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Wed, 12/17/2008 - 02:20 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said they were trash, just not as feminine and beautiful on average as Nordic women.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 02:05 Alexander Natalie T. from only tease

You guys are all retards. While you guys are bickering over "who's prettier" there are geniuses out there trying to figure out what reality is. String theory and the CTMU theory we are ALL ONE. Christopher Langan and Michio Kaku: two of the smartest men on Earth both came up with this idea. You should respect eachother, not fight over stupid things like this idiots. It is people like you that are too dumb to really contribute anything to society.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 02:02 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

And you say Eastern European are trash? Look at the pictures you posted up! Im done with arguing with retarded people like you Emily

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 01:56 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

More Eastern European women.








And a few more Swedes.










Now, I'm not saying all Eastern European women are the same but since we are speaking in general terms they cannot compare to Nordics when it comes to femininity, beauty and grace. As for their teeth they are well known for their terrible teeth and they often don't smile in pictures I noticed, so it took some time to find pictures of smiling women from Eastern Europe, and of course they had better teeth than the average woman.

Any man from Western Europe or America who wants an Eastern European wife is advised to check her teeth right away unless they want an ugly surprise sometime down the line.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 01:28 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

"Most Eastern Europeans are not blonde? There are more blonde Eastern Europeans than in Germany and Britain, I can"

No, most Eastern Europeans are not blonde.

gaurantee this. Poland, Russia and the Northern Eastern European countries are filled with blondes.

Filled with fake blondes, yes. They are oftentimes really natural brunettes, and they have often brown eyes, strange greenish-yellowish skin, and large hooked noses which makes their fake blonde hair look even stranger.

"Clearly you are ignorant in that you stereotype that all Eastern European have round broad faces."

Clearly you are incorrect since you ignored that I said OFTEN, not all. They often have faces that are too round and broad, and also coarse facial features that make them less feminine.

"Iam not saying that Nordic women fall short. I believe there are beautiful and exceptional women throughout the world. I am just endorsing Eastern European women because"

You may promote them all you want to and your loyalty is quite touching. The truth is what it is, however. The fact remains that in terms of femininity they fall short in comparison to Nordic women. They are generally simply too coarse and robust.

Here are typical, ordinary Eastern European women;

Slavic woman Slavic woman Russian women Russian women Slavic woman Slavic women Slavic woman Slavic women Slavic woman Russians Slavic woman Woman from Belarus Woman from Ukraine Russian woman

Compare these to the Swedish women here below;

Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman Swede Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes Swedes

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 23:42 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

Oh and about Eastern European women's teeth:

After my girlfriend got her braces off the orthodontist was amazed. He told her she is very lucky to have teeth that are so naturally white in color and that she would make tons of money going into modeling with her teeth. I asked him how to get my teeth like that but he claimed it was genetic, unless whitened artificially, which she couldn't do with her braces on. She is extremely educated and intelligent. She is currently in college studying to become a pharmacist. She goes to a top tier university however she is the under achiever of the family since her older sister attends Cornell.

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 23:32 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease


The only connection between intelligence and the state a country is, is that usually those who would otherwise be more intelligent are not due to malnutrition and inability to take advantage of an education and other things you take for granted Emily. A country is ruled by a group of people or one person, not all the people in a country as a whole.

Most Eastern Europeans are not blonde? There are more blonde Eastern Europeans than in Germany and Britain, I can gaurantee this. Poland, Russia and the Northern Eastern European countries are filled with blondes. Do you know why Emily? Light skin color, eye color, and hair color are results of mutations that allowed people with these characteristics to survive in cold climates. The ones that did not have these mutations simply died out. Light pigmentation absorbs vitamin D better than darker pigmentation. This is important for survival in the North where there is little heat or sun. The genes that hold these mutations are far spread. You can go as far as Southern Europe and still find blondes. Naturally of course they are not as plentiful there. My girlfriend is Southern Eastern European. She was born with ivory skin, ash blonde hair, and dark hazel eyes. She is extremely stunning, but I don't think she is an exception. I think it is common in people with similar genes to her.

Clearly you are ignorant in that you stereotype that all Eastern European have round broad faces. This is simply not the case. There is so much diversity in Eastern Europe. You will find Eastern Europeans that tan well, ones that are simply pale. Blonde, red, brunette, brown, hair. Blue, grey, brown, hazel, amber, eyes. Round, oval, heart shaped faces. Tall, short, slim, athletic, hourglass, pear shapes. BEAUTIFUL women. I cannot even explain, and the selections are plentiful. Ask almost anyone who has extensively traveled to Europe. Ask them where the most beautiful women in Europe are. I will tell you right now that 90% will claim the Czech Republic to have the MOST BEAUTIFUL women in Europe.

Iam not saying that Nordic women fall short. I believe there are beautiful and exceptional women throughout the world. I am just endorsing Eastern European women because I truly believe that the majority of them have extremely desirable characteristics. We have plenty of women that look like "Nordic" women in Eastern Europe. However, I have to say that there are common characteristics in Nordic women I generally do not appreciate. The long faces and jaws are not to my liking. Don't believe Nordic women are all that gracile. There are a few, however I see that many more have extremely robust features. Not in terms of broadness but just simply robustity!
Here are a few Eastern European women. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic. Notice: I do not post pictures of them with fake tans and fake breasts that are obviously elite and rich and spend their time partying in night clubs like you do Emily. Not to mention many of those photos prove my point that many Nordic women are robust and masculine!

Sharapova parrallels any "Nordic" woman. She is also extremely good at tennis! Is she tall and muscular! Yes, but she is also slender and has feminine points. I think any man will agree she is gorgeous:

Maria Sharapova

Now notice how muscular she is due to extensive excercise. However, she still maintains wonderfull full "shapely" breasts and a shapely figure. The perfect woman is not a cow, but an combination of an athletic powerful woman with feminine attributes as well!

Maria Sharapova Maria Sharapova Maria Sharapova Maria Sharapova Maria Sharapova Maria SharapovaMaria Sharapova

She is probably as masculine any Eastern European woman could possibly be. Does it matter? She is extremely striking even with her masculinity.

Alina Vacariu

Is her round BROAD face unappealing? Not in the least.

Alina Vacariu, Romanian like Puscau!

I would post photos up of more feminine Eastern European women. However I do not want to go on the mail order sites or post pictures up of my girlfriend. As Erik pointed out, feminine women are rarely seen in the media and therefore it is impossible for me to get a picture of a regular normal feminine Eastern European woman without doing the above.

Emily how educated are you? "Eastern European women dye their hair a gross yellow blonde" What kind of stupid stereotype is that? I am not even that uneducated but I am bright enough not to post stupid irrelevant arguments on here.

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 18:44 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

As for the beauty of slavic women, their faces are often much too round and broad, and they have coarse features. Sexy and striking - sometimes, yes, but truly beautiful and sweet..not that often. Their facial features lack grace and refinement. Their features are not delicate and soft like a nordic woman's features, and there is not much femininity to them. They look like the cheap version of a nordic woman - lacking her delicate, sweet and fine features.

They are not often true blondes like nordics but love to dye their hair a terrible yellowish color that is the laughing stock of Western Europe. We say that you can immediately tell that she is from Eastern Europe just by looking at her hair, the garish colors of her dresses, or by the smell of her cheap and overpowering perfume. She often lacks taste and over-dones her make-up in order to conceal the imperfections of her skin, which is often thick and coarse. The slavic woman's teeth are often too large and masculine and in poor condition, so you often see pictures of these women where they don't smile.

There are some very beautiful exceptions, women that often find a way out of their misery by working as models for more or less reputable agencies in the west, but the ordinary, common Eastern European woman is often not much to write home about, at least not from a perspective of a nordic.

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 18:14 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

Right. Eastern Europeans are so intelligent and superior. I guess that's why all their countries are a total mess and why their women try to find Western European- and American men in order to flee the poverty and misery of their home countries. They even prostitute themselves, or offer themselves as "mail order brides", in order to find a way out of their horrible Eastern European home countries. Very intelligent indeed.. That is third world behavior, when no other option is available.

Eastern Europe is a stinking mess full of starvation, extreme poverty, prostitution, corruption and mafia. Law and order is non existing. This subject is really not something that belongs on this site, I suppose, but trying to sell the idea that Eastern Europeans as some kind of uber humans is so ignorant that it merits a response.

If you have a region full of corruption, mafia, prostitution, alcoholism, and a total break-down of law and order, where ordinary citizens starve and live their lives in misery, it's not possible to call them more intelligent.

Intelligence is best measured by a people's accomplishments and by the level of civilization of its citizens. When a people practically live on neanderthal level it's not possible to claim that they are more intelligent than those who live in countries that these Eastern Europeans can only dream of. That is laughable.

If they are more intelligent than others let's see them trying to manage and fix their own countries for a change. Intelligence not put to good use is stupidity, I'd say.

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 09:34 Monica Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

hi i was just wondering what shape i would be, im 5'6'' and a half and im 20 and my bust is 43inches, my waist is 34inches and my hips are 47inches but i think itd be a lot less because my butt sticks out a lot and doesnt make a lot of difference from the front..if that makes sense. so does this make me a pear? or something? help a brother out?

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 07:06 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

wow. She dyes her hair you idiot. You cannot tell? Hair dye gives the appearance of thicker coarser hair. Look at her eyebrows. They are light! Many Eastern Europeans have blonde hair. There are more Polish people with lighter blonde hair than there are British people with blonde hair actually. Wow. Ignorance makes me soo angry!

Most British people actually DO NOT have blonde hair. Most GERMAN people actually do not have blonde hair. Look up your statistics before you make ignorant remarks.

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 06:48 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

Maybe you should read the book you mention and spelling it right would help too. Honestly, read a book before you think you can use it as an argument. If you read it, than obviously you are not very intelligent because you have no idea what "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is about.

Yes, a brachycephalic head type holds a bigger brain than a dolichocephalic. Many scientists have measured these brains and a brachycephalic brain will usually weigh around 20-40g more than a dolichocephalic. You a wrong, a long skull cannot fit a bigger brain. A long skull IS NOT a high skull. Dolichocephalic skulls which are common among Northern Europeans are rarely high, just long. Dinarics often have a high skull, or high cranial vault. They are really the ones that can argue they have a high skull. A brachycephalic skull is short in the back not on top. Also, it fits a much bigger brain and is usually much rounder. Rounder skulls are more efficient. Neanderthals had dolicocephalic skulls. Brachycephalic skulls are more recent. A brachycephalic skull is also more pronounced in specific areas that became more pronounced as we evolved from primates. A dolicocephalic skull is less pronounced in these areas.

East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews score the highest on IQ tests. Higher than any other ethnicity or race among people. They are both highly brachycephalic. Often an East Asian that is malnourished can score higher than a regular person on an IQ test. There is plenty of scientific evidence for this. All someone needs to do is a little bit of research.

There are exceptions. For example, Brahmins or "Indian" people are very intelligent. They are usually dolichocephalic. However, even among these it seems the brachycephalic ones do come out on top.

Another exception is that in rare cases women with dolichocephalic head types have bigger brains than ones with brachycephalic. These are the results an anthropologist found in Italy. However, many believe the study to have been highly inaccurate which is probably the case. Women in Britain that are brachycephalic have a brain that is on average 40g larger than the ones with dolicocephalic indexes. Almost anyone will agree that the trend towards brachycephalic indexes is a trend towards a heavier larger more efficient brain.

Eastern European women are on average extremely intelligent. The reason Eastern European countries have such low IQ scores are because they are underdeveloped. The educational system is wrong and the whole government is corrupt. A family of five lives on $200 a month. Would you be worrying about your score on an IQ test if you are living on $200 a month and sharing that with 4 other people? Do you do well on tests when you are hungry and generally a bit malnourished? I don't think so... Go to Eastern Europe. You will find how thin the women and men there generally are.

Also... who is taking this IQ test? The majority of the people in Eastern Europe are not. They are too worried about feeding their families and just living... They are also worried about getting kidnapped and trafficked as sex slaves. Most of this trafficking is funded by WESTERN EUROPEANS. Mainly English men!

Lets talk about Western Europeans. Many are actually brachycephalic. Most of Central Europe is also brachycephalic. France is widely brachycephalic. Even many British people are brachycephalic, although the majority are "supposed" to be dolichocephalic.

Lets talk about achievements. Einstein, Beethoven, Kant, all those great people... BRACHYCEPHALIC!
The Nordicists had a field day when it was proven that their beloved ARYAN GERMAN KANT was brachycephalic!

Who got to the moon first? The brachycephalic Russians of course.

Eastern European women are not only intelligent but athletic as well. Turn on the TV. The figure skaters, the gymnasts, the tennis players... all Eastern European. Why did the U.S. win in gymnanstics this year? Because the Romanian coach that used to coach the Romanian team is now coaching them. The University of Bucharest is one of the most well respected universities in terms of sports/physical development. European women are also very feminine. Whoever argues that you cannot find an Eastern European woman with large breasts, full behind, long legs, small waist, graceful figure, has never been to Eastern Europe. I am sorry our women don't look like pasty fat cows.

Will I take a beautiful intelligent Eastern European woman over any other? YES. That is a no brainer.

You say that any man with an American citizenship can get an Eastern European? When you are starving your ass off trying to find a way out of your hard life, than we will see what you will do. I pray that you will find out what it is like to be in that much pain that you are willing to do anything to get out of your misery you ignorant bigot!

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 06:16 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

Wow! You are a retard of a woman. I think someone is a little bit jealous of her competition...

And she does not have a round face. She has an oval face you dumbass! Not all Slavic girls have round faces, besides a round face is one of the most feminine. There is nothing wrong with her face shape. Its the dumb look on her face. Also, why the hell do you steroetype that Brits have yellow teeth? That is insulting! British people can have wonderful teeth. Take your ignorant fat ass and go somewhere else!

Tue, 12/16/2008 - 03:20 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Songbird: Your comment mentions an important issue. Women with the disposable income to buy expensive fashion wear are disproportionately older women, and thereby also heavier women, yet top designers often do not have designs for these women unless they happen to be thin. They also prefer to use teenage girls to market to older women, the preferred age range of the models being in the early- to mid-teens, though public pressure forces them to minimize the use of girls in their early teens, and only the well-established teenage models go on to still model in their twenties. These observations again refute the notion that the choice of high-fashion models’ typical looks stems from public demand or marketing considerations.

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 22:16 Alex Natalie T. from only tease

And on more thing... Keeley Hazell looks ok front on in a swimsuit because you just notice her large breasts, but I guarantee that she would have a VERY hard time finding clothes that look good on her. Most of the time girls that have massive boobs cannot wear things which show their silhouette because they look REALLY top heavy in clothes. So you often see girls with massive boobs wearing things which don't show the outline of their figure and all you tend to notice is other things which most girls that have massive boobs have such as the broad shoulders and flat backside. SLIGHTLY larger than average breasts are appealing, but any bigger and it's not a drawcard.

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 21:48 Alex Natalie T. from only tease

Keeley Hazell is still feminine overall but I think but her breasts are too large to be attractive and other factors that you mentioned such as the broad shoulders and flat backside ARE noticed by men. I just don't understand why she in particular was chosen when aside from her massive breasts (which IMO are too large anyway), her body and face are not very appealing. Keeley has two sisters. Mostly couples produce daughters when their ratio of hormones favours women i.e. a higher ratio of estrogen to testosterone. A woman may have a slightly higher than average ratio of estrogen to testosterone, but still far too much estrogen to warrant having a boy baby, so she will produce girls that have massive boobs but also higher than average testosterone. This ratio is unattractive. The girl ends up looking skanky and masculine but also with huge boobs which are impractical and out of proportion to the rest of their body. Some have to get a breast reduction because of the pain and discomfort.

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 21:13 Alex Natalie T. from only tease

My family backgroud is almost all British except for a tiny bit of German. So I know what most Brits look like. Natalie doesn't look like a typical Brit. Something about her eyes are unappealing and her skin is a sort of yellow colour - unlike most brits I have seen thats for sure. My family mostly has blonde/fair hair and so do many brits I have met - they often have fine and fair/mid-brown hair but lots of it so it looks thick. Natalie's hair is coarse and very dark which is unusual for a british person.

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 14:35 movsepian Natalie T. from only tease

T-Rex y'all.

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 14:35 movsepian Natalie T. from only tease

Mah brain is real big. Like a dinosaur's.

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 12:49 Songbird Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

POLEASE, some designer somewhere design some decent, attactive clothes for heavier and/or older women. The baby boomers are aging and many are overweight (including me). I long for stylish clothing which will fit me without looking like a big sack. Weight gain is a fact of life yet no designers are moving in that direction. We have money. We need decent clothing. I hope to never again see the word "tunic" in a clothing ad. POLEASE HELP US!

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 00:46 Alex Natalie T. from only tease

Is that why Eastern European countries have significantly lower IQ scores than Western Europe (read: IQ and the Welath of Nations). And brachycephalization has nothing to do with a "bigger brain", if anything, it means a smaller brain. Duh. A long, high skull can fit a bigger brain that a shorter one.

Sun, 12/14/2008 - 23:34 Emily Rene from only tease

A feminine girl can still be bland. A feminine face isn't always striking but it has a more quiet appeal - less aggressive and loud than more masculine women with harder facial features. These women are nude or semi nude models. They will not be great beauties, so it's unfair to expect that. They are ordinary but feminine women, and some are more attractive than others.

I like the pictures of Rene since they are nice and not overtly sexually provocative like some of the others. I think girls who pose in vulgar and aggressive poses often look LESS feminine than those who maintain some sweetness.

Sun, 12/14/2008 - 23:17 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

Her head breadth is nide wide enough to be Eastern European, even if she was Northern Eastern European which is the closest an Eastern European can even get close to looking like her. Honestly, please, you people who are ignorant need to stop posting on here. You wouldn't know what an Eastern European looked like if they stood right in front of you.

Eastern Europeans have wider headth breadth and higher cephalic index. They are brachycephalic. Brachycephalic skull structure allows for a bigger brain. Bigger brains ARE indeed connected to higher intelligence. Eastern European women are not only more beautiful but more intelligent as well. :)

Sun, 12/14/2008 - 23:15 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

I think Natalie could be either British or Eastern European. She has a round, slavic-looking face and her cheeks are far too round. Her protruding eyes somehow look British and her slightly yellowish teeth, too. They are not as big as the teeth of Eastern Europeans who often have huge, masculine teeth which tend to ruin the looks of otherwise pretty women when they smile.

I think some of the complaints here regarding the pornographic tone of the photos would be less frequent and loud if we didn't see photos where models are in very sexual positions - such as on four legs with their backside sticking up in the air. That kind of photo doesn't serve much purpose. Even a flat backside looks round when you pose like that.

Another type is the one where the girl's legs are spread wide apart, or where the breasts are shown hanging down when the model poses on four legs. I don't think these types of photos are necessary in order to show femininity in women, but they could very well sexually arouse men who would then click on the links to the sites where you got the pictures. That's not the intention, I hope. I think the prejudical effect of these types of suggestive photos outweighs it's educational value. If "nicer" photos were chosen people would be less upset about the (semi) nudity, I think.

Sun, 12/14/2008 - 22:27 n/a Natalie T. from only tease

I agree with Alex. Her face screams Eastern European, and, personally, I don't find her look attractive. There's approximately zero chance she's British, regardless of where she was photographed. Plenty of Eastern Europeans reside in Britain, and plenty work in porn. Even if you deny that her physiognomy is eastern, just look at her facial expressions. Not remotely British.

Honestly you wish you could get a beautiful Eastern European woman.

I'm pretty sure anyone with a job and American citizenship can get an Eastern European woman -- at least for as long as it takes for her green card to come through.
