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Tue, 03/31/2009 - 11:25 Stephen Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

No, her buttocks really is that flat.

Mon, 03/30/2009 - 17:56 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"By the way, I have read blogs written by someone called "j richards" at a site named "Majority Rights". Are you that same person writing here under another name? Some blogs of his seem very similar to yours, and some of the pictures you use are used by him too, so I wonder if you could clear that up."

How dare you accuse our beloved Erik of being that racist, homophobic, anti-semitic - overall prejudiced jerk
J Richards???

As well Emily ALL you do is spew hate and prejudice if anything. I hope you learned your lesson and have retreated to some isolated cave in Scandanavia. Next time give Mr. Testosterone a break! Maybe i need to borrow some of him from you and trade you with some of my Miss Estrogen :D

Mon, 03/30/2009 - 14:18 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Finally i have more time now

Talking about Kate Winslet "and she has the hooked nose you often see in Britain."
Again goes to show you have no idea what your talking about!
Anyone see a hooked nose?

Sun, 03/29/2009 - 02:35 chick And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

I've always wanted bigger boobs, but not THAT big, lol.

Sat, 03/28/2009 - 12:56 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

lol so he posts a picture up of Nazi propaganda photos that was trying to show how "derived" and superior the German race is. lol

But the people in it are really attractive. The girl in it looks a lot like my cousin on my German side, but my cousins face is a little more rounded off, a little less chiseled. She has a pointy chin and nose, but not THAT pointy. She's prettier.

Sat, 03/28/2009 - 03:17 stoner joe More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

this girl in my class huz got huge boobs, but a man face. what went wrong? how does one end up looking like a man with nice tits?

Fri, 03/27/2009 - 22:35 James From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Oft-quoted: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" My understanding, being a trained artist, is that aesthetics is/are closely related to the concept of "Beauty". Is there scientific evidence or proof that there is a "perfect" aesthetic state or condition that would be unassailable? I've witnessed many instances where one person's concept of a "beautiful" person, scene, or object is strongly denigrated and scorned by others. Maybe we're looking at some semantics which can never lead to agreement. To be "perfect" there would have to be universal agreement on its requisites. Can we have a scientifically accurate and unassailable "perfect aesthetics"? As long as people make choices, there will be disagreement as to what has beauty, let alone being aesthetically perfect. Let's be satisfied with "excellence" and step away from the pipe dream of "perfection".

Fri, 03/27/2009 - 06:15 Bob Fairlane More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

Jessica Albas face is ugly, Scarlette Johanson has a funny face esp without her makeup, but I haven't seen your other pick. I bet she's dog faced too.

Thu, 03/26/2009 - 22:01 j sheppard A woman with small breasts

so. so. so. wrong. i'm flabby, have a giant arse, and proportionally small boobs. i can name 4 boys i have very recently turned down and one i didnt ^_-. how about you don't talk about what "we" want to look like in order to justify your own insecurities.

Thu, 03/26/2009 - 14:03 Renita Welcome!

1. This site has a valid message, but is OVERTLY analytical. Come on.....hip to breast ratio. Are you a scientist?

2. It's no secret that gay men promote women that THEY find attractive, but that most men don't find attractive. I could have told you that 20 years ago.

3. Many otherwise masculine framed women have implants in order to look more feminine to men, who tend to likes breasts. Duh. It's hard to add fat to hips if your body type doesn't allow it.

4. I don't believe Tyra Banks had breast implants for the following reasons:
a. As a high fashion model, she knew that breasts would be the end of her career.
b. As a fellow black woman, I can attest that we typically have large breasts and they get larger after age 20, give or take a few years. Tyra started modeling at 16. She also gained weight overall, which can sometimes affect the size of the breasts.
c. So she admitted to a "moustache". A lot of large breasted, hippy women have it. That's no sign of androgen levels or whatever. I have sized 44DD breasts, a freakishly small waist (the only place I lose weight/inches) and large hips and a moustache. So am I more feminine or masculine?

5. Some men like fashion models because they show more skin than a typical "on the street" woman. Duh. My husband said that he wished women would dress more like models because they're not afraid to show legs, abdomen, etc... He also looked down at his muscular chest and said (referring to himself) "I have bigger breasts than they do. It would be like making out with a dude."

6. If you're not uber skinny, ask your husband/boyfriend what he likes. It's probably someone who looks like yourself, hence a big reason you caught his eye to begin with.

Thu, 03/26/2009 - 02:07 b Abbie Gortsema

Could it be that the fashion industry just has a fixation on adolescence in general - which is why they choose models who look pre-pubescent (a period where boys and girls look more similar)?

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 20:28 Hotsauce Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

Actually, Barbie is the bane of feminists because her dimensions are simply impossible for a human to have without causing severe damage to themselves :,21985,22475156-5000117,00.html

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 17:49 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

What this site has taught me is this! Have a look and tell me if i have learned anythng? Am i on the right track?
NOTE* This is only for Erik!* (Don't watch the whole thing only from 4.55 to 5.35) (From 3.20 to 3.50)


Wed, 03/25/2009 - 04:35 Godis Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

lol Barbie's face shape appears to be quite broad. I believe she would look better with a less broad face? I understand that a slightly wider face can enhance one's beauty, but barbie's face would be even MORE attractive if it were a bit more delicate and less broad. It is interesting that square shoulders are attractive, because they suggest athleticism and not femininity. Also, Barbie's shoulder's are a tiny bit on the wide side relative to her hips. Wouldn't more rounded shoulders be more feminine and thus more attractive? The truth is Barbie has an hourglass shape with subtle athletic features as well. This makes her appear physically fit but still feminine. Barbie is not EXTREMELY feminine when you take all these things into consideration. Barbie's legs and breasts are most attractive on her, as well as her small waist and tiny rib cage.

I understand that certain features of Barbie are exaggarted to appear more cartoonish, however it is these exaggarations that make her more appealing as well.

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 04:27 Godis Facial masculinization in beauty pageant contestants: an example from the Miss Germany 2002 pageant

"The comment on cheekbones by Gruendl et al. is curious: masculinization results in high cheekbones"

Well he is wrong. High cheekbones are neither masculine or feminine. High cheekbones are generally an ethnic trait found among obviously certain ethnicities. A more accurate argument would be "masculinization results in HIGHER cheekbones". For example a Northern European man will rarely have really high cheekbones no matter how masculine he is. An Asian woman may not have low cheekbones no matter how feminine she is. Although high and low exist among all populations these are based on the interval or range of what the norm is within the population. So an extremely feminine Asian woman can have lower cheekbones than the AVERAGE Asian woman, but may not have cheekbones as low as say a Northern European woman who may actually be masculinized. Therefore, the whole cheekbone thing isn't really accurate. High and low cheekbones are more a result of ethnicity than actual feminization or masculinization. Every ethnicity has masculine and feminine features. The thin lips of many Germans for example are a masculine trait. An extremely feminine German woman will not have masculine lips, but the thinness will create a more masculine appearance than say if she had fuller lips. Scandinavians seem to retain fuller lips so compare two equally feminine women, one Scandinavian and one German, the Scandinavian woman with fuller lips may appear more attractive than an equally feminine German woman with thin lips...The percieved femininity was not the result of greater feminization, but of physical characteristics dependent on one's genes.

Tue, 03/24/2009 - 04:58 Godis The strange death of Ruslana Korshunova: likely murder by an organized crime group

Yeah, I wonder what Ruslana would have thought had she seen herself as an example of an ugly masculine high fashion model in your "The Shoulders of High Fashion Models" section?

Tue, 03/24/2009 - 04:48 Godis Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

Ok Erik,

All those men look really gross. No woman wants a man like that, trust me! Dorian Yates does not look like a Roman God, rolls eye. Facial structure and body structure, maybe he does look like a Roman God. BUT, Roman Gods were never built to look like they were going to explode. The muscle is revolting... no woman wants a man that muscular.

Let me post some photos of men that women generally find attractive:

First of all, a man that is slightly darker is always a bit more charming. Ever heard of tall, dark and handsome? However, lighter men are attractive as well, but I think women and men alike associate lighter hair,skin,eyes, etc. with greater feminity, even though it doesn't relate to hormone levels.

This guy is muscular, but its not too much! not for me at least... however for some girls it MAY be too much.

guy model Pictures, Images and Photos

Another muscular attractive guy. Honestly, if it gets more muscular than this, the attractiveness goes down...

Me With A Guy Model Pictures, Images and Photos

This guy doesn't have that much muscle. However, he is bulky and wide shouldered. This is more attractive than someone who is bulky and has a shit load of muscle. His face has feminine features, but he is attractive nonetheless. In fact I find that feminine features such as slightly fuller lips, bigger eyes, etc. on a man attract women even more. After all they want to see those attractive qualities in their children boy or girl don't they?

Steven Strait Pictures, Images and Photos

Same guy, only thinner:

Steven Strait Pictures, Images and Photos

Steven Pictures, Images and Photos

What would help Steven straights appearance? A slightly finer nose from the frontal view, while side profile is alright

Paul Walker is extremely attractive:

Paul Walker Pictures, Images and Photos

paul walker Pictures, Images and Photos

Are you getting the drift?

The men I picked I find very attractive. However, for example some women find even leaner less muscular, or men with a less masculine build even more attractive. I know absolutley NO women that like overly muscular overly masculine guys. This is the truth:

That men on the masculine side of the scale are considered more attractive, however once that scale goes to far a man on the feminine side would do better even

Same with women: A woman on the feminine scale is more attractive, but once she gets too feminine no one finds her attractive anymore.

Besides, the whole feminine masculine scale in my opinion doesn't have to do as much with attraction as you claim. A woman with nice features that isn't particularly feminine can be more attractive than a feminine woman with boring, bland, or just bad features. And many times even androgynous women can look good, is it rarer? Yes, but not possible.

And also we all like to see feminine qualities in both males and females. If a man has big eyes, or pouty lips, etc. That is attractive to a woman. Similarly if a woman has a combination body type, such as an hourglass/athletic type, this may be more attractive. This woman is curvy, has a small waist and large breasts, however, her shoulders may be a tiny wider and her legs or something more athletic. Who cares? This woman can be very athletic and stunning at the same time.

Let me give you an example:

Keeley Hazel

You haven't responded to my questions about her by the way. Anyways, she has huge shoulders, but an amazing hourglass figure with amazing breasts? However, she looks better than most of the feminine women you post up that are moe feminine than her? Why? Is it because she looks stronger and healthier due to the fact that she has better defintion combined with feminine features such as hips,large breasts, and a small waist? Yes. This is more attractive because she looks better made, healthier, stronger, while maintaining her feminine attributes. This will beat out any other just plain feminine girl.

Mon, 03/23/2009 - 23:12 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Yes I have a round football face with lots of fat. Actually wait...I think the moon is a better comparison. Because just like the moon i also have dark big craters on my face lol.

"I'm looking foward to know from you or whoever why the big fuss on others regarding nordics (I prefer northerners) as aesthetically superior. What's the big deal? It's plain and simple prejudice against them. Would you regard me with inferiority complex if I were prizing iranians with the award? No way. Simply bias against northern europeans.

I like that odd thing of being the brazilian siding with nordics when the subject is beauty. I can only laugh at my people when they regard themselves as the most beautiful. How about those indians and venezuelans trying to impose their misses universe as a prove of their aesthetic superiority. Damn It."

I really pity your ... ok lets not get into this. Ok good for you that you find Nordics "the best". I NEVER used any of those adjectives (pig nose, red skin etc) to describe your "blame" is unfounded. I find beauty in all races and populations. I don't go looking for specific traits. If you do then off course you will find more beauty in a particular population.

I just find it silly that in your responses to me you say things like prejudice, prejudice...when i have in fact never put down Nordics or denied that they are good looking. So please stop.

Also regarding your last entry ... What is wrong with you?
It is totally inaccurate. I suggest you ask Erik what he thinks of this "discovery" of yours...

Mon, 03/23/2009 - 22:37 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Before anything I would suggest that ONLY people i have adressed my comments to, respond to them. I am clearly not being "serious" with Emily and don't expect a response from Erik or anyone else for a message directed at her.

My Dearest Erik,
You seem to have exhibited poor understanding of some of my points.

1. My "criticism" of Marilyn Monroe was along the same lines as your comments about some models.

"And no, Tyra Banks is not feminine; she got breast implants at some point"
What has breast implants got to do with Tyra's femininity? An otherwise feminine woman will still look feminine with small breasts.

"Veronika doesn’t have the best-looking nose, but unlike Gisele, she has not had a nose job"
Why defend Veronika's not so perfect nose by bringing up Gisele's nose job? Nose job or not Veronika's nose still looks better compared to Gisele's.

I NEVER disputed that Marilyn does not look Nordic or her face shape is not found in Nordic countries. My "disagreement" was simply with the word "Gorgeous", being used to describe her by Emily. Yes she was gorgeous but not before her procedures. Before her procedures she still looked pretty but nothing compared to what she looked like as we KNOW her. I was simply informing Emily of the procedures in case she didn't realize just like you were informing readers about Gisele's nose job. Additionally Emily said that Marilyn had a "cute potato nose" How do we know that her nose profile
(concave) was not due to surgery? All the before pictures of her i have seen do not show profile view. I hope you have understood what i am trying to say? I think this should just end here.

2. Regarding that Swedish model, I will be adressing her looks later but if you read Ekaterina's comments. She mentioned "but the tip of her nose (which is what defines whether somebody has a hooked nose or not) is straight. It does not point up or down. But if she was to smile, it would point down."

My nose does not droop when i smile but some people with even straight noses, when smiling show hooked noses. This is what i meant by tendency for a hooked nose. I am not a 100% sure off course which is why i asked Emily to post a picture of her smiling from the side. Once i have adressed her looks you will understand what i am trying to say better.

3. Do i need to re post pictures of that woman to show you that i do not see any shadows on her nose?....So i can not suggest/assume anything. Either way that comment was directed at Emily and not you. Let us stop talking about her nose.

4. Emily claims she knows what Swedish women look like and can tell apart Slavic from Nordic. I doubt she would admit to posting a picture of a Swedish woman who "looked Slavic" as she has clearly pointed them out and expressed her dislike of them. I am sure you have noticed her reaction to me calling her Swedish model having "Slavic influences". Again this was directed at Emily and its best we don't discuss it.

5. "I read your comments about the light-eyed Indians. They are useless. If the argument is that blue eyes are gorgeous, you can barely challenge a ‘monopoly on Nordics only having all those “gorgeous” eye colors’ by showing a blue-eyed Indian or two because these blue eyes are very rare in Indians whereas a little over half of Nordics have blue eyes; the per capita difference is staggering. Besides, the monopoly issue is a straw man. Emily’s arguments have always been in terms of attractiveness frequencies in different populations, which I don’t see you disputing. You must not resort to straw men. Posting pictures of tons of Indians with light eyes will prove nothing as again the stark frequency difference is quite clear.

You wrote, “I don't understand why you stick to such stupid things as hair and eye colors??? really?” Where have I focused on hair and eye color? This website has been around for three and a half years, and I have never discussed hair and eye colors in the context of beauty. The people who bring this up in the comments are typically people coming from the darker populations who lack significant diversity in these areas: Godis, Zonneschijn (Z) and you. Emily’s comments on this topic have been a response to others."

I am sorry i posted the whole comment on that topic to Emily, I was not adressing it to you. I just wanted to mention the part of me thinking it was stupid to talk about hair and eye color. I know you have not brought it up on this site and it would indeed reflect poor understanding on my part if i had said you did. You are right about the statistical frequency of blue eyes. The person who "glorified" hair and eye color first to my knowledge was Emily and none of the other people (people coming from the darker populations who lack significant diversity in these areas: Godis, Zonneschijn (Z) and you).

6. "You may be here to learn and improve yourself, but leaving comments is not necessary to learn and you need to improve yourself before leaving comments. I am also not here to educate you about issues not related to this site"

I disagree ... Whether you like it or not, thanks to you i have learned new words such as diatribe, learned some information that i was confused about and wouldn't have clarified unless i posted here ... as well as "learned
better" debating skills. ALL after leaving comments here and ALL after being my gay self :D

7. "You wrote, ‘For example if you think less of an will be more “compelled” to find unflattering stats and/or comparisons. Do you not agree?’ I disagree. Scenario start: unflattering stats/comparisons make one think less of an ethnicity. So it cannot be claimed that thinking less of an ethnicity has made the person seek unflattering stats and/or comparisons in the first place. It does not follow that this person will specifically seek more unflattering stats/comparisons. The only thing that follows is that if a negative view in general is acquired then further
negative arguments about the ethnicity will be more readily received but not all people will accept the negative arguments without doing some research for themselves."

I Disagree somewhat and/but also i am afraid i did not word it correctly...I meant to say if someone wants to create negative "propoganda" against a group, what kind of information will they seek? Assuming that this person has a negative view of this group due to personal experiences, internal conflict, media inflence etc. This person will generally select the most unflattering/negative information/stats in order to "emphasize" his/her propoganda. The reason for creating this
propoganda instead of a more direct attack can be several things such as law, accusations, self injury etc.
I can go more into this but then you will twist it around and think that this is my attempt at a sly attack on you!

8. Regarding my "foulness"

a) How is mistakenly accusing different people of being the same person foul? Other people have mistaken two different posters to be the same person as well. For example above on this page Godis also thought that Brazilian was Emily. Emily has not "signed" her name many times above as well and left it blank which is why i thought she might be -
The tone of the message and language skills of Emily and Brazilian seemed similar to me. Which is why i assumed they were the same. I am sorry if someone got offended by this?

b) "Brazilian obviously doesn’t have good command of English. He made a reference to your nostrils but was apparently meaning the fleshy alar cartilage of the sides of the nose because that is visible in the pictures whereas your nostril shapes are not. You responded by showing a picture of your nostrils. This is a waste of time, and the cartilage part doesn’t look Nordic, period. Brazilian extrapolated the cartilage shape to nostril shape, and was later corrected."

Erik are you assuming like Brazilian? I believe Brazilian's English isn't so bad that he did not know how to word the fleshy part of my nostrils? He clearly was referring to nostril shape. I know what i am talking about!
Nostrils of Europeans generally differ from populations such as East Asians in a few ways....nostril shape and cartilage/skin thickness. East Asians have thicker skin and flared/rounded nostrils. You "concluding" the fleshy part of my nostrils not being Nordic does nothing to prove that my nose "might be" Nordic. I hope we are not forgetting that i am a male? Males have thicker skin than females and my nose is more refined both in front and side view compared to many Nordic females....not even considering Nordic males.

Also i suggest you pay more attention to what he wrote exactly
"Compare the nostrils. How many europeans or nordics have got nostrils like that of yours Peter? I suppose almost zero."
He mentioned Europeans...Do you think it will be difficult for me to find examples of Nordics (male and/or female) with thick skin like me? flared/rounded nostrils? hooked/large noses?....Let alone South Europeans or East Europeans. Both groups with higher frequencies of classically "non Nordic" noses. "Classically Nordic" referring to straight, upturned, more prominent at the forehead/nose level, refined, thin skinned noses. This also does not mean the majority of Nordic people have such noses BUT to higher frequencies when compared to other populations.

Also if you read carefully i never claimed my nose and/or nostrils look Nordic. I said "or are you assuming that since i am ugly and by your "standards" Nordics are gorgeous and my nostrils can't be similar to them?"
Notice the word similar!

c) "You went on a diatribe against Brazilian for calling you ugly, but he never did. Brazilian used the term “uglier people,” which he has clearly specified to be non-Nordics, and his comments have made it clear that he is talking about a frequency difference (more ugly people outside of northern Europe). You have exhibited poor understanding throughout. Why waste our time?"

I love that word diatribe! Yes Erik i might have exhibited poor understanding OR maybe you have again jumped to a conclusion. Some people whose first language is not English like me use "indirect speech" - I don't know if there is a term for it but don't confuse it with its use in English grammar to refer to someone "quoting/using" the words of someone else. By "indirect speech" i mean to say that some people will not say something directly to people and will say it indirectly to "lessen" its impact or make its impact known to who it is directed at without naming him/her.
I thought that response i got from Brazilian was directed at me as my looks were somewhat being adressed previously. Also this after he gave me attitude and said "Give up". When i read that sentence i thought he was referring
to me. When he said Give up...he was implying that i stop comparing myself to Europeans and then he said uglier people comparing themselves better looking etc...
Does this make any sense?

Another example is when i said in my diatribical response to him "God knows what kind of people visit these sites". I was clearly referring to Brazilian. Since the response was adressed to him....he would have understood.

Similarly when you say things to me such as "Peter i don't know why you come here, there is nothing here for you" etc...
You are indirectly asking me to Leave instead of saying directly ... Peter LEAVE!
I hope i made some sense? That is the reason i thought Brazilian indirectly implied that i was ugly but wasn't going to say it straight to my face!
He later clarified...

d) You are correct! Will me saying Low self esteem and inferiority complex
are related make any difference lol

e) My comments to Emily should not be taken "seriously" especially by you Erik and i am surprised you have the time to respond to them...on Emily's behalf? Do you enjoy talking to me as much as i do with you :p
At least you realise they are jokes...

f) Baiting...Lets see... I don't think i need to use Emily's example. What was the point of bringing up the hygiene of Indian people?
Emily aside what about Brazilian? I am sure you would have noticed in my diatribical message to him i asked him to leave me alone. But what is this?
"Try to imagine how Peter would appear physicaly if he were light skinned and blond. I suppose he would aproach the look of a northern slavic."
What is this nonesense? When or where did i ask anyone to imagine me as a White, Black, Asian or as an Alien person?
Also i wonder who his comment under the picture of the Indian girl saying "Indians beat even the Arabs and Jews when it comes to huge and hooked noses" is directed at?

"His head and face are shaped like a ball, which is emphasized by the amount of fat deposited in his profile and also by his almost "lack" of chin."
Do you think there is a difference between a round and an oval face? How many times have i mentioned that i have an oval face. Is this not baiting?

What i really hate is when people make assumptions when they know nothing about me. Erik you are guilty of that too sometimes.

g) "I don’t see why you keep coming back to this site. There is nothing here for you."

WOW What a HUGE assumption on your part! Are you indirectly trying to tell me something? Darling there might be a better chance of whatever your trying to say working if you just said it directly.
After my coming posts it will be clearer to you what/why i keep coming back here.

To be continued...

Sat, 03/21/2009 - 23:12 Edwin Sonia Blake

You are so stunning, and cute. I love your freckles and those amazsing breast. I think it's the combination of cuteness of your face and such full a perky breast that make you so special. I love looking at the picture of.

Thanks Edwin

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 20:04 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Der Wanderer:

oh, you don't watch jew movies? who cares?

I wasn't talking to you. I don't care what your opinion is on anything either.

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 19:44 Der Wanderer Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Submitted by Godis on Fri, 03/20/2009

The Boy with the Striped Pajamas (wonderful movie by the way)

Sorry, I don't watch jew movies.

Image Hosted by

Don't you have a Wagner Opera to back up your argument, please?

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 19:18 Der Wanderer Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

Submitted by HughRistik on Fri, 02/13/2009

Erik, have you heard about the upcoming documentary, America The Beautiful?

I think I've seen that movie before

And the sequel, too

Fri, 03/20/2009 - 18:26 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Wow, Emily. Interesting that you believe Slavs are sooo different than Nordics, because in the movie;

The Boy with the Striped Pajamas (wonderful movie by the way)

the NORDIC mother, the NORDIC NAZI mother, is played by a Ukranian woman named: Vera Farmiga.

She in fact only spoke Ukranian up about until the age of six. hmm...

David Thewlis Vera Farmiga Pictures, Images and Photos

Wed, 03/18/2009 - 16:03 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"You are one of a kind. You are extremely beautiful but not boring, as beauty generally becomes boring, but great beauty provokes interest and awe at the same time:)"

Thank you so much! I'm glad somebody appreciates my appearance here :p
You're very kind. Thank you again.

Thank you! You noticed the same thing about that model...which i will be adressing soon. You are Beautiful! I think you look so lovely in your "candid shots" which you posted. All the best!"

Thank you as well, Peter! I can say the same about you :) And I hope you don't take what Emily says close to heart because her opinion doesn't mean anything.

"I suppose the model agencies don't pick up Ekaterina because she has an average aspect toward her and normal people are not what those agencies are looking for. Model agencies would rather a woman fitting toward the bizarre side and that's what they are all about: bizarre aspect that fits their purpose."

The model agencies did not sign me because of my height and bust. Models are supposed to be thin and lack breasts and a butt, which makes them look "chic". I have fairly large breasts and I have a behind. It's simple as that. I would have to weigh 90 pounds to look leaner, and I am not willing to put myself at risk. I am quite happy at 120, thank you. And I would much rather prefer to look good for my boyfriend, not a fashion industry. My face is far from being average. Average is what Nordics look like. My face is unique but yet it falls under the classic beauty category.
As for "bizarre-looking" models. That is not the case at the moment. Model agencies prefer women with natural, classic beauty. Not alien-like, like it was a few years ago. What they look for always changes.
