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Mon, 04/06/2009 - 21:42 Alex Ulya I. from Met Art

Is it just me, or are her hips vertically elongated?! i.e. her hips seem to finish quite high up and her waist seems to start quite high up on her torso.

Especially if you compare her to Carli Banks, or other feminine beauties...

Mon, 04/06/2009 - 21:12 Alex Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

yes, but what about the sex revolution.. "sexual freedom" simply lead to a lot of girls getting USED and DUMPED. Men aren't going to buy the cow when they can get the milk for free..
The sex revolution pegged society as sexually "free" and women are supposed to "enjoy" sex without the "burden" of pregnancy... for once sex is seen as seperate from reproduction... BUT.. the BIG problem is that people's emotions and instincts surrounding sex are "hardwired" into us and are still directly linked to reproduction and the (possibility) of falling pregnant and all it entails...
i.e. women are told to go and have sex and it will all be ok, because they are having "safe sex" and pregnancy will not follow.. but for most girls emotional devastation follows the rise in transient sex and relationships over the past 40 yrs... women release different hormones to men during sex which makes it much harder for them to keep things casual.
Don't forget the sexual revolution of the 60's was forged and created when scientific theory at that time beleived gender to be a "social construct". The societal changes wrought by the sex revolution and the radical feminists are based on the (false) assumption that men and women are innately the same...
Marriage has dropped off remarkably since sex with no strings became more available to men...
Many women want to have kids, but it's all too hard to find committment in a society which men are getting the milk for free, men are not going to buy the cow... hence the rise in both childlessness AND fatherless families.
The sex revolution is a catastrophe for women.....

Mon, 04/06/2009 - 10:08 SR Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

This whole nordics-are-beautiful theory makes no sense from an evolutionary perspective. Our sense of aesthetics did not evolve in a vacuum, our notion of beauty helps us mate with people who are well adapted to our environment. Ideal nose size, skin color etc. depend on how hot your surroundings are, how much sun you get etc. Why should people adapted to different climes find nordics - a tiny population adapted to their harsh cold - attractive?

My question does not concern universal signs of fertility such as body shape since that has not been the focus of this thread.

Mon, 04/06/2009 - 03:22 Wendy Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

That's a ridiculous comment.

Sure, it's probably true that some of these guys are losers and can't "find women" in real life, but then again I've seen many white (loser) men with fat and ugly white (loser) women, and these guys are no different.

Truth is, sometimes you can fall in love with someone of a different race. DUH!! I am a female of white background and I've fallen for men of Asian background before. I like exotic features, and some men also like exotic features in women.

Emily, you're an idiot!

Sun, 04/05/2009 - 17:56 Bastard Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Are you kidding, are you blonde, or don't you understand what promiscuous means ? You don't have sex, that's exactly what the author said: more feminine women are less promiscuous.

Sun, 04/05/2009 - 06:15 Olga Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Hi Emily, I know what you mean about the small probability of a Puerto Rican having blond hair and eyes, but we have to realize that Puerto Rican is not a race, it's just a nationality so there exists the possibility that a fully white person was born in Puerto Rico and so identifies as Puerto Rican while being, at the time, white.

Is that a huge possibility? No, as most Puerto Ricans are mulatto or quadroon, which means they are 1/2 to 1/4 negroid. In fact, the whitest Puerto Rican I've made was an octaroon (1/8 negroid). Yet Puerto Ricans are seldom fully negroid ... So I guess the question would be, can a quadroon or an octaroon mix with a Nordic man and generate a blond offspring? Maybe, depends on whether the quadroon/octaroon carries the gene for blondness or light eyes.

Keep in mind that even when a quadroon exhibits strong black features they are technically only 1/4 black and being 3/4 white they may just carry the gene for blondness. I guess it depends on whether the Spaniards they are mixed with had any Nordic in them (I've seen a few Nordic Spaniards)

PS: Hispanic is not a term that I would use to describe quadroons or mulattoes, as it creates confusion between them and European Spaniards.

Sat, 04/04/2009 - 09:27 Gem Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Why do you keep insisting that gay designers are to blame for this? Not all designers are gay, and not all designers are male. Yes it is ridiculous that high-fashion models have to be skinny and masculine by default, and I believe that the fashion world should employ models of all shapes and sizes to model clothes of all shapes and sizes. But masculine models have only been popular since women started to wear more androgynous clothing in the '60s. High fashion has little to do with sexuality of models, it's about showing off outfits, and it has nothing to do with the gender and sexuality of the designer. And why, again, insist on stating that the high-fashion models look like YOUNG boys? "Gay designers want everyone to look like young boys." It seems to me like you're confusing being gay with being a paedophile, to be frank.

Fri, 04/03/2009 - 10:25 Sarah Discrimination against unattractive women


I look like these fashion models. A lot of people have told me that and trust me I actually do. However a lot of people have also told me that I am attractive! Are you saying that I am actually not attractive, and it is in fact just peoples perceptions of the modern world and influences that have made me "look good" so I am doomed to a life of ( If you get your way and change perceptions) living alone. If you get your way would the women who look like me and are "masculanised" would we be the new fuglies of society.

Fri, 04/03/2009 - 08:16 James III Amy from spunky angels

This has got to be one of her more bland expressions *here* (Samara), but see her pics from the attractive women section. Dayum she's cute and what a bod! She is definitely slender, but she's still got the curves a poppin. Nice choice erik.

Fri, 04/03/2009 - 07:52 Peter Amy from spunky angels

Is that Amy or the female version (white female version) of me???
She has my face! Her nose, eyes, lips, jaws, chin....everything! This is so unbelievable!

She is really cute and sweet :) I like her so much!

Why is that i notice a lot of similarities in my face and many of the women in the attractive women category? Does that mean i am attractive too? ok i am getting off point...

But seriously sometimes Erik you really have a good eye! Good job :D

Thu, 04/02/2009 - 23:11 C-Dude Amy from spunky angels

She is a goddess. If this gorgeous girl isn't acting in some film or series somewhere, anywhere, then it is the world's loss.

Thu, 04/02/2009 - 21:55 rachel Tyra Banks on honesty

i think Tyra Banks is the one who trying to be write, that's why she has her nose job, breast implants, skin bleaching & etc. Come on, Tyra Banks, admit it!

Thu, 04/02/2009 - 17:42 Peter Discrimination against unattractive women

"Companies marketing products to feminists will continue to use ordinary-looking women; “real women” in feminist speak."

There is a typo? I think you meant to say speech.
This is an interesting post however again i don't agree with some points.

1. You mentioned that if this site, feminine beauty became "big" or somehow feminine beauty became more appreciated in the fashion world it would "equal out". Feminine as well as masculine women would have a place in the fashion world. Do you really think this is feasable? I think NOT!
If above average feminine models came into the picture do you think there would be hope for the above average masculine models? (like many at the moment). No, It would be a dream come true for you and other exclusively heterosexual males but would work against above average masculine models. Once people become aware of the existance of above average feminine models being used in fashion i don't think many people would care for models such as Gisele Bunchen.

2. I do not like your use of the word "strange" to describe men who have a mix of feminine, hypermasculine, normally masculine etc. characteristics. Strange to who? You? Since you only appreciate "Extreme masculine" looks. I can guess why...
I find Dorian Yates physique to be repulsive. I have no idea why in all hell's name would you post him as an example of an attractive male or male physique....referring to your other posts. You mentioned most/many women would find the physique of the body builders unappealing or repulsive. Then why use them?

3. Turst me this influence of homosexual males on "selecting" masculine fashion models will change in your lifetime. You can bet on it.

4. In defense of non feminine seem to have left out that in general they will have a higher libido.

5. Correct me if i am wrong but isn't the technology to select the sex of their child available to couples? If that is the case in the future...this antagonistic sexual selection issue won't be of concern?

Thu, 04/02/2009 - 02:47 BOX Sexually antagonistic selection

Why do men have nipples?

Thu, 04/02/2009 - 00:52 huh? Sexually antagonistic selection

Well, Erik was just using that statement as an example not fact. I took it out of context to make fun of him a little bit.

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 12:38 Peter Sexually antagonistic selection


Your a hilarious new addition to this site :)
I disagree with that statement but if Erik says that then we must assume he is very feminine? even more than me!

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 05:31 huh? Sexually antagonistic selection

"People prefer individuals having a comparable level of masculinity-femininity. In other words, masculine men mate with masculine women, effeminate men mate with feminine women, average men mate with average women."

Yes, Erik, you are effeminate, this is why you like such "feminine" women. Way to hit the nail on the head.

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 05:29 huh? Sexually antagonistic selection

who cares? I bang what I think looks good, I donj't make charts about it first...

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 05:22 huh? Carli Banks

Shes cute

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 05:21 huh? Anna from ATK galleria

looks like white trash, needs better hair dye

who thinks puke yellow blondes are hot anyways?

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 05:17 huh? Princess Alla

nice ass, but from the front she looks liek a little boy... ill pass

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 05:12 huh? 2 min 23 sec video: Fast track learning for newcomers


Tue, 03/31/2009 - 17:24 francesca Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

You're absolutely right, what does Victoria's Secret have against nose jobs?

Tue, 03/31/2009 - 15:04 Godis Discrimination against unattractive women

Erik says,

"If a man and woman with above average masculinity decide to mate in order to produce a very masculine son, not only could the results be negative from a health and fertility standpoint if a daughter is born, but exposure to testosterone beyond a threshold could developmentally disturb the male fetus, leading to a son with a strange mix of hypermasculine, normally masculine, hypomasculine and feminine characteristics."

Ok. So let me get this straight. For a guy to have "strong" masculine sons he shouldn't mate with a feminine woman, because his sons will turn out feminine and weak looking to women, however he shouldn't mate with a hyper masculine woman because then the fetus will get "damaged"

So he should mate with an average woman right?

I don't know, that doesn't really make sense to me, its very dumbed down, kind of like a first grader's logic. Not to mention its kind of insulting. I want to have boys and girls and I don't think that just because I am feminine I can't have masculine and good looking boys. Besides, feminine features in men are actually attractive. Nice eyes, fuller lips, etc. are all nice traits...

Tue, 03/31/2009 - 14:28 Godis Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Not to mention how wide her shoulders are:

Her shoulders are just as wide any high fashion models...
