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Thu, 04/23/2009 - 18:51 Kris What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

These skinny girls are Ridiculous! What kind of message are you sending to society, picking someone apart who already looks like death and calling her fat...none of these girls on this page are fat..To be honest I doubt any of these woman can have kids being since they are so underweight....Society is sick...bones are beauty...sorry but a girl with color in her cheeks and curves like the average girl will sell more clothes then these bags of bones they need help. These poor girls have the worst life...I Like who I am and trust me I have more butt then these girls but I know I enjoy life more because I am average and Healthy and One day Healthy girls will rule the modeling industry...Just Wait...

Tue, 04/21/2009 - 16:15 Andromeda18_ Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

This is unbelievable! How can anybody say something like this?

"Adriana’s physique does not approach a feminine, hourglass figure"

What "feminine, hourglass figure"? Ever heard that people come in all shapes and sizes?
A woman with an hourglass figure is no more womanly than a woman who is straight up and down. She isn't necessarily prettier either, nor more feminine for that matter. If that were true and considering a study performed by the North Carolina State University, which revealed that only 8% of American and British women have hourglass figures, the majority of American and British women wouldn't be feminine.

There's a thing called diversity and that's a good thing. Women with different body types can be equally beautiful and feminine.

Tue, 04/21/2009 - 02:02 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I don't intend to read all that nonsense, and those who have to resort to name calling and foul language are not worthy of anyone's time.

That's a fucking beautiful troll right there holy shit I'm lulling so hard. If it isn't a troll then I really feel bad for you because you're locked into a tiny box of one dimensional beauty.

It was glorious how it went from "Y'all are bitches" to "White Supremacy!". Ahahaha. The cherry on top was the I'm going to insult everyone is this thread and then ignore everyone. Gold.

Mon, 04/20/2009 - 22:53 Godis Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

lol No i agree 100% Teresa. I don't think you are an idiot you have a point, and Erik too has countless good points on this website. However, one thing that bothers me is that people say "curvy" women tend to get fat. Having chunks in the right area is not the definition of "curvy". I am a curvy woman and it doesn't matter how much weight I lose I will have an hourglass shape. Yes, I get my hourglass figures from the area my fat gets placed (hips,but,bust), but my skeletal structure itself is actually shaped like that. I have been pretty skinny before, too skinny and I still maintain an extremely curvy figure, and the little fat I will have will still be placed on my hips etc.

I agree though that petite women seem most desirable as a lifelong mate. However, the whole super model thing has itsb catches too. We all want to have 1 feature that stands out and makes us who we are. Super models just represent this desire to the extreme. However, no one wants to be bland. If my body and face and everything is perfect that would get boring. So why wouldn't I want big eyes or thicker than normal lips? These are attractive features that ADD to my beauty by changing my looks from bland to WOW she has it all and those signature lips! You know?

But Erik doesn't have a problem with exotic features. I think Erik's whole deal is: Super models are too masculine to be considered attractive by the average male.

I agree. They are super masculine, and I agree that femininity is a factor in attractiveness towards heterosexual males. However, the reason why super models are so masculine is debatable, and the extent to which masculinity and femininity deter or add to attractiveness in a woman is debatable as well.

Mon, 04/20/2009 - 21:37 Teresa Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Actually, I know that a lot of people on here have said that the poster here is insane/gay/whatever, but what is said actually makes a lot of sense. Alessandra has a more masculine facial structure than Camille (I'm talking ADULT masculine, because young girls and boys have similar facial structures as well as body structures because the sex-defining hormones are only present in minute consentrations compared to adolescents or adults), therefore making her a more androgynous model. High fashion models are not classical beauties - they're different, striking. Many models have abnormally large eyes, a wide mouth, an unusually high forehead, or any number of other, odd, features. It makes them stand out. It makes them memorable. And the one constant in today's modeling industry that's a strange trait in women: they're extremely tall.

Outside of the modeling world and those men with outside-the-norm preferences, a tall, oddly-featured woman can have a very hard time finding a dance partner, much less a mate. As a general rule, men dislike their female partners to be taller than them. (Point one for petite girls.) Men also like women to be distinctly feminine (rounder jawline, softer features, high but soft cheekbones, etc.) and fit with a more classic sort of beauty. Petite women tend to fit these features more often than tall, voluptuous women. (point two.) Men tend to want their partner's physical beauty to last, which means they will select a woman with a thinner frame and lower body fat (signs of a healthy metabolism), smaller breasts and average hips (these would grow and widen after childbirth to a more voluptuous form as she became a mother), and perhaps a less extreme difference of either bustline or hips to waist. This way (at least with the current standard of beauty), the woman's physical beauty would be more likely to sustain itself, and the man will be less likely to become unsatisfied with his partner and stray.

Now, before someone starts calling me an idiot, remember - the topic is looking for a LIFE partner, not a SEXUAL partner alone. Yes, voluptuous, striking women are alluring, enticing, exciting sexual partners, but the extremity of their features and figure actually signal a less-fitting biological match, which affects the way a man will see her. Plenty of men (and women) easily imagine themselves having sex with a high-fashion model, but it's harder and much less common for a long-lasting marriage or partnership to be imagined with the same woman.

Of course, there's a balance: a petite, more voluptuous woman. Like me! (Sorry, guys, I'm engaged.)

Mon, 04/20/2009 - 17:50 nomad A woman with small breasts

I have the exact same body as her...I know it's not attractive but what can I do.. :(
She's still pretty tho! x

Mon, 04/20/2009 - 06:08 Peter Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Your a really smart young woman!
I agree with some of your points. When i was younger i compared myself to Female models! I had the body shape and height :)
I was tall, skinny and "curvy". I believe i look even more feminine than some female models! But thank God thats over now.
I don't know if you have seen the pics i have posted here BUT these are people's words.
I have gotten feminine face, baby face, kind face, friendly face, face of a 12 year old on an adult body LOL etc...

Although i might like to admit but you are right about the one partner being more "female" and the other "male" ALTHOUGH i find that this is changning recently.
Also you are right the female brain and homosexual brain share a lot of similarities. I think like a girl sometimes...

About Erik, i find he relies toooooo heavily on stats and media. He is very influenced by it whether he admits it or not. I DISAGREE with his findings on pedophelia being a correlate of homosexuality.

I think Erik has some "issues" about his masculinity.
Btw Godis what do you think about older men ... lets say who are 50 that are interested in the 18-25 range of girls and think they look best?

Sun, 04/19/2009 - 21:44 just noting Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

she is absolutely beautiful and changing her nose would detract from her unique look.

Sun, 04/19/2009 - 21:38 just noting Julija Ribkina

But she has high cheekbones. Aren't high cheekbones masculine?

Sun, 04/19/2009 - 18:52 Godis Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

What I noticed about homosexual relationship is that although the pair are of the same sex there is always a male AND female influence in the relationship. One homosexual will always be more feminine and have more feminine tendencies and even physical features and thoughts. Another will be more masculine, and this one will always have more masculine tendencies and thoughts. Actually, I have read articles on how sometimes a male homosexual's brain in certain areas can be closer to a female's brain.

Bringing this into light, your idea that homosexuals in the fashion industry are pedophiles is a bit black and white in a gray world. Think about it. I would assume that the homosexuals involved in the fashion industry are more feminine, and take a more feminine part in any homosexual relationship. Therefore, these homosexuals to me are very unlikely to be pedophiles because well women in general (and sorry if this is insulting but it is the truth) are extremely less likely to be pedophiles than men. I believe that the homosexuals in the fashion industry are simply making fashion a reflection of how they would like to be portrayed. Most fashion models are not only masculine but androgynous, because they are females that look like males. Masculine-women. And this is how feminine homosexual men percieve themselves, as feminine males and so the perfect people to use are masculine females because they are the best reflection of a feminine homosexual man, besides being a feminine homosexual man.

Now lets get into the: why do they look like young boys issue? Well, you state yourself that a woman is attractive from around 18-25 I believe? You claim this is the peak of her attractiveness(which I disagree and agree in a way). I actually think you would even be willing to agree a female's peak attractiveness can range from 15/16-25, but of course you yourself need to be politically correct so people don't call you "sick or pedophile themselves". But I know you would agree that 16 is an attractive age and in the "peak" attractiveness period. So we agree on this. Now why is it so hard then to believe that male homosexuals that are on the feminine side consider THEMSELVES most attractive around these ages because it is an age where they are more feminine and youthful looking? That is why they pick models that look like young boys, because it is a reflection of when they considered themselves most attractive and how they looked around 16,17, etc. Many boys don't even really start puberty until they are 16.

Now I would say the more masculine homosexual men would have a tendency towards pedophilia, just as heterosexual erm.. LIFETIME EXCLUSIVE HETEROSEXUAL MALES have more of a tendency of being pedophiles than women do. Period. And so I do not see pedophilia as a homosexual issue at all. Neither am I really assigning that issue to men in general. I haven't really studies pedophilia because it grosses me out, but I would assume it has to do with control, and I believe that in today's society men are more obsessed with control. What is easy to control? Children. I rest my case.

Now another issue is that you believe that men that find Victoria's Secret Lingerie models to not really be lifetime exclusive heterosexual males, and you percieve them to be somewhat in the middle or lean towards homosexuals. Well, I can argue that people who find Keeley Hazel attractive cannot possibly be lifetime exclusive heterosexual males because you said so yourself, that the woman has some masculine traits, and I am sorry Erik you may be in denial but she has some extremely masculine straights via her wide shoulders and extremely flat buttocks, and there are more feminine women out there. Not to mention that you believe the No. 4 spot on the most attractive Ask Men list was appropriate for her. This really makes me question how that is possible since she has some very masculine qualities about her? Therefore, I believe that you just contradicted yourself or you yourself Erik are not a lifetime exclusive heterosexual male. I personally don't believe men who think Victoria's secret models are attractive or who believe Keeley Hazel is attractive are gay at all, but the typed words came from your own fingers. Thank you.


Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

Sun, 04/19/2009 - 14:47 Peter Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

I gave the wrong measurements
They were 36-24-36 :)

Sun, 04/19/2009 - 14:44 Peter Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

"I think that all pedos, homosexual or otherwise, should be tortured and then put to death. Children are not emotionally or physically ready for for this type of attention, pervs."

Hey ok....yes i don't agree with child "exploitation" but what you said is kind of extreme. They are humans after all....A much better punishment might be therapy/extended prison terms and for guys who just can't control it...Life in prison but some might think thats too extreme.

"Boy o boy, onlooker ahoy!
Look who we now employ.
We have our bundles of joy
and we hope you too enjoy
like this queer with his toy!"

WOW! I am impressed! You have a creative side as well?
I have just as much disgust at that fact...(I am not positive they are "together")
when i see 35 year olds oogling at 18 year old girls (who look younger than they are). So your in no position to take the "moral high ground".

This article reminds me of a few years ago when i lost a lot of weight...maybe looked anorexic. I weighed 130 pounds at 6 feet tall. Interestingly my measurements were 36-24-26!!! LOL
Which i was so proud of...but Thank God i got out of that phase. I am much happier being a fleshier, softer and gentler feminine boy. Erik do you think i will have a chance with the fashion designers?
Wouldn't it be awesome if i can seduce one of these fashion designers, become rooted and then conspire with you (as my partner in crime) to bring down this fashion world... lol
After all my youthful, gentle, bubbly, feminine looks should work wonders with old/middle aged fashion designers?
Ok i am letting my imagination run wild here.....but it was a good laugh :)

Oh Erik...when will you stop "blaming" homosexuals for all your troubles?

Sun, 04/19/2009 - 12:36 girlfriend is fug Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

her nose looks weird and she has a smushed up face. i also hate the butt chin she has and her thick eye brows. yuck!!!

Thu, 04/16/2009 - 22:58 PUHLEASE From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Anyone with any basic knowledge of peer-edited research or stats would call your bluffs. Your spiel about the "attempts" to educate northern africans to be up to "par" with white people and how there are 3 possible reasons for this clearly show your ignorance. You are a bigoted loser trying to pass himself off as a maverick researcher. You are ignorant of what every stats class teaches: correlation does not imply causation dumbass. Also just because you cite random research articles while writing your hateful articles does not make them valid. Especially since you have never searched for any conflicting sources of information since they would knock down your baseless arguments in a quick second.

Thu, 04/16/2009 - 11:56 Rawr The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

No, it won't make her look more feminine. You need to understand fat distribution. Tt is not universal in women, it is dictated by skeletal structure and hormones (and medical condition or age to a lesser extent). Heidi has to stay super thin because the fat in her body causes her fluff up all over, not just in one area, this is due to the fact she is rectangular in shape. Rectangular meaning she's straight up, straight down with the very flat washboard middle. If she gets overly large her waist will get larger. Compare this to a spoon, hourglass or triangle frame. When these women gain weight one area will always be larger then the other (or in the cases of the hourglass two area will be larger than one). Gaining weight does not feminize one's face because, again, like the body skeletal structure and hormones are going to dictate where the fat goes, nor can fat truly change the basic structure of the face. Witness how many very obese women look like men. I think the main reason i dislike Heidi's look (and those of more model's in general) is simply because i am expected to like that look. If you expect me to like something i will hate it. If everyone else likes something for the most part I'm going to hate it. It's my nature for good or ill.

Thu, 04/16/2009 - 00:31 Mae What range of body fat is considered socially acceptable in the general population?

I am 5' and 1/4" and technically I am 40lbs overweight according to medical charts. However as my thyroid doctor put it, when i gained the weight i certainly did it in the right "places" and that i have and never will be fat. just because her weight was stated at 180 doesnt mean she is "fat" according to medical standards, the pics speak for themselves, she was clearly a curvy woman, but by no means fat! even a doctor would tell you that! i dont see any rolls anywhere on this woman. Gods forbid she actually have some boobs and hips?! all of you calling her anything close to fat are stupid!

Wed, 04/15/2009 - 18:50 Visitor Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


Wed, 04/15/2009 - 18:42 Andro The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

This is ridiculous. You are comparing Heidi to women who have more FAT in their bodies, not necessarily that are more feminine. Having large breasts is also an indication of higher FAT levels, because estrogen encorages FAT deposition in this areas, like hips and breasts. If Heidi gained 20 pounds of FAT, I'm sure she would look very feminine as well because FAT will also feminize her face.

Wed, 04/15/2009 - 18:37 Andro The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

A grandmother always use to say, that if a person can look like a beautiful guy and a beautiful girl as well, that person is truely beautiful!!

Wed, 04/15/2009 - 06:06 Sylar Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

to Emily, how can the white race be destroyed? I'm hispanic with brown skin and I have cousins that look extremely white and you wouldn't expect them to have a mestizo parent, genes don't who away, I know that my great grandparents had white skin and green eyes, it wouldn't surprised me if I produced a white child with green eyes, it's a possibility, the white race is not going to disappear.

Tue, 04/14/2009 - 21:00 Olga Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Oh my goodness. Please no more pictures of Christine Kreuk. She's just not very attractive. Don't get me wrong, I do find Asian women attractive but not Christine, there are better looking ones out there.

Tue, 04/14/2009 - 17:10 John K. Facial masculinization in beauty pageant contestants: an example from the Miss Germany 2002 pageant

I have also read somewhere on here that you do not like or dislike the way Scarlet Johansson looks. This intrigues me because Scarlet Johansson is very feminine and has features more attractive than most of the women on in your attractive women's section...

scarlet Pictures, Images and Photos

scarlett johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Scarlett Johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Scarlet johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Smile Scarlet Pictures, Images and Photos

anna Pictures, Images and Photos

Scarlet johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

I understand that Scarlet Johansson may not be your preference, but do not tell me that half those other women are your preference either. You LIKE all those women, so I cannot see why you are so neutral regarding Scarlet who is obviously very feminine and more feminine than many of your "attractive" women. Why not like her looks?

Tue, 04/14/2009 - 12:21 anon Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

by Emily link" No, you look like an Indian who just fell in a puddle of shit. By the way, that's the way they do it over there, isn't it. Use the streets as toilets, I mean. Your nose is disgustingly weak and feminine but since you are gay and not a real man I suppose it doesn't matter.

As for Indians in general, they are easily recognizable everywhere. No need for any special education on that topic. 99.99% look like something you flush down, and the rest look like something more closely related to humans. Of course those are always the ones you show as examples of "Indian" beauty. lol"

Emily If your not the raving lunatic I think you are then your the raving lunatic I think you are.

Tue, 04/14/2009 - 12:02 Visitor Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Hey Erik!

I am back for more ;)
Ok i have limited time these days so therefore i will adress what little i can.

Erik looks like you won't leave my ass alone! I didn't want to continue the Marilyn Monroe "debate" as mentioned in my last message but you have brought it up again. It seems like you have to win no matter what! You always have to be right. Well sorry darling...but looks like i will have to use both my hands for this one!

1. "The gorgeous comment by Emily came later. You must not waste my time with such poor arguments."

Submitted by Emily on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 10:08.
Sorry but Marilyn's lips and other facial features are very much Nordic. Everything about this gorgeous actress was Nordic.

Submitted by Peter on Fri, 03/13/2009 - 20:31.
Marilyn Monroe had a nose job and chin implant....i thought you would know that!

Now before you accuse me of fabricating this....This was mentioned by Emily in the Gabrielle from MC nudes page which i also read. I read around a lot and especially if it is by my "opponent" Emily. So you are wrong by saying the gorgeous comment came later and this just adds to my statement that i disagree with the use of gorgeous by Emily for Marilyn.
I really hope you don't bring this up again? Either way it will be interesting to hear what you come up with next :P

2. "Your second example was about the nose of Veronika vs. Gisele Bundchen. The comparison is not solely about femininity but it is also about attractiveness. So addressing the nose is appropriate."

Wrong! The entry was dealing with femininity and not attractiveness. How could you also fail to notice Veronika's stubby/robust lower leg region and narrow face? Only keeping face in mind...Gisele has a more attractive face but not feminine when compared to Veronika. I suspect there was another reason for bringing it up. On that page Grace has the most attractive face.

3. I was thinking of leaving this alone but then thought the better of it...

"i don't think its a transsexual parade..i mean look at tyra banks, she had front and back and was pretty.

This person suggested that Tyra is feminine and that she had prominent breasts and buttocks. I appropriately responded that Tyra is not feminine and she has had breast implants."

Calling someone pretty and saying that they have front and back doesn't imply that, that someone is feminine. That person didn't ask about femininity. A more appropriate response would have been "I don't think she is pretty and has had breast implants."
The issue of Tyra's breast implants is debatable. I don't think she has breast implants. Plus addressing Tyra's looks was not "necessary" since this site does not deal with African American women.

4. "I don’t believe that Emily has glorified hair and eye color. Again, her comments on these matters have been responses to others"

Wrong! I don't have enough time to go through all her posts and post them back here. All i have to say is know something if your gonna make that claim. Emily is indeed the one who glorified hair and eye color first. In my case this is what happened.

"The problem is that WE blonde, washed out, Northern Eurpeans don't have anything to gain. We stand to lose a lot, however. Our "washed out" hair colors that WE like very much, gorgeous blue, green and grey eye colors and light, creamy skin, for example."

After reading this comment i commenced to post pictures of light eyed, light skinned and few fair haired Indians. What i was trying to show her is that color diversity can be found in other populations too at differing levels. In other words in Emily's eyes those colors should make the Indians in the pictures posted attractive.

I think this is it for now. I am not done with you Erik! I can guarantee you will never meet anyone like me in your life and i can say the same about you :)
We are special hehe


Tue, 04/14/2009 - 06:53 saju Dascha from Domai

