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Mon, 02/11/2008 - 17:42 Erik Sexy ana-rexi mystery

Debra: You call them poems? They are more like silly rhymes, though the message is important. I wrote all the rhymes above. If you don’t like them, don’t blame me. I can rhyme but am not a poet. I didn’t know about haiku, but having looked it up, haiku isn’t useful to me because it doesn’t rhyme.

Katherine Hepburn was an outlier. She had to endure starvation as a young individual and likely never gained the fat she normally would have.

The Fijians have an extremely high prevalence of obesity. Even exposure to normal Western bodies would prompt some of them to reevaluate how they feel about their bodies, but it isn’t about normal bodies in the West. What explains the very thin high-fashion ideal? I have addressed the matter rigorously, and saying the unpleasant truth if it is needed isn't “bashing.”

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 17:10 Erik Abbie Gortsema

Damn you silly girlfriends of Abbie. I run this site and have been trying to get the chilluns to play with play-dohs and Barbies, like they should, instead of delving into adult affairs. This should explain why I have left a bunch a comments. So scoot or I will spank thee all.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 17:00 Erik Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Alina: Aishwarya may be the most beautiful woman in the world, but this does nothing to alter the fact that she has a hook nose. The camera angle and timing aren’t responsible for the hook nose. They just happen to capture the hook nose clearly, contrasting with the majority of her pictures, such as those posted by “Love Aishwarya,” where the hook is not obvious, barely obvious or digitally edited.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 16:35 Erik Gay fashion designers

Debra: If no one has come up with a better argument, then I have no choice but to cite my own writings. Don’t judge an article by who has written it; judge it by its contents.

Of course, there are many horrible examples of heterosexuals molesting children, but homosexuals and bisexuals are a breed apart on this count.

I don’t see the point about your mentioning shifts in people’s appearance. The weight shifts among models and in the general population are in opposite directions.

Digital: I am not citing my credentials to support my arguments. Scientific arguments are never made by citing one’s qualifications. Read for yourself evidence regarding the higher prevalence of pedophilia among nonhetersexual individuals.

Not all men have “craggy, strong jawed facial features.” There is an overlap between the face shape of men and women as far as the distribution of masculinity-femininity goes. I shouldn’t even have to cite this. Pictures should be enough.

The gay men designing for women are also designing for men. Its their job, but they prefer to design for boyish/androgynous physiques than feminine curves. I didn’t say that they generally harbor animus toward women though it may be mistakenly assumed sometimes. For instance, you may be aware of last year’s Dolce & Gabbana ad showing a prelude to a woman’s gangrape. Feminists were infuriated by the violent imagery, but D&G argued that the ad depicted the woman’s fantasy. I believe D&G were speaking truthfully, and if people understood that mental illnesses such as sadomasochism (e.g. manifestation in the form of a rape fantasy) are much more common among homosexuals, then they would not readily jump to the conclusion of D&G being anti-women. D&G made the point that a substantial proportion of their customers are women, and so why would they dislike them? Homosexual designers do what pleases them as long as they can get away with it.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 16:03 Erik Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Kevin: The comment was addressed to gjhg, who was responding to my arguments elsewhere, including those outside this site.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 14:30 Digital Gay fashion designers

Please! You constantly refer to the 'masculinzed' females who resemble adolescent boys, in your opinion. They're hardly gonna resemble grown men, are they?! There isn't enough testosterone in any unmedicated woman to bring about the craggy, strong jawed facial features of an adult male. So maybe the resemblance to younger, pre-adult males is coincidental. If you think many of these women resemble males, say so. But to record this as 'evidence' of the greater tendency of homosexuals toward paedophilia is absurd. Report crime statistics, sure. But I'll look to those statistics, not your cooked up, theoretical posts on fashion to affirm my beliefs. And of course my beef here is with you. I think your remarks are blinkered in the least, and I couldn't give a rat's ass on your 'credentials'. Furthermore, haven't you pondered why gay men bother to design for females in the first place, if they have such antagonism for the opposite sex? They could just bypass women altogether and focus there considerable creative gifts on men, surely a smarter and more effective way of 'recruiting', as some conservatives believe to be a major part of the gay agenda.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 13:58 Kevin Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Your argument was that large number of influential male homosexuals in the fashion industry have pederastic interests, not that attraction to less than 16-year-olds is more common among homosexual and bisexual adults. That is unless most homosexual and bisexual adults are actually influental male homosexuals in the fashion industry.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 12:32 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I can't believe you are calling the most beautiful woman in the world with a perfect face disproportionate. And why do you have her picture which is a result of bad camera angle and bad timing.

Nose that is short and non existed reminds of a pig. Miss piggy from Muppets. It is quite common among some Europeans. In girls it looks ok but in men it looks UGHHH!!!

Aishwarya's nose is delicate refined and aristocratic and perfect.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 12:27 :] Abbie Gortsema

She is ugly.
i dont know how shes a model..
yeah she isnt very pretty.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 05:06 Love aishwarya Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I accept that aishwarya's face is not in the good porportion when compare to european women, but aishwarya is exotic beauty in any case do u think so? she has Indian feature but having blue eyes and that's stunning? just like a picture of shabatgula, the afghan girl from national geography.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 05:01 Love aishwarya Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 04:53 Love aishwarya Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Aishwarya Rai

Aishwarya rai is the most beautifull woman of the world, she has original blue gray eyes like in many dessert people in the west of India have and I don't find anything wrong in her nose, it's pretty.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 04:17 I get Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Once again,I do not think Camile is fit to hour-glass cristeria. I think her legs are abit too straight and her waist from the picture you posted also too straight. I think hour glass must be like natalie glebova ( miss russia universe), or Nadine Njeim ( miss lebanon).

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 03:55 I get Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Alessandra Ambrosio looks masculine indeed, but the thing to conceal people eyes are the make up, solid breasts and butts that seem to be enough for any males to find she is pretty.
I suggest you erik, you should find a picture of glamour model that also make up the same like your componant model so people can see it more clearer. about Camille, I find she looks feminine, but she isn't pretty or attactive when compare with alassandra who is masculine but elegrant. I suppose, erik? if both of these women standing next to each other? I think people will look at alessandra more than Camille because alassandra is taller? bigger structure? and larger face?
larger lips? I accept that camille has refined beauty ( for delicate people) but when look for overall of body. alassandra is attractive than camile.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 03:48 Erik Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

gjhg: Where have I implied, “these tastes are exclusive to homosexuals”? The argument is that attraction to less than 16-year-olds is more common among homosexual and bisexual adults. 13-year-olds who are eyed by middle-aged pervs are typically more physically mature than their peers. Look at the second row here and guess which of the girls is much more likely to be longingly glanced at by middle-aged pervs.

Most people do not have sexually twisted desires.

Ana: The earliest case of anorexia wasn’t in 1686; perhaps the earliest formal medical description was in this year. Anyway, I don’t see your point. Anorexia doesn’t have a single cause, but read this site and you will find plenty of evidence that the fashion industry is playing a role in triggering anorexic behaviors in some girls and women.

Hugh Risktik: If you have a good face to compensate for your lack of height, then you have a chance. See a modeling agency ASAP.

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 02:04 Arash Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

What's wrong with small chested women? They are just as attractive, I don't understand the fascination with womens large breasts, to be honest I find small ones even more attractive, and I even came up with a's called F.A.T. Face first, the ass, then tits. Set your priorities, boobs are just a handful whereas a face is something to look at, I can't stand having a girlfriend with an ugly face. Pillowcase face is what you call them, and you can't go out in public and have a nice cup of coffee with her because you can't stand to look at her face.

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 20:23 Debra Sexy ana-rexi mystery

That girl is indeed very thin so I do hope that she is not starving herself. However it is highly unlikely as at her age and height her body has spent alot of energy growing her musculoskeletal frame and not built up fat deposits. Erik I'll do you the courtesy of assuming that those poems are written by someone using your name, either that or try a Haiku
instead. Again the attack on homosexuals. Below is an interesting link on the affect of early 90's western tv on the self image of the fijian population. Which came first, the catwalk or the culture? Katherine Hepburn was 5ft 7' with 34-23-33. Sounds pretty slim to me, and that was in the 30's!

The skinny culture is not new but deserves rounded investigation and not to be used as a gay bashing device.

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 20:02 ana Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Some info on anorexia:

"The earliest case of anorexia was a 20 year old girl treated in 1686 by Richard Morton. A paper was also written 1874 by Sir William Gull. Anorexia has been around for a while and the sufferer strives for perfection, control, mastery of self and this leads to the constant struggle they experience.
The refusal to eat food is an outer expression of deep psychological distortions or disturbances. Being thin is perceived as being 'in control' , and this becomes paramount in the sufferers world. Eating is perceived as 'weak' or 'giving in'. And once a person eats they feel they will lose control and never get it back. These distortions give rise to the rigid controlling rituals that the anorexic maintains. Self induced starvation goes against the bodily instincts and this can rarely be maintained. This is why ultimately anorexics end up binge eating and purging food as starvation for many induces binge eating"

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 19:00 HughRistik Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Hmmm, I wonder if I would have a shot at being a model. I am 5'10 and weigh 130 lbs no matter what I eat.

Where the masculine ideal of as recently as 2000 was a buff 6-footer with six-pack abs, the man of the moment is an urchin, a wraith or an underfed runt.

The other problem with this ideal is that it might delude some poor straight men into thinking that it is what women actually want.

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 17:56 gjhg Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Eh, an attraction to young adults or even those in their early teens is not exclusive to homosexuals. Having never been a 13 year old girl I can understand if you are not familiar with what is commonly termed 'the old perv'. This would be a middle aged heterosexual man who likes to make longing glances or also 'cop a feel' on either the thighs, buttocks or chest. Practically considered par for the course. Please don't be so naive as to suggest that these tastes are exclusive to homosexuals. Perhaps the sexual orientation of fashion designers does indeed influence the choice of model. Just as heterosexul men have shown their
preferences in the porn industry. Everybody is hiding (and keeping hidden hopefully) some kind of twisted desire. Even you Erik.

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 14:14 . Sample artwork

"More men than women will readily understand why the woman is not scared of the monster".


Sat, 02/09/2008 - 12:35 Debra Maria Sheriff

If anyone finds Alina's comments a bit harsh or just the result of a failure to understand the motivations of this site, simply check the link below:

Mr. Erik Holland's homophobia is not so subtle on this website-for which he is the English language contributor- and which he also uses to 'backup' some of his more outlandish statements.. While there may be isolated instances of accurate observation on this site the possibility of any truly objective argument is obviously nil.

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 12:27 Debra Gay fashion designers

Erik: Apologies for not clarifying, by 'over the years' I was implying the past century as model stats for the past century are cited. I was indeed off with the figure of 3inches, it is in fact substantially more:

'The world is growing up. While today's humans may not be any wiser than their forebears, they are much taller: in the past 150 years the average height of Europeans, for example, has climbed more than 20 cm. And according to the emerging science of auxology, the study of human growth, becoming taller means a whole lot more than seeing better at football matches or being able to paint the bathroom ceiling without a ladder.'

TIME Magazine
October 14, 1996 Volume 148, No. 16

Semantic maybe, but if you state a 'fact' expect people to contradict you with reliable sources. No more throw away remarks!

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 11:59 Alina Maria Sheriff

Erik I have just a question and it is not really relevant to this blog but to the whole website.

How do you find the time or money to maintain such a racist, homophobic, paedophilic, ageist website?
I believe you are white, then you must realise that most white women tend to get more masculine as they age.
Let us see your mother's face. She must be pretty masculine by now. Have some respect for other women.

I find beauty in every person, yes even in a sick demented person like you.

Sat, 02/09/2008 - 09:40 Debra Gay fashion designers

Erik if you want anyone to take you seriously I wouldn't advise you to back up your arguments with a link to a site that you write for. No one is saying that their is no instance of homosexuals taking an interest in children but it is not true that it is more likely than heterosexuals. Some of the most horrific cases of child abuse and molestation have been
perpetrated by heterosexual men on young girls. Cases of incest, such as
the abuse of a girl by her father. These cases were and still are considered more taboo than those within the priesthood. The sex abuse scandals in the church are finally coming to surface but as for cases within familys, most will never be heard about. Recently in Ireland, cases have been brought by adult women against male family members citing years of sexual abuse during their childhood, some,disturblingly, leading to the the birth of a child.
