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Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:01 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Your comment is another bait, I know."

I'm being objective. There's nothing demure or gentle about the things you write. That said I agree that's not really the issue.

"Why should I be? Since when do you see any sensitivity whatsoever towards whites, by the way - here or anywhere else? The day I see some sensitivity towards us, and less outright hostility, envy and aggression, I will be more sensitive to the feelings of those who are not white. I promise, sweetheart. Now dry your tears."

I agree with you about political correctness and double standards, but why on earth do you want to sink to the level of people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Do you really think calling blacks and Asians ugly on some obscure website will make ethnic activists engage in fair discourse?

"I have no idea why my looks, or the looks of anyone else who writes here, should be an issue. I'm not that insecure that I need to discuss my own looks here."

You really don't understand that making incredibly personal attacks on others races' looks and exalting the looks of your own might make people question how stunning you might be? Well, that's the case there nothing I can do to persuade you. I hope in person that your social skills are somewhat better

"I am proud of my heritage and of my people/race, and I which to see it preserved. I see lots of people benefitting from white-mixing, and very little coming our way, so it is very one-sided, I think. The recessive nature of white genes also makes it necessary to breed more within the race, unless you want to see it disappear. This is a biologic, evolutionary fact, no matter how politically incorrect it may be."

That's only because you think that only Nordic-looking people are beautiful. For people with more open-minded tastes people like Halle Berry, Lenny Kravitz, Kristin Kreuk, Russell Wong etc. are quite welcome in the pantheon of beautiful people. Besides it's not as though people in a free society are going to stop interbreeding, so why not enjoy it? If Swedes and white people in general where to disappear I'd think it was a loss for humanity but it will take a long time for that to happen. Look at Australian Aborigines and American Indians. They have been decimated, but white folks will be around for longer than that. I like diversity and distinct ethnic groups as well but not so much that I think people should marry co-ethnics they don't love (or not marry at all) for the good of the race. Marrying who you love is more important than group loyalty, or at least most of us white Westerners think so. Demanding endogamy is more common among unsophisticated Third Worlders, i.e. those dogfaced Asians and Africans.

"I also don't like the hostility and yes, racism, that I see towards whites, nor the double-standard that is often applied to what whites are allowed to say and express in comparison to what other ethnicities and races are allowed to say."

Neither do I, and I think some of it is due to the fact that Nordic beauty is glorified in the media. But you do realize you're saying you want to be as racist and insulting as ethnic activists. I know a guy born in America to parents from India who hates that white liberals hold non-whites to lower moral standards in terms of what white libs will accept: everything from racist words to criminal violence. Basically you want the bar of civil society lowered so whites like yourself can be as selfish and obnoxious as race obsessed minorities. Why not simply demand that ethnic activists give up THEIR race baiting?

"This site, I think, is about femininity in women, and about the loss of feminine beauty in the media, and about the destruction of traditional, normal and feminine beauty ideals. I like the idea of TWO distinct genders - men and women. I like masculinity and strenght in men and femininity in women. I think a contrast is needed.

This is not to say that men and women don't share qualities. They do. I just think the homosexual ideal of totally androgynous men and women, approaching one mono-gender, is appalling and revolting, and also abnormal if it is allowed to dominate the way it does in the fashion- and beauty industry. The modern, downright masculine female ideal promoted by homosexual men has gone too far, and that is what this site wants people to realize, I think."

I largely agree, but do you realize that the majority of your Swedish countrywomen, those alleged paragons of femininity, do not? Why don't super-feminine Swedish women respect Swedish men? For conservatives around the world Sweden is a byword around the world for feminist inanity, while China, Japan, Chile, Argentina etc. are praised for having more traditional sex roles where men are respected. Interesting that you dislike homosexual ideals when Sweden was the first country in Europe to provide gays with domestic partnership legislation in 1987 (see link below). Fact is your racial pride and your championing of traditional sex roles don't really go together. If you love traditional sex roles you'll have to accept that your beloved homeland tends not to. If you love Sweden you'll have to accept that countries full of (in your estimation) hideously ugly and unfeminine women are much more traditional.

"Some here who feel inferior (many attacks here, outwardly aggressive or hidden behind false graciousness, reek with inferiority complex) and hate the fact that good looks tend to depend on white genes seem to take pleasure in personally attacking those who have a personal taste that doesn't conform to their own looks/ race. Such behaviour does NOT bring out sensitivity in anyone, only contempt."

First off, read your history. Japanese and Eskimos of the 18th century found whites hideously ugly when they first encountered them. Even today people from India (and to a lesser east Asia) admire whites' fair skin but are less impressed by blond hair and blue eyes. American/European domination of TV and movies are what drive the popularity of white features around the world, not the genetic superiority of Nordics. If movies and TV disappeared beauty based on the features of local populations would return to prominence. Emily it's perfectly normal to be proud of your race and to think that your "people" are the most beautiful but that goes for Asians, blacks, Latinos as well.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 10:55 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site



I don't think we are not trying to appease to your sensitivity, why would anyone seek affirmation from someone who is a complete idiot.

Maybe it's not your fault that you are a racist. You are limited by your capacity to see the world any other way either because of your education, upbringing or society.

The world and life is not just about the white race, get over it and see more of the world. You are just limiting yourself this way in seeing the charm of life everywhere.

It's like saying only roses are beautiful but no other flowers can compare. That's similar to what this website and you in particular are saying, you are missing out on other aspects of beauty as it is limited, narrowed down and one dimensional.

And yes we are all proud of our culture, heritage, race and traditions too. If someone insulted mine I would probably be arrested for assault but the difference between you and me is that you feel that you have the right to disrespect and put down other races to feed your ego.

I was raised to respect all humans as one race and you need to learn that as well."

This was beautiful. Thank you for posting.

I probably shouldn't react the way I did in my last post because two wrongs never make a right, but I'm astounded by how illogical it all is. I know I'm not going to change her mind. There would be no point to it. I don't want others to miss all the hypocritical things that were said in that post though. I'm sure there are other ways to do it, and I'll consider it more next time.

Lovely, lovely post. Really.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 10:47 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Well, I am not exactly here to write love letters, you see. Nor am I here to prove my looks or femininity. Judging my looks on the basis of what I write here is hilariously idiotic. Your comment is another bait, I know. That is apparently the only thing people like you can come up with."

Ha! Haven't you ever heard the saying, "Judge lest not you be judged?" Or how about this one, "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Well, guess what... it's true. When you judge other people, you cannot expect to not be judged in return. We KNOW that it not what the site is about, but that is missing the point. If you are willing to judge other people so harshly, don't be surprised when others want to judge you as well. Talk about being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it!

"Since when do you see any sensitivity whatsoever towards whites, by the way - here or anywhere else? The day I see some sensitivity towards us, and less outright hostility, envy and aggression, I will be more sensitive to the feelings of those who are not white. I promise, sweetheart. Now dry your tears."

Okay, more racism. At least it's easy to see and not hiding behind "science" (eugenics).

"I have no idea why my looks, or the looks of anyone else who writes here, should be an issue. I'm not that insecure that I need to discuss my own looks here."

You have made the looks the issue of this site, and you expect it not to be an issue when anyone comments here?

"I am proud of my heritage and of my people/race, and I which to see it preserved. I see lots of people benefitting from white-mixing, and very little coming our way, so it is very one-sided, I think. The recessive nature of white genes also makes it necessary to breed more within the race, unless you want to see it disappear. This is a biologic, evolutionary fact, no matter how politically incorrect it may be."

You do realize it will take thousands of years before that happens right? Even then, it is no guarantee. There are plenty of non-whites that carry recessive white genes as well. A mixed race friend I went to school with had a white mother and a black father. She benefited from the recessive gene for beautiful red hair. Her hair was thick and curly without being that kinky, and it was awesome. She also benefited from the more "African-looking" bone structure, and she was absolutely gorgeous as a result. She was beautiful as a result of the combination of ALL her genes, not just the white genes benefiting the others. To me (though it's admittedly my PERSONAL opinion) I don't think she would have been nearly as beautiful without the stron bone structure in her face that she inherited from her father.

"I also don't like the hostility and yes, racism, that I see towards whites, nor the double-standard that is often applied to what whites are allowed to say and express in comparison to what other ethnicities and races are allowed to say."

Oh, cry me a river. Compared to what other races have had to deal with whites had (and still do have) it easy. Most people that I meet of other races and ethnicities (sp) are not racist towards whites. That is not to say that I haven't met a few non-white racists, but honestly the percentage of racist whites I have met is higher than the percentage of non-white racists.

"This site, I think, is about femininity in women, and about the loss of feminine beauty in the media, and about the destruction of traditional, normal and feminine beauty ideals. I like the idea of TWO distinct genders - men and women. I like masculinity and strenght in men and femininity in women. I think a contrast is needed."

Good for you. Just don't tell me it's science.

"This is not to say that men and women don't share qualities. They do. I just think the homosexual ideal of totally androgynous men and women, approaching one mono-gender, is appalling and revolting, and also abnormal if it is allowed to dominate the way it does in the fashion- and beauty industry. The modern, downright masculine female ideal promoted by homosexual men has gone too far, and that is what this site wants people to realize, I think."

By its very nature the fashion world is going to be abnormal. Even you admit that most people cannot fit into your standard of beauty. If the fashion world adopted your standard as the norm, it would still be "abnormal." As for appalling and revolting, careful: your contempt is showing! If this site is more about appreciating feminine beauty, as you CLAIM it is, rather than putting people down, then why do you feel the need to call such womens' looks "appalling" and "revolting." You are entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when other people find it offensive when you are calling people appalling and revolting. As for androgeny and preferences, I read a study years ago, which I'm not going to bother to look up right now, that showed that women prefer more feminine looking men for long-term partners. So, NO, the science does not always agree with you.

"Some here who feel inferior (many attacks here, outwardly aggressive or hidden behind false graciousness, reek with inferiority complex) and hate the fact that good looks tend to depend on white genes seem to take pleasure in personally attacking those who have a personal taste that doesn't conform to their own looks/ race."

I actually came to this site in a moment of weakness when I wasn't feeling very good about my looks. I'm feeling much better about my looks now. While I don't rely on it for my self-esteem, I can say I've had a lot of unsolicited positive feedback from men lately, and that certainly doesn't hurt! :P As for good looks depending on white genes and all the attacks on this site coming from non-whites, I know that is not true in my case. Kiss my blond-haired, blue-eyed, Irish-Polish-American skinny behind! (I was going to write something regarding this in the section on racism, but decided it would be more fun to surprise you here. I'd like to add something to what I wrote in the racism section now... My sample may be biased in terms of seeing more racist whites than non-whites because I am a white raised with a fairly high socio-economic status. I simply know many more whites than blacks, and whites are less likely to hide their racism amongst a group that they presume feels the same way. I don't feel the same way.)

"Such behaviour does NOT bring out sensitivity in anyone, only contempt."

Yes, this is true. Your attacks of others bring this contempt as well. You don't care about stirring contempt from me, why should I hesitate to do the same. For what it worth, we're not attacking you so much as your opinions and ridiculous assumptions. You, on the other hand, are criticizing people directly on something very personal that they cannot do much to change, their looks. Do you not expect contempt as a result?

"In other words, constant provocations and personal attacks don't result in feelings of compassion and sensitivity, and this will colour my words. One doesn't reward malice, bad behaviour and envy, and I honestly don't see why I should."

I feel the same way. Right back at ya, hon!

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:16 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


I don't think we are not trying to appease to your sensitivity, why would anyone seek affirmation from someone who is a complete idiot.

Maybe it's not your fault that you are a racist. You are limited by your capacity to see the world any other way either because of your education, upbringing or society.

The world and life is not just about the white race, get over it and see more of the world. You are just limiting yourself this way in seeing the charm of life everywhere.

It's like saying only roses are beautiful but no other flowers can compare. That's similar to what this website and you in particular are saying, you are missing out on other aspects of beauty as it is limited, narrowed down and one dimensional.

And yes we are all proud of our culture, heritage, race and traditions too. If someone insulted mine I would probably be arrested for assault but the difference between you and me is that you feel that you have the right to disrespect and put down other races to feed your ego.

I was raised to respect all humans as one race and you need to learn that as well.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:32 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Emily you have chosen not to grace us with your photo so we can only determine your femininity by your sensitive and elegant prose."

Well, I am not exactly here to write love letters, you see. Nor am I here to prove my looks or femininity. Judging my looks on the basis of what I write here is hilariously idiotic. Your comment is another bait, I know. That is apparently the only thing people like you can come up with.

I am not the topic or the issue here. Try to understand, please. As for sensitivity, it cannot be forced, and if it would mean a lack of honesty I'm not particularly interested in that here. Why should I be? Since when do you see any sensitivity whatsoever towards whites, by the way - here or anywhere else? The day I see some sensitivity towards us, and less outright hostility, envy and aggression, I will be more sensitive to the feelings of those who are not white. I promise, sweetheart. Now dry your tears.

I have no idea why my looks, or the looks of anyone else who writes here, should be an issue. I'm not that insecure that I need to discuss my own looks here.

I am proud of my heritage and of my people/race, and I which to see it preserved. I see lots of people benefitting from white-mixing, and very little coming our way, so it is very one-sided, I think. The recessive nature of white genes also makes it necessary to breed more within the race, unless you want to see it disappear. This is a biologic, evolutionary fact, no matter how politically incorrect it may be.

I also don't like the hostility and yes, racism, that I see towards whites, nor the double-standard that is often applied to what whites are allowed to say and express in comparison to what other ethnicities and races are allowed to say.

This site, I think, is about femininity in women, and about the loss of feminine beauty in the media, and about the destruction of traditional, normal and feminine beauty ideals. I like the idea of TWO distinct genders - men and women. I like masculinity and strenght in men and femininity in women. I think a contrast is needed.

This is not to say that men and women don't share qualities. They do. I just think the homosexual ideal of totally androgynous men and women, approaching one mono-gender, is appalling and revolting, and also abnormal if it is allowed to dominate the way it does in the fashion- and beauty industry. The modern, downright masculine female ideal promoted by homosexual men has gone too far, and that is what this site wants people to realize, I think.

Some here who feel inferior (many attacks here, outwardly aggressive or hidden behind false graciousness, reek with inferiority complex) and hate the fact that good looks tend to depend on white genes seem to take pleasure in personally attacking those who have a personal taste that doesn't conform to their own looks/ race. Such behaviour does NOT bring out sensitivity in anyone, only contempt.

In other words, constant provocations and personal attacks don't result in feelings of compassion and sensitivity, and this will colour my words. One doesn't reward malice, bad behaviour and envy, and I honestly don't see why I should.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:08 Voice of Reason Maria McBane

Regarding whether skin color matters, Emily comparing your skin to feces had nothing to do with whether skin color matters. Everyone with normal eyesight and normal vision can tell how your skin color compares to the color of feces, but why would anyone state this? A person with skin color outside of fecal variation may state this if you have been angering or frustrating her

You are sick Erik, I can't believe you are actually having to explain Emily's filthy language instead of condoning it.

    A person with skin color outside of fecal variation may state this

Erik, these are your own words, can you go descend any more lower than that? I am sure you could say this anonymously on the internet but would you ever say anything like this in real life.

Peter, your skin is probably more healthier and radiant than these people. At least you have the guts to post your pictures instead of staying anonymous like they have done.

And I have to say your jaw line is more feminine than the models he has on the attractive womens page. It's practically non existent.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 06:44 Magnum Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

Yes, the main concern is a woman's shaved pussy and her ass. Breasts are tertiary. If they are good sized--a C cup and above great, but I am still going to be fucking a woman with small breasts who has a full ass and shaved lips. The real issue is us man who have big bellies :))) I am only 31 years-old but have gained 40 pounds recently and have a good sized beer belly now. I only hope that beautiful women don't care too much if a guy has a fat belly!

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 00:08 Erik Julija Ribkina

just noting: High cheekbones by themselves are not masculine though cheekbones placed higher on the face present a more masculine look.

Julija Ribkina is not as feminine as many women in the attractive women section, but this section does not exclusively focus on feminine women.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 00:00 Erik Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Peter: This is another comment on why you need to stop commenting here.

Who is talking about high-end models? This website focuses on a lot of them and you are picking on these women. High-end models may be masculine or feminine. In any case, they are disproportionately Northern European.

I am not putting words in your mouth by saying “You may not like ...” Note “may” rather than “You do not like …” More importantly, I do not care what kind of faces you like.

Yes, there is nothing unreasonable about your asking me to clarify things that you do not understand, but I am not here to clarify these things for you. If you cannot understand straightforward arguments, then I should not be wasting my time clarifying them, especially given your troublesome behaviors.

You said, “I never said it was” in response to my saying that pedomorphy isn’t a correlate of beauty. But I never said that you said that it is so. So why deny something that I never ascribed to you? You are deliberately wasting my time. You also wrote that I talked about pedomorphy as a potential correlate of beauty, but this was the heading of an argument that clearly stated that it wasn’t, and hence the issue should not have been brought up at all. Again, you are wasting my time.

You can assume nothing about the sexuality of the men who find the not-so-feminine faces you picked attractive. The typical heterosexual man will find them attractive.

I also don’t like your jokes. This is not the venue for them and your comments are not welcome either. Your mouth is more protruding and chin weaker than the woman’s but this is because of ancestry and familial factors, the woman’s face being much more overall derived than yours. Why you want to compare yourself to a Northern European beats me. Just stop commenting here.

Thu, 05/14/2009 - 23:58 Erik Maria McBane

Godis: Emily did ignore Peter’s bait for while, but there are limits. Peter jumped in, in many places Emily left a comment, to bait her.

Emily’s integrity, honor or self-esteem are irrelevant to her behaviors here, and she has recently come back. And I have not made the claim that she has high self-esteem or that she has pride. None of her comments indicate that she is trying to use her membership in a ‘superior “race”’ to derive a sense of self-worth.

It is not in my special world that lower self-esteem is better sometimes. The psychological literature review I cited documents many examples.

Your high score on reading tests means nothing if you can’t learn to avoid making baseless inferences and can’t make an effort to read scientific literature if it violates your “common sense.” And since America has a massive underclass and the government tries to put everyone through school and college, a high score on reading tests means little. Among dullards, a mediocre individual will obtain a high score.

Peter: I am getting tired of wasting my time over you. Whereas I would prefer to ignore your comments – and for some time I have ignored parts of your comments unrelated to your troublesome behaviors, poor understanding, mischaracterization of my arguments and assigning miscellaneous motives to me that I don’t harbor – you apparently have no intentions of stopping. So I am going to waste some more time replying to a couple of your comments that have bothered me, and in the process make it clear that your comments are unwanted here and that you need to stop commenting. This website is private property. You need to leave for good, not just a week or two.

You do not need to refresh my memory about Emily. You have stooped to much lower levels than Emily. Nasty comparisons (such as used by Emily at her most frustrated) are not the standard by which the lowliness of an argument is judged. One could use good language and fill one’s arguments with digressions, non sequiturs, ad hominem, etc. and make the argument extremely foul, which is precisely what you have done. You have the gall to state that all you did was post a picture of you smiling and this made Emily state that your skin reminds her of the color of feces. This is blatant falsehood. You had an extensive history of baiting Emily with irrelevancies, provocative items and other bad behaviors before she broke down. Things were adding up and finally it didn’t take much for her to go over the edge.

Emily has not written much that a reasonable person would consider homophobic, especially after giving her the benefit of the doubt for English not being her native language. And just about all of her “racist” commentary technically does not qualify as racism because it reflects no prejudice but facts stated in a blunt or unpleasant and sometimes nasty manner.

Part of why you need to stop commenting here is you bring back the same issue even though it has been resolved as far as the reasonable reader goes. Again, you accuse Emily of having low self-esteem. I have addressed the literature on self-esteem on numerous occasions. The literature makes it very clear that more prejudiced views or a lower opinion of others tends to go with higher self-esteem. In the case of Emily this does not mean that she has high self-esteem because her allegedly “racist” statements are technically not based on prejudice. The reasonable stance is that Emily’s self-esteem is not easily inferable from her statements, and the odds are greater that it is normal-to-above average than normal-to-below average. I clearly told that you are free to believe what you want about self-esteem and prejudiced beliefs, but you need to stop arguing against my empirically documented statement on the issue unless you can cite comparable evidence against it.

Another reason why you need to stop commenting here is that your level of argumentation is too poor compared to what this site is about. You stated that a reason you posted your pictures was to educate Emily about Indians and hooked noses/robust features. Emily never said that all Indians have hooked noses and you know very well that they are much more likely to have hooked noses than northern Europeans. You could post 10,000 pictures of Indians with straight noses and it would do nothing to refute the frequency difference between populations. I don’t want to entertain such poor arguments. And you don’t seem to understand what robusticity is about. You have posted your pictures from many angles except the front. You know why: your nose is far from fine. And look at your protruding mouth in side view, mainly because of the more ancestral/robust skeletal structure in the region. Parts of your face are not gracile. And parts of your face, such as the less developed chin, are not exactly an example of a finer feature but the weaker chin is partly a more ancestral condition that tends to go with a more protruding mouth (you have to consider your ancestry).

Regarding whether skin color matters, Emily comparing your skin to feces had nothing to do with whether skin color matters. Everyone with normal eyesight and normal vision can tell how your skin color compares to the color of feces, but why would anyone state this? A person with skin color outside of fecal color variation may state this if you have been angering or frustrating her, which is precisely what you were doing to Emily, to get back at you. So her comparison had nothing to do with whether skin color matters.

I have documented many examples of your creating trouble at this site, some in this comment also. But you call it ad hominem! This again shows that you have no intentions of behaving.

Regarding the extent of Emily’s responsibility for her behaviors, I am not saying she is not responsible at all. But your behavior is not that of walking in public while dressed flamboyantly, but of an obvious homosexual going around in public, loudly proclaiming all the homo-fun the breeders are missing out on, and offering men passing by his sexual services for a taste of homo-heaven. You provoked Emily to rage.

Again, your comments are not welcome here.

Thu, 05/14/2009 - 23:40 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Emily, have you had your testosterone level checked recently? Endless crowing about the beauty of Nordics while eviscerating the looks of every other race in the world is the sort of arrogant, dominating behavior that is universally considered masculine, not feminine. Go see an endocrinologist and he'll give you medication that will balance your hormones and calm you down. I know of what I speak since I recently began treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome (high androgens, basically) and I am much calmer and more relaxed, although I was never as ball-busting as you are. Lower testosterone will also give you a more hourglass shaped figure, make your skin brighter and your hair shinier so perhaps you'll develop a little confidence in your own looks and no longer feel the need to label everyone else ugly.

Speaking of inner beauty I find it ironic that many of the explicitly anti-leftist males rhapsodize about the feminine charms of Scandinavian women when Sweden is the most feminist country in the world. In 2000 the Australian ran an article about Swedish feminists' campaign to make men pee sitting down (see link below). It's very hard to imagine a Asian woman or Latina who would ever think of asking a man to do this since their cultures respect men and masculinity. However "masculine" you may find Asian women and Latinas' appearances women with feminine personalities respect masculine men. Women with masculine personalities insult men and order them around like little boys. Also this urine bit is only the most egregious bit of Swedish feminist dreck online. Google "Swedish feminists" for more of their tomfoolery.

I realize that this site focuses on feminine looks, not personalities, but prenatal testosterone as well as androgens in adulthood affect women's personalities as much as their looks. So feminine behavior is just as valid a basis to judge a woman's femininity as her face and body. Emily you have chosen not to grace us with your photo so we can only determine your femininity by your sensitive and elegant prose.

Thu, 05/14/2009 - 18:46 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"No hispanic person would demean his own race by saying that they are better off mixed with whites."

Why not, if that is the truth as he/ she sees it? Most hispanics DO look better if they are mixed with whites, so I guess he/ she was mature and secure enough to say that.

If it is "demeaning" to tell the truth about something it must be much more demeaning and humiliating to say something you know isn't really true. Loyalty at the expence of honesty is truly sad.

Thu, 05/14/2009 - 08:17 Peter Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Nice attempt at ignoring my points!

1. "Women from the northern parts of Europe tend to be overrepresented among high-end models and so it is here. There is nothing to be surprised about."

Who is talking about high end models??? I am talking about masculinized women in your attractive women category...They are disproportinately Nordic/North European looking.

2. "You may not like narrow faces, but this site is not about your preferences and it is not targeting you."

Now you are putting words in my mouth! I never said i may not like narrow faces. I said i don't PARTICULARY like narrow faces in WOMEN.
I prefer oval or roundish faces...such as Maria.
Also see note at end #

3. "The reason why the less feminine but finer-featured woman in your example will be preferred by some men is because of the finer facial features, which should be obvious. Don’t waste my time by asking such questions."

Why shouldn't i clarify something i am confused about? You totally ignored what i asked.

4. "I have never talked about pedomorphy as a beauty trait; it isn’t one."
I never said it was! But i do believe it is...
You talked about pedomorphy as a potential correlate of beauty.

5. "I don’t think I am featuring women with “man faces” within the attractive women section of this site. Slight masculinization is more like it, and it doesn’t defeat the purpose of this site. Feminine beauty = beauty related to femininity + beauty not related to femininity. Both packages are not necessarily found in the same woman."

Why don't you rename the site as Female beauty instead of Feminine beauty? It will be all excompassing and will be more "positive" to all women?

What can i assume about the sexuality of the man that finds these faces attractive?

I am not alone in noticing these "man faces". Now off course when i say that i don't mean they are men. But when you see feminine beauties such as these below...the above mentioned don't stand a chance!

She is one of my favorites...I just wanna cuddle with her :)
She is very womanly! she has a warm glow to her
she is so cute!

# I am going to do a little something you do! Compare! This is a dedication to my beloved Erik!
Who is more feminine looking?
Impressive Huh?

This should also answer the Q why i keep coming back here. Firstly i am an admirer of beauty. Secondly as my latest picture shows...I come here to seek inspiration. I know how much you like these poses...mouth open delicately...exposing upper and lower incisors.
the caption for my picture is...
Oye! Who is that behind me? Erik? lol
that was a good realize i am only joking ;)

Thu, 05/14/2009 - 07:44 Peter Maria McBane

"OH no you didn't!" *says it ghetto style* haha

When i read your comments in that other post about Emily being reasonable and me being solely (your words, but then you contradict yourself) resposible for making Emily "self destruct"...I grinned and then questioned your judgement.
In case i need to refresh your memory...After her racist and homophobic comments do you not think i could have EASILY self destructed and stooped down to her level? and made nasty comments about Nordics? BUT OFF course that passed by you.
What did i do? I posted a picture of me smiling But she kept going on about faeces.
That is my personality...Nothing you or anyone can say that will make me "feel bad". As mentioned i am very confident in my looks and have above average self esteem. I have dealt with racists, homophobes, idiots etc all my life face to face. So nothing someone hiding behind their computer suffering from low self esteem can say that will make me feel depressed.
Also in case you didn't notice...I didn't take off my pictures after Emily made unflattering comments about my looks. Why? because i have nothing to hide (to some degree). I could have easily taken off my pics so other people don't notice what Emily has pointed out.
There were a few reasons for me posting my pics. They were aimed at "educating" Emily. She was going on about Indians having hooked noses, robust features etc. I have none of these. Her assumption was only half white or models/actors could possess these. I cannot do anything about my complexion...which she picked on. So after all skin color does matter doesn't it Erik?

"These Indians will also be found to be among the better looking ordinary Indians by Swedes because their face shapes are closer to European norms – skin color will usually not be an issue for Swedes or Europeans in general"

You have called me annoying, trouble maker etc. What is this? Ad hominem? Somewhere else you also called me exasperating.
Also i cannot count how many times you have told Emily "don't take Peter's bait". Seems to me like you are "fathering" her. She is an adult? and can take responsibility for her actions.
She is responsible for the words she used...not me! This would be the same case, where i walk out on the street in flamboyant clothing and get attacked by homophobes. Who is to blame? Me? for provoking them? or their own hate/insecurity?
I am glad there was "condemnation" by some users here. Good to realize that there are many sensible/reasonable people here :)

More in that other post adressed to you.

Thu, 05/14/2009 - 06:19 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


I doubt that you are hispanic.

No hispanic person would demean his own race by saying that they are better off mixed with whites.

Jessica Alba is pretty because she benefited from both races, not just the white race.
She clearly looks more mexican than white.
Whereas Cameron Diaz (note the hispanic surname) clearly looks white.

Beyonce, now who on earth would call her white? But she is stunning and she may have a tiny bit of creole blood but creole's not even entirely white.

Even Angelina Jolie and Meghan Fox have native Indian ancestries.

I could give you hundreds of jew actors and actresses that pass for white.

Scarlett Johansen, Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gylenhaal etc etc. I am not even going in there as it's too long.

In conclusion, mixed race actresses are good looking because they have the best of both worlds and not as you would like to believe otherwise.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 19:07 carrie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

i mean i have, not hate.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 19:06 carrie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

i am 5'7.5, my bust is 32C, i hate 28 waist and 37 hips. does that make me hour glass?

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 17:31 Voice of Reason Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week


Oh, I honestly can't remember maybe I confused you with another poster.

You've posted so much words of wisdom from toilet habits of this ethnicity to animal like appearance of that ethnicity. It's hard to keep track.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 16:15 Emily Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Don't lie. I'm not American at all, and never said I were. I am 100% Swedish and I live in Sweden. Erik would know where I'm writing from so let's skip the BS. I'm flattered that you lied, though. I didn't think my English was that good. :)

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 16:11 Emily Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Also, you don't dehumanize someone just by telling what they remind a little of physically. THIS site is about physical appearance..about looks. Try, for once, to remember that. In that context, it is appropriate to compare looks to other things, never mind if it is not to someone's liking. Some say some whites look like corpses or albinos, which would be far worse comparisons than animals, in my view. If that is their honest opinion they are free to say it in this context, since that is what they think. Get it? This site is about LOOKS.

Bringing politics into this is very lame and it's not working. For the record, using ad hominem attacks the way you always do, bringing other issues into this and accusing me of this and that, tells me what kind of person you are. Personal attacks don't attack my arguments. I know you want to discredit me, but the only person you discredit is yourself. Why you would be so interested in analyzing me instead of sticking to the arguments I don't know. It's flattering in a way, but also disturbing, I think.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 16:01 Voice of Reason Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Erik said Bad arguement must end!

I guess that applies to you and Emily as well and not just anyone who contradicts you.

Emily, my dear, you are just a Nordic wannabe. In one of the comments you mentioned you're an American and everyone knows Americans are more mixed ethnically than any other country so it's really odd that you proclaim your superiority when you are basically a mutt, a mongrel. Stop fooling yourself, you are not "a white/nordic angel, shat out from heaven" according to Godis. Loved that comment Godis, your sense of humour is ace ;).

Emily and Erik probably think they are gods and needs to be worshipped because they have been shat out from heaven.

Yes, Emily we should be happy with the cards we've been dealt with. Yes, we've all been given the same head, hands, feet as whites, it's not like white's have been blessed with an extra head or something.

Why do you insist people are playing the race card when you take every chance you can to insist "whites are superior","whites are superior","whites are superior" and on and on and on.

Yes, we can smell the stink of bigotry and insecurity and you two reek of it.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 16:00 Voice of Reason Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Erik said Bad arguement must end!

I guess that applies to you and Emily as well and not just anyone who contradicts you.

Emily, my dear, you are just a Nordic wannabe. In one of the comments you mentioned you're an American and everyone knows Americans are more mixed ethnically than any other country so it's really odd that you proclaim your superiority when you are basically a mutt, a mongrel. Stop fooling yourself, you are not "a white/nordic angel, shat out from heaven" according to Godis. Loved that comment Godis, your sense of humour is ace ;).

Emily and Erik probably think they are gods and needs to be worshipped because they have been shat out from heaven.

Yes, Emily we should be happy with the cards we've been dealt with. Yes, we've all been given the same head, hands, feet as whites, it's not like white's have been blessed with an extra head or something.

Why do you insist people are playing the race card when you take every chance you can to insist "whites are superior","whites are superior","whites are superior" and on and on and on.

Yes, we can smell the stink of bigotry and insecurity and you two reek of it.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 15:58 Emily Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

What's wrong with saying "more animal-like" if that is what you see? I call a spade a spade. Oversensitivity to the issue only gives it more value. In other words, people see the same thing but are less honest about it than I am. lol

By the way, Godis..I LOVE and ADORE animals, so that expression was in no way meant to offend. I think far more highly of them than of most people. It's no secret that some blacks do resemble animals a little, and that it is not going to win them any beauty contests. I'm sorry if that truth hurts, but then again, so do some words used about whites, so I see no difference here and I don't intend to use any double standard.

Wed, 05/13/2009 - 15:29 Emily What form of women’s body shape was preferred in medieval Europe?

I think that the female ideal has remained pretty much the same. When you look at art there is an ideal throughout time that seems to be rather static. White, very fair skin and blonde or reddish-blonde hair are two attributes that reappear over and over in Western art. Men are often portrayed as dark-haired and with tanned skin, whereas women closely resemble Nordics. The soft, curvy, very fair-skinned, blonde woman seems to be the ideal, generally speaking.

This 100BC greek sculpture could have portrayed a woman of today. She has a soft and curvy, but still toned body;


The female body in art is soft, glowing and pearly. She often has soft curves, well-developed hips and a little tummy, probably symbols of femininity and fertility.

The breasts were not particularly large, maybe because of decency concerns (the male sexual organ was also often portrayed as very small in nude art). The waist was not always so tiny, so this wasn't very important, it seems, in nude art. Rather interesting, since corsets and a tiny waist was important for women in upper social classes. Maybe a somewhat larger waist was a symbol of being free and uninhibited, since strict rules of society made women wear corsets.

Overall, the ideal female was healthy, well-nourished, sometimes plump and sometimes more gracile, but rarely lacking curves, softness and overall femininity and grace. In other words, the very opposite of today's gay fashion designer ideal.

Regarding Rubens, one has to remember that he also painted very robust and extremely manly men, so his women suddenly appear more feminine in comparison. He also painted women without the rolls of body fat, as seen here;


His very masculine men are in proportion to the females in his art;


Rubens and his wife. Here the contrast to the nude paintings is very obvious. Very strict clothes and an "encased" body.


Another Rubens portrait;


Botticelli was rumored to be interested in men. Still, his women are very elegant, sweet and with a unique grace. Often blonde or red haired, and with very fair skin;



Here are some examples of women portrayed in art.

16th century;









17th century;


18th century;


19th century;





20th century;


Wed, 05/13/2009 - 04:33 Erik Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Godis: The issue of sub-Saharan African athletic ability and testosterone levels has come up before. People of sub-Saharan African ancestry dominate a minority of sports whereas people of European ancestry dominate the majority of sports. Overall athletic ability in individuals is better assessed by performance in interactive sports or sports resembling fighting, and you can look up what proportion of martial arts champions, fencers, etc. are sub-Saharan African. With the opening up of Eastern Europe to the world, now even the heavyweight boxing champions are less likely to be sub-Saharan African. You should also look at the decathlon. Your comment about sub-Saharan African (or even a sub-group such as West African) athletic superiority is unsupported. And reconsider your notion about higher testosterone levels in sub-Saharan African males; start here (this is a discussion thread that you should have gone over since you have left comments there).

Besides, Emily has implied that sub-Saharan Africans are better at some sports without the use of ergogenic aids such as anabolic androgenic steroids. And her suggestion about greater willingness on the part of sub-Saharan African athletes to take steroids is not interpretable as low morals among them because this is a specific example and Emily has made no attempt to speculate on what reasoning goes behind this greater willingness.
