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Wed, 12/10/2008 - 19:39 Dude you are ef... Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Der Wanderer:

you are either erik in disguise or you are erik's gay lover. The only reason you personally attacked me is because I bother you because I have a point and you just suck erik's dick all day.

Wed, 12/10/2008 - 09:36 Der Wanderer Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

dude you are effed up on Fri, 10/24/2008

nature identifies what is most desirable in anything
However, you fail to evolve
You are stuck in your ways
life is about constantly re-inventing ourselves for the better

Dude... haven't you heard about Evolutionary Suicide ?

Wed, 12/10/2008 - 04:24 Antonia The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

I find it rather laughable many of the people who disagree with this "Erik" are belittling others to justify the opinions they hold. Do you not see the dichotomy of thinking? You are angry at Erik for "belittling" the VS models yet you are belittling "Grace" and his other selections. It's foolish, it's hurtful and it's beyond irrational. We all have our preferences. I don't tend to buy Eriks argument because there is no "FROM BIRTH WITH NO HUMAN INTERACTION" assessment as to what is pretty. You would have to raise a child with no human contact from birth in order to get a truly objective viewpoint on what is "pretty" at the base level. All of our opinions are influenced by others therefore all of our "views" on beauty are subjective. I find it very telling very few ethnic women are featured on this site. Am i jealous? No, i'm ugly and i'm ok with that but i honestly don't think you are doing anything to aid the world Erik. You would be better off using your obvious talents to teach about more important matters.

As for the comments about these models being made fun of in their youth-please shut up (and i realize you didn't start that Erik). There is absloutely no need to pick on people. It's disgusting, unevolved behavior and i pray you aren't teaching it to your children.

Wed, 12/10/2008 - 01:17 Erik Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Jules: I have posted two articles on the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, and in no case have I objected to the appearance of female athletes in it regardless of how feminine they are. Who would object to seeing Maria Sharapova or Amanda Beard in underwear in the magazine? But the point of the SI swimsuit issue isn’t to focus on female athletes or athletic-looking women but on eye candy for men instead. SI primarily recruits from the world of modeling and hardly any of these models are among ranked athletes. Several SI models are too slender, more specifically not having enough muscle mass, to be good athletes. Take a look at Heidi Klum and Quiana Grant in the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and tell me how athletic they look.

Sally: Your comment is pointless. Haven’t I clearly explained that this website does not concern itself with the appearance of normal everyday women? It is about models and beauty pageant contestants. Several of these models have been taken from adult-oriented sites, but this is because of lack of alternatives, as clearly explained in the faq section. I rarely use porn models, and I don’t subscribe to any sites to get the pictures I use.

You must learn to not shoot the messenger. The essence of this site is what most people find beautiful in women, not what I find beautiful in women. Bridgette Wilson-Sampras is obviously a masculinized woman compared to women in general.

Wed, 12/10/2008 - 00:27 Erik Rene from only tease

Follow the link and you will see three close-ups of her face. All photosets I have of her feature the same hairstyle and make-up but different clothes; the pictures were presumably shot in the same session.

Tue, 12/09/2008 - 17:34 Visitor Rene from only tease

personally not digging the jawline. Her soft curls are def. making her look more feminine than she really is I assure you. Do you have any other pics of this? I am sure if she puts her hair up the masculinization will come into focus.

Tue, 12/09/2008 - 17:03 cellphone Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

How can you tell a 16 year old from a 22 year old apart? Both haven't aged much, and some teenagers have more wrinkles than older people, yet they still look younger? What is it exactly if you know? Also, what changes does the face make as a woman/girl matures. Some women say that they're faces have 'filled out' more, whatever that means, once they hit their thirites. Maybe they mean it gets more defined..?

Does the chin get squarer, bigger? Do the eyebrows raise or lower? Do lips get smaller, stay the same..? does the jaw get wider?? etc.

do some girls drastically change appearance over a few years in their teens? Say there's a girl who is 16, looks older, and throughout the years, she stays the same looking pretty much. Is it possible for someone who is 15 to all of a sudden at 17 start getting very different looking in the face?

Is the way the facial fat distributed much different? Also, some peope's face jiggle when I see them walking. I see it so often, and even people with thin faces have it. Is it skin or fat?

Tue, 12/09/2008 - 11:50 Andrea Rene from only tease

beautiful but tacky makeup.

Tue, 12/09/2008 - 03:45 Visitor Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

are you flexible enough to suck your own dick now since no one else will do it broad nosed or not?

Mon, 12/08/2008 - 22:41 Erik Miscellaneous attractive women

The women shown in the first row are now moved here. The woman on the left in the second row just had her face shown in the previous version of this site at the beginning of the referenced page, but the current version of the site no longer features spaces for head shots there.

Mon, 12/08/2008 - 14:38 Josh The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Erik, i think this is a brilliant post

i'm surprised you are recieving so much hate from other men on this website. It is true, realistically that someone like shay laren is going to put a woman like Rachel Hunter to shame. We know that women come in all shapes and sizes, and we know that women can be beautiful regardless. However, Erik is correct in his assumption about feminine beauty and finding large amounts of deeply interlocked and corroborating evidence to support his claim.

He really didn't even need to do that, I think the pictures above with no commentary would have been enough to convince any man about the truth of the claims made. I think we've all kind of missed the point, and I believe this is the reason why Erik is getting so much hate right now. His point wasn't to sit here and debate with anybody about why a certain SI model is or isn't hot, it was to spark a discussion about why our mainstream modeling industries and magazines are promoting models that many men would not have sex with. It seems shallow, but really what is everybody talking about here, but sexual preferences? I think it is absurd to talk here and defend the idea that you like a woman because shes masculine looking.

Erik great post, I see exactly where you're coming from, please don't let these soccer moms disguised as men prevent you from speaking your mind.

Mon, 12/08/2008 - 00:53 Gunnehdeh Bitch Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

She is one fug bitch. Needs to get her nose fixed pronto!!!

Sun, 12/07/2008 - 10:40 Sally Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

This whole site is crazy. I would be angry at this creepy man telling us what is beautiful and what isn't, except that he is obviously not able to get a woman "masculinised" or otherwise and therefore has a lot of time on his hands (or is it just the one, since the other one is "on it") to write bizarre polemics based on porn and fashion models. Just so you know "Erik", neither of those groups represent normal everyday women. More power to the women who get this crazy man's money from his copious porn site subscriptions! hahaha!

Just wondering, for the sake of a laugh, is Brigette Wilson Sampras "masculinised" or not? teehee

Sat, 12/06/2008 - 23:55 Me Welcome!

This is the most ridiculous tripe I've read in years. Not only is it offensive to try and classify women as attractive based on your porn-star standards; but it's ignorant as well. Calling fashion models masculine? the rest of the world so black and white as yours? I can't believe you waste your time with this. Why not try doing real "research" rather than polluting the web with this foolish nonsense? I can understand that most fashion models aren't your type...fine. But don't try and present your "tastes" as fact and then try and back it up as valid and objective using shoddy statistics or "research." Absolutely infantile.

Sat, 12/06/2008 - 23:51 Visitor A novel approach to promoting feminine beauty

uh... ok

Sat, 12/06/2008 - 18:38 Emily A novel approach to promoting feminine beauty

Hihi. And when their wives catch them in the act they can just say "Oh, I just read this for the articles, honey".

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 21:20 wonderwoman The face of a Neanderthal woman
For that girl at the top, would that be considered a "feminine" nose. Is this typical of Nordic countries?

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 21:15 wonderwoman The face of a Neanderthal woman

A very interesting, and nice site Erik. Give us a small list of who you consider to be the most attractive women (I know that you have the galleries)

Do you think she is attractive? (link below) Is she more feminine/masculine? (face is what's important to me) Why?

Also, do you know the name of the model that's second from the bottom in the left column?
Is she really that masculine? Why? You make your point with the other models, but I find her very attractive.


Wed, 12/03/2008 - 16:28 Emily The face of a Neanderthal woman

I won't respond to your silly personal attack. Personal attacks is not ever an argument, and non one takes you seriously when you resort to it. I think your..comment..speaks for itself, and so do my pictures that proves the point I was making.

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 14:53 Jim The face of a Neanderthal woman

Emily, first off some of the pictures you posted on this website represent your point badly. I looked through many and there are many pictures where the woman has a manly jaw or she has what I call the Nordic "pig nose" which seems to be very common. Now its not an extreme pig nose because its not as short or wide as a pig snout but it has a certain robustity to it and its weird and that is the closest I can get to describing it. The best nordic nose is the straight plain nose that is long but not too long and thin. Although for some strange reason I don't see that nose posted anywhere in your pictures, I see mostly "pig noses". Also, those women spend TONS of money on cosmetics, hair dye, etc. The Nordic countries are notorious for breast implants, lip injections, tanning, dying hair, etc. I think some Nordic women are beautiful but making the argument that they are always the best? No. It doesn't work. The pictures of Asian women you posted are so unfair. Honestly, they aren't even wearing makeup. Here is what I think of when I think of Asian women:

Nothing like the retarded pictures you posted. Honestly though get some self-esteem Emily. You gain yours by associating your success in the way you look because you belong to the "nordic" group. Honestly, the only reason you think you look good is because your "nordic" and you have to prove that nordic women are the best looking or then you can't be the best looking. youre dumb. Get a man if you can.

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 09:32 Emily A woman with small breasts

I think this girl has a feminine and cute body and face, and the pictures are good since they show that a girl can be feminine and sexy without having big breasts and backside. She is not tall and has short legs so she doesn't have the elegance and grace needed in order to be a good fashion model. She cannot show clothes or lingerie the same way a good model can.

I agree that many fashion models are way too manly and thin, and often even anorexic. Their faces are too often androgynous, or downright masculine. The only feminine thing about them seem to be their breasts, and they are often not real since the models are too thin to maintain their natural figure. I think a good middle ground is the best thing. A feminine girl with "discreet" and soft curves, who is also tall and elegant, with long legs - things that are necessary when you show off clothes and lingerie to women.

"Glamour" models cannot replace fashion models so it's not fair to compare them, I think, but I do think that fashion models have become much too extreme. They don't look at all healthy or feminine. Anorexia, masculinity and androgyny in women shouldn't be glamorized and encouraged, I think.

Wed, 12/03/2008 - 00:08 Jim A woman with small breasts

Oh and to the people who are claiming that men do not like toned women, I don't know what you're smoking. Even on his website Erik has exercises for women to do. Seriously I don't understand people. Of course a toned woman looks good! A toned woman with fat in the RIGHT places like her breats and her ass is the best. Fat is not preferred anywhere else on a woman. Love handles are occasionally nice but it depends on the woman they are on. Of course thighs that are a bit bigger are ok, no man likes a woman with no thighs. However, a small waist that is trim and a flat stomach with toned arms and thicker but toned legs is preferred. Not a woman with fat in all the wrong places and lacking in the right places like this model Erik posted up. I don't know. This is why I am not a people person. Most people are just ignorant and some just plain dull and slow. And sorry Erik but I just don't agree with you and I can assure you that most "heterosexual" men would pick the Victorias Secret models over your women any day. Personally I prefer one in the middle. Toned with fat in the right places, skin not too pale maybe a cute healthy tan or pink cheeks, nice lips not too wide, baby face like the model above is nice, or high cheekbones are very sexy don't care what you say erik.

Tue, 12/02/2008 - 23:57 Jim A woman with small breasts

She has a pretty face. However, her body is gross. Her ass is not shapely. It is very flat. Her hips are wide which may make her butt appear feminine but it isn't feminine. It is just flat. Thats it. Her breasts are unpleasant. I have no problem with small breasts but her small breasts don't look good with her frame. I prefer the small breasts of super models actually. At least their frame and breasts go together. She just has a wide frame with small breasts. This is def. the opposite of what any man really is attracted to. Sorry this whole website was actually convincing me a bit until now. Honestly, Erik, I am not so sure even you know what you are really talking about anymore.

Tue, 12/02/2008 - 03:28 brit A woman with small breasts

The blonde is cute. She isnt ugly or slutty. She is the everyday American girl. Considering that obesity is epidemic in America she looks good.

The actresses that the person posted were beautiful. They have money to spend on expensive treatments fancy clothes and hair saloons, nails. There make up was done by professionals. Everything about them was professional.

The blond e in the pictures was probably in college or something struggling to pay the bills. She looks good for her social status. Some woman in that cast cant afford dental walk about in extra large t shirts, don't wash there face, are obese, ect. ect.

Mon, 12/01/2008 - 18:21 Jules Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

"I don’t believe that a clinical description of how babies come about will harm children, except perhaps for the possibility that children may be prompted to think prematurely of matters pertaining to human sexuality, but why talk in such dull language to them?"

The language doesn't need to be dull, and neither should we assume that the children would find such language dull, especially if they show an interest in science as I did as a child. Besides, if the kids are asking questions it's because they want to know. If the answer is too dull for them, they will lose interest and find something else to occupy their minds.

Also, the younger children learn about sexuality the more likely they will be responsible about their own sexuality when the time comes for their bodies to be prepared for reproduction. Once a child reaches puberty (which is starting at a younger and younger age) and begins to feel sexual urges, the more likely they will give in to their urges if they do not understand why those urges are there.
