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Wed, 03/18/2009 - 10:11 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"You might not like his nose, but it's not bad."

I would have preferred nice but not bad works! Thanks :) Your so sweet! :D

"As for Peter:

You have a beautiful smile! Your smile really is like a breath of fresh air!"

That is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me here! Thanks! I am sorry i can't compliment on your looks but you sound like an absolute sweetie pie! :D
(Although i don't agree with a little something you said but should be adressing it soon).

Thank you! You noticed the same thing about that model...which i will be adressing soon. You are Beautiful! I think you look so lovely in your "candid shots" which you posted. All the best!

I will be responding to comments by other users shortly.

Wed, 03/18/2009 - 00:00 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I suppose the model agencies don't pick up Ekaterina because she has an average aspect toward her and normal people are not what those agencies are looking for. Model agencies would rather a woman fitting toward the bizarre side and that's what they are all about: bizarre aspect that fits their purpose. We must remember that the central aspect of the fashion industry is clothes. It's not meant to draw attention to the beauty of the models but to the clothes. The top models can't have to them a look that stands out more than that of the clothes they are dressing. If a top model had legs as those of a godess It would make men interested, many women envious and the interest around clothes would be put apart. Of course I'm not forgetting those super models as Gisele Bundchen whose name is as strong as the brand she wears. However they are a few and to hire them is very strategic to sell out clothes.


Throughout internet there are about a thousand light eyed indians and others southern asians somehow aproaching a euro aspect (usually slavic traits). I really don't understand those photographers from National Geographic. When they are meant to take a close up why do they almost always focuse on light eyed southern asians? I suppose they get so impressed with such rarity and hence feel compelled to take a photo.

b) Brazilian obviously doesn’t have good command of English. He made a reference to your nostrils but was apparently meaning the fleshy alar cartilage of the sides of the nose because that is visible in the pictures whereas your nostril shapes are not. You responded by showing a picture of your nostrils. This is a waste of time, and the cartilage part doesn’t look Nordic, period. Brazilian extrapolated the cartilage shape to nostril shape, and was later corrected.

It makes me feel disappointed with myself. Actually I thought I was able to write good english. Is It really that bad? Anyway Tanks for your argumentation concerning Peter nose. Although I failed on commenting about Peter nostrils I never quit thinking something was "odd" (to Europe standard) there. I just didn't know exactly what and how to express that.

Although I know Peter is simply teasing Emily I will comment as if Peter has been talking seriously in order to enlight those ones thinking he's not kidding. Try to imagine how Peter would appear physicaly if he were light skinned and blond. I suppose he would aproach the look of a northern slavic. Of course not a bonafide slavic, but one that bears gypse heritage. His head and face are shaped like a ball, which is emphasized by the amount of fat deposited in his profile and also by his almost "lack" of chin. These are very common features among southern asians and in some arabs, whereas almost absent in western europeans. Western europeans almost ever have a somewhat flat profile.

He has repeated constantly that some women who were put up by Emily have faces equal to those of slavic woman. The difference seems rather clear to me. He has simply made superficial comparation by associating the broadness of cheekbones and of the overall face in order to equates nordic with slavic women. Everyone who has got a agenda always compare only the similarities and forget the differences.

Other ethnicities


Peter thinks nobody there knows what overlap is. No matter how many scandinavians with hooked noses and rounded face you're intending to bring up because those traits are far commoner in easterners and almost absent in westerners. Currently he's compared two women, both lacking droopy nose, in order to prove that scandinavians have hooked nose as well. It makes no sense to compare two women whose nose tips are pointed upward in order to find out which one has the most droopy tip. He was not even able to find a scandinavian woman with a droopy nose and had to bring up a scandinavian man (is he really scandinavian?) whose nose you have to look at least twice in order to notice that It is slightly hooked.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 18:22 Samantha Inna B. from Met Art

Ok, and I agree Inna B. is very beautiful and androgynous, but the masculine qualities are obvious. I didn't mean that she was not beautiful, I just meant that it is not any femininity in her face that makes her beautiful, since she has little. Thus, once again, going against your argument that femininity makes a beautiful woman. Not true.

I know you SHOULD look at the whole package, but take a MORE feminine woman with the same body and a more feminine face. You probably won't have a more attractive woman, if less attractive. There are SO many more factors that come into play...

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 18:18 Samantha Seska from Teen Stars magazine

"So what if the face is not that feminine? No one is saying that a woman’s face must be feminine for it to look attractive."

sorry, I'm a bit confused but I thought that was the whole point of this website? That feminine women are more attractive? That incudes a feminine face...right?

This woman's face is not on the feminine side of the scale, therefore according to YOUR terms... therefore you say she cannot be attractive right?

I'm not trying to be mean, but I feel you contradict yourself a lot, either that or I don't understand you completely. Like I said your criteria for choosing what is and what is not attractive is wrong. It is helpful and many times true, but it barely covers the WHOLE idea of what people find attractive and not. I agree that feminine women tend to be more attractive, but this covers so little really and is not always an 100% accurate criteria.

It's just that the formula for beauty is complex and holds countless possibilities. You try to box it, and it won't work.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 17:31 Samantha Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I didn't mean Emily, I meant Ekaterina.

Emily I haven't seen a picture of you so I cannot say anything about your appearance...

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 17:29 Samantha Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

As for Peter:

You have a beautiful smile! Your smile really is like a breath of fresh air!

and Emily:

You are one of a kind. You are extremely beautiful but not boring, as beauty generally becomes boring, but great beauty provokes interest and awe at the same time:)

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 17:27 Samantha Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I am sure Emily doesn't mean what she said. We all get so frustrated sometimes that we say and think things that are extremely low. I think Emily is just really annoyed with people, and I think people are annoyed with Emily. You guys are all really on the same boat here, you just don't realize it. Stop trying to throw eachother off the boat. Instead pick up the paddles and help eachother row to shore...

It takes one person to do this first and eventually the rest will follow. If they choose not to understand the greater purpose, they choose to stay behind.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 13:31 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

OH MY FUCKING GOD. Emily. You are far worse than anything that goes down the toilet. May it be projectile vomit or feces. Looking back on what you said, it makes you look like a good-for-nothing piece of shit human that should never have been born. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY INHUMANE. I suggest you shut the fuck up and get your head out of your ass before you even attempt to come up with yet another one of your immature responses. How could you POSSIBLY say that about Indians? You are such a stuck-up, white-faced bitch who is drowning in her own pool of blonde hair, blue eyes and tiny noses. I would honestly love to fly your ass to India and let you live there for a year or so. See how you turn out. You are nothing but an ignorant, close-minded person.

As for your little so-called "examples"...Way to choose unattractive images of Slavic women and extremely beautiful Nordics. For your information, I have lived in Russia for quite a long time and I can tell you for a fact that 90% of the women you see there could have easily just walked off the runway in Milan or just finished shooting an ad for Gucci. There are VERY few unattractive women there.

Here's a taste of some actual Russian women for you

I just went through an entire album and couldn't find any hooked noses that you post. Hooked noses, bumpy noses, they all come from nationalities mixing together. I know I either have Italian or Grecian roots from my mother's side. I get my nose from her dad.

As for your little comparison..
Obviously the model is far more attractive than me, but what you're trying to point out...failed.

Her nose is more hooked than mine. She has a minor bump on it, but the tip of her nose (which is what defines whether somebody has a hooked nose or not) is straight. It does not point up or down. But if she was to smile, it would point down. Now, the bump on my nose is larger than hers, but the tip of my nose is far more up-turned than hers.
As for our chins, you fail to notice that they're quite similar. If you open your eyes, you will notice that the lighting in the photograph of the model casts a shadow around her chin, making it appear larger and more defined. It's total bull that her chin is more defined than mine. I am actually surprised at how similar our chins are.

Seriously Emily, just stop trying and shut up already. You are getting absolutely NOWHERE.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 08:23 Dan Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Most of this stuff no longer has anything to do with Ekaterina.

No, you look like an Indian who just fell in a puddle of shit. By the way, that's the way they do it over there, isn't it. Use the streets as toilets, I mean. Your nose is disgustingly weak and feminine but since you are gay and not a real man I suppose it doesn't matter.

As for Indians in general, they are easily recognizable everywhere. No need for any special education on that topic. 99.99% look like something you flush down, and the rest look like something more closely related to humans. Of course those are always the ones you show as examples of "Indian" beauty. lol

You might not like his nose, but it's not bad.
What Indians do has nothing to do with any of the arguments here.

And the numerous unprovoked verbal assaults, off-topic responses that do nothing except making it look as if you had something to argue with... Seriously, if you can't keep things serious anymore and can't stop yourself from shitting this place, then just shut the fuck up.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 06:44 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"The example of the hygiene of "Indians was totally uncalled for. When you have lots of poor people living in a small region, what do you expect?"

Well, someone who knew better than we do what this is about, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, seems to disagree with you. He used the words "bad habit", for god's sake. That is not bad hygiene or poverty, that is sloppiness and indifference.

"The cause of many of our diseases is the condition of our lavatories and OUR BAD HABIT OF DISPOSING OF EXCRETA ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE".

Anywhere and everywhere..........

No matter how poor you are you don't have to behave like that. The truth is they don't care, so the "attack" or criticism, rather, is not groundless. The poorest person can dig a hole in the ground and cover the stuff up. They don't. They just defecate and leave it there for others to step in.

Even poor people can avoid defecating where you grow your food. That's madness, not poverty. I just saw that article and it was something of the worst I have ever read.

People who have lived in India report seeing human excrement EVERYWHERE. I have heard that before. Bury it, at least, and don't use vegetable fields as a toilet. That's not necessary anywhere. That is also suicide (kolera, e-coli etc). In the poorest and hardest of circumstances, during war for example, people still dig primitive latrines and confine the "toilet" area to one specific area. You don't have to behave like an animal. Taking these precautions is even more important when the hygiene is poor. It is crucial, actually.

"Regarding 18-year-olds, I didn’t say that Ekaterina is an exception. The point was about the nastiness of the comments. Mine have never been as nasty as some of yours. Nasty comments by others regarding some other women are usually not as extreme as the dog example"

You didn't say she is an exception, you treated her like one. The fact remains that you apparently couldn't care less about the other 18-year-olds that you publish nude photos of and subject to comments by anyone who cares to jump in. You are hypocritical in that you are not consistent. "Caring" for one and not the others is favoritism - not genuine concern.

There are many very crude comments about these girls. Comments they can read and that can hurt a lot since they are totally nude in many cases, with their faces and identities exposed. Showing off for one girl while exposing other girls, earning money on them, and ignoring the trash written about their body parts and ignoring that they are equally young and vulnerable, is intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy, I think.

Blur the girls' faces if you expose them totally nude, and remove their porn links that you earn money off, and then you may judge. To me, those things are FAR "nastier" than anything that anyone else could ever do here.

"And I never said that Nordics have low self-esteem. I said that it is lower, on average, than in many populations."

This is not the way I remember it. You also said it is genetic. I think your comment was less than bright, and I also think you would have a hard time proving it.

Northern Europeans in general have less reason than others to have low self-esteem since they accomplish a lot and have lots of things to be proud of. I have interacted with Northern Europeans my whole life, obviously, and my impression is that most have a quiet confidence and healthy self-esteem, without being narcissistic or very loud and boisterous about it.

"still don’t understand why you feel the need to correct misconceptions about the looks of Romanians, even for people who will not interact with very many of them? The way you do it, you subject yourself to flaming and create trouble for everyone"

Trouble for "everyone"? Everyone who? The trolls? Typically, when someone says something that is factually INCORRECT it is not the one correcting it that is viewed as the troublemaker, but the one making the false statement in the first place.

Just leave the false statements so we don't upset the people who wrote them. That seems to be the message. You call it misconceptions but in reality it has been deliberately false statements, in many cases. Anyway, I think the truth matters.

By the way, I have read blogs written by someone called "j richards" at a site named "Majority Rights". Are you that same person writing here under another name? Some blogs of his seem very similar to yours, and some of the pictures you use are used by him too, so I wonder if you could clear that up.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 03:16 Erik Claire: for the skeptics

Samantha: This woman, Claire, is not part of the section you are talking about. Hitting the books will not help. Lack of time and lack of good resources are the problem. Anyway, at some point I will be seeking and hiring models. I have been saving up for quite some time.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 03:08 Erik Inna B. from Met Art

The face is that of a woman, just not feminine looking, but in my estimation it is still appealing. Femininity is not an absolute requirement for attractiveness in a woman.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 03:05 Erik Seska from Teen Stars magazine

So what if the face is not that feminine? No one is saying that a woman’s face must be feminine for it to look attractive.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 02:53 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily: For the sake of the Gods, don’t compare dark skin to something that is flushed down the toilet or make references to people being sub-human in looks! I told you don’t take Peter’s bait. Just ignore him.

I know you are a reasonable person and realize that it is bad manners to be attacking an entire ethnic group because of the exasperating behaviors of one of them. Don’t let anger overpower your judgment. The example of the hygiene of Indians was totally uncalled for. When you have lots of poor people living in a small region, what do you expect?

Other responses.

I still don’t understand why you feel the need to correct misconceptions about the looks of Romanians, even for people who will not interact with very many of them? The way you do it, you subject yourself to flaming and create trouble for everyone. Just ignore Peter. As for me, I don’t have the time to be moderating comments. I have so many unreplied comments to respond to and sometimes I am gone for days. When I come across repeat troublemakers, I ask them to behave and give them warnings if they don’t. They have to behave ultimately or leave.

Regarding 18-year-olds, I didn’t say that Ekaterina is an exception. The point was about the nastiness of the comments. Mine have never been as nasty as some of yours. Nasty comments by others regarding some other women are usually not as extreme as the dog example, more than ameliorated by the positive things I or the fashion industry has to say about their looks, and usually not left by regulars, especially those who agree with a lot of what this site says.

And I never said that Nordics have low self-esteem. I said that it is lower, on average, than in many populations.

Brazilian: Regarding feminine, you have come up with a caricature of my arguments, again. I have never talked about 100% feminine traits. Feminine is simply on the feminine side of average for the sex, which translates to a little less than 50% of the sex, but since closely related values would be difficult to order visually, a practical statistic of the proportion of women that are discernibly more feminine than the majority is about a third of women. Feminine in women is not being able to distinguish the woman from a man. Most masculinized women are readily seen as female.

Peter: No you are not behaving. Regarding having answers to everything I mentioned, you have ignored some things I have said and the rest is a bunch of nonsense and foulness.

#1. You again brought up Marilyn Monroe, completely ignoring the two contexts in which Emily brought her up, which show that your initial criticism, to which I responded, is not applicable. These two contexts had nothing to do with a nose job or gorgeousness or Emily’s views regarding them.

#2. No hooked tendency is observable, period. Your reply even mentions ‘the “Slavic” element or a bump in her nose,’ but describing it as a Slavic element is a straw man, which Emily never indulged in. Slavic noses may have more of a certain tendency but this tendency by itself is not a Slavic element.

#3. Right, Emily hasn’t posted a profile picture of the woman, but the shadows suggest a concave nose profile.

#4. You quoted two statements from Emily as proof that Emily has claimed no overlap between Nordic and Slavic faces. Neither is proof. When Emily talks about types, she is talking about clusters, and depending on the clusters chosen, there is little to no overlap between clusters. However, your comment about a Slavic-looking Swede was specifically in response to the features of a single woman, not a cluster.


Regarding hair and eye color, Emily’s statements have been in response to others, including baiting by you.

I read your comments about the light-eyed Indians. They are useless. If the argument is that blue eyes are gorgeous, you can barely challenge a ‘monopoly on Nordics only having all those “gorgeous” eye colors’ by showing a blue-eyed Indian or two because these blue eyes are very rare in Indians whereas a little over half of Nordics have blue eyes; the per capita difference is staggering. Besides, the monopoly issue is a straw man. Emily’s arguments have always been in terms of attractiveness frequencies in different populations, which I don’t see you disputing. You must not resort to straw men. Posting pictures of tons of Indians with light eyes will prove nothing as again the stark frequency difference is quite clear.

You wrote, “I don't understand why you stick to such stupid things as hair and eye colors??? really?” Where have I focused on hair and eye color? This website has been around for three and a half years, and I have never discussed hair and eye colors in the context of beauty. The people who bring this up in the comments are typically people coming from the darker populations who lack significant diversity in these areas: Godis, Zonneschijn (Z) and you. Emily’s comments on this topic have been a response to others.

Regarding where your nose falls, I am not going to bother. You need to be discouraged from leaving more comments at this site and I am only going to address foul comments, straw men and other nonsense from you. I don’t recall ever making the argument that most Indians are between ‘Caucasoid and Mongoloid.’

You may be here to learn and improve yourself, but leaving comments is not necessary to learn and you need to improve yourself before leaving comments. I am also not here to educate you about issues not related to this site.

You wrote, ‘For example if you think less of an will be more “compelled” to find unflattering stats and/or comparisons. Do you not agree?’ I disagree. Scenario start: unflattering stats/comparisons make one think less of an ethnicity. So it cannot be claimed that thinking less of an ethnicity has made the person seek unflattering stats and/or comparisons in the first place. It does not follow that this person will specifically seek more unflattering stats/comparisons. The only thing that follows is that if a negative view in general is acquired then further negative arguments about the ethnicity will be more readily received but not all people will accept the negative arguments without doing some research for themselves.

So you disagree about resorting to foulness? Let me list some more examples.

a) You have been accusing people of posting under different names. Me as Emily and others, Brazilian as Emily, - as Emily, and so on. What is this? All people whom you have assumed to be the same are different individuals. Different people can have the same opinion and the same multiple opinions. More importantly, accusing different people of the being the same does nothing to address the arguments of these people, which is the thing the matters. You are resorting to foulness, plain and simple.

b) Brazilian obviously doesn’t have good command of English. He made a reference to your nostrils but was apparently meaning the fleshy alar cartilage of the sides of the nose because that is visible in the pictures whereas your nostril shapes are not. You responded by showing a picture of your nostrils. This is a waste of time, and the cartilage part doesn’t look Nordic, period. Brazilian extrapolated the cartilage shape to nostril shape, and was later corrected.

c) You went on a diatribe against Brazilian for calling you ugly, but he never did. Brazilian used the term “uglier people,” which he has clearly specified to be non-Nordics, and his comments have made it clear that he is talking about a frequency difference (more ugly people outside of northern Europe). You have exhibited poor understanding throughout. Why waste our time?

d) You wrote to Brazilian, “Good for you that you think Nordics look better on average but why should others who disagree with you be suffering from low self esteem?” Again, you put words in people’s mouth. Brazilian made no reference to low self-esteem but to an inferiority complex.

e) You leave comments such as

I have an oval face, non coarse features and a non hooked nose - straight and upturned. Means that i have a Nordic face.

Emily i have always wondered why my cheeks and nose are "rosy"/pinkish? Is it makeup? or Could it be related to my Nordicness?

Enough of these bad jokes. This site is not about you.

f) You bait people. Emily’s latest nasty comment is solely a result of your bait. This does not mean she is not responsible for the nastiness, but you are the one who angered her and made her write it. People say things they don’t really mean when they are angry. You must not bait people here.

g) You again have made a sly reference to bias on my part by saying, “I know you won't be deleting Emily's comments above.” People have left nasty comments about me and also about whites/Northern Europeans at this site, and they are there for people to read.

I don’t see why you keep coming back to this site. There is nothing here for you.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 01:51 Dan Seska from Teen Stars magazine

Her face also has qualities reminiscent of a man's face. hmm....

Yea Samantha, hers definitely has more masculine qualities than Inna B.'s face LOL.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 01:46 Dan Inna B. from Met Art

WTH are you talking about Samantha? Her face is definitely feminine. It's just long, with parts missing the ideal positions and sizes, which always looks worse on girls than on guys, but only people who are predisposed would think that that makes the face masculine. Her back side is not too feminine though.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 01:27 Samantha Claire: for the skeptics

Sorry, I meant attractive women section

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 01:26 Samantha Claire: for the skeptics


you constantly speak of how you want to "improve" your feminine woman section. I think I know how...

Hit the books and study and do some REAL experiments and get some REAL research and then change your criteria as to what dictates what is beautiful and what is not. So far you are very very lost. You're women are generally not considered attractive by the majority of men because the citeria you use to evaluate attractiveness is severely flawed. You are no better than gay fashion designers when choosing what is attractive and desirable to "heterosexual males"

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 01:24 Samantha Seska from Teen Stars magazine

Her face also has qualities reminiscent of a man's face. hmm....

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 01:19 Samantha Inna B. from Met Art

How is that face not masculine? Her body is astounding, her face has man written on it. You don't see it?

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 00:41 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Here is more;

"Until May 2007, Meera Devi rose before dawn each day and walked a half mile to a vegetable patch outside the village of Kachpura to find a secluded place.

Dodging leering men and stick-wielding farmers and avoiding spots that her neighbors had soiled, the mother of three pulled up her sari and defecated with the TAJ MAHAL (!) in plain view.

With that act, she added to the estimated 100,000 tons of human excrement that Indians leave each day in fields of potatoes, carrots and spinach, on banks that line rivers used for drinking and bathing and along roads jammed with scooters, trucks and pedestrians.

Governments and aid groups have strived for decades to overcome India’s sanitation challenges. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who led the movement for freedom from foreign domination, grappled with the issue almost a century ago: “The cause of many of our diseases is the condition of our lavatories and OUR BAD HABIT OF DISPOSING OF EXCRETA ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE,” Gandhi wrote in 1925. “Sanitation is more important than political independence,” he declared."

Even cats bury their own feces. Indians do it in the open and then just leave it there.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 00:27 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Yellow disgusting teeth, a forehead that is so slanting there is hardly room for a brain. Weak, feminine face and the ugly usual yellowish-brown color. You look as revolting as you behave. Posting 100 pictures won't change that.

As for India drowning in feces read this SHOCKING piece from an article in Bloomberg,

"Some 665
million Indians practice open defecation, more than half the global
total. In China, the world's most populous country, 37 million people
defecate in the open, according to Unicef.

Half of India's schools don't have separate toilets for males and
females, forcing young women to use unisex facilities or nothing at
all. Twenty-two percent of girls complete 10 or more years of
schooling compared with 35 percent of boys, a national family health
survey finished in 2006 found.

Urban dwellers aren't spared substandard hygiene. In Mumbai, Delhi and
other cities where billboards advertise the latest mobile phones and
trendy young women sport Prada handbags, the water that's piped into
homes and apartments must be filtered before drinking. And in most
homes it's available only a few hours each day.

In Devi's village, sewage and household wastewater flow along open
drains that line both sides of narrow alleyways. The fetid water
gathers in a shallow channel choking with plastic containers,
discarded footwear and household trash. A woman carrying a folded
mattress on her head steps deftly along a narrow bridge spanning the
mire. A mechanical pump chugs on the bank, sucking up the liquid to
dispense over a nearby vegetable patch. Children play around the edge,
alongside tethered, cud- chewing water buffalo.

A man walks past, clutching a water-filled plastic bottle, presumably
on his way to defecate. The rest of the slurry empties into a trench
coursing along a feces-dotted path through a field of cauliflowers. A
shoeless boy uses a long-handled spade to create a new sluice for the
black sludge to ooze over the vegetable field.

More unsettling, 17 percent of city residents, or 50 million people,
don't have toilets. Fewer than 10 percent of Indian cities have a
sewage system. About 37 percent of urban wastewater flows into the
environment untreated, where such pathogens as rotavirus,
campylobacter and human roundworm can spread via water, soil, food and
unwashed hands."

So much for Indian sophistication. Maybe you should ask the British to return?

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 23:38 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I know you won't be deleting Emily's comments above BUT in case you even have the slightest "desire"...Don't!
I want other people to read what she has wrote.

Do you expect me to go and cry now? Since i am sooo feminine! Your "analogies" of weak and feminine and gay and not a real man, in the same sentence are priceless! If i had low self esteem and thought i was ugly do you think i would post any pics of me here? Where the likes of people who are so critical of other people's looks haven't (hint hint). NO! So give it your best shot.

Your comments did this to me

Emily i have always wondered why my cheeks and nose are "rosy"/pinkish? Is it makeup? or Could it be related to my Nordicness? Why don't i have massive/sharp gonial angles? Why are my ceeks not robust? Why do i have an oval face shape? Why is my forehead large? Oh and GASP could i really have Green eyes? Is that also Nordic? :D

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 22:23 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Not Indians? I guess they are Nordics, right?



Another nose that is probably straight according to "peter" since it is on an Indian. (Remember, Swedish noses are always hooked according to peter the troll, no matter how straight they are.);


Not Indians? Unrepresentative? You wish.







Mon, 03/16/2009 - 22:08 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"YEAH? and yet you go on "selectively" posting pictures of Indian, Slavic and Asian women as representatives? Do you not think I or someone who is East Asian or Slavic would be better qualified to do that? It goes both ways honey!"

Right. The difference of course being that I do know how to select appropriate pictures that accurately portray Nordics, Slavics, Asians and Indians. Not even ONCE, has anyone here challenged my pictures, saying they are not representative. Maybe because I'm not deceitful and a troll like you. You are as dumb as you look, apparently. You proved that before with your idiotic nose ranting. The Swedsh girl has a hooked nose and the Russian one that looks broken is straight. Yeah right. Nice try. Everyone here who has eyes to see with knows you are a fool by now.
