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Tue, 03/10/2009 - 22:36 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I have to say Emily that you just need to back off. It's not even on topic anymore. I personally think it is really creepy you would save Ekaterina's photo on your computer, bring it out on the website, then alter it to make a point. It's just extremely creepy. She is not a top model where every part of her body can be scrutinized. She is a regular girl that models once in a while. This is extremely personal to her. I don't think you would be able to handle it if everyone scrutinized every part of your body, picked a specific part, and literally ripped it apart. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world Emily, and someone would still find something that was "off", even if it may not be. Do you see what I am saying? We should just leave Ekaterina alone. She has a life and it doesn't revolve around her nose... lol

Anyways, see I am not particularly fond of the photos of the Nordic noses you post. Those noses are cute and dainty, however I personally favor more "elegant" noses. An elegant nose to me seems to be more common in Nordic countries such as Ireland, Germany, England(although they have their bad share of noses). One can see elegant noses in countries like Italy, some Central European countries, Yes Emily some Eastern European countries, and some Middle Eastern countries. Asians for example in my opinion don't have elegant noses.

Ekaterina in my opinion has a more elegant nose than any of the models you posted. It has a bump on it, but that does not take away from the elegance, it just adds character. An elegant nose with character is very romantic indeed.

See her are some of your photos:

I admit that although cute, I am not a fan of upturned noses as they do seem "piggish" like you described, and along with pink skin, its not a good combo for me. My current boyfriend however, who is Nordic(German) btw, likes pink skin and doesn't mind it. I guess in the end it's his opinion that matters since he is a male and the one selecting women, not me...

Swede Nordic model

cute, but piggish...

They have better noses. These are not quite as upturned (upturned noses ARE more feminine by the way, so you CAN argue they are more attractive)


but they are still not impressive in my opinion...

See, compared to those noses to me Ekaterina's nose is more desirable because it is more elegant and romantic. Not the cutsey type of nose...

Here are some more elegant noses:
Camille Belle has an elegant nose, although a bit masculine. However, to me it is more attractive than the upturned small noses...

5 Pictures, Images and Photos

Even though this is a male, and a mascunilized nose, it is a good example of how elegant a roman nose is. I don't personally like my "Roman nose" because the rest of my features are very childlike, and then I have a nose that is on the thinner side that looks Roman. It doesn't seem to match my childlike qualities. It also makes me look to much like those Roman statues, especially from the side...

Statue Pictures, Images and Photos

Here is a nose that is less elegant but still more attractive in my opinion than Scandinavian Nordic noses ( I say Scandinavian because I see small upturned noses more commonly in the Scandinavian countries, less in countries like Germany for example)...

This nose is not particularly elegant, and it is a bit upturned it seems. However, it strikes me as more attractive than the Scandinavian noses...

Lana Pictures, Images and Photos

Now my boyfriend isn't fond of the upturned noses either. He likes just regular noses. Not to small, not too big, etc. He wouldn't care if they had a little bump on it or if it is a bit hooked as long as the rest of the face looks good. So, even though an upturned nose is not his favorite (doesn't like to see the nostrils too much he says lol), he doesn't care if the rest of the face looks good...He doesn't really care if they are elegant or not lol but he likes the girl next door look.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 22:08 Godis Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

The only reason I mention that I am feminine and somewhat attractive is because I want you to understand that none of my comments come from "jealousy" as I have no honest reason to be jealous... This is why I mention this because if I didn't you would say:

Well, you are just masculine and you can't get over it. You are just jealous because you are ugly and you look like a man... like most Romanians.... etc. etc.

Hey look, you've already done it, and I have expected it from you. I am trying to be 100% honest and I am painting a picture of myself so you can understand that none of this is being said out of jealousy. None of it. However, obviously nothing I say works. You still "don't believe me". You still don't believe I am naturally blonde, even though I am. Even though I even admitted that I actually get blonde highlights over my natural dark blonde/light brown hair. You accuse me of not being white, then of being white but mixed with gypsy, then of being white but "not really" because Romanians don't have the desired "white" features. They are just swarthy with hooked noses right? I have to describe what I look like to show to you that none of this IS coming from jealousy or insecurity. All of this is coming from what I see and honesty. I can admit when someone, including myself, has a flaw. I have mentioned over and over again: yes I am feminine and attractive, but I am not perfect, nor do I come close to being an extremely gorgeous woman. I have only stated that: I am attractive, I like the way I look personally, and I am your average girl. You act like I am trying to paint this picture like I am Helen of Troy and I am soo beautiful every man should fight over me, but you can look at my past comments where I have stated I am just your average girl that is on the feminine side and I am happy with my looks...and also that this site has made me appreciate things I didn't like at first, such as my childish face that was always: cute, but never "sexy". You have this idea because I say I look Roman godesque: but you have to understand that even though they are beautiful art, roman godess statues never exactly depict an extremely attractive female. You never hear a guy that goes to Rome and sees these statues saying; "Damn! Look at that babe! They were hot back then man! I would bang her!"I have very many features that you see in Roman statues only more child like. That is all I am trying to say... I am just trying to describe to you what I look like. I have also stated exactly what my geneology is (from what I know, because who really knows 100% whats in their genes).

You always bring this, " you don't like washed out blondes". You assume that because I think blondes are washed out that I cannot possibly be blonde. Well I have a question for you: Do you wear eyeliner or makeup? Do you ever tan?

Exactly. Does this mean that you don't appreciate blonde hair? No. It just means you may not like a certain aspect of blonde hair. For example my hair is very fine and soft, so I have a hard time getting it to stay when I style it. I love blonde hair. I love the color, but.... I don't love that it is too fine and can get limp. I do however like that it is soft, however the softness causes it to be limp. Get it? I love the color of blonde hair, I don't like the whole package though. No one likes everything about everything. Yes, blondes often looked washed out. I often look washed out. This is why I put on sunless tanner, it gives me a nice glow while still retaining a fairly light color that goes with my features. I wear mascara because my eyelashes although not invisible, don't really stand out. I put mascara out and bam! my eyes pop... See? I am sure you do the same thing. Now don't tell me that I cannot possibly like blondes because I tan or wear mascara...

I find it very interesting that you mention I should study more indepth things. My favorite philosipher is: Kant.
I am currently interested in the Holographic Universe theory. One of my favorite theoretical phsycicist is Michio Kaku. He is the co-founder of string theory, which I find very interesting. I cannot say I accept any of these theories because I do not understand them on every level. Even many geniuses have a hard time understanding the math that goes along with String theory. However, I do understand Kant and agree with his ideas, especially morality, although I do believe his ideas on morals to be a bit rigid. I love to study religions, although I am Christian. Of course, I find Jesus' words to be the wisest among any human that has ever lived...

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 21:23 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I take Emily's comments as a joke. I'm a strong person and I don't allow assumptions to bring me down. I could care less what anybody thinks unless they matter to me. Emily surely does not matter to me.
People like Emily are too picky. They surround themselves in negativity about others to make themselves feel better. Like I have said, I'm quite positive that Emily isn't any better looking than most people and it isn't her place to judge anybody.

Her praising Swedish people is quite hilarious. She is biased on rounded facial features. Many Scandinavians look simply average in my opinion. Yes, a lot of them are attractive, but they do not have unique facial I do not know why she is so proud of it.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 21:12 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Seriously? It seems to me like YOU don't stop. Who are you to judge what my nose looks like? I wasn't even talking to you anymore until you posted yet another picture of me.

My nose IS small, and you would realize that if you were to ever see me in person. The bump on my nose is gradual. OBVIOUSLY there is going to be a slight "nosedive" as you call it because it is A BUMP.

The noses you posted, are too small and turned up. Although some of those girls a pretty, they do not possess a strong profile.

I called you immature for thinking that I retouch my images because you can't believe what you see. You're way too close-minded and it is completely pathetic how you can't understand things from a different point of view.

I am successful as a model in my own terms. How many times do I have to beat this into your head? You must seriously suffer from some sort of mental disorder if you can't understand that.

Here, judge another picture if you're so damn good at it..

How is my nose big? Not at all.
At least I can post my own pictures and not be ashamed of it. Unlike you. You're too scared to show your face to prove that "perfect beauty" you posses that makes you so much better than everybody else.

Have you ever even seen a big nose? I think not since you're surrounded by tiny pig-noses in Sweden. Well then let me show you..

Her nose must be at least twice the size of mine, and yet, I find this girl to be quite pretty.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 17:49 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

By the way, your nose is not small by anyone's definition. On the contrary, it is quite dominating, especially in profile.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 17:47 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You don't stop, do you? Why so extremely defensive if there is nothing at all hooked about your nose? Just ignore my comment if it has no merit and makes me look foolish. Yes, I saved that profile picture of you, and you recently hid your model profile pictures so..

Yes, certainly. Anyone must be immature thinking your nose looks hooked. Actually, it looks broken. It changes direction at the upper part, suddenly taking a nosedive.

The tip then changes direction again. Well, to me this nose is hooked or broken, and it greatly contributes to the fact that you are unsuccessful as a model, along with your absolutely lousy and offensive general attitude, probably. Personal insults, nasty provokations, ordering people not to talk about you without your permission..I mean, you're just incredible. Not even super models try to order people to shut up. Who do you think you are?

Here is your nose with a slightly retouched tip. Now you see more clearly the broken/hooked look without the upward tip distracting.


Original profile picture;



Fine Scandinavian noses;





A bump, to me, is the kind that the model here below has. Her entire nose is not changing direction downwards.



More Swedish girls. The one on the left has a bump on her nose but it is not hooked. That's the difference. No one is saying you have to have a perfectly straight nose ridge, but when it completely changes direction, taking a nosedive, if you pardon the pun, it will often look hooked or broken.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 16:18 Emily Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Here we go again. When the arguments (if you ever had any) fail you turn the focus to the poster. Get a grip, godis. This site deals with LOOKS and BEAUTY - not inner qualities. When I speak of women's looks I see them in terms of their looks since that is what this site is about. Some women who don't look good at all might be wonderful and very special human beings, and OF COURSE that is what truly matters.

You nag over the fact that I don't like hooked noses but I can say that I think you are closed minded because you don't like washed out blondes. lol You are doing the same thing yourself that you don't accept in others, except it is ok for you to have preferences, but not for me.

Someone could easily appear shallow here since the almost only thing you speak about here is physical appearance. YOU look shallow when you write some of your comments here, and quite frankly full of yourself and of your own imaginary importance and imaginary righteousness. So open your own mind before thinking about the minds of others.

You have an extremely narrow and small picture of me since I prefer NOT to write about myself all the time, like you do, and yet you have me all figured out, don't you, just like you have Erik all figured out, even if he says almost nothing about himself. You appear to me to be extremely immature and full of air and no substance. You said somewhere that you are 20, I believe, but you come across as 15.

I don't want anyone to worship the way I look! Where on earth did you get that idea from? I'm not the one describing my own looks over, and over, and over..telling everyone here how feminine and attractive I am, now am I? Why don't I need to do that, do you think? On the other hand, who here does that ALL THE TIME? Hmmm? To me, you seem to be a case of someone who is frustrated because other types of women might be prettier in most people's eyes.

You seem extremely insecure, and the more you write the more insecure you seem. Men usually prefer Nordics and not Romanian girls with "Roman" noses, brown eyes and round faces, so what? Deal with it. Get a hobby. Grow a rose garden. Get a dog. Study arts, music, film and get deeper, genuine interests. This site does nothing good for you, in my opinion. It is turning into a fixation and your comments look more and more obsessive, quite frankly.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 15:44 Emily Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

No, it is not, just as it isn't racism that black women prefer looking at black models in magazines for black women, for example. Let's face it, we are so different that make-up, hairstyles and the colors we can wear are often incompatible.

I am swedish and I have fair skin, blue-green eyes and honey blonde hair, so when I contemplate bying a dress I wouldn't want to see that dress on a black model but on someone who at least somewhat resembles me, so that I can get a picture in my head of how I would look in that dress. That's impossible if the model isn't white. It can be hard even if she is latin since they don't have my colors at all.

A black woman could look stunning in a dress that would totally drain my face of colors. She on the other hand would probably look odd in some of the very soft colors that look good on a white women. She would think those colors look washed out and lack brilliance.

If 90% of the readers of a magazine are white women, for example, the only thing that makes sense is to use white models, just as magazines for black women would use black models - not Scandinavian types. That's not racism, that's common sense.

You people need to stop the race card bit. It's not working, maybe because you misuse it so often.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 14:30 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Perhaps you don't know the definition of a hooked nose?

Here is Ashley Simpson. The image on the right is her before surgery. See how the tip of her nose points down? That is what's considered the "HOOK".

Now explain to me how my nose is even remotely close to that? My nose is small and narrow with a small bump on the bridge. And it points up. Get your shit straight and grow up. I don't know how old you are, but it seems to me you're way too immature for whatever your age is. Just accept the fact that you're wrong and stop wasting your time being a complete creep.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 07:41 - Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Tue, 03/10/2009 - 05:20 Godis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

keeley hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

tiny butt...

but this really confuses me...
Her face can be feminine:
In the photo below the lighting makes her face seem a bit masculine. However, it isn't close to as masculine as the un-airbrushed photos of her outside...
Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

In the photo below her face looks soo feminine, and it doesn't seem to be the airbrushing either... so this confuses me...
Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 05:10 Godis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6


I cropped her back. Now get rid of the side boob and you have man...


I see a very masculine face...

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 04:56 Godis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

A woman that is truly feminine enough to be up to this sites standards has large breasts, with narrow shoulders, wide hips, small rib cage, and large/round buttocks...

I find that most women on this site fall short on this by a mile...

Basically, you post photos of average ordinary women... call them feminine... compare them to anoerexic masculine super models, and show us the difference between what is attractive and what is not attractive. In my opinion the average looking girls and the super models are both poor representations of what is attractive. There are a few women that ARE attractive on this site. But oh so few.

Then the women that are supposed to be the "queen" bees like Keeley Hazel seem to actually have some EXTREME masculine traits. It is so funny how keeley hazel has everything you despise:

extremely broad shoulders
no but
non-feminine cheeks

however, you criticize other men for being attracted to Victoria's Secret models, when you yourself are attracted to a pretty football player type woman with large breasts and a small waist...


Tue, 03/10/2009 - 04:48 Godis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Veronika Zemanova has an extremely masculine face, even more masculine than Adriana Lima's...

I personally do agree that Adriana is masculine, however, your comparisons to her do not suffice. Veronika has an equally if not MORE masculine face than Adriana. At least Veronika has nice curves and a small waist, even though her breasts are fake...

Then you compare her to a girl with the body of simply a more string lanky prepubescent boy, Marketa from Marketa does not look like a girl, she looks like a malnourished 14 year old boy.

What Marketa lacks is any shape,figure,or definition. She has one of the most hideous bodies I have ever seen. Adriana isn't all that attractive, but at least she has some shape and definition whether masculine or not.

I mean it's not hard to find women to compare her to and show her masculinity. I wonder why you picked such bad examples?...

I am sorry but I slowly am starting to question WHAT exactly you consider feminine? I though I had a good idea until I come across this kind of stuff. Keeley Hazel, which is your attractive women section and is deemed soo attractive by you seems to be very masculine to me now. I originally thought: wow! what a beauty! she can't be real! too good to be true!

Now I see this:

Keeley Hazel 15 Pictures, Images and Photos

small backside, and very broad shoulders. Not even a bit broad, very broad...

Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

I know she is being portrayed as masculine in this one, but honestly look at her shoulders in that picture! This was one of the photos that gave me the idea she may be "airbrushed" to look more masculine. However, that theory doesn't really suffice anymore...

Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

This photo was posted on this very site. I never noticed the large shoulders, as her large breasts detract away from her shoulders. However, look at those HUGE shoulders.. in relation to her rib cage and waist and hips. They are very broad, and even broader than some high-fashion model shoulders. Lucky for her she has those curves and breasts...

keeley hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

I've seen these photos before, but now that I take a second look I notice that Keeley doesn't have as feminine of a face as I thought? What is wrong with her face here? No airbrushing? Bad makeup? Aging? She just looks very masculine, and looks older than she probably is...

keeley hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

This angle shows you how small her backside is. Not extremely small, however in relation to her sholders very small. She is simply top heavy with large shoulders, breasts, and a small buttocks... Look at her cheek in this photo... I don't see a feminine cheek, she looks like she doesn't have cheeks. The feminine ampleness and roundness of the cheeks is not there.

keely Pictures, Images and Photos

More wide boney shoulders. She could be a football player.

in the photo above she is angled so that her butt looks bigger, however her rib cage and especially her shoulders look ginormous...

a good example showing how flat her butt really is...

once again, above, she is positioned well, but you can tell her butt is flat, and without the airbrushing, it wouldn't look soo good

I noticed that many women who have large breasts, have wide shoulders. However, it's not just her wide shoulders that are not feminine, but her buttocks as well. Every woman has her imperfections, and Keeley Hazel is still extremely beautiful. However, some of her features are extremely masculine...

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 04:26 Paul Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

"Racism would have nothing to do with regular use of lots of African models putting the magazine out of circulation. The reasons would be marketability and the preferences of fashion designers. High fashion is a predominantly Western phenomenon and the clients are disproportionately upper class people of European ancestry. Why would you use African models to cater to this demographic?"

Such a thing IS racism Erik. Calling it a "preference" is a nice way of avoiding the issue. It's racism. Period.

Tue, 03/10/2009 - 03:27 juju The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

You are an uneducated racist
unless a woman is white she is not feminine...

that girl puts half the women in the world to shame with her beauty...

whateve, educate yourself and look around don't have to be white to be feminine there are many ugly masculine looking white women out there...loser...

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 22:19 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You're hilarious.

You think I waste my time retouching my nose in pictures? Just because you don't want to believe what you see, it must be fake? I'm done wasting my time on you. It's obvious you're an idiot.

By the way, I don't know how you got that picture off of my profile..since I don't have that profile anymore. YOu're beyond creepy. I bet you saved it in the past..

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 15:50 Godis Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

They are generally more gracile, have finer facial features and are therefore more feminine than let's say many people found in Eastern European countries.

Whatever, in all honesty I don't really have a response. I am kind of getting tired of all this. I personally have very fine and gracile facial features. Therefore, I don't really think that many Eastern Europeans ARE not gracile and many do have very fine facial features. Again, you assume that every Eastern European is the same... It's just not true and the majority don't even fit into the image you have in your mind.

Sometimes I feel like people like you just want everyone to worship the way you look,act, and think. You want everyone to see things the way you do and think the way you do. If they don't agree with you, they are automatically jealous or they have underlying motives behind every statement or comment. I have come to discover that people like you are like parasites that feed off other people's energy, anger, etc. I realized that no matter what points I make they will go over your head. In all honesty I don't care anymore whether you see my point or not, because it's obvious you will never see. You live your life with such a narrow view that you fail to see the beauty that lies outside of that. I am one that always goes for the underdog... If you say Asians are ugly, I will find their beauty. If you say Indians have hooked noses I will find beauty in that and I will also find beauty in their other features. If you say this, I'll say something against it. Therefore I feel we are both stubborn in our own way.

We just look at things differently, and you can have your views and I can have mine. However, with the way things are going right now it seems that I will have more doors opened for me because I see the good in people, and I can see their flaws as well, but I see the good in those flaws too. Emily, all you see are underage-prepubescent Asian girls that appeal to pedophiles, all you see are Romanians with ugly noses, Slavs with broad faces, etc. etc. You get the drift. Good luck honey, you are going to need it. The world is changing physically and spiritually... don't get left behind, open your mind.

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 12:10 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Sorry, the egging comment wasn't yours. However, you do play the victim a lot here, simultaneously provoking and ridiculing me, even though I can prove my statements with pictures. As for egging, you godis have written tons of troll comments that I ignored, using foul language and low debating tactics, so you are in no position to talk. I will not respond anymore in this thread. The original topic is far from interesting.

As for the straight and fine Nordic nose, it is well-described in the rhinoplasty section of this site.

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 11:58 Emily Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

My first sentence could be misunderstood. I meant that Northern Europeans - and Nordics - are not in the same sub-race group as for example pure Slavic Eastern Europeans.

Saying that these women are less intelligent because they are more feminine, gracile and less coarse than the Slavs is just as dumb as saying that black and aboriginal women are more intelligent than white and asian women, who are more feminine. You have to compare women within the same ethnic group.

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 11:44 Emily Do women with lower waist-to-hip ratios have higher intelligence?

Northern Europeans - and Nordics - are not in the same sub-race group. They are generally more gracile, have finer facial features and are therefore more feminine than let's say many people found in Eastern European countries.

Comparing them to for example robust, coarse Slavs without any Nordic genes in them, saying Nordic women must be less intelligent since they are more feminine, is ridiculous. You should compare apples to apples. As for the article I haven't read it yet, either. I don't think one can say that just because someone is very feminine they must also be less intelligent. I don't think that is what Erik means, either.

Some men like to think of feminine women as dumb. Marilyn Monroe is that kind of stereotype. Childish, air-headed and not overly bright. Many men seem to like this image so it is there partly because men like it. That doesn't mean that Marilyn secretly didn't wish that she would be offered more serious roles and be taken more seriously (which she did), or that she was as dumb the way her roles made her seem.

Sometimes some women DO seem more naive and less mentally sharp than men. Keyword, "seem". I don't know if they truly are. However, we are, it seems, emotionally much more evolved than men, for example, who sometimes seem not far removed from the neanderthal level when it comes to feelings, empathy and compassion, things that are generally characteristic for immature children who are very self-centered. So it all depends on how you see things, I guess.

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 11:13 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

It was on your very public modeling profile and it is not creepy, nor invasive to use it in order to prove a lie.

Since you laughed at the idea of having a hooked nose, and made fun of my statement, while posting new pictures of yourself (one looks retouched in the nose area), saying;

"Now wouldn't you look at my disgustingly hooked nose? Oh horrible.."

Your words. I detest lying and hypocrisy. I usually call people on it, especially if someone is making fun of my correct statements and simultaneously paint as false picture of themselves.

As for egging someone on you are far from innocent. You have made some egging on yourself. Now when we can all see that you falsely implied that you have a non-hooked nose when you in fact do have a hooked one, we can stop this nonsense right here. I agree that you have received far too much attention as it is.

As for straight and fine noses they are overwhelmingly to be found in ethnically Nordic people. Period. Erik has a whole page devoted to the straight and fine Nordic nose. Why is that, pray tell? Because it is so rare and not representative or typical for that race?

Why isn't there a page about the straight, fine Eastern European nose? Could it be because they are often very long, large, overly-dominant and hooked? You call it "bump", you call it "Roman nose", I call it hooked, or not straight. Whatever words you use those noses will never be Nordic in type, because the typical Nordic nose is STRAIGHT.

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 04:42 athena Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

hey you guys are JUST jealous!!! miranda is beautiful, rich and successful!! and nobody is perfect so leave her alone. i think her nose is gorgeous and so should you. That is the meanest thing i have ever heard. Yeah and if you DO think it is 'deformed' for some stupid reason, then there is no need to set up a blog and embarrass her like that!! Jeez. . what has the world come to!!! anyway who are you to tell Miranda what to do?? HUh??? You may sound so smart by the wording of this blog but you are just too BLOODY IGNORANT to face the truth!! I am totally disappointed!! :(
sorry to those people who are respectful of people of who they are not what they look like and who try to see the good things in a person rather than bad.

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 02:48 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Yes I know I have gone too far. However, people like Emily do have a way of pushing me and egging me on.

I don't understand how you can come on this website and take the fact that people like Emily pick at every characteristic you have. I believe that you could post a photo of the most beautiful woman in the world, but if she does not belong to Emily's ethnic group, she will try to find fault with that person and try to twist the truth into something it is not...

Mon, 03/09/2009 - 02:09 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


I said I have a bump on my nose. Not that it's straight. And the tip of my nose is turned up.
Either way, thanks for sharing my profile with the public.. I like that picture a lot...


Where do you even find my pictures? To be quite honest with you, it's very creepy and invasive. Don't you have anything else to do rather than search people? Please stop.
