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Thu, 09/17/2009 - 17:39 mary From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Stop posting pictures of children please.Children need to be protected not have their pictures on sites like this to be scrutinised are they attractive or not.
Remember,this site is only about opinions so keep it to adults photos.Children should be left out of this

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 16:44 Charloviex Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Wow, just wow.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 13:03 Emily Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Both Angelina and Megan Fox have very hard faces. They look hard, cold. I find that to be unfeminine and unattractive. There might be better photos that show some warmth but generally I find them hard. In the first photo Megan looks like a man with make-up on.

Keely has a warmer and softer face that is also therefore more feminine. Her upper torso/shoulders are too robust and broad, I think, but men probably focus on the other aspects of her torso. :) She isn't extremely feminine but not masculine either. Erik didn't say she is very feminine but that she is attractive (attractive women's section).


Erik on the attractive women's section:

This purpose of this section is to showcase attractive women who present a striking contrast with high-fashion models, including top-ranked “sexy” high-fashion models. Most of the women shown are feminine, and the somewhat masculinized women shown are typically much more feminine than most high-fashion models and usually have some redeeming features to compensate for the masculinization, such as fine facial features.

Keely falls well within that criteria so you can just stop posting her photos over and over.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 12:49 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I suppose that the so called "ROBUST" element claimed only by Godis must be the cute (rounded, chubby) aspect.

They still tiny.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 12:40 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"You are proving that Emily was right all the time. She has said in an indirect manner that robust and hooked nose are some kind of inferior trait."

I wouldn't call it an inferiour trait. I just don't think a large or hooked nose is feminine, and this site is about femininity so that's why we compare noses right now, I guess. It doesn't have to be very small either. The important thing is that the nose is proportionate to the face and has a fine shape, whether it is elegant or cute.

Scandinavians have smaller, finer and more delicate noses, on average, and by far it is the people with the least amount of hooked, very large or robust noses.

On men I don't mind a larger or slightly hooked nose since they tend to look more masculine anyway. I guess life is a little unfair to women in this regard.



You trying to prove something that nobody, other than you, can see.

Instead of proving that swedish girls have robust nose, you should try to accept and valorize the features of your people. You are trying to impose to nordics features which are common on your people. it's a unconscious way that you use to equate nordics with your people and to feel closer to them.

You sound like those angry southerners fed up with nordic people due to many propaganda depicting nordics as an ideal of beauty. You hate and love nordics equally. As long as you continue your stand, you turn out pro nordic. Once you realize that your theories don't work, you come with a new one. How many theories do you have?

There is no point in proving that nordics have robust noses when others have yet more robust noses. Refined can be a very relative concept and whether the swedish girls have refined or robust nose it's just a point of view.
If swedish girls have robust nose, than the noses of other girls are even more robust. That's the point."

Amen to that.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 12:36 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You knowledge is based on what you want to see.

You are implying a robust element that only you have notice. In order to be robust a feature must be massive. Almost all the girls that that Emilly have brought so far have little noses. Some can have rounded noses, not robust.

And about german having refined noses than swedes you sure have no clue. Throughout time was introduced in germans a foreign alpine and dinaric element which made their nose look more robust on average in relation to other nordics.

I just want you to show us what this robust element that only you can see is. Mind you edit a photo to show us?

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 10:30 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Thank you for the nice things you said. :) People here seem to think so too since I'm sometimes accused of not being Swedish. lol

Jag bor i Skåne. :) Mycket fina och representativa bilder på svenskor du satte in i den andra tråden (rhinoplasty - tråden, tror jag det var). Jag har ju som sagt inte mycket erfarenhet av finländare men det är ju klart att de har generellt bredare ansikten och mera slaviska drag, även om det ju också finns de som har lite svenskt påbrå och därför ser mer nordiska ut som typ.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 10:19 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Jag upptäckte att det skulle vara "spelling errors"...
Jag upptäcker oftast bara stavningsfel och språkmisstag när jag läser dem, inte skriver dem.

Ja, jag är svensk, bor i Blekinge ^^. Jag tänker ju inte säga min adress, man jag tror knappast att säga detta är för utlämnande. :)
Du då, var bor du?:)

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 10:04 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Swedish people have various noses but the are generally not big or hooked but some people have a small bump on a normal sized nose.

Her nose is cute. ^^

So it hers.


Swedish face ^^Image
There are many versions with normal swedish noses with bumps and the girl on the right has a long nose with a bump on the the one on the left has a very big nose to be swedish :P


Swedish, not small, but not big nose with a small bump.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 09:55 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"I'm the type of person who find grammar very important and notice errors immediately when reading a comment.) :D"

Right. Feel free to respond in Swedish, Cecilia.

Är du svensk och varifrån är du? Du behöver inte säga exakt var naturligtvis, bara på ett ungefär.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 09:30 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Sorry but germans are known for having ugly noses...

The typical german look:



(I know she's making a funny face, I'm not trying to say the average german look, is looking "retarded" or something.)


Thu, 09/17/2009 - 09:19 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Ugly mix of irish genes and latin genes! Ugh! I cannot stand race mixing!

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 09:02 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Little boy thinking, " mommy why is daddy jewish? Why did you go out with him? You know he is only trying to get at your genes."

You are hilarious Emily

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 08:58 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

This is thinking, "Man! Why the hell didn't my mom marry a nordic! I'd be like, so totally hot right now! My life sucks royally since I am not a nordic! What was she thinking mixing with someone from ecuador! Nothing good came out of that!"

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 08:46 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I see it becuase of your rich vocabulary and ability to always spelling right (I'm the type of person who find grammar very important and notice errors immediately when reading a comment.) :D
And I often read conversations, discussions and comments in english. :)

Okay, I respect and understand that. ^^

There are many finns who just look nordic but based on personal experiences I've found this "finnish" and "finnish-nordic" look to be the most common, but I have to admit that I've never actually bin in Finland, I've just watched a lot of finnish shows, met many finnish people, had finnish friends etc. :)

Here's some pictures of finnish people with various looks;

Finnish swimmer Hanna-Maria Seppälä(the one on the right) with another finnish girl.

Group of various-looking finnish high-school pupils with some non-etnic finns

Young finnish girl. The Question is, does she look finnish or nordic? :/

Same question here...

Beautiful finnish woman with the nordic look. :)

Finnish look also found in Sweden sometimes.

She looks finnish but not very much mongolian somehow.

I hope you see what I see.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 08:38 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Race mixing is so evil! Look at these examples of the 'white race' being destroyed!

Complete utter destruction! GENOCIDE!

Those blues must be contacts!

Oh no, watch out! Every body shield your eyes! This is another example of what happens when white people are duped into race mixing by us gene-hungry non-nordics!

Genes are being destroyed oh no! Oh No!

You're absolutely right Emily! You have got to use your Nordic super-powers to fight the evils of race mixing! Are your race-mixing senses tingling! Mine are! look at this despicable couple!

The black guy is smiling cuz he is thinking "yes! YES! Sweet, Sweet White genes! My master plan to eradicate the white race is working!"

I hope your senses are keen enough to tell when black people get together, all we talk about is how we can mix our genes with white people!

Don't click this link Emily, it might burn your beautiful blue eyes out of your head!

White race is being annihilated by selfish negroes and asians! you better work to fix it!

This guy has the nerve to think he can be with a white woman!

You better run for the hills Emily, I hear the footsteps of a black man coming to steal your genes!

Seriously Emily, get a grip!

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 06:42 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

No one says they are not doing it willingly, or that whites are being attacked, you troll. I said the race is under attack. The race is being weakened by whites themselves, who are told that race mixing is the best thing since sliced bread, so they obviously contribute to its own decline. Media propaganda and our decadent "anything goes" culture directly contribute to this. People are impressionable, especially to non-stop propaganda, and race mixing is promoted and seen everywhere. By the way, stop making yourself dumber than you are. You are doing just fine as it is.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 05:17 It's a beautifu... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


I never knew that there are so many beautiful women from all over the world but thanks to your silly efforts on this site you have managed to provoke intelligent people proving you wrong by posting photos of beautiful non-Nordic women. Now I know how beautiful this wolrd is!

Just have a look at these beautiful NON-Nordics! WOW!

And see this nice couple mixing.......ouchhhh! lol

So Emily, you fail to prove that you are beter than other women, because in fact that is what you are desperately struggling to impose on here. Sorry dear, but white guys are attracted to exotic women and white girls are happy to marry exotic guys. Now stop victimizing yourself and get a life because hate and slander will not promote your type.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 03:55 Godis Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

LMAO! I said delicated! Time to stop studying and go to sleepzzzzzzzzz

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 03:54 Godis Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Where does Keely Hazel from the attractive women's section stand among these women?...

Keeley Hazel 15 Pictures, Images and Photos

title Pictures, Images and Photos

Keeley Hazell april2007 Pictures, Images and Photos

Just subtract this woman's boobs in the first two photos and tell me what she looks like...

Or what about Angelina Jolie who Erik has stated was overall feminine before?

angelina jolie Pictures, Images and Photos

Angelina Jolie Pictures, Images and Photos

Or what about Megan Fox? The woman whose beauty and hourglass figure was defended by Erik?

megan fox Pictures, Images and Photos

Megan Fox Pictures, Images and Photos

megan fox 1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Surely, you would NEVER see any of these women in a beauty pageant! They are simply much TOO FEMININE!

No they aren't. And I agree 100% with Erik that these women are extremely attractive and more attractive even than the average woman. But don't tell me these women are feminine and delicate, because not one of them is... and so you don't necessarily have to be feminine or delicated to be idolized by the majority of males it seems...

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 01:21 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Couldn't help myself. Just have to adress this one thing. The question is not directly aimed at Emily, anyone can answer it. But I have to use this quote:

"The white race is recessive, and right now under attack through the race mixing that is slowly engulfing it. I love and want to protect my race, and it has become clear that this is not seen as something worthwhile by other races, who are more interested in gaining from white admixture."

I don't understand this. The white race is under attack through race mixing...

Can someone please tell me how white people are being attacked? Are people of other races and even sub-races raping the white out of white people?

I don't understand. I always thought that the white people that mixed did so willingly...and if the argument goes that only white "losers" mix with people of other races... than why do you want those "losers'" genes presereved anyways?

Can someone, preferrably a white person who feels the same as Emily please answer my questions? I just have a hard time understanding how it is solely non-white/non-nordic people's fault that Nordic people are mating with non-Nordic people. It is in no way those very Nordic's fault, but the fault of the non-Nordic? Although sex is a two way thing. Right?

What am I missing here? Can someone PLEASE educate me...

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 01:15 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I don't think Cecilia's photo are at all unfair. I think they are a good representation of Finns. I have seen this "mongloid" element to their features often. It is what led me to suspect they are not all as Nordic as some would like to think. I find it very attractive actually. I have always wanted more exotic features. I think Finns have an advantage. They have such an interesting beauty, you really can't replicate it. You just can't.

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 01:05 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


For some reason I have not seen your comment. I just want to say that I love how you were able to make a point in such a respectful manner. Yes, you were criticizing someone, but you did it without name calling, being sarcastic, or having a mean undertone! I really wish I could accomplish that, its what I'm trying to do.

I just want you to know that I have great respect for people like you. I agree with what you said and I am glad that there is a person like you out in this cold mean world:)

Thu, 09/17/2009 - 00:53 Sergio Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Erik I like your site, just found out about it today.

I would like to point out a few things when gaining weight:

(1)weight gain can be due to fat or muscle, BUT it is even more important to know what muscle groups are being trained.

Deep Squats, Romanian Deadlifts, Lunges, and (high) step ups, build muscle in the lower body. Especially in the glute+hamstring area, and give a fullness to the thighs along its entire length.

Jogging on the treadmill is NOT lower body training. And machines do little and take too long compared to free weights.

(2)The TYPE of food the woman eats will also determine the type of fat she will carry on her.
Fats derived from a high-carb, low protein, low fat diet is the worst kind. It is very flabby and tends to sag easily. Worst still if the diet includes lots of simple carbs.

(3)Also important is the combination of muscle + fat cells on a woman's body.
For some reason, all the athletic women I know who carry considerable bodyfat still look better than slimmer non-athletic women.

This is becuase (I've noticed) the fat does not sag. This is especially true in glute/hip/thigh fat. It is my observation that athletic/muscular women who carry significant bodyfat do NOT have "Flabby/Soft" butts. This is because the butt does not loose its shape when moved around rapidly. And when it is squeezed there is pressure acting against the hand.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 23:44 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"You are proving that Emily was right all the time. She has said in an indirect manner that robust and hooked nose are some kind of inferior trait.

You bought it!"

No, the majority of people, especially Europeans, find that robust and hooked noses are less attractive. Not just me. However, it really depends on the person and how the nose ties in to the rest of the features. A hooked nose is more masculine so it would actually probably look good on certain men. It can look good on certain women as well. In fact a study done concluded that women with hooked noses, even feminine women with hooked noses, were more respected among men and viewed as more intelligent than the average woman. This was simply what the subjects,the men, in the experiment claimed themselves.
So, I actually don't believe a hooked nose to be "inferior". I find it has advantages. The Romans for example viewed bumped unsymmetrical noses smack in the middle of the face to be art. Just look at the majority of the Roman statues. I just think that today, the average European, will generally not be attracted to a hooked nose opposed to a non-hooked nose. However, it really does depend on the individual. What if you had two women. One with a hooked nose and one with a non-hooked nose. But, the one with a hooked nose was feminine, otherwise symmetrical, and beautiful. The one with a non-hooked nose was not feminine or beautiful. Which one will the man go for? Throw in other qualities such as intelligence and talent and you have some hard decisions to make when it comes to choosing between people. Everyone on this planet has such a mix of good and bad qualities. You will never find a woman that is just "perfect".

"Now you're denying robust and hooked nose in everyone other than swedes. Why? Because you do think those are inferior trait. Self-hate.

You do love nordic people and hate them because you are not part of that world. Come up with theories which just you comprehend is the only hope left."

False. I have not denied hooked or robust noses in everyone other than Swedes. Self-hate? What does my opinion of hooked noses have to do with myself? I rarely associate my features with any group, I associate them with myself. Why would I hate myself because my ethnic background consists of people with a higher frequency of hooked noses than another background? It is my nose that I should love or hate, not my group's nose.
