need to learn to do is separate being realistic from being hateful and cruel. There is a difference in saying, "I typically don't find Asians attractive because of X, Y, Z..." and "I think Asians are ugly and looklike they have down syndrome."

There is also a difference in saying, "African women have lower concentrations of estrogen circulation in their blood than the typical European or Asian women. Hence, African women are less feminine," and "African girls have wild, wooly hair!"

Can you see the difference? I no, probably not, but I thought I would give it a shot.

Sometimes I wonder if you truly believe the shit you put out! I mean, it would be really sad if you didn't and you were just messing with us, but it would also be sad if you actually meant it. We need to take a poll on which is more sad, because I honestly cannot decide!

Once again Emily, no one is upset that you thing Nordic Women are on average, prettier than other girls. Kudos for you, two thumbs up, whatever you say. You are just such a mean spirited person when you state your opinions. I personally think you lack tact, but hey thats me, I don't really know you that well to say if that is one of your problems or not.

I have a novel idea, instead of retaliating whenever someone makes fun of the other makes fun of another ethnic group, why don't some of us try and take the higher road. It seems like we keeping going over and over the same old stuff. "Well Godis you said this," (and Godis, that wasn't right, but I do think you apologized), and "Oh Emily, you did that," can't we just move on!

I mean really, is anything being accomplished by all of this bickering? Really? Is anyone learning anything out of this? No!

But I mean, I guess it will continue until certain parties (*cough cough Emily, Callmewhateveryouwant[CMWEYW], Godis) learn to argue (I know what you're thinking Emily/Godis/CMWEYW, but *gasp! Calling names is not how people should debate).

See, a debate is an exchange of ideas and not of insults. I feel that if we approach things this way, then this will be productive and we can actually learn something.

I think I know why Erik is mostly silent, who wants to walk in on huge Cat fight?

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 10:53 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

both look the same though the one on the left appeared elegant and stand out because of her deep color.


which one look older? both are the same age.
Caucasian woman and Asian woman.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 10:32 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To callmewhat you want according to what u say :

Girl, we have posted many pictures of nordic girls standing side by side with east asians girls proving that your argumentation holds no truth. Anyone can see that east asians have oversized traits in relation to nordics or any european group.

answer - if that person find the large head, healthy black which difficult to fall out and look different than the animal fur or the nose holes which easy to breath in any kind of weathers, are better than the nordic just simply can't change their minds eventhough you would kill them because of what they believe.

callmewhatever you said say :
LOL this girl below doesn't look nordic. She looks like a eastern russian.

answer - I don't know which part of the brains you take to consider?.... for me she looks like a normal white woman and the eastern russian people don't look look different than nordic.

the girl with blonde hair is not even from russia. she is from kazakhstan as same as the one looks asian also kazakh.

As long as they are not mixed with caucasoid, they only have one single hair color and hair texture: black and coarse

answer - I find the thick black hair is stronger than the puffy blonde hair. I rarely have seen the asian men get bald. but many caucasian men loss their hair when they get older. caucasian men up to 80 percent of all white men will suffer from hair loss and male pattern baldness in part by the time they are 60 years. Hair loss can start any time after puberty. Caucasian men are more likely to lose hair than African or Asian men

link | Submitted by Barberella on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 22:32.
Emily (other one), I doubt that Emily is shut down, really, do you see that?

bookworm, you are using atypical Asians to make your points. There are very few Asians that actually look like the pictures you post. Your living in a fantasy world. What you're doing is lying, basicly. Your stories change and have far too many consistancies. Not all white women have botox and boobs, fool. These are the types of things said here that makes me question your intelligence. For all the Asian "fetishists" here, I can only hope you someday find a site that's more in line with your tastes. Name calling isn't going to change peoples minds. Nor are showing dishonest, non-representative pictures of a small minority of an ehtnic group. People generally have their preferences, showing photoshopped photos of unattractive Swedes will not make me say "OH, my GOD what have I been thinking all this time? Look at these hideous people! Good thing for bookworms pictures and VC's articles to help me see the light!" Um, no. Yes, this is a debate site and we are most certainly allowed to disagree, but no one's going to persuade me to rethink a point of view when people are deliberately misleading because they don't like something Emily says.

Answer - if those people are just the small amount and I living in the fantasy dream then the documentary like national geography, discovery chanel would get a problem. many of what I say on here is from what I have watched in national geography. don't believe? you google the national geography site and read it. blonde and blue eyes aren't even originated in europe but asia. The thing is that the haplogroups I, R, J etc didn't originate in Scandinavia or Western Europe, they migrated there.

According to the map of light hair and eyes the lightest are the Eastern Swedish and Finns that are Eastern Europeans and they have high frequencies of N1c1 ( japanese and some north east asian have but most caucasian in southern europe which don't have blonde hair don't have this group) but that doesn't mean that the light eye and hair gene are connected with the N haplogroup.

I think that right now light hair are connected with R1a and I haplogroups, both very frequent in Eastern and Central Europe and they originated in the East
If you look at the light eyes and hair maps of Europe hair_colour you will clearly see that north-central and north-eastern Europe are lighter than Western Europe.

In “Echoes of the Old Darkland” by Charles Finch III, MD by a doctor of medicine (Yale) the following is quoted: “We propose that the ... population that survived the last glaciations in southwestern Eurasia was largely a group of albinoids who were better adapted to the ecology than their darker relatives who had originally colonized the area. These latter were gradually replaced by albinoids, though small groups of African aboriginal types long persisted on the North Atlantic seaboard because of the availability of Vitamin-D-rich salt-water fish. This “goodness-of-fit” of the albinoids in this northern environment was due to the more efficient Vitamin D production and utilization in the whitened skin in these sunlight-deficient latitudes and better cold resistance.

The Ice Age had the practical effect of isolating this marginal group from other populations for a prolonged period, promoting a consanguinity that would have allowed the recessive albinoid genes to express and propagate themselves. Creation of a new race via depigmentation is consistent with the tendency in nature of new species and subspecies to form out of marginal groups that have become isolated from their “parent” populations and subjected more or less abruptly to extreme environmental conditions, which generate intense selection pressure.” (Op. cit. p. 35) Albinoid mutation seems as good a speculation since the fossil data and genetic data both seem to rule in favor of a common, Black African ancestry for all mankind.

which people are verify mongoloid?

Mongoloid" applies to physical traits and not to contemporary or historic definitions of racial or social groups. Some current terms for the latter are Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Oriental; however the range of Mongoloid does not correspond exactly to any one of these. In regards to "Asian", it can be said that North Asians, East Asians, and Southeast Asians are physically Mongoloid, however most South Asians are not, Central Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Central Asians tend to intermediate between Mongoloids and Caucasoids, and West Asians (Middle Easterners) are classified as Caucasoids. ( like godis said about the nasal, face's structure. the mediterraneans and middle easterns seem to have caucasoid facial features than the northern europeans)

The Mongoloid classification has long been debated as to whom it includes, even today. There has been much debate over what constitutes a race.

As a form of classification by Carleton S. Coon (1904-1981), "Mongoloid" includes the indigenous peoples of North Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and some parts of Central Asia and South Asia. Most people from South Asia are usually classified as Caucasoid, while most of those from Central Asia as intermediate.

By extension, Mongoloid arguably includes Polynesians from the mid-Pacific Oceania, the indigenous peoples of the Americas, those of Greenland, some indigenous populations of Northern Europe (eg. the Sami of Finland) and some Eastern Europeans who are said to have Mongoloid admixture and whose cranial morphology (brachycephalicy, high zygomas, etc.) but not pigmentation (blondism, eye color, etc) more closely resemble those of Mongoloids than Caucasoids.

you may wanted to look at this link. it is easy to understand.

Q Haplotype #1

The haplotype below has few matches. Nonetheless, they fit the pattern for a haplotype with an Asiatic origin that was

incorporated into a Scandinavian population. This haplotype most likely entered Britain with the Vikings.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 07:59 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Funny, godis, you say I lash out and degrade whole populations, yet you lash out at Scandinavians repeatedly, over and over, yet no one says a word. Amazing, isn't it. You people are incredible hypocrites. As long as you lash out at Scandinavians, blondes, are fine here. No one will say a thing, or criticise you for it. Why the double standard?

Say anything negative about non-whites and be prepared to be ganged up on, or even for just defending the looks of Nordics. People like VC and black Emily have even openly urged others to attack me. I don't even think you realize how disgusting and revolting you people are. You're nothing but a mob.

Gang up on whites and call them names like pigs and whores (yes, godis, you called me "whore" and wished me physical harm because I didn't approve of someone's nose shape!)and then bully them, accusing them of everything under the sun if they have any opinions that are unfavorable to non-whites.

This site is NOT just about POSITIVE opinions. It is about ALL TYPES of opinions, negative as well as positive, about looks. If you just want mutual flattery, find another site. This one deals with reality.

If asians and blacks cannot accept the reality of their looks, away from the artificial lighting and studio settings with professional models, photo retouching and white admixture, it says all about their looks, or lack of it.

The fake fury is not about my "degrading" and "insulting" anyone. This is plainly about trying to prevent anyone from putting a dent in the fake image of the asians. The truth isn't good enough for them. Asian students - even some models - and Tokyo and Beijing cheerleaders that I used, are not good enough for them.

Half-white asians, or plastic surgery-altered models in studio settings, or you are racist and degrading them.

They come here to a site named femininebeauty and can't find any photos of them because they in fact are far from feminine, on average, especially compared to white women of North European descent. It takes an adult, developed body to be feminine. Then they start posting their professional, retouched studio photos and jump on anyone who dares to say "Hey, wait, this is not what asians normally look like."

As for Downs syndrome, I have been called a terrible person for stating an objective fact - that asians have physical similarities to people who have a physical deformation.

WHY is it that a disease in whites with no asian admixture creates mongoloid features? I asked that question before.

I think it is interesting that the physical flaws I see in asians appear in whites who have a disease that prevents normal development.

Asians have underdeveloped bodies compared to other races, and most of them have no real curves to speak of, and remain very tiny and pubescent-looking, apart from the heads, which in contrast are often larger than the heads of whites, and much heavier and coarser.

For comparison purposes I will have to use photos of people with the disease. I think it is obvious that the mongoloiud traits are very similar to the ones of asians. That is why the word refers to both types of people.

Down syndrome, how it manifests itself in whites;

Asian child with Down syndrome. Why is it much less visually apparent in an asian? Because they already naturally have those features.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 02:16 JudgeToBeauty Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Katie Green cant model underwear because her inner thighs are gross...
look at those lumps of fat between her legs...
her waistline is not great either...
and her face is masculine...

the other girl is cute, but like an above poster said...shes not model thin or voluptuous/feminine either...theres no market for her, shes just a pretty girl like many walking down the street, nothing unique about her.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 00:21 William Kazak The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

I recommend at least a weekend stay at a nudist camp to get some additional body awareness. You will see all shapes and sizes. Every female is unique and that can be beautiful at times. Create a new appreciation for the human body. Since everyone is nude, the body that you brought is good enough and you just might admit that you enjoy the beautiful diversity of the varoius shapes and sizes.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 00:13 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, you know shit about what I stand for. Go through these pages and ask yourself where are my photos of persons of other races, and their comparative flaws. No where. I've usually posted photos of the Nordics you can't stand, but no one else really. Oh, the Romanians I posted to insult you with. Which by the way wasn't my intention, which once again shows what you know about me.

Nicky, too bad you're not coming back. It pains me to know that you'll never read how I think for someone who finds all races and persons equally beautiful, you think blondes look like whores. LOL. I get it, you're a brunette. If you think there were inaccuracies in my post you're wrong, I was speaking of my salon, and the amount of revenue it generates from turning all the proud brunettes into delicate blondes...but no one really likes blonde hair. I, too live in a large, multi-cultural city and women of all races, ethnicities and backgrounds at least try the color, and many keep it. The point of that comment was to say that you love blonde hair, but then again only whores like it because your husband says so? Later.
