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Tue, 05/17/2011 - 19:01 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Apparently I'm a disturbed heterosexual male.
So..not an 18-year old girl then? ;) Now, is it so strange I like the appearance of 17-year old model? However I'm not discussing her, because she's not a woman in some time. Although if you watch more videos, you can see, with makeup, she's really elegant and lady-like and simply cool and her face is amazing as well as her delicate skin and elegant shapes, seen specifically on the catwalk. Although thus not a good example of a woman, she was just an example of FEMININITY, to the people saying the models only have manly horses faces and bony bodies.

First of all, the fashion industry is based on thinness for the clothes aesthetic and practical reasons.
Models are not meant to be "hot" or "pretty", they're meant to show off the clothes and make them look good, thus very thin bodies laying the focus on the clothes. Fashion is firstly about the clothes and money and secondly about beauty. In some cases this also mean models with an extreme bony figure for the models not meant by nature to be that thin and look natural. The models faces though, are works of art with their prominent features, the symmetry, unique features, androgynous features with some models(it just adds a cool touch to the feminity) and a healthy skin and hair. The thin body and the face make them shapeable for the artists to create. They can sculpture the face with makeup, clothes and lightning to create a striking, expressive and specific feeling in their art and a unique touch to SELL their products. This, a woman with a bigger body, big breasts etc couldn't do. Erik has misunderstood the whole concept of the fashion industry. It isn't SEX, like always his examples are meant to show. It is creating good advertising with much expression, someone haven't watched any fashion pictures?? Why are they tall? To be seen on the catwalk. Are they MOSTLY classy and strikingly beautiful, feminine women? Yes, yes and yes.

SEX is simple, biased, it's something fashion can't change, it's highly subjective although often remains the same.
BEAUTY is something for the cultivated people to admire and appreciate.

Frida Gustavsson looks like a young sweet lady. Erik's sloveny trash look like innocent 6-year old little girls(who also have NO originality or even prominent features in their faces whatsoever. No lips, HUGE cheeks.
Does he like them innocent and submissive? Yes.
Hell, I bet he even wants them to talk with a baby voice of the sort as those in the 40's Disney movies.

Tue, 05/17/2011 - 14:05 Jim The aesthetics of the eyebrows

It is quite ironic that you express not liking women with so called "child-like faces" and yet promote that model up there who looks very much underage (i.e. younger than 18). It is the very reason she has a career at all in fashion and if she grows up and starts developing a body that is more feminine, her career will be over.

In any case, for your entire argument to have any sort of credibility, you would have to prove that whatever it is you deem to be "feminine" is factual. You haven't and you cannot. Erik has proven this specific case because women with more levels of estrogen turn out with a certain bone structure and that just so happens to fall in line with the tastes of straight men. Also, time after time it is demonstrated that straight men prefer women that are unlike the ones that populate mainstream media and fashion shows. In other words, women with more weight on them but are called "fat" by those individuals that happen to be the ones that fell victim to the brainwashing of the fashion industry.

You and Bob the Chef have done nothing except exercise distaste in those very women that straight men find attractive. The best you have done is use adjectives like "classy" and "elegant" to defend yourself. There is no argument there. The conclusion about you two is simple. You and Bob are not sane straight men and very likely have become brainwashed by the fashion industry's influence in promoting underweight and non-feminine women as supposedly the prime examples of female beauty.

Tue, 05/17/2011 - 07:04 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I'm not a fanatic, I actually like natural big breasts, hips, slim waists and thighs with a slight bit of meat, like all people truly admiring feminine beauty. What I do not like is FAT legs, trasy easterns CHILD-LIKE faces with big cheeks and no cheekbones, overall some sort of 50's ideal although shorter women with fatter legs and and a face like the one of an innocent child. Which all together is disturbing and I find it laughable to create a web page upon it. I don't think YOU understand the word feminine. Now, compare these descriptions:
- fat legs and ankles
- face of a 6-year old
- big head
- trashy
- big ass

With these model feautures:
- slender
- classy
- prominent cheekbones
- rich lips
- unique
- elegant
- symmetric

Now, which of the two do you think sounds feminine?

Tue, 05/17/2011 - 02:10 Erik Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Bonzo: So you wish to know more about my religious, homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic views. Very well.

I see nirvana in bitch-slapping your bare bottom while watching porno showing jews and blacks having sex with each other and having your feet tickled by a homosexual with AIDS.

Mon, 05/16/2011 - 12:41 Jim Gabrielle from MC nudes

If you Bob are male like your chosen name implies then you are homosexual. That is clear. You are in no way a heterosexual man.

This fact makes a big difference in this kind of discussion because where you are coming from when you look at a woman is in no way the same as a straight man.

You argue your case as if your preference of women is factually correct when at best you just go on describing with you think. All it amounts to is lameness and especially futile considering you are not a heterosexual man. You have no business discussing women's looks because you are not the object of a straight woman's cross-hairs so your opinion on how women should look is meaningless.

At best it's laughable and at worst it's misogynistic. Also, you're possibly, like the owner of this website (Erik), a white supremacist.

Mon, 05/16/2011 - 12:25 Jim The aesthetics of the eyebrows

If Bob is male going by his chosen screen name then it is clear he is a homosexual man (since he does not like very feminine physical features) and possibly even a racist one (calling certain ass types as "ape like").

The girl you posted Cecilia that you claim is feminine and "has curves" is anything but. Looking at her it's obvious why she has a career in the fashion world. She looks quite underage because she has a body that looks prepubescent. There are no curves to speak of which is why the song that was playing during that video you linked to is hilarious. It talks about "booty" and yet there is none to see in that video.

Since you posted this girl as if she is representative of the highest form of feminine beauty it is clear you are fanatic of the fashion industry which means you have been compromised.

Mon, 05/16/2011 - 04:19 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Frida Gustavsson

A beautiful 17-year old model with a great bone structure. Curves but a delicate and elegant form. Her face is very feminine. Imagine what she will look like when she grows old!


Mon, 05/16/2011 - 04:18 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Frida Gustavsson

A beautiful 17-year old model with a great bone structure. Curves but a delicate and elegant form. Her face is very feminine. Imagine what she will look like when she grows old!


Mon, 05/16/2011 - 03:52 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Thank you Bob! I agree completely.

Sun, 05/15/2011 - 15:09 Jim Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hey Bonzo.

Do you know Erik personally or know anything about him?

I have read through this and while a lot of the information is good in terms of why mainstream media is saturated with underweight women, the suppression of women with very feminine bodies and the politics that center around the fashion industry it is quite clear to me that Erik is homophobic. Also, from all the comments he has made I highly suspect he is a white supremacist. This is a shame because of all the other info on here that is useful. I hope someone else can make a similar site but that is run by a person that is not homophobic or racist.

If you can expound on more info on Erik it would be most helpful.

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 20:01 Juliet the Prof... Fashion models with and without make-up

They are very masculine indeed. It's not hard to understand why they are models though.

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 19:52 puzzled Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

what is the deal about pippa middleton and her ass? erik, do you think she is attractive? i think she is rather average, cute at best.

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 14:11 Bonzo Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

ERIK is a homophobe and a racist. Check out

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 13:13 Bonzo Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

...oh and write about how you feel about Jews too. Then they can take this dumbfuck site for what it is -the rambling of an obsessive racist intellectual crackpot with too much time on his hands-how you find the time I have no idea.

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 13:11 Bonzo Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

...oh and ERIK you should make an article about your views on race too. About how much you like Black people. That will give this site so much more cred.

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 13:07 Bonzo Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

oh and ERIK you should post YOUR picture so they can all have a laugh. That is when you are done with your day job and have looked at your daily alottment of porn you intellectual crackpot pervert. Sorry but a heard u had this site and never took the time to look at it and now that Ive seen it I cant stand you even more.

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 13:02 Bonzo Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Ladies I know who ERIK is. Ive never talked to him but Ive seen him and a friend fo mine knows HIM and she says he is a creep. Obviously educated but also an intellectual crackpot nerd who has no reason to criticize womens feminity. He reads a lot and watches porn. He is a fucking weirdo. Why dont u write about ur relisous views too ERIK?

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 13:01 Bonzo Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Ladies I know who ERIK is. Ive never talked to him but Ive seen him and a friend fo mine knows HIM and she says he is a creep. Obviously educated but also an intellectual crackpot nerd who has no reason to criticize womens feminity. Why dont u write about ur relisous views too ERIK?

Fri, 05/13/2011 - 19:21 Lola Abbie Gortsema


Fri, 05/13/2011 - 18:46 Lola Abbie Gortsema

Abbie shown on the same day- with her hair down and smiling. Very pretty fresh faced youthful northern European girl.

Fri, 05/13/2011 - 17:11 Lola Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Im sure most men wood agree that Hedid is very unnattractive and would only appeal to homosexuals.

Fri, 05/13/2011 - 14:50 Lola Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Oh my God-u just said what I think every time I come across this Hitler esque pure feminine race sick website. This is just more propaganda for promoting the nordic race and making women hate their appearance. Good for u. Ive always thought it would be so easy to tear this sick site to shreds but never took the time. This site is just another myosonistic tool for homophobic men to degrade women and make them hate their appearance. Women arent bombarded enough in the media about what is wrong with the way they lok? PS-if u didnt have beautiful tall statuesque strong women in the gene pool neither would u have strong tall beautiful men. Women like models carry the genes to produce david beckhams and antonio banderases. Im guessing the writer of this site is just another nerdy girly man who needs to degrade women that would never look twice at him and his weak genes. Just more garbage-women hate urselves-if ur fat or if ur a model. There is no winning in this screwed up patriarchal homophobic mysoginistic society. At least not if u have a vagina.

Thu, 05/12/2011 - 04:04 layla Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

Lmao yeah guys aren't going to marry the cow when they can get the milk for free because the only reason guys get married is to have sex hahahaha. Don't EVER compare women to cows. Most of u sound like REALLY intelligent guys with a LOT of free time. Use it for a better cause than arguing over hunter gatherers and primitive this and whatever the f you're talking about.

Wed, 05/11/2011 - 18:30 Peter Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

I am sorry i am going against your wishes to not post here again. I just wanted to request that you erase my photo (in reference to the comparison above). I suspect you might have saved other photos i posted here and in case you did, kindly erase them as well.
Many thanks

Wed, 05/11/2011 - 05:50 Shawn Gay fashion designers

I have nothing against homosexuality and I think some of them are extremely gifted. But the fact that most of them (gays in this aspect) are dying of AIDS, says a lot about their sexuality pursuit.
