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Mon, 03/16/2009 - 21:56 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

No, you look like an Indian who just fell in a puddle of shit. By the way, that's the way they do it over there, isn't it. Use the streets as toilets, I mean. Your nose is disgustingly weak and feminine but since you are gay and not a real man I suppose it doesn't matter.

As for Indians in general, they are easily recognizable everywhere. No need for any special education on that topic. 99.99% look like something you flush down, and the rest look like something more closely related to humans. Of course those are always the ones you show as examples of "Indian" beauty. lol

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 20:30 Samantha Tyra Banks on honesty

Tyra Banks did not have a nose job or breast implants. In the photos you posted you have 3 photos of her nose:

one where she looks to be 14, one where she is looking down, and one where she is looking up and is older.

1) She is around 14 in photo one. It is common sense that your nose usually grows before the rest of your face making it appear large compared to the face. The nose will also be bulbous and more shapeless and softer. I know because my nose seemed more bulbous and bigger for my face. Then my little face grew into it and by this time the nose was more refined.

2) In the second photo named "after" Tyra is looking down. This makes her nose look pointier and it makes her nostrils look different. Her nose looks a bit sharper, but again she looks fully developed in this picture. Her nose would have refined itself, the bulbousness would have settled down and her nose would have fit her face.

3) In this photo called "before" Tyra's face is angled up. She is also younger then in the after photo. Her nose still maintains its bulbousity, but not as much as before. You can tell her face and her nose are close to done developing however, not quite there. This is why her nose looks softer and more bulbous in this photo. Might I add her nose looks more attractive in the before section, so even if she did have plastic surgery she loses out.

Now I am assuming the writer of this page is not a woman because if he were a woman he would understand how often breast size fluctuates. I myself have to buy two different size bras because once in a while my breasts can go up or down a full size. Breasts fluctuate with weight and hormones. It doesn't mean that you got breasts implants. Also, now that Tyra is older and maintains a fuller size her breasts will naturally be larger, especially because Tyra is obviously an hourglass and hourglass shapes gain weight around the hips,thighs,butt,arms and breasts. This is what gives them an hourglass appearance. Might I also note that Tyra used to be a high fashion model, then she switched to lingerie modeling. She was heavier as a lingerie model. As a high fashion model she was thin and of course had little to no fat on her. Might I also add that you have photos of her from 3 different ages. In one photo she is probably around 16 if even. Models get into modeling because they are extremely young but look more mature. Tyra looks more mature than she is in all of those photos. Therefore her breasts did not mature yet, especially because breasts may not even fully mature until the age of 30. I have some pretty big jugs now, but when I was 15,16,17, I had pretty flat breasts do to the fact that I had a harder time gaining weight and my breasts just weren't developed yet. Around 20 my breasts started kicking in, my metabolism also slowed down so I am sure the weight gain helped...

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 19:23 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! My beloved! My dearest! Your back.....oh how i missed you :D
Why did you leave me? :(

"You must be insane, blind, or both"
Yes my Love YABA DABA DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am a little CUCKOOOOOOOOO!!!! LOL haha you make me laugh!

1. Anyways Let me see if i can "educate" you a little...You seem to not know what constitutes a hooked nose. A hooked nose is one where there is a downward slope of the nose/droopy tip. This is different from a bump in the nose. Many people who have hooked noses also may have bumps in the nose. Ekaterina's nose although not hooked/droopy tip, does have a bump.
Here are a few pictures to illustrate my point.
This is a Scandanavian man...notice how there isn't a hump/bump but the tip is droopy and hence hooked.
This is a South European man with a similar hump/bump but a droopy tip

I hope that will be enough? In the end Ekaterina's nose is not hooked!

2. I really don't want to get into this Marilyn Monroe debate...But you forgot to acknowledge that she also had a chin implant. Have you seen her before and after pictures? She looks MUCH better after and the change was noticeable. I never said she was ugly before. But i don't think its fair to say she was gorgeous because she had an oppertunity to "improve" her looks...which she certainly DID! A minor nose job or major...who is to "judge"? It is still an oppertunity to improve one's looks.

3. "Here you show your ignorance again. I have "interacted" with my own people ever since I was born here in SWEDEN, and have lived here my whole life. I am more qualified than you to say what we look like here, if you don't mind.

YEAH? and yet you go on "selectively" posting pictures of Indian, Slavic and Asian women as representatives? Do you not think I or someone who is East Asian or Slavic would be better qualified to do that? It goes both ways honey!

4. "You said Ekaterina's nose was not hooked when I said it was, and now you say this Swedish girl's nose is? You must be insane, blind, or both."

Dearest if you look carefully Ekaterina's nose is tilted upwards at the tip. The model's nose is not and i can bet if she smiles her nose has a tendency to be hooked. Whatever happened to straight upturned Nordic noses?
Off course i could be wrong but from that picture her nose tip seems to be pointing down a little. As well i said her bump is a little one .... which you ACKNOWLEDGE? Don't make me use photo shop with an arrow pointed to show you...
Either way she is pretty but if you are going to be such a "perfectionist" so am i!

5. Pictures of girls that you posted are very beautiful this time! Especially the brunette...GOOD job!

6. "Saying she is disqualified because of that from being gorgeous and admired is just crazy since that would mean we must exclude basically all actresses, especially Asian and Indian ones."

I can't speak for East Asian but where did you get this idea that the vast majority of Indian actresses have cosmetic surgery? It is very rare in Bollywood! What is more common is skin lightening and contact lenses. But that is not plastic surgery! For example take Ashwariya Rai...She is a very well known Bollywood actress yet we all know her nose isn't straight. She could have easily gotten that fixed like Marilyn before she started movies (She entered Bollywood a few years after winning Miss World) But she didn't.

7. "This girl has NOTHING Slavic about her face. It is gracile, oval, no high and massive Slavic cheekbones, no round and coarse face, no oversized, overlong or hooked Slavic nose, and no it is not bumpy, nor hooked."

Yay! Thanks Emily :D
I feel so much better now! I have an oval face, non coarse features and a non hooked nose - straight and upturned. Means that i have a Nordic face Hooray! I am special now :P hehehe

hugs and kisses
xxx! Peter :)

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 17:08 Dan Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"What a hell! Prejudice, prejudice and prejudice."

Some people say a lot of stuff that aren't true, for no other reason than to hurt others. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to ignore such people, and there are usually a few listeners who actually believe them, at least initially. In this case, I do think that the percentage of such people is very low (comments online tend not to be representative of everyone in real life), and that some well-thought clarifications should be able to resolve whatever non-emergency problems that you might still have.

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 16:58 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"She clearly has Slavic elements to her face. I have had sufficient interaction with different types of Europeans to know the "differences". I would say she is borderline Slavic looking. If that makes any sense? She could be either. She doesn't have a "classically" Slavic or Nordic face."

Here you show your ignorance again. I have "interacted" with my own people ever since I was born here in SWEDEN, and have lived here my whole life. I am more qualified than you to say what we look like here, if you don't mind.

I wouldn't choose pictures of a Swedish girl if she was not representative for Swedes and Nordics in general. This girl has NOTHING Slavic about her face. It is gracile, oval, no high and massive Slavic cheekbones, no round and coarse face, no oversized, overlong or hooked Slavic nose, and no it is not bumpy, nor hooked. Besides, a bump doesn't make it non-Nordic. A truly hooked nose is however not racially Nordic. You said Ekaterina's nose was not hooked when I said it was, and now you say this Swedish girl's nose is? You must be insane, blind, or both.

Swedish girl profile;


Ekaterina (Russian) profile;


The Swedish girl also has a typically Scandinavian well-defined chin, not a weak one, which many Slavs have. She is very much a Swedish girl and very representative in that you see women with a similar physical appearance everywhere here.

People apparently need to understand that the Hallstatt type is NOT the only type here, not even the most common one, either. You obviously don't know what you are talking about, as usual.

The only thing a little less common about her face would be her gonial angles. They are not the most common type, but there are those who have that type of sharp gonial angles;

Swedish girl;


The most common type is this more feminine form;


Here are more pictures of this typically Scandinavian girl;






Saying she looks Slavic is like saying Kate Winslet looks Slavic or Native American. That would actually make more sense since her face is a lot more coarse with heavy cheekbones, and she has the hooked nose you often see in Britain. Still, she is not Slavic at all.



Now, THIS is what truly Slavic girls looks like;






As for Marilyn she is indeed a gorgeous Nordic. She had a minor nose job, I think. Her cute potatoe nose still looks very much genuine and not fake or overly changed in any way. Saying she is disqualified because of that from being gorgeous and admired is just crazy since that would mean we must exclude basically all actresses, especially Asian and Indian ones.



Mon, 03/16/2009 - 13:11 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Thank you for putting up the pic I asked for. Ok, you have proved I was wrong. Fine. I already deleted your picture from my computer. Blame It on you as long as you make yourself public. I'll no longer ask for pics of yours.

When I wrote the following line How can I stand uglier people tying to be more beautiful than better looking people? I wasn't andressing it exclusively to you, but to all non-northerners who have participated on anthroboards bashing northern people.

Anyway I said uglier, not ugly. It can imply less beautiful or not so good looking.

And no man, I dare not put up my pic. Why should I do? If you make yourself public you must get ready for opinions even It getting you annoyed.

I'm looking foward to know from you or whoever why the big fuss on others regarding nordics (I prefer northerners) as aesthetically superior. What's the big deal? It's plain and simple prejudice against them. Would you regard me with inferiority complex if I were prizing iranians with the award? No way. Simply bias against northern europeans.

I like that odd thing of being the brazilian siding with nordics when the subject is beauty. I can only laugh at my people when they regard themselves as the most beautiful. How about those indians and venezuelans trying to impose their misses universe as a prove of their aesthetic superiority. Damn It.

There are many beauty around the world but nothing that compares or catch up nordics regarding average. Beautiful people simply can't be compared because It relies on taste. A beautiful indian woman is as beautiful as a nordic woman. Beautiful is simply beautiful. No dispute on that. However the whole population average can't compare to the nordic average. Even if one takes only the healthy and high society of any country out of the nordic board and compares with the whole northern population It still doesn't reach the same level. They live up to their fame and even their uglies look less ugly.

Even worse are those adjectives used to regard what is beautiful as ugly. The once refined, pointed and high bridge nose now is piggish nose. The fair skin is now cancer, piggish rose or even albino. The bright blue eyes are now lifeless eyes. The once golden hair is now washed out. The symmetric traits turn out lame or boring. What a hell! Prejudice, prejudice and prejudice.

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 09:34 - Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Thank you Ekaterina,I wasnt attempting to insult I have read all his posts. Peter,no im not Emily,shes a joke too.

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 09:25 - Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Thank you Ekaterina, I wasnt attempting to insult Ive read all his posts. Peter No Im not Emily, shes a joke too.

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 02:45 Dan Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Looks like Peter won the last round Brazilian LOL.

Sun, 03/15/2009 - 15:51 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

" How can I stand uglier people tying to be more beautiful than better looking people?"
You calling me UGLY is totally uncalled for...for many reasons.
I never asked you to adress my looks...How dare you? Did you feel better after doing that? I never claimed to be better looking than Nordic people. Why don't you post your pic so we can see how "beautiful" you really are.
You calling me UGLY was unexpected and uncalled for but doesn't affect me in the least.

"I can live very happy with the fact nordic people look better on average, while other ethnicities can't. Inferioty complex from all of you."

You seem to be suffering from low self esteem/inferiority complex. I don't have an inferiority complex and have above average self esteem. Where have i trashed Nordics? Do you read? I admire Nordic people as well.
I really question/pity how you came to believe that one group of people (a rare minority) is better looking on average than others. Is it the media influence that got to you? You remind me of some of my countrymen (Indians) who worship White skin and anything "associated" with it. In your case it seems to be Nordics. From what i have heard in Latin America this "White loving" is prevalent as well.
Good for you that you think Nordics look better on average but why should others who disagree with you be suffering from low self esteem?

You seem very much like Emily....hmmm i wonder...
You asking for my pictures was extremely creepy. Do you usually ask people for pictures of their nostrils so you can glance inside? What creeped me out even more was you using my picture! You must have saved it somewhere on your computer in order to crop it. YIKES!
Who was the other person that saved someone's picture and "edited" it? yeah thought so...
Don't ask me for my pictures again. I don't owe you anything.
You have no idea what you are talking about...Calling someone ugly and judging/assuming what their nostrils look like from profile pictures? WOW If your not Emily then you have surpassed her....

"Compare the nostrils. How many europeans or nordics have got nostrils like that of yours Peter? I suppose almost zero."
Really? and this after you mentioned Nordic looks are diverse and all types can be found there etc...
Way to contradicting yourself!
I could actually post pictures of different Europeans and go into this debate with you. But someone like you is not "worth" my time. As well Erik will not like that :)

"You have the typical rounded nostrils of asians. just like this guy"
If the following picture doesn't shut you up then i don't know what will. Your "ignorance" is disturbing. How can you tell if my nostrils are rounded by looking at profile pictures? or are you assuming that since i am ugly and by your "standards" Nordics are gorgeous and my nostrils can't be similar to them?


So are my nostrils rounded? Be honest LOL

"Give up"
No you give up....give up making assumptions, give up having an inferiority complex, give up coming up with false/ridiculous information and so on.
Now leave me alone and don't ask me for any more pics....which you will no doubt add to your collection and bring up to prove your "point" in the future. I am glad i did not post my frontal pic. God knows what kind of people visit "these sites"

*Motivational message*
Don't let media or anyone tell you, you are "less"/ not as good looking as a group of people such as Nordics. Embrace your difference. Don't give into this nonesense. I am confident in my looks and i will never admit that Nordics look better than me. Just fyi most of the attention/admiration for my looks, i get from Nordics.

Sun, 03/15/2009 - 15:45 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You need to focus on your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
In the context you provided, you would use you're instead of your.

Your - Is that your cat?
You're - You are.

Learn, and then attempt to insult someone.

Sun, 03/15/2009 - 14:59 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"Peter your a joke" by - (I am guessing Emily Darling?)

Is that the best you can do? :P

Sun, 03/15/2009 - 13:47 orlon Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

interesting, open-minded perspective; more examples might be helpful.

Sun, 03/15/2009 - 07:22 - Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Peter your a joke

Sat, 03/14/2009 - 21:57 Angela Tyra Banks on honesty

Everyone here just pisses me off.
Z: you dumbass,if that's the case, all white people should go back to Europe,right? WRONG.
Every race has had a part in building this selfish,non-independant ass country so they should be able to live here
if they feel the urge. I can't hel;p it that most of the shitheads in our world won't help the underdeveloped countries. Each country that is rich has helped eachother out in some way and THAT,my friedn, is why they are so successful.
So with that concluded,learn some English grammar YOURSELF,do some research on the bullshit you're spewing, and try again.

Donald You are just a close minded dipshit. I love all races, there are sexy/beautiful/pretty/cute/handome people from every race and there are hideous/fucked up/buck-toothed/cock-eyed/big-nosed people in every race honestly, I believe that anyone who doesn't believe that is just lying to themselves. HAHA and if you would like to get technical; everyone's race is HUMAN.

EVERYONE ELSE: who cares about Tyra's breast?haha.What the hell is wrong with you people?Let's get this straight, there are people everyday dying in wars, dying of starvation, dying of ANYTHING, not to mention people all over the GLOBE suffering,and all you shitheads can think about is if "TYRA BANKS BOOBS ARE REAL & DIDNT SHE HAVE A NOSEJOB?"

I could shit more compassion,logic and reason than you group of saps.


Sat, 03/14/2009 - 21:43 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Compare the nostrils. How many europeans or nordics have got nostrils like that of yours Peter? I suppose almost zero.

You have the typical rounded nostrils of asians. just like this guy:

Give up.

Sat, 03/14/2009 - 20:58 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

By the way, Peter, would you mind to put up a photo of your nose nostrils and of front side? By looking at your nostrils we can define how swedish or even european your nose is similar to. From my observation It's one of those strike traits that sets europeans apart from others caucasoids.

Also would you mind to put up a photo of a swedish that you think has a nose like that of yours?

Sat, 03/14/2009 - 20:30 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Wow where did you come from??? I am not a Southern or Eastern European...I am Indian. Let me guess...your another "Nordic loving" Brazilian?

No. I just can't stand how harshy everyone is toward nordic people. It's a anthroboard odyssey: nordics against all and all against nordics. Anyway I was aware you're indian. How can I stand uglier people tying to be more beautiful than better looking people?

I can live very happy with the fact nordic people look better on average, while other ethnicities can't. Inferioty complex from all of you.

All this nordic types is complete crap. All types are nordic types. The actress Kristin Davis (search google) is as nordic as Marilyn Monroe. As I have stated nordic doesn't mean blond blue eyed or snub nose. Nordic are all europeans in their authentic forms. Unfortunatly even nordic people themselves are ignorant about their own diversity.

Your nose isn't a nordic nose, It's simply your nose. Just because straight noses with the tip pointed up are highly found in nordic countries It doesn't mean it restrict to nordic people and It doesn't define nordic nose as long as nordic people have got diverse types of noses. Even though nordics are diverse, It is always blond nordics with snub noses that are mostly ever the target of bashing from anthroboads members.

Anyway you are indian. Indians, like arabs, overlap many traits with europeans, although not as much refined or good look.

Now let me make this clear....Emily has put Nordic (Swedish women) as high standards of "feminine beauty". You can see this if you read some of her comments. She is critical of every little detail. For example she continues to call Ekaterina's nose hooked when it is not. There is a bump in her nose but it is not droopy at the tip...there is a difference. Therefore the model in point 2 also has a little bump (not a huge one) on her nose. So WHY should other people not be critical of the "beautiful/gorgeous/perfect" Nordic women?

Although your aguments are not andressed to me I must say I agree with you on that. Ekaterina nose isn't hooked and you know It very well. As long as a great portion of indians have got hooked-huge-droopy nose, you are very aware on what such kind of nose is and could school us on this subject.

Sat, 03/14/2009 - 14:23 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Wow where did you come from??? I am not a Southern or Eastern European...I am Indian. Let me guess...your another "Nordic loving" Brazilian?

Oh my Dear Erik...I have been behaving recently haven't i? I am back after more than a week. I have an answer to everything you mentioned! When you "claim" that i am making stuff up then i have to clarify things which means i have to maybe go "off topic"
Here goes...

1. Emily has indeed mentioned Marilyn Monroe as a Nordic type to which i agree and have never said otherwise. Emily has also called Marilyn gorgeous...which i think is unfair since she has had cosmetic surgery (maybe Emily isn't/wasn't aware of this?). However minor her procedures might be...I have seen her before and after pictures and she looks much better after the procedures. For example you have mentioned Gisele Bunchon's nose job a few times on this site as an "excuse" for her to be maybe better looking but she isn't. Additionally Emily has used pictures of Marilyn after her procedures which i don't think is valid in "evaluating" her looks.

2. The model in question has a slight bump on her nose which should be observable to you? Especially in the quarter side view. Also her nose has a tendency to be hooked. Interestingly you didn't notice this. When i saw clearer pics of her especially when her hair was pulled back, to me her face looked similar to many Slavic girls i have seen. She clearly has Slavic elements to her face. I have had sufficient interaction with different types of Europeans to know the "differences". I would say she is borderline Slavic looking. If that makes any sense? She could be either. She doesn't have a "classically" Slavic or Nordic face.

3. Emily hasn't posted pictures of this model from side view so how can you or i assume she is being posted here as an example of someone with a concave nose profile? :D

4. "Where has Emily claimed that there is no overlap between Nordic and Slavic faces?"
I will let you read the following statements by Emily...

"There are several types of Swedes, and there are different face shapes. Some are less oval/long than others. They are not Slavic in type, though. A Swedish girl can have an oval face approaching a "roundish" face, without looking Slavic OR being robust, and actually many of them do have those types of faces.

And there are also non-Nordic girls who have oval/long faces but who still look Slavic. Try to understand that concept. There is a difference which you will see right away if you are truly white."

Erik are you sure eye and hair color are not being talked about here? Maybe instead of asking me to read and look at pictures above you need to do so. You assume too much about me! You assumed i didn't see multiple pictures of the model brought up in point 2. I did and that doesn't change the fact that she still has the "Slavic" element or a bump in her nose.
By Emily...
"You are ethnically Slavic with a short body, round, broad face, a hooked nose and brown eyes, and that's it. They are overwhelmingly brunettes. The eyes are most often brown or yellowish brown (hazel)to very dark brown. Their skin looks dirty and not truly white, as if they are not entirely clean. There is often a yellowish hue, probably due to the gypsy/Hindu influence.

Many like to tone their hair blonde, in a vain effort to look like Northern Eurpean women. In pictures I have seen they sometimes add a blue color over the brown iris, resulting in an unflattering and fake effect. They seem to admire the nordic blonde and blue colors but these are off-limits to them. The result can be clown-like and I think it's best for them to work within their own natural color range."

"The problem is that WE blonde, washed out, Northern Eurpeans don't have anything to gain. We stand to lose a lot, however. Our "washed out" hair colors that WE like very much, gorgeous blue, green and grey eye colors and light, creamy skin, for example.
Dark brown hair, probably bottle-blonde, round, broad and coarse face, large hooked nose and tan skin. That's the truth in the mirror for you. No way you are a natural blonde. All your attacks on Nordics and blondes here make anyone see that you have a deep envy towards them."

Why is Emily bringing up eye and hair color? Is it just me who is Digressing and pulling eye and hair color out of the blue?

Erik you surely must have read this comment by me?

"The last girl with the pig tails has blue eyes, the boy above her green and the girl above with grey/green (like Aishwariya). Where did i say all or even the majority of Indians have light eyes?
I am just "challenging" your monopoly on Nordics only having all those "gorgeous" eye colors.

I don't understand why you stick to such stupid things as hair and eye colors??? really?
Do you ever hear me going around and saying that NO other type of people (maybe except Latinos...who are recent) have a huge diversity of skin colors. In India you can find people with black, dark brown, medium brown, light brown and white skin. Should i be proud of this diversity and rub it in people's faces? Who decides eye color or hair color is more "beautiful" than skin colors? After all skin is the largest "organ" on the body and a ready indicator of health.
What do you say to that my Dear Emily
I could easily post pictures of tons of Indians (i mean many) with naturally light eyes....but then where would we be?"

Now let me make this clear....Emily has put Nordic (Swedish women) as high standards of "feminine beauty". You can see this if you read some of her comments. She is critical of every little detail. For example she continues to call Ekaterina's nose hooked when it is not. There is a bump in her nose but it is not droopy at the tip...there is a difference. Therefore the model in point 2 also has a little bump (not a huge one) on her nose. So WHY should other people not be critical of the "beautiful/gorgeous/perfect" Nordic women?

Erik regarding my nose you said it doesn't fall in the Nordic cluster then which cluster does it fall in? I never claimed my nose is Nordic or i am Nordic! Thats why i put Nordic in quotation marks when comparing my nose to that model. My nose is bump/hump, is slightly upturned at the tip and has a smoother forehead to nose continuity compared to that model and hence making it more "Nordic" looking. Off course i am just using self evaluation here but i have read your various posts on noses on this site. I do have the nasal thickening at the top by the eyebrows, flattening of bones and thinning in the middle and a comparatively broader tip when compared to the middle of the nose. All these variables make my nose more "European/Nordic" yes? I think so...I hope your not going to say my nose is Mongoloid or Autraloid? The other two racial elements in India. I believe ignoring my skin color i lean towards a Caucasoid look But if you somehow "convince" me i am in between Caucasoid and Mongoloid (like you claim most Indians are). I will not be affected in the least.

I Disagree that i am using foul debating techniques...I am not a member of any debating club or have a certificate in it. I am here to learn and improve my self. Ok yes maybe some of the things i said are ad hominem...for example what you think of other ethnicities. But believe me they are all related! For example if you think less of an will be more "compelled" to find unflattering stats and/or comparisons. Do you not agree?
I can go on about this homosexuality "debate" with you but you said you will respond elsewhere so i will wait. See i am "improving"?
Hugs :p xxx!

Sat, 03/14/2009 - 12:48 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

[bold]I mean i have a more "Nordic" nose than her. My nose doesn't have a bump and is slightly upturned :)

4. This is a Slavic face! Notice her roundish/robust facial structure...can't you notice that? Pay attention to the cheekbone area[/bold]

Bullshit and ignorance. You are the typical anthroboard cliche. Pay attention to the fact that many slavics have got long faces.

When wil all you learn that northeners don't resembler southern europeans or slavics. It's the contrary. Slavics and southern europeans are the ones who resembler northeners. Northerners represent the sinthesys of all europeans. They are europeans in their authentic form. Even those so called southerners and slavics kinds classified by outdated and fake science as mediterranens, dinarics, baltid, alpine are more likely to be found in northern side in their purest or authentic form.

Southern Latins and southern slavics are mixed with northern africans and levantines, northern slavics are mixed with uralics. Not fully white not fully european.

Meds are found in England in their purest form, while in Iberia they are mixed with northern africans

Alpines are found in Germany and North France in their purest form, while in Greece they are mixed with levantines and also northern africans

Dinarics are found in North Italy and South Germany in their purest form, while in Balkans they are mixed with levantines.

Baltids are found in East Germany and any nordic country in their authentic form, while in Russia, Bielorussia and Ukrania they are mixed with uralics and sometimes mongoloids.

All of you southerners and easterners are a bunch of arrogant wanna be

Sat, 03/14/2009 - 11:10 Brazilian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

This guy, Erik, is making all of you paranoid just like him.

If you pick up a woman to point every 100% feminine trait as Erik has claimed, so less than 1% of women world population would be feminine.

It doesn't have to be perfect. Harmony of traits is what matter.

It doesn't matter how robust that woman mandible appears because It fits her very well and she looks womanly to the bone. I would never mistake her for man, not even slightly.

I doubt Erik's wife or girlfriend fits his claims 100%.

Fri, 03/13/2009 - 22:44 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Peter: This website is private property. When you are being asked to behave in the comments and not trash the threads, you should respect the request. I care little about the extent to which you agree with me or have any praise for me. Reading comments where people have nothing but agreement or praise for me serves little purpose. I prefer critical commentary as it helps me improve my arguments. If you read the rest of the site you will see me engaging in discussion with many hostile individuals, and in most cases I have not given them a warning to behave. And I have asked Emily to behave. Since I have very little free time, you will also observe lots of critical commentary that has gone unanswered. So you cannot accuse me of not taking criticism well or giving a free pass to those who agree with me.

The reason you are a problem is that you indulge in too many foul debating techniques. You started with implying that I am being annoyed because you have valid criticisms of my arguments, which is nothing but arrogance on your part. You stated that you won’t play the homophobia card, slyly accusing me of being homophobic, an ad hominem because I have extensively documented anything unflattering I have said about homosexuality, and this is also a digression because the aspects of homosexuality you have brought into the discussion are not related to this site. You suggest, implicitly, that I have a negative opinion of most ethnicities, which is an ad hominem. You surely must not have missed the extensive citations of scientific literature within this site. My arguments rest on this literature and tangible materials such as pictures and videos. These arguments are not affected or undermined by whatever my view of most ethnicities is.

And again you are back to baiting Emily and posting comments that are a waste of time to address. I hope she doesn’t take the bait. Let us see what you posted.

#1. Marilyn Monroe had a nose job and chin implant.

So? Emily has posted pictures of Marilyn Monroe in two contexts: to make the argument that Marilyn was basically a Nordic type and that her concave nose profile is found among many Nordic women. Neither argument is undermined by your comment.

#2. Feminine Swedish beauty?

You laughed at what Emily has allegedly passed off as a feminine Swedish beauty. But Emily never made this claim. Emily used the model to make an argument about the nose profile, not about femininity. You made a comment about her robust cheekbones and Slavic appearance, which are not observable in the picture you posted, and you ignored all other pictures of this model posted by Emily only a few comments above, where it is clear that her cheekbones are neither robust not her facial appearance classically Slavic. You also mentioned a tendency toward a hook nose in this model, but it isn’t there.

You wrote, “I thought Nordic women had narrow long faces?” Well, you thought incorrectly and Emily has never made this argument. The argument is that Nordics have narrower and longer faces than some other populations. Obviously, variation in face length or breadth within populations exceeds that between populations. So you are wasting everyone’s time by bringing in such issues.

Then you said that your nose is more Nordic than this model’s, which is patently ridiculous. What makes a nose Nordic in light of the fact that most nose shape variation is found within populations, not between populations, especially if the populations are limited to European derived? Obviously a high frequency of, higher than in other populations, a cluster of variables. Your picture doesn’t reveal the Nordic cluster, and this would be clearer in a front view of your nose.

#3. Wow are you really posting her as an example of feminine beauty?

Where has Emily claimed her to be a feminine beauty? Some comments above, Emily posted her picture as an example of a Swede with a slightly concave nose profile.

#4. This is a Slavic face!

Where has Emily claimed that there is no overlap between Nordic and Slavic faces?

#. Other points.

You wrote to Emily, “As long as they are Swedish and have light hair and light eyes...they are very attractive?” This has never been Emily’s argument but a stupid strawman that is effectively bait. Hair and eye colors are not being discussed within this thread; the discussion is about face shape, particularly nose shape.

You also wrote to Emily, “And if your not posting these women as feminine Swedish women then what exactly is the point of posting pictures of these women here? when this site deals with feminine beauty.” If you cannot answer this question, which should be self evident from reading the comments, then why are you wasting our time by leaving comments? Besides, as this site makes it clear, feminine beauty is not “feminine = beauty” but “feminine beauty = feminine + beauty.” So there are many aspects of beauty in women unrelated to femininity that are worth discussing and relevant to this website.

Why should the readers of this site have to deal with your poor comments and foul debating techniques? Either add value to this site or leave on your own. I will address your other arguments when I have the time. There is one place where I will be leaving a second warning to you because you persisted with foul arguments after being warned.

Fri, 03/13/2009 - 20:31 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I am glad i am annoying to you...I must be doing something right! I wanted to challenge some of your "ideas" which i did. Knowing you, you don't take too well to anyone challenging your "know it all and be it all". You are being somewhat unfair to me...i think, but i am done playing this homophobic card.
You think all i am doing is posting nonesense? Do you really want me to tell people what you really think about other etnicities? forget homosexuality. Apart from Emily how many people do you think will "respect" your point of views when they find out?
You clearly haven't paid attention to my "positive/on topic" posts such as where i have praised your choice of models etc. Also let me repeat i agree with many of the things you point out on this site!!! Hopefully that is clear...
I don't really want this to be another Malcom A case...Although seeing many pictures of the East and South Europeans posted by Emily is making me side with him somewhat.

Emily Darling i am BACK!!!!

1. Marilyn Monroe had a nose job and chin implant....i thought you would know that!

2. Is this model really an example of feminine Swedish beauty? LOL Her face screams Slavic! Notice her robust cheekbone area? I thought Nordic women had narrow long faces?
Also notice her masculine Forehead/nose region. Also Why don't you post a picture of her smiling from the side....Her nose has a tendency to be hooked. Don't you see the little bump in her nose??? Wow....
I mean i have a more "Nordic" nose than her. My nose doesn't have a bump and is slightly upturned :)

3. Wow are you really posting her as an example of feminine beauty? Can't you see her manly/broad jaw region? Also notice her broad features such as nose....which is bulbousy!

4. This is a Slavic face! Notice her roundish/robust facial structure...can't you notice that? Pay attention to the cheekbone area

Now Before you get enraged and start posting pictures of Indian women to attack me. I want to make clear i am not saying Indian women are better looking or even to compare them. I am simply asking you about the pictures of the women you poasted. A few of them looked the three young cheerleaders. But the vast majority have those Slavic and or unappealing features by your definition. So what is going on here? As long as they are Swedish and have light hair and light eyes...they are very attractive? And if your not posting these women as feminine Swedish women then what exactly is the point of posting pictures of these women here? when this site deals with feminine beauty.

Fri, 03/13/2009 - 14:35 Dan Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"You can communicate what you think (eg regarding the high-fashion industry), what you do (eg regarding choice of mate), without generalizing, even a little, about people. Because now they have to deal with not only being ugly, but also being whatever race and/or ethnicity, meaning you have made it worse for them."

Just to clarify, there is nothing wrong with one's race and/or ethnicity. What I meant was that you shouldn't merge it with attractiveness, and that you shouldn't generalize. When I wrote my earlier post, I was half asleep hehe, so I'm now just making sure that no one misconstrues it.

Fri, 03/13/2009 - 09:41 Dan Welcome!

I like more salient features; it kinda reassures some part of you mind that what you're looking at is definitely a face. With East Asians, their more rounded features give the impression of poor development in some individuals.

With Indians, their features come off too strong in some individuals, and any hump of the nose gives the impression of injury.
Keep in mind that the environment affects your looks too, especially in the case of symmetry and alignment of parts. Genes most likely determine the overall softness or robustness, how independent your growth is to environmental factors, as opposed to the exact details of your body.

I don't think being White makes the face prettier or sexier, but rather more healthy-looking. The only images (among what I've found on this site) that are real "nice" or beautiful are the following; they aren't super duper Nordic or feminine or anything. The rest range from decent-looking to cute to unattractive, not too different from images of non-Whites. Again, they look a bit healthier so a bit more beautiful in that sense.
